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About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1909)
- z* ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ KINGING MIST HE LEARNED ABROAD. ♦ l’LKVNA 1TKMK. ♦ «♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ FKARM FOR MAX laike County Game Warden I* Not I FRANK IRA WHITE Heard ErolU Sime lie la'ft for J. H Barnes haul«-d a load of latn-l , It Is absolutely n, c> s>ary for ene Wedding hells will soon be ring I WilianiMin lliver Three THE LAND MAN ber from Long I.ake to his ranch to go abroad for the study of slug in* In Merrill. in*. But the student should assur Weeks \gu. telature "tine up" in suppoit of the Monday. W. P. Rhodes, Gene Hiiiuumnd edly ask himself or herself a ft* G. F Sevlts and family visited G and T. A. Burrows l ave been sum ’mor«' salary" hili'« It incoimi evi questions before diwidln* vu so tm Deputy Game Warden Gibson Te Li»t your land for sale with ibis w rt eavtlin and family Sunday. moned for the Grand Jury, aud »tart dent that ’ Stnleiuent Gnu" wu.i bv no mentous a step. ports that lUin Hit« li<-«>< k, who la oil to olile«-; we have buyer» for all means the only object on which Mr. Adkins, of Kia lath Falls, K In ninth Pulls Sunday morn <-ki <» vm «if Klamath County The whole question Is a bi« one ideputy game warden of Lake County, pledges were made before the elec Ing. visit In* his niece, Mrs. Heavllin. pKiperty. The. Amei ic* of today is an art-loving j left Klamath Falls about the 15th (Ion. Mi'll unxIoiiH to go to tin l.e* Ed. Terwtllig ;rr received word this veeek nation—a music-loving nation espe [of January for Williamson River mid Air. Foster and his son, Steve of cially, An operatic career does uu- week that his mother had died in Idiiture apparently huvi promised no word has been heard from him Shasta Valley, 11« has left for that 'and pledged all Increases of salarle» Round Lake, were in this district on questiouably make a powerful appeal The only acreage a<ljac««nt to since. Mr. Gibson fears that some '(list have been asked by officials or business Monday. K lamat h l’alla for sale in small to a girl gifted with a good voice aud accident may have happened to him place to at lend the funeral. candidates. These pledges, clearly, Mr. and Mrs. Toll.' were in Merrill G. F. Sevtts assisted Q. 5V Heavllin encouraged by a little local renown. tracts. More than a »core of Mr. Hitchcock wus up on William wvie win ted us conditions of support ii«M>pl«< have »ecuri-d siu*s fur !n butchering Monday The trouble is, so many American son River some time ago and he had this week. homes. Mrs. T.J. Offield lias returned from mid election, and the fruits are now B E Kerns passed here Thursday girls have good voices. They sing ill a leant of horses which he sold to appearing In the general rush of the ou his way to the Falls church choirs, at a party or au ama I J. F. Adams. He returned to this Smi Jose, Calif , where she lias been ¡’’more" bills, some of whlcli now for R. A. Alford took some hay to his teur concert, aud then siren voices city and about January 15 left for I for some time. are the best buys on the market Sollie Dewey mid Herbert Fitch the liist time appear, while other» residence in Klamath Falls Thurs are heard in well-meant adulation Williamson River I d company with an jare bills arrested two .'cura ago by were absent from school Frida.' af day. "Why don’t you go to Europe to | ludian to get bls saddle w hli h he bad lliv Governor s veto, and now are be Dr. White made a prof«'ssional vis study* With such a voice as yours left there when he sold the horses, ternoon. Ing passed over It. Mrs. Lee Clvmlns mid baby spent it to Plevna Friday. He called to you ought to make uatue and fame. "| His chaps and some other goods were Meli who waut to go to the Leg Thursday night with Mrs. W. P •ee Mrs. S A Brentner. who is quite And so t>n. I I left at the Klamath House where he Islature often will promise anything 111 again. Now, criticism of Shis sort won’t was stopping at the time. Ho stated Rhodes, while her husband was ab <>r plvd*e anything for support. They Í THE LAND MAN sent on a trip to the railroad. Mr. Mills has Bold bis lease to Mr. do; indeed, it may well bring about that he expected to be back In about G. H. Gray bai l mid Leo Clemlns allow themselves to bo Intimidated VanValkenburg and will move to embitterment and disaster. Little three days and had planned to ac- by portion» or faction» of the elec-1 Keno. girls of fifteen have written me re- company Mr. Gibson io the eastern returned from Mt Hebron Friday af ’forate, and since the Statement"! ternoon, where the' Went to gel u E. Thompson and Ernest Boyd grvtfully, saying they have "not . yet part of the county, _____ It is said that load of freight. They report that the hus com«' Into vogue and the pledge R were in this district from Pine Grove begun serious study M. RICHARDSON Wny, It 1» he had quite a sum of money with It authorises I« common, the practice roads are very bud. Friday. positively criminal to embark upon him, the proceeds from the sale of United Statci Commissioner Mark Howard, of the Battery ha» become u precedent for nil othei Arthur Brentner just received a singing career before the age of his horses. . plt-dg« » and proml»«'» to do In the ranch, was kicked in the loud by a word that his father would be in this eighteen, at least. He has not returned to the hotel I. sidatur« whatever personal or sei TIMBER AND HOMESTEAD vicinity soon. Then, is their health robust? For 'and Mr. Gibson has tried to find his horse last Week. fl’ll Interests mu,' require of the PROOF TAKEN The upper room of the Merrill Mr. Ager and daughter.Erma, went that is vital. Can they bear up ug- .whereabouts by phone but can get. member . It I» mi abominable system. 1 to the Falls Monday. [ninst ainst disappointment after dtsap- no information. It was thought that school had a debate last Friday Th«1 at villinne' not olili with represen Office, Third and Main. opiMisito City Library. Tvlepnoue .’MH. Mr. Mills moved a load of house-:pointment? ’ Have they a facility for I he may have gone to work for Mr question «io. "Rc olved, that liquor tntiv«' government, but with th« has cans« I mor ' • mow than wa ." hold goods to Keno Saturday. ¡acquiring languages? Vital again. Adams on his diedge. but Mr. Adams Those on the affirmative side were rights of the people und with honesti Mr. Karecow and son. Alexand« r this Is their mind cultivated and who left the Agency the first of the and d< c. tic,' mid economy In the pub BENSON A. STONE hauled a load of hay Monday. broadened by rending and knowledge week, stated that he wasn't with his Hui i let Garrison. Calvin mid Luther Haskills mid Lee Brown; ou the neg ATTORNEYS AT LAW Mr. and Mrs. A. Brentner went U of the world? And are they deter- crew. He remembered buying his town Monday. i mined to study on true physiological horses and promised to see if he ative. Alla Hulls. Chester Haskins. . I nirricttn fírtnk Mrs. A. Brentner is now convales-I principles.* Lastly, have they suffl- could find any trace of hint when he David Fitch and Elmer Carr. I'he timi I’m nt cent cient money so as to avoid positive ¡arrived at the Agency, but no report affirmative side won. K AMATH FalS • OREGON A whist part.' "as given by Mi The school boys have been indus-. heartache and misery? Mme Melba has been received. and Mrs. P. K. triouslv grubbing sageorush the past in Success Magatine. Miss Edith Allai » ««v week at noon and recesses and hav« enlng. Dalli*' w < rw considerably improved the looks of served ». A. won ATTORNEY AND (.IMUTKIN (»N THE I \UM the play ground. first prize Thus« Mi*, COUNSELOR AT LAW Wonian has bon handicapped The little ones are making scrap and Mrs. A 11. and KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON books for busy work It gets to be an old story to r«'ad , through the ages by bring brought up Mrs S. E Mai It E. ROOMS 7 4 8. MURDOCK BLOG every year about the importance of | to think that there 1« not much worth Lee. Mr. and M . Mr. buying good seed; and yet, thousands, while In life orts'!' r» -arris? • and Mrs K. H and ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ of men think they are saving mom. How many or* lot'-- v art and on- Mrs. C. H. Em Hi PINE GROVE NEWS. ♦ ♦ by getting poor seed. It is a grea. portunltlea for growth, for life en- OR. WM. MARTIN anil Mrs. Scroggins. Miss Lena Kat- mistake. Inferior seed almost always target n* -he bas mis- .! white walt- tenhorn, Miss Edith Allen, Heiman DENTIST S. E. Itenbice and Jim Ranier were bas weed seed in it. it costs to re- !ng for marriage! Even toda.'. in thl- progressive age, and Rudolph Kaitenborn, Mr. and in the Falls Thursday. clean good seed, and that Is one rea Mrs. Guy M ill!. Dr. Alex. Patter- will of th' people, not merely Mr. Lee has moved from bis place son why it is so high in price; but we see young women every where with son and wife, Joe !> wej, John Mai we had better pay a little more than splendid possibilities who seem tn be tin and Ar. and Mrs. P, lt Merrill election of Chamberlain, but in this district. just waiting for what they have l>< , ii election of llourne as well The telephone company had tne to have our farms all grown up to brought up to believe Mr aud Mrs Mrs. T. I A. A. Balls mude a WILL A. LEONARD is the sliprein, of its men. John McDougall, out in weeds. The best is none too good. .event in their lives. .Many of them trl|> to tli*' Falls Ibis week. An hour of bard wark getting a ' Mrs. Frank Gruibael aud children. this country this week inspecting 1 the DENTIST might broaden their education ami Bonanza line which has beeu out of stone out of the public road is well mprove themselves wonderful).' while Mary mid Cleo, ar«* visiting with her ispent, even if nobody thanks you for Withro* •Helhane Hulldlng sister, Mrs. John C order. they are waiting for the right man jit. The Ladles ’ Aid of the Presbyter- Mr and Mrs. W. Arant went Talk over your plans with your to come along. Did they but know las church gave an Ice cream »o< lai Dairy Wednesday. DR. C. P. MASON wife as you sit around the evening it, they are not half as likely to find Friday night. A large crowd »«» lu Everett Griffith went to the Falls __ ?. You will be surprised to find the right man while waiting Inactive attendance and everyone enjoyed DENTIST Thursday. ly as when they are vigorously pre- how sound her advice Is. themselves eating he cream and cake Other in American Bank A Trust Com O. Short has returned from Sac For a farm covering, good barn- paring themselves for a large and and coffee even If It was in the cold, pany's Building ramento where he has been visiting yar<] manure is much better than a useful life. bleak time of winter. They nullsed with his parents. It Is most unfart unate that «nr PHONE 814 mortgage; and judiciously applied $17.50 from the social. KLAMATH FALLS OREGON Mr. Cunningham went to the Falls former will speedily remove the girl should be brought up today with Mr. and Mrs. Martin and daugh Thursday asd brought JohD Shepard jattw. the antiquated idea that marrlag" I* ters, Veva and Dorothy, went to the out to his ranch. Here it is February, and In almost everything, and that other things do Falls Friday afternoon. 2500 Acres Free John Hibberts went to Olene last . no time the rush of spring work will not count much. Mrs. Dave Cox has re< . ived word The Lakeside company bus 2500 ucrca The traditions of the past, how Thursday. be os. We had better get ready for of land under the Adame ditch that it that her father Is dangerously ill at ever. are rapidly falling away from Mr. Anderson and two sons, Myran jt by doing all the odd jobs we can will givj- RENT 1 REE for one year. the emancipated woman of the twen Yoncolla, Oregon This Includes the use of the land and and Truman, are burning sagebrush ' now. water. The renter must elear and tor Chas. Alack. Far above the production of wheat tieth century. In this new era tens place the land in cultivation. The rent ♦ ♦ « Mr. and Mrs. Lum Short, Mr. and and corn and hay and potatoes Is of thousands of girls have found er get» all the crop but we reserve the « Mrs. Arthur Hawkins, «Chas Bradley. | the growth and cultivation of char- glorious openings in all departments right to pasture the stubble. * ♦ ♦ The Lakeside Company, Chas. Adams, Joe and Geo Tramel 1 acter; for, after all, this is the main of life. Vast fields of usefulness ar« J Frank Adams, Manager, awaiting woman on every side. She Sam Short and Jim Rainer atteDd .-d [ purpose of life, I The ladies sewing circle ni *t at Alia. ■Merrill. Oregon. the dance at Turner's Friday night. Have you done your best and been is realizing that achievement Is sex S Booth a last Wednesday. On ac- Sam Short and Jim Kenlnson haul beaten? Keep a stiff upper lip. Do less; that she can be just as inde PUBLIC NOTICE. .count of the bud walhei there were ed a load of shingles to the Falls the a little better than your best this pendent as man, and that there are I not many present. Th«»» • unending And to clinch the pildE«*» II« to De partment of tiie Interior, Wash year. You will win; only be true, just as many opportunities and fields first of the week. were: Mrs. Ella Robley, .Mr». E. c salaries and offices the "emergency" ington, December 7, 1908. of usefulness for her. * Henry Low was over to C. Harris’ fair and square. < lause, whle 11 In the se case Is mere)' Who can estimate what this new Ream, Mrs. Alma Lui'iarle, .Mrs. I mi I'Seumptlon a» false a» Impudent. Subject to the terms and provisions Tuesday. A mule may never be known to Steeman. Mrs. Han.' Booth, Mrs. J. of the public notice dated November Tom Short’s little daughter is very kick and yet around his heels is no era means to the plain gli*. the lirl Emnan, Mrs. L. A. West, Mrs. Is frei'ly used, so as to cut uff the ref H. 18, 1908, notice is hereby given. In with splendid -mental powers but who place for small children; for after ■lek. erendum mid avert the sure rejection Phillip» and .Mrs. John Koontz. • hat would be the fate of the- jobs pursuance of Section 4 of the Recla John Hibberts went to the Falls the explosion regrets won’t mend the may be physically unattractive, or Among our Merrill visitors Ibis who may prefer a single life?—Ori pieces, nor clubs better the mule. If the* popular vote were brought to mation Act of June 17, 1902 (32 Friday. week were Mr. and, Mrs. H. Booth. son Swett Marden. In Success Maga If you know a good thing, tell your bear upon them. Might It not nl»o Stat , 388). that water vlil be fur Mr. and Mrs. Icenbice and children Chas. Liers, .Mrs. Carl Robley, Mr. zine. be suggested that each of these» acts. nished under tbu KJamath project In Bessie, Jennie, Calio and lven. were neighbor about it. It will help him and J. B. Cole. about his work, and it surely can do In order to provide1 sure protection the irrigation season of 1909 for the at Tommy Short's Sunday. Fred Steeman has been on the sick Senator Thomas Kinney of St. for the various jobs, should declare' lands designated upon farm unit plat Ernest Boyd and Mr. Thompson you no harm. Bottled-up goodness Louis will probably again introduce list for the past few day» but Is now that thy initiative never should be of T. 39 8., R. 9 E., W. Al., approved took a load of hogs to the Fails Fri soon turns sour and spoils. his bill to tax bachelors, He intro- improving. used for their appeal. Oregonian. by the Secretary of the Interior De- day. Jarn«-s, Col4, Pink Barks, Harry cember 1. 1908, and on file In the diiced a similar bill two years ago Jasper Hibberts came down from Booth anti Mr. Brady helped Joe Der- , local land office at Lakeview, Oregon. A Randolph county bachelor writes Some interesting figures as to the the wood camp Saturday. t van butcher nineteen bogs last Mon All» JAMES RUDOLPH GARFIELD, John Hibberts and son, Frankie, individual wealth in Great Britain him as follows: "I am a bachelor, day. Secretary of the Interior. I believe it would be better to intro- are given in a report of the inland hauled a load of wood Saturday. Venus Booth and Anna Bi-ebe are 12-31-1-14 duce a bill requiring the state to revenue commissioners. According Berry Stiles came down from his keeping house for Mr. Beebe on his Swan Lake ranch to John Hibberts to this there are businesses in the teach girls to keep house and cook homestead. SHOP AT SUMMERS. Support of Western Oregon of the and learn to save. The girls are to United Kingdom whose incomes are Friday and went back Saturday. Irrigation project that Is Intend«-«! to A blacksmith shop has boen es has We understand that Mr. Moon Leo Thompson was absent from i more than >250,000 a year. Of thos# blame. A woman today thinks if she accepted a position In Tampico, Mex develop Malheur County Is asked tablished at Summers. Oeneral work marries ail she has to do is to sit In school Monday on account of sick- whose incomes range from $50,000 I In a letter received at the Portland | of all kinds promptly dona. Horse to $250,000, there are 241. Be the parlor or go to a card party. ico, and has left for that place. ness. Commercial Club from D. R. Hous-j shoeing a specialty. While jmlllng up a steep place with 11-17-Nt* That is the reason a bachelor is Miss Nina Wilson pasqfd through tween $25,000 and $50,000 there a load of hay last Monday the reach ton, secretary of the Commercial ___ afraid to marry. I hope you don't are 517. Three bundled and twenty- here on her way to Bonanza. of Mike Galarncau's wagon broke. Club of Nyssa, Or. Mr. Houston^ Mr. Cunningham went to the Falls two receive between $20,000 and blame a bachelor for being a bache ,The t«.ani became frightened a nd ran points out the advantages that will’ lor. ” $25,000, 581 between $15,000 and Saturday. for about a quarter of a mile when accrue not only to his section of the j Henry Meier came down from Swan $20,000, and 6155 between $5000 one of the horses got fastened to a state but to Oregon as a whole an! and $10,000. The large number of Smokehouse at small cost: Need Lake Saturday. tree and fell. No serious damage particularly Portland by the comple Chas. Mack and lven Icenbice went small fortunes and businesses in the ing a smokehouse I boarded up a was done. tion of the Malheur government ir-i United Kingdom is shown by the fact corner of an outbuilding, fitted in a to Olene Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Durkey are rigatlon project, which will co»er that 2 4 1,440 persons are credited door, hung it by leather hinges, and Mr. Cunningham went up to Frank about 230,000 acre» of iand tribu withincomes of from $5000 down to ran a pipe from an old sheet-iron spending a few days with Mrs. Ander Irish’s homestead Monday. tary to the Malheur and Owyhee riv son. $800, the lowest stove to the smokehouse. Result: taxable limit. These Jim Ranier went to the timber last Charlie Merrill was up In this dis ers. The Nyssa organization asks figures do not include employes Cool smoke, little danger of setting Monday after a load of wood. for no definite help from the dub trict Tuesday after a stray mule. whose pay gives one an idea of the building on fire; and a chunk of Henry Meier went to Olene Mon but is anxious to have the arid lands Miss Inez and Sam Comps spent small salaries paid in England, green hickory will smoke all winter. day. ¡reclaimed through the Government last Sunday evening at the Beebe ’ s. ¡There are 342,111 whose salaries From February Farm Journal. Jay Arant ?.nd Floyd Cunningham Last Tuesday while M. TL Beebe | Reclamation Service and writes with ¡range between $800 and $5000. On s. B. ORIZZLP broke a horse Monday. was fillllng up a well, one of bls hors the view of informing the Portland ly 5256 receive between $5000 and During the past twelve months the Chas. Mark and J. S Mills were In es slipped and fell Into the well, fall organization on the needs of that $10,000, while those who receive KLAMATH PALLA I the Falls Tuesday. I more than $10,000 there are only railroads equipped 900 miles with au ing seventy-five feet and breaking bls section. OREGON tomatic block signals and during I neck and back. T. M. Harris was a business visi 1233. 1909 2000 miles will be equipped. tor to the Falls Monday. James Cole went to the Falls Snn-| Every foreign nation having war The Union and Southern Pacific are day to serve on the jury. Steve Griffith and Everett Griffith ships in Pacific waters will be Invited took some horse - d*.w n to the for A well known Senator was asked credited with more than half this Ito participate» in an international work. mer’s place Tuesday. why some politicians were always ( Camille Flamrnarlon, tho French fleet review at Seattle this year. Al- Tommy Short and Mrs. O Short making such a howj about the pres astronomer, Is of the opinion .that n 'ready the United States government were in the Falls Tuesday. ervation of our forests. "Oh,” he The Loyal Legion will maintain dark spot on the planet Jupiter,which ' has signified its Intention of having Guy and Leo Thompson were ab- [ replied, "they probably never know headquarters on the grounds of the I cbiingis its position, is an Island the Pacific squadron In the harbor sent from school Monday on ac<-< .¡nt Just when they may have to take to Alaska-Yukon-Paclfic Exposition this floating about on the molten sur- twice during thè life of the Exposl- of bad weather. the woods." Success Magazine. ' y ear. . face. (Ion. I Enterprise Tracts Mills Addition Lots FRANK IRA WHITE C. C. BROWER I olmes esg-sas.® H [