Image provided by: Klamath County Museums; Klamath Falls, OR
About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1909)
Trade at the K k K Store (food, reliable merchandise, honest prices Spring and Summer Stocks are beginning to arrive at. New Shoes for large and small Dry Goods, Clothing, Muslin Underwear, Shirt W aists, etc., etc In fact everything to he found in an up to date store And it's no trouble to show merchandise KKK STOKE l «I I H Will»» tor sent»» time. has now about recov- I < TTY BRIEFS. erod and Is able to be aiound the house 11» r daughter. Mrs .l«»ff Kt k II I. Holgatc returnod Satinila)' IPatrick, tv still with her rum S ii. »u and otf «>r vati«»« potati» E. J. MURRAY, Editor Wm Ehrmann w.-rt to Swan laik» W Il Mii.on return.'d Saturday Tuesday on buslnc« from Poi t In mi John IVoiinell mud.» a bu.lne-n- trip Jas. l‘< Iteli una in thè < ity frolli to Dairy Weduesda Fort Klamath Frida» last week Mis K. Bliss made a TWO DOLLARS PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Mr and Mrs. .laiiK-s G oh .« were in visit to the Hildebrand school It I In» city Friday from Ilonani« i is so seldom auyone visits th«» school, Il W Tower was In th«» «it« Hat All communications submitted for publication in the column« of this and visits ar«» appr«H-lat«*d by Isitb , urday from his ranch near Kono. papv, will be inserted only over the name of the writer. No uon de plum«' teacher ami pupils articles will be published. .Michael Riieck s l ay having given I ve>. Hava E W. Mull r add an attach .out for Ills stock, lie has bought slruw ment to »our phonograph so you may ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ « ♦ ' Adams have been very ill the past of J. H. OBiiou ♦ week, Mr. Adams, who was sub ♦ TONNA 1 ti.i.n I TENS. Win Clark«»,' who is staying at enjoy tho u«»w 4 nilnut«» Vuib' tol rec 11-17 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ poenaed on the Coburn trial, was un- Mrs. Flackus', niad«» a visit to the ords. I able to go ou account of his wife's Shook ranch this w«>< k to see his W. I* M Millan i<»turn<»«l las Fri Mr. and Mrs. Chas Drew and child illness. brother Silas, who Is occupying the day fr«»ni Sal«»nt wh«»r«» in- remained Mrs. Lind and C C. Pearson, left on Jo«» Coburn stay«»d all ulght at position he had. but a liors«. kicked a f«‘w days after accompanying tin» Sunday morning for Klamath Falls, i Godfrey Beck's on Ills way to th«' hint and he 1» Just recovering from I prisoners to the p«»nltentlary. where the two gentlemen will act as Falls to atteud Court. th«» injuries he received. J F Cunningham has purchased witnesses on the Coburn case, and the ' Mr. Teters, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. P Reynolds made a of J F Nowlin, ««f Portland, flft,»en two ladies will have dental work with his daughter. Mrs. Chas. Mi-Cum visit to their ranch In North Vonns ¡lots in block S and 14 In First addi done. During Mr. Drew's absence ber, of Yonna. returned to his home Sunday, and returned again to th«» tion to the towu Of Klamath Falls from the ranch, Harrison Gray and I Drew lanch, w her«» Mr. Reynolds is n«'aoTiile l.ake last week. Singer, Wheelor .4 Wilson Sewing J ease Drew will do the work, Mr Ramsbv. of Klamath Falls, is now working .Machine Agency, c«>r. 6th and Maia Mr and Mrs. Thomas Michael and John Logue, of North Yonna. ex having a team of trotting horses win for ti'»«'dle.4 and oil Machines for family are vistiting at the home of pects to hav«» telephone connection tered at Mrs. L. M Fitch's. rent. Mrs. Michael's mother, Mrs. G«?orge M Manuel Vierra and John Anderson in his horn«» by Tuesday or Wedue*- Smyth, of Yonna. Mrs. E. R. Reanies r«»turn«'d last i returned home from the Reservation day of next week. C. C. Pearson hauled several loads ; Friday from Ashland and other Or Sunday night. Mr. Anderson will ! Fred B«»ck is improving the tlnu» of wood last week. t »•gon pol jilta where sb., lias been visit- go back again and Mr. Vierra went whil«» th«» snow Is on th«' ground by Harrison Gray, accouijianied by ing the Eastern Star lodg«»s. to the Falls Sunday evening, where i breaking some horses. Miss May Robinson, made a business FOR SALE—A fine ranch of 600 he is a witness on the Coburn case. W. L. Simpson made a busin s> trip to Dairy Sunday. acres, 2 50 head of cattle, 100 h«iad trip to Dairy Monday Mrs. Wm. Flackus made a visit to W. L. Simpson caught a large lynx Chas. Carlson Is hauling wood from of horses and mules. Price 335.000 Mrs. D. Y. Gray's last Sunday. in a trap last week. MASON A SLOUGH. the hills, since the heavy snow makes 10-19 About four inches of snow fell last Born—To Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Major Chas. E Worden and »if«» it easy sleighing Welch, of Yonna, on Saturday, Feb. Friday and was followed by a heavy Willie Jonas is working nt the left on Sunday morning for Toledo. wind on Saturday, which drifted it 6. 1909, a son. Ohio, where th«»;, were call«»d by the Almost as much more Godfrey Beck ranch during Mr.Reek Fred Beck is hauling wood from somewhat. e rious llliiixs of Mr. Wordi n'» moth ' absence al Court. snow fell Sunday and there is now the mountains for his own use. Jo«1 Schmidt Is making some Im er. due to a stroke of paralysis. Godfrey Beck made a busine ss trip nearly eight inchtut on the ground, provements on Ma humeat<ud aeui We can $how \<>u the MONEY TO LOAN. We have from which makes good sleighing, and to Dairy Wednesday. the Colahan pla« e f 1000 00 to 31000.00 bi'Jonglng to Messrs. Stilts and Gentry, of the many of the Yonnait«»« are taking ad W. H Bliss is now grinding gtalt. lune ; purl.». 3950 t’O l>«»loiigtng to an Falls, stopped at Mr. Vierra's ranch, vantage of it. for his neighbor«. other. and 3500.00 to another; nil en route to Sprague River, where Godfrey Beck and 8. Harris wen- G><>. Ritter mail- a business trip ii . loan on cultivated land. MASON Mr. Stilts will j urcbase some beef two more Yonnait«»s sub|M>t:'a«»d on to Godfrey Beck's t n . h lust w«»«»k « SLOVGH. 2-4lf cattle. Mr. Gentry is buying hides the Coburn trial, and were comia-lled in Klamath County Godfrey Beck and Jun Adams w--r<- and fur. to go to the Falls Sunday. Dairy visitors Saturday Jacob Rueck went to the Falls Sat- Geo. Smyth and Miss Anna Smyth' I I^st Friday Chas. Drew mad' n urday to attend the Water Users were visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Theo. trip t«y Bonanza on business .'! .i meeting, and the roads were so bad Hammersley's home In the moun to bring home some of I.In cattle 1.« that he was compelled o go horse tains last Sunday. FURNITURE AND HOUSE I I RNISHINUS has there. back. Th»»o. Haninierdey. of Sort Yonna. Lincoln Day Mr. and Mrs P. Reynolds made ai made a trip to Wm. Welch's for tel 1 be celebrated business trip to Bonanza Thursday. ephone wire. He will put his phone •ch<x>l Friday The ranch belonging to D. Y. Gray. n B'.g.i imi in next Monday with the help ot J. 12. Vn approi Of Yonna, was sold last week to 'tb.. r u : 1 Store 1 r.-inov» d from the R. Welch. rendered, and ail ar« Chas. Drew for 3^00. Mr. and Mrs. ¡old building to the new location In WÍ» s Th«» high wind last Thursday night Gray will leave for Fort Klamath in >h«' Murdoch block today. Mr. Hug- did some damage at Mr. Sterzl's 11 i the spring. .arinan will gr reatly enlarge bls stock, f ■ home by causing the Jire which h«1 of Herbert Arant's infant child is inni has » u.< hue since placed his* had in the smokehouse to burn out very sick. They telephoned for Dr. I ordei i<>r a >« ill«« of spring and on side of the building. Johnson, of < Bonanza, Wednesday . i . e. I . aii«J shoes, which Mr. and Mrs. Tl »c. Ha: m'»r of morning. I«> >.. arrive w,«u«u a shoil time. visit«d at J. R. Welch's place Sun J. R. Welch, of Yonna, at the Col. W. II Holablrd left last Frl- day. was driven MRS. M. c illan Prop’r Shook ranch Saturday on business. Iday on his return to his home In L«e» John Logue, of North Yonna, went He reports there is fine skating on Col. Holablrd cam«» here to the Falls Monday on business. o II- kngeles. Modern improvements. 73 rooms nmi suites. the Shook lake. i to close the deal foi th«» purcbas«» of >4 f T the il. ll ket 4 J. G. Wight left for Klamath Falls Mrs. Jeff Kirkpatrick, daughter of Sample Rooms, Bar Room. Parlors, Two Club p I1 Ills property on east Main street, Sunday where he went to attend the Mrs. D. Y. Gray, Is now at her home, Rooms, Etc., Etc. < • which was formerly the old public Court. taking care of her mother during her .school building and which he had re Jacob Rueck went to Bonanza last illness. > SPECIAL RESORT FOR TOURISTS > j I Wednesday on business. SEATTLE, Feb. 10. -Oregon * <U- modeled and conv«»rt«»d Into a ho W. L. Simpson and Wm. Welch , Colly Gray, who has been In Yonna the first of all the 9 tat«-s to "open > tel. The property was purchased by were hauling wood last week. i during his mother's illness, left for1 up" its exhibit at the Alaska-Yukon-1 W. W. Masten through The weather in Yonna Valley the IC. P. Gregory. [his home In Fort Klamath Thursday.1 Pact Ac exposition. past week has been very inclement, Elies have coat us as many na Mrs. L. M. Fitch went to the Falls Tin.» report that the Stainer Wi- It Is the habit of the exposition The first part of the week there were 7000 human lli-n in on<> year'« time, Sunday as a witness on the Coburn directors when they are showing not nema had sunk during the heavy heavy wind storms and at present ('apt. Mikkelscn, the Danish ex and our lost lu money value, through trial. During her absence Miss Hazel ables through the grounds, to point wind on the I’pper Lak«*, has been writing snow is falling and Buck ¡will stay with Mrs. Chas. McCumber. oqt the Oregon building as the first proven false, amt the story apparent plorer, sounded ttie Arctic Ocean of th«» destruction of property. Is almost creek is rising fast. uh appalling Th«» production of gold G«?o. Smyth is butchering hogs this of the stat.» buildings to be completed ly was without th«» least foundation Aluska for 800 metres without strlk In the entire world, something Ilka Cbas. Drew, with the assistance of . week. Ing bottom. The sH-amet came down the lake and one of the handsomest of any There ar«» nearly fifty clocks on 3400,000.000 per year, would not re Jesse Drew and P. "Reynolds, but yesterday and remain«-«! during the J. R. Welch, of Dairy, was hauling kind on the grounds. th«» giant ocean liner I.UHltanla, con coup us for our loHHen by hr«, and chered hogs last Saturday and the I wood last week. Many of the Yonna- night at th«- upper landing A trip A few days ago they were enter- trolled by a master clock In the the Incidental expenses accompanying meat was taken to the Falls to be ites are getting dubious about their taining the newspaper nten of the was recently mad" from Odessa with chart house. them, In the same period of time; disposed of. wood lasting during the snowy and state of Washington and as usual l»-d a load of freight to Williamson River An air gun of large size, working the value of all the coal mined In Most of the ranchers in Yonna are rainy weather. but at no time was the boat In dan them up to the Oregon building to on the principle of th«» pneumatic this country in a year's time would taking advantage of the new’ snow Six head of horses belonging to brag a bit. They were Invited inside ger nor did It receive the slightest hammer, has been devfne«! for kill Just cover the coat to us of our Area; which has fallen to haul wood. damage. F. J. Bowne, of Bonanza, are being and, to the surprise of everyone, they the value of our lumber production ing animals In a humane manner. T. E. Stanley moved his cattle from wintered at Mrs. L. M. Fitch's place found big red apples by the ton,great Is only a trifle more. We are fond of Of three wires of the name size, HARKIMX , COMES WEST. the lower Bennett place to his ranch in the mountains. B. Doon is also Jars of fruits and grapes and other made respectively of gold, copper and luxuries, and import a great many, as the hay had given out on the for wintering a team there. things that Oregon produces, already mer’s place. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 8. A spe Iron, the first will sustain a weight yet the value of all that Importation John Anderson, with the assistance to go on the tables and shelves which cial dispatch from Chicago conveys of 130 pounds, the second, a load of In but a fifth of our Are coat. Wn Miss Margaret Rueck, of Yonna, of several other men, will bring the were being ranged around the build the news that E. II. Harriman Is far 302 pounds and the third one of 549 are great and persistent advertisers, is sick with the measles. cattle belonging to J. G. Wight and ing. and spend huge num« In that acces pounds. John Lind has been cutting wood Manuel Vierra from the Reservation, Before they got out of the build from being a well man, according to sory to buaineHH, but, vast as our ad At the present rate of excavation near the Hildebrand school house where they are being fed, over to ing they were taken down Into the rumors which have been persistently Pompeii will not be entirely uncov vertising bill la, It equals bnt two- for the past week. Yonna Valley. They will be fed here basement, where a cold storage plant circulated in the financial districts ered before the year 1970. fifths of the amount of our Are bill; Mrs. N. S. Drew made a business during the remainder of the winter. is in operation, and there’ every one of Chicago and other cities farther Titer«! are more women members and all the Industrial dividends paid trip to Bonanza Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Flackus visited of the 200 writers was given an ap east. It Is said that for several of clubs In N«»w York city than In In 1907 aggregate but three-Afths of Mr. and Mrs. P. Reynolds and John I at Mr. and Mrs. Beck's last week. ple the size of a muskmelon and weeks he has been a willing patient any two other cities In the world. the amount of our Are extravagance. In the hands of bis physicians and Faith were visiting at the Mrs. N. S. Chas. McCumber, who has been Invited to come again. Th«' New York Centrnl employs In 1907 there were no great confla Drew ranch last week. attending Court as one of the Grand Oregon’s splendid building Is, In that It was on their advice that he ’>0,000 men, and between 33,000,000 grations; It was what might be term Mr. Hoppe, of North Yonna, is ex-i Jury, returned home Tuesday. fact, one of the most attractive pres determined to mak«> his contemplat and 33,300,000 Is paid in monthly ed a '‘normal" year; but we actually pecting his brother and family from 1 Jesse Drew and 8cy Poo! left on ent features for those who now flock ed trip to California. wages. destroyed buildings, and property Germany in a few weeks. They will | Tuesday for the Reservation, where dally to the* exposition grounds, but contained In them, to the value of make their home in Yonna Valley. they will gather up their horses. TREAHl REICH NOTICK. only recently th«.» California building, Some folks (though not our folks) 1215,000,000. 8. Harris was visiting at J. R. Frank Cutter made a business trip a handsome structure of modified are so busy spreading scandal In tho Welch's Sunday. Klamath Falls, Ore, Jan. 14, 1909 village store, that they haven't time to Carl Adams’, of North Yonna, last . Spanish architecture, , was complet- ------- ------------------ If a woman paid as much atten Otto Hoppe stopped at Mr. and Mrs. j Monday. ! <»d and ft was a close competitor with Notice is hereby given that there to spread manure on their fields. tion to the picking out of a man an Godfrey Beck's home Monday night There will be a hard times danc«; Oregon for popular favor. are funds In the County Treasury she does to a hat, how much happier Walter Simpson Is becoming quite at Scy Pool's, of Yonna, on the night for the redemption of all County The envelope was Invented In 1683 she would be. a hunter. Recently he killed two of February 12. Those who dance must pay the Warrants protested prior to March mid was In disfavor for a long time. The Lord tempers the wind to the large lynx and one day this week J. H. O’Brien made a business trip fiddler, which is but another way of 1st, 1907.’ Interest on same will shorn lambs, but the lambs that are killed eight rabbits. to Dairy Tuesday. saying that every man must reap his cease from this date, January 14th, The United States has tho great- shorn In Wall street are compelled Mrs. Wm. Uhrmann and Mrs. Carl I Mrs. D. Y. Gray, who has been 111 own wild oats harvest. 1909. 1-14 4t < it variety of postage stamps. to look out for themselves. I I KLAMATH REPUBLICAN w HI:N you think of it that you pass more time in your sleeping chain ber than in any other part of the house, you want the place as comfortable as possible, Let us start you out with a handsome new bedroom suite or, at least, one of those ele gant metal bedsteads, fitted with soft mattress and gent We are ly-yielding springs offering some special induce merits just now. LEADING NEWSPAPER OF INTERIOR OREGON I GILLETTE Best Ranchers' Range VIRGIL SON USI lüllii’Pfß ««¡il II MH » I 'K I * Lakeside Inn, L M M , ? * * I * *