MOI h h > 1O RETURN. Li(. « II.IFORNI \ I MM»D<4. NyarsVcgvta* l*l** Prescription I» indicatvd in all SALEM. Ore., -No measure on the Th«- delegatiou fr«-m Klamath, W \SI1LNGTO.N. F«-l». 3. After a » SAN FRANCISCO, Feb 4 \ onltnary dises sea •tat ute books contains provisions so l.ak«-. Jackson and Josephiin* coun- w«-ury w wait alt of mor«- than a third of storm m»w prevailing over the entire A of women. Thia drastic in relation to enforcing the has Introduced ti bill iu the Seit a century, Mttury, t'aptain Jack* baud of Pneillc Count l-as s> riou-ly InterfeK'd u e, »10 remedy never local option laws as distinguish 11. B at ti» divide the first judicial dis- Modoc Indiati* are about tv» b«- por with railroad and t< legiaplil« com- • dein Pad disappoint», its Elsie g«>«sl ctfi-cta be 27-', introduced by Mahon«*.. It spe- trict, making Jackson and Josephltu- mitt«*d to return lo thelr old homes 1 mutilcailon. Heavy rains have fallen 'a of II»'1 Latid ing percept | Ibis citi -a that ou complaint of liquor be counties one district, aud forming a III the laini of ih«* scttiug suu. Fo|- ' In Southern California, causing wash » L of I from the /.J very ing sold a warrant stall issue, and new district of Klamath an«! I.ak«-. lowing tlietr disastrous «arlare on outs along th«« railroad lines and car first ___ ___ It is H com- that if an officer is denied admittance Th« re is every indication that tills the white m-ttlera in Oregon In 1*7 I. rying away telegraph poles, There .........I of tile ptlr- eat and most re he may force entrance ami aieae any bill will |>ass aud become a law. ll.« -«* Indian*- w«-r«- exiled to Indian has been much snow In th«* moun- liable drugs — stock of liquor circumstances show Al the present tint«- the district is Territory, »her.* they w«-re pluc«-d tains uml should warm w.'other fol- mercurials, opi is kept for sale. Pouring out any divided into the first and s«*cond upon the Q-.apaw Reservation. \t low there will b«- another rise iu the ates ami oilier fluid to prevent siezure shall be deem prosecuting districts. Judge Hanim that tint«- there were 271 of them,, according to th«* reports IV- hsrmful drug» being r*cludt*«r ed prima facie evidence of law vio conducts the business of til«- first but bejore a veal had elapsed the «•••Iv-i! by the Weather Bureau. <’«> to ll The many dis lation. district aud Judge Noland that of th«- number was tedu««-d to 137. B\ ls77 Running at dood tide, Its at I> 27. 2.4, 39 s. r concerting intlu- Breaking the law is made a nuis '.«■coud, so that as far as th«- business there were not more than 112. und waves foam-capped and swirling from ences to which 30 s, r 15 «-, 31 s, r ance and any citizen may secure au is concerned there are two districts, nt th«* present tin»«* there ate only hunk to bank, the Arroyo Sevo, fed woman is con »tantly »ubjcctisl injunction estopping the sale of in as all busiuess in the two courts is 49. in a r«*port recentlj mad«* to the by heavy rains from mountains ami to C J \\ inion, n ! render her liable toxicants. A preliminary injunction conducted entirely separate. This Si iiate b> S- nator Curtis, of Kansan, foothill, is grinding Its path to th«* tp 33 ». r, 7 H to many func must issue on application. The com matter was brought up before but himself an Indian, he says: tional Jisordera sea, tearing away all obstructions In plainant may hire sp«*cial counsel to I there was some legal objection raised "This rapid decrease tiviut to be I hat not only tend to \V , its course. Four brldg-M, numberless assist the District Attorney, and in regar«! to the eonstitutionalit« of the result of mental anxiety causeil to destroy her comfort an«l happiness, ' f «-tiers. outhouses and buildings, a but which gradually merge into chronic counsel must be recognized as such dividing the district, ami the move ; by their enforced »«-¡»aration from bulkheads and I dozen h«*avy mat and serious dlsenses by court and prosecutor. A reason ment was def«-ated. i faiuil) and friends." tresses have been taken as toll by the Nysl s Vegetable Prescription is with able attorney's f«»e must be allowed Senator Curtis' report nwommends Tlie purpos«- of the division Is pure out a p«-vr for the snc«*essful treatment str«-am that hut a day or two ago the complainant in injunction pro ly a political on«-, as the |»eople of ■th«' S<-nate passage of a bill, which of femulr weakness, painfuFsmi dlsor was a purling brook ceedings, to be paid by the defend tiered menstruation, hysteria, cramps, Jackson and Josephine counties b«-- lias alread« r--c ■!««•«! th«- approval of The Southern Pacific lines ar«' now il i\<. moi iti i Ml Hiili I “bearing down pains," inflammation ant upou conviction. [the Hou»«', and which authorizes tile lieve that they should be entitled to open from Santa Barbara on th«- and falling of th«* womb. Thia is a rem All costs in both criminal and civil return of these aborigines to their th«- right to <-h«H>se their own Judge, j ( south to Ashland. Or«-, on th«- north, of .Merrill is having Its edv of alerting worth pros«*cutions are to be taxed against former homes in the Klamath Reser-1 without the assistance of the voters but below Santa Bail,ata floods have over th«- i-nfot«■-•no-tit of the defendant, aud it unpaid, with vation in Oregon, where an allotment from the counties east of the moun- «lion iaw A number of fines are to become a lien against of laud is now going on. and in which seitousl) crippled traffic. Seven huu- Colt. 7TH and mats mtm . tains. The people of Klamath ami dr«-d feet of track have been washed cl his property, which may be sold to the) would be enabled to participate Klamath Falls - Oregor Lake feel the same way. away at <>c«-ano and trains are un- i if there. satisfy the obligation. No proee*-d- By dividing the districts It Is more able to pass that pulut. In the same ing may be dismissed by a District S«'Uator Curtis says in his report probable that the best man would be county travel Is also at a standstill Attorney, the special prosecutor be tliat tlie Mtalocs, nothwithstandlng elected, as the voters would be b«-l- On the Pacific Coast railroad and rs. and also provide a revenue ing unwilling, without the official fil their r«-«<>rd of '7 4. ar«- extraordinar ter acquainted with the qualifications many of the country reads have been <• town, by Imposing a license I'ortlund. Oiigon, D< « « tuber 31, ing his reasons for dismissal and the ily good workers. He als<» says ther«- of the candidates. Heretofore th«- «• dealora of cigars an«l soft 19*»» Seal«*d blds mark«'«! outside. objections of the private pros«?cutor are no druukards among them, and rendered Impassable. majority of the voters voted for the S-vt-ral serious washouts and land Several arresta were made, "Bld. Timber Sale Application, I»««- in writing, and without argument by that they are "careful and ecouoni- he city failed to collect an' i cernber 17, 1908, t'iater,'* and a>! counsel aud full consideration by the l-arty candidate and not th«* man. but leal." it is quite probable that the slides on th«- Tehachapi gtadv be with a separate district they will b«- tween Bakersfield and Los Angeles ami were flmvll' compelled to dr«'H»«-d to th«* District For**»t«*r. For- court. bill v. ill pnss the Senate. hav>- occurred, prostrating telegraph i !« gnl ndvlce Attorney •' <’ cst Service, Portland, Oregon, will Selling liquor in dry territory by more liable to vote for the man best und telephon«- lines atid effectually ■r was engaged to pus» on th«- 'bo r<*c«'ivv«l up to an<l Including th«« a lessee shall revoke the terms of fitt«?d for the office. This might re- blocking travel on the Santa Fe and a», with the r«-lilt that In- will 1 15th day of February, 1909, tor all his lease. Allowing such sale by the suly occasionally In the election of Southern Pacific roads. This cut» «*ff up son-.- new oidittane .« to the merchantable dead tlmb«-r aland- owner of a building makes him a a Democrat, but it is argui'd that in SACRAMENTO. Feb. 4 In the the southern part of the stat«- from the subject. party to the nuisance and subject to Klamath and I.ake counties, every tug or down und all the live timber thing else being equal, a R«-publlcan light <>f newer developments in the direct connection with this city. prosecution. marked for rutting by the forest offi- Governor's office, It appears that In the Saeratm-nto Valley train» No witness may be excused from has the advantage, but if th«* Demo Oregon I bn* sent more that »11,000 cer located on an area to he defluii*- Speaker Stanton spoke with author ate not running b tween Davisvllle crat is so niii<u the better man that testifying in case of complaint, but to the aid of the Italian earthquake designated b) the Forest officer ity when he made his impussioned ami Sacramento on account of the sufferers, S A. Arata, chairman of before cutting b«*gltis, Im lading ap his testimony shall not be used ag- he can overcome the Republican ma plea to the Assembly Friday to shift embankments along the line having jority. he ought to be elected. ainst him. the Italian i relief committee, and Col- proximately 369 acres. In th«* NS away* from the volcano tliat he said b«'«'ti w«aken«*d am! the consequent Repr«*sentative Brattain has intro-1 Common fame is made competent or.el I »at Id I M Dunne, treasurer, have of Sec. 26. St, of Sec. 23, 8EK of duced a bill in the House providing I»« feared might burst at an> mo- dangt-r of washouts. evidence against a place. closed their accounts by tanamittlng Sec. 23 and NE', of 8* t 27, T 35 In the Yosemite Valle) there Is to Minister of Finance Lavaca. Rome. 8 . II 6 E . W. M . In the Crater Na The penalty for violation is Sited for a deputy prosecuting attorney for ment. Speaker Stanton no doubt knew now three and one-half feet of »now Its at a tine of not less than $50 or more this district, At the present time the u draft for »1 Thl» tional Forest, Oregon; e»tlmal«*d to that a message was in Governor Gil on the level, the heaviest fall for than $500, or imprisonment not less law does not provide for the prosecut sum Is the balance that via on hand, be 3,583,00» feet B. M. of live yel than 30 days or more than six months ing attorney having a deputy, and it lett's hands from the Secretary of twenty years, There Is no indication all of th«- rest of the fund liuVIng low pine, 73 4,000 feet B M. of live Subsequent violations mean both fine one Is employed he has to be paid out War, requesting that sixteen compan of an abatement of the storm. Sev been previously transmitted by tel white fir, 773,000 feet B M of live and imprisonment. Violation of the of the salary of the prosecuting at ies of coast artillery be organized at eral buildings In tb«> valley are In egraph. The Italian relief commit Douglus Or, 133.000 feet B. M. of terms of an injunction would subject torney. Under these conditions the' once to co-operate with coast defense danger of being washed uwuy by the tee ha» concluded Its active campaign live Incense cedar. 370,000 feet it M. the offender to a fine of from $100 ¡compensation could not necessarily! forces of the regular army. for funds, although contributions of merchantable d«-a«l jellow pine swollen streams Th«* whole attitude of the Speak-*« to $500 or imprisonment of from 30 be sufficient to induce many attor-; The outlook In Central California will still be gratefully received ami and 36,000 feet It. M of merchant days to six months. In all cases of , neys to accept the office. The dis indicated that he was in possession is for continued show es s alternating forwarded. The commute»* Is furth able dead Douglas fir, sawlimber, log fenders must go to jail until the fines tance between the two county seats of knowledge of the secret move- with sunshine. ering us much as possible the bill for scale, and 4,090 cords of cordwood, and costs are paid or served out at 'is so great that the people of Lake meets of the Federal Government, The snowfall iu the Sierras on tin- a lie."00 appropriation now pending more or less. No bld of less than |3 the statutory rate. ’County are anxious to have a repre- which in return is, of course, fantil- line of the Southern Pacific between and hopes for Its passage. I for live yellow pine, $1.35 fur live All liquors confiscated must ! sentative of the prodtcutitlg attor- liar with the secret movements of the this city and Nevada points has been white fir, $3 50 for live Douglas fir publicly destroyed. : ney's office on the ground all the ¡Japanese government. When he said very heavy. There are eighteen f«-et and Incense cedar, $3 for dead yellow Intend«*«! to refute the stat<-m«-nta i time. This is becoming more neces ‘that the Legislature was treading on at Summit, seven feet at Truckee am! of Police Commissioner Bingham, of pine, $1.50 for dead Douglas Or, per sary as the two counties are fast set- dangerous ground, he said it with al Reno the record has l>wn reached. SENATORS IX A HURRY. New York, a report prepared by the thousand feet B. M. and 35 cents per itling up, and the duties of the office such feelina that his colleagues were All trains are badly delayed 'clerk of the city magistrate's court curd for cordwood will be considered impress«*d and at the same time half SALEM. Ore.,—President Bower are continually increasing. has been just mad«- public showing and a deposit of SI 100 must be sent frightened, and It was fear of ill-con man's resolution to put the house in that Jews do not head th«- list In th«* i to the First National Bank, Portland, sidered action tliat caused the As A "I Itl-lCI'»»-: Foil THE OLD MAN. the hole on the question of early ad number of crimes In New York a» Oregon, fur each bld submitted to X un BILIJ4 IN STATE SENATE.’ semblymen to vote for reconsidera journment went through the Senate th«» District Forester. Timber upon tion. One of those big. hardy men who Bingham observed. The report clas ------- with only scattering opposition. It valid claims is exempted from sale. sifies the foreign-born Jews as ' It «»■ There 1» something significant In (Nottingham) — Making it du-j ios got Into the pine woods early, en fixes next Wednesday as the date for The light to reject any and all bids slans" ami gives th«* following tuble tv of each elector I«» register between th»-, message from th«- War Depart- dured the hardships of a plon«*er, final end of the session. Speaker Is reserved. Fur further Information r«*cor<! from the court r«*cor«l» Offenders first Monday in June. 1910, and Oc nent. coming as it does at a time finally made a fortune, and then «am*- McArthur and members of the house 8iat*-s. 39,9*1; and regulation« governing «ale», ad ■ when all California Is stirred up over to Detroit as one of the favored spots born in the United Stat**», have declared they cannot adjourn at tober 15, 1910. Russia, 13,192; Italy, lo.Hsb; Ire- dress M J. Erickson. Fui-st Super 210 (Hedges)—Defining tenancy, I the Japanese question. There always on earth inwhlch to live, has a young that time and this puts the house in visor, Medford. Oregon. I lias b«-«-n a desire on the part of the son who aspires to athletic honors land. 9.Hti!«. Germany, fi,et5; Eng the attitude of being responsible for forcible entry and detainer, and pre- i oao. R CBCIU 1,555; Franco, !,»n»9; Or*-"«« . laud I Washington authorities to Im-rease and has it 1I? -oom In the bai n equlp- •I’ribiiig procedure. failure to hasten the work. 1-14-2*11 Acting District Forester. i i. , • :■ r get him. The old g«-n the Coast artillery forces, which art g«t Several senators voted for the res 211 (Hedges»—Authorizing an ap . tt flow » lent to man ' a rowerful man In his olution, «¡th reservations, regarding peal from ordi-r overruling a demur I»l l-Al: I Ml \T III TUI IM KKioR ind lad !••«:$ with refractor tht-t ;'uar*f the «-nt!;.:.. •«» i With a compound it as a joke on the house. As the rer. Gencrsi I.und Oflh e, W.i.h.ngton, I bors. woodsmen, who yielded to nothing west Texas A. I. good roads bill, the water code and 1). C., December 34, 1908. 212 l.Mtiliti—Declaring crimes ___________________ but muscular suasion. It Is difficult iso, declares he I the appropriation budget are yet to such frauds and cheats as were crim , Notice of Restoration of Public tot a person Ilk«» hint to realize that ■atleg a case of I«- be consid- red, to say nothing of the inal at common law, and fixing penal i Land» to Settlement and Entry. KLAMATH BILL l*A>M;s. age draws on strength and activity Moline, deported ten inch hatpin bill and scores of ties. Notice lif hereby given that tie On*- afternoon last week the father Iz. and now i-ol.f i other measures, the session promis« Secretary of th*- lnt«'*lor hi»-» vacutcl SALEM, Ore., — 8ev«-ral Senator» 312 (District delegation) — Dlvid- went by special Invitation to see th*- Ke file tulles belo to last the full 40 days. I departmental oid-r of withdrawal iing the first judicial district .making were almost stunned when S.-tiator gymnasium. Th«» first tillin' to attract », is taking the tri liuaofar as the sam<- uff- its the with Lake and Klamath counties compose Merryman assured them that his bill, his attention was a pnnehlng big. draw al for Irrigation purpos«*» under No. 152, will actually reduce the one of those arrangements that come*, BILLS TO PROTEI T THE a new district. ili«- act of Jun - 17, 19b2 (32 Stat. compensation of th«- sheriff's office l>a« k when you hit it, and comes back MERI HA AT AAI» BIA EIL 214 (Oliver) E 'abli.-hing Ore- |388), for use iu cuuuectlon with tho of Klamath County. harder the harder you lilt It. When i gon Technological coileg«* at Union, i Klamath Project, Oregon, of the fol As it was read by the clerk It bore Its uses were explained to the old Two bills are being prepared at the $60,000 for buildings, $30,000 an lowing described lands in the State all the marks of a salary increase giant of the woods, he promptly an instance of the grocer's association nually for maintenance. It la generally of Oregon, and by Ills author- bill, and the Senate settled back in nonneed that he’d either "bust th»- wich will be introduced in the Legis 215 (Kellaher)—Making it a mis Ington that on ity such of said tracts as havu lature. One bill is to prohibit ped demeanor to shoot upon or across a expectation of spe«-ches from the sal thing or knock It through the cell- Roosevelt will uot been heretofore finally restored ary fighting contingent. But Merry- ing.’’ dlers from going through the coun public highway. I Congress telling and are not otherwise withdrawn, re- ! man claimed the floor and said the Drawing back as If to fell an ox. try and small towns selling goods. 21G (Kellaher)- Requiring C he thinks of It. It is said the mes- served, or appropriated, will be sub The other bill relates to advertising dairy and food commissioner fo fur , bill would save the county $300 or the father let go, and th-*re was a sage will be a bitter one and will ject to settlement under the public . ! $400 a year. At present, he ex thud as though a trolley « hi col matter used by merchants. If the lat nish copies of certain reports to trade J scathingly denounce the nation's law land laws of the United States on and ter bill passes merchants will have ’ papers and new spapers on applica- plained, the*county court makes an lided with an elephant. Before the Members of both houses after March 25, 1909, but shall not makers. allowance for the sheriff's office, ami air had ceased to quiver there was to be careful that they do not make ' tion. will Ignore RooMVelt's creation of a be subject to entry, filing, or selec this alibwance Is larger than the tot a quick but subdued "biff." The bag false claims in their advertisements. 217 (Merryman)—Providing for council of 30 to direct the expendi tion until April 24, 1909, at the Un al of salaries and expenses allowed had come back, driving th*- puncher’s lien by blacksmith, carriage maker ture of money on public buildings ited States land office at Lakeview, In the bill. I cigar half way down his throat, flll- Pennsylvania will be the posses j or garage for materials or labor ex and grounds. That prerogative bo- Oregon, warning being expressly hot ashes, , and Kellaher, Albee and others whe ___ ing „ his whiskers ______ with __ _______ sor sood of the largest stationary en pended. ! longs exclusively to Congress. I have been fighting salary raises vot- starting the claret from his proml-* given that no person will be permit _________________ gine in the world. It is now being ted to gain or exercise any right | ed for the bill on Merryman’s state-; nent nose. With such a whpop as ' erected at the Carnegie Ct cel Com whatever tindor any settlement or NOTICE OF HALE. ment, but it was long before the Sen- used to awaken the echoes of the INTERE8TI.NG FAI TH. pany's plant at Sharon. Without Notice Is hereby given that I shall, occupation begun after December 33, vot- North wood» the old gentieman went ate recovered from the shock of foundation plates or flywheel, the en at the bag. And the bag stayed right on the 4th day of .March, 1909, at 1908, and prior to March 25, 1909, The Hong Kong harbor has a wa lag on a salary decrease bill. gine weighs 550 tons. Two of the with him. it was literally give And 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, In front all such settlement or occupation be castings weighed 118 tons each, and ter a -ea of ten miles, and is regarded take, the maddened puncher tearing of the Klamath Development Com ing forbidden: as one of the finest in the world. to transport them, special flat cars HERE'S A CHANCE Willamette Principal Meridian. around as If he were fighting bees pany's office on Main street, In Klam An Englishman has invented a had to be built. The engine’s capa FOR ALL THE BOYS. and throwing a ton Into every punch. | ath Falls, Klamath County, Oregon, T. 40 S., R. 8 E.. SH 8K%, Section | bicycle for the blind, In reality, It city la 25,000 horse power, yet only The coachmen and the stable-boy ha<l Hell at public auction to the highest 7 and NE% NEK. Section 18. one man will be required to operate i is a multicycle, carrying twelve rid-' NEW YORK, Feb. 8. Four hun- to ra]|P(i up t0 help part the old bidder for cash, the following de FRED DENNETT, Commissioner of ¡<-rs, led by a seeing person, who does ft. As the engine will be used for dred German maidens from Wurtem- mftr) an4 th„ plln<*h|n|? bag. Then scribed personal property, to-wit: tho Goneral Land Office. the steering. operating the rolling machines it will I One sorrel mare, bal«l face, about JESSE E. WILSON, Assistant Secre According to the delegates to the i burg arrived here today on the Graf the gon ha(J t0 hlde the Hhotglln, for be subject to great strain. At the Waldersee, enroute to Oregon to find (jle pUff|ngi used-up father vowed all five years old, thirteen hands high, tary of the Interior. end of each run it will have to be national opticians' convention in Phil-1 husbands. The attention of the Ger- ---------- - ----------------------- --------- - kinds of vows that he would get even weight »00 lbs., no brand visible. 1-11-3-18. reversed quickly and the load will adelphia, women's eyes aro weaker ’ ■ man girls was drawn to Oregon by with that "autermatlc slugger.”— Said sale will bo made to satisfy vary from nothing to its maximum (than men's and more of the fair sex 'Mrs. Frelda Walburg, wife of an Or Derolt Free Press. a lien for tho stun of $7.50 for dls- wear glasses. NOTICE power. pasturing said animal at the requeat It is not a hundred years ago since egon sheepherder, who Is reported las responsible for the Immigration stays for women were composed not Australia, the land of oddities, an of John Doe, the possessor of th«' f Parties wishing sagebrush land Re’ics of Spain of the time the I of whalebone or hardened leather, of the i,r,s' Imai, vegetable and mlnoral, has few same. cleared call on or write, country was under Moorish rule will but of bars of iron and steel from This notice Is published In the L more curious creatures than the giant i W. W. MA8TEN, be exhibited at the Seattle fair this , three to four inches broad and elgh- According to the smoke Inspector, crane* often five and six feet In Klamath Republican, a newspaper 12-Stf Klamath Tails, Ore. i year. There will also be a reproduc teen inches long. (,'hicago Is the smokiest city In the height, with beautiful blue-gray plu- published In Klamath County, Ore tion of the Alhambra, made famous England has 3400 milch cows. world and fresh air diseases are go- inago—which are called native com gon, for three weeks prior to said For Hale or Trade—Residence and by the writings of Washington Irving The British salmon Is said to be ing up. The smoke penetrates ev- panions. These hugo birds mate for sale. business property In tho best town ( worth $550 per ton. orywhere, and causes an annual loss life, and, as mates, are singularly Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon, In ths Willamette valley, Isn't It queer how long some peo An ordinary locomotive is compos to manufactured articles amounting and touchingly devoted to one an tills 8th day of February, 1909, lnqufro at ths Boston Store. ted of nearly 5500 pieces. ple can talk about nothing? te $50,000,009, ¡other. 2-11-2-25 D. R. CAMPBELL. T-ltf UNDERWOOD S PHARMACY