Image provided by: Klamath County Museums; Klamath Falls, OR
About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1909)
I IIKEUERN HAVE Illi.I.. Want the lion ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦e ♦ LAM.El,I. VALLEY NEW H. ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Drew Campbell visited the school Tuesday. Rev. Noriridge preached at the ichool I oust Sunday morning and eveuiug. Hall li irai am is on the sick IUI Mrs at this willing, I urn ¡troduced In the I ou» > Monday after The 1 katiiig party planned for I la< M n I noon by MoCue. The bill Iri brief Sunduy afternoon was a failure, a r, I provide» that the proposition of the ice pulled, <! wboti er the ) op Industry sl.ould be I > i.o dur winners last we ick were destroyed or uld< <1 by the people of Frankie GraLani, Florence Boggs. <l« the stat« shuli be put up to the vol- I iicubtu J its, Hoy Abbeioos, , Gladys : u p. Mywi 1, Dora Lowden, iers at thu next g<:u«rul < li.< l I ou of I Pool, Lo Busse; and Lester Buggs. IbiwHim. Martin, Ella Turner, Maud ! November, 1910. J* ff Willson went to Klamath Kalis Turin r; Willie l.nngcil, Hum Short, Al th^l time the bill provides the last Wednesday. f’.urg’ and Joe Traun I, Mr. Reynold» ! lecri Urry of slate in making up the Thu reads uru very muddy but 1 Louin Hixon, Dave Wild», Hum, Alf, 'ballot shall pluce thereon two state- they are not too muddy for Albert to nnd John Varner, nod others. Musi, tueute in the same form us are used gel here Sundays. wu/ f'linbt . d by Sam Hhort, (ieorg. in voting for other measures us fol Miss Lulu Wilkerson returned Tram”) and Dock Pool. Ham Wood lows. home from the wml »ide of the valley •vii» d called the sets. The next dance “For the protection and promotion Thursday. 1 will be given on tli«. evening of Frl of the hop industry.” C. G. Hunt has moved on to the Hl II e Itonie of “Against the protection and pro George T. Cline place, which ho ha» Reeder I« her day, F<-hr .1 A. I Ina motion of the l op industry.” Mm Mills, rented. Ml»» DI visited h<T sunt Tii»» people »Lall vot ■ on these Hi vita und Frank Bryant is visiting at the and uncle Mr» Fred Rrnfth, qiK iitlon» and If a majority cast their Full» with Lome of Lis sister, Mrs. E. R. C. last week i votes lor the promotion inni protec William» Government Camp I. which doted tlon of the hop, then the county Mrs. Bui •■y and son, Lee, and Mr. a short time aro bccaii*» of the bad courts, as soon az the votes I have been and Mrs. I’oggs visited tiie school w< ether, 1« op. n< d ng; In cuuuU’d, »liull I hsu «' pro< lanian ms de- Friday. 1: W Hl taring tint the »ale of beer is legal Mr. and Mrs. Deal went to Klam John« on w I lu all parts of the stale where it has ath Falls Thur »day to see Mrs. D ai s nt thi ■ Auk been heretofore pro! iblt d by Iht lo- ¡uncle, Geo. McDonald, who is ser Ai tin and William llooiar walk <al option law. iously ill. ed s»v<n mile» to school ln»t w>»k, in setting out the reasons for the C. J. Swingle returned to the Falls lather tian bit absent. The road' 1 bill, the following preamble La I bei n after a few days’ visit at bis ranch were too rough for unshod hors«*». 'provided for the m< usure: in Langi 11 Valley. Next week a a. w stove will be ad IU mukjii for Bill. Alex Watson and Mr. Tulier, of did to o ir srlio»'l room equipment. Wherea». The laUltig and produc Merrill, were through the valley Fri- It will b twice Hie .«III. of th«’ tion *>t hups I» one of the principal day of la»t week. preset t l.«ntl»>K apparatus ludiiHliie» of the bl ate of Oregon, the Ciint Lyon ban been doing Home Mis» Daisy Smith wn» out visiting amount thereof exceeding the total carpenter work on bis new horne- I» r parents lint Friday. production of Lops in all the other' stead. Holier Hmlth attended the danc »lutes of the union, und, whereas, a , Wm. Pankey received word that ♦ « ♦ ut the Fulls Wednesday' night. « * ♦ rery large »mount of capital is in- p|a little daughter, Agnes, who is Hl »MILS 5EWH. ♦ ♦ vested in the »aid Industry, and, ¡staying 1 - • ... * her grandmother, Mrs. with ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ whereas, since the enactment of the Obencbain, las been seriously ill. At NEWS. 11. Pointer 1» hauling lumber from ♦ »o-ealled local option law in the year last report the little one was better. town with which to build on the uew ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 1904. persons residing in th« state Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Brown, of the ¡of Oregon and engaged In the pur Vinson district, made a trip to this ranch, which lie bus recenll) purchas Early Arunt spent Saturday nnd chase and »ale of hops und In the sale ed. Sunday with his father. W. F. Arant. aud manufacture of beer have shown neighborhood Monday, taking Misa Mrs. W. I’ Mile» lias !><•<■ n con fluid Johnny Hhort went to the Falls a dlHpoHltlon to refrain from buying Mattie notne with them to remain a to her bed with heart Double. Monday. I hops produced In Oregon, and have few days. The roads were »0 heavy during Miss Zella Bussey, who Is home Mr. Icenbice was a Falls visitor ¡»ra< tli ally placed the same under a again for a two months’ rest, her the rainy weather ln»t week that Nel Saturday. ban on the alleg’d ground that the school having closed Friday, Janu son Smith, who wa» driving a light Mr Grigsby bought eight head of hu< k. got mired down in the Hum- cuttie of John Hibberts. Bey Faith 'citizens of Oregon are pursuing an ary 22. She will take up cudgels of mem Iuine and broke his double ire»'. helped him take them to bl» ranch ‘Inconsistent course In producing a warfare again March 22 in the Vin large quantity of bops and In prohib son district.. Westley Brooks ba» be.-u »kk witu Monday. iting the »ale of beer within the state The debate upon the question, a bad cold. John Hibberts went to Olene Fri of Oregon, and such action has re "Resolved. That water Is more de- Government Camp A sent three day. sulted In an exceedingly heavy loss ntruitive than fire," was very ably four hor»e wagon» to tow II to haul Henry Meier returned to his home to those citizens of Oregon engaged handled by the members of the de gruln out. Th!» wn» the lust trip un in Hwsn Lake Valley Friday. In said Industry, and. whereas. It tiating club Friday afternoon. Mm. til th« road» get better. Chas. Mat k brought out a load of Ml»» Ib rtt.u (k»x came out to vi»lt lumber from the Falls for Clarence : appears that It would be fair and fjOggs. Mrs. Bussey and Miss Welch reasonable to submit to the people of were chosen judges and decided in M in . McMulinn Sunday. Harris. Oregon directly the question whether favor of the affirmative. Mrs II I,. Boggs visited Mr» E Mr. Thompson was at Clarence nr not the »aid Industry of raining W. Smith Tuesday. llarrl»' Friday. 'hope should be destroyed and the' HAVE THEY Fol'ND VESTAL? Cha». Horton bn» moved hl» cattle W. F. Arant took John Shepard from the Ankeny to the Carroll to the Falls Monday, for treatment »ale of beer prohibited under the provisions of the above recited law ranch. Informatio was received Thursday , for neuralgia. Tom Martin took a wagon load of from a reliable source that Roy Ves J. H Mills made a business trip tai has been captured and iä now in dressed hogs to market last week to the Falls Monday. Iitti» »on, Leon. «he custody of the officers, The local Jack ilorton’a litti» W. T. Elliott, of the Falls, came got lost In the dark on his way home out to hl» ranch Tuesday after a- One hundred years ago the twelfth officers are evidently keeping their of next month a great man was born. information to themselves as they re lust week from Burrel Hhort». where loud of hay, he hud be« n to play. HI» father and 1 Ivan Iceubice went to Oli ne Tues- IThere is no need lo trace his history. fuse to make any statement, but it You know It. Every child In the Is not denied that Sheriff Barnes, who aomo men had just started out to day , public schools has the wonderful left here three days ago. had definite look for hhn when they found him Mr. Arnold went to the timber story by heart, the story of the man Information of the whereabouts of floundering about in the mud only Tuesday. whom circumstances could not bind, a »bort distance» from home. 1 Mr. Kinney is hauling straw from whom obstacles could not discour Vestal and went for the purpose of Tli«' Hummers school will give a Mr. Hawkins. bringing him back here. age, »liom ridicule could not deter, Lincoln memorial 011 the uflernuun The report, which is given cred Johnny Short and Archie Colson ’whose height and breadth and depth ence by thos» who have taken an In of February 12th. The public Is went to Cnllfnrnln Tuesday, of vision so far exceeded those about terest in the eg se, is to the effect cordially Invited. Ernest Durkey moved to Merrill him that. Iripervlous all without, that Vestal after leaving Klamath Join Sears says if the weather I» Wednesday. guided only by that within, he fol Falls went to Montana. From there favorable he will start to M. rrtll Ilarton Burnett Is grubbing sage-, low’d the way we know not of. he r< turned to the state of Washing T! ursday aft» r hi» mules, and will bru ih on his ranch. it is a question whether we of ton, where he was finally run down again l>< , In op -iatlous on Lis rail lion Zumwalt the surveyor, was lessor vision see clearly even now, I by the officers and arrested. As soon road contract. ,out In this vicinity Thursday. He Homer Hmlth and John Hunsaker ¡surveyed the M. Harris,plnce J. 8. fifty years after his death, what his Rs Sheriff Barnes was notified of his life bits m< ant to the natiou. We have arrest he left for Washington, and are breaking horse» for E W Smith, I Mills and Barton Burnett chained seen enough to raise him above crit is said to have secured the necessary Westley Brooks Is haullug w ood . for him. icism, above censure, to place him requisition papers for his return to from Frank Irish's. Bert Hawkins has the traveling Among the visitors to the Kalin library at his place, and it will be •lnonK ***e heroes to which mankind this state. ' Is pleased to do a tardy Justice. And from the Summers dlMtrlct this week I open to the people of this district Ed. Hoyt, of Fort Klamath, is said I we have, perhaps, come to realize ¡to have been instrumental in getting were: Mrs. E. W. Smith, Eldon Den Saturday afternoons. ' something of the bigness of mind track of Vestal, and it is known that nis, John Sears, Homer Smith, E. W. ’and heart that makes him our great- he left here soon after the search be- Smith, Jas. Dixon, Chas. Llnxl, Ever w American. _____ „ _ lengthening _______ _ per- i gan for the missing man. The fact lost The ett Kirkendall, J. D. Hooper and Mr. WOl I.D MAKE DRUNKS TELL HIIKKK THKY GOT IT. | Hpvctive gained by the passage of is nearly every stockman in the coun and Mrs. Dnrroch. leach year has but added to his pres- ty is taking an active part in the We have finished reading the life of Abraham Llnsoln, and will begin { SALEM. Ore.. Jan. 28.—Represcn- jtige, and none can foresee his Anal game, and it is impossible to tell how | eoon on the life of George Washing- tativu Ilonebrakc of Benton, who is rank. many deputy sheriffs there are work k)Ili J a minister when ho Is not a lawmaker We recognize, by applause and ing on this case. Nearly every other Nearly every one who attempted has Introduced a bill In the house laurels, many forms of so-called man it appears has volunteered his tn haul hay last week got »tuck In to compel all persons found drunk greatness. We respect the man who services and the claim Is made that the mud with his load beforo rsacb- In dry territory to bo brought before achieves, whether the production be this time there will be no failure of the justice of the peace or other mag a symphony, a painting, a miraculous justice, but a finish Is to be made of bis destitiallon. i Supt. Swan and Mrs. Everett Kir- istrate and tell where, when and from 'cure of disease, 6r the Invention of stock rustling In Klamath County. whom they procured the booze that ' a new battleship. The teacher who bendall were visitors to this school It is said that the officers have con made them drunk. All the machin evolves a new cult has always a de- clusive proof of the guilt of Liskey, i Tuesday. Earl Doggs, who was threatened ery of the courts Is to be employed 'voted following; the scientific invee- Wallis and Welsh, and now with the with pneumonia, is able to be in by Rev. Bonebrake to enforce the tlgator—the philosopher—these have arrest of Vestal they will be able to law. been accorded their meed of praise. get ten or twelve more. This is ‘bchool again. A bench warrant wilt be Issued If Let all those who attempt be encour reason for their determination to H. Fair took a load of lumber to the Government Camp A last week. necessary and a refusal to divulge aged. This Is wise and right, lent Vestal, so that they could clean the information required by thia law any good that can come to mankind the entire band. It will be used to build a flume. Roy Smith is again in school after will make the culprit subject to con be lost. It is believed that Liskey is ready ' tempt proceedings. Upon confession, But, in the last analysis, there is to confess, at least it is confidently ; an absence of three weeks. H. L. Boggs Is grubbing sago however, the "drunk” Is made Im but one true measure of greatness. expected that he will plead guilty, as 1 muno from prosecution for his dis It is the measure Christ gave us two It is considered useless to make a brush on his ranch. Jim Dixon went over the hill to orderly conduct for his evidence to thousand years ago—and which we defense. If he goes on the stand and look for some cattle last week, and be used to prosecute the person fur- in our vanity oft forget, That mca- tells all he knows, there Is liable to while on the ridge ho could see the nlshlng hlm with the wet goods. be something doing in Klamath Coun sure Is service. rallrot.d train at Holland quite plain Tested by this standard the life of ty. There Is no telling who will be FOR SALE: A fine stock ranch Abraham Lincoln stands out supreme implicated. It is rumored that the ly. Wo will soon be within the roalm of 3000 acres with abundance of above that of his fellows. Utterly for biggest sensation that ever took place of civilisation. F. C. Smith has built n smoke water and enough timber for the getful of self, even to the disregard tn this county Is promised when the ranch. Twelve miles from Klamath of his personal appearance, his mind, trial takes place. house on the Melhase ranch. Mrs. E. W. Smith, Nelson Smith, Falls. About BOO acres fine plow his heart, and his very existence were Miss Della Molhnso and Mrs. H. L. land; the balance meadow and pas given freely without reserve to a na FRESH OYSTERS. Boggs attended lodge at the Fails ture. The ranch controls 3000 acres tion which sorely needed him. No Wednesduy evening. of open range, and many thousand vember Delineator. We carry a complete stock of Ol- E. W. and Nolson Smith visited acres mors are avatlablo. mpla and Eastern Baltimore oysters. the Melhase ranch Sunday. Price 118,000.00. Terms easy. Call at the City Bakery for a loaf Shipments received every day at the The Turner dance Friday evening MASON & SLOUGH. of fine bread. 28-2t Monarch. SO f Now is the time to V'sit Cal if orn ia fl HEN summer has passed in these northern states, the sun is only mild under the bright blue skies of Southern California. This is one of na ture’s happy provisions—eternal summer for those who cannot endure a more se vere climate. California has been called the “Mecca of the winter tourist.” Its hotels and stop ping places are as varied as those of all well regulated cities. Visitors can always find suitable accommodations, congenial companions, and varied recreations The Southern Pacific Co. Will be glad to supply some very attractive literature, describing in detail the many delights of winter in California. Very low round trip excursion tickets are on sale to California. For full information, sleeping car reservations and tick etc, call on, telegraph or write any S. P. Agent, or WM. McMURRAY, Ger. PXS. Ic*., Portland. Oregon WORTON 14 HOTEL " PORTLAND PORTLAND OREGON J- liODERX COMFOXT M okkratk P ricks ONLY ROOF GARDEN IN PORTLAND III III III III III III III III II The Tourist Headqnarts* of Columbia Valley KNOAGK ROOM3 F.ARLT FOR TUE AIJISKA- TUKON EXPOSITIO* A. B. KOkTOJT, ~—pr M ason a S lough abstracters : Æ choice line of Invest ments that 'W'lll make tlao purchaser money J Lands Ranches . City Property Farm Mortgages MASON & SLOUGH MIDWAY DYABDD FIRST-CLASS TURNOUTS With or Without Driver CHAS. R. BALDWIN, Proprietor