Trade at the K«K Store (food, reliable merchandise, honest prices Spring and Summer Stocks are beginning to arrive New Shoes for large and small, Dry Goods, Clothing, /Muslin Underwear, Shirt W aists, etc., etc In fact everything to be found in an up-to-date store And it's no trouble to show merchandise KKK STOKE A KLAMATH REPUBLICAN E. J. MURRAY, Editor L Ulf il to I line 11 t» wliieh lie w II (’ll, I' Cowl» > NEWSPAPER OF INTERIOR OREGON. TWO DOLLARS PER YEAR LX ADVANCE Hr 11 y n I »oh of d Mrs. at the W Sal« i I I W11 son 6th amt Multi Machines for i I olo.-mi Tom Jo E. lioyt ami w If htpne of i a Ti e i crew huv«> ni Booth ranch t< ranch ♦ Saturday, returning horn«- Sundav. i Mrs. (I«'«» T 1‘iatt li W islm at Gale. ♦ « Geo. Siuytli has been I »tiling hay YONNA ITEMS. with tier Walter Eller, who I .is been »ork day for Gb-ndalc <<n a vb ♦ ♦ from Mrs. Della Colaban» plací', to friends there. She wa» a feed his cuttie. I Ing at the Albin ranch, is now etn Scy Pool and A L. Michael went as far as the railroad by Mr Pratt pit»'rd by E M Hammond J F. Wallis au<l John l.ogue went to e Fall last week to bring out Mr. Hammond has be« n hauling FOR SALE A fine ranch of 60u to tl>e Falls Sunday on business »onto frieght for W. P Sedge, the Claude Clopton went to th«' Reser straw fnun the Willis Johns.>n rum h ’acres. 250 head of cattle, 180 head merchant, of Dairy. Mrs II. C. Anderson and Mrs E of horses and mules. Price 125,000 vation Monday to lid«' after cat:le for There was a small crowd met at C. Albin spent Thursday with Mrs 10-29 MASON A SI.Of'GII Chas. Horton. the home of John Donnell last Fri- Perl Carroll return«'«! last Frl The flue of Jacob Ruvck's house Duu Caldwell. day evening. They spent the even Mr Callahan and Miss Ella Calla- day fiom Seattle caught tire on a windy night last He was a< com Ing in dancing and all present seem week aud burned out. but there was han. of Merrill, spent Saturday even- panled by Robert Moody, who wll ed to enjoy themselves. The music lug with Mr. ami Mrs J H Hobbs spend 111«' SUlhUHU uo damage den«’ to th«' house. with hlm ou th« was furnished by S Harris. A bas J E. Whit latch has been III the * ranch. Fred Beck is improving his phu ket supper was one of th«* pleasant by building a new fence. W illi< Jon-1 lad few days with the measles Rolfe & K tibes, features of the evening. Those at .1. Frank Adams has fed about all as is helping hiui. I« as«'d tli<* .tore tu tending the dance were- Misses An John Auderson and Manuel Vierra of his hay out at the W W. ranch. J. Wlulers, and will mov« their na. Mary and Clara Smyth. Rosa W. W. Whitlatch went up to his ¡ have gone to the Reservation to feed i tu w location as *<ron a» Mr W inters Beck. Hazel Fitch, Louise Egert; cattle belonging to J. C, Wight and try ranch Thursday and reports the vacates Messrs. Geo. Smyth. Jesse Drew, John Mr. Vierra. Miss Nellie Bliss will, grain in a splendid condition Have E W. Muller add an attach Donnell, John Ritter. Henry Stanl . Harvey Henton is at J A Ward's iatay will Mrs Vierra during their I «PrvilJe Smyth and Frank at pre.-ent but will start soon for ment to your phonograph so you may abs- u< e. enjoy the new 4-mliiuto Amberol re< Harrison Gray, accompanied by Ludwig Sierzl, of Yonna. has pur-, Prinevltl«. Crook County Miss May Robinson, went to Dairy 12-1 A letter was received from Iva ords. chastd $<>o worth uf trees from Mr I Sunday. W. A. Wingate and (' W Cask* 1 Bensinger, w ho is the ag 'tit for th«- j Whitlatch, who is visiting ill Albany, Mr. Copperfield, of Yainax made Oregon Nursery Co. He evidently | : say lug that the snow is from twelve left Friday morning for Scuttla. M a business trip to Godfrey Beck's last Wingate Htated that he would return thinks fruit can I m - grown with suc to fourteen inches deep th«»re week to get a load of oats. Steve Stukel was up from Tub- to Klamath Falls as soon as bulldlnc cess in Yonna Valley. The children of Yonna Valley think S. Harris, of Norlh Yunna, was in Lake Sunday to spend the day with operations commenced in th«' spring they have a good joke on Mr. Hoppe, ' his parents. MONEY TO LOAN: Wo have from Dairy Monday. of North Yonna. who set out a trap Dannie Anderson spent Saturday $10>»0 0<> to $2000.00 belonging to1 Jack Horton made a business trip ' last week. When he went to visit I with Dan Caldwell at Merrill one party ; $450 on belonging to an- to the Reservation last Sunday, the trap he found he bad caught a Mr GoWan brought a band of cat- other, and $500 00 to another; all Miss Lola Pool. of Yonna. who is wildcat, which, as soon as it saw hitn, , for loan on cultivated land MASON visiting with her aunt. .Mrs. R. C. ¡tie for Mr. Carleton to fe«-d. started off taking the trap with hitn. I Dolia Gerklng and May Tolle ap«>nt * SLOUGH 2-4tf Cowley, of Langell Valley, was taken We think Mr. ik>f>pe would b*' very ! Sunday afternoon with Gwendoline sick with the measles'white there. Maney Bros have about finished grateful to the wildcat if it would Wm. Uhrmann made a business trip ¡ I Elvy. their contract with the governnieni, bring back the trap. The Hadley children are still out i to Swan Lake Monday . and have b«>gun moving part of their Mr. and Mrs. Hans Stoeshler and I outfit, which Is being shipped tn Ne- Jacub Rueck has been on the sick I .of school on account of sickness children, and Mr. and Mrs Theodore Gwendoline Elvy visited th«* school 1 vada. wh«'re they have another con list with a severe <«>ld this last week , Flackus and children, of Yonna, weye Mr. Pricun and family, u .i> has I r wo days of last week. tract. visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs. Four of the Gale young people w«>ut been ■ stay Ing at Chas. LL1> s of I D Applegate returned Wednes Mike Rueck near Bonanza last Sun to Merrill Sunday evening to attend I I Swan l-ake, hai>* now returned tu; church day from Oakland He reports th«- day. ■Yonna and are staying with Mr roads In very bad condition and the Carl Aaams. of Upper Yonna w.u Elvy Mr. and Mrs. John , Edmund I I Brooks. trains delay«*! The r««cent rains In in Dairy Sunday. ■ Brown Michael. of Dairy, has been Elry and Gwendoline Elvy spent laut California have been very heavy and Godfrey Beck hauled a load of with Mr and i hauling hay to Bonanza the past Wednesday evening Stockton Is again being swept with wood from Mr. Hoppe's place la the Mrs. R. C. Anderson ■ week. water. mountgins, last Saturday. the Guy Wooden is working » Itb i Wm. Welch and W L. Simpson are A large Holstein bull belonging J. C. Mitchell arrived last Friday railroad surveyors. I busy breaking horses this week. . to Jacob Rueck. died last Sunday. from Gazelle lie lias purchased the Harrison Gray made a business He bought it at Fort Klamath about beef catllv of Horace Mitchell, sev- ♦ ♦ eral hundred head, which will be ♦ ♦ two years ago for $115. .trip to Dairy ¿Tusday. GLENE HAPPENING ♦ | driven from Merrill to Mt. Hebron While Collister Gray, of Fort K Ia C. C. I’earson took Jeff Kirkpatrick ; ♦ ♦ to be load*-«l on the car» for ship math, is in Yonna visiting hte moth- and Wm. Norton to Lost L’iver Tues ■ ♦ ♦ er, his cousin, Bert Gray, Is feeding day. where they w ill continue trap-1 MRS. M. McMILLAN, Prop’r. fl S. Grigsby spent a few days of ment to California cattle for him. Bert used to be a ping. Sheriff llatnes returned Thursday last week at his ranch. returning to Hildebrand school boy and it may in Mrs. L. M. Fitch, who has been at Modern ¡m|>rovi»ni(Hits. 73 rooms and suites. from the railroad He did not '! the Falls Sunday. terest his old friends to know that the Falls as a witness on the horse bring Vestal with him as was expect ¡I Sample Booms, Bar Boom, Parlors, Two Chib S<^y and John Pool spent Saturday he is now six feet one inch tall, and stealing case, returned to her home ed. but while he will make no stat«*- Rooms, Etc., Etc. weighs 180 pounds. Colly thinks last Saturday. Miss Rosa Beck, who night at the Grigsby ranch, on their ment a» to where he had been. It Is i ’ way home from the city. he is just the right size to feed cat has been staying at the F'teh ranch, believed tliat Vestal is In a safe place Mrs. Ed. Sutton has return»-d from tle. > SPECIAL RESORT FOR TOURISTS > returned to her home Sunday. Mrs and will be brought here when he Is James Copperfield had the misfor Fitch will be required to go back to a short visit with relatives and friends wanted at the trial. in Ashland tune to break his leg last week by Court as soon as it convenes. A. L. Darrow, of Sacramento, trea dropping an iron adz on it. Ravmond Anderson spent Sunday surer of the company owning th«- En Earl Beckholdt -was in Yonna last EIGHTS JI ROIIS; FIVE I'KHTIN'ENT FAITH, C. E. Drew returned from the Res Ii Sunday. night with Jack Basim. terprise Tracts, Chas. W. Ebcrlln, of III NDRED \ ENIIIE.MEN. ervation last Sunday, where he has Dock Pool came out from town New York, on«- of the stockholders, Wm. Shook, deputy sheriff, mad«- ( New York City's Hiunllest borough been since Thursday on business. a business trip to the Fitch ranch ( Sunday, but returned to the Falls the and W. S. Winchester of Reedsburg. SAN FRANCISCO. Cui . Feb. 3. has the laigest population Manhat [ last Monday. Mr. Miller, who has taken up a next day. Wisconsin, arrived In the city last The trial of Patrick Calhoun, presi tan. with Its 14,038 acres, has n pop homestead near Godfrey Beck's, of A minister from the Falls, Mr. Will Logue is taking care of the Friday. Mr. Winchester Is a promi dent of the 1'uitod railroads. »<■«••« «■•<! ulation of 2.250,000 and Queens, th«« North Yonna, is now improving It j Wallis ranch during Alt. Wallis' stay Creecy. preached here at 11a m and nent banker of Reedsburg and this Is of offering a bribe to th«* boodllng largest borough, with 82,683 acres, by grubbing off the sagebrush, He , in the Falla. at 7:30 p. m. on Sunday, the 31st. his first visit to Klamath County. The board of supervisors, entered upon has a population of 134,000. has also sunk a well on it. The following is the monthly sum The attendance was good. gentlemen are her«- on business con Its fourth week yesterday morning North and Soutfl America have Carl Adams, of North Yonna, is ill mary of the Weather Bureau of Yon- Raymond Anderson and Frank nected with their property holdings with eight jurors temporarily select 11,063,000 Germans or German- with the measles. na Valley for the month of January: Pool were visiting Chas. Adams this speaking people. The Aldrldg«- property wras n«dd on ed. Mrs. Fred Beck is visiting at the Temperature: mean max, 40.13: week. execution by the sheriff last Satur Five hundred veniremen have b«»en The voice of a man has been known home of Mrs. Wm. Flackus this week. mean, mln., 25.8; mean. 33.3; max., Harty Kinney and Frank Galbraith day. The property was bld In by examined. The prosecution has fiv>* to carry three miles through a 20- Mrs. W. H. Bliss was visiting at 52 on 16th; min., -8 on 11th. Pre spent Sunday at A. Kinney 's. foot trumpet. J. G. Pierce for $3521.55. Lots 1, premptorlly challenges left vand the Mrs. Scy Pool's, of Yonna, this week. cipitation: Total,6.31 inches: greatest, Mr. and Mrs. Tracy, who have been Argentina's area under cultivation Mrs. Chas. E. Drew entertained at in 2 4 hours, .98, on 5th. Snow: To staying at the Grigsby ranch, have 2 and 3, in block 41 with the three defense still retains 10. At the rate Is now 30,000,000 acres, comparing house» brought $1600; l.ots 1, 2, 3. the trial has been progressing It Is her home last Sunday. An excellent tal fall, 9.20 inches; on ground 15th, moved to the Falls. with 12,000,000 In 1905. dinner was enjoyed by Mrs. N. S. .00 inches; at end of month, 00 in. Jack Basim, of the Grigsby ranch, 4, and 5, In block 45, $1100; one- doubtful If u complete Jury will be half Interest in Nob Hill, $475; one- sworn In Itisid«* of 10 weeks, ft Is In some Oriental countrli'», vacci Drew and daughter Waive, Miss May Number of days with .01 or more pre was In the Falls Tuesday. also probable that 1500 veniremen nation has been practiced for over Robinson and Harrison Gray. The cipitation, 18; clear, 0; partly cloudy, S. Dixon went to the Falla Monday half of SWy* of NE'4 In Section 16, this townsh'n, $46.55, and the Conger may have to be examined before the a thousand years. dinner was in honor of Mrs. Drew's 24; cloudy, 7. morning. avenue lot, subject to $1500 mort actual taking of evidence begins. It has been frequently noted by birthday, which occurred on Saturday. Mr. Wallis and Mr. Logue went aeronauts that the burking of a dog gage, was sold for $100. Wm. Clark and Theo. Flackus were ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ through our burg Sunday on their Is always the last sound they hear at work cutting wood near the Hil- GALE HAPPENINGS. ♦ way to the Falls. Bakersfield, California, business Recently th«- public parks of Port from earti», and It has been dlscov- degbrand school last week. ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Elsie Dikon and her brother, 0)1- James Jeffries land and Tacoma, and the residents ered that this can be heard under ver, were up to the Kinney ranch men Suturday offered Fred Beck is hauling oat hay from Mr. and Mr». Grover Slate return- a purse of |50,000 to fight Jack of Seattle donated 25,000 geranium favorable circumstances at an «'leva- this week. Godfrey Beck's ranch with which to cd Th ursday for Albany, where they July. They plants Io be used In beautifying the lion of four miles. Mr. and Mrs. McClure passed thin Johnson there Fourth of feed his stock. have been visiting Mr. Slate's parents. I way on their way to the Falls. have posted 15000 to show their grounds of the Alaska Yukon-l’aclfia Capturing glnnt turtles seems to Mrs. D. Y. Gray, of Yonna, who Mr. and Mrs. Frank Anderson and good faith. The plan Is a co-opera- Exposition this year. be a profitable business along t he — has been ill for several weeks, Is still children returned five one, the different business men Monday from I Maine const. A 1500-pound one was in a critical condition. Dr. Truax, of Woodland, Calif., where they were BALLINGER DENTES HE agreeing to assist In making np th*' rocently tnkon In those waters, nml TltKAHt KER'S NOTICE. Bonanza, was called Saturday, but the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sim». IS AFTER (’AlliNET JOB. deficit should the fight lose money, so great a curiosity was It that Ilin she Is not improving as all would and sharing In the profits If It Is a Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Albin and Mr. two captorH promptly exchanged It Klamath Falls, Ore, Jan. 14, 1909. wish. The doctor» think it may be and Mrs. M. Giacotnini and children WASHINGTON, Feb. 2 Judge success. for a perfectly good check for $250. cancer of the stomach which is trou spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. Ballinger, of Seattle, who has bc< n Notice Is hereby given that there Benitoite Is a recent addition to bling her. Her son, Colly Gray, of C. Anderson. here the past week, disclaims that bls Coal ashes are being washed In are funds In the County Treasury the list of precious stones. It Is Fort Klamath, was sent for Saturday Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Kirkpatrick visit Is connected with a Cabinet po spaces In Pennsylvania mines from for the redemption of all County found In Alexnndor County, North and arrived Sunday evening, making returned from Klamath Falls Sun sition. From other sources, however, which the coal has been removed. Warrants protested prior to March Carolina, and Is blue In color. the trip on horseback in one day. Interest on same will day. it appears reasonably certain that As the water recedes they form a 1st, 1907. The solar orb would appear blue Joe Coburn, of the Reservation, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Morgan and Ballinger will be the next Secretary solid mass, strong enough to hold up cease from tbte datq, January 14th, to anybody who should view It out- was in Yonna on bis way to Dairy, children, Mrs. Purdy and children, of the Interior. 1909. 1-14 4t sldo of this planet's atmosphero. the earth and prevent cave-ins. All $ F Lakeside Inn !» I >