Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, February 04, 1909, Image 3

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♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦ Crosby, Southern Pacific
♦ were In Merrill Wednesday.
Tbu Improved Order of ll<«| Mrn,
having Institulvd a lodge at Klamath
Fall» in October laat, are going to
celebrate Wnahlngton'a birthday in
a fitting manaor.
The Order of lied Men was orga
nla«d by Georg« Waablngton, the fir nt
proaldent of the 11 tilt ml Htul»a, and
who aat the tint H ik I k - iii of the or­
The Initiation work of the order
la founded wholly on the tradition
of the Indiana, and la one of rhe moat
beautiful of all of the aeeret eocletlea
lu exlatenru today. It la nn American
Institution and datea all Its docu­
menta ffotn the time of the discovery
of America by Columbua In 1 4 92.
Modoc Tribe No. CO, Klamath
Valla* lodge. huve retained thu Ilona
ton Opera House for the evening of
February 22, at which time, If their
paraphonallu arrives, will »how to
the people of Klamath Kalla some­
thing very unique In the way of en­
tertainment, after which they are go­
ing to give a grand Hard Tltnea ball
The commemoration, annuully, of
the sinking of the butt lea hip Maine
In Havana harbor on February 15
by public eeremonlee lu Washington,
D. C., la the object of the Battleship
Mulftu Mutuotlal A».uu lullon, whl<h
waa formally launched laat week.
Plana for the first memorial exer­
cises are now being matured. Rear
Admiral Hlgsbur, retired, waa elected
proaldent of the asaoelutlon.
commanded the Maine when she »u<
On the morning of February
15 a requiem mass will be celebrat­
ed for til« repo»« of the souls of the
sailors and soldiers who lost their
Ilves In the explosion
In the after­
noon there will bo a pilgrimage to
the graves of the sailor» and marines
burled In Arlington cemetery, and In
thu evening a meeting In thu First
I'roebytortan church. Rear Admiral
Itobley D Kvana will speak, and Ad­
miral Hlgsbuu will tell the story of
the Maine
Proaldent Roosevelt and
Hecretary Newberry will be Invited
to attend the eeremonlee
The officers of the United Slates
navy are practicing horseback rid­
ing Home very funny stories of bow
these sailor men perform In the early
stages of their lessons
It la related
that oftentimes one of them, who
has achieved some girth and accom­
panying flesh. Is seen clinging to the
neck of a horse that doesn't exactly
understand what Is expected of him
At other times some of the officers
who feel-that they must cling to the
horse with their heels, and conse­
quently dig the spurs Into the flanks
of the animal, produce resulta en­
tirely unexepoeted and give an exhi­
bition of acrobatics such as Is rarely
seen outside of Buffalo lllll's wild
west show
But the officers are de­
termined and they are keeping up
the practice with the Intent of carry­
ing out the order of the cotnmander-
Adolph Werdurltach, aged 17. th«
human ammunition box, committed
suicide In Chicago laat week In a
unique manner. The youth first fill­
ed his pockets with cartridges. Then
ho fired a bullet Into his breast, set
fire to Ills clothing and ran screaming
Into the street. As he raced along,
a pillar of flames, the cart ridge« In
his pockets began to explode, endan­
gering the Ilves of persons who vainly
attempted to save his life. The lad
died on the way to the hospital.
Thu Ladle»' Aid of tbe Methodist
church had a lea and apron sals Frl
<lay afternoon ut H im home of Mrs
A. 11. Tunbrook. They netted *22 on
the sals.
Thu meutlngs at the Presbyterian
Church dosed with the addition of
thirteen new members.
Mrs. M Glacomlnl was In town
Friday on professional business.
A. I,. Ros« of thu Davis ranch is
lu Mei rill this week.
Iluv. L. M. Agderson, of Morrill,
who has been helping Rev. Mllllguu
with the me tings at Hprlng luxku,
returned Huturday.
The Ladle»' Club now have a nice
room fixed up for the public library
lu tbs bank building. There are now
300 books on band. Library Is open
every afternoon and evening
eryone Is cordially Invited to come In.
Mrs. Kihei Gibson took dluner with
Mrs. G. II. Graybael Wednesday.
O. E. Irvine and llllly Gibson have
purchased the well boring machine
from Ed Duffy and are now ready
to put down wells for anyone.
Thu Ladles Mutual Benefit Club
Is now studying Japan.
Claude, Ruby and Faye Demorest
spent Haturday evening with their
friends. Addle and Orl«a Graybael.
Alla Balls gave a party to a num­
ber of her friends lust Friday even­
Kvuryoue enjoyed themselves
most heartily. Games were played
and refreshments of cake, sandwiches
coffee and cocoa ware served. Those
prenuul were. Claude Andrews. Lee
and Charlie Blown, Calvin, Luther
and Chester Haskins. Holllu Dewey,
John Nye, Harriet Garrison, Phoebe
Brows. Goldie Htukel. Kmrna Burr,
Kaaa sod Nita Ratliff. Grace and Ad­
die Graybael, Grace Barrows and Alla
Thu use of tbe books in the public
library have been kindly offered to
the school children under eighteen
years of age free of charge For
which the ladies have the tbaoks of
the entire school
Mrs. Grant Gay was In town trad­
ing Saturday
Herbert Fitch and Robena Rhodes
doubled up on their birthday and
spent a pleasant evening at Mrs.
Ice cream and cake were
served. Those present were:
lle Dewey, Beulah Rhodes, David.
Herbert, Eddie and Jerry Fitch and
Robena Rhodes.
Miss Alice Allen was a visitor In
tuwn one day thia week. Miss Allen
Is the best lady horse ridur In Ibis
country. Bhe rides some of our worst
sagebrush broocos with grace and
Frank Bloomlngcamp was brought
before Recorder Anderson on charge
of selling cigars without a license.
He was fined *50 and coats. On re­
fusing to pay the fine he was turned
over to tbe mayor who will collect
the same by levy lug on bis property.
Thursday he was brought up again
on auotber charge of selling soft
drinks without a license. He a»k**d
for time to get an attorney, so his
trial was put off until Monday.
Miss Edith Allen, of San Francisco.
1s visiting with her cousin. Mrs. P R
Sollle Dewey returned last Mon­
day to school after a week's absence.
La«t Tuesday nt noon some of the
larger girls of the Merrill school
went to the top of the school house
and viewed the country.
Grace Barrows and Alla Balls vis­
ited In the country Sunday with their
friend, Phoebe Brown.
Mr. Hoey, Mr. Church and Mr.
We un­
According to a bill introduced In
derstand work will begin on the Mo­ tbu bouse by Representative Miller,
doc lino within two uiontli from this of Ju< ssou County, al the request of
I. e Rogue River Flab Protective a»
I. C. Young was lu Merrill last tocluUou, Il Is proposed to provide
an angler'« license similar to the
J I*. Harter la tip from the sheep hunter’« license, the proceeds from
which will be used to establish and
On account of the washouts be­ opei me trout hatcheries and restock
tween Mt Hebron and Haeraruento, streams of the state with trout un­
C. A. Bunting anti Cl as. Horton were der the direction of the master fish
delayed In shipping their cattle.
wardens. The measure has been eu-
Mr. and Mrs. J F. Clublne, of Fair­ dors<‘d by the Oregon Fish and Game
view, were in town Thursday.
assoi talion, by the Multnomah Rod
Mrs. T. J Offleld, of Han Jose, Cal­ an'l Gun club, and by practically ev­
ifornia, expects to come to Merrill ery sportsman's association In the
Chas, and Herbert Anderson wore
An annual license of *1 for resi­
In town trading Wednesday.
dent hook and line fishermen over
Maney Bros ' outfit passed through thu age of 16 Is Imposed by the bill.
Merrill this week on their way to The license for residents of other
Nevada. where they have a railroad stat«« Is placed at *5. The money
collected from tbo sale of angler’s
The Infant «on of Mr and Mrs. J licenses Is to be deposited with the
O. Donley was burled In the Merrill state treasurer and held intact in the
cemetery Monday afternoon.
"game hatchery fund,“ wlucn the bill
A. J. T. Joslin, the new photograph­ creates, which can only be used un­
er from Klamath Falls, expects to der the master fish warden's direc­
be ready for business within a week. tion In hatchery and rest./cklng work.
At present there Is no trout hatch­
In Oregon. But little attention
Is paid to game fish under the exist­
ing laws and conditions. Ail work
To the Public:
We are lu business with a complete now done for the propogatlon of fish
line of harness, saddles, leather goods is exclusively for salmon. As a result
and gloves. We have purchased our the supply of game fish In every Ore­
stock from the most reliable whole­ gon stream Is rapidly dlmishlng and
sale houses on tbu Pacific Coast, at It will b« but a few years until the
prices never before secured here, and trout will be practically extinct In
we have paid cash, thereby securing the finest angling streams In the
It Is to remedy present con­
the usual discount. We offer to you world
the extinction, and re­
tbe full advuutage» we have thus se­
cured The goods have all been care­ plenish the supply that the proposed
fully selected by an expert in the law lias been drafted, the design be­
harness business, Mr. J. O. Lelnio ing that those who reap the benefit,
ger, who has been with tbe Linkvllle shall pay the cost.
House bill 209 Is drawn upon tines
Saddlery Co. for the last 18 months,
similar laws in Washington, Colo­
and us a result we have no dead or
rado and other states, where the ang- I
unsalable itok.
Every article is
made of first class material, is of the ier's license has furnished the neces­
highest finish and best workmanship sary fupds for restocking streams,
with tbe result that good angling has
restored to streams whose nat­
Our manufacturing and repair de­
partment Is In tbe hands of Mr. Lien- ural supply had been exhausted.
Cut throat, steelhead and rainbow
Inger, who, as a workman In his bus-
luess, has but few peers and no su­ trout are all natives of Oregon and
periors. We are In a position to chal­ the streams of the state furnish tbe
lenge competition to offer as good finest sport for tbe rod that any sec­
goods at as low prices as we now tion produces. The gamiest trout
offer the public. Our motto is: “THE can be found I p the thousand brooks
BEST GOODS AT THE LOWE8T and riverlets that traverse the wood­
PRICES " We propose to stand or ed hills—that Is they could have been
fall on that platform. You could not found a few years ago- - but now lack
of adequate protection and over fish­
ask us to do more. We have the
goods of best value at the lowest ing and no replenishment have pro­
price. You have the money. Can duced the usual result and there Is
not one trout where ten years ago
we not trade?
were a hundred.
Call al out store opposite Bald­
Much new legislation is proposed
win's Hardware store, and Inspect
to check trout extermination.
our stuck. It will coat you nothing
lotted season will be restored, and the
to see, if we can “make good." We
will extend every consideration, proposed new code will help protect
tbe remaining trout, but tbe angler's
whether you purchase or not.
license bill is the only proposed law
offers a practical solution of the
February 1. 1909.
2t problem of replenishing the supply
of trout In Oregon streams. Protect­
ing remaining trout will help, but
before good trout angling is restored.
It will be necessary to also replenish
supply —and the wherewithal,
the ways and means for accomplish­
board the transport Buford, due to
ing it. are provided In house bill 209.
arrive here lu about eight days, is
tbe Philippine constabulary band, an
An indictment which was found
organisation of 84 men. en route to
Washington to head the Inaugural on January 16, was Saturday filed
parade on March 4. The symphony with the Court charging Dr. F. M.
orchestra of 64 pieces is to play for White with falsely certifying that a
person was in need of alcoholic stim­
the Inaugural ball the same night.
The constabulary band Is under ulants. The warrant was served and
the leadership of Captain Loving, and Dr. White gave bonds to the amount
all Its members are Filipinos. The of *250. The case was set for hear­
band took first prixe at the St. Louis ing on February 15. Benson & Stone
exposition, and Sousa is said to have as attorneys for Mr. White, gave no­
credited it with being the best mili­ tice that they would file a demurrer
to the Indictment.
tary band he ever heard.
Fruits, Produce, Eggs, Butter, Cheese,
Poultry, Fresh Eastern and Coast
Oysters, and General Market
Finest Grade of Everything.
Smokers’ Articles;
Cigars, Pipes, Tobaccos—best in the market.
We make a Specialty of Dried Fruits of all kinds.
California, Nevada and Home Honey.
City Meat Market
Ashland Commercial College
Ashland, Oregon
Thorough and Practical Training la COMflERCIAL,
SHORTHAND and ENGLISH. Individual Instruction
by Expert«.
We have been compelled to enlarge our
quarters every year and have no* secured ample accom­
modations in the Sweeden burg block. Twice as Large
as Ever. Nothing in the line of Business Training is
too pood for our students. Complete Commercial Edu­
cation at about one-half the usual expense. Full infor­
mation free.
Long Lake
Lumber Co.
Manufacturers of All Kinds of
Cabinet Work, Sash and Doors,
All Kinds of Mouldings,
Band sawing and Turning,
Odd-Sired Doors
I-IAS your boy or girl got
11 a bank account with
the First Trust and Sav­
ings Bank? If not The
Republican will start one
for nothing
Windows a Specialty
All kinds of Finishing Lum-
ber now on hand.
Large assortment of Doors
and Windows made up ’and
ready for immediate de-,
Can furnish an order on the
grounds for any sized build-
ing within twenty-four
Large stock of Flooring in
three grades.