Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, February 04, 1909, Image 2

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    even for the regular church servlci'a.
Nyal's V<-gv la­
Thursday evening the Presbyterian
bi« Pi useri|itlori
♦ Crookshank uilll up In
la indli ati d ili all
llo|»>ou Succeeds Him mm Su|>«rx i-iiig 1 Men's Club guve t dr a.'c>ud auiiual
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ tauia.
onlinary di******
I uuliquet, to which the lueu of the
Wm. Ehrmann was in Swan Lake
ol w»n eli. This
Cha*. Rteeman is now moving his on business Wednesday.
» »
eougrt'galiou mid u large numb, i ol
house down near the road.
I . 'I«
llie banquet
L. A. Stertl wus over looking at
A dispatch from Wudilngfou states 'eitbeua were invited,
gemi « if*
" eta bo-
The telephone crew which has been hi* cattle wl ich lleury Stoeshler is that D. C. Henny, Supervising Engi­ was served by the I lud les of the
Tl bill, i
mg jmtci pt ilii«
boarding at Mr. Booth's, has moved feeding for hitn. From there be weut neer of the Reclamation H i vice, has 'church and was most bouiil’ iiiid mid
troni I he very
to Chas Anderson's.
After the h
to Dairy on business.
work ■Xi client
resigned to take up private
tirsi. II ia c< i!»-
Wm. Barks is circulating a peti­
W. IL Bliss has sold his windmill He will act, however, as
|H»e*d <»f ih« plir-
a Consult- leer of addressee woi>>
and mu.t re-
tion to
ling Engineer in the S rrlco.
' >ers of the church u-u1
to Manuel Vieria for $110.
hsble drug* —
There is to be a school meeting Sat-
CLax. McCumbcr went to the Fall
The Northwestern < district, con
merrurisl*, tipi-
. »- to attend court.
und In
tl.ls Volt
slating of Washington, , Origlili, Ne ' aecosaity of a new cl
ale* and ulljer
Albert Depew was taken III last
Alex. Martin, Jr., »
Thomas Stanley made a
¿Cher c
ha rinfili
vada and practically nil of Califor
I ring escludevi?
Sunday and had two convulsions bc- trip to Dairy this week.
ula, las been in the joint charge ol' master, uqd In his o|
'I he many dis-
fore the doctor could be summoned
Jesse Drew is doing chores at the Engineers Honey and E. G. Hopson, I drew attention to the
bill provid­
«<u < nin g n ilo-
Mr. Bagby I* hauling straw from ley colds' ranch during their absence with headquarters at Portland This L-hurch building wm. o
lull it $100,001»
«lira lo which
James Cole’s.
from tome.
ion of u st¡
district has been divided and aflei |t|on of the adjoining
witisn la ron-
Charlie Low. of the Falls, was in
r turi ly Mibjected
Mr. Vierra Is making Improve February 1, C. H. Hwlgart, now li request had been mail
' Ore tin to t
rn<l« r h> r lisldc
our district last Tuesday getting a meats on his barn. This is only one charge of the Tlelou project in Wash for Its retnoval The
had be. ii
,y of Crater
10 tnany lune
new jury.
• of many improvements which he ha- Ingtou, will have supervision of the I built a number of yea,-a ago wl.en tl <•
imi *i uwoidtr*
James Dlemer is now living on his jone on his place in the last year.
state of Washington, Hopson ret al u survey lines had not been fully es
11 ni i.ot only ti nd
- homestead.
. .
. .
He stated that the pre»
The cold nights have furnished Ing the supervision of Oregou, Neva tabllshcd
lo dvsl'ov her cuiiifott and lui|>plne»s,
Mrs. Webber and daughter. Lettha, skating in numerous places, but It I da and California.
l>u< whlcn gradinili}’ inerge intu eli mule
.■nt building would have to be moved,
und svrlons dlsrnm’»
sp- Tit Wednesday in Merrill.
swms that some of the boys did more
The farmers under the Kluiuuth and ns Hint would n< < i sltnte cotuld
Nyal's Vrgplulde Pi ■ n-ript ioti la wilh-
Pink Barks is cleaning some sage­ of their skating on their heads than Project are very fortunate in having erable expense in Imp,ivvouients, the
oul a pcer tortile snccenslul treatment
brush off from his homestead
on their feet.
Mr. Hopson in charge of this dis­ niatter wiih being cop-- I r-d of build
<>f iemale woaknes», painful und dimr-
Georg«' NV. Beebe, of Carlisle. Ark.,
d<-r>'d meri'truiition, hyatr'ln, crampa,
Miss Nellie Bliss was in Dairy last trict, as he Is familiar with the needs leg a new church.
"hearing down psins, ” mtluinmsllon
has sold his rice farm there and will Monday.
J. II. Ma ton i : then culled upon
uf the Klamath Project and made
mikì Ialini* uf ih« wmiib. '¡ I iis is a r«m-
be here by the first of March to visit
O. Hoppe, of North Yonna, was many friends among the water users and spoke of the ‘‘Ne«’;|a of the
lly the te
edy of alciling worlli.
his son. Major Beebe
Mr. Beebe working at Mrs. L. M. Fitch's place of this system, on his several visits Church from au F) ■• •■’lonul R m id *r nor Is entf V.
ms' locate either in Klamath or in last week.
Sunday i lesion of r r»v»'t1
here, who have full confidence thut point.
Jackson County.
John Donnell bought a load of I o will do everything he cun for the School.” lie dwlt on tho Import I r‘‘ ildetiti uf Jack
Mr. and Mrs Booth spent Sunday wheat from Henry Stoeshler of Dairy benefit und furtherance of the pru- nnco of th»- proper e luentlon of th ■ I pf Klamath
Kiuinuth Fulls
- 0rigor
with Mrs. LaPrarie.
children, and stated t' at that was the I th e coni ml*'
last week.
Herbert Phillips has now moved
Wm.l’hrmaan bought 100 posts of
nipenaatlon tor hl*
Into his flew house on the E. S. Phil­ Stile Bros., of Swan Lake.
dltlons of n town
He is
> are to t - allow-’ I nctual expense”
lips ranch.
bringing up the ch
now fauling them.
lie engaged In the business of the
Jay and Johnnie Manning made
moral men and wo
Hl ’ I m
Polly Stiles, of Swan Lake, Is
Two hundred gallons of water a
a business trip to James Coles last , feeding J. G. Hamaker’s cattle on the
Rev. Geo. T Pr
It» the preamble It la epoclfivd that
» i- Crater latke region Is the mo it
¡old Dieckman place, lie will also run day for each person in Klamath "Needs of tl ' Ch.it
Mrs. Harry Booth spent Tuesday the cream separator which Mr.' Ham- Falls, Is a rather high average of li­ tor's Standpoint."
:uou* iiutui.il wonder of the We,>t
quid consumption for a dry town, necessity of a new I)
with Mrs. Beebe.
j aker has tl ere.
t coutlncut, mid while now Inaccett
but Manager Gates of the Light and the church and th
Mrs. Beebe spent Thursday at De­
John Logue went to Klamath Falls
would be visited by from 30,000
Water Company, stat, s thnt that i>
pew’s, assisting Mr*. Depew to take on business Tuesday.
Members of the <
•19,000 tourists antniaBy If a good
the average dally consumption based called upon und r< n
care of her sick child.
road were provided. This Influx of
on a population of 2500 people.
Anna Beebe spent Saturday with
by Prof. J T Hu’.t
W S Slough tourists. It Is assorted, would lead to
The Compnay began Saturday op­
Madelin and Faye West.
Heili'tnun. und |immigration und the development of
IN HORT ICC I,TI RE erating their new centrifugal pump G. W. White,
Kathleen and Eddie Dervan spent
W. A. Dclzell.
the state's resourc es on a larger srul” marked for cutting by the forest off!
which bandies 36,000 gallons of wa­
Wednesday with Anna Beebe.
both ntulnl and than ever. Ti c- country itself Is said cer located on an area to be definite-
A six week course in horticulture ter an hour. Mr. Gates states that i the opinion t• t
Mr. Brady is now hauling hay for
to be sparsely settled und would be i ly designated by the Forest officer
is now under way at the Agricul­ they are now pumping between seven wanted a new
Joe Dervan from the Bunnell ranch.
wonderfully benefited by such n high­ ; befoie cutting begins, Including ap­
tural College, Corvallis, Oregon, and and eight hours a day, making a to­ toast master an
S. Booth hauled a load of wood
proximately 3(19 acres. In the NH
there is a large attendance from tal of over 4 50.000 gallons a clay or Can we build It?
last Saturday
Voluntary expression* were ask>-d
The cost of a highway from M«d of 8ec. 2«, 814 of H--r 38, RE % of
different parts of the state, the at­ an average of about ¡(Ou gallons iui
for and in response Chas K Worden ford to Klamath Kulls. It Is estimated, Rec. 22 and NEH of Rec. 27. T 35
tendance being more than double
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ that of last year. Some of the most I each innubilaut. ibis is lour lime.- said:
would be 1500.000. of which $250,- 'H. Il 6 E . w M . In the Crater Na-
|Cue amount of water used In the large
"Mr. Toastmaster and friends: I 000 would be expended by the Gov itlnnnl Forest, Oregon; estimated to
♦ interesting work in the course is yet
| cilicfc. I be average llieie is glVeu an don't know a* 1 should sav anything. !
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ to come, Many fruit-growers are
»•rnment, $51.000 by Jackson County, bo 3,583,000 feet II M. of live yel­
uv gaiiuus a day. During the sum­ but being a kind of a brother ln-luw
$50,000 by Klamath County and $50,- low pine, 738,000 feet II M of live
Mrs. D. Y. Gray, of Yonna, who unable to attend the course for the mer months tbe pump Is kept In op­
to the church. I guess I will. I am a 000 by private persons Interested In white fir, 775,000 foot II M. of live
has been ill for some time past, is
eration about fourteen hours a day, kind of a free thinker myself hut i
the project. If the state should ex Douglas fir, 135,000 feet II. M of
much worse. The doctor made sev­ come for a few days or several weeks, supplying twice the amount of water
claim to be u moral man. and am for pend $100,000 In order that the Im live Incense cedar, 370,000 feet II M
eral visits this week but she is not
that Is used at present.
anything that will help Klamath Falls provement may be carried through to 'of merchantable d«ad yellow pine
improving as much as her relatives time. There will be two weeks more
The Light A Water Company Is or the community. I believe you need
land 20,000 foot II M. of merchant­
of apple packing and work in bud­ now equipped with two separate
and friends would wish.
able dead Douglas fir, sawtlmbor. Io*
In addition to pumps with a capacity of 600 gallons a better church and I don’t know how
C. E. Drew went to P. H Gray’* ding and grafting.
to get it without making a stsrt
'scale, and 4,000 cords of eordwood,
of South Yonna, last Thursday to this, special lectures are given on the a minute, and two separate motors,
Now to start It I will make thi* offer.
more or loss. No bld of to** than $3
drive down a band of horses which various phases of fruit growing, connected with juice from their own
If you will build a church at a coal of ,
There are now three dredge* work for live yellow pine, $1.35 for live
be has traded to Mr. Gray for a herd truck gardening and landscape gar­ electric light plant and also Moore
$15.000, 1 will give one-tenth oi i
of cattle. Friday morning Mr. Drew dening.
Bros., so that there is very little dan- ; $1500, or, 1 will give one-tenth of Ing on the railroad grade across the white fir, $3.50 for live Douglas fir
One of the small dredges and Incense cedar, $2 for dead yellow
Beginning on February 8 a special ger of the city ever being without
loft for the Reservation on business
cost of fixing up your present church. has now covered a mile and a halt pine, $1.50 for dead Douglas fir, per
and during his absence Harrison course of two weeks will be given In water. If one of the pumps should
¡1 make this offer under tbe condition
Gray will do the work oq the Drew walnut grafting. This should be of get out of order all that would be I that no indebtedness be contracted, or about one-half of the distance thousand feet B M and 25 cents |>er
necessary would be to start the oth­ l but when complete d must be free across the marsh. This is followed cord for cordwood will bo considered
closely by the second dredge and the and a deposit of $1100 must bo sent
C. C. Pearson has been hauling ing engaging In this industry. The er pump. With the double motors
Idg machine Is half a mile In the rear to tho First National Hank, Portland,
most important methods of walnut connecting with tbe two power plants from debt.”
wood for the past few days.
Mr Martin, cashier of the Klamath or a mile from the starting polut at
John Anderson returned from the grafting will be taken up, including tbe city is given tbe double protec­
Oregon, for each bld submitted to
County Bank and a member of the | Holland.
Reservation Thursday evening, where the very successful and famous Payne tion in the supply of both water and
the District Forester. Timber upon
church, followed Mr. Woid< n und
The big dredge which I* bringing valid rlalms I* exempted from sale
he has been helping Mr. Vierra feed method. In addition to the lectures light*.
I said:
"I have just been waiting for tip In the rear I* finishing the em­
practice will be given in the work
Tho right to reject any and all bld*
someone to make a start, If you will bankment to< It goes along and wlien
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Adams, of North including nursery grafting, and the
Is reserved. For further* Information
build a church a’ a cost of $15,000, It reaches the opposite shore, the
top-working of the large American
Yonna, were in Dairy Saturday.
and icgulatlon* governing sales, ad-
grade will be ready for the rails, II drer.s ,M. I,. Erickson. Forest Super­
J. H. O'Brien was in Bonanza Mon­ black walnut trees found scattered
Things do not look very favorable i one-ten th toward tbe repairing and
over the state.
is now thirty day* since work wa, I visor, Medford, Oregon
for the relief of the water utters of Improvement of the '»resent building
In the last two weeks of the course
on the marsh on this
W. P. Phillips and Wm. Uhrmann,
I ¡the Klamath project and it Is very Further, 1 will contribute one-tenth side of the straits and It I m estimated
who are road supeprvisors of District two nours a day of practical instruc­ I
Acting District Foroster.
improbable that any extension of time if the new building should cost lew«
t! tx the Job Is half finished. The big
No. 8 of this county, are contemplat­ tion will be given in spraying, prun­
will be given, or any reduction be than $15,000, on condition that the
dredge did not start until some tlm< DEPARTMENT <;F THE INTERIOR
ing putting in a new grade between ing, staking and setting of orchards.
made in the cost price.
property Is not nun iraged.”
after the other* and at the rate It
C. Carlson's and Jacob Rueck's place. This work includes apples, grapes,
Oeneral Lund Office, Washington,
Committee hearings have been held
On motion of \\ \ IMzelL it was 1« traveling It will be lip with the
This road is now almost impassable,
C., December 24, 11108.
on several bills pending before the decided thnt a << i ’ niittee on funds
Special lectures will be given by
other dredge* wlthlu twenty day*,
even for a light rig.
Notico of Restoration of Public
Senate for the relief of delinquent be appointed, the members to be s<*-
Allowing for possible delays It Is Lands to Settlement and Entry.
Master Willie Jonas, who is now some of the best authorities on hor­
water right applicants, and of other lected by Rev. Pratt. tef take e,> the
stated that the grade across the
staying at Fred Beck’s, was in Dairy ticulture to be found in the North­
Notice is hereby given that the
I settlers on arid lands, in relation to matter of a new church and see what
west. These courses are open to any
j niarsh will br compii Usi to Midland Secretary of the Interior has vacated
which opposition has developed on further money could be raised f”r | within
six week*. "nie contractors departmental order of withdrawal
Henry Jackson and family and bls one interested in horticulture. Come
the ground that extensions granted that purpose.
■ will be through with the work on insofar us the sumo affects the wlth-
son-in-law, from the Reservation, at any time.
to such persons tend to prevent fur- ;
11 hl« side much sooner tian this. En- I draws) for irrigation purposes under
stopped at Mr. Vierra's place Thurs­
ther Irrigation work. The opponents
I qlnecr ilo«y hns stated that within i the net of Jun<t 17, 1902 (32 Slut.
day night.
of such legislation claim the entire
1 ten day* from the time hl* steel ¡388), for use In connection with the
Mr. Phillips, road supervisor, is
policy of the extension of irrigation
Alf. Wallis and Chait. Liskey, t*K‘!gang begin laying track nt Holland,
Every woman can possess a supple,
staying at Wm. Uhrmann's for a few
Klamath Project, Oregon, of the fol­
projects depends upon having the ob­ two prisoner* In the county jail
on - he will have bls construction car at lowing described tauds In the State
days. He is in Yonna for the purpose agile body under perfect control.
ligations of such settlers met prompt­ a charge of horse stealing, are hav­
the entrance to Klamath Falls.
of inspecting the roads.
The first essential is to learn to
of Oregon, and by bls author-
ly. They claim that the policy of ing quite a hard time. The two men
This work would therefore con­
J. H. O'Brien, of Yonna, was In stand properly, with the head erect
of said tracts as have
Ity such
permitting extensions of time will were taken sick Friday and Wallis
siime less than two months, but it
and the shoulders flat, not pressed
Dairy Wednesday.
not been heretofore finally restored
result in breaking down the system. became so bad that he had to be re­
does not necessarily follow that a
Sam Walker and Wm. Shook pass­ backward. To acquire thia, balance
moved to the American Hotel about passenger service Is to bn put on at and are not otherwise withdrawn, re-
an object on the head, in imitation of
ed through Yonna Monday.
7 o'clock that evening for medical that time. It Is necessary to put in served, or appropriated, will be sub­
J. G. Wight came down from the the peasant woman, and stand ag­
ject to settlement under lb* public
cement abuttments with wing* and
Reservation Sunday, where be is ainst a solid wall, the heel*, trunk
Liskey was sick during the night, make a fill acrons the present chan­ land laws of th* United Stale* on and
Prof. Albert E. Edler closed a suc­
feeding his cattle, and returned on and back of the head touching it.
tried to make a r<!*ervolr out of nel this side of the headgates. This after March 25, 1909, but shall not
Wednesday with provision*.
When you feel that you are "in po­ cessful term of school in the Bedfield
be subject to entry, filing, or eelee-
Mr. and Mr*. Vierra made a trip sition,” step forward, retaining the I district Friday with a well selected the jail by turning on the water, with work will not he started until spring
tlon until April 24, 1808, at the Un­
object (it may be anything—a small and prepared program in honor of
open* up some time In the early part
to Dairy Wednesday.
Ited State* land ofllce at Lakeview,
Mr*. L. M. Fitch was subpoenaed pillow or a weight) upon the bead. Lincoln day. The program was in flooded several Inches deep with wa­ of April. It is stated that the ce­
Oregon, warning being expreeely
Now raise the heel* »lowly, press­ charge of the Wide Awake Literary
ment work and fill can be finished
en the trial for horse stealing against
A few days ago some canned fruit in thirty days, so that It would be given that no person will ba per mit­
Walter Welsh and other*.
During ing the floor with the toes; repeat Society, a society organized by Mr.
ted to gain or exercise an y right
her absence Ml** Rosa Beck will stay thi* ten times. Now hold the arms Edler In bls school. The society has was sent to Wallis by hl* family, and possible for train* to be running into
whatever under aay eelUement ar
with her daughter Hazel.
flat against the sides, bend the knees
Klamath Fall* th* latter part of
begun after December 88,
Some of our neighbor* have gone and lower the body toward the heels bating and literary and Is something It I* believed that the fruit was the May> whlch wo the ttme unofficially
,to Marek 25, 1806,
to town, where they have secured without actually touching them; that might be introduced Into other
announced last fall.
all each settlement or occupation be­
have been something wrong with It
board and lodging at a low rate. They raise the body slowly, keeping the scuools In the county.
ing forbidden:
Supt. Swan, on the invitation of as tbe two men have been in pretty
may go to a bigger town to live for back straight and upright (otherwise
Willamette Principal
•ome time.
the object will fall off your head), the society, addressed them on Abra­ bad shape.
Department af the Interior, U. 8. T. 40 8., R. 8 ■., 84b 8BH. Section
Mrs. Beck entertained friend* last not allowing the hands to touch the ham Lincoln.
Ofllce at Lakeview, Oregon, No­ 7 and NBM NEU. Section 81.
floor. Repeat ten times.
Wednesday it being her birthday.
vember St, 1808.
FRED DENNETT, Commissioner of
Next fill the lungs full of fresh air; school at Dairy in about two weeks.
Jeff Kirkpatrick made a business
the General Land Offlc*.
trip to Emil Egert's last week to get hold it, and with ti e body and head
Sunday was the last day of
some horse* which he baa had in the erect, raise one arm forcibly above
the open season for ducks until next J. Streeter, of Klamath Falls, Oregon, JE88E E. WILSON, Assistant 8ewe
tary of the Interior.
the head while the other Is held close
fall. It is claimed that the shooting who, on Nov. 20, 1908, made Timber
The members of the Presbyterian has been very good, but on account and Stone Application, No. 0840, for 1-14-8-18,
Mrs. W. H. Bliss went to Dairy to the side; lower the raised arm,
and, while so doing, raise the other. Church have decided that it will be of the wet weather the first part of Ix>t 2, Rec. 24, Tp. 8« R., R. 7 E.,
8herlff Barnes was in Yonna last Continue vigorously this alternate necessary to build a new church, as the month, the sportsmen were not. W. M., has filed notice of Intention to
week on business.
movement (aiding yourself in the the old building is inadequate for aa active ns during the first part of make final proof, to establish claim
Partin* wishing sagebrush land
Jeff Kirkpatrick has been trapping erect posture with the object upon .he purpose and Is in too bad condi­ the season. In view of the little In­ to the land above described. before
on the Swan Lake mountain thi* win­ the bead) until the air in the lungs tion. The present building encroach­ tercBt taken in duck shooting at this County Clerk Klamath Co., at his of- cleared call on or write,
ter. He ha* now come home.
must be expelled. I Slowly refill the es on the adjacent property and It season of the year, there is very little flee at Klamath Falla, Oregon, on the
Walter Welsh, accompanied by the lungs and repeat. T his exercise has would be necessary to move It. On excuse for the month's extension aa 5th day of February, 1900.
Klamath Falls, Ore.
Clalmnnt names as witnesses:
deputy sheriff, Mr. Shook, was at also a particularly stimulating action account of the condition of the sills proposed by the new game laws.
E. T. Hhortt, Tom Rtaten, Fred R
Mrs. L. M. Fitch's place last week upon the liver. February D linea and the roof it would be practically
For Hale or Trade—Residence aad
on business.
impossible to move It so that it could
In the Hawaiian exhibit at the Al­ Ooeller, Walter Horton, all of Klam business property in the beat tow»
The people of Yonna think now
again be occupied. The church Is aska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition will ath Falls, Oregon.
in the Willamette valley.
that there will be plenty of water in
Excellent Pies, Cakes and Bread growing so that within a short time be a scries of relief maps showing
Inquire at tha Boaion Store,
28-2t the present room will be too small the Islands In their relative position. 12-3-2-4
the valley, as it 1» reported that there at CITY BAKERY.
Register. f-ftf
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ are five feel of snow near the old
t i