Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, February 04, 1909, Image 1

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    »»♦♦♦♦•♦♦•♦♦»» •
«»I I I« I AL l'Al'ER OF
LEADING »■Al i li OF
• •»♦»♦♦♦*♦»♦♦♦»
| been spent within the confines of
this county. FoMCMed of a dlsposl-
El-key and Wullls Will Be Tried OU Judge Noland iN'Iivers D«-uth Blow ition that waa always most charming, Eastern Oregon Htockrwa Advocate
Orti««'« an* Rceclved Nu«|H'n<|lii|{ Op.
Forming Stat«' East of the
it was but natural that she endeared
February 17Ui~Welch to
vrull.niM out«l<lv of Flrat l ull.
to Liquor Trulli« By Heavy Fin«-.
< as« ades.
herself to a circle of friends as wide
l*l<*u«l Tomorrow.
as was her acquaintance. For the
Carl fte«'d and C. D. Willson, who past few years she has been on« of ’ t Rome of the prominent people of
A «mmmunlMitlou waa received on
Charles Llskey, Alf. Wallis aud
by th«« local l(«< IninntIon
Walter Welch were arralgued at 10 ’ wor«* indicted by the Gran«! Jury for Klamath County’s most efficient t«-a- Eastern Ort gon are advocating the
<>l!b >■ from tho dlvlaloti h«u«l<|uurt ers
o'clock Tuesday mor til ng on an indict­ th«- violation of tne Local Option law, chers, wielding an infiuenc» over ber - division of the state and forming an-
at i'ortlund, ordering the ill««« ontlu-
ment charging Larceny.
Attorney withdrew th«*ir former pleas of not joung charges that will b<« a potent other commonwealth, which is to In-
uan««* of all work on th«« Klamath
Stone, of tin- firm of Benson A Htone, guilty, and Monday afternoon plead­ factor tn their future welfare and I elude that part of Oregon east of the
T. J. Monroe,
success. One of the touching fea­ Cascade mountains
Project, vxr.pt on land which was
uppi'Uted for Wallis, aud Attorney ed guilty to the charge.
Mr. R«'«'«l stated that he had quit tures of the w.dding reception was i a prominent stockman of Mitchell, In
now l»< ing vovi-r.'d by water.
will bn F. H Mills for Llskey
Demurrers ,
Thia will mean that I lien* will
were flle«l to the Indictment but were , busini'Hi and intend"«! to go to his the presence of a large number of ' an interview in the Oregon Journal,
no further progress on th«' project
overruled by th«- Court. Wallis and home at Salem. As the case had not the brid> s pupils who, with tears in > says:
"Wo, east of the mountains, are In
«•x« ,4 t! «■ fii»t unit, for th.-, pre nt
Llskey then pleaded uot guilty, aud b«< ii allowed to g«» to trial and the their eyes, bad«.- her good-bye and
«lire need of somt-thing of the kind.
nt l>nat. Nothing will In* done on
their trial was set for February 17. county had been saved that expimse, God speed.
Mr. Bowne has been a resident of ’ We feel that we have been slow to
th« Cl ur Lake ayatvni, the K«*n«« pro­
, Wei«b SKked for the statutory time , Judge Noland stat.d that he would
ject or th«* swamp land« Th«* worst
in which to plead and was given until be lenient In this case and Imposed a Klamath County for upwards of six develop; and the lack of state and
fin«- of *200, which waa paid by Mr j«-ars and Is probably th«- largest In­ federal institutions only goes to prove
blow will In* to th«* upper pt >Ject, the
itO o'clock W«'dn<*n«lay morning.
greater portion of which ua* confi­
dividual land owner of the county. that we have been cared for by fac­
Llskey ha«l about recovered from Reed.
Most of I Is property Is In the vicinity tory made politicians. We nre sadly
dently ««X|H«Ted to be constructed
tils r«-« «-lit sick spell, but Wallis bad
thia yenr
to be BMHisted to the court room. ed in behalf of Mr. Willson, ask'd of and adjacent to Bonanza. He is i In n«'«-d of a large experiment sta-
Wli> n i > vii by n repre • ntiC.lv of
Wlti'U th«- Indhtmcul was being read th« Court to suspend judgment pend­ a man of splendid qualities, whose ■ tlon to assist us In the scion«-« of dry
II.I h paper. Project Engltver Murphy
bls attorney help«'«! him to get on ing the decision «if the Supreme Court Integrity has won for him the esteem farming - to say nothing of what, we
admitted tint he hud re«elv<*«l such
bis le«t, but being unable to stand on the appeal of the validity of the and confidence of the entire county. need in the way of asylums for the
Itixtructions, but alntvd that ha had
ul >n< th«- Court permitted him to he Local Optiou election In Klamath He has at all times played a promi­ blind, the d«-af mute, the Insane. A
County. He argued that It would nent part in the development of the . reform school would be in order, and
no kiiowledK'* of the reasons fui
«««-atud during the reading.
auniv and lord no Infor mat ¡on to glv«
Th«« Indic'ment returned by the not be justice to compel the men to county and will undoubtedly be a what about a penitentiary?
"We stockmen are forc«?d to spend
on the matter
Grand Jury against the three m« n is pa> a fine to the county, when the potent factor in its future growth.
Hupr« rn<* Court might decide In th«4r
H* « rotary Chastain. of the Water
Mr. an«! Mm. Bow ne 1« ft Monday hundreds of dollars tn order to get
an follows:
t'aeia Association, stated that the
"Charles Llskey, Alf. Wallis aud favor. In which <un« they would be on a wedding trip of several the least recognition in the way of
only Information he had in regard to
Walter W< ich ar« accusid by the out the amount of the fine and would .months’ duration. During their ab­ legislation in our line. And our rep­
He sence they will visit Mr. Bowne's old resentations in the legislature must
the mutter waa what In- r«*c**lv«d
If you people Grand Jury of the County of Klamath hav<- no wav In getting It back
from Mr. Murphy, which he had no
I by Ibis iudlitmeut of tbe crime of suggested that they be ordered to home and many placos Jn the East. fight like demons to even get a plea-
<l«-po*lt with the County Clerk an b«fng In Washington to witness the ■ «ant smile for Eastern Oregon. In
authorlt* t" rink'* public until It wn-
pvupie of th« Larcv-uy, comutlttiJ a.> follows:
communicated tn th«* directors for
' II.*- »¡«Id t’harl* k Llsk«-y, Aif. amount sufficient to cover the fine inauguration of President-elect Taft the isolated counties such as Crook,
uter und are
whom It wan intended.
That their traveling companions i Wheeler, Grant, Malheur and Har­
Wallis aud Walter Welch on the 9tb until the decision was rendered.
Judge Noland gav«* It as the opin­ might know they were "newly weds" ney, we need a system of good roads,
While no explanation of th«* or h r
of Din'tnber. 1*08. In the County of
can be obtained either from the II«- i
Klamath ami State of Oregon, then ion of th«' Court that such a pro- th«*ir trunks were amply decorated and state assistance in maintaining
rlamatlon H*rvl<<* or th«* Water I'.«
'and there being and acting together cedure would tend to rais«- a state of by their friends. Nearly two hundred them, but we might as well ask for a
era AmuM'latlon, Il la belh'ved to be
I did then and there unlawfully, wrong­ anarchy In this county and would be pounds of mementos were securely U. S. Senator, from Eastern Oregon.
tl** result of the recent action taken Thrown kYoio \\ug<»«i and Dr>«gg«*<l I fully and feloniously take, st«;al and very bad policy, and a fine of *250 fastened to the baggage and on every Ti ls may seem foolish talk to some
tiy the ti|re<t..iH and mcmb«*rs of th*
carry away fourtwn horses then and was Imposed upon Mr. Willson Mr. available space was written the inter­ of you, but the older settlers will
bi-oml lluii<lrv«l F«v-I
Association In regard to th« payment
there the personal property of Henry WlllH«>n paid the fine, and informed esting Information, "We've just been fear me out In the statement, that
Over llotk*.
the forming of a new state here in
of th«* *30 cost for water tight» At
Vinson aud on«* hors«* then aud there th«- Court that he did not have a drop married/’
of whiskey in bls place at the present
The friends of the young couple i Eastern Oregon Is the one p»ram«»unt
tot noy H H Smith wus s* nt to Wn«h
About 2 th p ni. W« du<- lay Ero'-st • he p«*r»<«nal property of George Rit­
Ins-ton as a special representative Houle. While buullng a load of wood ter, contrary to th«* statutes in such t ne and did not Intend to have, luist remembered them handsomely with . issue when it com*-« to doing some­
of the Association an<l the carrying on High xtr«'«'t. f«'ll from bls wngon cases made und provided, and against ,w**«k Mr. Willson replaced the col­ wedding gifts, included In which thing for the development of our
out of his Instruction«' has probably und »»« seriously Injured. Mr. Boule the pea«'«* und dignity of tbe State of ored windows in his building with were full sets of solid stiver table­ resourceful country.
transpar« nt glass and has open«-d up ware, Haviland China, cut glass, set "The attitud«» which a certain strip»
resulted In a discontinuance of work was huuilug a load of wood to th«' Oregon
until an Investigation is made
"I’atcd at Klatr.atb Falls, the 30th th«- bar to plain view from th«- street, of mink furs, fur lined coat and doz­ of politicians displayed toward Geo.
Masti n hous< ou the hill aud drove
with the Intention of quitting the ens of other articles of equal beauty Chamberlain, the people's choice (in
Il la assert «si that Mr Smith was acrozn u vacant lot down a steep In­ day of Jauuary, 1909 "
tlquor business.
Eastern Oregon) goes to prove that
termed with a considerable* number cline. The ground Is covered with
and value.
Judge Noland made the stat*.me nt
of affidavits showing th«* stat« m«*nts large bould*rs and In driving over
The bride's bouquet was caught the sooner we act the better. As I
U al it was his intention to give tbe by Miss Georgia White, and she and I said before. I am not alone when I
and promises made by officers of the out* ol these be wus thrown from the
maximum iwnaltv for the second of Mr. Os«mr Shlve were the recipients ; advocate such a move, and I shall
government as to th« cost of water, wagon. H< foil on th« tongue and
Grand Jury Make- Its It* ¡«oct
fsnse under tbe Local Option law. of m rh rz’’lery by their friends
use my beat endeavor to enlist the
when contra« ts were being signed then undur lb«< wni
»«'I «• Di»< lucrgr«L
»Tilt h Is *500 and a jail sentence.
for water If the Water Users have
’"If* o» ¿»y ’•
‘. jr in an attempt
Th« Hue« caught around bls neck
It 1« a fact that most of the saloon
some of the iarg-
Instruct««! their attorney to notify und b<- was drugged several hundred
The Gran«! Jury completed its la-
»' Eastern Oregon towns—either
th«' service that they refuse to pay f«*«*t. Wti«n h» was rescued ha »•« Iiors Monthly. and mad«' th«» follow (nun. *h<> have b«*en doing business
1 In Klamath Falls since tbe Ixical Op-
th«' *30 cost. It la probable that they uDcoorcloua und was carrlad Into a
A story has Just been made public P-«Mlletnu. Baker City, or La Grand»
Ing r«*|M«rt
*tlon law Went into effect, have found of an attempt made last week to helj --for the purpose of forming perma­
would spend no more money on th«* n«*arby bous«' anti Drs White and
The Grand Jury of Klamath Coun- I isiness so prosperous that they could
nent organization, which shall have
project until the’ matter wna settled Gyles were summoned.
ty, empanelle«! for the December well afford to pay a btavy fine for Walter Welsh escape from the offi-
The order received by the Recla­
cers on hts trip to the Dairy country. , for its sole purpose a new state, with-
Little hoi««' for his recovery wus term of said 1 Court. 19'18, b«'g leave
the privilege, but with tbe liability Deputy Sheriff Sam Walker and Wm. lin the bounds of what is known as
mation Service will have very little ent. rtainr-'l. for It was quit«' evident
to submit the following report:
of a trial on a charge of perjury, and Shook went to the upjar country ' Eastern Oregon."
effect on the opeiatlons at the pres ¡that be had received Internal Injur-
We have diligently Inquired Into a jail sentence staring them in the
, j Mr. Monroe Is one of the old«;st
ent time, as very little work Is now I*-« Ills wife wns notlfi«*«!. and hur­
all crimes cpuinilttcd or trfabh* with­ face in case of conviction for a second with Welsn to get further evidence
b«'lng don«* outside of th«* first unit In ried to the bedside of her stricken in the county and have returned In­
in the horse stealing case.
They !settlers of Wheeler and Crook coun-
offense, there are very few of them stopped at the Llskey pla« e aud while Ities, Is a Democrat, but takes no
what la known ns the Klamath Basin . husband.
dictments In such casi's as the evi­ I liable to take the chances
On account of the weather there Is
Walker was filling out some papers further Interest in politics than a
Every effort wus put forth by Drs. dence Justin.d such action
It is not known what the other at a table, John Llskey, one of the I strong desire to see a more marked
nothing being done at the proent Whit«* anil Gyles, but Mr. Soulfl failed
We hav«* examined into the condi­ [ men who were indicted about the
improvement in the means of devel­
time on the Clear l-ak«' dam, except to rally und at four o'clock dl«'d with­
tion of the county jail and find that «ame time by the. Grand Jury on the younger brothers, tried to persuade
oping the great resources of Eastern
that a few men are preparing wood out regaining consclousn«*M.
Its surround'rgs could be consider! ■ab-
sr.me charge, will do. It is stated
for next summer. The work on the
A big bay saddle horse, one of the ; Oregon.
ly Improved by the r« nioval of rub- that they have ah'adv engaged their
laterals from the main canal will
travelers on the ranch, had b«»en
blah; we have nl -o examined Into attorneys to fight the cassa, but pos- i
!»«• continued. If the order Is made
and t\as tied in the rear, and
the condition of
sibly rcent developments may indue«*
permanent it Is possible that some Hirgc Crowd Malting in Court Room
math Falls, now situatid ou the prop- ..onie of th« tn to change their plead-1 it is said that John explained how
of the cnglni'ers and office men will I
nl T«-u O'« link for tp|H'«ruii<e
i-rty of the county, and find that its i Ing. Even if they did it would mean Welsh could get on the horse, while* County Treasurer C. H. Daggett
be transferred to other proj«*cts
of Walter Welch.
condition has been a disgrace to the ■ t hat the saloon men would have to I the officers were busy, and make Lis has received notice from the Stat»
While a number of the people are
city and unless it is very greatly Im go out of business, or enter Feme' escape through a gap in the lower Treasurer that Klamath County's por­
eery much worked up over the stop­
field. He argued that it was easy tion of the five per cent from the sale
A larg<* crowd gathered in the proved the officers responsible for
«other business as none of them wish«
ping of all new work, a strong sen­ Court Room at 10 o'clock Wednes­
its condition should be crimluall) ito take the chance of a jail sentence. to get away and with a little start of public lands is *4,139.80. Five
timent In favor of the recent action day, th«' tlm«' set by th«* Court for the prosecuted; that we recommend to I
per cent of all moneys received by
! he would never be caught.
of the directors of the Water Users hearing of the pl«*a of Walter Welch, th« County Court that it shall insist
No attempt was made by Welsh the government from the sale of pub­
This sentiment has who was indicted jointly with Llskey
' to take advantage of the prepara­ lic lands in each state is given to the
that the health officer of the county
been found particularly among tbu and Wallis for horse stealing. The see that the city jail be at once made DOWN E-CAMPBELL NUPTIALS. tions made for his escape, and he state to be used for building, main­
farmers and property owners under crowd waited and waited and soon sanitary and that it Is at once very
did everything in his power on the taining roads and bridges, and Is
Miss Ora Stella Campbell and Fran­ trip to assist the officers in getting proportioned out to the counties, and
th«* Irrigation system.
became discouraged and left, but It markedly improved, that the county
It has not been possible to inter­ waa not until 11:30 before the Pros- should not tolerate such a disgrace­ cis J. Bowne were married Monday evidence. The officers were watch- goes into the general road fund. The
view many of the land owners from )>cutlng Attorney, who had been d«»- ful nuisance any longer on the coun­ evening at the home of the bride's ing out for any tricks on the part of total amount received by the state
sister, Mrs. Iaiuis Gerber, the cere- Llskey, and if Welsh escaped out of was over *60,000.
the distant portions of the project, layed at borne, arrived. Welch was
ty's property.
mftny being performed by Rev. G T.
but those seen were unanimous in then brought before th« Judgu and
We have bad but little opportunity Pratt, of the Presbyterian Church, the house without Walker getting
their expr«*aslons of satisfaction at entered a plea of guilty. Sentence
him, he would only have run into STOCK AND WAGONS
to make examination of the various
th«* action of the directors In asking was not pronounced ami the tlm«! county offices but so far as we have and was witnessed by the Immediate Shook who was outside keeplug his
relativesand a few friends. The bride eye on the horse.
an Investigation.
for doing so will probably be post­ been able to examine we have found
was dressed In dotted silk chiffon,
One of the large laud owners said: poned until after the trial of th«
The McIntire Transportation Com­
them to bo kept in a satisfactory man­ made over white silk, and carried a
“We have been promised everything other two men.
DOUBLE WEDDING AT BONANZA pany has brought all its heavy freight
by the governemnt officials from ce­
wagons to this city, where the beds
Wherefore we respectfully request ed a most charming picture as she
ment ditches to a drainage system,
Judge Griffith returned on Mon­ are to be removed. The wagons with
that we be discharged.
entered the drawing room on the
but as yet wo have received nothing
day from Bonanza where he perform- the canvas are to be shipped to Los
arm of her father. 8he was attend­
more than a dirt ditch which could Will ('««natruct Hix and a Half Mile«
ed the ceremonies on Sunday, which Abgeles, where Mr. McIntire has a
ed by her sister, Miss Mabel, who was
easily have been thrown up in ono-
of laxterals Under Co-opera­
uuited In wedlock Katherine Defor­ contract for hauling cement, gravel,
gowned in pink mousseline silk, and
tenth of the time they have been at
tive Plan.
est Skinner and James Goss, and Myr­ etc., on the 200 mile ditch which the
Miss Nett Drew, who wore a beauti­
work. What most Interests the far­
city of Loa Angeles is constructing
Saturday with the case in which C.T. ful gown of white silk, each carrying tle Simmons and Harry Nichols.
mer Is how much he is going to havu
The wedding took place at the to furnish water to the city. The
The contract was awnrded Satur­ Oliver sued J. J. Booscy upon a prom­ large bouquets of pink and white
to pay. We have never received any day to W. II. Mason for the con-
Goss home at 7 o'clock Sunday even­ McIntire Company owns 60 head of
satisfaction in this matter. We now struettoh of six and one-half miles issory note. J. C. Rutenic was the carnations. The groom was dressed ing. After the double ceremony a horses and 18 wagons which will be
have no assurance that the cost will of laterals on the government canal attorney for the plaintiff and C. C. In conventional black, the best men wedding supper was served at the used on the Los Angeles job.
be. *30. When the price was first In tho Lower project. The Job will Brower for the defendant. The de­ being Mr. Claude Chastain and Mr. Big Springs Hotel, to which about
fixed at *18.60 we were assured that menn the removal and embankment fendant. It appears, admitted making A. C. Campbell. Lohengrin's Wed­ forty friends were invited. Both the
the price was thon pul high enough of approximately 21,000 cu. yds. of the note but claimed there was a ding March was played by Mrs. Burge young couples will make their homes
Club was organized
to cover any unforeseen additional dirt. Mr. Mnaon's bld, which was the
The can«* was tried before a jury of lowed, and was performed under an in Bonanza.
Sunday by about thirty-five members
expense that might arise. We never lowest offered, was:
22 cents for
of the Elks lodge. The club was or­
believed that it would be possible for first grade; 40 cents for second, and six mon, good and true, and they de­ arch of Oregon grape and smllax,
ganized for the purpose of social ben­
it to go over *20. But now they add *1 for third.
case will probably be appealed.
efit, only Elks being eligible to mem­
surrounded by large bouquets of pink
*12 to the cost, as if it waa only 12
The contract Is to bo completed by
Mrs. B. M. Gruttner, who is re- bership. The club has secured the
and white carnations and chrysan-
cents, and for all we know, they are tho Ifith of April, and tho payments
cently from the East, has leased the old library room In the Page-Strat­
Assessor J. P. ix*e expects to leave themums.
liable to raise it ten or twelve dol­ are to bo mado In scrip tinder the co­
Following the ceremony a wedding east store room in the building for- ton building and are having the
Sunday for Salem to appear before
lars more before they get through. operative plan.
was served, after which a re­ nierly occupied by the Boston Store, same fitted up. The following wer "
“The farmers are getting tired of
The following cases have been set essary to reapportion the tax levy of ception was held, which was attend­ and will open a millinery store about elected officers of the club: T. A
thlH guessing business, and I for one
don’t care much what they do. 1 for hearing: R. E. Cantrall vs. J. D. the counties according to the emer­ ed by over one hundred of the friends the middle of the month. Mrs. Grutt- K. Fassett, president; W. J. Bren­
ner is now in San Francisco selecting nan. secretary, and G. Heitkmnper,
believe, now they have started, It Carroll, Feb. 10; State vs. Jack gency law just passed by the l«»glsla- of the brid«' and groom.
Jr., treasurer.
her stock.
would be better to have this matter Berry and Ora Engle, Feb. 13; State ture, and the tax commission has au­
settled once for all. It has got to
Col. W. H. Holabird arrived Tues-
Don Holgate was In the city T'tes-
be fought out some time. Us farm­ Fob. 13; State vs. Chas. Walker, Feb. give testimony, so that they will be Klamath County. Coming here when
from bls ran'h near Merrill.
ers wiio have oxcuas laud cannot sell 13.
Uollk IH NTOI’l'KD.
It us long us It Is Impossible to find
out wbul the water Is going to cost
N«w people coming In here are noi
uu anxious an wu were several yeurs
ugo to buy somi'tliliig before they
know bow much they will have to
pay for It.
"People coming her« looking for
luud must all be from Missouri, for
the first thing they a.tk Is, 'lluw much
will th« government wuter cost?’
plead noi
1'1,1 III Gt II.1A