♦ ♦ Don’t miss the Honey-Saving Opportunity Explained on Fifth Page Rural Free Delivery We want you to realize the value of buying your things by mail. If there is anything in the drug line that you want, just a postal card addressed ta us, a word spoken to the carrier telling him to come here and we will tend them M his return trip. Beats hitching up and driving to town in thia cold weather We have best Condition Powders ever fed to a horae .and all kinds of stock remedies and foods. CITY URI EFS. Excellent Pies, Cakes and Bread a CITY II \KERY . ' -t T. M Harris was In the city from I his ranch on busiu«*ss Saturday. Call at the City Bakery for a loaf lot line bread S8-3t BORN To Mr and Mrs I. R | Yaden, of Gold Circle. Nevada. on Tuesday. January 19, a daughter. Mrs M J Irwin and Mrs \ K ITamllsie, two attendants at the State « I Insane Asylum at Salem, left Satur day with Mrs. J L. Martin, who was lout on parole. ♦ E. Stewart, the horse buyer, left on Saturday for California. He will return in February when his testi mony Is needed In th«* horse stealing cases. The Klamath County Abstract Co now have their new county maps on • • the market. The price Is «5 for cloth backs and II 50 for paper Geo. T. Cline has leased his ranch In l-angell Valley, and sill move to Klamath Falls shortly, where he will open a surveying office. Emma Liskey, a sister of Chas 4 Liskey. who Is couflut-d in the county jail, came In from th<* ranch Mon day to see her brother, After a con- ference with him she sent the team home by another party and went out on the boat next morning. Mrs. J. E. Paddock left on Tues day for Riverside. California, for sev eral weeks’ visit. Sy Grizzle left on Tuesday for Old Mexico where he expects to le cate. He recently so hl his Interest lin the marble works to his brother. I W T Shlve left on Tuesday for Oakland on business. J. D. Cochran, who recently ar rived from Medford, has opened an Insurance office In the Wlthmw-Mel- hase building He represents the Mutual Life of New York. <4444444444444444444*444444444444444444 X f Grand f f f f ♦ 4 4 f Sale Clearance 4 J now on at T he + BRICK STORE Unheard of Prices on all Winter Goods I 4 X 4* 4* 4* 4* 4» 4* 4* 4* »F 4444444444*4444444 44444*1*44*444 X American Yield Fence and KOKOHO LAWN FENCE BA R B El) P. L. Fountain baa gone to Eu- gana. Ha will ba absent fur aavaral Guo. R. Hum raturnad oa Tu day from Portland whara ha baa STAR DRUG STORE <been on business and aiso atteuUiug the State Hardware Association. A new sa/e arrived Tuesday for the I First National bank and was install ed In their new building. The safe weighed In the neighborhood of three tons. “They Have It” Jack Furber left on Saturday for Pokegama. He went down the river on the boat and will walk from the landing to Pokegama He expects to encounter snow In the mountains and took along his snow »hoes. Heating Stoves, Household Utensils,'Guns ♦ » Crisler A Stilts have leased one of and Ammunition, Cutlery—in fact every their store rooms in the new block thing in Good Hardware—No shoddy or ♦ to H. J. Winters, the jeweler, who ♦ will move into the new quarters as shelf-worn goods. soon as the building is completed. Agents celebrated Ell wood Fences— Reports from Salem state that and everything the farmer needs. , Chief Clerk W. H. Barry, of the Sen ate. has revolutionized the old tneth- ! oda of doing business, and from the I manner in which the desk work Is being handled It will not be necessary £ 4* 44> 4.4> 4*44*44» 4*4* 4*4*4* 4* 4* 4* 4'4'4* X ¡to have the desk crew work after the session checking up the journal, as has always been the case In the past. Dependable Hardware soi.ii m ROBERTS & HANKS HARDWARE DEALERS STUDEBAKER WAGGNS, BUGGIES and CARRIAGES GEO. R. HURN, the Hardware Man BERT E. WITHROW, Secretary Abstracting President E. M. BUBB, Vice President and Treasurer Plana, Blue Priai», Etc. Klamath County Abstract Co., Inc. Surveying and Irrigation Engineering KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON The Secret A Generous Reduction of 25°/» I I A Beginning with today, yon win have the cliance of supplying your wants in my line, at a 25 Per Cent Reduction. ♦ This applies on all goods in the store, with the exception of Phonographs, and 1 Fountain Pens, which, as you know, are con* tra<-t goods. • » At this price yon can well afford to brighten up your home with a few pretty pieces of either CHINA, BRONZE, CUT GLASS, or All out your table service in »liver. You will certainly appreciate the chance of getting fine goods at such low figures. Thia proposition will continue until a certain amount of goods have been »old, so come while the assortment 1» good. 4 i My guarantee will cover goods »oldin this Male, so it entirely to your advantage. Heitkemper’s ► I • For Quality Jewelry ’ 4>*4****<-**>*<!****-5**:*<:><***>u i o»<*o<*o<-u:u*:u:o<o-:-o-:*o<*o*>u OF OUR SUCCESS IS. THAT WE ALWAYS GIVE Y O U GOOD GOODS FOR GOOD MONEY. WE KEEP A FULL LINE OF ALL DRUG STORE ARTICLES AND HAVE AR RANGED OUR PRICES AT THE LOWEST NOTCH CON SISTENT WITH QUALITY. WE IX) NOT ALIXJW THE VARIETY AND COMPLETE NESS OF OUR DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES DEPARTMENT TO INTERFERE WITH OUR PRESCRIPTION WORK, AND WHICH WE CONDUCT WITH PAINSTAKING CARE AND AS GREAT ACCURACY AB IB POSSIBLE. WE USE ONLY THE PUREST or DRUGS, AND HAVE ALWAYS POS SESSED THE CONFIDENCE OF THE PHYSICIANS. MAIL ORDERS ALWAYS RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. Chitwood Drug Co. KLAMATIf FALLS, OREGON. -, L.2 b> Geo. T. Baldwin Phone 261 ♦ » / Great Removal Sale Of Jewelry, Silverware, Cut Glass, Hand Painted China, Musical Instruments, Fancy Stationery, Indian Curios, Etc. On or about FEBRUARY 15th we will move to larger and more modern quarters, Opposite th«* American Hotel. Rather than take the risk of damage to goods from moving, we are going to CLOSE OLT Ol R STOCK AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. This will be one of the GREATEST MONEY HAVING HALES of the Year. Much of our stock will be closed out at the ORIGINAL CONT. A < OMPARIHON OF Ol It PRICES with those of other stores will convince you that our prices dtirhtg this salt* are the IXlWEHT PRICES EVER OFFERED IN KLAMATH COUNTY. H. J. WINTERS, ■■■ I OLDEST ESTABLISHED JEWELRY STORE IN KLAMATH COUNTY ♦*>»<-a-»»aauoee >♦»♦»<»♦♦ DON J. ZUMWALT, C. E. - George Chastain has sold his In- terent in the mercantile business to Frank Ward, and the firm will here after be known as Ward A Oben- chaln. The inventory of the stock will probably be completed tonight. Mr. Chastain states that he has not decided yet what he will do, but he intends to remain in Klamath Coun- ty. I _