Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, January 28, 1909, Image 8

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Joo Tramul, Bud Kinney, Miss Rose AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA'
♦ Myers, Will Luiigiill, Mr. and Mrs. A
444444444444*4*44 Everett Kirkendall, Miss Dora Low­ AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
No. 7
N. Meyer Writs*« Thut Many Feo-
pl<- un- Coming to Tili* Comi •y
From Pacific Grove This
On Wednesday evening the stage
Ml»» B«« mid Ml»» Hazel Humm»rs den, Mis» Cox, MI hh Etta Turner, Miss
run» from Bonanza to Kltfmatb
will give a party at their new r«sl-
Fulls was delayed for some time near
dulice In Klamutli Falls Friday night,
at Klamath Falls, in tbe State of Oregon, at the close of business, Nov.
I Their clussmatea nnd many young ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦A the Dairy school house, where It got
27, 1908.
A stu«k In th« mud.
friends ars invited, and an enjoyable
J. G. Wight and Manuel Vierra re­ terested In Klamath Falls property
evening la anticipated.
Ilia and Blanch« Morruy, Addle turned from the Reservation Wed uea- and who la spending the winter at
Loans and Discounts............
W« have set ualde Friday after­ Gruybad und Hollle Dewvy were ab­
«30.000 75
day afturnuon. Mr. Wight and Mr. Pacific Grove, California, writes to
Due from spproved reserve banks
5,504 44
noon for general r«adlng whll« th« sent from school part of last week
Anderson returned to the Reaerva- send the Herald to him as he Is anx­
Cuirent expenses .........................
2 50
yard Is too muddy to enjoy football. on account of bail weather and sick­
Cash on hand . ..............................
1,000 00
tion Thursday. They report that the ious for news from Klamath Fails.
Each else» has a book which It has ness.
Ho says: “The people ¡.«re are as
Sprague River Is very high.
»4.1,107 «9
■elected to read and each member of
Work on the new sidewalks has
Manuel Vierra 1s helping Chas Mc- anxious a» I am. They are all inter­
each da»» reads for ten or fifteou be«n delayed on account of the bad
ested In the new and, you can oet,
Cuinber butener hogs this week.
mtnutns Home time Is given to dls- weather.
Th« telephone wire was blown there will lots of people from he'e
Capital »lock paid in................. ...........................
I 25,000 00
m ceasing current events
In this way
Born To Mr and Mrs Dave Cox, .down by tbe high winds of last Wed­ go to Klamath County this summer.
Undivided protits, lea» expenses and taxea paid
1,234 1 1
ws hope to Improv« th« r«ndlng of I Wednesday morning, u 7-pound girl. nesday night mar Mr. Vierra's place. I'll be back as soon as possible In
Time certificates of deposit... ...............................
7,585 00
ench pupil, and also to rend nearly all1 Lout River was filled with floating
Havings deposits....................................................
9.28« 50
Walter Simpson made a business the spring. It la raining t--re and
of our n«w library books by the dos« I lc« Sunday morning. It Is supposed
has been for the last two weeks nd
trip to Dairy Wednesday.
»43,107 »»
of school,
to hav« com» from Clear Luke.
, It Is reported that Wm. Wight, of no sign of stopping.’*
t'hnrli« Wright, Juck Horton nnd
A whist party was given at Mr. j Dairy Is quite sick.
H txtb op O hkoox , i
(’Inud (’lopton took 210 hand of beef and Mrs. Ed Martin's Saturday night. j Jeff. Kirkpatrick and Wm. Norton,
County of Klamath, f **’
cattle to the Hmlth-Noland ranch to* The dance given Saturday night who have been trapping on Saddle
I, J. W. nietnens, Cashier of the above-named bank, do »olemnly
lie wintered until they become fatten­ 'turned out u failure on account of Mountain, returned to Youna tills
There Is considerable differences
»wear that tbe above statement i» true to the nest oí my knowledge an I
ed and ready for shipment, Then | tfia |,ad weather.
J. W. SIEMENS, Caahier.
i Week.
of opinion In this county as to tbe
Subscribed and »worn to before me thia 9th .lay of December, 190».
they will be taken to Merrill to be
Dav» Cox und John Murtln went , The dam belonging to Geo. Ritter benefit of the Beal's bill which pass­
L kmlik tfooxK», Notary Public.
driven to th« railroad.
jto Klnmuth Falls Wednesday for the and Jasper Bennett, of North Yon- ed the House last week. This bill
Coaaizcr—Attest: <J. W. WHITE,
W. J. Darroch went -o th« Falls motor for the grist mill. They re- na, has more water In It than at any requires all owners of timber lands
• * - tolturned
I . -.... I H Thursday,
’t.___ 4.. .
geo . t . B aldwin ,)
Monday to get lumber, with which
time la»t year.
to furnish County Assessors with lists
build u hm lie»» room on th« Ankeny ' C. A. Buntln
Joe Welch has completed bls shed of their holdings and estlmatea of
which he lias been building for his standing Umber thereon. As Klam­
Jack Brown I» going to help Jack
ath County Is one of the heaviest
Horton take a bunch of cattle to the
Cowen, from Whlte-
Jesae Drew mired hla wagon with timber sictlons of the state tbe bill
railroad. nft»r which he will be cm-
to Merrill till» week I a load of straw on It near John Lind's naturally would be specially appli­
ployed on th« Horton ranch.
and Mr». Ben Fair», lilac« last week.
cable to this county.
J Hears lias found the mule which ' Edward I'ayson Went on, vet ««ran
Last Bunday a party of thirteen
It Is argued by many that this law
he WM booking for. and which he long-distance walker, ha» announced persons were entertained at the home would not benefit the Assessor's office
to visit
bls plans for what will be the cul- of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Pearson. An except so far as the furnishing of a
thought «at lost
E W Smith has taken a contract minuting athletic feat of his career excellent dinner was enjoyed by all, list of the land» owned by the com-
’to plow th« Worden ranch.
a walk across the continent to San
some very good music furnished panles. It la argued that the only
*4 Ben Hoaeiicraiis and Ham Chapel' Francisco, to b« accomplished, uc- and
part of the entertainment. In fact, way to get an equitable estimate of
were In our neighborhood last week cording to his achedule. In 100 days. lit was a musical party, as there was the timber 1» for the county to have
They came to gd their cowa to dellv-! The distance, as he estimates the music on the violin, cornet and man­ all timber land cruised, as all timber
er them to Ed Jamison at th« Falls route. Is about 4000 miles. Weston dolin. Among those present were owners have two estimates, a ouying '
IT HEN summer has passed in these
O Hhort went to the Falls Wodn«»- will celebrate the 70tb anniversary Miss May Robinson and Harrison and a selling estimate, and some have
day on business
|of his birthday on March 15 by start- Gray, and Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Simp­ a third or correct estimate.
p northern states, the sun is only
Itarry Johnson Is doing the black-, Ing on the walk that day.
It would be Impracticable for the |
mild under the bright blue skies of
smith work on the Ankeny ranch.
— ' ' — ■
Those on the Roll of Honor of the Assessor to accept the owner's esti-1
Charles Llnsl was a visitor at th« MAI.AB5 ADVANCM
Southern California. This is one of na­
Hildebrand school for the past month mate as there is always a vast dif-j
sdiool Thursday
Henry Stanley, Joe Sterxl, ference of opinion as to th« amount
’s happy provisions—eternal summer
The Inclement weather and bad
Nellie Bliss, Bertha Beck, Lizzie Vi­ of timber on a tract of land. The,
for those who cannot endure a more se­
roads are affnctlng the attendance of
WASHINGTON, Jan. 20.—The *al- erra, Willie Beck, Theresa Bterzl. best way is to have the county make!
our school In an undesirable way J arles of the Piesldent, Vice-President Those having the most perfect les­ the estimate and,then it is up to the
vere climate.
The number of pupils Is reduced to‘and Speaker'of the House were again sons as shown on the star board were owners to accept the estimate orl
California has been called the “Mecca of
■bout half of what It should be under discussion in the Senate, when 11st grade, Maude Kirkpatrick, 2nd, prove it Is Incorrect.
the winter tourist.” Its hotels and stop­
While this Is unfortunate for the the legislative, uecutiva and judicial 1 Earl Allred. 4th, Ward Rueck, Sth,
school and those who cannot come, appropriation bill was taken up. ■ Louisa FtMkus, 7th, Nellie Bliss, 8th
ping places are as varied as those of all
It helps us who do come, by doubling Amendments were adopted Increasing Joe Sterzl and Henry Stanley, a tie.
well regulated cities. Visitors can always
our recitation periods, and thus en­ the Presidents salary to 3100,000.
Mr. and Mrs. John Pool and fam­
Wm. A. McClarty et ux to Weyer­
abling us to do almost tjivlce the that of the Chief Justice of the Su­ ily are visiting at the home of Mr. haeuser I-and Co., e>4 of nwt4. sec,
find suitable accommodations, congenial
■mount of work The weather Is al­ preme Court to 315,000, and those and Mrs. Scy Pool, of Yonna, this 12, tp 37 s, r 13 e. »10.00.
companions, and varied recreations
• •
so affect tn« our news Items, aa we of Associate Justices to >14,500.
I week.
H. E. McKinney et ux to Weyer-1
are unable to get around and gather
Warren, In charge of the bill, ex-
Willie Jonas is working at Fred haeuser l-and Co.^ , n* \4, sec 24, tp
Information, and most of the out of pressed the hope that the allowances Back's place.
40 a, r C a, »10.00.
4 • doors work on the ranches Is at a of »Soou annually for carriages or Buck • reek Is so high that the Nellie Voasen to Weyerhaeuser1
other vehicles for the Speaker nud road supervisor Is around the valley
Co n
of ne^ gw
of ne^
Will be glad to supply some very attractive literature,
Three cows were sent to the
. Vics-President would be allowed to ¡looking after the bridges. He 1", and ne% of nw %, sec 35, tp 38 s, I
describing in detail the many delights of winter in
lafruld-the high water will wash them r ¡2 e> »1000.00.
Iteny ranch to be fed last week, but stand.
California. Very low round trip excursion tickets are
i'll« amendment inertasing thi sal­ °b*-
at the present writing no one knows
John Vosaen et ux to Weyerhaeus-
on »ale to California. For full information, sleeping
who sent them.
ear reservations and tickets, call on, telegraph or
aw%, sec 26, tp 38 a, r 12 e, 31000.
Charll« Horton started for the rail­ adopted by a vote of 31 to 3o. The nes» Wednesday.
write any S. P. Agent, or
J. H. O'Brien was In Bonanza last
Ollie Pankey et vir to Weyerhaeu»-
road with 213 head of cattle last
ainst the Increase were! Beveridge, Tuesday.
jer Land Co., n *4 of se 14, sec 30, tp
WM. McMURRAY, figp. PCSS. Ifll., Portland, Oregon
Hot ah, Brown, Burkett, Clapp, Dol­
Chas. Wagar went to the Falls on'3<
21 », r 15 e. »10.00.
John Mmbert, the stage driver, liver. LaFolletic and piles. No Detn-
A. T. Langell et ux to Cha». S.
was unable to make his usual route locratlc Senator» voted In favor of the . Tuesday.
Chas. McCumber, who has been on Powne. sw 14 of nwl4, nA. of »w A4 |
Friday on account of the roads In Increase. This amendment wu adop­
the Grand Jury, returned home last and nwl4 of se 14, sec 16, tp 33 s,
some places being Impassable
ted pro .'till ng for an 'Under 8 «Cre­ Thursday.
r 15 e, I i O.OO.
A surprise party and dance will tan of State," to be paid »10,000 u
Manuel Vierra bought tome grain
J. C. Beach et ux to John Hagel­
be given next Friday night at the year.
of Chas McCumber this week.
alfe lot 3, lot 4, stk of ne14 of
residence of Walter Turner on the
The salary of the Chief Justice of I John Logue, who has been tn the ge 4. seT* of se 14, »ec 13. tp 37 ».
Bonnnxa road.
tho Supreme Court of the United , Falls on business, returned home on Ir 8 », aft lot 3, st. of ne*4 of sw14,
One of our former pupils. Miss Lon­ States waa fixed at »15,000, Instead ^Tueadln
( »e • 14 of »w A4 and sw >4 of se 14, sec
nie Hooper, and E. A. Crantx wero of »12,500. ax at present, and the , C.C. Pearson Is doing Wm. Wight's 18,’tp 37 s.’r 9 e, 232 acres, »7000.
united In marriage Thursday night. salaries of As»latnnt Justices at »14,- work as Mr. Wight Is sick.
M odkax C omtokt
Enterprise Land & Investment Co.
The wedding took place In Klnmuth 300. instead of »12,500. The bill
M odulctx
Chas. Drew, of 5onna, was look- t0 E E Applegate, tract 31, Enter-
Falls. After the ceremony a »upper wm »till under (II scusn I oii when the . Ing for some of his horses north of prlge tracta> K acreg 33100.OO.
and dance was given la honor of the Sunato adjourned,
Bonanza last 1 hursday.
Adam Shortgen to S. E. Martin,
young couple by the Woodmen nnd
Harrison Gray Is making a water-
of bU( 21 Merrill, »500.00.
I Redmen lodges, both of which Mr.
Ing trough for Henry Stoeahler.
I. A. Duffy to Wm. H. Siegel, lots
'»i anti Is a member of. The school
Arthur Itangell with two other 1. 2. 3. and 4. blk 23. First add to
extends Its best wishes.
That the chess tournament of 1909 men. who are taking about 180 head Eagt Klamath Falls, 110 00.
H. L. Boggs, who Ilves near ths promises to he quite n success is not of cattle belonging to Louis Gerber, ( Erank p Orohg
Mrg Emma
____ to
„ ___
school and does carpenter work In only manifested by the unusually from the Reservation to Merrill,
i Q|,en(,|la|ni nw^ of 8ei^, 8ec 8,nw14
the Falla, has been compelled to tako large number of players already en­ stopped at Mr. Vierra's place Thurs­ of ne ^4, s4 of se %. swl4 of •w%,
up hla abode nt tho latter place, a» rolled. but the conditions of the sec­ day night. The cattle are in very sec 16. »ti of ne *4. ne 14 of nw%,
the roads are too bad to admit of ond tournament will be such that ev­ good shape for this time of year.
lot» 2 and 4, »ec 20, nti of nw14.
traveling back and forth.
ery chess player in the city and coun­
Mrs. L. M. Fitch went to Dairy
jj , tp 41 a, r 16 e. «ro«.
If the Ice continues good for a ty, no matter how busy a man he may Wednesday.
few days longer Mr. Brook» content- be, will be able to take part lu a play
E. Egert ha» purchased 62 head of
»too Reward, >ioo.
plates giving a skating party.
that Is one of the most happiest com­ cattle of Godfrey Beck.
Ths resdsrs of tbla paper will be pleased to
Mr. Htephens was over from Jim binations of diversion, amusement,
Wm. Norton went to Dairy Friday. learn tbst there la st least one dreaded disease
Dixon's Thursday.
Willie Jonas went to Dairy Friday that science bas been able to cure tn ell Its
and Instruction, at our present time.
states, and that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh
Mra. Routley, who ha« been quite
While the most of us look at chess from Fred Beck's place, where he Cura la tbs only positiva sura now known to
III with grippe Is slowly recovering. as a mere mental recreation, are we 1» now staying.
the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a con­
Claud Clopton Is going to bring not at the same time laying hoM, for­
Dock Pool, of Olene. is vleiting his stitutional disease, requires a constitutional
treateivnt. Hall’s Catarrh Curs Is taken in­
34 0 head of cattle from the Horton tifying ourselves with some of the brother, Scy Pool, of this valley.
A. choice line of Invest­
ternally. acting directly upon the blood sad
ranch to the Ankeny ranch.
Four tnen, who realde In Lake­ Bnoous aarfeces at the systsm. thereby do
grandest, and most essential attri­
ments trlxot 'will make
Henry Anderson la sick with a bad butes of Ilfat Is it not mors so of view, stopped over night Thursday ; straying the foundation of the disease, and
purchaser money !)
this game than any other that we
Johnnie Sears took «4 bead of learn foresight, which looks into tbe ath Fall, to their home. The road. J
mule» to Merrill Saturday. He lost future; circumspection, which sur­ are so bad that It required a four lB 1U surMive powers that they offer Ono »
of them on the way over.
veys tho whole scone of action; cau­ horse team to take them through on Hundred Dellers tor any case It falls tecaro.
i»nd ,or
01 t**1“”01»1*-
Mra. Pointer visited Mra. Scott tion, not to make our moves too has­ their trip.
Geo. 8myth and John Logue went1
Barnes last Friday.
tily; and last, but not least, chess de­
FOR BALK—A fine ranch of «00
Mr. and Ifrff. Hopkins are expected mands a reasonable exercise of the to the Fall» Friday on business.
360 head of cattle, 100 head
to return from California In a few will as well as of the Intellect,
TOR SALE: A fine stock ranch'®* horMm snd “’*’••• Prlce l»M00.
Most of tho tournament member»
Mr, Beals passed hero last week, seem to be tn favor of percentage of 3000 aeree with abundance of 1°'**__________ MASON fi SLOUGH.
“»•n routo from the Falls to Merrill. I play until the flrat of October, and water and enough timber for the
Jas. Dixon nnd Nelson Smith went from the first of October to the first ranch. Twelve miles from Klamath
to tho Fall» Monday.
[ of the year, to hnvo class work, l.o, rails. About SOO acres fine plow
| Chas. Horton brought 4 0 head of making about four classes, each com- land; tho balance meadow and pas­
cattle from Dairy to the Ankeny I posed of members who hnve won a ture. Tbe ranch controls 3000 acres
certain percentage of the games play­ of open range, and many thousand
ranch last week.
J. D. Hopper passed through hero ed during the summer. If you are scree more are avallablo.
a friend of che»» or wish to tako part
Tuesday on hl» way to the Falla.
Price 318,000.00. Terma easy.
A dance was given Friday night nt In the tournament, do not fall to at­
J the Smith ranch. Sum Short and tend the meeting on Saturday evening
Oeorge Tramel furnished the music. i »t 7:30 In the Military Hand Hall.
Many newspapers throughout the
L. W. Miller.
(Those present were: Mr. and Mrs.
Northweaet are arranging popular
Thmaramnra Mct'nll l’attera» «'M iiow * XinHed
Stet« ih,n of an, otb r m. hr ri I— terre
I hi, la o:
With or Without Driver
Harry Wilson, Mr. nnd Mrs. Ernest
c.onteats and boy» and girls numbered account
ot thair vvlr, •<t ur,. v aod
Dtirkey, Mr. nnd Mr». Joe Cox, Mr.
among the winners will be taken In mor, ,iin«<'Hh-r, than an. oth.r I ,'lleV M re >■>■» O'-
I nnd Mrs. Dnwson, Mrs. Lizzie Turn-
We carry a complete stock of 01- special cars to view the Alaska-Yu- ,car', nub,<<ir.ton(i> num!*'- > ■ ■ i - ÄO erto a. Lair-
numb*., A cenia, h vrr, anlmartbar pataa Met all ra.
I er. Wnlter Turner, Mr.Hnwklns, Dave mpla and Eastern Baltimore oysters. kon-Pacific Exposition at Seattle next ten Free. Sub.rrilm ln<f.>v
I,* dr Aarnia Wnntcd. Il,»il«»»i»m>ii“«<.-
I Wade, Louie Dixon, Mln Lovelady, Shipments received every day at the year. Thia will be an educational as Uberai
caih cminma,.'«
I'.ttarn C • aloyi.e of 6> o qc
alc-nt) end Fran....... t’l.al- qrr r.hn-KH- r-' mani.urn
, Mr. nnd Mrs. Keffer, Monarch.
30 well as a pleasure trip.
acni tree, A._
................. — ... .............
Now is the time
The Southern Pacific Co
M ason & S lou
g h
abstracters :
City Property
Farm Mortgages
CHAS. R. BALDWIN, Proprietor