Farmers, !1»^; NAPATTAN SHOkS For the Whole Family For they wear and wear and wear; as near water-proof as leather can he made Exclusive Agency at K KK STORE KLAMATH REPUBLICAN . 1IÌI1I I I» Wil I, I'lloll MIIA hi uh \i:vr situi i via. a As ni nt > in bo learned. I’r ■! : mother In religion ' 'tit-el >el f ft hus not llliilll) de rival, keep your t»X V ld< d itpoi Ms Saeiitnry of the In- a widower, k< »1 t ’ V him. ei lor, hui indications strong!» point Do not asaitn have uo bad habits. It will b o the »election of Jani's It Garfield, for you to say that von net iiow holding that offlre S< er nr; TWO DOLLARS PER YEAR IN ADV ANCE yourself snore in your sleep. inrtield Is anxious to remain In til Do not put* too uuicti sweet stuff present position; Mr. Taft know ( on paper, if you do you will hear it his desire; he Is al.-o aware t! al All communications submitted for publication In the columns of this pa, r will be inserted ouly over the name of the writer. No ucu de plume read in uftvr years when your wit ■ artleld gave blur a.auU'U aupppi iu *n. :< •. w i l>. published. has some special purpose in tni'licting die campaign, nd prior ti> the 1 upon you the severest pilulshiuent . couvoUtk'U. and lurl liert ;oi e knowu to a married man. he appreciates the seriousness with ISIUN DIVORI K IS A HOME PRODUIT Go home at a reasonable hour in which Mr. Gat Held has taken hold I \X LAW. [ the evening. Do not wait till the girl of the work of his department lucrease of divorce in the Uuited There was a time when It wu States cannot be attributed to the I Judge Bean's decision in the Yam- has to throw her whole soul into a influence of aliens, it must be rec- hill Copnty tax case, appealed to yawn that she cannot cover with both lieved ex-l.and Collillilsslotier I ognized as one of the developments . t he Su| pretue Court. and, in the opin- hands. A little thing like that may Ballinger, of Seattle, might be chos of national life for which the native- ion of tnauy holding the fixed ratio cause a coolness at the very begin en for Secretary of the Interior, but Mr. Ballinger has said he docs not born American must accept responsi Jaw in taxatioq unconstitutional, lias ning of the game If. while wearing your new aunimer want the office, and It 1» well known bility, if statistics are to be believed. I stirred i up a hornet's nest at Salem, In the February Delineator, Charles I Action, and immediate and decisive trousers for the first time you sit by his friends that he does not cate A. Ellwood, professor of sociology. act ioh. is insisted ui>on to prevent down on some eatxly that little Willie for ofii. iul life In Washington There serious complications. 'has left on the chair, smile 1 fore, it Is reasonably certain that University of Missouri, says: Governor Chamberlain has sent to aud remark that you do not uiiud he will not be u member of the next Divorce is not an evil which the foreign-born and the negro have the Legislature a special message ad- sitting on candy at all, and tha: Cabinet. With Ballinger out of the brought to us, for it especially char-' vising immediate enactment of an ! '‘boys will be boys." Reserve you* way there Is no mun looming up on acterizes the native white, that is. i emergency tax law to take the place true feeling for future reference. the horizon who Is regarded as a the preeminently American element of the act declared unconstitutional, if, on the occasion of your Hist strong competitor of Garfield, and in the population. It is about twice , In speaking of the matter the Gov- ¡call, the girl upon whom you have the probabilities are that the young as high among the native whites as ernor said that in his opinion it placed your affections looks like an Ohioan will remain at the head of among the foreign-born. This leads would be necessary for the Legisla- iceberg and acts like a quiet, cold the Interior Department for another one to suspect that divorce has some-lture to frame and pass a bill either wave, take your leave and alay away. I four years. thing to do with the individualism making a levy or authorizing the Woman in her hours ut freeze Is The main objection raised by of the American people, the tenden-¡state board of apportionment to make uncertain, coy, and hard to please. Western men to Secretary Gsrfl.ld h.i year 1 1909. Ul.Q ‘ TillS leVl‘ cy among us for each one to do as he ¡a -, lùl'V levy for . the In cold weather, finish saying is the fact that he is an Easterner, pleases, to be a law unto himself. ' would necessarily be u(H>n the valua i "Good-night" in the house. Iky not not jiersonally familiar with Western This is borne out by the fact that in tions as they now stand upon the as stretch it all the way to the front conditions and Western needs. How those sections of the country in which sessment rolls." said the Governor, gate, if there is a front gate, and ever, since he became Secretary of individualism is most highly devel "for there can be no equalization this thus lay the foundation for future as the Interior Mr. Garfild has spent oped, the divorce rate is highest, year, and the Legislature must as thma. bronchitis.neuralgia aud chron much of tils time in the West, getting namely, in New England and the sume that the assessors have done ic catarrh, to help you to worry the In Intimate touch with Western peo Western states. It is borne out also their duty In making assessments. girl to death after she has married ple, and his sympathies arc decided by the fact that divorce is more than Provision can then be made for an you. ly with the deserving classes whose four times as common among Protes equalization of taxes for future Do not be too soft, Do not say. needs he has discovered. In this re tants as among Catholics. The Prot years.” "These little hand shall never do a spect he 1» today much more sym Big Counties Will Suffer. estant element in the population is stroke of work while they are mine." pathetic than any previous Secretary the element in which individualism it is evident from this that Mult- and "You shall have nothing to do of the Interior In 10 or 15 years, is more highly developed; besides, uomah, Columbia, Tillamook, Doug- In our home but to sit all day long and he knows more of actual West the Roman Catholic church refuses las, Jackson. Josephine. Clackamas, and chirp to the canaries"—as 1X a ern conditions than any other East to sanction absolute divorce upon any Coos and Wallowa must pay the sensible woman could be happy fool ern man who ever tilled that Cabinet ground. greatly increased tax which will be ing away valuable time in that sort office. Finally, two-thirds of all divorces apportioned under the uniform levy Those in a‘position to appreciate of style! Besides, she may have a are granted upon demands of the based upon assessed valuations. The fine, retentive memory for the soft what Secretary Garfield has accom wife, This suggests that the stand-J burden will fall upon the counties things and silly promises of court pllshed since he took hold of a de ards of morality of the male element as a whole, for the state tax is a ship and occasionally, in after years, partment disrupted by Secretary of the population are not what they debt from the county tn tbe state. In when she is waahing the dinner dish Hitchcock do not hesitate to com should be, and that husbands too of the case of Multnomah the additional ten give ground for divorce by im $107,000 will come out of the gen-1 es or patching your trousers, she will mend the present Secretary for his moral conduct. Higher standards of eral fund of the county. The law remind you of them*in a cold, sar accomplishments, and those who know how hard he has struggled to morality are necessary as civilization requires that the state tax must be castic tone of voice. get in touch with the people of advances, and conduct which the wife paid out of the first moneys collected. | overlooked In the husband a half- The county must also pay to the city, TAKE CAKE OF YOUR TEETH. entire West commend him for i success In that direction. century ago, or bore in silence, now the school district and the Port of E. J. MURRAY, Editor. LEADING NEWSPAPER OF INTERIOR OREGON becomes a ground for divorce. Portland their respective funds. It Even with the best care it is some- Mrs George .Westinghouse, of the This last statement suggests an- will be necessary for the county to time not possible, owing to the state other cause for increasing divorce in retrench in other directions or issue iof one's health and. what nut, to pre- city <V Pittsburg, Pa. has prevailed, this country, aqd that is tbe.emanci-, Interest-bearing _ __ warrants ■ _ for-current ‘ vent a slight discoloration from form upon her husband to form a company i pation of wopian.. Woman ^as now I expenses. Ung upon the teeth. A professor, of which will make overshoes for horses I almost equal rights with man, and Fniifi«* Emergency Bill. ¡dentistry taught me the following to prevent their slipping on ice or has. achieved her economic, intellect- It is probable tiiat the joint com-1 method of decolorizing them. Try wet pavements. The stor) of the ual and moral as well as legal in- rnittees on Hf<wunwnt and taxation ¡t; }ou wljj gn(j it wout|erfu| * hors»- overshoe dates back to last dependence of man This has been will jnejt and frame a bill which will A tiny pledget of absorbent cotton summer, when Mrs. Westinghouse,! t> good thfhg hi itsW, but martV wo- be fnt rthirtr<-d in- the Honse, where upon the point of a toothpick is dlp- who was at her husband's summer t ne-n have used their freedom to em- all revenue bills must originate. This (»ed into tincture of I< m I ho *. this I« > home tn Erskine Park. Mass, saw a| phaBize their rights rafher than their hit! will be virtually a recast of the carefully run over and around each gau of horse« i uuuiug over a wet, duties, and consequently have ren-;old tax ap|>ortionnient law, in force | tooth, avoiding the gum as much as pavement with funny looking chain dered the family life less stable »In up to 1901, when the invalid fixed possible; a second pledget, similarly things on their feet. She was a lover so tar as the mr>ve«i- ftt fof woman - ratio method was fitoacted. It 4MB prepared, is then dipped In pure alco of horses from her gitlhood. and baili rights” has b— * been —’■*' «imply A- "kn ex pres-' apply to taxes collected ' this year on hol, and run over the lodlued teeth. the team stopped to look at these new 1 sion of growing individualism or «el-i 1908 valuations. For next and sub-1 The result must be seen to be appre "contraptions,” as the driver called ) fishness on the part of our women,J ! sequent years the Legislature will it. The wife of the millionaire found ciated. it has tended, like all individualism, provide some method of equalizing i It is a great mistake to use cheap them to be some small chains coming to destroy the home. eounty valuations, probably through tooth-powders. They are coarse and over the sides of the shoe and form-' a board. gritty, and contain nothing to ensure Ing a sort of chain cushion under the A DELICIOUS BATTER AHEAD. alkalinity of the mouth. It is much foot, still far enough away from the Just on the edge of cold weather better to have one's tooth-powder pre frog of the foot not to touch It, no Beat two eggs light and add to them ' a neighbor farmer found a nest of pared at a reliable chemist's, and the matter how great the weight. Thisj a half-cupful of cold boiled rice. Melt twelve nice chicks. He says that his | fo]]owjng formula was given me by rough shod the horse completely and a tablespoonful of butter and put this wife is knitting socks for them. They a well known New York dentist: very lightly. Mrs. Westinghouse or and a pint of milk with the other in- will need overcoats, too. That old Sodium bicarbonate, 1 dram; mag dered her stable fitted out with the gredlents; stir in two cupfuls of In her surely missed her calculations, nesium carbonate, 1 dram, powdered overshoes, and promised that as soon dian meal with which has been mixed somehow. Planned for an open win orris root, 1 dram; precipitated chalk as she could see the overshoe worked a teaspoonful of salt, beat well, turn ter, perhaps. 2 ounces, menthol, 5 grains. Flavor properly on slippery and Icy streets Inta shallow tins and bake in a quick she would insist that her husband with oil of wintergreen. oven. The batter bread of my child Yourself and your neighbor should A mild antiseptic wash should fol help finance a company to help In the hood was always baked in pans which 11 belong of Commerce, low the use of the powder; for this manufacture, a promise which she _ to . _ the .— Chamber ------------ ---------------------- looked like pie-plates, but of later bei:ause Its alm is development and purpose listerine, milk of magnesia Jias now kept. years I have eaten it baked in deeper advancement of the best Interests of and glyco-thymoline are good. Thgy dishes and no less good. When deep the community.—Your Interests and must be diluted. BOILED RICK, SOI TH ERN STYLE. _______ / like this it is sometimes known as your neighbor’s—and each good citi Dentists also have assured tne that ‘‘spoon bread" from its being so ten- zen is equally concerned In the rom- If we use bicarbonate of soda (chem Wash a cupful of rice In two wa der that it must be served with a mon benefit sought for all. ically puri) upon our teeth every day, ters and put It over the fire In a large . spoon. Eat very hot, with plenty of saucepan containing at least I wo butter.—Delineator. quarts of slightly salted water, This A man gets lonesome in the icity The dentist h a double extractor; when his wife Is spending a few I he gets both your teeth and your must be at a galloping boll. Keep » It TREASURER'S NOTICE. at this for fifteen minutes. "Test t n weeks in the country—so he whites money. grain of the rice then by pinching ; it <• and tells her. Klamath Falls, Ore, Jan. 14, 1909 <> between the thumb and finger. Do I * For a nice bite for the children's not stir the rice. Turn off the water <> Notice Is hereby given that there Some people manage to beat) his ar« funds In the County Treasury satanlc majesty about the bush by lunch, wash and carefully stone dates and set the rice at the back of the then roll them In powdered sugar and stove to dry as you would boll pota j¡ for the redemption of all County I lying with their mouths closed. Cornstarch. They are healthful and toes or else empty It Into a colander —w- Wsrr*ntdr Qyofeslnd prior to March . — nourishing, answering for cake when and let it drain in this for a few min 1st, 190’7. Interest on same will Many a man has his nose to 4he you are short of It. utes. Every grain should stand apart cefise from this date, January 14th, grindstone without sharpening -his f ----------------------------- and the rice should be tender, yet l»08. , 1-14 4t wit*. i,. ......... . * I J 4 « Lovers of Pine Cooking Vessels will find the Pyronite Spun Steel Enameled Ware something new and for quality unexcelled VIRGIL & SON See the Devils At McHattan’s Beautiful line of Cut Glass, that has no rival, in various pieces. Solid Silver Flat Ware and Novelties. Rogers’ "IM?” Flat Ware and Quadruple Hollow Ware in beau tiful new designs. THE THERHO5 BOTTLES--They keep things hot or cold as you wish. Red Hot 21 hours, ice cold 72 hours. Don't make any difference where they are. Fine line of gold and gold filled goods in Collar Pins, Brunches, Festoon Neck Chains. Lockets, Watches and Chains. Gold Glasses, Specks, Smoked Glasses, Eye Glass Keels and Auto Glasses. I have a stock of umbrella covers in fine silks, Umbrella’s cov- ered while you wait. CALKINS SHLF-FILLINd FOUNTAIN PENS; The Right Writers. You can select a beautiful gift from these lines. Give me the pleasure of a call before you purch ue. No trouble to show the goods. Lakeside Inn, MRS. M. McMILLAN, Prop’r. Modern improvements. 73 rooms and suitos Sample Rooms, Bar Room, Parlors, Two Club Rooms, Etc., Etc. SPECIAL RESORT FOR TOURISTS > I