Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, January 28, 1909, Image 4

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    up of men who liavu no ux >- h to
jschool for perfect attendance are:
grind, it Is possible to hold down the
Blanhce Thompson, Clarice Bonner,
Tlmbermeii Throughout the Entire film! appropriation bill to icusonable Accused I’arrii iiic While Drunk Am­ 'Charley Sevlts, Howard Brentner,
I Emery Sevlts, Glenn Sevlts, Nichol
State Will Strongly <>|>| m > m - the
uses IliiiiHelf by Shooting Dishes
1‘iiNKagc of the Bill.
When Svnutor Kay appears before
From Hie Taide.
Karecow, Clifford Sevlts and Willie
the committee to ask for appropria­
it seems that the timber men of tions for the state Institutions, he will
JACKSON, Ky., Jan. 23.—Beach
Eslie Morgan passed through here
Klamath County are not the only be reminded of his complaints ugalnst Hargis, who Is out of jail on bonds Wednesday on his way to the Fails.
ones who are protesting against the the engaging of clerkw.
Smith of of *25,000, pending trial for the
We are still having plenty of rain
passage of the Beal's bill. The Port­ Marlon haw been offering Portlaud murder of his father, Judge James in this vicinity and the farmers are
land papers stute thut practically ev­ a normal school, the bill carrying an Hargis, is In bed at the Hargis home | expecting good crops.
ery resident owner of Oregon timber appropriation of *100,000, but I i I h near here with a dangerous self-in­
McIntire's teams are now staying
lands In Portland met at the Commer­ offer ha* been declined with thanks flicted wound in his foot.
at the Stearns' ranch.
cial Club to form a protest against by the Multnomah people, who have
Hargis yesterday began drinking
G. F. Sevlts hauled a load of alfalfa
the bill and representatives will go Informed the Senator from Marlon heavily and located his relatives at hay to Mr. Stearns at Klamath Falls
to Salem to fight it when it comes 'ip that Multnomah is not asking for Clear Fork on Frozen Creek. There last Saturday.
in the Senate.
anything in the way of state grabs. he entered the home of Harlan Smith
J. H. Barnes is now grubbing sage-
The Portland Telegram suys;
To this Smith has replied that he I k and after driving the family from the brush on his place.
The rijeasure, which Is now before not asking for anything this session, house, amused himself for some time
R. A. Alford visited the Falls last
the state senate, provides in effect either. Smith, however, is expected by shooting the dishes off-the dining Thursday.
that each owner of timber lands In by his constituents to work with Kay taide. Neighbors who attempted to
G. G. Kerns went to Keno for some
the state be compelled to file with the in securing generous help for the quiet Hargis were driven upstairs in of his freight Friday.
auditor of the county in which the state institutions, and this Is about the Smith home, but managed to get
Mrs. Brentner was quite ill last
land Is located the reports of cruisers the only common ground on which word to countrymen going by to Friday, but is better now. .
as to the true quantity and quality of the Marion County Senators are able send help from Jackson.
Mr. Byers went to Mr. Sutton's on
timber, together with a »worn state­ to meet.
Officers were sent, and late last business Thursday.
ment attesting to the accuracy of
Senator Scholfield says he doesn't night returned with Hargis, who was
Mr. and Mrs. Mills passed here
such reports. To provide means for intend having an unnecessary appro­ found with some of his friends, who Tuesday on their way to Keno.
the assessment of the properties In priation bill go through If he can pre­ said he had shot himself through the
Mr. VanValkenburg has returned
their true value Is the purpose of vent it, and Senator Merryman echoes foot. The attending physicians say from Marysville, Calif., where he has
the bill. .
this sentiment.
Scholfield believes the wound is dangerous.
been visiting for the past few weeks.
Owners of timber laads object to in legitimate and substantial appro­
A. Brentner visited the Falls last
the bill mainly because of the pub­ priations where they are necessary,
licity such filing would give to the but says that if every bill carrying
Mr. Barnes was in Klamath Falls
true value of their properties, main­ an appropriation were passed, the
on business Saturday.
taining that such publicity would state would have to go into the hands
Mr. Ager was a Falls visitor last
Winter Is on In earnest in the Friday.
mean the loss of thousands, and per­ of a receiver. Therefore, he Is de­
haps millions, of dollars to them.
termined to sit on the safety valve north end ot Klamath County, as
G. F. Sevits has sold 200 pounds
"Oftentimes it Is necessary for us and hold things down. Nottingham well as in other parts of Oregon. The of parsnips to the Schallock & Dag­
to keep the real value of timber prop­ has been scanning the list of appro­ snow was quite deep but the Chinook gett Co., of Klamath Falla.
erties out of the limelight," said Le­ priations already requested, and says wind has taken it down to a great
wis Montgomery of the flrm of Mann he sees where it Is possible to knock extent, it is pleasantly warm now.
♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«♦♦♦♦♦♦
Az Montgomery, who Is one of the out at least *1,500,000, and maybe Some rain has also fallen.
Mr. Arnold, who has been teach­
fathers of the movement antagonistic *2,000,000. So far as the Ways and’
♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
to the bill. "We do not Intend mak­ Means Committees are concerned, the ing at Long Prarie since January 11,
Guy and Leo Thompson have again
ing public information which has cost [state will m>t be mulcted, and the arrived at Crescent one day this week
us (urge sums of money to sectire; we only danger Is when the House and in an exhausted condition, from ex­ started to school.
Jay Arant returned home Monday
do not Intend giving It to our bus- Senate, acting on the several Items posure to the cold. He came during
very coldest weather, riding 28 after being absent several days.
iness rivals free of charge.
which are stricken out, try to have our
Johnny Meier was visiting with
miles horseback.
"We will fight the bill at every them reinstated in the bill.
Everybody Is staying pretty close John Hibberts Saturday, Sunday and
turn, and if It Is passed we will take
the matter into the supreme court.” Walter E. Connor Goes Into the Hotel at home this bad weather, only nec- Monday.
Clarence Harris and brother are
easily driving them out.
These were generally the senti­
HuMiiieHN In Han Francisco.
Chas. Graves, Sr., made a trip to cutting their winter's supply of wood.
ments of ull those who attended the
J. S. Mills and Chas. Mack went
Walter E. Conner, who Is well and Rosland with a four horse team one
"If tile different counties want to favorably known In this county, has day last week, This broke out the to the Falls Tuesday.
E. A. Lewi*, who has been visiting
find out the value of our timber lands leased the Hotel Savoy at the corner road pretty well.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Ringo have mov­ with J. S. Mills, returned to his home
so they can assess them with regard ot Van Ness avenue and Ellis street
to their true value, let them send In San Francisco. The Savoy is one ed to their own homestead above in the Willamette Valley Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Almo Newton and J
cruisers out and get their own re­ of San Francisco's best known and Crescent.
Mr. Dyer, of Colorado, with his daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Colson and j
ports," said one.
’ most popular stopping places. It is
The timber men assert that their strictly modern in every detail, con- widowed sister, Mrs. Shultz, are stay­ children, and Annie Short and chil-'
antagonism toward the bill Is not ! tains 125 rooms, has steam heat, hot ing at the sawmill until spring. He dren, visited Tommy Short Sunday. :
John Shepard is sick with neural- j
caused by reason of the fact that tneir and cold running water, and long Is desirous of locating on a homestead
assessments under the Beals law, ! distance telephone In every room.
Mr. Grigsby and daughters, June)
based on the cruisers’ reports, might ' Has electric elevators and several he may be successful and make his
Elizabeth, went out to his ranch
! large, light sample rooms for com­
be somewhat higher than now.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Anderson have where Mrs. Faith is ill.
mercial travelers. Single rooms an i
Tommy Short has sold his timber I
¡suites with and without baths. The their new house on their homestead
claim near Bly to the Weyerhaeuser j
| bouse is elegantly furnished with
They moved
into it about Company for *4000.
Ways mill Means < omniiltee of Which brass bedsteads and mahogany furni­ warm.
Mr. Durkey went to the Falls Fri­
Merryman Is a Metnlwr, Deter»
ture throughout, has an elegant grill
Mr. and M rs. J. L. Howard made day.
mined to Save State Being
and cafe attached and is conducted
The son of Pearle Stiles, of Swan
on the European plan, rates *1.00 a trip to Silver Lake before the big
is slowly recovering from a i
per day up. Special rates by the week
Mr. and Mrs. St. Thomas are liv- very severe burn caused by falling'
The Ways and Means Committee or month, and will cater to family
Mrs. St. into a fire place recently.
of the state Senate is expected to use and commercial trade. Mr. Conner Ing in the Beatty house.
Mr. Pool, of Olene, who has been
the knife freely on all bills carrying 'is well known here, as he formerly re­ Thomas is a sister of Mrs. J. L. How-
visiting in California, returned to |
appropriations whldrJfere referred to sided in Klamath Falls and Swan ard.
Our mail carrier has not missed his home Saturday.
Senator Merryman is a member Lake. Prior to that time he success­
Chas. Mack went to the Falls Sat-
of this committee, and I* was because fully conducted the Hotel Oregon at a trip yet, although he had to break
it was known that he had no axe to Ashland for several years. His many
Mr. Low was*out on the range last
There is very little news this bad
grlrid that he was selected by Presi­ friends wish him success in his new
dent Bowerman, it Is said that Bow­ venture. To reach the Savoy take weather, so it is little your north Saturday looking for some of his cat-
erman selected his Ways and Means car marked "Turk and Eddy’’ at the end correspondent has to say. When tie.
Committee with a special view of cut­ Ferry Building, get off at Van Ness the weather gets better 1 will write
ting down appropriation* this ses­ avenue and walk one-half block to oftener.
James S. Harriman, of Detroit,
the hotel.
Mich., a well-to-do gentlemen of 60,
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ declares that he has proposed mar-
Nottingham wants nothing, as he
♦ riage to nearly 100 telephone girls,
comes from Multnomah, and the same
The present advanced stage of civ­
is true of CofTey. Wood represents ilisation in Africa may be shown by ♦♦♦♦♦«♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ only to be refused. Mr. Herriman
a district of farmers who do not want a comprehensive exhibit at the Alas­
J. P. Lee returned to the Falls says he can offere one of the best
to see the state’s money wasted. ka-Yukon-Pacific Exposition at Seat­ Wednesday, after a few days’ visit homes in Detroit, but must have a
Hedges is from Clackamas, and needs tle this year. Arrangements are be­ at his ranch.
telephone girl because they are not
nothing; neither does 8cholfleld or ing made to procure such an exhibit
Those having their names on the generally very pretty but as a rule
Merryman. With a committee made from King Menelek, of Abyssinia.
Roll of Honor for the fifth month of make ideal wives.
Fruits, Produce, Eggs, Butter, Cheese,
Pouliry, Fresh Eastern and Coast
Oysters, and General Market
Finest Grade of Everything.
Smokers’ Articles;
Cigars, Pipes, Tobaccos—best in the market.
We make a Specialty of Dried Fruits of all kinds.
California, Nevada and Home Honey.
City Meat Market
Ashland Commercial College
Ashland, Oregon
Thorough and Practical Training in COMMERCIAL,
SHORTHAND and ENGLISH. Individual Instruction
by Experts.
We have been compelled to enlarge our
quarters every year and have now secured ample accom­
modations in the Sweedenburg block. Twice as Large
as Ever. Nothing in the line of Business Training is
too sood for our students. Complete Commercial Edu­
cation at about one-half the usual expense. Full infor­
mation free.
for «pot rath. 1 • to 50% more money for you to ship Raw Fure and Hide« to us than to
sell at home. Write for Price List. Market Report, Shipping Taga, and about our
450 pares, leather hound. Beet tbinf on the subject ever written. Illustratinc all Fur Animals. AU
about Trappers' Secrete, Deecys, Trape, Game Lavrs. Bow and where to trap, and to become a eno
cessful trapper. It’s a reruiar Encyclopedia Price, |2. To our eustooien. |1.M. Bidee tanned into
beautiful Robes. Our Macnetic Bait and Decoy attracts animals to trape, *1 tt per bottle. Ship row
hxahae* gnoaa.
Bid« and Fun tons and
T1 Bhiaeageilai ■!—i
4 crack Bro».
Long Lake
Lumber Co
Manufacturer* of All Kind* of
Cabinet Work, Sash and Doors,
All Kinds of Mouldings,
Band sawing and Turning,
Odd-Sized Doors
a Specialty
All kinds of Finishing Lum
ber now on hand.
Large assortment of Doors
and Windows made up and
ready for immediate de­
Can furnish an order on the
grounds for any sized build-
ing within twenty-four
Large stock of Flooring in
three grades.
W. 0. HUSON.