salary of the county clerk, deputy ORIGINAL WARRANT aanza boys Imd a couple of weeks of X ALLEYS BECOME Nyal's Vegeta I clerk aud school superinteudeut of FOR CAPTAIN JACK. hard practice iu team work, the High HUGE INLAND SEX. ble Prescription i" indicated in all Ort gon State Retail Hardware and Columbia County. School boys would have to play ball ordinary diseases S. B. 61—Merryman, reenacting Owned by Judge Lodge, XX lio M ill . to keep from being beaten. Implement Dealer» Association Rain, Flood and Wind Spread Ruin of women. This old fence law for counties east of the Present It to A. XV. Cuthbert Lends Support. Marlon Barnes was substituted for Over California Farming Laud remedy never Cascades, providing for posts for wire of Hornbrook. [ Will Hurn tn the High School team —Railroad Trafile Stops. disappoints, its flood effects be- The Johnson good roads bill and fences not less that 6 4 feet long, ■ for the first half, aud played a good ng perceptible Judge Lodge has the original war 'game. The whole team played well, the convict labor bill received the not less than 32 feet apart and for SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 22. With from the very rant Issued iu Yreka in June, 1873, I but the game was a trifle too loose railroad traffic virtually suspended oommendation and official endorse at least three wires. first. It is com ment of the Oregon State Retail I S. B. 62—Bailey, graduating the ■ for the arrest of Captain Jack and 1 to admit of many brilliant playa. In on some lines, train schedules badly posed of the pur est and most re Hardware and Implement Dealers' inspection fee for mills aud work his lieutenants, charged with murder the second ha.. Hurn took his old demoralized, the railroads, telegraph liable drugs — association at the annual banquet of shops so as to reduce the charge on The Indians at that time were pris place as center, and DuFault, one of and telephone lines wires prostruted mercurials, opi oners of the regular troops who re [the substitutes, was allowed to show and communication only fitfully malu- the association in Portland. The smaller shops. ates and other S. B. No. 37—Cole, a bill for an fused to give them up to the civil au [ what he could do. These two play- talned and some sections In the San banquet was a great success and was harmful drugs being excluded? attended by all the dealers who have act requiring applicants for marriage thorities. The warrant was never era did moat of the playing during Joaquin and Sacramento valleys a The many dis licenses to file a physician ’ s certifi filed tn court and finally came into attended the convention. , the second half, the other members vast Inlet, California has the last 24 concerting influ the possession of Judge Lodge. The 'taking It easy. This is the first time [ hours experienced one of the worst A. C. Callan, manager of the Paci cate with the county clerk. ences to which 8. B. No. 40—Kay, a bill for an act Judge intends to present the docu-< [that DuFault has played with the storms In a quarter of a century, woman la con fic Hardware & Supply company, stantly subjected made an emphatic plea for the hard providing that a court should not re ment to A.XV. Cuthbert of Hornbrook (team in a matched game and his play covering an area that extended from render her liable ware men to go into politics during verse cases on technicalities where to place tn his fine callee t ion of cu- ing surprised some of the spectators. the Oregon coast to San Diego, At to manv func the rights of defendants are not af ios. The document reads as fol the course of his address on "Legisla ! He has swiftness, endurance and ac- various places the rain at times tional disorders that not only tend lows: tion.” Mr. Callan said it was up to fected. Icuracy, the most essential qualifica reached the proport Ions of a cloud- S. B. No. 39—Bailey, a bill for an In the Justice's Court of Yreka tions of a good basket ball player. the hardware men to see that honest burst and was accompanied by a to destroy her comfort an<l happiness, but which gradually merge into chronic legislators and honest Judges and act to determine what constitutes a Township, in the County of Siskiyou. Roy Walker acted as referee and fierce gale. and serious diseases. State of California. honest city and state officials were bank and banking business. ' Burge Mason as umpire, and their While the downpour has ceased Nyal* Vegetable Prescription is with S. B. No. 38—Kay, a bill for an act The People of the State of California decisions met the approval of both tonight and the barometer Is rising, out a peer for the successful treatment elected and that as long as the bus- iness men stayed out of politics they providing that the penitentiary shad To any Sheriff. Constable, Marshal the players and the audience, The the district forecasters predict show- of female weakness, painful and disor menstruation, hyateria, cramps, could not blame anyone but them .send after all convicts sentenced to or Policeman iu the County of Siskl-J preliminary game between the Jun ,ers for the entire state tonight and dered “bearing down pains." inflammation I you. selves if politics were not run to suit 'terms in that institution. iors and I Sophomores resulted in a tomorrow and the crest of the storm and falling of the womb. This is a rem S. B.- No. 41—Kay, a bill for an act A complaint, upon oath. having score of 33 them. He said that the lawyers were : to 28 In favor of the Jun- waters from the mountain streams, edy of sterling worth. the only general class that went in i relating to appeals. j been this day laid before me by T. ' iors. j swollen to the proportions of rivers, UNDERWOOD'S PHARMACY S. B. No. 4 2—Kay, a bill for an ' F. Riddle, that the crime of Murder for politics seriously, and that there There wore 261 spectators witness will not reach the dangerous point COR. 7 th AND MAIN STS. act providing for retrials on the orig fore the lawyers were the ones who has been committed, and accusing ing the games. The total receipts in the Sacramento and San Joaquin inal indictment or charge in case of .Captain Jack, Sconchin, Boston Char- were >96. had laws made to suit them. Klamath Falls - Or eg or valleys until after midnight. Weak [ley, Bogus Charley, bnacknasty Jim. George T. Baldwin drew some in ' murder. ened by the previous storm which S. B. No. 43—Miller of Linn, a ' Black Jim, Bounch, and Hooka Jim, teresting comparisons between old A A A j prevailed for four days. It is feared SALE OF TIMBER. and new methods of doing things in ■ bill for an act relating to Linn coun-1 Indians of the Modoc tribe thereof, that many of the levees that have an address on “The Hardware Mer- J ty fair association. 'you are therefore commanded forth withstood the pressure will break Portland, Oregon, December 31, 8. B. No. 4 4—Miller of Linn, a bill with to arrest the above named Cap- j chant, Past and Present.” , tonight. 1908. Sealed bids marked outside, ' for an act providing for licensing cor- ■tain Jack, Sconchin, Boston Charley,' Mr. und Mrs. Bert Muore und chil- The most serious situation exists “Bld, Timber Sale Application, De 1 porations. MIGHT TRY REFERENDUM Bogus Charley, Shacknasty Jim.Black dren. Fern and Edwin, spent Satur In Stockton, on the San Joaquin, cember 17, 1908, Crater,” and ad S. B. No. 45—Miller of Linn, a bill Jim. Bounch and Hooka Jim and day night with Mr. Moore's mother, where the suburbs of the city, have dressed to the District Forester, For ON PRESIDENT ROOSE X ELT. I providing that the state treasurer bring them before me, forthwith, at Mrs. Clara Moore, returning home been Inundated and the encroaching est Service, Portlaud, Oregon, will Humane Society Will Circulate Pe ■ti- may investigate securities of any my office in said Township, in said Sunday. I waters are beginning to enter the be received up to and including the bank where state funds are depos- County of Siskiyou, or, in case of my S. H. Griffith went to the Stout business district. By midnight ft Is 15th day of February, 1909, for all tion Among Children. Asking ited. Roosevelt to Abandon absence or inability to act, before ranch Monday to see about his cuttie feared the high water will equal the j the merchantable dead timber stand Hunting Trip. 8. B. No. 46—Nottingham, a bill the nearest or most accessible mag which are being fed there. I flood of two years ago, when the ing or down and all the live timber Wm. Griffith went to Olene Fri streets of Stockton had to be navf- for an act providing for state exam- istrate in this county. marked for cutting by the foroat offi- A communication from Almon A. iner of state officers. Dated at my office in said town day. 1 gated by boats. The loss to the mer- cer located on an area to be deflnlte- Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pickett pass (chants In that city, many of whom Locke, of Fort Worth, Tex., to W. T. S. B. No. 47—Oliver, a bill for an ship, in said County of Siskiyou, this Forest officer ed through the valley Friday on their did not have time to remove their ly designated by the Shanahan, secretary of the Oregon act appropriating >15,000 for gov Ninth day of June, A. D. 1873. including ap- before cutting begins, way to Klamath Falls. Humane Society, has just been re ernment experiment station in east H. B. WARREN, goods from basements, will be heavy. proximately 369 acres, In the NH Dennis Provo went to Klamath The entire country for several miles ceived, calling the society’s attention ern Oregon. Justice of the Peace of said Town- of Sec. 26. 8H of Sec. 23. 8E% of Falls Thursday. to the proposed hunt of President 8. B. No. 48—Merryman, a bill for ship. ■ around Stockton Is a vast sea of mud Sec. 22 and NE% of Sec. 27, T. 35 Mr. Short went to Olene Friday, dy water. Railroad traffic is still be Roosevelt in Africa this coming an act providing >200 traveling ex The following return was endors- Hiram Roberta and Albert Mark ing maintained, but may have to be 8., R. 6 E.. W. M., In the Crater Na spring and summer, and asking the penses for county school superinten ed on the back: tional Forest, Oregon; estimated to society to assist in getting the Pres dent of Klamath County. I hereby certify that I received went to town Friday. I suspended before morning. be 9,583.000 feet B. M. of live yel j Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McClure went ident to abandon the same, on behalf the within warrant on the 9th day At Los Angeles nearly three Inches low pine, 738,000 feet B. M. of live to the Falls with beef Saturday. of the animals the President has se of June, A. D. 1873, and served the of rain fell during the last 24 hours, 4371 RABBITS ARE KILLED. The Upper Poe Valley school let while at Santa Barbara an unprece white fir, 775,000 feet B. M. of live lected to serve as targets. said warrant by demanding the with Douglas fir, 125,000 feet B. M. of The plan is to have the school chil Prineville Merchants Sell $150 Worth in named defendants, they being in out Friday. Miss Zella Bussey was dented fall of eight Inches for the live Incense cedar, 370,000 feet B.M. dren of Oregon sign their names to the custody of U. S. officers, who the teacher. same period was recorded. At An- of merchantable dead yellow pine of Guns and $3(M» of Ammu Wm. Griffith hauled wood In on , „ . .. . . . „ petitions which will be transmitted would not deliver them up, this 14th gels Camp, to the eastward of Stock- and 26,000 feet B. M. of merchant nition for Rabbit Hunt. a bobsled Saturday. by Mr. Shanahan to Mr. Locke, and day of June, A. D. 1873. „ . 5 ton. a wall of water six feet high able dead Douglas fir, sawtimber, log • . Wm. Marcho went to town Satur- by him forwarded to the President. XV. H. MORGAN, Sheriff. ' swept through the town, carrying1 scale, and 4,000 cords of cordwood, PRINEVILLE, Ore., Jan 22,—A day. Mr. Locke, in his communication, says half dozen men under the leadership —Yreka News. f(|r ’away 35 houses and drowning sever- more or loss. No bld of less than >3 Riley Haskins hauled wood among other things: “We have no of J. T. Creamer and Fred Grimes | al Chinamen. for live yellow pine, >1.35 for live Stephen Griffith Saturday. time to -lose, and by giving your im were highly successful in clearing BRITISH NAVAL EXPERTS Venice Island, at the confluence of white fir, >2.50 for live Douglas fir mediate attention to this important Poverty Flat, seven miles west of j the Sacramento and San Joaquin riv and incense cedar, >2 for dead yellow PRAISE AMERICAN FLEET. 4AXORS 20 INSTEAD matter you will assist a highly com Prineville in Crooked River Valley, ers, was swept by the flood waters pine, >1.50 for dead Douglas fir, per OF TEN PAYMENTS. today, several thousand acres of rich mendable humane effort." of jack-rabbits during the past two thousand feet B. M. and 25 cents per British naval experts at Malta, who I farming land being Inundated. weeks. Beginning with the first have had an opportunity of examin cord for cordwood will be considered WASHINGTON, Jan. 20—The fact STARTLING LAND Trains on the Shasta division of and a deposit of >1100 must be sent snowfall they organized a daily rab FRAUDS ARE FOUND. bit drive and by Sunday had slaugh ing the condition of the battleships that irrigation works have generally the Southern Pacific, which were stal to the First National Bank, Portland, Wisconsin and Kearsarge, and the proved to be more expensive than es led at Redding by numerous wash- I ' Oregon, for each bid submitted to tered 4371 rabbits and one bobcat. Secretary Garfield Says Public Lands In their operations they purchased morale of the officers and men, have timated with the attendant Increase outs and soft tracks, began to move | I the District Forester. Timber upon i sent to the British admiralty their Worth $110,000,000 Have >150 worth of guns and >300 worth I highest commendation of the achleve- in burden of the annual payment re I slowly tonight, temporary retta 1rs I valid claims is exempted from sale. quired of the entrymen under the act having been made, but later traffic The right to reject any and all blds Been Stolen. of ammunition of Prineville mer I ment of the American fleet. of July 17, 1902, has caused Senator to the north was completely cut off chants, almost cleaning out the city | They report that the ships are in Is reserved. For further information McCumber, of North Dakota, to in by the washing out of a bridge at and regulations governing sales, ad WASHINGTON—Startling infor of the latter commodity. | splendid condition after their cruise troduce a bill providing that such Erland. Trains from the south ar dress M. L. Erickson, Forest Super mation of alleged astounding frauds The expense will be amply com upon the public lands has come into pensated for by the large increase of i around the world, the discipline of payments be made in 20 instead of rived In San Francisco 12 hours late. visor, Medford, Oregon. the possession of Secretary Garfield hay next harvest, and was cheerfully the men such as to evoke admiration jq annual installments. In North GEO. H. CECIL, and health of the officers and men re-¡Dakota the installments are as high through special agents. The allega borne by the parties interested. 1-14-2-11 Acting District Forester. markable good. ¡as >4.60 per acre; under the present tion is made that approximately I »(HL “ The showing is nothing less than law, so that an entryman with 40 >110,000,000 worth of lands in states I DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR marvelous,” is the way one of them acres Is obliged to pay about >200 FOR NEW DISTRICTS. principally west of the Mississippi General Land Office, Washington, WASHINGTON, Jan. 20, — The Bu reports. The American officers at annually, while as a rule he does not River have been fraudulently acquir D. C., December 24, 1908. STATE CAPITOL, Salem, Jan. 20. Malta are unofficially quoted by the obtain irrigation for more than half reau of Soils of the Department of ed within the last two years by cor Notlco of Restoration of Public Agriculture announces that during —Senator Coffey wants the consti British as admitting that too much of his land. When the Irrigation porations and individuals. Lands to Settlement and Entry. the fiscal year 1909 its agents will entertainment in the early stages of works were projected, it was not sup- With a view to recovering these tution amended so as to provide for Notice is hereby given that the prosecute surveys on a scale of six land's Secretary Garfield has sent let the division of the state into 30 Sen the cruise impaired the health of the ! posed the charge would be so great I Secretary of the Interior has vacated miles to the Inch In eastern Montana men, but that since the departure of and it was expected the result would ters to Chairman Hale and Chairman atorial districts and 60 Representa and other parts of the West. The departmental order of withdrawal Tawney, of the Senate and House Ap tive districts, so that there shall be the fleet from San Francisco, the cut I be to give ample water for all the' field work of the soil survey Is di insofar as the same affects the with propriation Committees, respectively, only one Senator from each district, ting down of shore leave and other 'land involved in the project. North ! vided into sections, the Great Plains drawal for Irrigation purposes under asking for additional appropriation and only one Representative from regulations had shaped up the men and South Dakota,Arizona, New Mex- sections being placed In charge of the act of June 17, 1902 (32 Stat. of >500,000, which, if granted, with each Representative district. This is wonderfully and that they would re I ico, Idaho, Colorado, Montana and M. H. Lapham, and consisting of Mon 388), for use in connection with the turn home in better condition physi Utah are all affected by the proposed that already asked for, will give the the plan indorsed by the Grange, the Klamath Project, Oregon, of the fol [ legislation, which Is now before the tana, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexi lowing described lands In the State department >1,000,000 for that pur idea being that if legislative districts cally than when they left. co. and parts of North Dakota, South be made smaller, the candidates will Senate committee on irrigation and pose. of Oregon, and by his author reclamation of arid lands for consid Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma ity such of said tracts as have Secretary Garfield also submits a be more generally known to the vot THE BASKET BALL GAME. and Texas. eration. statement of H. H. Schwartz, Chief ers and the chances of securing bet The Pacific States section is In not been heretofore finally restored of the Field Service, showing over ter men will be enhanced. The High School basket ball team charge of W. W. Mackie, and con and are not otherwise withdrawn, re Coffey's proposition is embodied defeated the Bonanza team In a very 32,000 distinct cases of alleged land Twenty-one years ago Mrs. Lida L. sists of California, Oregon, Washing served, or appropriated, will be sub frauds demanding further investiga in a resolution submitting an amend interesting game Friday night at the Sapper, of Pittsburg, Pa., entered ton, Idaho, Nevada, Utah and Ari ject to settlement under the pubila tion. Of such cases awaiting Investi ment to sections 6 and 7 of article 4 Opera House. At the end of the first suit for divorce against her husband, zona. Soil surveys will be prosecuted land laws of the United States on and gation there are In Oregon, • 1,462; of the constitution. The Senate to half the score was 18 to 9 in favor who disappeared, and the decree has in these sections, and a result will be after March 25, 1909, but shall not California and Nevada, 1,409; Wash day ordered that this and all other of the High School, and at the end just been Issued. Sapper, who Is a Included In the general classification be subject to entry, filing, or selec ington and North Idaho, 1,325; Mon resolutions for constitutional amend of the game it was 48 to 28. blacksmith, disappeared from Union and correlation of the United States tion until April 24, 1909, at the Un tana, 3,605; Colorado, 8,621; Ari ments be printed before being acted The way the Bonanza boys started town, Pa., in 1888. end went to Tex- which Is being made by the Bureau ited States land office at Lakeview, zona, 469; Wyoming, 21,755; Utah, upon by the Senate. A similar res in at the beginning of the game it as, where he married again. Two Oregon, warning being expressly olution has been introduced by Rep looked as if the High School team years ago he offered his first wife of Soils. 1,482, and New Mexico, 1,205. given that no person will be permit resentative Mahone. was evenly matched. Bonanza made 12000 If she would not prosecute ted to gain or exercise any right Have E. W. Mollar add an attach NEW MEASURES IN THE SENATE the first basket on a foul and the him for bigamy. whatever under any settlement or ment to your phonograph so you may County Attorney Brady of Travis fierceness of their onslaught and the occupation begun after December 23, enjoy the new 4-minote Amberol rec In the Senate, the following new County, Texas, will receive >400,000 extra weight of their men,rather took 1908, and prior to March 25, 1909, Daniel E. Walter, an amateur ball 11-17 bills havfe been introduced: as fees for bringing the suit egainst the Klamath Falls boys off their feet player, has sued for divorce from his ords. all such settlement or occupation be S. B. 55—Mulit, amending sec the Waters Pierce Oil Company, for a spell. Tbe boys were only In wife, Blanche. He says she Is larger ing forbidden: NOTIGE FOR PUBLICATION tions 4265 and 4266 of the code, which resulted in a fine of >1,623,900 play a few minutes before the super and stronger than he Is and that she Willamette Principal Meridian. changing the time in which estrays for violation of the state anti-trust ior team work of the High School be beats him and makes him cook and I Department of the Interior, U. 8. T. 40 S„ R. 8 E., 8 ft 8E%. Section may be sold, from six months to laws. It is expected that Receiver gan to have effect, and they took the sweep and wash dishes. He says she Land Office at Lakeview, Oregon, No 7 and NE% NE%, Section 18. two months. Eckhart, appointed by the district lead, which was held during the en carries the only key to the house, and vember 25, 1908. FRED DENNETT, Commissioner of S. B. 56—Hedges, amending sec Judge, will take possession of the tire game. the General Land Office. if he arrives home first he must alt Notice Is hereby given that Oscar tion 1135, relating to qualifications Waters Pierce property in the state. The Bonanza boys played a good, outside and wait for her to come. J. Streeter, of Klamath Falls, Oregon, JESSE E. WILSON, Assistant Secre of persons who may act as execu- What effect the supreme court deci clean game, and no matter which way tary of the Interior. who, on Nov. 20, 1908, made Timber tors. sion against the Waters Pierce Com the decisions went, they were accept Fred RamHey, the younger of the and Stone Application, No. 0846, for 1-14-3-18. S. B. 57—Hedges, deflning the pany will have on the criminal ac ed without a murmur. The visitors two Ramsey boys who was being ta- ’ Lot 2, Sec. 24, Tp. 36 8., R. 7 E., qualifications of the guardians of tion brought against H. Clay Pierce had many friends among the audi ken to the Children's Home at Port- j W. M., has filed notice of intention to NOTICE. minors. for false swearing is problematical. 1 ence and whenever a good play was land, was taken sick at Weed and I I -------------- make final proof, establish ------- claim --- - to --------------- 8. B. 58—Albee, permitting char Pierce has employed all the lawyers made it was heartily applauded. Ray hrd to be left there in the care of a to the land above described, before Parties wishing sagebrush land itable, religious and educational cor who assisted the state in making the Howard was the star of the Bonanza doctor. It is reported that he has County Clerk Klamath Co., at his of cleared call on or write, porations to change their names by case against him as well as the Judge team. He was swift and played a pneumonia and Is In a very serious fice at Klamath Falls, Oregon, on the W. W. MAATEN, filing supplementary articles. who assessed the fine. strong game, and was well supported condition. 5th day of February, 1900. lS-Stf Klamath Falls, Ora. S. B. 59—Bingham, requiring title by Parker and Hamaker. The indiv Claimant names as witnesses: guaranty corporations to have a paid Miss Ava Pollard, of Elizabeth, N. idual playing by the members of the I The Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Expost- . ___ ___________ . E. T. Shortt, Tom Staten, ________ Fred R. For Sale or Trade—-ResldSnoa and up capital of 1100,000, of which J., has refused an offer of 13500 for Bonanza team was good, but they j tion at Seattle next year will be the Goeller, Walter Horton, all of Klam- business property In the beet town 150,000 must be deposited with the her Persian cat, Miss Mid, which won lacked accuracy in team work, due first International exposition that has ath Falls, Oregon, In the Willamette valley. nrx rlntihf » a —Al»<* j state treasurer. the championship at the Boston cat no doubt fn to their Innb lack #»F of a a airAnff strong ' m not asked «*>«$ aid F from the government A I j Inquire at the Boston Store, S. B. 60.—Bailey, increasing the show. The cat is not for sale. team to practice against. If the Bo-1 to complete the undertaking. 12-3-2-4 Register. f-ltf ENDORSE GOOD ROADS.