Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, January 14, 1909, Image 7

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♦ ♦ 1 Dlxuu, .Miss Daisy Hmlth, Ml»» Ola idool, paid us u visit Wednesday. WVII.K lUGIIT LAW CONSTICI Kl>.
♦ 1 Hmllh, Nelson Hmllh, Bliss Melbas*, J I'li« y piomla'id us some Improvements
♦ ’ Miss B>'0 H uiiiuk ’ i i , Mr. and Mrs und also that they would come ugulti
SALEM, Orc , One of the most
j Kirkendall.
Hob Hunsaker took New Year» Important decisions that has been
There Is to bo u creamery siartxd
I haudid down by the Oregon Supreme
| Our teacher will read th» "Life of dinner ut the Hears ramp.
on the Henley place
John Hhort has sold his ti III l»<T I Court In many years was placed on
The next dunce
I'lalm for |4000.
record Tuesday, when the court held
month of January.
hood will b" held
and Mrs.
Tom Tingley will start a SOVCU- chat the Congre .tlonal w t of Man li
James Dixon's ou
t 16. A
■I, 187 7, relating to settlement on
decided to < liungu Its name, uuil when horse plow Tuesday.
large utlvliduiice 1» expected.
public lauds, limits all rlpailau rights
Jack llorlou lias been ou the sick the Inside Is painted In the spring to I copper mine for 1160,000. He paid lubsequently acquired except to the
have the now nume painted lu lurge
list for several (lays.
extent ut lhe uae of water for domea­
84000 for It.
liters on the front wull.
Mr. Speck, foreman of the works tic purposes. lt la estimated that 90
Judge Short ami Jay Fairclo went
Bob Hhoit li.» realgned his post ut the Hi-urs camp, has resigned hla
per c<'Ut <>t the settlements in East­
to towu Bunday to got u load of wood
tlou working for the government.
ern Oregon have been made since
and lake Blury Short and Flureucs
E W Smith went to the Ankeny
John Short was In town Suturday. 1877. Practically all the water pow­
Grant to towu to go to school.
runi'h on business Monday morning
Our teacher attended the Institute er rights In the slate have been ac-
J. Sears »ays if the weather con­
J. W. Darroch will begin plowing
qulred since that time This deci-
tinues good lie will flalsh bl» rail­ i Monday morning If the w>aiher I» at Keuo on Friday and Saturday.
Tom Hoars attended the masque don, therefore, limits the rights of
road contract In about a week.
and Mary Hhort i Mr. and Mrs John Koontx were cliur 'ball ut Klamath Falls Friday night. such riparian owners to the rights
Misses Florence
Beryl Bluebaker and John Dar­ they have acquired as approprlators,
liuvu been i visiting with Bob Short Ivurled on the second. They would
were ut the Erickson A Petter- xcept as to domestic uses, which are
for several I days, returning home last not come out of the house until Ar­
on ramp Huuday. Bliss Gladys An oo unimportant to be worth con*sid-
chie Colston climbed up to the chim­ keny und Mrs Miller were al»o there oration,
J. Bears »»• furced in »top work ney nnd poured water down It onto on the same day.
Speculative Privilege Denied.
After cramming tho flue
for u few duys lust week, owing to the tire
E It. Cantrill has shipped a car-
Under this decision, it is Impos­
with sucks and causing the house to loud of lumber to be unlouiled be­ sible for any person or corporation
the bad weather.
While hauling a load of grain from become filled with smoke, tho newly tween Mldlti'.d aud the race track, to acquire and hold a power or irri­
the Fall» this week Austin Hooper married couple came forth and treat­ lie Is going to build a flume.
gation right for speculative purposes
and J Bears got »lull' d In frout of ed the crowd to apple lake, candy
Amoug our people going to the Those persons, therefore, who have
the slaughter pen. They did not get and nuts.
Falls lust Huturduy were Archie Col­ filed ou water powers on the Des­
J. D. Hooper
home until 3 o'clock the next morn­
ston. Steve Lowe and Lum Short.
chutes and other rivers must put the
went to the Hine
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Dixon went to water to beneficial use or forfeit
The people of Mldlund are petition­ lime last week.
Poe Valley Frlduy to spend several ■heir right to the first person who
Homer Hmlth und W J Dnrroch days with Mr. and Mrs. Jltn Short.
ing for a postoffice They have to
toes upply It to such use. The opin­
go to the Falls for their mall now are measuring up the ground that
Mr. and Blrs. Jltn Short visited ion is of the greater Importance com-
Mr Hmllh plowed
Mr and Mis. James Dixon last week. Qg ju»t at this time, for the reason
The bout Is now carrying wood
Charlie Martin, who bus been sick
The snow was so heavy last week that tin subject of water law is to
from Keiio to Hie rnlltoad camp.
Ouo of the mule» ut the railroad ut Merrill, is re|iorted much better. that It broke the Langell Valley tel- be taken up by the Legislature.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Darroch went phone line In front of the school
This court Is the first one In the
camp fell on th» Ice th« other day
to lhe Fulls on business Saturday.
nlted Stutes to construe the act of
and nearly bit hla tongue off.
F. W Hmlth will move a house
W. O. Stewart, who went to Port­ 'ongreis of March 3, 1877, In this
Auuilu Hooper rescued u colt out
Mr. Sullen on the Kono road
land to spend the Holidays, has re­ particular. It In no way affects the
of the lake near the slaughter peu
Will Humphrey bn» completed hl» turned and will resume his work on rights of persons who acquired ri­
recently. It »»« frozen In the Ice
smoke house.
the Government ditch.
parian lands since that time and put
aud could not free Itself.
J. D. Hooper nnd Mrs Ankeny are 1 The baby of Mr and Mrs. W. P. the water to beneficial use. The
Erickson A Petterson are hauling
I Mlles has b> • n quite III with a cold.
smoking their ment this week
man or corporation who has held
baled I.ay from the Siultb-Noluud
Oak Boggs, Austin Hooper and
Ilutb Dixon, who hud her collar rlpurlan land without making use of
Mrs. LaPrario, of Lost River, vis­ Beryl Carrick went hunting In this bone broken a few week ago. 1» now the water is the one affcited by the
neighborhood Saturday.
well again
ited with Mrs. Jobu Koontz Sunday.
Fred Smith went to town Tuesday.
Tho opinion of the court was writ­
Blaster George Mlle», who ha» been
E. W. Hmlth Is going to build a
ten by Supreme ¡Court Commission­
confined to bis home with lutlam-
fence for Chas. Horton.
uiatory rheumatism, Is ublu to be
BIG BATTLESIf ll*S. er W. R. King, who has made an ex­
Joe Galsten, who ban been visit­
haustive study of water law. The
out agalu.
Ing the Masten family on the Hum-1
Erickson A Petterson are working
WASHINGTON. Jan. 7,—The au­ case decided was that of Annie C.
mere ranch, has returned to the lior-.
in tbu snow with their steam shovel
thorization of an entire squadron of Hough et al., respondents vs. S. A.
I). Puter et al., appelants, from Lake
II. Anderson is sick with a bad
Jim Blanurd hua turned bis horses four monster battleships was urged County. Henry L. Benson, Judge.
on the Hous» Commute on Naval
Into E W. Smith's pasture.
There am many mallard» dying
Affairs when Secretary Newberry ap­ There were about fifty parties to
Jim Dixon was over to the Govern­
In the vicinity of Midland now. It
peared before that Committee. Be­ this suit, and in deciding as to their
ment camp Thursday.
Is the general report that hunting 1»
sides the battleships, he said, that the relative rights to water from Silver
Stella Hooper has returned to the
Navy should be provided with four Creek, Judge Benson recognized
Falla to attend school.
The scrapers at the railroad camp
new scout cruisers, ten destroyers, rights, The Supreme Court niodi-
Miss Lennie Hooper, who han been four submarines, three colliers, one j lies this by dividing the water entire-
of J. Hears are now working about
20U yards ahead of the steam shovel. ■ visiting at the Falls, returned lu her repair ship, one ammunition ship and : ly according to the law of appro-
I prlation
Mr. Hears has cut hla men's wages home last week.
two mine-laying ships.
Roy Vernon la rendering lard for
The legal effect of the language
down to |I.8O per day while the days
Secretary Newberry told the Com­
are so short. He will raise them again Mra. C. L Ankeny
mittee that the new battleships In the act of Congress of March 3,
Mr. BIcMullan was at the school should be of the heavy single-calibre I 1877, namly: "there shall remain
as Boon as the days get longer. Sev­
eral of the men have quit.
all big gun type and added that it and be held free for the public for
Roscoe Cantrall Is going to build va» desirable that a squadron of eight 1 irrigation,” etc., is to constitute a
Several more engines arrived at
tlio Ericksou A Petterson camp last a new mill.
of these ships be completed as soon reservation and dedication to the
Charlie Horton has moved 200 cat­ us possible.
public of all Interests, riparian or
otherwise, held at the time by the
The organ at the Spring I-ake tle to the Smith Noland ranch.
E. W. Smith has taken a con tract
National Government so far as such
school will be moved to the new
Interests affect the uses for irrigation
church U» soon as the building I» to dig aonie ditches on the Ankeny
ready to receive It.
The School Board of the Dairy dis­ and other purposes thus enumerated.
Mr Young was around selling ' trict contemplate» beginning a spring
All lands settled upon and to which
Mr. Charles Horton Is going to
has been acquired subsequent
bring 200 head of cattle to the An­ pork Friday.
term of school March 1st. next, but
Wills Leonard came out from the i is without a teacher. Would not ob­ ! to the act of Congress of March 3,
keny ranch to be fed.
E.^A. Crantx went to the railroad Falla to visit Dorothy Mastou on Sat­ ject to paying |75 a month to the 1877, were accepted with full know-
on buslncsv last week. Ho says the urday.
I man who lx fully competent, and has . ledge and with the Implied under­
E. W. Smith bought two gun« had experience. Applicants should standing that the first to divert and
work ou the road la progressing rap­
plowa from Henry Lowe.
address C. W. Sherman, the district apply the water of streams or other
sources of water supply thereon, for
Mik» Gnlnrnenu has moved to the
Oak Bogga and Beryl Carrick went clerk
to Lost lllver Sunday.
the purposes »pecified in the act, shall
laiPrarlu place.
have the superior right thereto to
Bl ike Galarneau butchered four
Mra. Will Humphrey want to town
the extent intended and actually ap-
hogs last week. They averaged about Tuesday.
John Depuy la having hla cattle
150 pound» each.
The references in the code to rl-
Homer and Nelson Smith are mot- j winton'd on the Wlllltte ranch. He
Ing from the Meliiase ranch to the bought two atraw stacks from J. D
parian rights constitute a recogni­
Hooper to feed them.
tion of whatever riparian rights the
E. W. Smith place.
landed proprietor may have; but does
J. Scars bus returned from u bus­
Mrs. Ankeny aud Mr. Darroch went
not attempt to define nor in any man­
to town on business Monday.
iness trip to Weed.
ner to establish any rule respecting
Mr. Pointer was In town last week
O. Short "went to the Falls Satur­
such Interests.
Scott David Is working near Dairy day ou business.
We have a new pupil In our school.
Almo Newton went to. the Falls Vera Schmelser. We are glad to have
last wook to get a load of lumber her with us.
for some Improvements on hla place.
Mr. Hopkins haa seven young calves
MESSINA, Jan. 7.—Earthquake
Roscoe Cuntrlll's mill broke down lu his pasture.
shocks are still continuing here at
E. W. Smith has purchased six
last week.
the rate of about ten per hour. Fire
Ira Ingraham was at the Falls last iieud of colts from Roseau Cantrill.
has again broken out, complet­
Mrs. F. E. Ankeny and daughter
You can eat anything your stom-
Bob Short is having some horses will leave Tuesday for Elfgene.
ach craves without fear of a case of ing the destruction of the City Hall
wintered on the Pete Nelson place.
Mr. Gularnenu is building a n<'W Indigestion or dyspepsia, or that your and the records stored therein.
A party of men under the direction
Roy Vernon and John Morehouse barn.
| food will ferment or sour on your
are hauling sawdust for Mr«. Ankeny
Jim Tingley weut to the Falla lust stomach if you will occasionally take of Major Landis, the American Mili­
tary Attache at Rome, has been work­
Tuesday to get a load of wood.
to pack Ice.
la little Dlapepsln after eating.
Harry Ingraham I m now working
Hoy Vernon and Nelson Smith went! Your meals will taste good, and ing for four days to extricate the
for J. Scars.
out to the Smith camp Suturday.
¡anything you eul will be digested; bodies of A. S. Cheney and wife from
Jack Horton has eighteen new
Mr. Pointer hus found his Spitz nothing cun ferment or turn into ac- the ruins of the American Consulate.
calves In his pasture. Ho Is fatten­ dog which ho lost recently, it came id or poison or stomach gas, which The apartment of the Cheneys has
ing them to ship.
back home.
| causes belching, dizziness, u feeling not yet been uncovered and many feet
Mrs. C. L. Ankeny is going to have
J. D. Hooper butchered two 70-|(>f fullness after eating, nausea,. In-> of wreckage still remain to be re­
throe teams haul wood from Frank pound hogs for the SeurB camp 1 Fri-1 digestion (like u lump of lead In moved.
Irish's as soon as the weather is fnv- day.
Htomach), biliousness, heartburn,
S. E. Hoyt was down from Fort
Mr. and Mrs. Pointer wore at the water brush, pain in stomuch aud in-
this week.
Frank Ira White was out to hla Ankeny ranch Sunday afternoon.
I test lues or other symptoms.
Bild land ranch Sattirdny.
E.A. Crantz attended the masquer­
Headaches from the stomach are I
Tho jack rabbits are getting very ade bull at the Falls last Friday absolutely unknow where this effec­
thick In this section now.
night. ,
tive remedy Is used. Dlapepsln really
J. Horton had fourteen cows
Thero are now 38 men employed I does all the work of a healthy atom- <
brought In from town Saturday.
at tho Sears camp. Some of the work itch. I digests your nieuls when your
Miss Gladys Ankony nnd Mrs. Mil­ Is very hard now as the grouud is | stomach can't. Each triangule will
j - i srbnksvbkobk ?
ler wont to Miller Hill Saturday.
frozen deep.
. digest ull the food you can cat aud
H. Anderson was over to soo Chas.
Austin Hooper has boon hauling ' leave nothing to ferment or sour.
Agon on business lnHt week.
grain for tho Sears camp.
Get a large 50-cent case of Pape's
Wo started to work with many
John Depew wont to tho Falls Sat­ Dlapepsln from your druggist and
good resolutions, Monday morning, urday on businosH.
Htart taking today and by tomorrow
after a ton days' rest.
Beryl Bluobnker was at tho gunge you will actually brag about your
James Dixon and Dick Smith were on the Government canal Saturday. healthy, strong stomach, for you then
through tho Merrill nnd Poo Valley It registered 4.8 feet deep.
can ent anything and everything you
country last week getting signers for
Everett Kirkendall wiih in town want without the slightest discomfort
tho Water Users Association.
or misery, and every particle of Im­
Those who went from tho Sum­
E. W, Smith wai a vistor to tho purity and gas that Is In your stom­
mers district to tho Lum Short sur­ Fails Saturday.
ach and Intestines is going to be car­
prise party and dance New Year's
W. P. Mlles, e w. Smith, direr ried away without the use of laxa­
night wore: Mr. und Mrs. James tors, und II. L. Boggs, cii.rk, of ourj tives or any other assistance.
Or Any Other Favorite Food
Without Fear of an
Upset Stomach
Fruits, Produce, Eggs, Butter, Cheese,
Poultry, Fresh Eastern and Coast
Oysters, and General Market
Finest Grade of Everything.
Smokers* Articles;
Cigars, Pipes, Tobaccos—best in the market.
We make a Specialty of Dried Fruits of all kinds.
California, Nevada and Home Honey.
City Meat Market
Ashland Commercial College
Ashland, Oregon
Thorough and Practical Training In COM1TERCIAL,
SHORTHAND and ENOLISH. Individual Instruction
by Experts.
We have been compelled to enlarge our
quarters every year and have now secured ample accom­
modations in the Sweedenburg block. Twice as Large
as Ever. Nothing in the line of Business Training is
too good for our students. Complete Commercial Edu­
cation at about one-half the usual expense. Fall infor­
mation free.
Long Lake
Lumber Co.
Manufacturer« of All Kinds of
Cabinet Work, Sash and Doors,
All Kinds of Mouldings,
Band sawing and Turning,
Odd-Six cd Doors
All kinds of Finishing Lum-
her now on hand.
Largo assortment of Doors
and Windows made up and
ready for immediate de­
Can furnish au order on the
grounds for any sized build-
ing within twenty-four
Largo stock of Flooring in
throe grades.