♦^«♦♦♦♦♦4<♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ YUNNA ITEMS. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ PLAN II 1 V X A ITEMS. ♦ ATHLI VL NOVELTY Ai’ SF FT ILE EXPOSITION. ki no ixsnn n: FRANK IRA WHITE A very enjoyable and profllabl» i WASHINGTON, Jan. 10. Suuator t ‘ tvei ecs’ Instil ut? was ucld al Keno Fulton, of Oregon, denies that be bus SKATTl.ll. Wash.. Jan. 10. Se ­ Mr. and Mrs. lire tuner visited tin Adam Weidman will work on the THE LAND MAN attle will see the moot uuiuue Mara Friday evening and Saturday of last lever wilttvn a letter to u mouiboi' of ab- Falls Saturday. B<*ck ranch during Mr. Beck’s week The trailers of Klamath li on raw In aU-letlv history, accord ­ the Oregon legislature withdrawing Al< xander Kai ecow killed a largo aence at Court. ing to the plans of the exposition I all» and vicinity went down the riv­ | from the Senatorial race. 11» said Geo. Smyth is now hauling hay to mwuu last week. ¡committee named to handle general er lu Telford’s launches. Although l.iit your land for sale with thia ’’No such letter was over written About eight inches of snow fell lu athletics next summer. Not ouly ti c weather was stormy uud cold, the feed his stock. office; we have buyers for all j I hud never declared myself lu the John Ritter, one of the Sth grade this district Monday night, but it i-i 'johnny llaies. winner of thu Olym- teachers enjoyed the ride dowu Hie clnaHoa of Klumath County race. Wlintevi-r I huve said has been property. graduate« of last June, visited his melting rapidly. | pic classic; Ihiiando, tlie famous lial 1 river. raid openly and lina l>e< n to the ef­ oid school at Hildebrand last week. The Long Lake Lumber Co. are ian; Longboat, the Indian marvel, Tl.e teacher ut Kono, Miss Elsie fect that 1 believed the Republican Chas. Liskey, Ed 'b iggins, H. J. j having their sawmill moved from aud Alfred Shrubb, the unbeaten En­ Pitney, and thu people of Unit place, members of the legislature should O’Brien and Riley Woods wore In l.org Lake to Klamath Falls. The only acreage adjacent to glishman, will be brought together, liad prepared a banquet with every­ mucus lo insure correct representa­ Klamath I alia for aalu in small Dairy last week. G. F. Sevlts hauled a load of wood but iu addition Alaska will send down thing good for menu. After tho bun­ tion, by thu election of a Republican, tract». More than a »core of W. L. Simpson made a busluess for the school house Wednesday. i to compete one of the greatest people have secured aitoa for quot the following prog tutu was run- rite quusilou Is oue of vaatly greater trip to Dairy Tuesday. nomva. ¡"mushers" in the northern country. • Jorod; import thuti au) Individual lutoreat Godfrey Beck, Janiee Wight. Man-1 The telephone wires have been of This man is Wada, the Japanese Song Quartette, composed Kepubll Thu nialu point Is lo see a • __ — J V 4 ''.■»k»» n lsaft 811111 and Joe v Coburn left tbls'^oken in several pta.es by the suow. U ' ‘ I V I 4 ' I I »4 Illiu v»I’ «« ■ •• • — - - Messrs. Faught and Wirts and van elected. w««ek for the Falls. They all go to' Mr. Tower, who residua below whose exploits aiouud Nome have are the lx>at buys on th« market given hiiu almost as much fatu» iu Miu.e s Mabie Campbell and Donna "It la possible I may have reiterat attend the trial of Jas Wight vs. Joe Keno, passed here Wednesday. I the Northwest as the fleet-footed dis­ Boll. ed thia opinion iu private correspon­ Coburn for alleged cattle ateallng. ■ q . f . Sevits Lad a horse badly cut tance runners whose meet lug has at­ R ecltatiun .... Arthur Fudged dence und ti.Ml such utterance lias >lr. Beck and Mr. Vierra go as wit->On barbed wire last week. ............... Myrtle Jones bceu erroneously cutislrued us Illy tracted more atieiilloti than any oth- Recitation nesses. Those having their names on the .er amateur or professional sporting Vocal Solo Miss Mabie Campbell withdrawal from a coutual Into which C. C. Pearson made a business trip Roll of Honor tor the fourth month event this win' ir. Wada Is said by Address . . . Prof. Ii. Ii. Dunbar I hud not enteied. fHE LAND MAN vf school for perfect attendance are: i Alaskans Co be a marvel of speed and Music . . . to Bonanza Monday. .................... Quartette "I am convinced lliat aliould I go Harrison Gray is breaking horses vVille Barnes. Mnry Byers, Hemet By­ ’endurance on the trail. . Prof. C. A. Howard , to Oreguu uud make u llglit 1 would I Rending ers, Blanche Thompson, Clarice Bon­ this week. Nome men now in Seattle huve so Address . . .Prof. J T. Butcher | win. As a betting proposition the ....................... Quartette ease stand» it) lo I III luy favor. Chas. Drew, wife and family, left ner. Gleun Sevlts, Charles Sevlts, Em- much faith in the Oriental's prowess Music . . . over a distance route that they have lu hl* address Prof. Dunba i devol- . "I will say Bow, wliat I have uev- R for the Falls Wednesday. Mr. Drew ery Sevits and Clifford Sevlts. M. RICHARDSON A Brentner has purchased advocated to the exposition officials oped the thought that the teacher , er said before, tliut If elected I would will attend Court as a witness in the United States Commissioner the idea of bringing him down from should work faithfully and conscien­ serve out tuy term livre, lint If ni) case of Wight vs. Coburn, and Mrs. young cows of Mr. Whiteline. Horner. Mary and Burdette Byers Nome to compete in the exposition tiously and trust that the result will i friends want uie u> » ted tlie; w ill Drew will have some dental work TIMBER AND HOMESTEAD were absent from school Tuesday. Marathon. No doubt exists as to be fruitful. Wo never know when we ' hale to do tile work done. I’tlOOF TAKEN Eslie Morgan passed by the school the coming of Longboat. Dorando ■nay succeed. Sometimes wl on we "i kuow nutliltig of tlie report that J. Kirkpatrick returned lo the * i house Friday. Oil ’ . Third and Mam. opp «ite City aud Ilayes, with possibly a number think we have done our best work Hitchcock is interesting hlrusvlf In niontaius Saturday where he is trap­ We ean now see the train every of other distance ruuners from the. we find the result a failure, and wliat luy beliulf; If so. It. la uol through I Library. Telephone 30!. ping. morning on the dike which Is going East. Shrubb's entry into the Mura-'s ins a failure may be our l>.-»t. lie any conference willi me. Is not at W. L. Welch, who has had a very up across the swamp then event will probably depend on . Illustrated tho thought by tlie In4 bad looking eye as the result of an BiNSON &. STONE G. F. Sevits visited the Fulls last * the showing be makes this winter' »lent of Abraham Llncoln’a Gettys my solicitation und is without m> know ledge." accident, is now getting better. I Saturday. ATTORNEYS AT LAW i against the three men meutioued, as ; burg speech Mr. Lincoln thought O. F. North, of Klamath Falls, is J. P. Lee passed by here Friday on bls standard distance Is 10 miles ‘ when he snt down after that speech •American Bank having his horses wintered a’ Mrs. his way to Klamath Falls. ¡and he may not be'successful at 26 hat be bud fallad. No uppluus ■ f >’ and l'rutt nidi. L. M Fitch’s, of North Yonna Mr. Ackley, who has been logging miles 385 yards, the classic course iow.-d. Th«- people were loo much KLAMATH F-LIS • OREGON UNION CITY. Tenn . Jan. lo The W. L. Welch made a business trip at Keno, passed by here Friday, go­ I But the Alaskans declare themselves awed by the grandeur and solemnity six Night Riders w tio were convicted to Laugell Valley last week, taking ing to the Falls. I willing to back Wada against the <>f It to appluud. Lincoln did not Mr. Matthews, a friend of Mrs world for the Marathon. The Japan­ know why the hush followed the i of tnuriler lu the first degree were his sister, who has been spending the 'yesterday sent,need to hang Febru Brentner's in Santa Barbara. Calif., ese is the winner of a num Lei of , speech. Holidays with him. ary 19th. Tho two who were found has completed a sectional map of i races over snow and ice. . Mr.Butcher developed the thought The last snow storm being so ATTORNEY AND i guilty of murder In tho second degree the United States. It Is made in the i With a Japanese, an Indian, an Eu- that it U the duly of the school and wet and heavy has broken the tele­ COUNSELOR AT LAW I were given life sentences In the pent phone wires in Yonna Valley In a shape of a table and can be used as ¡glisbman, an Irishman and an Ital- {the home to cause the child lo do KLAMATH FAI.I>, OREGON . tentlary. great many places. It has kept the such. He prints a celluoid flag for i ian all competing in an event that in | wliat be is capable of doing. It is The eight men wore convicted last ROOMS 7 A 0. MURDOCK BLDG directors pretty busy the last few each map. and has already sold |150 Itself Is famous, there would be unjust as easy to demoralize as it 1s to | Thursday night after a long trial on worth of the maps. He expects to athletic novelty sufficient to stagger moralise. Many a child has been de days repairing the damage. 1 charges of being prlncl|>als In the the most verbose and alliterative ; moralized and sent to the bad because S. Harris is busy making stringers place one in each state capital. murder of Captain Rankin, who was Some of the items of the current DR. WM. MARTIN press agent. It would be a congressae was not given to do Just what he for the new bridge, being built by I taken from a hotel and hanged by events period were: 1. The damage ¡of natives as well as of nations, a ; was capable of doing as not to bold the road supervisor, Wm. Uhrman. DENTIST 1 Night Rider» at lterlft Lake on the Mr. Brooks is sawing wood for wrought by the recent earthquake in human and a Marathon race—or' |t to ary task. Therefore, It Is the j same night that Colonel Taylor re- I Southern Italy, far surpassing the words to that effect. duty of both parent and teacher to Fred Beck this week. -------------------------- ¡Study the child, give it work com- caped after swimming the lake amid Mr. Grigsby has sold his place tn one in California in 1906. 2. There a shower of bullets from the men on the upper end of Yonna Valley, which is a mysterious plan on foot to block TWENTY MILLION 5’OR ROADS, mensurate with Its ability from limo the bank. the Panama canal, thus delaying the he recently purchased of Scy Pool, SPOKANE. Wash., Members of the ¡to time, and hold it to the perform- The six men who will pay the death WILL A. LEONARD to Mr. Reynolds for 13200.00. Mr. progress of the work. 3. There are ! legislative committee of the state, ance of the task. penalty are Johnson. Burton. Ran- now 14,806 living graduates of Yale Reynolds and family are now living good roads association, will submit. Quite a number of the cltlxens aud I som. Pinion, Cloar and Applegate DENTIST university. 4. R. C. Hardman, of a proposition to the legislature of children of Keno attended the soa- there. Morris and Huffman were given life Meadhurst Uppingham, has been the On account of the severe ■torm Wasbington to amend the constltu-, *lon The recitations, the reading I terms Wlthrvw-Melhaic Buildlag of last week, the Hildebrand school fortunate finder of a coin dated 1397 tiun. authorizing the stale to issue by Prof. Howard, and the music were which embedded in a lump of coal, had only twenty pupils present one bonds of |2u.000,00b for state road tnuch enjoyed by all present. day. This is the least number at­ formed part of a ton of that useful work. The purpose is to complete. *7n Saturday the following dlscus- TEA! HERB GO TO KENO. DR. C. P. MASON tending any one day since Miss Rob­ commodity bought at current prices, as rapidly as possible the various »Ions were presented. Mr. and Mrs. Ager and family inson has taught there. DENTIST All of the High School and Public toad projects now under way. it the Primary Reading .... .Miss Jensen i Scy Pool has traded his homestead brought their little son, Jerome, bond issue meets with opposition the Intermediate Reading Miss Davidson School Instructors with the i> Office in American Bank A Trust Cue* in Yonna Valley to Tom Michael for home from the Falla last week.where legislature will be urged to Increase Advanced Reading ............. Miss Bell thin of Miss Stella Campbell ar.d MU |«tiy*s Building he has been for several weeks under several head of stock. Drew weul to Keno Friday afternoon the levy for the highway fund to 1 Teacher and the Community PHONE 014 Geo. Ritter, who has been riding the care of a physician. He is re­ I mill. When the highway commission . ...MUs Elsie Pitn»y to attend the Teachers’ Institute held ........... KLAMATH FALLS OREGON covering rapidly from the effects of |e . Miss Anna Applegate there Fi Iduy and Saturday. County for one of his horses for some time, was created a public highway fund Arlthrmi has heard of it. It is in Los Angeles, {rhe burns be received some weeks I wnt established to be kept up by a The Teacher and the Parent.... Supt. J. G. Swnn also went along with ................. Prof. Faught. the party. having been taken there with a band ago. 2500 Acres Free Mrs. Brentner. Jr., nas received direct tax levy, the levy being fixed of horses stolen from ranches In this The three discussions on reading The lakeside company has 2500 acres word from her sister living at Trop- at Li mill.’ The last legislature In- part of the valley some time ago. were full of suggestions for teaching of land under tho Aus ms ditch that it ico, nine miles from Los Angeles, creased this to Vt mill, and a reve- Mrs. L. M. Fitch was a Dairy visi­ this subject which often la poorly LANDIN WILL NOT HEAR CASE. will give RENT FREE for one year. that they are having zero weather nue of 8132,553 for 190. and 8286,- This includes the uao of the land and tor on Wednesday. taught In our schools Some of the water. The renter must clear and water 536 for 1908 resulted from this CHICAGO, Jan 7 - Judge Landis place Wm. Uhrman. road supervisor of there. She stated that the strong points emphasized were that tho land In cultivation. The rent­ some- source. The estimated revenue for pipes had frozen and bursted, 'has Informed the District Attorney er vets all the crop but we reserve tlie this district, is now collecting road phonics must be taught If neglected thing that was never known there 1909 is 8374.296. From this amount by the primary teacher the more ad­ that he would not hear the second right t<> pasture the stubble. tax. ¡the last legislature appropriated Tne lakeside Company, Mrs. Thos. Michael, of Dairy who before. vanced teacher will have It to do; trial of the Standard oil cane, but J. Frank Adams, Manager, J 8225,000 for state roads, and It Is would transfer It to some other judge has been visiting with her mother, that dictionaries should always be In I Merrill. Oregon. MILL ASK FOR NEW TRIAL. 1 estimated that this sum will hardlv the pos < O«TU»» OaiK« A. Jeffrey was appointed at his re-j propriatlons from the state highway, posts to Mr. Schmidt at |5 per hun­ must read more than the readers to WRITE FOR CATALOG Fie— 7toi to • »«»4 ra«a. dred. Mr. Schmidt will use the posts quest as the one attorney to repre­ 'about 8117,000 should be available become good readers. Miss Applegate for this work in 1909. At that rate to fence his place in North Yonna. sent him in carrying his appeal to I in her discussion on Arithmetic, was of revenue It would take 2 4 years replete with helpful thoughts. ADMINISTRATION NOTRE. Geo. Ritter was in Klamath Falls the Supreme Court. Finch was taken before Judge to complete the road work on the Notice la hereby given by the under­ on business Thursday. Miss Pitney gave her conception signed, Administrator of the estate Ewing Cutter, of North Yonna, Bronaugh in order that be might per­ surveys which have already been of the part a teacher is to take in of Rodney 8. Bowen, deceased, that ■went to the Falls to attend Court, sonally have the order entered dis­ made without considering Improve­ the community. She holds that the all persons having claims against the but receiving word that his wife was charging the four attorneys who rep­ ments and repairs. It is also estl- i work in the school room Is lint a said estate present the aatuo with the ill, left for Seattle, Wash., where resented him at the trial. He after­ mated that If the 120,000,000 bond part of the teacher's duty. She must ward stated that Jeffrey has been Issue were made it Is doubtful if I* , be ready at all times to work for the proper voucher within six months Mrs. Cutter is visiting. from the dato of this publication of Miss Nellie Bliss is staying with given a free hand to conduct the case could be expended Judiciously In betterment of the community, lo sym­ notice to said Administrator, at the Mrs. Chas. McCumber during Mr. henceforth, and if any other attorney much less time. pathize and help both pupils and par­ goes into the case he will be employ­ Here Is a simple home-mad« mix­ Klamath County Bank, Klamath McCumber’s absence at Court. ents. We wish to correct a mistake we ed by Jeffrey. Jeffrey said that he1 WEISE THESE HOUSES STOLEN. Prof. Faught enlivened his talk ture as given by an eminent authority Falls, Klamath County, Oregon. Dated this 10th day of December. made in our items a few weeks ago has engaged no one else, but Finch J ¡with some good stories. He holds on Kidney diseases, who makes the It is rumored that trace has been that many of the troubles of teach- statement that It will relieve almost im. where we stated that Mr. Hammers- Intimated that Seneca Fouts may be any case of Kidney trouble If taken obtained horses which [ I VJ er • a»BS*4 ley bad his foot broken when it retained to assist. • ALEX. MARTIN, JR., I w u Lliaaow « of —■ • twenty-one — -— * ••••••• -• —' — — by < and pupil« pupils ».«••• can W be ** eliminated Because of the falling out between were stolen from the Upper country, the teacher and parent becoming ac- before the stage of Bright’s disease. Administrator of the Estate of Rod­ should have said Mr. Hamaker. Finch and his attorneys, which camej^ officers are keeping the matter quainted. Perhaps It Is the duty of Ho states that such simptoms as lame ney 8. Bowen, deceased. i with charges by the condemned man j sews gocre t, v»» but »w It Is w reported that a car- j LI1X5 the pal parent to go W to vs»w the wwewtoveetor. teacher — and — - wzw* — —- — VUV — — | back, pain In the side, frequent de­ 12-10-1-8. TILLMAN LOSES PAPERS. that his lawyers were threatening to |oa(j of horses was shipped from Mt. become acquainted with her, since sire to urinate, especially at night; —.—. . ■ PUBLIC NOTICE. WASHINGTON, Jan. 10.—In the let him hang on February 5 unless jjebron about the time of the dlsap- the teacher is often a stranger In the painful and discolored urination, are his wife signed a contract giving overcome. Here Is the recipe. readily Department of the Interior, Wash­ pearance of Roy Vestal. These hors- community. But aH the parent sol- preparation, of his report in reply to ington, December 7, 1908. the President's charges, Senator Till­ them control of 110,000 worth of les are alleged to have been shipped dom does this, it remains for the i Try It: Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half Subject to the terms and provisions man has failed to find a number of property, Finch asked for further by Walter Welch to the Sacramento teacher to make tho advance. The time to file his motion for a new ounce; Compound Kargon one ounce; of the public notice dated November market and consigned to Mr. Stewart, teacher should go to the place of bus- papers bearing upon the Oregon land fraud cases in connection with the trial. An extension of five days was ttiQ horse buyer, to be sold on con-.|n(,sa> or to the home of the parent, Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three IS, 1908, notlco Is beroby given, In present controversy. These papers granted by Judge Bronaugh to give slgnment. The horses were sold by ttnd know the condition* surrounding ounces. Take a teaspoonful after pursuance of Section 4 of the Recla­ mation Act of June 17, 1902 (32 were enclosed In a large envelope and Jeffery time to examine the record. Mr. Stewart and after deducting his the child. When the parent asks each meal and at bedtime. A well-known druggist hero In Stnt., 388), that water will bo fur­ commission he forwarded the money about the progress of the child, It Is left in his private desk in bis Com­ to Mr. Welch. the duty of the teacher to tell exactly town Is authority that those Ingred­ nished under tho Klnmnth project In mittee-room at the Capitol when he WILBUR WRIGHT NAMED It is said that the checks were cash- J what t he child Is tying. ' If he Is not ients are all harmless and easily mix­ the Irrigation season of 1909 for the left Washington last March on ac­ AS CO-RESPONDENT. ed at homo by shaking well In a bot­ lands designated upon fnrm unit plat ed by Mr. Welch who has since dlsap- doing well, say so. count of his illness, but they cannot now be found. PARIS, Jan. 10.—Wilbur Wright, peared. It Is alleged that Mr. Welch . The following teachers attended tle. Th Ism I xt ii re has a peculiar heal­ of T. 39 8., R. 9 E., W. M., approved The Senator does not charge that of Dayton, Ohio, champion aviator 1 was, one of the gang, but what evf-' the. Institute: Profs. R. H. Dunbar, ing and soothing effect upon the en­ by tho Secretary of the Interior De­ the papers have been abstracted by of the world. Is named as co-respon­ dence the officers have they are keep- John T. Butcher, C. A. Howard, W E tire Kidney and Urinary structure, cember 1, 1908, and on filo In the a Government detective who may dent by Lieutenant Goujarde of the Ing It to themselves. Sam Walker ’ Faught, Geo. E. Wirtz, J. O. Swan, and often overcomes the worst forms local Innd office at Lakeview, Oregon. JAMES RUDOLPH GARFIELD, have been shadowing him, but he cuirrasiers, stationed at Charnpagny, and Wm. Woods came In on the boat. Misses Anna Applegate, Donna Bell, of Rheumatism In just a little while. Secretary of tho Interior. Bays that it would be possible for such in a divorce petition filed. The case Friday and it is believed that. Bessie Bell, Mary Davidson, Mabie This mixture Is said to remove all they have been to California tracing' Campbell, Edna Jensen, Myrtle Pit­ blood disorders and cure the Rheu­ 12-31-1-14 an official to gain access to bis room will be tried next month. and to his desk, both of which were Madame Goujarde Is reported to the horses, but It is not known what ney, Elsie Pitney, Alice Pool, Nellie matism by forcing the Kidneys to SHOP AT SUMMERS. Woods, Millie Garrison, Bessie Apple­ Alter and strain from the blood and fastened with only ordinary locks. be an enthusiastic aeropianist, and they discovered. system all uric add and foul, decom ­ A blacksmith shop has been es- gate and Mrs. Archye Kirkendall and is said to have been present during' posed waste matter, which cauno tabllshed at Summers, General work Mrs. Butcher. Al Decker, the veteran stage man Mlsi’ Marie McMillan has returned many of the Hights mad'! at Le Mans those afflictions. Try It If you aren’t of all kinds promptly done. Horse- from a few days visit at the Dalton by Wright and his wonderful flying who is now In business at Dorris, is tf I well. Save the proscription. shooing a specialty. Seo Ady for marsh larda. 12-17-8t* in the city visiting old friends. ranch below Merrill. machine. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ « ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Enterprise Tracts Mills Addition lots FRANK IRA WHITE C. C. BROWER Office over Klamath County Bank ULF'SE Put It In Some Safe Place, For It May Come In Handy Some Day