« • OFFICIAL l’Al'Ell OF KLAMATH 4'OUNIY. ♦ ♦ VOL. XIII. BUILDING lll'RNED AT KIAMATII TGENIY. lire uf I nknowu Origin Deatroya the <‘hu|H'l ><n<l < 'll»»» ll<M>u>. KLAMATH REPUBLICAN. KLAMATH FALLS. KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON, JANUARY 14, J909. DY.N AMITE EXI’I'MIHION. CATTLEMEN DEMAND NEW PENCK MW. MAY MAKE LEVY ♦ LEADING PAPKK OP ♦ ♦ MHTHKKM GXKGON. ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ NO. 42 I)K< IDE FATE OK ROAD An effort i« to be made to reorgan- County Court May Mart Fund for a The County Commissioners Will Ad I'wo Men killed Ity the Etploeion of Many cooiplalnts are coming In Tomorrow on the Crater take Ize I ho old Klamath County Agricul- Missed Iloh- In Railroad Tun* New Coart H oum - Thi» Year. tural Association. At present theie from different part» of the couty,and Road Petitions. uel Near Dorris. uru a largo number of mon, each especially from the Sprague River It is very probable that the County ItORRIH, Jan 12 Fred Ciarson iwnlng a few »hares of tbe stock who section,In regard to wire fences which the County Commissioners Friday, Tbe petitions, which have been gen Thu Chupel ami class room, th«« MMoml beat building at Klamath Ag and A Neilson were killed by the are scattered all over the country. are causing great damage to the will make the first levy for the build erously signed by land owners all oncy, wax completely destroyed by explosion of u missed bole while When the A»»o<:iatlon was formed stock. Klamath County Is fast Mi ing of a new Court House. The Com over the county, were presented ts Ore about midnight Tuesday. Thu drilling In the California Northeast Mverai year» ago a canvass of the lling up with settlers and homesteads missioners have taken no action on Commissioners at this term of Court MUM of the Ore la unknown. Super ern Railroad tunnel Saturday night. county waa made and many of the and many of these are enclosing their tbe matter yet but It is known that asking that they contribute 350,909 intendent II G. Wilson. who la In the Neilson was striking, and wa» In stockmen and others contributed to ¡lands with wire fences. Many of tbe members realize tbe necessity of in two yearly payments toward the city, wua notified at 12 o'clock Inst stantly killed, his head being blown ward tho organization and w<-ro giv 1 these fences consist of only one or a new Court House and are favorable building of tbe Crater Lake road, pro ulght It la stated that the fire waa nearly off Clarnon waa turning, and en stock. Many of them have moved two wires which very very often can- to making a small appropriation this vided that a fund of 3500,000 Is se drat discovered about 10:30, but It was terribly mangled by the explo away Mince then and the A»aociatlon ■ not be seen In the brush, with the re year to start a fund so that tbe cost cured for tbe work from the Nation has been managed by a few men. sult that rattle and horses on the can be distributed over as many years al government, tbe S'ate of Oregon, wua then co far under headway that sion lie lived about nix hours. Dr Atkinson waa on the scene im- They are at present practically out rang<- have been found so badly cut as possible. It wua liuponulble to do anything be Jackson County and other sources, yond preventing the apread of the media'ely to uid Clarnon. In addi of debt, but If anything Is done in ■up with the wires that they are ruln- It Is argud that an appropriation according to the proposition made by tion to several broken bone» he sus the future It will be neccMary to jed. flam <3 to other bulldlnga can be made this year with which to tbe Crater La»e Road Commission It Is Mtat)-d that many homestead secure plans and specifications and appointed by the Governor. The Chapel wua newly remodeled tained Internal Injuries which caused ralao Hiiffirli-nt money to put the track ers In the timber section. In order to break ground and start the foun mid grounds In good condition. and Improved u little over a year ago bls death. Some of the leaders in the move This will take quite an outlay of ! to swear that they have fenced a cer dation. By beginning now tbe money ment have asked the Commissioners The men had been working In the A modern stoam hinting plant wua Inatalled and the building waa lighted heading of the tunnel on the south ¡money and a» the stock of tbe A»so- tain number of acres, string a few can be raised in time for the comple to make a levy at this term to raise by electricity. The loaa la roughly side of the hill, and had drilled In , < lallou 1» uon-a»HeHhable It can only i wires from tree to tree, and cattle tion of the building so that the tax the first year’s payment of 325,000. estimated nt between la.UOO and 39. the ml»>i)-d hole more than half an 11»< raised by a r<*organizatlon of the men riding after stock have in a will hardly be felt by tbe land own The members of tbe board have ex 000. After the fire wax well under hour before the explowlon occurred Amioclatlon and making the stock ¡number of Instances barely escaped ers. pressed themselves as opposed to way a search waa made for the night They were employed by the ErlckHon ! iH»e«Hable so Hint the money can be 1 death. While many of tbe taxpayers levying thia amount at this time for The law which defined a legal wire throughout tbe county have conceded road work, especially when it will watchman, and ho wan found In the A.- Petteraon Company. which has the raised among tbe members. Thi» Is baaemenl of one of the other school contract for putting through the tun I the plan suggeHted by i*r<iddent Bis fence and which applied to counties the necessity of a new building, many probably not be needed for one or Coroner Kiich was summoned hop who haa had active management east of the Cascades, was repealed at expressed themselves in favor of wait two years. bulldlnga reading a book, and did no' nel I of the Association for the past two !the 1905 session of the legislature ing a year or so. This was tbe view even know that there had been a fire from Hlueon to hold au Inquest. While it is not known what the There Is a law now on the statutes taken by the members of tbe board official action of the board will be, years. — Superintendent Wllaon. who In I matter, but A» the stock is practically of no 'which partly covers tbe tended going to the railroad, return but the inconvenience experienced the members have stated that they how wire > ed today to the Agency, lie atnt.-<1 ♦ PINK GROVE NEWS. ♦ value n» an Investment It Is believed 'It does not definitely dufine by the county officers during the rush might consider favorably pledging that It would coat about 112.000 to ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ 'that It will be possible to get nearly fences shall be built. A number of of business tbe past year has some tbe Court to contribute this amount replace the building, but the new Claieorc Harris and brother drill- all of tbe small owners of stock to the stockmen of the county have tak what changed this opinion It is stat in case the balance was raised. Most atructure will probably be fire proof ••<! a well on the former's place last roconvey It to the A»soclatlon. Then en the matter up and will make an ed. people have misunderstood tbe prop the Association can be reorganized effort to have the old law re-enacted, During Mr Wilson’s management of week Besides the unsuitableness of the osition. They think that lue money and the stock made a»s<-»»able. If or have a new law passed embodying the affairs on the Indian Reservation, Mrs Kitkendall has won tbe con present quarters it is found that the has to be put up this year. The facts this is done Mr. Bishop states that the provisions of the old one. many extensive Improvements have test on her timber claim. Judge Benson has drawn a bill officers have not room enough in re that all that is necessary is for the been made on the grounds and build taw rente Shaw brought some be ha» a few men, who are Interest which to transact their business. The County to agree to stand 350,000 of ing» at the headquarters at the Ag horses from the Falls to tbe Conu ed in the success of a fair grounds covering the construction of wire building is crowded beyond its capa the expense on certain conditions. It and race course, who are ready to buy fences, for Commissioner Albert Wal ency. They now have modern heat place to pasture last week. city. There is no suitable jury or it is known that this county is ready ing plants In all of the public build Mr» Kirkendall has resigned her up the stock and put up enough ker, which will be presented to the Grand Jury room, the present Grand to do its share, the Commission wiU ing». electric lighting system and wa ' position as teacher In the Pine Grove money to complete the track in first Legislature. This applies to all the Jury having to accept quarters of then have something with which to ter works. Irrigation has been Intro- '»«bool Mias Baker has taken bur class shape and construct all neces counties east of the Cascades. The fered by the Prosecuting Attorney. go before the state Legislature with. bill provides for the construction of sary buildings. One party haa also duped on the the farming land» and pla<>- and Is boarding at Mr, Cun Tbe county has to rent an outside If they get tbe aid of the state, they offered to personally build stables on fences as follows: the ach'xds greatly Improved The ningham'S. office for the Assessor. It Is absolute will then have to go before Congress. ‘ "They shall have posts six and tbe grounds and employ a trainer location of the Agency Is an Ideal Cha» Mark, 8. E Icenbice and one-half feet In length and not leas ly necessary that a new office will This will consume at least a year and spot, one of the prettiest In Klamath Frank Mills were In the Falls Mon for horses. than four Inches in diameter, made have to be created, that of County it will probably be two year* before Unless this Is done it is believed County, and it Is stated In point of of sound timber; such posts shall be Recorder for the handling of all con the county is called upon to pay a that the prospect for 4he annual fair equipment and bulldlnga It equals Mr Plum and llcrry Stiles were any of the Indian Agencies in the visiting with John Hibberts Sunday. and race In Klamath County Is very set In the ground two feet, and shall veyances. The work of the Clerk is cent. more than one man can handle, but United States, Mr Hum was a Falla visitor Mon- «llm, as the Association ba» no capital I be not further than 32 feet apart; GRAIN PRICER GO UP. it is impossible to add another office there shall be not fewer than three to work on and there is not enough | day before a new building is erected with wires of the kind in common use stock that could be sold to raise any Uli.I. HAVE ODl KT Hot HE. Mr Linsey passed through Pine The price of grain of all kinds has Grove ou his way to the Falls Mon amount of money worth mentioning. stretched from post to post; the low vaults for the safe keeping of the about reached tbe top notch in Klam- records. er wire shall be two feet from tbe With the arrival of the railroad and The C ounty Commissioners have day a'h County. Wheat, oats and barley ground, the second 15 inches above tbe development of the country there found a law which they believe gives Mr Plum and Berry Stil-vs went a-e selling for two cents and rye is la need of a suitable place for holding the lower, and the upper one 15 in FINISH EVIDENCE them authority to go ahead and make to th* Falls Monday. IN COBt RN CASE. bring two and .a half cents. i The ches from the second one. Said wires events of this kind, and some of tbe a levy for the construction of a new J S Mills has a sick horse. I Satunlay. price of fiour is now 31.75 a sack. It Court House, and It Is th«U laUn John Shepard weal to the Falls' uen uf the city are willing to aorist uliaH be fastened to the p<»sts secure- Tbe Jury was selected today in is said that this extreme price is due j I? . in iu the eustomary cuBlvuiary manner, fuauucr and auu at with money If tbe old Association isjiy, lion to add two mills to the levy de . Wednesday tbe awe of the State vs. Joseph Co to a shortage of crops the past year termined upon to be used for that Mr and Mrs Johnny Short have reorganized and placed on a business the distance of eight feet from each burn. charged with larceny of a cow, and the increased demand over last 'other, throughout tbe entire length foundation. purpose A two mill levy will raise returned from Ashland on an indictment found over two year. More land was put tn grain i of such fences, there shall be poles about ) lb. 000 and this Is believed Tommy Short, 8 E Icenbice and years ago. The State is represented this year than last but the crops were to be sufficient with which to make a ‘ Cha« Andrews went to Poe Valley REBEKAHN INSTALL OFFIl ERR.'or false posts set up on the ground, >bv Harris & Irwin and Judge Drake I not nearly as heavy as usual. four and a half feet In height, to start. Plans and specifications will last week and J. C. Rutenic are conducting the Nearly all of the farmers of the which wires of such fences shall be Prosperity Rd bekah Lodge Install- be secured and actual construction Mr. Snow bus had hl» horses taken defense After the case was pre-I county have disposed of their grain. commenced this summer. There from the Grigsby ranch to his own ed officers last Thursday evening. .securely faeteued; and on each side at the A. O. U. W Hall. After the of such fences, if the ground can be scn*'d to the jury and the same were, although there are a few who are will be no reduction in the amount place. charged by the Judge, the Court ad- still holding on. Those who are fa of the road levy on this account. The Tommy and Johnny Short but business of the evening was trans- plowed, three furrows, at least four jo- <ned until 9:30 Monday morning, miliar with the market state that they Inches deep. Said furrows must be act«-d an elaborate banquet was serv levy for road purpose» which was chered some hugs Wednesday. hollowing are the jurors: Ed Bloom- do not believe that grain will go any determined upon Is 3.35 mills and Tom Barkley, a farmer from near ed to the members by all of the Past plowed within two feet of the fences; iiigermp. J. H. Van Meter, John For- higher as it has already reached the will raise about 123,000. Dairy, was found almost frozen to Grand» of the lodge The iustala- provided, that in cases where tbe b< Wm. Barks, W. T. Garrett, T. limit. There is no prediction that land can not be plowed, or in other tlon ceremonies were conducted by death near the J. S .Milla ranch Wed W Stephens, John Matney, C. E. there will be any suffering from a TWO AM) A HAl<F YEARN. nesday night He suh on his way to Ellen Pell, Deputy Grand President cases, a pole not less than two inches ! Hadley. B. F. Loosley, C. F. Galar- grain famine but it is quite certain ¡thick at the small end, or plank not for this district. the Falls as a witness that the entire supply will be cleaned Tbe new officers are: Noble Grand. 'les» than one inch thick by six inches neau. C. C. Lewis and E. Soule. J. B. Mellon. William Thompson Jasper Hibberts went to tbe Falls out by spring. posts as above pro- wide, affixed to Laurinda Sauber; Vice Grand. Entily aad Milton lisle were this morning Thursday Monday. The farmers of Klamath Couagp vided, but more than 16 feet not Farrar; Secretary. Lula Straw; Fi sentenced to two and a half years In Johnny Short went to tbe Falls The prosecution in the case of the are as well off this year as in the pssflt nancial Secretary. Frances E. Boyd; apart, may take tbe place of the mld- the penitentiary at Salem by Judge Monday. State vs. Joseph Coburn, is present- as the high price they have received die of the wire and false posts and Treasurer, Jennie E. Boyd. Noland. It is quite probable that the ing its evidence today. Coburn is for their grain and bay has offset tba plowing.” ease will be appealed. •charged with stealing a cow belong shortage in crops. While the amount of bail has not ♦ ANNUAL ELECTION POKE« J AMA NEWS. ♦ ing to J. G. Wight in November, BOX FACTORY MEN HERE. been net. It was Intimated from the ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ The annual election of officers and 11906 .Manuel Vierra, foreman for Mc.ARTHIR ELECTED SPEAKER. bench that It would probably be E I. Coburn returned Tuesday directors of the First National Bank Wight was the principal witness. He Ward Dwight, of the Dwight Lum 215,000. If la stated that no attempt night after spending his vacation In and the First Trust A Savings Bank ber Company, and W. I. Clarke, of I claims to have seen the head of the SALEM. Ore., Jan. 11,—McArth la to be made to raise ball for Thomp Portland and other points. wa» held on the evening of January the California Fruit Canning Asso animal in the pig pen at Coburn’s ur's election as Speaker of the House son and Hale, hut It may be that Mel E. T Abbott, accompanied by Mrs. 12, 1909, and the following directors ciation, who have been in the city the place was made unanimous shortly after ton will be able to get his property Abbott, returned Wednesday even were elected for the ensuing year: past four days, left Sunday for San Tuesday. 2 o’clock this afternoon, The name in shape so that he will be able to ing They have been spending the G. W. White, Geo. T. Baldwin. Geo. Francisco. These gentlemen have | The defense In the case of the cf the caucus nominee was presented raise the amount of the ball. If not winter in St. Paul, Minn. P. Lindley, W. I. Vaster and J. W. been here looking over the site and Stat«’ vs. Joseph Coburn finished the to the House by Campbell, chairman the three men will be taken to Salem The young folks gathered to enjoy Siemens. making arrangements for the build presentation of their evidence to the of ’he caucus. Munkers, of Linn, Thursday to begin serving their sen a taffy pulling nt Mr. and Mrs. Nos W. A. Delzell was re-elected as lug of their box factory on the Up jury at 4 o’clock and the attorneys representing the House minority, tences. let's. Those present were: Mr. and Cashier of the First National Bank per take. They have placed their began their arguments. Attorneys nominated his colleague, Corrigan. i Mrs Shulo, Mrs. Walker, Misses Iva and J. W. Siemens of the First Trust order for the sawing of tbe material | Irwin and Rutenic opened the argu of Yamhill, for Speaker, McArthur TWO HULLAN1ML and Ida Monaghan, Belvia and Wini & Savings Bank. for the factory which Is to be 80 by ments. and it is probable that the cast a complimentary vote for Con fred Walker, Messrs. Earl and Lester The usual surplus and dividends 150 feet. The contract which was conclusion by Drake and Harris will yers and himself received the votes Postmaster Kmmltt states that re Monaghan, Archie Sanders, Ray were declared. given to the Long Lake Company was ■ be heard in the morning unless the of the ether 50 Republicans present cently many letters have been mailed Chase and Charles Walker. Corrigan voted for Munkers and doubled on account of the expected i Court holds a night session. al the postonico addressed to Hol The stockholders of the Ready- Charles Walker left last Saturday received the votes of seyen of his big demand for boxes tbe coming land, Oregon. It In probable that for Gold HID. Made House Company held their first Wednesday. Democratic colleagues. Before the year and tbe certainty of having these letters are meant for Holland, Mrs. N. H. Fennel was quite 111 last meeting Saturday afternoon, at The demurrer to the indictment vote could be announced officially. shipping facilities over the railroad. the terminus of the Klamath road. I which time tbe following officers and directors were elected: President, PLEAD GUILTY TO GAMBLING. this station, but there Is an office of J. F. Goeller; Secretary, E. T. Shortt; C L. Reed and C. F. Goodrich, two Roland In Josephine County, and nn- Directors: J. F. Goeller, E. T. Shortt, M m letters are addressed to Klamath H. L. Benson, Wm. Pitts and O. J. of 'he men indicted for gambling, appeared before the Court Saturday County they will havs to bo sent to Streeter. and on pleading guilty were each Josephine County. The Court W. D. Harland, foreman for the fined 350 and costs. ststed that in view of the men hav LAKEVIEW GUE8TR. Long take Lumber Company, has ing saved the county the expense of moved Into the Mitchell house in the The following prominent business Blehn addition so as to be near the prosecution by pleading guilty he men of takeview were present Thurs FIRST INDICTMENT work on the new mill on tbe Upper would make the fine in tbe present case a light one. He stated further day night as guests of the Chamber IN LIQUOR CARES. Lithe. that thia waa no indication of what of Commerce: Harry Hailey, Dr. K. H. Smith, A. J. I. Whltcome will log for Mr. Hu he might do hereafter for second of The Grand Jury last Friday re L. Thornton, F. O. Bunting, Dr. W. turned the first Indictment In the li son's mill this season and supply the fense. R. Boyd, Charles Arthur, Charles quor cases. The Indictment wns ag new mill with lumber from Crystal. FOR RALE OR TRADE. Rice, fitly W. Ingram. ainst Ike Wright. The Jury has been At present there Is no postonico at week. Quite a number enjoyed a dance New Year's eve. Mrs. M. Hoover spent tbe Holidays on the river with relatives and sev eral friends. Elmer Whalen Is staying with Mrs. Hoover and attending the achool at Pokegama. He registers in the (th grade. against Ike Wrigbt, charged with selling Intoxicating liquors, was ar gued before the Court this after noon by Judge Drake, one of the at torneys for Mr. Wrigbt. The demur rer was overruled by the Court and the case was set for trial on Friday, January 15. Attorneys R. S. Smith and Thos. Drake will represent the defense, while District Attorney Kuy kendall will probably conduct the prosecution. Thurstluy. Corrigan, after thanking his support ers, withdrew and moved that Mr- Arthur's election be made unani mous. Libby, a Statement member from Marion, had refused to go Into caucus, but be accepted the Inevita ble and cast bls ballot for McArthur. BIG MEAT CONTRACT. Crisler & Stilts were given th* contract the first of the year for sup plying meats to the eamps of Erick son & Petterson, the railroad con tractors. It Is estimated that durtag the coming summer the Company will use on an average of 90 head of beef each month. The jury in the case of the State vs. Joseph Coburn, after being out twenty and a half hours and failing to agree were discharged at 10:30 One Second Hand Traction Engine. this morning by Judge Noland. The considering evidence in the other Lo Another cold spell has struck this Watch for sale on ladles collars at cal Option cases, but they have mado soction, the thermometer registering 20-horse power. M. H. BEEBE, Jury stood two for conviction and Tom Balls was in the city from 1-14-1-21 Klamath Falls, Ore. ten for acquittal. no further report. S above Sunday night. THE □ DEAL. Merrill this week.