c I '-"«g li 4 We Have Moved to Our New Building where we will be glad to welcome all of our patrons. « We have great things in store for the put chasing public of Klamath Cobnty, and as soon as we are settled we will tell you about them t THE BOSTON STORE ♦ ♦ YONNA VALLEY ITEMS. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Y i « L. JACOBS dr CO., Proprietors S' I I ! Y 1 lt:t -i Ilf I’ \HT I II I ’’Unci« Those ultendlng umuuskud Mrs L. M. Fitch mid Jesse Uniter Scott, lleutli Vulley Miner, "Ntght, ♦ | Hiuu." were Drew Muken Applhution to Ehlter < I .. Mi mid Mrs Mil ’ll ni ber Miss Nett Drew came home from I nil« <1 Staten Navy. spent Xliiiis with Mr und Mis Kuri lhe Fulls to apenil Hie week of vu Adums, of I'ppei Voiinu cation with her mother, Mrs N. H Chinile l.lskcy. of Hwmi Iuik' . lias CHICAGO, !>«•<• 2» Walter Scott, DreWi been In You mi this w«vk riding for W II Illi«« Is building u wood shed otherwise known us "Death Valley hls hoises mid cuttle on Ills place. Scotty," entered the United States Chus Mcl'umbet mid Km I Ydmiis W I. Simpson killed u largo I) n» r> • i ultlng office today and declare«! will go to th«' Fulls a,.alli tills week a few duys ago. Ills Intention of enlisting In the n to attend court Mrs August Flaekus und grand rinu •crvlce. Jacob lluwek la limiting stiuw from son. Edward, visit««! at Fred H< ck Hl«< peters!« Ilo-r place to feed ills "Scotty" «an «- into prominence hum«« lust week mid heard the new stock pl'iu.'igruph f« -z years ago when he arrived A few of Mr and Mm Mike ln fire, Il wus lotally d«-»l i <»>«'* located in Drath Valley. Hls efforts I. A Hiersi, Henry Stoeahler, John u* was also the furniture. to «'StHbllsli a reputation as th«* cham­ Hitler, Curl Ruea k. Ward Hue« k ..Joe Mr. und Mrs D Y Gray, Mr and pion spend'-r of th«- world occupied Hiersi, Curl Hitter. XV tu I'hi man Mrs Klrkputrhk and Mr mid Mrs columns In the paper* for a time. Manuel Vierra la now riding for XX’ It. SlmpMin spent Xmas at the Ills lattlu In the Spi agile River Val- ” • horn«- of C C l*«arson ley. ter of much speculation mid It Is Claude Clopton and Willie C<»l»urn Musici Ernest Nall, u ho I h tu» Ing «,'mc down from th«' ««serration Iasi said has nev« i b. -«*n cleared up. with hls unci«*. J <> Wight till« win- week with a band of cattle for C! •»« "I have set the | a«’«' long enough, lor. took Christmas dlnnnei with Mr Horton, which arc to b< f«'d at Hi ■ Mr t'ol.-ilun ranch In the upp«l pm ' of said 'Scotty” today, ''and this mid Mrs Vierra anil family. «1 < ies not agr« with me. ] am Wight was away from* home, b< Ing 1*11» tl'Ua'y. Ing to lead a at th«' R«*servuHon where h< 1» f <■••«!■ qideter life." l> lloppe, of I'ppei Yonuu. is « X Ing hls cuttle It 'Scotty” passes the physical pei'tlng a visit from hls brother, who John Anderson runis bu< k from will soon arrlv«' from Germany. mnlnaiion, In- v III joiu another batch Klamath Fulls when' he has I men Ilarrlxon Gray was in Dairy Mon­ of recruits and be sent to New York II«- will return to day. attending court tomorrow, from which port, after ten' tti<* Falls nume tino- next werk Mrs. N S Dr«-w was In Dairy on «'*)• silent In «losing up his affairs, Mr nnd Mrs Godfl ••) II. , k mid busln<*BM Friday. M is family visit««! visit« «I with Mr and Mik«' Hu<-, lust 'uigs from Hmis Stoeshler. of Dairy Huuduy. Many of the farmers of this s«-c-, X«TI XL I Cl ElMi.M <»I < I BA. Chas Horton has purchas«-«! th«' tlon ar«- putting up Ice though P < oinph’tc hi«l«-p. oll«li«-d I«; Ih’iiarturc Emil Egerl mid family w 111 !!»<• there In Yonna Valley, tia«l the misfortune American Troop* ou to fall and break hls leg aleiut a this winter. X«w Year*». W L. Simpson and C (,’ Pi-arson week ago The way It happened was are hauling wood for Hielt winter's very strmig«« for he was walking HAVANA, Dec 2» -New 1 ear's along on frozen ground when his foot day will witness the beginning of the uge. Thoiu' on the Holl of Honor for the twist««!, breaking the bon«*a of the evacuation of Cuba by the army of month ending Dec tt. twos, at tb«' ankle pa< ifii atlon, whl«h has been in pos­ Last Sunday some <>f Yonna Val ­ Hildebran«! echool, were as follows l.oulsc M Egert, Carl Hu««ck. Henry ley’» young men enjoyed the skating session of th«* island since the begin­ A Stanley. Joe Sterzl, Nelli«' Bliss. here. ning of the provisional government. The tem-her and pupils of Hilde­ In October, lk«»«’> Bertha Beck. Ernest Nall. Waive Tile first provl- Drew. Ward Hueck, Elizabeth Vierra. brand enjoyed a pleasant day last | atonal regiment of marines, number­ Theresa S gtz I. Mary Smyth. Clara XVednewlay at school The older pu­ Smyth. Maude Kirkpatrick 1 bos«’ pils am! teacher had prepar««! a beau­ ing 90(1. which will be among the having th«' most i>crf«*ct iMaons, as tiful tree, and even old Santa mad«* first troops to leave, are now concen­ shown by th«' Star board,• were. 1st them a visit which hel|>ed consider­ trating from various |e»sts at Camp grade, Earl Beck. 2d, Maude Kirk­ ably with the merriment. Each child Columbia patrick. 3d. Clara Hmyth. 4th Willie i<«-«'ived candy and presents and all About half of this regiment will The children sail In January on the cruiser Pral- and Georg«« B<«’k. a tl«'. Sth. Waive hud a very nice time Drew. 7th. Viola Pearson; Sth, Ern­ sang, played and told stories until rie, w hlch arrived here Christmas est Nall. Th«* picture giv«m by the time tn go nome, when they left as bound for Newport News The appy us children coubl be teacher to the grade having the most I Miss May Robinson and Hal rlson ' Prairie will return about the middle pupils on the Roll of Honor, was won *“ - — by the 7tl> grad«' It I whs a rvproduc- Gray, of Yonna. went to Merrill to of th»’ month and embark the re- -« — « _ ..... — » — -.......« 1. .. I»..I. with UI-. Mis* 1,1...... Blanche Rob- malnder. lhe final embarkment will Hon of one of Edwin Lands«wr's fa­ spend Xmas ..1,1. mous paintings, a St Bernard I mg Inson. Primary teacher In the Gale not occur until April I. among the Alps, searching for I rav-1 district, They enjoyed a fine pro­ Cubans ar«- greatly pleased by the gram nnd Christinas tree. and sino I •lore lost In the snow They re­ departure of the American forces, as On Xmas day a good dinner and had Xmas dinner there | marking the complete establishment a Xtniis tree furnished a pleasant turned to Yonna Saturday, bringing of Independence All show the kind­ with them Miss Blanche Hoblnstin, over thirty gueals, at the time for est feeliugs toward the troops. home of Mr. and Mrs Geo. Smyth, who will visit a week with her sister Earle Gray, of Dairy, was in Yonna of Upper Yonna Valley. After dinner the young folks enjoyed n tin«« sleigh Tuesday evening He was riding for 1 TEACH EIU4' INSTITI TK WILL BE HELU AT KENO. ride, and each rimelved a preaent horses. Miss A Welch, who Is teaching from old Santa Those pretu-nt Were: A local teach«»rs' institute will be Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Hammersley school at Lore)la. came home to and son, Leonard. Mr. and Mrs Tom sp«*n was given. Those pres­ Intermediate Ki nding, Miss Davidson ent were: C. C. Pearson nnd fam­ O'Brien's this week. Mr. and Mrs. Tucker will spend Advanced Reading................. Miss Bell ily, XV. L. Simpson, J. R. Welch ami family. Mr. ami Mrs. Vierra, Scy Pool the winter In Los Angeles, Th<»> ex- The Teacher nnd the Community .......................................... Miss Pitney anil firn i.y, Miss N"tt Drew, Jesse, p««’t to start In a few days. Karl Adntns, of Yonna, hauled a Arithmetic.... Mi s Anna Applegate Drew. Ernest Nall, Mr. mol Mrs. D Y. Gray. The music was furnished Ion«! <>f w<»od to Chas. Sherman, of The Teacher and the Parent.... .............................. Prof. W. E. Faught by Jerry Pearson, Hey Pool mid Wai ' Dairy, anti on hls return bought onts tor Simpson. Everyone enjoyed a «if L. A. Sterzl nt 2 cents per po\in