f Bl'NINESS AA AS GOOD. ♦ ♦ ♦ • - lt<.use Had a Fine Holiday ♦ ItllcK.AMl NEWS. ♦ ♦ ♦ * ♦ ♦ « ♦ A««pirai*t» for President ot the Senati* ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ E. L. Coburn spent Christmas week Ntv Ollier Honors Altai li< d IIIOI III UK for at his home iu Grants Pass. to Frise. Mrs Amter left Monday for Colton Ac jrdlng to i ne stat uu fol V C m * u . Call! . where she wIP spend lea Hi ng busi nei is 111 ,'U of There Is a few weeks wit her daughter. • hard times Kt ( Full tlie Halit III V. Griffith killed a panther Iasi u nts a a* » • ■ in « All 1st m«i \\ i k a few miles from his home 1 le Geo'morahip of the state ot ('i th«'l mi «xeelh Ruth a. J Minnie Griffith were gon and adds ¿est to Hi e attcinpls of salary, us ly eit. i tlie «as«' In small re I'll d ths greatly s bust thrown from their buggy on day Jay llok.erman, 8. C. B« neb a ml 1\ HU chuii'h«'». ily tight litiiidiec! doliius Of I. Mi 4 d« thjs we k. the horse getting seared Kay to be'* elected presi« ling officer ot «■ome.s In promptly <-«iry y< ir Is t Bill pl II ( st a log Mb* Ruth was kicked quite the state ' Senate. goo- li«»w Is It nil.M'dT You Isic »» i this AVI « n George E Cl:«ambot lain is afternoon. I h« re ais hardly any m«‘u also that people made tl’.eir s -Tie severely in the chest. O her» Ise no They are elected I nite«! Stitt* s Sc 'iituor. Sect ‘0- ' left In my «Inn i li. Regular sub;« rip Horn s earlier in tlie season than lie re- damage was sustained. tofoi re. There w as a greater demand now riding horseback li y ... I'" n v III be AVI Ing (Ions have h I iiio -I ««a-.'.l Why" Hair) liocitli nnd Carl lloble) uro Supt. H. H Edmonds bus gone to GoVcTuoi and also «ncupy lu-. pie. -nt Thest' deplorahl«* niomy making for more expensive and useful arti- reeling u new Inn n on Mr. Booth'» des, and presents took the form of Los Angeles where lie will »«mid the position, thus tilling two offices and si hem. » I .ne di I m ' h all sound finam ranch. table ware, silver, furniture, clothing winter, drawing two salaries. In the even! out of my cliuri'h nnd out of muli) Win llurks returned from th« Full» Joe Fritteli and wife have gone of Henson being Incapacitated through another as well." and articles of that' nature, while the Inst Tuesday where he has boon on strictly ornamental goods had a slow to Portland to spend the Holidays ■ill health, resulting in bis resigns “How were they started"" I on In | ( with their children there. Pete Fru- tton, the trade. President of the Seuaii qulr«*! At a called meeting of the town done more business.” Mr. Benson, while at pr«*seut In I was tip to th«* ladles more and mor«», to kill It ’' . a 1" "' tax was Monday L* mill health, was III last summer and until finally things arrived at the K. Sugarman, of the Portland Store 'council f" Levi Ward, of Kinninth Fulls, has ”We had a fine business this year. levied for the payment of current ex-1 had to go to California. This leads pass where you find them today." '»-«■li dowu looking after bis ranch One thing 1 have learned. The p«?o- penses of the town of Bonanza politicians to consider the possibility Th«* pastor sighed deepl). and stock. Last Saturday H. F Swingle was Benson resigning before his term I ple want the better class of goods.; ___________ __ Robert Haven Scbaufflei, In Suc­ Mrs. Manning, who has In'vn stay- I was cleaned entirely out of high *n ,own Yrom Klamath Falls, where offic«- expires, __ ____ , two v«*ars hence. cess Magazine. Ing with Mr and Mrs. lluillioll, re­ pne. d suits and furnishings and have he Fiad been after a valuable ex- ------------- The possibility of becoming Acting turned to her home In the Falla inal had io place orders for an almost en- l,re8S package. This package contain- Governor has not been overlooked by MR. INI» 'E.s. i:.,R REAMES. Thursday. br«*«i dogs which he and .j^, aspirants for President, and has. tirely new stock. 1 I could have soldF'd two The ti'h'phone crew toolt iu tile ENTERTAINS FRIF Alb • a gicat deal more if I had had the' the ,van Kilttore had purchased in_Her-, (^rj)apgj whet t«M their ambition. This Mr. and Mrs. FC. R Ream«»* enter­ ma querade at Merrill Xmas. Inic the goods, but am perfectly satisfied with I rick. Ill The dogs are fox hound and . ondltiou in polities The Xjuas tre< was a success, and tained a large number of their frie nds this year's business as it was away ¡blood hound stock, one-half strain ^verllor8h|p has b.,vn talked of for Saturday evening, at their beautiful fully enjoyed by all. Many beautiful iuch. and are trained to trail game. several weeka, and bas been consid- ahead of last year.” Those pres­ home on Conger avenue. While It presc’Uts Were received L. Jacobs, of the Boston Store: Ihey-'Cost the boys S1 <»0 besides the ered by a number of th«* Republican was a Mr.« and si ra En mu n. hard times party.” it was eat were “We did a fine business. We were fexpressage and Mr Swingle says they i..aders of the state, who have dls- more in the nature of a christening Wallet nnd Samuel Eninan. Mr. nnd somewhat handicapped by not get­ i can get their money's worth iu cou­ cussed it in many phases. or bouse warming, for the host and Mr« Harry Booth, Charlie and V«nna ting moved into our new building as gar and wild cat scalps in a month's Concerning the contest for Preai- heate»» have remodeled tiieir home, Booth. Mr and Mrs S Booth. Mr and we expected, and although we were ¡time. Holly is as proud of the dogs (j lent, however, there bav«> been n«i nutil uow it bus «he app'atance of Mrs I. Went, Madeline. Faye, Gerald crowded with our immense stock in 'as a flttle boy with his firs' pair of changes for a week. Jay Bowerman on«* of those beautiful »outhern col and Dale West. Mr and Mrs Charll<< the old building, we did the business 1 r«*d top boots intends remaining iu Portland until oulal homes of whi«h the |Hs>p|«< of Steeniau. Fred and Gertrude Bteeman, Thomas Jackson of Fort Klamath. the Legislature is ready to organize, and were kept busy every minute. the west get but a glimpse In books Mi and .Mrs M li Beebe, Anna and Our business was ever so much great­ who has b«*en here f«»r the past ten and he is trying »<> secure addition»- und pictures. The guests appeared, Gu>ede H'.be, Mi and Mrs Pierce er than a year ago. I do not believe days, has bought the shingle machine to the pledges he now possesses. Ac- ‘ in th« Ir old «lotlies much the worse Combs. Ham and Ines Combs, Mr. nnd that we would have found the time and boiler and engine of Wtu Bas­ tual pledges are difficult to obtain., for wc ar and pa lilies and the gru- Mr». Kleve, Mr nnd Mr» Bunnell,' to move if the new building had been sett, which was used a short time and at least one-third of the Repub­ t.--.iue appearance of some »as the Boti llunnell, Mr and Mrs C W Lew­ ready before as biwiiness was too good last summer at the Slack saw mill. lican Senators have refused to com­ source of innen amusement. The is. lx*vl nnd Cora Griffith. Mrs. Joe Bert Doan and Geo. Bagley loaded mit themselves to any one candidate- I ' to stop to move.” Dei van. Cathcleen Dervan. Mr and bouse wa» beaut if nil) decorated G. Heitkemper, Jr., Jeweler: “1 tbe machinery Monday and will take although bolding out ! < pea to ull. F'lve huudr*'d was Indulged lu un Mr» Tollman. Rv>«.«|e and Muggle Toll­ sold more goods and did a greater it to Fort Klamath where Mr Jack- It is on these unsubstantial ho]>es til eleven, when the guests were con- man. Mt ami Mrs II Be«t. Mr and . amount of business this year than son will install it for next seusou’s that aspirants base their strength dueled to th«' dlnlug room. where Mis Win Barks. Clyde and Carl Some time next week the Senate or- ' a banquet was served. Each gueat Barks, Clyde Bradley, Loyd Lowe. Nic last. I was surprised that there was run. This morning as James Culal an ganization is expected to become I such a demand for high class goods was presented with favors, which Monson. Janies Beldln. Frank Cluck. I had a large number of individual was walking along behind a load of more prominent. The holiday sea- ! were drawn, by means of ribbons, Mr and Mrs. Carl Kobley, Carl Rob sales of from $5u to $luo, which is ice he stepped into the wagon track son has interfered with politics to from Santa Claus' well filled pouch, ley. Jr., Mi und Mrs. M Gluian a ., surprising in a town of this size. As and twisted his foot so that he broke a noticeable degree. Following the banquet the guests Ellen and t'hnrlic Galarneau. a rule the people did their shopping all the bones in his right ankle. He Many changes are predicted in tin were entertained with a genuine Mis Alma LaPrarle called in her was taken to his home and Dr. Tratix ' fl ik Tstlji tangle next week. L- g- t earlier this year than before." 11 Hoot! I..»t Wed­ southern cakewalk, th*- participants daughter. M H. J. Winters, Jeweler: "I so^d was called, who reduced the fracture isldtois are heading for Portland, and being t 'doled »c-rran'» of Mi anil nesday. fully one-third more goods this year I and it will be two months tx-fore Mr one oi two drop in every day to see > Mrs Reauies than I did last. Business was fine €olahan will be able to walk. w hat is going on. John C. McCue, a j silt TIHIM V* LIPTON Last Friday while Wm. Dnvaul and candidate for Speaker, is in town. ■ and people seemed to know j'is» what U II I. IIAV I l«i III IIIIA they wanted. I am perfectly sa'lsfi.-d J. H. Lindsay were hunting on Miller and bas been visiting such outside NEW YORK, Det 2-. It scouts Creek their dogs got on the trail of with the share of business I receiv­ delegates as are in the city, and he | practically certain flat there »ill be cougars and soon had them treed. has also bad a talk with (’. N. Mc- ed." I two no International yacht race n-xi year, Thad McHattan, Jeweler: “Busi­ Mr. Duval being on hand with his I Arthur, who is one of 1,1» rivals. L.K. Inasmuch uh the tliu>> limit surround­ I trusty title soon brought the varmints ness was just fine. Of course, 1» Bean is expected in Portland next ing th>> deed of gift ha* practically wouldn't mean anything to me to to the ground. The large»« measured week, as also is Janies I*. Campbell, 'expired. It Is stipulated iu the deed 8 *-2 feet in length front tip to tip and tell how much better my business still another candidate. | of gift that at least 10 months’ notice was than last Christmas as I had the other 7 H feet. One estimate of the strength of of a challenge lx- giver, while no nice 10 times as much goods this year and these a plrants is given as follows. , shall be held between November 1 MEXICO'S ( IGARETTE they were all the latest things and McArthur, 15; Bean, 15; McCue, 10, I and May 1. Tills would make It nec­ BILL OVER -W MILLIONS. and Campbell, 3. McArthur is claim- j best on the market. My store has al­ essary for the New, York Yacht (Tub MEXICO CITY. Mex., Dec. 25.—If ing 22, but while he may have this so been enlarged and I have had a ifo rece ive a challenge before the end chance to display my goods. I did the cigarettes smoked In .Mexico dur-. number friendly to him, McArthui >f thia month, which la cun»ldeM-d better than I expected so I am satis­ 'iDg the last 12 months were placed has not shown 22 pledges. McCue a> Improbable in yachting circlva tiiat -nd to end they would form a string has received encouragement in the fied.” i the belief ot uo race In I9u9 baa be- F. M. White, of the Star Drug' which would reach from earth te J past few days, whicn has sent bis ' come an accepted fact. Store: “We did a good business this j moon and half way back again, 1° . stock going upward, while Campbell Get from any prescription pharma­ The reason tl.ut there will be no year. The people this year bought the same manner they would make' appears to be at a standstill, Bean cist the follow Ing: International race during the coming much earlier than usual. Our most ’ a belt which would reach around the I looks for help from the Multnomah Fluid Extract of Dandelion, one- year Is attributed principally to tlie noticeable increase was in our mai' earth at the equator nearly 16 times, j delegation. . alf ounce.; Cote: round Kargon otic (allure of the Ne w Yolk Y.ec ht (.'lull These statistics arc- gathered from The final line-up will be between ounce-; Compound Syrup 8m mparllla, order and country business. This was to agree to ce*rtain chang e In the the official report made by the tax »ome two candidates, the others drop- three- ounce** much greater than ever before.” rulan govaralag tka coMtraetioa of W. H. Dulaney, of the Monarch collector for the entire republic ofjpjng ___ out. The Multnomah delega- Shake well in n bottle- and take a ctoafH which have been aiiRRested Mercantile Company: ' We did a fin« Mexico. The figures are simply stu- Itlon, or rather the Statement mem- teaspoonful dose after each n nl and from time- to tlinee by Sir Thomas Lip­ business. This is the first year that , pendous and show that probably more J era of the delegation, will eventual- u» bedtime. ton, who stood ready to challenge- If our store has been running in Klam­ cigarettes are smoked in .Mexico than |y determine which two candidates The- above- is coi r.'dered as t> «• tiltHl such changes were agreed upon. ath Falls, and I am more convinced in any country in the world, shall be in the running. certain prese t Iption ever written t> ----------- 0----------- The report of the collector of rev-1 .Meanwhile the crowd of seekers (relieve Bachaeh«.*. Kidney "I ouble, then ever before that the people of MONEY FH'BHI HIRED TO this city appreciate the conveniences enue shows that 7 46,332 kilograms , for clerkships and desk positions-in Weak Bladder an-’ al) forint of I'ri- of a modern market. We have tried of tcdtarco per month were used by the Legislature continue to multiply, nary difficulties.’ This mi (lire act.« PAY HTEEl.'s EXPENSES. to give the people everything that the various factories of Mexico, or a promptly on the ellmlnat'vi tissue's The City Council of Medford bus they could obtain In the markets In total of 91,719,918 kilograms per an­ KOSEBI KG HHEKII I I INDS of the Kidneys, . nalill ig llictp to til appropriated $250 to pay a portion the «.'ties and we have had no trou­ num. All the tobacco except 1,000,- NO HIIISKIA EITHER. ter and strain the uric acid . hi 1 other of the traveling expenses of Will G. ble selling the goods. If one w*as te 000 kilograms were used In the man­ Prompted by complaints growing waste matter from the blood which Hteel to Washington, where ho will judge from the amount and quality ufacture of cigarettes. Ther«- are a , out of numerous cases of drunken- c auses Rheumatism. * urge an appropriation for th«» con­ of goods sold, we could prove that total of 467 factories in Mexico. ms;', Sheriff B. Fenton and a force Rome persons v ho ruffe- w’th the struction of th«' Crater Lake road. It Is estimated that 524,364,650 of seven deputies late Saturday night afflictions may not feol inc ined 1« Th«* County Court of Jackson County the people here are good livers. You wouldn't believe it It I told you how packages of cigarettes were made (raid' cl all of Roseburg's near-beer es­ place much confidence In this simple will also, approprhii« $250, making many hundreds of turkeys alone we during the last year. There Is on an tablishments, eight In number, in mixture, yet those who have tried it a total of $500, the necessary nmonnt. sold for Christmas dinners. We have average 14 cigarettes to a pack. This search of antl-temperailce beer and say the results are simply surprising, had a good business ever since we would bring the total number of clg- stronger liquor. No whiskey or wines i the relief being effected without the ADMINISTRATION NOI K E. opened up but during the Holidays arettes manufactured in the last 12 were found by the officers, but sam­ slightest Injury to the stomnch or Notice Is hereby given by the under- it was a hummer.” months to the stupendous total of ples of bottled beer were taken from other organs. lgn«'d, Administrator of the catnte It was impossible to see all the , 7,341,105,100. These cigarettes sell each place visited, and these will be Mix some and give It a trial. It ’ of Rodn'-y S. Ilowen, dec*eii.iod, that merchants but a general report Is at from 5 cents to 25 cents per pack, , examined as to their alcoholic per­ Certainly conies highly recomtnonded i all persons hnvlng claims against the that this month's busincKa bas been Thus It is estimated that, the Mexi­ centage, which, If in excess of 3 per ' It is the prescription of an eminent alcl estate present the same with the good, Even the hardware store and cans burn up in the shape of cigar- cent, comes within the pale of the authority, whose entire reputation, It , proper voucher within six months places handling staples report an In­ eftes $30,705,525 ea. ORKUON ROOMS 7 & 8, MURDOCK BLDG. I DR. WM. MARTIN DENTIST Office over Klamath County Bank WILL A. LEONARD DENTIST W /thru* - tfc/hasc DR. C. P. Hulldlng MASON DENTIST Office In American Hank A Trust Cum • pany'a Building PHONE 814 KLAMATH FALLS OREGON l 2500 Acres Free The Lakeside company has 2500 acres of land under the Adams ditch that it will give RENT FREE for one year Thia ladudea the uae of the land ami water. The renter must elaar »nd place the land in cultivation The rent­ er get* all the crop but we reserve the right tn paalure im atubMa The Lakeside Company, J Frank Adams, Manager, Merrill. Oregon. FRANK IRA WHITE THE LAND MAN List your land for »*1» with thi» offic», we have buyers for all elasscH of Klamath County property. Enterprise Tracts Th«- only aerc-agr adjacent to hc.iciiath Falls for sale in »mall tracts. More than a score of ■..«»■pl« have secured sites for homes. t Mills Addition lots ar«- the best buys on the market FRANK IRA WHITE ÍHE LAND MAN is printed for folks who want to keep up to date on big thing«, and who don't want to be Irorcd to death while they're at it. So its chinks arc filled .with good stories, good and good humor. sentiment, Read the publishers* talk thii It month, and you'll where wc stand. just see A LOOK FOR THF. PATCHWORK COVE« For Saif by F. E. ANKENY | DLMES B ! ----- «------ Y f: ------ «------ h 1 BUSINESS COLLEGE WUHINQTOKAMBVINTWrl. I «»TLAAB ORIMN I WRITE FOR CATALOG I a «—4 r—|