Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, December 17, 1908, Image 1

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    Official Newspaper
ol Klamath County
cial Nev-ss'tper
of KLama’h County
< llt< in
I < >i n I.
>1'7 »X I
M i m« I i ) .
Jllilge Nolliini tlakes I ni pi o t a il I
« Isiini in Road I lise.
oi’Eit vriox.
lt«'M,i*h <1
A irerj important < h'cilliun MU.M r« n
dei« <1 \\<<lh»M<h»« b V Juda«’ . « olam
In I)«« < h k nit <’«> ul, which will
Ini* i< hi I U 1II1' Ul< 1 Mi of til«’ <<L>ll 111 V
Thi mmm thv <1 tmiiilaxml uf llu* » tp|»«’lt
of ski»
.«lay by
•m Jul-
und M
of K In noil It, i be
Hi.' i ii « ult Com t
Hi ml. Ylcv
fiumi! In
u ppi il li I <d und tin
puit timt til
equal to (hi i
property iilinig
Im ut< d, oi In ■
Ji I
the property
apP'-uli d tu
the <!< i lulo
«Iittiin pin«
must muki
tile l 'till III •
Otti «.ne liitmlreil Ix'is tied girl«
la hluiiuilli < «»null*
ItM.lg Hie»'
blinks Iny lug it •»!«!«• SOIIWjIlillg for a
» >11») iliiy."
I« your boy «>r gui
I In 111 ? Il h<»l I m * ought to I * .
dollar for .«
‘■fallir. Itu Rep«
««ill pill«'«* to
hl* rr< dit In tiu- I
« Hank of fltls
< mt liat«' one
tt till II to sate Ills
if V‘-ti will |siy one y«-nr III ailviiiicc
fnr Hie Rrpulilli nn.
'I lien- I« no
-< In nn ala of llils. ft Is a I mi IIM tide
IL r. I "ii get th«’ dollar, the tmnk
lll«l tile ItepIlldlcHII fot <>ll<‘ }•
I i « in.-nt ol s» J.
which i «■suited in a huin ex­
{ over th «• whole
il und right
1 h»* amount of « Kin I oé H uhm mo
that it
pOMHibic* al
n«* for i
chilli to li ve. The
HÌ »U M« ii, HXWt
, that <«,ii
( Wil- <1
l<> p
lit deform-
nd back
1.0 „
m the »ev-
.rade» of 'J.e publi«
were b
♦ * f* u <
1 to stand
•i at ton <i r i
th »• grafts re
□ tf on«* -h ‘1 f inch by
or four ll c
kn r
d. Al
t Jac >bson.
Lloyd A
ixinart H nd P
on Avent.
fifty gra fts m ere ne< *•• ai,- and
i Hillon eoiouiiied th«- gi'eat>:r
n doing
I 'RLE I 1 Llv I "X
wit’kly some important
I'thange Is made that sl ows that Kia-
imath Falls If fast becoming a bu.:i-
] ness center of importance. t)n W«-«l-
th <5 W p IJ m , Far
nesday of thi M
t’uni pany put or
go Expt*
express w h
n for free delivei'X I d
the buslnes II Ilum»** ditttrhst, whlc b In
eludes Mui
from the b ridge
to Eighth.
In speakI ; of th«* mat ter .Mi. Par-
ker, the a>
Dells, Fargo
Company. ►
• business of
the com pa
ed consider­
able over t
ar, and that
under the
• considered
that th«- 1> usi
. ne Mt
of tNi city
were emit led to
took the n latter n
the h»-ad of-
flee with
he received
irilers to
free deliv-
b u sl­
n«-ss ho
it reet,
is ef-
»mied hi
mi rkal.lc
& «ani
Illi, (iltot M»
clfi< (
tesla n i w ii l »
tO H 1 depth
I hu I a sample uf the snll which wu-
fun nd ut t but depth.
It 1« a sort of
a lilai k Ionin ami L said to be deeoiii
posed t ules.
It Is asserted that Hie whole of
liiitt.< Vulley was nt one time nn Ini-
niense lake or inlnnd en. In fact this
whole section Win supposi d to hnv<
been under water.
From the ria*
of sol) wlili h lias been brought up It
Is evident Hint the bottom of tlie Ink.
hns not yet been reached even nt 3 In
In boring tlie well, nt no linn
have they encountered rock. Shells
and other thing of thnt nature have
been brought up a- l.u • also what I m
supposed to have been fish bones.
d .'
otri on XX
tullty to t ip
cas was *«‘t
l»c u
Tlie cnticiudlng evidence In the
Provo divorce cast
is h« :ird Wed
i s submitted to
nesdiiy. The case
the Court nt 3 o'clock, JudI'.e Nolnnd
stated that he would render his de-
< Ision later, proluibty toilay.
Thin siluy the <
of Withrow.
Melhase Company vs. A. M. Taylor
will be hear I The trial I will be before
a jury.
The jury In th«« case of the Long
Lake I.umber Company vs. A. Kinney
yet timed n verdict Thursday night in
favor of the Lunibvr Company for
Tho Company bnd asked
ami Hie defense brought In
A delightful evening was spent nt
a counter claim for |5C and 1500
the Bnptlst Church Thursday night, i
150 people were present and enjoyed |
tho musical program and tho readings
from Riley by (4. Lclioy Hall, The
Tho case of Millie Garrison vs. O.
program consisted of selections by
Prof. Wirtz, Mrs. Morgan and the F. North was started Friday,
male quartet. Tho readings by Mi plaintiff Is suing tor the return of a
Hall were thoroughly enjoyed by the location fco and to bo reimbursed
lurgo audience. The Riley seiuctlons for her expenses In attempting to sc
It Is alleged
as Interpreted by Mr. Hall were a rare cure a timber claim.
that the plaintiff was Induced to file
That evenlng’B entertainment was on a timber claim and after advertis-
the conclusion of Rev. Hall's services Ing proof she discovered that the
in this city. He lias been here over claim was not ns represented, and
a week and his special services at therefore did not make proof,
the Baptist Church liuve resulted In now wants her money back which she
awakening a now Interest among the paid for location fees.
Before submitting their side of the
meetings have been well attended cnsc the defense asked for a non­
and he has secured many warm suit. The remainder of tho afternoon
friends as well as admirers during his was taken up by tho arguments of
the attorneys.
short stay hero.
----------- <.<^i--------------
I alttplM'll emi P.ciifii. s I’m h,
hr 11 it> t and Midland
T‘ A 11 hit«*.
YtMterda: aft«?rnoon thi*re w vr » con-
1 l i t iji-i < it on«'
of tlie
IL-«t rnal .r ate
;tl% coni«ider ring the
monev invo lv<*d, which h as e tver oc-
tarrat m u ¡4 - tlon. T bls « was the
■ale uf th» r>1^ Milbr lra<: t, Im iduditig
sone- 330b a« i
of land under the
government ditch, and the entire
| townsite of Midland, which is to be
the main uhippi Ing point on the Call-
fornla Northeasl tern Railroad in Kia-
math County,
XXhile the purchase
price has not b* i • n made public, it Is
known to ha1
ti -eii in the nefghbor-
hood of bet« • *-n 175,000 and i 80,-
This trad, , Including the townsite,
was purchase o Ii B. Campbell and
E. it. Ream*
Mr. Campbell is a
capitalist who I as b«-en interested
in some of the most in; portant d>,-vel-
opments in the «•«i'inty for the past
four years. He was one of the for-
stockholder - and the G<- neral
Tf the Midland
and tl e towimitp wax plat-
ted and laid out under bis direction.
'.! * Reamer I- one of the oldest bnsl-
n a d probably the wealthiest
i tl:l- -'«tion, b ing a retir'd
1 in the hanking bustsess and
land own r with man; other
Int’-ri sts in this section, in tbe future
of which h<- ha- absolutemaafidence.
sa1" «tf property in Mld'and
never been pushed to any extent,
but th«-s° lots will be put on the mar-
k> > in tl
n. ar future as the railroad
v ill r> .«■ 'i '' i- | ii;t n* : la ■ r than
June. Th«- town has great prospect*
a- a shipping point, not only for cat­
tle and stock but for all farm pro­
Factories and other enter-
pris«» are Scheduled at this point.
Engineer Zumwalt has completed a
survey of th" big ranch and this tract
has been cut up into 40-acre farms
and will be sold.
It is stated that
within ano1'er year as many as
eighty famill s »'ii have homes on
st^id’ ^>r
ii agricultural
this Imm-r..- sujyicn
I ravel
l.ak<’ < uuni y
lì ua I
through Khiioulh Full*.
H I*« ' ll
u . 1 in In
thill Ihll» tlltVcl will I»«* » nui
inouM (1 tirin£ th«- n« xt > • «r oil m < • «»«mt
a poriml
of th<’ «xt »h»*i V «• advertising of that
appeal cun be
iw Hun b> th«» OiJ'Kun Vai ivy Luifl
de« Ismit, It | r
H I» i«port**«I that thb>
lit It may continu«* In the
company l a Mold all • »( H*» hi" k and
a number of years yet.
land und that next >«*nr tho pnrrba
Judge Gllffllli riadjudl-
vrx, numbering thouio
CAM’ Uli the groundw liiat
to laik«* (taunt) with
hu«l been given to tbe
£tr ? a C| * «ill
‘1 h» diveltine of thf pas
oll tlie original otd<
vt»l through Klun ath will
wed lie «laini of tli«'
th«’ • ff»’' t of bringing t
tr* to N. II Knight Ilk'Co:
tion of tlie liuti«* of I. JIM
ii order
way <>f K hi mat h Falla
2. lii>5 In
portunity uhould not
'•red. atijud «I
l! at
by t h• people <>( i til» i
claim <>f N II
ory uhd I m !atii’«’ ahouhl
r> »I32S.
9 on at
Hullruio! Coiiipany In
to como t!*L m , to’» it
ch. l'­
If 111
un try
urn! i
1 rial
NO. 38
< Iind from beiiiuiing a
. The loss of skin was
there «
kin being grafted
I '¡H.!! I > I Y TO THE I
mder that the-'
uber 1.*.—A si e«
ICH» MIL! S I\ M \ XEAKS. lai to the Record-Herald from Was!
Ington says:
ng the millions of letters
"All Japanese emigration to the
t!u< an- mailed • very month and that
i'nited Stales is to be stopp, d by the
rea< h th«-lr di’stlnatlons promptly, we
Japanese Government.
When the
have little reason, on tlie whole, to
Japanese Diet meets a few weeks
•omplnin of our mail service
In n« e Baron Komura, Minister of
tocciisfonnlly public attention is called
rise c. i : i ***• <>i Till
Fureign Affairs, will make official an-
«as- tha
that t illustrates
Illustrates the possi-
( Ml s* f «i k \ mi;\ r. to a caso
nounecment that the Government has
biliti •s ► of delay
Such an instance
decided to prohibit all emigration to
TI • « <ininiltt>-e on rules and regula-
>een reported re renHy from the
tlie United States after a givtun date.
lions bit made a slight change In th«’
of Washington.
John Paul, a
“Thus ’ B disappear the last re­
tournament schei] il le
As It is Impos- I
■nt of Nahcotta, Wash., has just
maining difference of pomible caus“?) ■ 'and, which wtif be“Turnished water
slitte for all
s to be present I
• d a let'll r that was mailed to
of troubl betwe.n the United States 'by the government ditch.
<>n ilio tomi lament ev« nlngs and con-
bltu from Olympia, the e state capital,
and Japan
Though the anuounci -
jy delays and
and fifteen days previous
------------ •------------
nmlttee deeui: to its re<
The distanc«’ from
Washington—The fight for a re­
tinv«1 each per- '
Olympia t to Nahcotta Is 100 miles.
PREPARED FOR ICE. vision of the House was Inaugurated
In the tourna- Th b
, therefore. traveled at tbe
Company has lad Friday at a meeting of the so-called
h gain" count- !
’ ninety-two hundredths of a
an ice breaker built for use on the insurgents.attended by 25 Republican
I a
t>ne-half point.
a day or on«' mile «-very twenty-
steamer Klamath. Instead of break- Representatives. Representative Hep­
km n pla>< <! up
id two-ninths days
Ing the ice down us the ordinary con- burn, of Iowa, presided and was au-
play 1, luit in a »
lout ti.e speed that a
trivance does, this one enters under 1 thorized to name a committee of five
i a • • 'a
on moi nlugs w hen
th ice much in the manner of a snow
with hims’df as chairman
«I tw
reqi: red
to the office.
The compi ‘any believes that the 1 to
t! e prop« sed amendments
to I t|
ail-like unwin
l stea mer will hav re no trouble on ac- to
- . :id report to the orga-
pe. The lette r
'count of ice this winter. Even if the nti
in.- irgests consider-
have qualified
1 big boat is not a bl« to keep t ? chan- d he
arfoui <4 sug- tiers for more
ut it was
pen. it is th
intention, if it thi i two hour
-should be com.' nece e rary to use one
r. Hepburn said the plans pro-
lost <>r
of t' '■ smaller boats to run ba< k and JOS 1 for changing the rules would
Il I
ge that it y«.-n>ained in-
th ai ! thii»
a channel open
• onstdered by the committee he
«1 Mr. Paul that lie hail mad«'
all the time. It i s not believed that wo Id name. He d sired to make it
ci un< • t<> pl
an o«< i pay m.'iit to the land office of
there will lie any heavy ice longer known that all of the members in­
gaine* that lia v.
the state governin' ut and that a
than a week or so at a time.
vited to the meeting with tbe excep­
low s«>me fine
check covering the amount would be-
tion of Representative Norris, of Ne­
of the newer players are mak-
. lailed to him. if Mr. Paul hud re­
braska, who is out of towD.were pres­
goo«i headway. Evi n at this
ceived the che< k, he probably would
F. M. Miller, of Lakeview, sold to ent.
itage of the tournament It is
never liaie tool federal authoriti< ■
Mitel <11 & Co.. 4X0 head of beef eat-
nt I thnt there will be many sur-
of the letter that was six year.- u.
Heat Merrill. The cattle will be tak-
There will b«> first, second.
eoing 1ml miles, but the cheek ha
• n to Gazelle anti shipped to Oak-
Washington,- It is held by the
Ir 1 piizcs to contend for.
not yet been received, and Mr. Paul
regular tournament evenings
Supreme Court of the District of Co­
has asked Unde Sam to see if it is ,
Lewis Gerber started 300 head of lumbia that the Interior Department
ar«' on Tit« -days and Saturda s. liow-
not still trying to find him.
cattle Inst Saturday to be shipped cannot require that entryman under
‘U can play your tournament
cast is so unusual I hat one naturally ,
from Mt. Hebron to Sacramento.
the timber and stone act shall per­
games at nny other time, giving you a
looks about for an explanation, Ber­
Chas. Horton will start 300 head sonally go upon the land sought be­
chain ■ to make tip for games that
haps Mr. Paul is only paying the
In a few day for Mt. Hebron. Their fore making their Initiative entry.
should hav. been pin.« i ll by tills time.
penalty for living in Nahcotta.
is Oakland.
This decision was rendered In the
------------ •------------
It is assorted that th-' beef cattle case of Mary S. Ness, whose timber
In the Merrill country are nearly all entry of a tract in the Roseburg, Ore­
Commencing January 1, the Klam­
The City Council has decided to In tlie hands of wholesale butchers gon, land office had been cancelled
ath Lake Navigation Company, which
open up more streets.
It will be of California.
because she had not visited the land
has been operating In connection with
necessary to buy the property need­
before filing.
The court holds that
the Southern l’acltlc Railroad, will
ed ns tho streets were not dedicated
the Department was without author­
discontinue the store door freight de­
when the plats were filed ami the land
To Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mongold, ity in cancelling this entry merely on
livery. It Is expected that about that
is now In private ownership.
It is at 3 o’clock Tuesday morning, a 10-
the ground "that the applicant dis­
time th«' tv w terminus of the railroad
believed that it will be better to se­ . pouml boy.
covered the character of the land
will be established at Holland and
cure this property now than to wait
To Mr. anti Mrs. D. T. Meldrum, from having had an expert examine
direct connection will then be had
until later, as tho property is bound at 1 o'clock Tuesday morning an 8-
it.” This decision is of far-reaching
with the steamer.
o advance In value anti the city would pound boy.
effect, and seriously affects the new
The freight rate to Klamath Falls
have to pay n greater price at some
regulations recently promulgated for
is to b«' reduced at that time and ail
later time.
.Ammunition to be used by Presi­ 'the enforcement of the timber and
shipments will be delivered at th«'
The streets to be opened are Jef­ dent Roosevelt on his African trip has
stone act.
dock or wharf, The merchants and
ferson, between Second and Third, been prepared at New Haven, Conn.,
others receiving goods will have to
and Eighth, between Klamath and anil forwarded to Washington, to­
Dr. Qeo. H. Merryman and Dr. Ed­
make arrangements with the city
gether with the weapons which the ward Gyles have formed a partnership
transfer companies for the delivery
President will use and which were and will occupy Dr. Merryman's pres­
of goods from the freight house as
sent there to be examined by experts. ent offices.
Is done in all cities having railroad
MONEY BY MAKING MONEY. The ball cartridges are in varying
James Glllogly received a letter
It 1 b not believed that this change
The government made a profit dur­ weights, the largest being deemed of on Tuesday from Berkeley with the
will make any reduction in the cost ing the fiscal year ended June 30, the right caliber to bring down a following address: Southern Oregon,
near E. H. Harriman’s place on Kla­
of frolght, as the reduction made by ISOS, of 110,541,371 on the coinage pachyderm.
------------------- •------------------
math Lake. There was no delay tn
tho Southern Pacific will probably of silver, nickel and one-cent bronz«'
the letter reaching its destination,
about equal the cost of city delivery. pieces. This represents the difference SEPARATE STATEHOOD FOR
between the price paid by the govern­
ARIZONA AND NEW MEXICO. which proves that Klamath is known
Miss Perkins recently arrived from ment for the metals and their coin­
WASHINGTON, Dec. 15,—Separ­ as Mr. Harriman's resort at least
Portland to accept a position as book­ age value. Director of the Mint Frank ate statehood for Arizona and New among the postoffice employees.
Miss Ruby Hillis left Wednesday
James H. Driscoll camo down from
for San Joae where she will spend Bonanza Wednesday to act as a wit­ keeper for
Christmas with her mother.
ness In the Provo case.
-------«------ .
----- «-------
----- «------ -
-------- «--------
------ «------
Baldwin Hardware Leach gives these figures In his an­ Mexico is provided for in two bills in­
C. W. Sherman, Sr., is In the city
nual report made public yesterday.
troduced today by Senator Foraker. from Dairy.