Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, December 10, 1908, Image 7

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    ♦ ♦ ♦
♦ ♦ ♦
♦ « ♦ ♦ Fill« Hutuiduy. '1 hoy live on tho HIM 4 It K tltl I II Lt XIIXATIXG
yt 41.11 II H (»F V ETYI.EXE.
♦ lunch Mr. Worden rcimitly purchus-
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ id of Aimer W«»<l.
A reprlul and revision of Bulletin
('hn * Picket wu« n IniMlncMM vlvltor No. 57 of tic' Hints Department of
to Hie Fall« Friday.
AgilruHuic of Pennsylvania I iuh been
W. F. Aiulit went to tlm Fulls Hut Issued by the le pui iim nt of Chem­
istry of tin" Penn»ylvania Htale Col­
The cuttle feeding of till« district lege. under the authorship of Georg»
I iuh already le-gun.
[Gilbert Pond, Ph D. The whol» «uh­
Mi. mid Mi«. O Hliort mid Judg" Ject ot ('sieluni Curblde and Acety-
Hlmrt wvrti In the Full» Haturday.
It'll«! 1« covered mo.it thoroughly «villi
Thar« w»» u dunce given al Sir out the use of le.hulial languugi',
mid the houk tontein» coniplete and
[Munson'» Friday avonlng.
Forest ('uniiliiglimn has ben the authoritative Information, ho »Imply
Nov. 21,
I proud p«>H»< ur of a wild kihiho that told that th«- public generally will find
liud bi'comi <p.He tunic, but Mr. Coy- I the liook not only Instructive but ex-
Mr. Ilyers and son,
[ote puld u vxlt to tho liarn yard (treniely inter«' ting.
111 Klumuth Fulls Hatur
The usi" of uietylen» commercially
Mr. Hendricks I m hi
Sunday nig1 i mid now Forest «xpe« ts
[tn ileul «ixtcnslvely In coyote sciilp« 11» un «"Volution covering ten or twelve
to his ranch.
Arthur Hevlts hn it led u load of
t in rle mid Clyde ' Andrew« got yi'tiiH. The rapid strides which th»
wood for the school house Mondu) their book« Mondu) and
took tlmm , new lllumlnmit has mad», especially
In country homes. Is making It a for­
J II Baines I m butchering today. ■to Oleite, where they now live.
Lo)d Rrownell, of Klamath Fall«, midable competitor for fuvor where
Ulalle» Bonner r. turned to »cliool
Mouday utter being confined to her 1« employed by the government at «•ver illumination Is required.
I The spectral unul>sl» of the light
hollin by n slight i iiMu of chicken pox it'amp A
Bmtnn Burnett was in Dii" Kali« «hows It to be u practical duplication
One of McIntire's eight muin team«
lof »itnIIglit, ho tliHt th<< color» have
liuHMi'd through hern Tuesday on Its Hunduy.
Mr. mid Mrs Geo W McLane and I their true value when lllumlnufi d by
return to the railroad.
(' B Faulkner took the st lo»d cen i lilldren. Franc«« and Mlle«, Wet !• thl» brilliant gu». Ilecently the u»e
vjsltor« nt Mr«. Mi Lun»’» parents, of acetyli-m* for the heudllgbt» of au-
sus Monday.
Mr. Brown, of Hound Luke. I n Mr. mid Mr«. J H Mill«, this week. Itomoblles. H h adoption by the Govern-
plowing with »i> horses.
Mi mid Mr» Kli kiuiduil were Full« ■ m> nt for beacon light», lightliou»«"»,
fort» mid Indian schouls, ha» given
G Ileltkemper, Jr , of Klamath visitors Hut urduy.
J H Mills mid daughter, J imh I c , acetylene new Impetus.
Falls was lu tkl» vicinity hunting
ProfeHHor Pond has shown that the
ducks lust Munday
, went to the Fall» Haturduy.
Mr. Kurrcow Is liuullng hay fruiti
Gieat int«*rest, Is being taken In dweller In the country home can »«■
his runeh near the river.
[the preparation for Hie Christina» cur» this excellent lllumlnmit at a
cost which comtuires, to the nd van­
Art hus Bretner Imllt a <<>w «heti tr«"«‘.
last Week.
Tin* «mall children are enjoying tage of acetylene, with «-Ity ga» when
C. II Faulkner made tils usual trip their clay modeling, mat weaving burned in the open flume burner cost-
ling n dollar per thousand cubic feet.
to the Falls Saturday.
and milking of rainbow chuln»
The bomd of engineer» of the Na-
Tlie little son of Mr and
Tho«o uelther aiment nor tardy
Ager, who wiis burned so
last mouth wi-r» Iinan» Mmk,Flunk tlonal Board of Fire Underwriters
Is recoveilug slowly. They
( Mill«. Earl Mark, Jennie Icunblce, 'have, after u year's examination of
Grucle Cunningham, ('allo l< «obice, the subject, declared thnt acetylene,
ed him lo town where he r
der the do, tor’s care In.
i 'arrle Audrewa, Fred Itaniaby ami when ItiHialled with Improved appara-
ItiiH, 1» wafer than the lllumlriants that
Is silli In attendance Mrs
lte««l<. Icenblc«.
------ ...<.
It replaceH, mid the National Board of
kentiurg mid Mrs Hbmns have been
assisting Hrs. Ager In the n u t al n k » ♦ * ♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Underwriters ha» revlned it» rul»» In
and dressing of the burns
♦ such a manner as to encourage It»
Smnv lo you, Pine drove, Indeed ♦ « ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ more rspl«! Introduction. Calcium
<'u. Id'le. wlih h bus In Home quarter»
we can s) ■npallilz« wlili you III haV-
Blit tic-lie Morey
baa started to been regard* <1 uh a dmigerou» »ub-
Ing lo do without water nt the school
«» hool.
t hou»».
itance, ha» been Inventlgated and de-
Herbert Fili li I as been very III. < lured without hnzHrd by the Fire Un­
Master Howard and Melvin llrnnt-
but Is MOUIO belt, r at this time
derwriter». TI h - h «" fact» will come
Iler. We arc sorry to say, are quite III
■Mik Mabie Clemlns Is recovering In the nature of a great «urprlne to ( HOOK ( ol XTV TO HAVE
at the present willing
from a long and hard seige of ty­ many who have regarded acetylene
Or.. D«c. 2—Ag-
us dangerous. In dealing with this
♦ ♦ « ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
Ituna Davis I- belt *r.
l>hsH'. of th«* »ubj"ct. Professor Pond «■ncyplain« farmer« in large numbers
KIMI |M1|X(,K.
The Literary Association of the in» given thorough Information a» to will assemble early Monday morning,
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
Merrill school met last Friday and the sate uhc of acetylene and the pre­ December 14, at A. Monner's ranch,
John Iteeder, from New Pine (‘reek, >■!<•< ted new officers. Those elncted cautions will* Il must be taken with in company with a» many Indian» as
Oregon, 1« visiting hl« »un, W. E were. Calvin Haskins president, Al
rare to come (rom the Warm Springs
any other llluuiinuni.
llevdrr, of Keno, (bla week
la Halls vli e pre-ldi iit, Grace Gray-
An interesting phase of th«* »object reservation, fur the first rabbit drive
Il V Mitchell puMMi-d through Krno ba<4 secretary, (’heater Haskins press 1» the remarkubh* use of wliat 1» ever held on an extensive scale in
Sunday, on hl* way to the Falla.
ag< nt, Elmer Carr librarian, Charlie known a» the oxy-acetylene blow­ Crook County. Htarting from the
John laivelndy »»• In Ki no Thurs­ Brown editor, David Fitch, treasurer. pit»' By burning acetylene In an at- north end of the plain», the rabbit­
day with the Inspector. Mr Forties
A farewell party was given to mosphere of pure oxygen, the hlgbe»t chaser», without dogs or guns, will
Mr Kimball left Monday for Po- Francis Eaton last Saturday evening temperature in chemistry 1« evolved, drive the rabbits ahead of them in
kegamii. after cruising some timber Everyone had an enjoyable time. i practically equalling the electric arc. a southerly direction to a point near
near Krno for tin1 Weyerhaeuser Co Those present were
John Nye. Le«" A pencil of flume two or three Inch»» the Matole« River, where the lines
John Kerns, after spending the and Charlie Blown, Leslie and Lel­ long, and no larger than the barrel will converge upon a large correl, in
summer with bls brother. Bin. re and Pop«, Hoile Dewey, |<l|ey powers,
of a fountain pen.can be drawn aero»» which the rabbits will b«- slaughtered.
turned to hl« home In Chico, Calif.. Claude Demorest .Phoebe Brown, Gol­
The drive will undoubtedly last for
a l>le«'e of sheet metal and literally
die Htukel, Alla Balls, Ituby Detnor- I melts the metal In two. The proca-HS several days, as the farmers who
ami Motin and Bort Im SM . Esaa mid Nita llatllff
inn be reversed, and sheet metal, iron have suffered from the rabbits' dep
Hpvnccr «tti'iidi"d the enteitalnnivtil and Mr» Guata Whitney have gone
brass, copper, ulumlnum. and lu fact r«»datlon» are anxious lo exterminate
at Kino Wednesday night.
lo Cottage Grove to spend the winter any of the ordinary metal» can be them as far as possible The pests
N W Deni made n trip tn Dori 1»
Henry Anderson has In a large lilerall) melted together and. curious­ were almost exterminated several
Sunday, to meet hl« daughter, Mr» ruppi) of Christmas goods
ly , the joint 1» ho perfectly formed year» ago by a disease which made
G Kerns, who resides In Chico. Cnl
a tile will n 4 disclose the point great Inroads in their ranks, and
Albert Gibson attended the social I
of fracture. Bridg«* girder» havt* be«-n some immons held this contagion to
dance mid entertainment nt Keno this
cut with great rnpldlty. and it is stat­ b«. due to Inoculation by Government
ed that tbl» simple pencil of flame experts, but If this was the fact the
The entertainment given by the
promises to revolution In the methods rabbits have completely recovered
LAKEVIEW, Dec. 2. Tire comple­
Ketio sc hool Wednesday night was «
in th«* Agency Plains district, and a ■
of metal working establishments.
grand «ucces«. The money received tion of th«1 N. ('. O. to Alturas muke»
Another curious phase of the sub­ score can readily be Jumped in a
wan 116. which will be used to ob­ Lakeview's nearest railroad point 60 ject 1» the fact tliHt Calcium Curbid«- mile's walk at any point in the sage­
tain n bell for th«* school. Soin«, of mil, away The extension of the road
nt certain temperature» ha» the power brush.
the people attending were John W. to thl« point will, however, not make
During tne past year farmers in
of flying the nitrogen of th«* air and
Copeland mid Ml is Combe, of Teeters 'much difference In freight to Lake-
In this way will produce a f«*rtllizer the more sparsely settled sections
v ew. The rates on thia narrnw gunge
have complained that their crops j
road arc almoit aw high as those called H.xmiatnide, which 1» found to were almost totally destroyed by rab­
equal the Chilian nitrates. Few p«m-
Pass m-
left Krno Friday for Merrill. The jcharged by th«, teamsters,
ple realize that fifteen million dollars bits, whil«" all farmers have corn-)
latter left tin- following day, accom
wdrill of Chilian nitrat«*» have been plained of some damage from the fuz­
panic«! by John Roye, for Full River, •d by the stag«- lines, and at times
Imported Into thl» country and used zy pests.
the service* Is very little better. Lake-
Similar drives will be held in var-1
by the farmers here during the past
Albert Traylor I n tuklng music !«•«- ' view busInesH men are planning oti
parts of Crook County, and each |
having nil their freight come via year.
son« from MI hn Doten.
like sub- drive 1« expected to result in
Mr». L. (>. Mill« visited relative» Klamath Fall« Jusi as soijn ns the
I »lance produced by melting together leath of several thousand of the
iiranch of the Southern Pacific la ex-
In KeliO the first of the Week.
, lime and coke In an electric furnace bits.
Finley Padgett mid family were tended to that city, which will Illi
It 1» not affected by any substance ex-
i be In th«* early spring
Th«, haul
visiting In KeliO last Week.
I ccpt water, and when brought in con­
the Los Angeles-1
The subjbcl for the debate In the wagon from Klamath Falls will be
tact with water gives off rapidly tit«" Owens River 2 40-nille aqueduct going
11. It. Literary, of Ketio. for next Hat approximately loo miles, but the
■ta» known ns acetylen«".
forward at the accelerated speed of
urdny evening will Lc "Resolve«, tlint difference in the rate will more than
The lliilletin on Calcium Carbide five miles per month. Chief Engineer
a postal Saving« Bank would bo a wui,u..t whipping freight by that
[and Acetylene can be bad free by ap­ William Mulholland this week sub­
good thing for the people of the Unit ro *c Instead of via Alturas.
plication. .....,ni:'anli'd by six cents mitted a report to the Board of Puli-'
Lake County taxpayers arc »»rv
ed State«."
postage, to the Department of Chem­ lie Works, estimating the amount of
Dan Golden Him ted to school h> anxious that Kinmath County build
istry, Tho Pennsylvania State College the work to be completed In the year
good roads to the dividing line. Lake
Krno Monday.
State College, Pa.
endlrr November 30, 19C3, at fifty­
A local Tenchdr»' Institute will hr County will do Its share toward op­
eight mile«, »nd the cost at S4.CS3.- ,
ening up a route between the two
held December Glh In Ketio.
The most difficult part of the
IBialnesa men of Lakeview
Over five tons of advertising mat­
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ linvo for years been paying heavy ter about Oregon were shipped by work Is being performed now. the
♦ freight rates, and they will welcome
i boring t."* the big tunnels through the
passenger department of the lliir-
«♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦<»♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ a n. w route, even If it 1» not less «*-i ■tlte
mountains of rock having been in
progress for several mouths.
Mr. Cunnlnghnm moved from the
whole aqueduct Is being built by the
Farm pince to the Cazer place Thin s-
States and many of the principal cit­
municipality at a cost of about 425,-1
('. O. Is extended into Goos«» Lako
ies of Europe. In the shipment wore
000,000, and It Is expected will be
John Umdbtirn and Ilubo Vinson
|57 case« weighing 200 pounds each.
completed within live veer«
most of the freight will come i
drove a bund of horse» and mules year,
, ,,,
,, ,, ,,
, , ,
,,, ,
making the shipment amount to 11,-
to Medford the first of the week.
i 400 pounds of Oregon advertising
Mr. Tipton, from neai Oleite, took the Portland wholesalers an excellent ■ matter. The booklets and advertis­
The largest dredger In the world,
opportunity lo compete with those
a load of hogs to town Thursday.
ing pamphlets are sent out at this the "Leviathan," recently launched
of San Francisco.
Everett Griffith and Mike Taylor
t Imo largely because of the travel for the Mersey Docks and Harbor
are hauling telephone supplies for
next summer. The winter months Board, Is 4S7 feet long, 69 feet in
DEATH OF ROItEIlT D. KENEV. are coticeiled to be the best time to width, and 30 feet 7 Inches In depth.
the Langell Valley lino.
Mr. and Mrs. Jns. Dixon and chil­
Robert I). Keney, who has been distribute booklets on tho Pnclfic Her pumps are capable of dredging
dren, llutli and Wllford, spent Sun­ employ »d by the Mason Construction Coast because tho trips made by 10,000 tons of sand into her bunkers 1
day evening at Mr. Kirkendall's.
Co., died Monday morning of pneu- most travelers are conceived and in 50 minutes from a maximum depth
Mr. Doan, Sykes llamaker unti Mr. ' mon la. lle wus 4 4 years of age and | planned for between Chrlstmns and of 70 feet, and she can carry these
Cross aro hauling lumber for the leaves two sons, Daniel B. and Adolph tlio spring months. The advertising 10,000 tons out to sea at a speed of
O, who lire at Sallnn», California, work being done for Oregon nt pres­ 10 knots. The dredging plant con­
O. Short Is circulating a petition The body wan brought to this city and ent 1« on tho largest scale In the h la­ sists of four sets of Engines, driving
to have Home road» changed near [ Is being held at Whitlock's undertak- tory of advertising nnywhere In the four centrifugal pumps connected to
Ing parlors awaiting Instructions world and has far outstripped the two 42-lnch suction tubes on each I
Sprlng Lake.
Mr. Drooks and son were In the [ from the relatives.
famous work done for California.
j side of the vessel.
W« are having some hard irei ■e*«'«,
Thut e will soon Im skullug.
Charley Hevlts Im« u new uhot K <1 II
which he bought last Hutuiduy.
Geoige Ager Wetli lo hlu mu I li Full«
U. W. Hvuilllli la Htlllng I k i f and
pork lo Iho tiil in, im In tlil« vh Inlty.
II«* took n lumi lo K lamat li Kali« la«t
Meat Market
• > A'
for «pot mm K 1® to ®®5 mnrr money for yoa to «hip Raw Fur« and Hide« to na thate to
Bell at bom». Write* for Pnce Lo*t. Market Report. Snippia« Taan, and aboat our
4*0 p<f*e. leather tewind R-«k th ng on th* «uLject «v*r WTttrn illustrating all Pur Animate. AH
about Trapper« Sacrate. Dtsmys. Trapa. Gsjive L*«» H./W and abara te trap, aad te bscusu a BBr-
caa»ful trapper lt < a rwrntar FnrveL^Mwl a Frica, f* To <>ur cusfcwerv f! 15 R -le« tan ned iste
b*aut<ful R- **• Our ■ agnati " Ha t and Tteroy attraete a« a,al» te trap. •'M per botti«. Shiemp
------ >-------
AaAerarh Brw, Mt*«. T1 M ìbb ■Bf tite.WÌM
Long Lake
Lumber Co
Manufacturers of All Kinds of
Cabinet Work, Sash and Doors,
All Kinds of Mouldings,
Band sawing and Turning,
Odd-Si zed Doors
All kinds of F inishing Luni-
her now on hand.
Large assortment of Doors
and Windows made up and
ready for immediate de-
J ¡very.
Can furnish an order on the
grounds for any sized build-
ing within twenty-four
Large stock of Flooring in
three grades.
W. 0. HUSON,