YOUR LAST CHANCE that time, and to do so we will make sweeping reduc- tions in prices in every department. Remember—Only J In about io days our building will be ready and we are going to move. We want to reduce our stock before tf) fl Aduui's dredge was now at work at ♦ ♦ ♦ IO444444M*** to the Fulls la *1 w* * k < ICENt EAT A'EWH. ♦ the mouth of Wood River, and he CI u». 1.1tizi a I Mr. Mi Mullan liuvn ♦ NI MMEIM NKUH. ♦ ♦ n tin* govi ruinent ♦««♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦O expect«'! tlii-m to have a new channel ♦ ♦ ♦ WOCCCCWOWOOOO* gone to wm > ditch. Greve Ciildwell Informa ua that Miss opened Into the river that afternoon, Mr and Mr« Morrill timi family, and the WInemu would move them Elmer Newton Mary Howard was vlsltlng In hls who have been re»ldlng In lh<* Fulls up the river at once. Monduy on btislness. lu igi, boriinoli Inni week. for Hu* la»t »«verni months, returned A petition to tin- County Court for Jim Huyera Is moving hls rullrnad WIII Taylor butehered und deliver- to their Ilum« In th« country lu«t the Medford-Crater«-Klamath Æ choice line of hivest- lump to III« il. W White ranch. .<1 iih ai la»! wi-i-k. Week Fall» road, Is being circulat'd here, Iloliier Huberts luis moved flotti failure <>f Miss Myrtle Pen ­ nients that xvlll make The Everett Klrkendull went to town Miller Islund to hls own raiiih. lying and though It has been In clrcula nlngton lo comi- to teach thè Monday. tl»o pttrelinser money Will Dm nu li killed four head of I'l alrle scbiMil, has delayed lite open- tlon but a short time, It has been Thu Hummer school« Is going to bugs Huturdiiy, signed b> nearly evury taxpayer. Ing of thut »ctioiil I * U rii risi mas true. Wm. Nicholson, Jas. Pelton and J ('. T Oliver ha luk«« 13 head of Alex Findley Is reported Very Ut­ hl* runcti I» moving to Jim McClure hors«» from tiu* Ankeiiy rulli ti to pa» 11« bet I er. II'* Still illa wife liuv« been F. Loosley went to Klamath Falls on the Merrill road till« week, Sunday morning, belrig selected as j 'iure tlii'in on tiu* mountain». to B«nd when* In* was receiving treat jurymen to serve during the session The dance nt Mr Mun»«n‘« was Charlie WIII hoii , III • butcher, pur iiiciit from In <<**• onu of Hie social ns weil a« on« of i luo«*«! 12 h«ad of Ilogs of Will J of the December term of Circuit Mr Ta) lor, father of John and WIII the most enjojabh events of the sea Durrin h. lasi Week Court, which met Monday. Tu , lor, Is «-xpei lcil buck about Christ son, und those who ulti hi | i d It la»l Several stoi km«n have boon gath- Eldiu Dennis is on Millet l»lund iiium time. Fridn) night will long have pleasant gal lierinä «ui tl« for I loi mi M Itchell crime up their cattle to feed thcoi I J«»»<* Hi roll» has completed a new memories of th«* oeceilon i Among Gi orgi Gì Iz.xlc lias bought the ranch for the spring market. modern «*hlch«*n In ms«* Il has a tin*»«* present w«r<* Dick Mu ns« n. nf John Kootitr and 1» moving on II H* iati l> shed in i ounwtlon with the I .Miss K«ll> Munsen, , Mr. i und Mrs C T Oliver lost 12 head of hunt«** rousting department without first having procured such REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. .MEEIIAG <»F < ITT < <>l At IL. Th«* scratch Archie Colaion, Ja> Futido and Mr Saturday nlgbt *— S D. Tooker to J. P. Colaban, lot» At the meeting of the City Council license. shed Is op«*n on Ihe south and east, Falrclo, Hi , J udg« Hhort, Mr. and Mr Willard, who runs till* I Jlke and **ni'|iiH**d on open sides with wire Monday night the bond of Geo. B "The amount to be paid by every 9 and 3, blk I. Dairy, 8325.00. Mrs. Htephens, Ml»» Gertrude Ht«ph Hide dairy, lout a valuable milk cow Josephine Lyons et vir to Robert Snyder as policeman with W.S.Slough such auctioneer, hawker, peddler or fem Ing «ns, I .«on Stephens, ' Wade Short amt last week Tin* animal stepped on A friend of Will Dorrel's has ar­ and B 8 Grigsby as sureties, was ap­ pawnbroker, for the license required Warneck, part of lot 3, blk 16, Kla­ Clyde Hhort. a null and died of lockjuw The appointment of Jesse by section 1 of this ordinance shall math Falla, 82800.00. rived from Iowa for a visit, with a proved Wm Tingley 1» plowing with seven Mi t'uiitiul! will ri-movi 111, hors. . vl* w to taking up a home. He has Hart us regular policeman by Mayor be 825 per day, etc. H. C. Tipton to John M. Tipton, horses from the Ankeny ranch In a few days traveled In several »tat«» In »«arch Stilt» wa» confirmed by the Council "Every person or persons engaging 12 19 acres w*4 sec 12, tp 39 a, r place he has vlalt- II. A. Emmltt as sureties was approv­ mentioned herein without first having r 11 V4 e, 8800.00. lat«t month our school wu» divided Will Humphrey made a business «d We full«4, sec 6, tp A bout I wo Im I k - - of «now fell here were granted •Id« won und got the prise, which on the loingell Valley Telephone line l>< < * iiili' i 4, with prospect» of more a 2 4 by 3K house on lot 7 In block 4« less than >10 nor more than 825, or 38 a, r 12 e, 160 acres, 810.00. wa» » larg< colored picture of a coy­ In till» vicinity. Th« line lias b««r> Harry L. Bradley to Weyerhaeuser on Ewaiina Heights To J. P. Hitch­ be imprisoned in the city Jail for a to follow ote. , down for several w«**k» Mi Moi i lam of Portland, (hr own- cock for a 16 by 20 barn on lot 4 In period of not less than five days or Land Co., Be *4 sec 31 tp 37 a, r 12 Mr and Mra Lloyd will lecupy th« Mr« Harry Newton will return to er of the Irrigation segregation. s«nt block 35. To Mrs. Brandenburg for more than fift«.*en days, or by both e. and lot 1, se*4 of ne% see 6, lot Brooks ranch for the winter Ashland ru st week and sw >4 of nw *4 sec 5 tp 38 s, r 12 some of bls m«n In to see If they n two-story 6 room hous« on Eighth fine and imprisonment." Mr Brook» ha» loused th« Word' ll Il I. Bugg» and Will Darrorh an* cotlid effect a settlement with those street between High and Bush. To The above ordinance was passed e, S22 acre». 810.00. place, known ns the Miller ranch, fur going to build an litigating ditch on Jas. E. Sullivan et ux to Weyer- who contested their right. They Alva Lewis for a five room cottage on by the City Council at a special meet­ right I several year» Mr Bogg's ranch promise to begin work on th<* ditch at lot 5 In block 5 In West Klamath ing held on Thursday. It had been haueser I.and Co., se% of ne'4, n’4 II. I. Boggs Is plowing hl« ranch Bert Styles ha« gone to T"nn»»wi- one«-. If a settlement is reached Falls. To the Ear mem Implement & tai*h**d to It an emergency clause and of ae\4 and sw % of s^\4 sec 30, tp Will Humphrey ha» hauled hl« hu und will i et urn In the spring Same promise as was mad« every year Supply lluue* for a two-story build­ went into effect immediately upon 33 », r 15 e, 160 acres. 810.00. l>«*r« from town II«» <*xp«*4 ofnw<4 sec 5, tp 33 ». Ma»t«*r John Darriuh was ab»«mt Ten coyotes In • bunch wer» «fon Royse brought up s load of freight for a two-story frame store building led to its second reading. As there r 12 e. 322 acres, 810.uO. from achiHil Monday on account of near Midland the other day. Heirs of Walter L. Root, deceased, each for C. W. Richie's store at Roa- 26 by 60 feet on lot 3 in block 48 were only four Councilmen present the Illness of hls mother. Cha« Horton I« separating his beef land. [ besides the president. It was not pos­ to Weyerhaueser Land Co., lota 1 and on Main street. John Hunsaker Is going to plow cattle. Caldwell brother» have hired Jew»« The report of the Police Judge for | sible to secure a three-fourth» vote 2. »H of ne>4 sec 4. tp 40 a, r 5 e, for E. W Smith. John Koonta will take hl» horses Stroll«' baler, to bale their hay Baled November showed that there had declaring an emergency so that ft 164 acres, 810.00. Spring laik«* school will close next from the Ankeny ranch «nd put them bay 1« worth more and takes up less been collected 862 In flues, etc , dur-l«”*1«1 be Pa«»’-d tke same day as Percy L. Smith to Weyerhaueser Friday. on hl» own ing the menth. ¡ll WSl1 introduced, and therefore an- I-and Go. n*4 of ne'4, sec 10, and room The governnwnt camp» are going A petition was pr«-sent«*d by prop- 'other meetin was called for next u>4 of nw >4 sec 11. tp 35 s. r 14 e, to move to Midland shortly. «rty owners »»king that Canal street ' morning. 810.00 IH Ilk A FAKE? 'n Crawford lllll went to town Mon- . —«------ be opened up between Ninth and I s«*emed to be generally under­ ♦ FORT KLAMATH A'EWN. ♦ Mark MacDouotigh, who Is travel­ <•>* . • « 4 Tenth strsets. It was referred to the stood at the meeting that this ordi- NOTICE. O Short bought thr«*« echM of land ing sroung the world on a wager, ar nance was not to be enforced against Stre«*t Committee for a report. Burns A Utter, the n«w »awmlll from John Manning the other day rived In th« rlt) last Thursday from Th«* committee appointed to report the farmers of Klamath County dia­ Parties wishing sagebrush land Thu land is to be given for a eeUe- Fort Klutuutb. 11» spent th«* day In firm, who have located on Annie on opening Eighth street between posing of the products of their farms. cleared call on or write, tery, whlih 1» going to be had In con- tb«* city and left next evening on hls Creek, expect to have their mill read) Klamath and Walnut reported favor­ W. W. MASTEN. aectloa with th« new church which way to Han Francisco He left PuYt- for operation in about ten day». They ably. and on motion it was decided Klamath Falls, Ore. Fascinating |->*rography -150 page 1 2-3tf we are going to have lu our neighbor­ laud uu November 15. He baa visit­ have a One belt of timber to draw to take the proper steps to open the ' illustrated catalog No. 2 free Wood­ ed every country in the world and from In th«* Forest Reserve, and will hood street. The property that it will be «rd. clarke & Co., Portland. On*, M.ANONIC EI.E4T1ON. Master Jay Falrclo 1« staying at b«« n re« «lv«-d by every crowned h**ad turn out Horn«* first < las» lumber. I------ — necessary to acquire belongs to J. W. 12-10tf Hub Shutt's and has been attending and ruler from each of whom he re- I Tick«*t» ar«» now on sale for the Regular Communication of Mason­ Siemens and others. celved letter» acknowledging hls vts annual Masquerade Ball at the M**l- Spring Lake school ic Lodge Monda), December 14. An­ The certificate of the County Clerk It. He also has to s«*cure letters from GRAND HliUll.ll BXCVRN1ON. nual election. Th« gun of Master luiurcncc Hur b»«e Hall. Everybody 1» looking was read showing that there was tax­ ton exploded while he was hunting * each governor and majors of cities forward to a good time, as this 1» There will be an excursion from W. A. DELZELL, W. M. able property in the city amounting In Mr. Brook's field No Injuries or some official where we make the Jolly danc«*«. this city to San Francisco December ----------- ♦---------- |to 87 43.C98. This is less than the lie has to bum hls way and while wore sustained by the young man 26, for which the round trip rate J. II. licssig and W. D. Klngdon ADMINISTRATION NOTICE. amount shown on the tax roll for last except ii slight bruise ou th«» lower be Is allowed to receive money to pa> vlalted our school Friday, and Mr. from Weed will be 813. If fifteen Notice is hereby given by the under­ year. The Council made a levy of hls expenses, be cannot take any of M Illke) seated them on the worst old jaw. or more from this city take advan­ signed. Administrator of the estate ten mills for general and municipal W. W Masten butchered four bog« it with him, but when he l«ai«s a city «•■at in the house, hoping to lnflu-1 tage of the excursion a rate of one of Rodney 3. Bowen, deceased that purposes, and a special levy of three or town In* must be broke. II«* gave en<*« a favorable volt* In the matter Saturday. and one-third fare will be given from alt persons having claims against the mills for the purpose of paying the G«*org<* Gristle 1» hauling lumber an Inlerestlhg a* count of meeting ill«* of pun l asing new »cats, which wa* Worden to Weed, The return limit said estate present the same with the accrued interval on outstanding war- to Ills homestead to build a wood* rulers of several countries. He wus discussed Monday at a special elec­ will be fifteen days. Parties desir- proper voucher within six months rants. I wurml) receivml by President Roose­ tion. .1« d Ing to go should inform T. A. K. from the date of this publication of i Fire Chief Oliver informed the Charles l.itixl and Harry Pointer velt, who gave him 810 us did ul»o Th** near approach of th« surveying Fassett, Southern Pacific agent at notice to said Administrator, at the of a proposition made by < rew. wl.ii h 1» now camp«*d at Ban k- Council nr«* hauling wood to Mr l.lnr.l's ranch. .1 i.«11 .ii.i Ml lii' .iii 8 1 *' I this city, in order that ample accom- Klamath County Bank, Klamath Mr. Fassett for the use of the fire WIII Stewart hns stopped work on I ** Is allowed to accept from an) Pr«;«- ley Spring, on Modoc Point, Is espec­ modal ions will be in readines.-. This Falls. Klamath County, Oregon. engine on the steamer Klamath if the llurlon rum h and Is now working iit* nt of a country, although hi* can ially gratifying to the pioneers of offers a rare opportunity to visit San Dated this 10th day of December, the city would furnish couplings to on tin* government ditch. take all that any of th«* crowned ml- this i* ■ction, and hopes are now held Francisco and see what has been ; 1908. connect th« hose. The matter was re ­ Mr. and Mrs Mlles wenl to town ■ is are willing to give him. lie gave forth for I lie t ari) completion of done since the great earthquake and Al.EX. MARTIN, JR., ferred to the Fire and Water Com­ Hut iirdav. \\ «* understand the We a leetiir«* In Chicago, for wiilcii he re­ the extension. fire. For further information see Administrator of the Estate of Rod­ mittee with power to purchase the Mrs. Smlxcr has taken her children ceived |tr>o. Il«* had quite a time contract for the grading has been let T. A. K FASSETT, this city 12-3-31 ney S Bowen, deceased. couplings. To the same out of the Falls school, and we ex- Impending It all before he left the city. iih far as Mod«««' Point, and if this is I necessary 12-10-1-8. was referred the matter committee pect to hav«» them with us soon. As HiMin as he reaches San Friiu- tine, it seems we liuv«» some founda­ of securing blankets and bedding for Nyal's Vegeta­ W«*sl«> Masten will run the Horton < i - cii he Is to go to England anil then tion for our hop*»s. ble Prescription SALE OF TIMBER. ■'Dud ' Vo««* made a shipment of the use of the tire boys who occupy run< h for hl» father, W V home to South Africa. One of the is indicated in all the lios«* house. Tom Lovcliiily visited h 4l|«tlliillons of the wager is ti nt h« furs Friday, tl e first this season ordinary diseases Washington, D. C., October 30,1908. Councilman M. O. Wilkins, of the Sunday. '-ill i** l married In California, ami ll** Is trapping on Beaver Maish, in of women. This Sealed blds marked outside, “Bid, Fii't Waul, was granted a leave of remedy never ¡Timber Sale Application, September Mr. David Is breaking borse» for iiifler he cross«*» the stale lino he W ill the northern part of this I'ounty. ab-nee from December 15 to Janu­ disappoint», its 25, 1908, Crater,” and addressed to Local Camp 5486, M. W. of A..JM Mr. .Mu-*! n. 1 bi* oil I lie lookout for a girl. He feels good effects be­ the Forester, Forest Service, Wash­ <'liiiil« Ma»t**n I i coming from Ber- eonfidi nt that he will be able to car- held the annual election Saturday ary 15. ing perceptible ington, D. C., will be received up to W. W. Masti*n. who recently pur ­ keley College next week to spend th« , ry out this part of the contract as night, electing a full set of officers from the very and including the 12th day of Decem- chased the Summers ranch, made a first. It is cum- , ber, 190S, for all the merchantable Holidays with hls parents. i lie has the rest, Before returning fur the ensuing >« *.ir. After the bus- posed of the pur­ dead timber standing or down and all II. L. Boggs Is buildlug a house for i homo' hu must pr 'sent hls wife to liic-s of the hour was concluded an proposition to the Council to purchase est and most re­ the live timber marked for cutting engine which was purcha»**d with the Tom Martin lit the Full». If he In formal "feed” was enjoyed by the I King Edward, of England, liable drugs — by tue Forest officer, located on an | the rock crusher, lie offered 81200, mercurials, opi­ area to be definitely designated by E. W. Smith I» moving to the Wor­ wins th«* wager he will recelyo 831,- members present. ’ alf to bo paid .In S ptembcr of ' one ates and other |the Forest officer before cutting be­ J. E. Vose dtovo stage the latter den place when* lie will plow GOO ac­ j ooo and. the right to publish bis story harmful drugs gins of about 240 acres, more or I next year and the balance In the fol- part of last week. res at 8 I per nere. I in book form. being excluded. ! less, the east boundary of which shall [ lowing March. He would give in pay­ A special school meet lug was held II. I*. Buggs Ims fllil»lled Ills bill'll, Mr. MacDonough is a young man The many dis- be Anna Creek, approximately In cone. i ting influ­ Section 25 of unsurveyed T. 32 3., ft Is quite mi Improvement to I i I h <>{ good education, quiet and well be- today for the purpose of electing one ment bis notes bearing interest with prop i* security. The matter was re­ ences to which j R. 6 E., W, M., within the Crater *.’¿■-'.i* A" Ihnved, although a fluent talker, ll<* director to fill the unexpired term place. woman is con­ ¡National Forest, Oregon; estimated Miss Della M*'lhnio visited Miss '/peaks neatly nil the languages hut [of John R. Sellers, and to levy a tax fers .1 to tin* Fiuauce Committee with stantly subjected to be 5,000,000 feet B. M. log scale power to act. Daisy Smith Saturday mid Sunday. Is not allow«*«! to use nny but the Eu- to provide for thre<* months additlou- render her liable j of yellow pine, 720,000 feet B. M. log Mayor Stilts was then granted to many func 1 scale of white fir, and 170,000 feet 11. W. White was out to vklt hls ■ gllsh. In China and South America nl school and for painting am! fur­ tional disorders B. M log scale, more or less of mer­ * leave of absence for 6 O (»Ays. ranch hist week. he experienced th«» greatest difficulty, nishing tho building with new seats that not only tend chant. .,>le dead timber. No bid of less until a . ’ .''itirned Th«» Council then Mr. Bnowgoose, of Keno, 1» mak­ and state» that had It not been for the E. 8. Turner was elected unanimously I to destroy her comfort an ! happiness, [ than ,3.25 83.25 f for live and dead yellow Wednesday evening at 7:30. ing hls iugular trl|>H through the ¡English Consul, he would have atnrv- for director, .1. II. tlesslg and Lou __ and __ 2 $1 ¡,1 per thousand for live 'but which gradually merge into chronic t pine country Inking orders for lila linking '«n to death, lie must wear a white llrannon "also ran.” In the matter ami serious diseases. and dead white fir will be considered, HAWKER’S l it EASE. Nyal's Vegetable Prescription is with anj a deposit of 8*500 must be sent powder, W<* are glad Io boo his gen- sweater and a soft slouch hat, but of the tax a levy of 2.7 mills, was vot “Every auctioneer, hawker, ped­ out a peer forthe snceessful treatment U) y. q . Cramer, Fiscal Agent. For- ial face lignin and wish him much even with hl» rough clothing ho has |ed after a short discussion regarding dler or pawnbroker before transact­ of female weakness, painful and di *.r- est s* t vice, Washington, D. C„ for been successful In being received with the amount to be raised. 8700. success. menstruation, hysteria, cramps, h b) ( submitted to the Forester, Uncle lllra^i camo down from hls ing business or engaging therein, “bearing down pains Roy Holt mid Archie l.olston play­ respect and consideration wherever inflammation , pimber upon valid claims is exempted rlglu to reject any enmp near Mt. Scott, Satnr- within the city limits of Klamath and falling of the womb. This is a rem-1 from saU, ed for the dance at Mr. Munson'» Ito has traveled, lie is of Scotch des­ trapping camp edy of sterling worth. ani ] a || bids is reserved. For further Falls, shall procure a license from Friday night, and their tnunlc was en­ cent although born in South Africa. day. the Police Judge of said div, and it Wine- Mr. Totten, of the steamer joyed by all present. Ills father Is quite a wealthy man. ma, was In town Monday for a few Is made unlawful for any person or Jim Jory was In Klamath Falls last Acting Forest Supervisor, Medford, COR. 7 th AND MAIN STS. ❖❖❖ hours making Ills monthly collec- persons to carry on or engage In such Oregon. Earle H. Clapp, Acting For­ week. Klamath Falls - Or eg or ester. 11-12-12-10 Toya, Holiday Hood. KKK Storo.16 lions. Whlle here ho stated that the trades or business, or any of the 9atne Tom Martin made a business trip M ason a S lough ABSTRACTERS Lands Ranches City Property Farm Mortgages MASON & SLOUGH UNDERWOODS PHARMACY .’.TSSJ