KLAMATH RLPUBLiCAiN . ; S \\ P\v. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ « MIIIKI.I A M BH \<»l K*. « I F. Vdams. wl.o is one of tl e most ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ « »..ccesstul of the large ranchers lu slaiuath County, bvlieve» that th.* E. J. MIRRAI. Ldiloi John Noble wont to Bonniini luxi Uiruiera will be able to pay the $3.?& Thursday. a year for water right and malnte Ed l.ow I» plowing for W K ;anc<*. Mr. Adania was here Fri Campbell. lay on Ills way to the l’p|>er Lake I nero are I went« one pupils At while he is l aving bis dredg« moved TWO DOLLARS PLR > LAR IN AD\ ANCt tending our school at present tit begin work on reclaiming Mr C N Buow ha* built a smoko house Weed'» pr»»perty. All communication» submitted tor publication in the columns oi this ¡»«pet "I'he cost for the water right," on his place. will lie mverled only over the name oi the wilier. No non de plume arvele« Mr. Kidrod and Mr. Cantrall, of said Mr. Adams, "is higher than most will be published. Bonanza. were lu tho valley Tuesday. of us had reason to oxp*ar Bly. passed »tils of her last weak. In Bominta Monday. 'will be forced to sell out A muti way last week on his return trip and Wm Flackus and Theodore T. M Brown Fas departed for a will Ret the cream” st» it belioovo V»m to profit from the Falls, where he had gone W 1-. Simpson, of Yonna. are at work i with a small farm can with Industry visit to hl* sister at Woodburn. Ore to meet his sister who has come from on the grade which will complete the •asily pay for tho water right and I>v lining vont' »hopping W R Campbell and Harold KII- Canton. Ohio, to make her home w ith new bridge over Lost River near Bo make something besides The money The iistt.il i cm.iik should not b«» considered as thrown gore left for the Falls Sunday him near Bly, She has iurne west nanza. E R C Williams returned from 'away it is simply an Invent nient on account of her poor health and I i t its <|l> the hotlieiing. Chas Woelk is now in Yonna work 111 Is ( nils.” l et Us SURRCkt the Falls Sunday. hopes to regain it »bile here. ing on his homestead near Geo Every year's payment Is simply that Geo Noble went to Klamath Fulls much added to the value of the prop ami Rive th the pleasure of showing you everything Manuel Vierra and Jas Wight are Smyth's. Sunday. taking their cattle, about 10® head, C. C. Pearson has returned from ! erty and Is the same as investing that I »slid Vinson killed a cougar last nice great ev< nt. over to the Reservation where they the Falls aud is now doing his fall much in other property or putting week. lit In the bank. have bought hay . They will begin plowing M is Davld Campbell was visiting You may take the farmers under to feed the cattle soon and when their Geo Smyth went to the Anken> Mrs K It C \\ llllains Monday Our run« /• .rosei. J<* u, (ft* Go or S»J r*Zv a l«uA the Ankeny caual. They had to pay hay at the Reservation has been used, ranch Wednesday with two milch K. 8 I'hllllps und Mrs ('line » ent from two to threedollars and one year they will drive the cattle back to Yon­ ’ cows w hii h he has sold to Chas Hor- to Klamath Fulls Sunday as high as four dollars an acre for na to feed during the remainder of ton at $20 per head. Mrs Boggs was vlsltlnv Mrs I »n V Alf Wallis, of Yonna. has been bnt- water. They all have as much money M Campbell Monday the winter. and most of them I feel positive have Ed. Bloomingcamp and Jas Boy d ehertng this week. He wIII save th" Mr Brown and family were Visit ' more than the land owners under my I meat for his winter's use were in Yonna last week. Ing Mr Gunn last Saturday Godfrey Beck is hauling his win ditch w lio only had to pay about a Wm Sackville. agent for the Wilt Wm Smith passed through Yonna ter's supply of wood from the Hoppe fourth as much. It only shows the kins M-dhai Co . is ill the valley this on his way to the Falls to get a load ’ difference iu men. There Is some ranch up in the mountains. week of freight. Manuel Vierra, who owns the Hil­ laud under the Little Klamath ditch Mrs Dave Campbell, Mis» Welch Geo. Smyth was at the Beck Bros ^and iu other parts of the county tbai debrand Road ranch. Is intending to and Mrs Walter Campbell were vis­ ranch last week to get some oats for 'break a team of horses for a buggy has lain Idle fur years when the) iting Mrs Wm Fankey last Sunday Chas. Horton. could easily have had water, The ' team. Mlss Frances llrahm was tn Bonen Richard Brietenstein, of Klamath Tom Michael, of Dairy, has gone I land is still in sagebrush. These pise KLAMATH AVIi Opposite Lltv Hall ranch is now without water and he acre. He sold this at $'>.50 a ton i W It Campbell Is putting a wire was in Yonna Valley last week. While' As it would cost him $.50 is obliged to get his supply of water fed out fence around Ills place here he bought 15,000 pounds of a ton to feed it would leave him $5 from Godfrey Beck's ranch E R C. Williams returned from oats from the Beck Bros. Adam Weidman is now hauling for the hay Most of the farmers got Klamath Falls Sunday where he has Karl Adams, of I’pper Yonna, was' poles for Scy Pool and will build a more than this for their hay this year. been to attend the Water Vsers meet­ in Dairy Sunday. I granary on his own place as soou as On this tract he realized $35 an acre ing Geo. Smyth went to the Henley ■ The waler, cutting the hay, etc. cost I he Is through. John Noble Is In the valley after ranch near the Falls last week J. Drew, who is making improve­ him an average of I'J an acre, so you tils horses which he expects to take business trip for Chas. Horton. ments on his homestead, has moved t-in see what profit he made. Of course to ljzkevlew Chas. MeCumber is plowing nome a barn from his brother's place to - his entire ranch did not yield as much Mr Jacobson and 8 Gristle were land for a large garden for next sum- Il his homestead, which is near Wm I probably averaging four tons. up from the Falls last week after mer. simply shows what a man can do Flackus*. ' some bridge tools. B. S. Grigsby, although not a res-, _ , ,, , of Yonna, is j with a piece of land he is able to look : Hazel and Hall Burnham of ident of the neighborhood, has belp-iKi ^ busy setting telephone poles and will after. ■ trict No It entered school Monday. I ed in a substantial way to build the | I "It may be hard on some but there install a telephone right away. lx>uls Gerber has started another addition to the Hildebrand school. | Harrison Gray has been hauling I is no getting around the truth The herd of 600 head of cattle to San We wish there were more such pub- wood for hla winter's use during the land owners are now where they are Francisco. lie spirited people If they I first part of the week and is now help- • forced to farm their land Harold aud Meryk* Kilgore, return Mr. and Mrs. M P Nelson were have more than they can handle, they I ling Manuel Vierra and Jas Wight Ing from Bonanza W<-ds>-»day with a visitors at the home of Mr. and ! drive their cattle to the Reservation. will have to sell, bu for the man «'ho | load of flour, stoped at David Camp- J. H. O'Brien last Sunday. Wed nee-i Steve Colahan. of Bly. passed Fri­ Is industrious and is willing to work ' bell's Tuesday night. day morning Mrs Nelson will start 1 day on his way to the Falls to attend there is no better place to make mon- i Clarence Walker is carrying the on a trip to Minnesota, her old home. J |ey than on a farm lu Klamath County J ; Court. mall thia week in the place of Mr She will visit her parents this winter , Vernon Hasting, of Y’onna, Is build­ aider the Irrigation system, even at Bussey, while the latter 1» attending and return to Oregon next May or ing a new barn on his place which he $30 an acre for a water right." Court in Klamath Falls June. has recently bought from Joe Welch. Three deer. In crossing over from' Wm. Vhrmano, of Yonna, went to ------------- ♦------------- one ridge to another, passel through the Falls last Sunday, taking with William J. Bryan is negotiating for R. W. Tower, who is in the city one of Mr. Lyons' fields a few days him some of the jurists, who were Several men have already | John Anderson, C. H MeCumber and ! the purchase of two large tracts of from Kent», states that quite a feel- since Beautiful line of Cut Glass, that has no rival, in various pieces. W. P. Sedge. , land in the lower Rio Grande valley, Jing has been stirred up In that place been on their trail Solid Silver Flat Ware and Novelties. Messrs. McComb and Lyon were Jacob Rueck went to the Falls last Texas, known as the Brownsville by the visit of a land office Inspector Rogers’ ‘*1M7” Flat Ware and Quadruple Hollow Ware in beau Saturday to the Water Vsers Asso- country. Rumor says he will move ' and the report that has been circulat­ doing some blacksmithing at David tiful new designs. ( ’ ampbell'». when their team becom elation meeting of which he is one of to Texas and become a candidate for ed tha' he intends to contest a num- lilt: 1HER.TO5 lit) I ri.ES-*They keep things hot or > d l as Ing frightened, ran away. They ran the directors. The Vnlted States Senate against Sen- i her of the homesteaders In that sec­ you wish. Red Hot 24 hours, tee cold 72 hours Don't m e The Yonna Valley Telephone Co s ator J. W. Bailey. He neither denies tion. Mr Tow.-r did not know If themselves down and then stopped, any difference where they are. when .Mr McComb ran up and caught directors, namely. L. A. Sterxl. Wm nor affirms this report simply saying there was any truth Ir. the report, but Fine line of gold and gold filled good - in Collar t’lris, Bruusliaa, them. A broken spoke and spring W’elch and W. P. Sedge, held a meet- that time makes many changes and he stated that it Was to be regretted Festoon Ne«.k chains. Lockets, Watches and Chains. Ing last Saturday at Dairy. ¡that he might some time move Bouth if any action should be taken, as It were the only damages done. Gold Glasses, Specks, Smoked Glasses, Eye Glass Reels and Mr. and Mrs E. K. C. Wiliams would work a hardship on many who Mike Rueck, who is one of the jur-'and live in Texas. Auto Glasses. came to the » bool house Monday af , had complied with the law to the I have a stock of umbrella cover* in fine silks. Umbrella's cov­ lernoon to put up the new stove Th* , | best of their ability and could 111 af­ ered while you wait. large bovr, I former. assisted by the ford to stand the expense of a contest. CAI.KINS S» LI-FILLING FOUNTAIN PI NS; The Right Writers. soon had the stove In position. but There are about twelve homesteads You can select a beautiful gift from these lines. Give me the pleasure of the room was such which have been Investigated, a num­ the condition of a call before you p-irch ir. No trouble to show the goods. that the little people «ere di*niis»eli ber of which have been proven up on larger •>«»-' for two years. Most of the people at three o'clock. while tin plls demained to s< rub the ll'.or here are familiar with the case of i ■f F Dirk Kearns. He took np a home­ stead near Keno ;*|id he or his family Some of tr.e government's many I has lived on it continually for four years. He has bwn sick a good deal suits for the dh solution of wicked and when not abb to work himself, trusts have developed the employ­ 'bls wife has taught school for a time merit of v‘-ry qu< stionable methods of to h-Ip pay expense* They were un­ money-making. None of these con­ ns, however, ever took meaner ad­ fortunate in losing their two children ger < and it seems that they have bad their vantage of men and women than an »hare of misfortune,. Now it is re­ English comedian Is recently reported ported that the government will con­ to have taken of a party of friends, test their claim. They are not. afraid The party numbered very few per- EAST END HAIN STREET of losing as they have a part of the sons w ho had not passed the prime The actor suggested that plain in cultivation, but It. seems un­ of life, necessary that they should be com- each - one present, lay a certain sum Il'l’lll I.IKI Nolls. I Hll A I S AM) |t( RGLARH. money on the table and that the polled to go to the expense of defend- of > Owing Io the lipper Lake bouts lx I Ing a contest, when they have all they whole amount go to tho person who It Is reported that some clothes can do to raise sufficient money for possessed the most of the articles the Ing lieavll) hom'd they suffer no in line thieves are getting In their work convenience from the light lee this comedian would call for. Those pres- expenses. u ttk Fall i' night be weii Another case is of an old couple ent consented and within a few mln- foi the ladles to see that their clothes The stenmer Wlnem.i towed the big lover 80 years of age who proved up Iltos between $12 and 315 had been me not left on tho lino over night ns wwftg."-qasap on their homestead two years ago. laid on the table, "Now,” said th« Adams dieilge up the lak> this morn­ He y might find sotno of them uiiss- The old man was taken sick and wont, comedian, "which lady or gentleman ing. Her (b itliuitlon Is Wood River. Ing. A number of suspicious per- >'he steamer Eagle is In commis­ to Ashland to live supposing that he present has the greatest number of run have been neon prowling nround had a good title and owned his ranch, false teeth?” As no one else was sion and will go to Wood River for late at night and ovldenco of attempt­ The people cannot see any justice In willing to make a confession, the aload of sand tomorrow. ed burglary has boon found. Tho Purveying operations are going ti e government taking his only prop­ comedian took the money. hinges on one of the Iron windows In some on tho Whipping! own water erty away from him now. tho rear of tho Brick Store wore dis­ front. covered nearly unscrewed and evi­ lay Carpenters arc at work today Work will soon be slatted on thu and Mrs. W. A. Wright left Ing a new floor In the quarters of new naw mill on the* lipper Lake, so dence where aonm one had boon nt work. It la supposed that the parties Wednesday for Mt.Hebron,where they tho Fire Department on the second says Huson. were neared away before they had floor of the City Hall. Carpets arc will visit their son for a few days, Fred Melhase Is having tho sage­ after which they will make a trip to bo put down and other Improve* brush cleared off of 4 0 acres of the made an entrance. through Mexico. They expect to be ments made to make the rooms warm land he bought of Major Worden near and comfortable for the fire boys. Soo Ally for marsh larda. absent about three months. tr I Buena Vista landing LEADING NEWSPAPEK Of INIEHIÜH UHtbUN. Although It Is a Little Early I E I T K E Al P E R ’ S for "Quality Jewelry" We have inoved our Stock into a larger building where we are now able to meet all demands in Furniture and House Furnishings VIRGII & SON See the Devils At Mcliattan’s Large Shipment Dolls KLAHATH Just Received Gillette’s Furniture Dolls BOOK Dolls STORE