Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, December 10, 1908, Image 3

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    Ca.ii-l»-. i, J. it Venator for An • I uml ♦
♦ ♦
gi *>lo. d» of I’nt Colaban. Mr.
Yo.N.N A 11 EMM.
A vei y liitoi llat ina ili ■ I h I iiii by Iho W Luir Thompson for l.aku.
. -on iniiHt
thinking of t rap­
Cmiiiiil.. .Imu i of Ilie G 'Heini Land
and hunting this winter»
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
* ♦
Itili* o Wils n** lv* d b> llm i H l.iiiiil
«-. » oi fi-i-1 Joi n May.
J. <1. Wight went to th« Falla
Ivi No III.MH.
♦ Hunilay on biiHiiie»H.
<«r's I horxi-H tblH winter, a» Mr. Meyer
Olli* *' ul I ilkovl* s, a few dn> H sin* - ♦
Hl be a paral/zi-d uni! unable to
it wuH ths * U hu of John A iihu I, Ed ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
Mr. and Mr». Thomas Michael, oi
oi k 1 an an to raise bay enough for
Luki* anil lianlid Jolmxlmi, hoiiio-
Mr. Alien, from Fort
I h own horses,
Ht* ml aiiplleunla, VH. Erhall W. time PII »4* <1
thiough Kino
b<i*i, Imho».I o*<l cal i y mun, fur llu*
llolmer Hulcnins, of Yalnux, watt
Win. Wight hu» been hauling hl
wuy lo Portland.
Sorlhwesl qiiuiler of Hel lion 38, Tp.
winter’s supply of wood from the H ■t the Full» and pan-i-d through Yon-
Mmlgi* Mi-Cormick I h Hiking mu*
13 Houlh, Ita tig** 14 I'lixt.
TI i I h I h
u with J200 pound» of freight for
Harris place, tn the upper part of the
h I c I i - hhoiih from MI hh Hk«*rlo.
•t ■ Hplnk Htori- at Yairinx.
oih * of tin* casDH reuniting fumi th«
A llvely lime wun luid al thè ■ l,lt-
I., Benzinger, of Hwan l.ake,, I h
opi'lllllg III setti*meni u yl in ugo of ¡
Mr. unil Mrs, I F. Wallis, of Yon
Hoclcty Hiituidiiy night.
Ths na Vulh-y, have been visiting friend*. idling fruit tri-«-» In Yonna Valley for
I uiii I h thul hud ptevìmisly been with
’ He­ and relative» at
drawn for foiestiy puipoHcH In th* qiii-Hllon for thu d* liuti- was:
the Oregon Nursery Company.
* in» that most of tli- people of thlH
vl* Inlty of lem lutti uiouiitulo.
All Holvcd, that ii postai Having» lm ok
Hoy V'- h I u I, who ha» recently taken
the putlh-H III inbui'Ht except Luke, Wollld In- bi'to-lll InI lo till- people of up a homi-Htead n*-ar Hhort Lake, ha» valley are buying trees and improving
11 .
Fiilti'il Stales.”
The di'i'lHlon now gone to Eagle Point, having been ti i- look» of their homes by planting
s*tlI'd upon ih* bind In qui Hon Im
WHM made In furor of the iugulivi'.
iiu'dlnli'ly after midnight of Hcpteiu*
ialli <l away on account of the scrloua them.
Mr and Mrs Itan» Stoeshler, of
bur 37, I9t»7. A» to latke. In- outer The qiii'Htlon for Hnturday, Det 12. III ih - hh of Ills mother.
‘I h :
The l.lHkcy Hi**, of Hwan Lak«*, | Dairy, were vl»ltlng at the home of
“Resolved, that an old maid's
•’<1 upon ibi* xmillii’iiHl quarter of
llfe la more pli-iixant than an old have ordered 30,0<i0 Hhaki-s of Mr. -'’r and Mrs. Mik*- ltu*-<-k, of Yonna,
northeast quiuter at tin* aamu time,
' biichelor*» Ut**
Everyone cordially ' „.„.p., tt„ (l„.y w|(|
M„w |jaru lllXl Hunday.
hut did not roach the northweai quar­
Inviti-d to attend
. soon.
1er until nomi* time after the ta her
Ollilinani» hml mui|i< noi iloilleni, Caw- i.in ut 7 Ho i-vi-ry Haturday night
It upearH that Mr. Hoppe Is going
I bi* K> no Hctiool ha» <nuiig< d
been 111* *1 lii» hmn*'Hleu*l applli u( Inn
Into the poultry buxines», n» he hu» l
J F Kimball Im returned from
NoW It ha» thr
III Illi* lill ui llflli 1' ut U I â u , m Oc I <tii*duh of timi*
.bought a number of ehlikcn» of Mr
Pok<-gam:i win;««- ! *• wi-nt to me<-t G
tolii'i' 2s, I ."tí, which uns ullowi-d ifoiiith» ut un liour nuoti and no
Godfrey H««-k.
F Long, wcuti-m manager of the Wey-
MI m It«ira lleck went to Bonanza *•«han*-i-r Tlmb* r Syndicate, who was
atei g lie d m. i
i J
Jf .i
t li-li11 * * ci *- ih In thè ufternoon ami diami»
1 ut ii 30
wit II ft loud of wheat last Saturday In Poki-gama to attend a meting «if
LuL *-. A n ** I Htri J*d:lixl*il> timi!** hom*-
It. W McCormick has puribas«'*! him ! on I.er return brought home a I
H'oikhold* - on Tu*- lir. of out-
Kiisidln* launch which to and N. load of flour.
Oli Ih« Itilelu In qimatloti, und u hi ut
of Ih* Wiqirl.aui *r Compaul
It* ul will use t<* trap hlung the Í
Mr. ( •den went to Bonanza r»n a
lug wa» oi't> i>d tu il<*ti inline ibi-
Mr. Klitituill took up the matter of
rii- M » Of t ! i put IÍ* . I'll I. i ei * Il Ile
buahieiui trip last S.'iturday.
the rangi' on the Company'» land with
S Hanson bought a number of fl I»
Mr iHhkman, who f
traded Mr. Long, and It wax decided to make
■» P
f «on I.i.uli- Caldi ion last week
bin plu««* in Swan luik« to I> llamn- sum*- i-xtiuxlvi- lmprov<-ti:<-ntx on the
M r Kllnlmll pu»s*d Ihrough K < no k«»r for thp luth*r’ic one lu California,
24. 1908, the Ima
big ranch owned by tie Company at
i * n WHY fr om P'litcfinma to I
There are'
red u d> < Ulm>. lml
write* from M m ih w buri
tl ut he ha» 'Th-aB and Klnmathoo.
He will go from 11
n corn
<r l,*i * the b«t<*-l i
that wire 12 1400 acri-x In the ranch arid It lx
Warm Hprlngs, Calif
- Hie r* .ism* il*u
planm-4 to put h, a good wlnt'-r f*-od-
for rl*>'umatl»m.
thu KUllll’ lllim U"
The ■!••• r (that I h the quadruped Ing ground for sheep. There are over
ot 1 * i a, iiml 1 aa m * « u rod a In ih ».t 4 nd
Fili' Lavalley n ti <1 Ai thur llnudy É d» i i ) are becoming quill- numerous :t*>,000 a< ri- of qirlng and fall range
ent i ) .Hint t hut hr I m r1 nil 1111 <! to HIM kt* I avi' finlshf'd tli ’lr < ont nu t of cut- In lli<‘ uppi r part of Yonna Valley, a» surrounding Hi- ranch which they
■ d .-Uli
t! .It
b ■ui no t ubuudon ¡ting log» for W II. Wnll and Joi n ■ Mr Hoppi- reports welng two and l ave ri* t be«-n nbh- to us»- hi-r*'tofor«’.'
u*l ! ! 4* Innd prior t<» í'ntr’r, or
Mr l.iivnlh-y will leave m it Hiirilhon Ormy and Jeff Kirkpatrick ■ ih h L« i > p ha*l to be driven so far from i
Sul* ! Vll(i') «Í18 ul low rd bn m hr ubun Wislin »day for San Finn* I»« o and mw a bund ut eight w Lile out hunt­ their wlnti-r range, that It was lmp«>s '*
dot < d th«« wuntt«, und 1 w ■ i « rololhi'lid Mr Handy will i*mulli In K**uo and it>K ii few ■ lAjH ago.
' xlble to g' l them there early enough'
ths t ihr h otin-nt md ••II! I) of Erbuu «Irin- tenni fm Mr. Wall
Mr» I, M Fitch went to tre Fall« In th»' seaiwin.
V (*HM<d)i 4*r b«’ ttlhzu rd to roimin In- i
Illi) Gould pun»* d through Keno Monday.
Then- lx ptinty of good summer
lie 1i uii thr rorordn and t hut Hubs« i Munliiy on hi« wit> to I’oitlund vin
Hr. it nd Mr' Karl A «ht inn, of Dairy, range on tin- Company’» property to
ni Applknt!<inn !«<■ i « Ji • !. d M
mad«- a vltdt to Till«- Lak«' la-t w*-«-k the north, around Aspen luike and
1 .n I k * h nd »Inari up P< uh « ! from th<
Paul Dix * n
'<i vl It Mr» Adam»* I
h*-r Alb«-r* Sp* * c*-r « * *k
This will b i d th«-
un hl» way to
4 1 dun.
year around for at hast 10,000 xhiwp. i
1 m kr’a rtitry u um f< ir thr AOUth lift If * er. Or» gon
Th* > w ill never l ave to be moved off
V? ■ be north batí of wdd Hi
! '-« (■ Pi (I
3« »
lv ill tl
fib ed« «-njoyed a <!«-liclr>ii» dinner at Itl
('on pi '..-’» land
Tl •• tro'ibh
Li. *rhtrrlUf Oh ihr »4 iilthvu *t <|4UI I • 4 ‘
h«*r home TLanktglvlng day.
Some , !i*-retofoi i- Las bi-i'n that sheep could I
Mast r Thomas Wilson I» alno :*t of lliOM- att* tiding w« r« Mr*. Lizzli not be hr* ;ht here except tor th«
Of I !.« nortl.AU'ít quni ti’T, HI id In r« a Í
Ih- I» carry- Fit'll and daughter Hazel, Mr». W ft s immer rang ■e, and the drive win w .
tlnni IhrrHo th«« (‘öin1 U> 1 ■ • »< >urr ku > h (rotu m 'mol thin wi-.-k
I for D Ford.
Camplx-ll and children, and Mr
Arc oíd Ing to LI m own leathiiany
I long that lh*
wi*re on the road most
ulin»' Instituir' will b* held tier.
It I iiual huv«« berti 2 o mln u I cm U f t <* 1 !
With winter feed pro!
**f the time,
i 11*
A I .ixk'-t dl e 0' r
I:. ! i.Iglil uhvu h« got onto t h«* août h '
Matter Cf.rl and Ward Rue* k have vided th.* »he *‘P can bi- kept there un­
ginn by the people of tills now »old all their cabba g«' crop for itII ready for market. Th«- vool and
ciiit *i a »iti r of tl r not t L« u. t quai u-r
I *
; uni- In vl t ci!
th I* year.
They I live been raising
U( xald Section " 8, and that length .1’
■'■ -it ■ a■ bi sl-|; ;.* J from th rall-
Xi* Cortili* I Is »uff ring from
it I: r*-a for t!>r* • year» and now will ri'i d nt Thrall, and there will be no
Of I line utter Ann I and t*n»u bur set I
u this wei-k.
bin u typewriter with part of th*4r t-xpi-nxe of hauling. When ready thei
Hi d mi that quuitur section.
.1* • • u n V. r t»I* k i i * fi t i.' • > and will tan- 14 0 left.
' The conti nt I., a of cimi vi
entire range will probably b<* leased
the week.
Joe Coburn and Ja». Copperfield to one man or company.
laiku that poktmg nolle*-» on
Tower vlxlted In K< tm Mu
Eave L.-en Io Rick Bro* ranch to buy­
t t ai r<* Ira* i
ill 1 **l I alt th* I a mt,
outs and rye this week.
a !
gh Imp "» i..* i.ix ar« plan.I •lay.
J«*.-«',’li Ju. ol*», of Eugene, was giv-
W II V all Irttnyartvd business In
HarrLion Gray, of Yonna Vulloy,
b> claimant on im« tisliiilial qu.irtci
*en the maximum sent«nee in the Cir-j
tarti-d for Fort Klamath Tnrsday
» tb*u H'd tie claim cvli-toli- over K lan>at h Fall» Tuesday.
* it Court this week fur violating the(
T, Nclaon purchnxed .•» otipb*
• * rrlr -•
H* I-* taking 11» horses to
two led nlial quart r
ctions. can
I local option luw. He was seatenceJ,
lot avail him Hm*It* I the claim of n
by Judge Harns to pay a flue of $uOU
ultil-r an*l will In gone ubout four
pi lor settler. Lak* « claim would b* 'll IH Week
¡and to serve a term of 30 days in
Coliuoly, »on of John Couboly, days.
g*"* I a» u„ali. *1 tl i < lalm of a ». i U. i - I
tiie county jail. This is Jacobs' third
Sunday on tumin«--« *
Wak | tl our «-li
Jac«*!* Rucck must be Intending to I
quint settler with notice.”
conviction of the « rime, and there are
Mm Ada Kinney ¡«nd lu r win Kow. make mor«- improvement» ah h<- bus’
Tip- CommlMloner's de« I l«*n fol I
I several other Indictments against him
u>. <n<-r from Lot t River to visit ¡might 600 sliake» of Mr Hoppe.
on th«- same charge. The judge an-*
Thanksgiving day a dinner party-
, ■
, . ,
"Since It appears Dial t uh b< * r’s ti< r Hist* r and other relatives In K.*no
nounied when he sentenced him that i
Th«- R P. Coompany's big barge'was given at the home of Mr.
a< t»
wire I
.tiie other charges will be prosecuted!
Mr:, t'tns McCunib«*r
Mr. and
nindi- nt thi' Hniuc limn that A iim T h wax lanm to d ut lllldell th< 9th
and that he will give him the maxi-;
If It I a l not been for S. Padgett's'Karl Adams of l’p| « r Yonna w crc
liiiii.il acts **f settlement wcr« mad .
I mum sentence each time he is con-1
i «>. Iglil last Saturday evening, , 'the
“the guests of the day.
ami that Cam beer, by long «'nifiiram *
vlcted. Jambs keep* a »mall store.*
M' and Mr» I Cutter, who lived
in ! I his plan- In line fur 3« ilayti ami (
and it 1« allegid that lie sold tbe 11-
prior In procuring homestead out of the toof of Tom Grubb's house.tn Portland, have now come to live quor there
Chas. Willaiaii, a hotel I
entry of the land. It follow» that hl» Tom might have been rendered home- on Ftank Cutter's ranch in north ¡clerk, was fined $IUU fur tbe same of .
homestead right, by reason of si-ttle I'-’ix and would have bad to live with ¡Yonna Valley. F J Cutter is going I fense.
He came here j
to live in California.
no-nt am! honua tied intry Is suim - i lor the neighbors.
to tin' right of Anxi-I.
laiMt Sunday Alb*-it Jone», who wax. about " \ n y< ars ago with his son, I
Vnabie to find solid rock bottom
'In the trial hud In tills case the accompany Ing LI h I«’ McCormick on, 1 Irvin.
through which to carry a conduit un­
nppllciinlH to hoini-xt **nd thu Innd hlH way to look at his traps, accl-
der the lludMin River north of New
(ulli'*l to prove tl i-lr qualltli'iillous ns ilently f«-ll <>n a xhnrp atli k and »< i • Yonna tliir week for the purpose of
York, tu-ar I’li-ksklll, N. Y., it may
I om* iieader».
imisly Injured hl» »Ilin.
Happily he subpoenaing a Jury fur the coming
I be m > i-x-ary for New York to « r« i t
"A h the contest In tl:l» «ase I" on I- aide to lie up aud urounil again.
Miss Efflr ' Coburn Is visiting In the? »>'» 001>.000 suspension bridge in
the ground of prior Mttlellieut light»,
Keno wltm-sHed a pretty good snow
• pint *>f Vmit.a Valiev, at th«' order to perfect the new Catskill wa­
tin* burden of proof In upon the con- storm Tu«-»<liiy.
ter supply system, now under ron-
i home of Mrs. L. M. bitch.
tostiintK to show settlement, not on to tin house roof» however.
Such u bridge would l.a ve
Th«1 farmers of Yonna have been
lv prior to defendant's entry, tint al­
John Ackley went to KI im.ith ||(1| (() c,,nii|j,,|.|1|))c trouble lately by a span of from 1200 to 1400 feet,
so prior to his settlemi-nt, mid having
Fall» Hunilay, returning Monday.
their wells drying up on account of with a maximum height of 1&0 feet.
falli-d to show Hitch priority the con­
|,(, dryness of the weather. At Wm. i Although if built it will be -used pri­
test must me dlxmlsx*-d and the entry
Wight’s there lx not enough water for marily to carry the giant conduit, ar-1
left Intact. Hi-v Sumner vh . Roberts, ¡Klamath Fails Saturday.
Tin- Canby towed a raft of log ■ th*- cattle and he nttd C. C. Pearson r ingements w 111 also be made for traf­
23 L.D., 2<tl, wherein the Department
A tentative report on
Moure Bros. Wednesday.
:ire digging down farther for water. fic facilities.
'There lx no reason why, ax
has already I
¡Some of the Yonnaites have gone sev-
hetwi-en contesting settler*, the one
of water'
Evidence of the profound I tn pres-.oral miles for water for their own
niuklng application to enter ami get­
1 supply.
ting hl» application on record, »hottlil slon made upon France by Wilbur use.
------------ —<----------------
Chas. McCumber is going to smoke t
not have the benefit of his diligence. Wrlgl t'x recent Hiicci- a with his nero-
n schoolship "St. Mary."
It I n gi-nernl rule that tin* law fav­
ors tin* diligent, and It 1» upon this tl.i- Army and Navy Gazette that the hauling mahogany for, that purpose. after sixty y ars of service, first as a
Geo. Smyth Is butchering hogs for warship, and latterly as a schootahip
th«* rule i**xt», that the first quullfb-il l-’ieiich Ministry of Marine are ser-
winter's use.
Ills neighbors, A In the serviie of New York, has been
applicant In order of time, to enter
land subject to entry, slinll be award­ ¡order for n large number of noro- Wallis anil John Donnell, are helping bought by a Boston firm for Junk at
a price of |5,000, and is being broken
ed tIm right to mnlui »itch entry, over J planes of the Wright type for the him.
It Is reported
Wm. Uhrmnnn, the road supervis­ up fur the metal that Is in her. Sixty
other» who tnak«* application later. I Const Guard Service.
All entry of r«'c«trd which Is not fruud tl nt i nii-mber of the Army Comniia or of Yonna Valley, with the assist years ago she was one of the fastest
Ion of the CMamher of Deputies, who nneo of two mon, Is improving the warships in the United States navy.
ulcnt, ennnot be treated ns it nullity
signifying nothing nt all
It Bdlows witnessed Wright's feat of flying for luad on the low hill near Pine Flat From 1S74 until October of th? pres­
that when n contest 1» bated on prior over nn hour with a passenger on This Improvement bus been needed ent year, when her place was taken
by the "Newport.” over 1,000 boys
ity of H«ittli*mi*nt, and the ddendniit board, stall'd Hint the aoroplnne bns for some time.
W. H. Bliss hns finished the cloak had passed through this famous old
hns an entry of record, am! the plain 'now boon <1 •velo; I to n point where
tiff fall» to »how prior xcttlehient, ami It will bo of nient value for militar; room to our school house, but has vessel, and graduated from her after
•■ol yet finished the porch
The hanv taking n two years course In naviga­
only »liowH simultaneous luttleinout, 1 icoutfng.
to tion and seamanship.
thu- pt* falls to allow a lawful cau..*
DI a I n I o N’.
------- «------
for the cancellation of tl i* entry
"The case lx hereby closed ns to
Daniel Johnston, and the application
of Anae) to homestead the lnn<1 In
controversy la rejected, but hlx set
tloment rights are held to tm prior
and superior to the rights of l,«ke.
who»« application lx also rejected us
to the south half of the northwest
quarter of said section 36
“You will notify the parties hereof
• nd Ansel and l.ak«* eiic. of hlx right
S "' i’ln' 'i ’ I'FI ■
Anxlsta it Uominiaxlouer
l„ F. Coun apnearoo nn counsel for
How it IhiM?
offer One TTn- ilrotl Dollar” Rcwnnl for any
car »» of Catarrh th«t cannot be cured by llall’a
Catarrh Cur«». I J. <‘!IENE\ <K CO,, Toledo O.
We, the unth’i <i*(nc<l, have known F. J. Cheney
for the lant lf> yearn, and believe him perfectly
honorable In al! huHin»»' < Iran» action* and flnan.
cinlly able to carry out any oblbratlonR math* by
hi« firm.
W ai . dino , K innan A M akvin .
Whoh-Hale Druairiata, Toledo. O.
Haifa Catarrh Cure I n taken Internally, acting
direct!y npon the blood and mucoua anrface« of
the ayAtrm. Testimonial« Rent free. Price 75c per
laittie. Sold liv all DniKaiata.
*»• •»••*•
mu ch . mot uffurci to mix« the big
suit* At thu Boston Store
No. 71O7
>1 K luinal li Fall», in the state of Oregon, at the close ol business, Nov
27, HMM.
l/ixns xml Discounts
*>*41 952 01
IIVi-rdraltH. x- urx| and uti«eciire*i.
8. IH»
li, M. H i -O'I h P. secure cir-illation ..................
Bom!«, seeii'itii-a etc
Hanking noose, In niture and Matures........................................
Other real eHta'e owned
Hue from National Hanks (not reserve agent»)
Du« irom State Hanks ami Hanker»........... 1.......................... . .............
Hue from approved reserve agents
• hecks amt other cash item»
Notes ol oilier National Hanks .
bract onal paper currency, nickels ami cents....................................
¡.awful Money Reserve in Hank, viz:
la-gal-temler notes
«gjQ qQ
Ki-demption fund with I.’. H. Treas. (5 j*er cent o c.rcnlation).
I 0
18,834 35
Ú00 00
*149,920 82
( apital «!«»< k pai 1 in
Hiirphi» fund..................
f 25 OM) 00
'l l»!«) oo
Natioi.al Bai.k noie- out-'amling
Due torture Bank«« and Banker«
Due toTruxt < ' .inpani«-- ami Havings Bank«
NU,«j«'ct to eli wk
¡^maud cert.iii'atr'F of dupotut...........................
r 504
»2 777
4 I
...»14 L92O H2
K tzt « or Oaiuos, /
County of Kiamath.f
t W. \ lielzell. Cashier of 'be above-named bank, do •o'»mnly
swear that the above «tatement 1» true to the Test of my keowlwlg« »nd
W. A ¡1E1.Z.E1.L, Cashier.
Fubecrilre*! and rworn to before me lili» 1st day ol Ih-.viuier, 190«.
( i Ao ok 1' C iiastais , N'/.ary Public.
Coanxr-r— Atte-t :•
GEO. T. BALDWIN. - Director».
Now is the time
to visit
summer has passed in these
| northern states, the sun is only
mild under the bright blue skies of
Southern California. This is one of na­
ture’s happy provisions—eternal summer
for those who cannot endure a more se­
vere climate.
California has been called the “Mecca of
the winter tourist.’’ Its hotels and stop­
ping places are as varied as those of all
well regulated cities. Visitors can always
find suitable accommodations, congenial
companions, and varied recreations
fl ’HEN
The Southern Pacific Co.
Will be glad to supply some very attractive literature,
describing in detail the many delights of winter in
California. Very low round trip excursion tickets are
on sale to California. For full information, sleeping
ear reservations and tickets, call on, telegraph or
wnte any S. P. Agent, er
WM. McMURRAY, Gen. PGSo. Ay!.. Portland, Oregon
---- *-----
I’otli teacher and pupils.hut will cease
o about one week, ns Mr Bliss Is
'■tilldliig n smoke house for C. E
Di*'«-, In place of th«» one which was
■ii'titly burned
Mr. and Mrs, Quinn Anderson, of
niv, stopped In Yonna on their re-
■ urn from Klamath Falls, and while
' or« bought 500 pounds of potatoes
't 2 ’ . certs pc pound nf Gndfrei
,-r *«i- ■" ai ii'itchere^ some
M. M. Johnson, of Portland, as­
sistant aecretary of the Equitable Sav­
ings X- Loan Association and treas­
urer of the Columbia Life & Trust
Company, was In Roseburg this week,'
looking Into the possibilities for the
promotion of an electric railroad be­
tween that place and Coos Bay. Mr. i
Johnson bns no plans outlined for
such a project; to use his own lan-
guage, lie Is merelv "«ceing what the
• x and deilvet »<1 t em to the Fmls possibilities are.”
He left for Coos
Bay Thursday in furtherance of his
Buck Anderson, of Bly. hns bought mission.
Opening of Oregon
Central Military Road Grant
buys a lot in Lakeview and a farm
varying in size from ten to one
thousand acres.
Five acres of each ten-acre ranch irrigated
The price is the same regardless of the size of
the tract.
These lands are cheaper than to homestead land
and are free from residence restrictions.
Settlers are coming from twenty-five states and over
one quarter of the contracts are already sold.
Look into this great Land
Grant Opening at once
1 îXbV’-’ T. W. STEPHENS
With or Without Driver
CHAS. R. BALDWIN, Proprietor