Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, December 10, 1908, Image 1

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Official Newspaper
of Klamath County
Official Nev-
of Klamai
NO. 37
FAVORN ( RAT EH I. IKE IIOAI*. than money tho-e days, it was found
H<*n havo look««! at tbe aggt-gn'-
ui s-ary to vote a lax of 2*4 mills
amount aa If they had to pay It all,
to raise money to purchase material Final Hl«-p in Completion of Railroad
I but If they will sum It up right down
< lr< ulatliig I'elllloii I rglng Const rut
' to th<-ma«'lv«a they will find that what
Accordingly notices calling for a
tirade to Thia City.
lion of I rater latke lllgliwny.
haw to contribute Is so small
«■bool meeting to elect officers and
| that they will be ashamed to make a
for tbe purpose of levying a tax of
The launching of the big bargo
Th-re e-croi to b« some opposition 2 14 mills to aid In construction ot a which baa been built by the Southern
Hhall Klamath County do Its part KI« k. There are very few mwu In the
to th«- G«a>«l Roads movement In the wbool house, were duly pouted,
Pacific Company for their new dredge
towards BM-urlng the construction ot county who would refuse to contrlb-
eastern part of the county, or at least
Our <-arly settler referred to whom occurred Wednesday at Holland on
cctils « year for two years
tho Crul«r l.ak« highway? Thnl Is '*••
to that part of the project«-«! road I will call K, was a tnan of family Lower lake This is quite an event
Hi« <|u«-atl«>n that Is ugltntlng u great to a futi<i that would produce th«-
that do«» not pans through their im- who lived remote from any settle- in the progress of the railroad work.
portion of this county and oue that good the Crater Lake highway will
mi-dlaie vicinity. While favoring th- ment, but who had never taken any The dredge Is 40 by Mu feet and it
Steps are now twlng taken to solve produce. Few, If any, of the large
Klamath Falls-I^xkevlew portion of hand In organizing for a district. He Is to be used for the mammoth dredge
Willi a view lu ascertaining tbs sen-
the scheme, they balk at the Crater was thoroughly aroused, denounc­ which the Company recently purchas­
tiliienl ot the taxpuyvrs of Ibis coun­ the little fellows will complain when
Lake «-nd of it.
ing the action of the directors as ed In Ran Francisco, and which was
ty, « petition Is being clrculati-d for they reallM how little It Is going to
Now It seems to me that they take highway robbery, and a gross Imposi­ so large that it had to be taken to
th«- Hlgnatur«-s of the property owners I cos» them.
i very narrow view of th«- matter;they tion upon the tax burdened commun­ the channel in sections. This means
As for the !<akevlew road, no argu-
of the county. Following lu Hie nip
Over one liunilr--«! Isiys and KirU forget that that part of the nyHtem ity.
He spent the week before the that work Is to commence In the near
tlon of tho petition
; in«nt Is needed for that
Everyone In Klunittth 4'ounty are using these means the bringing of more than «lection in visiting other portions of I
To tho liouorablv County Court of
future on throwing up the road bed
'wants It nnd It Is practically certain liankx, laying aside sonu-thlng for a three time« as mur-h outside capital tbe district haranguing the people,
across the marsh on the east side of
Klamath County, Oregon:
that it will b«- built. Both enterprises "rainy day."
la your boy or girl to be expended in construction work md stirring up opposition against the straits.
We, the uiidi-rulgned citizens au-1
This work will be done
arc g ilrig hand lu hand nnd let II be Minong them? If
I not he ought to be. 'as we are called upon to put up; that
he voting of the tax, so that when by the Southern Pacific Company and
tavpayeru of Klamath County, hereby
hoped that both will stand together II«- can lu«»« on- u- and a dollar for a | It renders possible, nay probable, that ' he meeting was held every male res-
not let by contract, as the company
petition your Honorable Body that a
on th«- good, solid ground of success starter, Tile Republican will place to the movement once started will so ! dent of the district was present, and
does not wish to take any chance in
sp<-< 1st levy be nin-le upon tbe »«■ I
til» credit In the First Trust and Hav­ commend Itself to the people them- when the tax proposition came up It having any delay In the work.
sessment» for the years of 19OM and
ing» Bank of Illis city one dollar and 'selves, that they will continue the I was buried by an avalanche of votes, two small dredges will go ahead and
1909 to provide a fund of 82b,poo UO
lie can have one of thi-M- banka io good work of their own accord until so that the school house had to be start the opening and they are to be
for each year's tazalloti Io be <-x
wtili li to save Ills nickels and dimes. all branch roads, as well as main ar­ built by four patrons of the school followed by the big dredge and the
p<-ndi-d In constructing a first - lass
If yuu will |>ay one year in ndvanc«- teries of travel will be macadamized, An examination of the tax roll dis­ road bed completed as fast a* they
highway over that portion of the pro-
There Is no thereby adding vastly to our material closed the fact that Mr. K. who had advance.
r 4 to llllRNIlAk AKIEHNOON for the Ri-putill-an.
posi-d Mi-ilforil Crater Lake-K lamatli
scheine about this. It Is a la-iia II«!« {comfort and wealth; t«ir good roads spent six days In work creating oppo­
Falls Hlat«- lllgliway within Klamath
The warehouse, which is being
You g«-< the dollar, the bank enhance property values more than sition and as many nights in sleep­ built by tbe railroad company at Hol­
County; said fund to be expend* •ß
less anxiety, paid taxes on 8124, and land for the storage of freight when
Th«- Directora uf the Water Uoera and the B«-put>ll-an for one year on cost of constrnetlon.
buildlug said highway in const
of 92.
Taking such a narrow view, ax our that his portion of the assessment the terminus is moved, is nearly com­
AxMiilatlon at the regular monthly th.
lion uf the riponillture of a llki*
eastern brothers seem to take, if gen­ would have been thlrty-two cents.
by Jackson County In constructing meeting Saturday decided tu take ac­
pleted. This building Is 30 by 80
Now figure up how much a three feet and adjoins the wharf and dock
eral all over the county, would forev­
th«- portion of said r*md from M< «1 tion to »«-. If the government could
er d«-feat any steps for county Im­ mill tax would deplete your Income on which the men are now working.
not be hrld to tbelr origin*) estimate
h>*d to Crater Lak«.
provement in roads, ax all such sys­ for two years; against this place the The track has been finished to ths
Il la Hu- desire and Intent of your of 81b.CO a- the coni of waler right*
tems neo-Hsarlly have to commence advantages, social, commercial, and edge of the marsh and rails have been
petitioners that said fund shall b«- under the Klamath Projwt. Th«- Dl-
somewhere, and the people living financial, that would accrue to you laid part way on the road bed across
pr«-vidcd exclusively for < unxtrui lion reclui* were unarilmuus In their *11»
along the line of the early construct­ 'through the building of a good road the swamp, and there is no question
«it thu Crater Lake Klamath Fulls uppruvul of the high «oxi a.« *et forth
ed portions would of necessity be th«- from Crater Ijikc to Ijikevtew and now but what the Southern Pacifls
higl'wu> xeputai«' from au-l uxcluslvc lu th«- offi« lul uuuouix < ux-i.1 received
first b«-n«-fited, while eventually all you have a parallel to the case of Mr. intends to mote the terminus to Hol­
«if »l-alevei fundi* may be fouud ne< from th-- l>< partux-ut. The matter
soul<l receive either a direct or In- ' K of early fame
• -ary for roud purpo -*s In other di wax thoroughly dlscuxiu-d ami tbe
land as soon as the track Is finished,
It Is an old and true axiom "ths* which will probably be about the first
b- in fit from the moment of
r«*elluns: and la fuilhci tin* sen--«- ot *« m-ral (*•« liitg wa* that 830 al- a-:r<-
--MS Mb
Mnnv of the tn*-mb«-ni
Its Inception
The building of the it takes money to make money.” And of tbe year.
your petitioners that tinlewa funds wa too high
Crut- r luike road, ns contemplated, we all know that In any business It
piovi-led for toil ling a good n*«i<l ixtated tl al the laud ownera would
The passengers have been carried
would cost some 850.000 within two i 'is sometimes necessary to sjiend mon­ to Worden for son:« time now, but
tnlseen Klamath Falla and l-iak< not l-a»<- wrlously objected to 820
view by appi »pi lut Ion of the Ix-glgla- but that anything ovar that vie mor«-
years.whll« it »ould insure the brlng- ey In ord* r to make money. Many Wednesday th«- dining car and ot­
lure tlial your Hunorabie Body si all than the ayatetu ought to Cost.
I. , Into <-lr< latlon at I- a«t 81! l|.0<‘0 a good mine remains Idle for lack of flee cars were hauled from Calor an d
also make a ap.s lul I* vy auliilleni to
additional from state and nation. money to put it In productive shape; ! that station will be abandoned.
11. S. Smith, the attorney for the
also construct the Kla^ji ,
A — ih ‘-.th a, aud (’la «*•« C -tain, the
Mor«- than that it would increase the many a productive community Is im­
— ♦---------
volun.e of outside trav«l and trade poverished through lack of markets
portion of a highway belwcea *u«ld Mcrelary , were appointed to r*<c<-lv*-
At the Riley Evening next Thurs struetion.
for their products, that money, used
points to connect with th«- portion
affidavits from land ownera and otli- I
M. Thompson, the Southern Pa-
» a
. - lar road lo I. ««■ i,. : i u. t - -I
> rx as tu the stnlcux-tits n-ii-l- I*.» En day night at th«- Baptist church th-
Many p«-ople do not seem to r««alize . properly in developing transportation I Clfic agent at Calor. was here Thurs-
Lake Couuty.
glnei-r Newell aud other officials uf will be special music In connectlo that we have in 4'rater l.ak-- and its . would render prosperous. Many will day straightening out some freight
adjacent surroundings an asset vastly 'say that It costs too much to build shipments with the merchants. Mr.
It la th«- wish of the Chaiula-r of) the Rev la mat k>n Service ax to the with the program. Prof. J. T Hu
Com lucre*' to aar* rtaln tbe opinion 1,1 cost of the work, whan the farmers c!.«-r will preside. A mal* quartet w> greater than all the agricultural and good roads, and cite you to the two ' Thompson states that the freight bus­
property ownera and luxpaycra "‘I were b* lug a»k<-d to sign up their furnish spb-ndld music, Mrs. E. i other r« sources «omblii<-d
An asset mil«- experiment from the city to Al­ iness has not yet been changed from
that Inertascs each year in direct tamont where some 82* ano wax' Calor and probably will not be until
thia way, for tl.cy ate tin- people who laud. As m - ou aa the«u* are received Morgan wlllslng. and Prof Geo
have to halt tlx- bill. If It can b<- It la probable that the matter will b- Wirts will render violin solos. 1
ration to its accessibility to the tour­ spent In building a road that lacks the road reaches the water at Hol­
abown to tin- County Court that the taken up sltb tbe S< * r> tury of the In cltlrens of Klamath Falls are ail i
ist and traveler. The people who trav­ considerable of being what tt should land, which will be within three
majority of the taxpayera of the coun terlor, nml Congress may be asked lied to this evening o* music an el for right s efng. health and recrea­ 1 be. They do not consider that the weeks. The company is now build­
po«-try. A g -neral adn-l-slon of 3
ty ar*- In favor of th« proposition. It to Im*-xtigate th« matter.
tion, ar--, ns a rule, people of means, road In question was In the nature of ing a big warehouse on the channel
Is quite certain that tlx- mi-mbers will
A committee was appoint* <1 and In- will be taken and 25c for all scbm accustumed to all the comforts and an experiment, constructed by inex- for the storage of freight when the
v**t< the motx-y that will be required atr*icl*-d to xci ur*- tlx- assistance of pupils. A volume of Rile«'» poem luxiirii s of model n travel. They h-s- ' perlenced men, and contrary to all change is made.
from thin county.
other laud owtx-ra lu getting more Is off- red to th«- one selling th« blgl itate long before venturlng where accepted good roads methods. That
The steel gang began laying track
That there la opposition lx evident, land signed up under the Kenu <aual --st number of tick-Is up to 7:30 p.u. they haie to suffer Inconvenii-nces in­ I was a costly mistake that wiU hardly this morning across the swamp and
of Thursday night, and many of tl.« cldent to stage travel
but ho» «-(tensive thia la will not be I
tra vel over rough be repeated. The b«-st authorities it is expected that the rails will all
young hustlers have entered the rac- mountain roads, but are lured nearly place the cost of building good crush­ be laid to the channel in about fif­
known until tlx- petition baa b«-*-n IIRNT JIIlk < \KE
generally circulated. It la believed
as much by the pleasures of good ac­ ed rock roads at from 81500 to 85000 teen days. Work trains will then be
that most of tlx- opposition would ! The taking ot evidence In the case SHERIFF U IMS ASSISTANT E. commodations cn route as by the [K-r mile, depending on the nature of run over the line to settle the em­
Sheriff W. II. Rarnes appeared be­ :>eautl«‘s of natuial scenery.
'the soil and acc«-sslblllty of material bankment across the swamp so that
disappear If a prop*-r und- ratandliig of tin- I^mg Luke Lumber Company
of tlx- situation was presented, la vs. A. Kiunvy. besan when Court con fore the Council Monday and ask-1 I believe the records of the snper- Future roads will be built under the the track can be ballasted before be­
tho first place the road la to cost ap­ v«ned .it '.* 30 a ui. Wedn* -lay Ben -■<1 the assistance of the city officers intend nt of the Crat. r Lake Park direct supervision of expert road ginning passenger and freight service.
proximately 8500,000. Ono-half ot vened al 9:30 this morning.
Hen In stopping the sab- of liquor in the show tnat nearly six thousand per­ builders.
The change to Holland, which will
In my opinion the opportunity now make all rail and water connection
thia amount la to lie turnlah<-d by tbe i on A Stone represent tho plaint if! city, lie drew attention to the hi­ sons visited the lake the past season.
government, ot tlx* remalulng quar­ and linrrls A Irwin, the def« ixiant. structions of Judge Noland to tin Assuming that each of these visitors offered tbe people of this county to with Klaniath Falls, is scheduled to
ter of a million, tho stale will ap At 2.30 the evidence for the plain­ Grand Jury, which was to the effect spent within the county only five dol- secure state and national aid Is one take place January 1.
proprlato 8100,000, Jackson County tiff was in and the attorneys for Klti- tliut city peace officers bail the same Jars, which is perhaps less than half »* cannot safely reject. Its accept-'
he actual expenditure, and we liav- -»nee means the financial upbuilding
850,000, Klamath County 8 >0,000, luy began th«- defense. lu examinlug power of arrest as state officers.
Mayor Stilts stated tl-at he was not a revenue from this asset for this of the whole county and the creating
railroad mid other Inter* sta 850,000. the III at witness a contention arose
Doors to opportunity swing on
Th« question lx, what will Klamath J between Attorneys llenson and Harris In favor of th<- city going to th«- trou- year of 130,000, more than half of markets for everything the farmer rusty hinges?
The subjective mood of turkey Is
County get out of this lu return for over th«- udmisuiuu of curtalu evi bl«- and expense of finding evidence enough to build the road, It Is cer- >’an produce for years to come. It
Its 850,00»
Flrat, tlx-re will b- deuce. Tlx- d«f<-nsv had denied each against the saloonlucn unless the city tain tl at the travel will double as means the placing of this county *to have been gobbled?
most progressive,
Spent In thia county over half of tbe ami every claim of the lxing Lake received lb«- benefits of th«- Hues. He soon as the railroad reaches this place - i —
..... - K the ------
---------- - popu-
Signs of prosperity are often prtnt-
entire aniouut. Tlx- exp«-ndltur<' of I.umber Co., and bin! entered a count snld that there wns then on the table and as every one who views this great 'loits and prosperous in the state of'efl fn very small letters?
It means the proclaiming
One may not know how sharp the
thl-. mm will certainly benefit tlx- big <-r claim. Benson argued that us the an ordinance providing for the pun­ natural wonder becomes a walking Oregon.
majority of the people farmer and defense hud denied all tho claims of ishment of this offense by which th, advertisement ot Its glories, the num­ to the world that ye have greater nat- 'knife blade Is by the sire of the han-
the plaintiff, they bad no grounds city could ncrure the fines, If It Is tier of visitors will Increase w ith each tiral scenic beauties than can be die?
have about forty mil«* of the b*--t upon which to enter a counter claim. the wish of tho Council It would b succeeding y ear, provided good roads found elsewhere in tbe known world.
The lid on the basket will not sl­
road In tlx* state constructed In tlx- ( Authorl. I- h oil both sides were read. taken up and passed and h Would and good accommodations are pro- nnd which will always be a source of
ays conceal th - fact that there Is
Such an opportunity will never a goose within?
County, outaldo of tho r*-e - vutlon» At this time tho Court took a rocoss guarantee that tho saloon would b 1 vlded for tho visitors.
Thia forty miles of road alone would until 4 o'clock, when the Judge will put out of business.
True w«i may expect quite a large ' again be open to us. Now, now Is .
Cupid frequently imprisons love
Members of tho Council refused t* Income from tho freight shipments the time to grasp ft.
<- i the county over double what It rule ou the objection. It Is expected
1th nothing more substantial than a
will have to pay for the entire work. that the -use will go to tho Jury by tnko any action on the matter, ap over tho Lakeview road when cotn-
little lock of heir?
-------------- e--------------
peering willing to let the sheriff do pl- tc«l, but not a tithe of that from
To thu average man tills would look Thursday noon.
The great album of life Is often
what they considered his own work 'th* .- Crater Lake end of It. And vet. »I \YOR STIIAS Wil l,
111(0 n pretty good bargain. Follow­
kept tightly shut with the clasp of
Oho of tbe Councilmen made the re­ I have yi •t to learn of any kick from
ing the construction of the roa-l will IltG till A'DAM E AT
TlHIl I Nil'll* STATES.
cm« the harvest of tourist travel,
1 l.lis' MEMORIAL SER\ I( E. mark that they hnd no asatirnnce that this end of the county against the
Even the rubber band around a
F-eryonn know» what tourists have
Tho Elk« of this city hold memorial the county officers w ifiild stop the sale bu Hd !n s* of tho road to th-« county
Bible may grow stiff from lack of
done for California or any other services at 3 o'clock Sunday after -f liquors In other towns of tho conn line
Mayor John R. Stilts left Tues-1 proper exercise?
a«cHon to which they have been at- noon nt tho Presbyterian Church. tv and why should they be nskod to
I am afraid we have too many peo-1 day morning for an extended trip
trnclcd nnd they will de tho aamo for There nre about thirty members of do th«- work hero.
pl«- In the county like ono of our early through the southern and eastern
Klamath County, If they aru glvon the tho order In this city, but the attend­
—ttlers In School District No. —, states. He expects to be absent about - No reports have been made by the
He will go by the' Grand Jury which began examining
opportunity, nut before the oppor­ ance was not confined to members
On the convening of Circuit Court which hnd Just been organised and three months.
tunity, will have to come bettor high­ as tho church was well filled, lion, on Monday, tho Grand Jury for tt-l vere contemplating the erection of a 1 southern route, stopping at San Fran- witnesses on Monday afternoon, it Is
ways and accommodations.
II. L. Ronson acted as chairman of term wns drawn by the Clerk
Tin- ■nd ool bouse. Settlements were far cisco and Los V-selos. From there -fated
' itet it
It at iho horse stealltt r ease
What will It c<i»t tho taxpayer? tho meeting, The opening prayer Jury was composed of the following •part and bachelors predominated. , he will go to Houston Texas, Now Or­ of the State vs. Walker was consider-
Under the present valuation nnd tnx wns given by Rev. Tratt. Mr. Fergu- men, they being the first seven who:- Ache '1 districts were large and It was leans, Atlanta and Savannah. At the i ed but owing to the absence of one
levy It will mnko an nddltlon of ten son, attorney for the Reclamation names were drawn from tho Jury list impossible to erect school houses con-1 latter place he will make quite a stay J of the witnesses further examination
per cent on bls taxes for the two Service, who belongs to the Pendleton W. II. Cnseheer, foreman: John Shop trolly ns It would accommodate the1 visiting friends. He will then take was postponed a-valtlng the arrival
years. That Is, the man who pnvs lodge, delivered the address. He Is ard, Lester Kirkpatrick, C. II. Mc- fewest scholars, so situated. It was In New York and Washington. On of the witness.
8100 In taxes a vuar win nave m pay in very Interesting tnlker mid he wns Cumber, Henry Stout, Solon O. A1- fudged best to build at a point where his return he will stop at Chicago
Mrs. Johnson was examined In the
y. utilltioiin* «»c. vent tor two year* I Isti-ned *ii with ’lore attention
the greatest number of children could and will visit his brother and sisters case of th« State vs. Dave Alexander,
len. and E. L Allen.
il ns usv* flu, <ea* it wilt cu’ nin>
A clan- ot about tw«i«ti four will
the Court appointed W P Me attend aud where the most money in Omaha and other Nebraska cities, Mrs. Johnson Is said to have seen the
fifty cents
-»-ar »ddltlenal
I'tose -o to Ashland the first of Innuxiy to Mllian a-1 nsilitl nr the December --ui«' be subscribed towards the con- and will return homo by way of Den­ shooting of the Indian by Alexander.
wno have be«t* vmcitig 'heir oppoxi- ' e Initiated Into the Elks lodge there t« rm ot Court
As there was more tabor ver and Portland
The Jury is still In session.