.«action a* a milling fluid He Is at I iu<> head of a large milling machluc company of the East and Is looking See the K K K Store * Ad Inside Tom Offleld. of Merrill, was iu the ! lor a new Held In the far West. Superintendent II G Wilson, of city this week Clyde Jones was down from Bo- the Klamath Indian Reservation. I* « • In the city today from tho Agency. nama thia week Mrs. John Shook was In the city Ill* two children who are attending the school* In this city will return < > from Dairy this week home with him to spend Thanksgtv J M. Copeland was In the city on tng. Tuesday from Blldell. The representative of the Sprlsg J. H Whitcomb was In the city field Fire and Marine Insurance Corn tinny, who came here from San Fran ♦ from Dorris thia week You cannot afford to miss the bin ,.*!*<•<>. this we>h satisfactorily adjust sale at the Boston Store. *d the insuiunco on the automobll« K L. Dalton and wife were In the ' fielonglng to II E Poll*, which was I ‘cently destrmvd by flro. It was at ¡¡ city from Merrill thl» »«vk. < • Bert itavi* was In the city from jilrst reported that Mr. Pelts did not I ave any Insurance on the machine, ■ ■ Merrill thl* week on business i hut he had a policy with the Spring ; ; m « Il C. Telford loft last Sator leld Company for JI sort. ‘ ■ day for Granta Pass on a visit Don J Zumwalt returned last Frl I < • Cha*. Horton, the cattleman. •lav from the Lower lutke. where < I ' • Monday morning for California. I he has been surveying the new town lie will return af J ’ 1’ T Maxwell, of the Wise-Maxwell i die of Worden < > mill at Keno. was Iu the cm Tues.lai ter Thanksgiving Io complete the work. Mr. Zumwalt states that prop Louts •■'terzl was in town Tuesday aratlons are being made for tho re < • from his ranch near Dairy after sup­ | noval of the terminus from Calor t< plies. ■ Worden, which Is to take place the BORN—To Mr and Mrs. C F. Ford I JSth. Mr McIntire Is getting quar near Keno. Sunday. November 22. . ers ready for Ills freight teams. « > a boy. John Ackley is up from Keno where < > Elnora F Boggs was last Friday I he has been putting in logs for the < > granted a divorce from Edwin F. I Ackley Bros. mill, lie states that lie < > Boggs had to stop hauling on account of Mrs. Simmon*, who was recently I the wot weather which makes the • > operated on for abscess, is recovering i roads too muddy to travel. lie has <> rapidlv *een hauling the logs to the river as V <> J. M Barber, of Fort Klamath, was ast as they were cut and he now has < » <> stoppiug at the American Hotel this *nough In the water to supply the •ulll for some time lie does not think ;3 »wk 3-, Thos. O Kinney has gone to Port • ,t will be necessary to put In a camp o log this winter as they have plenty * ' ’ > land where he will probably spend the >t logs ahead and It is as cheap haili­ < > w inter < * ng In the summer as In the winter < 1 Robert Malom . a pioneer rancher Jas. Ivory, superintendent of < > of Langell Valley was in the city 'hurchlll's ranches in Butte Valley, J! Tuesday. I J Will XV. Baldwin left on Tuesday tad his foot nearly shot off Friday 3 3 for Portland on business He will be tiornlug at the J. F. Ranch. In otupany with another gentleman he • > absent a week •vas preparing to go hunting, lie had J G Hurt and wife, who have been gotten Into the buggy and the other . speudlng the summer at Odessa, have 'nan was pullting in the guns. The returned to California hammer of one which »«» loaded E V. Kattenhorn. one of the prom- aught on the wagon and the gun was , Inent ranchers of the Merrill coun- Uncharged. The gun was loaded with . try. was in the city Tuesday. No. 5 shot and Mr. Ivory received the Pearl E Carroll left on Tuesday , ■ntire charge In one of hl* feet, The for Seattle where he was called owing sound, d man was taken to Merrill tnd as the foot was so badly torn it to the Illness of hl* grandfather. s believed that he will lose It. Geo. O. Brandenburg left last L ater — As we go to pres*, word Saturday for San Francisco where he will remain until after the Holidays. cornea that Mr. Ivory died at 4 o'clock Friday morning, Death *'«« due to Jap Bennett left on Tuesday for blood poisoning, Following the first Chico, California, where he will visit operation, the leg was amputated at his brother. From there he will go the knee, then at the hip. The patient to Portland for a couple of months was not strong enoug'i to stand the Mrs. H. C. Best returned last Mon­ last operation. ■ day from Pendleton where she has l»een visiting friends. She left next Nyal's Vegeta­ '■ afternoon for her home near Merrill. - ble Prescription is indicated in all Mrs. M. McMillan, proprietress of ordinary diseases the Lakeside Inn, returned last Frl- ■ of women. This day from Chico, California, where remedy never disappoint*, its she has been on a visit to her daugh­ good effects be­ ters. ing perceptible Jasper Bennett left on Tuesday , from the very first, it is com­ morning for Portland to be gone i posed of the pur about two months. He states that est and most re­ 1 he wants to see how he likes Port- I liable drugs — land during the rainy season. mercurials, opi j ate* and other Engineer P. R. Goodwin, of the harmful drugs | Reclamation Service who has been being excluded. The many di* | I sick with the fever, is convalescent. concerting influ He expects to leave next week for his ence* to which i home in Maine on a short visit. woman is con­ stantly subjected A. J. Mory, wife and three daugh­ render her liable ters, arrived this week front the to many func tional disorders Imperial Valley, California, and will that not only tend move to the ranch recently purchased by Mr. Mory on Lost River near Mer­ to destroy her comfort and happiness, but which gradually merge into chronic rill. and serious diseases. Nyal’s Vegetable Prescription is with | Mr. and Mrs. T. XV. Stephens left I on Friday for San Francisco, where out a peer for the successful treatment of female weakness, painful and disor Mrs. Stephens is going' for medical dered menstruation, hysteria, cramps, assistance. They will stop at the Ho­ “bearing down pains,” inflammation tel Stewart. Mr. Stephens will prob- and falling of the womb. This is a rem edy of sterling worth. ably be absent about two week- CITY BRI Ek'S. CHRISTMAS Gifts for Men and Bovs OX FRCOXTN sMOhIXG JACKETS Fixer sweaters MLK IXDEIIXXEXR STYLISH HATS DRESS (¡LOVES HOLE PROOF HOSE SHIRTS »SCOT TIES Ml FFLERS FAXCI VESTS st IT ( ASES ♦ PORTLAND STORE Agents for Hart, Schaffner Á Marx Clothing >• .-e-i-e ❖ e-:-*-:e-:-*-:-e-:-e->e-:-e->e- T he FIRST PICK HOLIDAY GOODS To save you the ru-li and give you plenty of time to make your purchaM'«. we have started our holiday goods display early. There is no need for you to shop. You can't find Christ­ inas goods that combine more beauty and refinement with greater every ------- they are to be fed before shipping. The tents and camp outfit for the 1 to the California markets Southern Pacific surveyors who are i working on the Klamath Falls-Natron J. IL Holland, of Chicago, III., Is' line have arrived and camps will b<* ’ expected In Klamath Fall* at an early ' establlshel about five miles above the J date, chiefly on a visit to his son, I city. The camps will be moved north i R C Holland, now registered at the as the work progresses, but the head ' Houston Hotel While here Mr Hol- quarters will be retained In this city land. Sr . will make a complete In- for the greater part of the winter. 1 vestlgatlon of the resources of this * * t 4* t : * * 4* 4* 4* Don’t Forget that we Í are receiving SUITS 4 every few days T hp BRICK STORE C o + T 4- T 4 4 l*4>4»»|w*»,»4t4*4*4*4*4t4,4**È<4,4**v*4*4t4t4,4tX American Tield Fence and KOKOMO LAWN FENCI B A R B E 1) 11V 01,1) ROBERTS & HANKS HARDWARE DEALERS WAGCNS, BUGGIES and CARRIAGES STUDEBAKER llááA ^□EBAKEHBROSM^' a. *■“ b> Geo. T. Baldwin UNDERWOODS PHARMACY COR. 7 th AND MAIN STS. • Klamath Falls Oregor Che Tair Bride now shows her happiness and shines resplendent along with our line of Sparkling Cut Glass Hand Painted China ar>a Rich Silver All are appropriate wed­ ding gifts and she will not be happy till she get* them. See Get OL R !ÍK. J. Winters THk LtADIWC JIWlLlft BRANCH STORE I DORRIS, CAL. YOUR LAST CHANCE In about 30 days our building will be ready and we are going to move We want to reduce our stock before that time, and to do so ESTItAV NOTH E. Gray mare, branded J R. on left shoulder; left eye out. IKE JACKSON, I 1-12.12-1 7 Yalnax, Oregon. ♦ Anyone having an account with the Singer-Wheeler * Wilson Sowing [ Machine Co., will kindly make their I remittances to E. W. Muller, cor. 6th and Main Sts., Klamath Falls, Ore , ¡who now has sole charge of this ter­ ritory for us. Il-5lf Singer Sewing Machine Co BERT E. WITHBOW, Secretary DON J. ZUMWALT, < '. I'. President Abstracting E. M. BUBB, Vice President and Treasurer Map.«, Plana, Blue Print*, Etc. Klamath County Abstract Co., Inc. Surveying and Irrigation Engineering KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON we will make sweeping reductions in prices in every department. Remember—Only about 30 days more The Boston Store