Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, November 26, 1908, Image 2

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    Postal Saving Batik Would He Bern* seventy aovon <77», Klamath addi­
♦ tidal to the People of the I'nltod tion to the town of Klamath Fulls,
Snow goose is delivering
Together with tenement*. heredi­
E. J. MURRAY, Editor
George Anderson and Mr. Briar are goods tor the Grand I'ulon Pea <’o taments, and appurtenances thereun­
buying wood of T. McCormick to ship
The V. b surveyors have complut- to belonglifg or In any wise appertain­
to Klamath Falls
ed the survey tor the ditch that Is ing.
T J Pitchford ha. gone to Albany. ,J low„"th|, klnlllKlll KiUu below
''he proceeds of said sal« will be
Oregon, to spend the winter.
applied In the satisfaction of said ex­
Jim Hughes, the Dorris liveryman,
ecution, order and diwree. Interest
has taken charge of the stage line
and costs and all accruing costs, and
All communications submitted for publication in the columns of thia paper between Dorris and Klamath Falls
(he over-plus. If any there be. to be
Chgs Stlndt is working for John
will be inserted only over the name ot the writer. No non de plume article»
paid Into siild court to he further ap­
will be published.
Ackley, after engineering on th«» Ma­
plied a* by law directed.
son Construction Company's dredger, flood' clean Cats free from R»<
Dated nt Klamath Falls, Oregon,
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ neighbors during the past month
this 29th day of October. 1908.
II. D llarpold. who is offering bls from Klamath Falls where he had
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ I place for sale, this year raised a very been with his wife and children to
Sheriff of Klamath County Oregon.
the s|>«<lalist. Dr Madison, for treat
I tine crop of oats.
10-29 1 1 -2«
Adam Weldman has been digging
ment of his son. Lavoy, tor catarrh
--------- ♦---------
potato«« for Arthur Noyes, who has
Frank Adams came down from the
Nolle,» Is hereby given that Mont
a good crop, eottslstiug of eleven
Falls Sunday to measure some wood K. Hutchison, administrator of the
Court of the State <>f
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦« he had sold to Erickson X* lletterson. Estate of Vnnle Hutchison, deceas * Oregon, for K lama ill County.
The people of Yonna ought to be
returning Monday
ed, hus tiled hl i haul account of the
Eugene Spencer, Plaintiff. vs, Fl..
Pankej of Lang«'ll Valley
well supplied with pork this winter. ♦ Wm
Mr Davis stopped over night at administration of said estate with the
Wilght mid Clara Wright, Defend-
as H. J. O'Brien will butcher 35 ¡•assed through hurt» Thursday on his Keno the last of the week with some
clerk of the County Court of Klam­
hogs, C. H. McCuniberS, and God- way to the Falls
St U
I orae« he was taking to J P ath County Oregon, ami that said int* Summons.
To F I Wilght, above lUltlO'd de-
frey Beck 13.
Thomas Roberts ot Poe Valley pas- Lee's I iastun>.
court has appointed the hour of 10 fendaut
Manuel Vierra has bought pota- sed through on Thursday with a load
Ed Parks passed through Keno oil o'clock in tla*'forenoon of Thursday*,
In I’e lutliie of the State of Ore-
toes ot Arthur Noyes.
of baled hay
Monday With his time keepers and the 31st day of December. 1908. as
You are hereby required to
Jacob Rueck, who has the Govern­
John Fool was hunting one day Inst other official« of the Erickson A Pet­
the time for h<*artng of objections. If ipp«sc and answer the plaintiffs
ment rain guage. states that on Nov week and had very good luck
terson Co.
any there be. to such tlnnl account -ompliilnt In the above entitled suit
20th ot this month, the rain fell .26
Mr. and Mrs. O*ro Brown spent
Eslie Morgan's team being fright­ and
the settlement thereof
ot an inch.
•n or beloie the 17th day of Decern-
Thursday and Friday In th«» city vis­ ened at the train was the cause of
notice Is published by order •or. 1908. that being the last dux
Mr. and Mrs. Hans Stoeshler went iting relatives.
|an accident which broke his arm and
of said Countv Court, made and en­ •reserlbed In the order for publlca
to the rails this week.
M ¡»» Ward started for her home a piece of bone chipped off from Ills
tered In the r.s'Oids thereof the 24tb Ion of summons and the lime within
Louis Gerber bargained with God- t Talent Thursday to spend her ia- elbow
Di Atkinson set the frae-
day of November. Unix
vhli-h the said defendant I* required
frey Beck of Yonna for a load of ation during the scarlet fever rage. lure.
o appear and answer and if you full
grain, oats, wheat and rye. with
Charles McWilliams and Chai les
D. W. Anderson Is hauling up his
\dmlnlstrator of the Estate of Annli *o to answer the plulnllff will apply
which to seed nis place at Bly.
Sturman have returned to Kano after
> inter's wood.
Hutchison, deceased.
o the court for the relief as de-
There is at present a great deal of
George Gristle, the marble works' moving Frauk Adams' dredger from
■landed In plaintiff's complaint, that
improving going on at the Hildebrand man. went by on Tuesday, en route latke Kwauna to lipper Klamath Lake
• s to say:
school. The cloak rooms and porch to Hildebrand.
The dredge will soou begin work on
That judgment and decree be enter­
are now being erected by Mr. Bliss,
Dr Fisher made a professional vis­ the Duke ranch. Messrs. McWilliams
Ill the Circuit Court of the State 'd for the sum of J3488 34 together
who was helped for a while by Emil it to our neighborhood Wedn«»sday. and Sturman will tin I th hauling wood
<>r Oregon, for Klamath County.
Flackus and Mr. Hammersley. There He has had gix»d luck thus tar und for the dredge.
vlth Interest thereon at the rate of
Henry O. Offeubacher. Plalultff. vs • pet cent per annum from the 1.1th
Is a shed also being erected by Jacob • veryone in the neighborhood speaks
Harry Wall, the livery man at Keno.
Rueck. on the northeast corner ot a good word for him
1 7 I 1 lav ot June. I 90s. mol for the further
made a flying trip to Calor Saurday R. E Dyer. Defendant.
the school grounds, for his childrens'
uiii of | uO as attorney's fees, to­
Hoover Kliigery delivered a load Equity.
George Copeland of laingell Valley
These Improvements will .•assed hriday on bis way horn«* from of freight to Messrs. Padgett. Snow­
Notice is hereby given tl at l>y ylr '.ether with costs mid disti urscliient s
greatly add to the comfort of teach­ the Falla.
tue of an execution mid order of sale, ■f said suit, uml that the following
goose and H S Smith.
ers and pupils, and also to the ap­
D. Gordon aud his daughter Sadie duly issued oiff of the above named «■«I propertv. to-wlt
Jesse Drew ot Yonna Valley went
pearance of the grounds.
court and cause, on the 29th day ot
An undivided four fifths Interest
to the Falls Saturday for hla sister, visited in Keno Sunday .
Harrison Gray made a business
of SW L, .
Mona and Bertha Spencer are tak­ October, 19U8, upon a decree mad> n mid to the South
I Miss Nett, one of the teachers of
trip to Bonanza Thursday.
>« and
|the public school, and returned the
On last Thursday the weather which | following day.
George Chase returned Sunday Court, and In said suit, on the 28tb Lois numbered 1 anti 2 of Section
had been so beautiful took a sudden
day of October. 1908. lu favor of th« '9. the NW >. of the NK>«. HE \ of
Mr and Mrs. James Grimes accom­ from Nevada
change in the shape of a bad sand
8, and Lots I. 2. 3 and 4 of Sec­
Charlie Keyler stopped over night above nnnied Plaintiff. dlr<-cting th«
panied by Mrs R C Cowley and Buck
storm. The wind blew so fiercely in
3o. ull In Township .19. South
Pool spent Saturday and Sundnv In
Yonna that a pine tree In front of
The latum Brothers show and social to satisfy the sum of *3200, *15' tango 7 East. Willamette Meridian,
Mr. Vierra's house was blown down
attorney's fee. *43 costs and disburse xluuiuth County. Oregon, saving mid
Dan Lovelady is hauling hay to dance was very much enjoyed by the
8. B. Grizzle, of Klamath Falls,
ments. together with Interest on said xceptlng ull that portion of lot 2, of
Poe Valley.
made a hasty trip to Yonna Tuesday,
Beginning at the
Dan Doten and John Ackley went sum of t ¡200. from the 2uth day of lection 29. to-wlt
Rex Boid went to town Friday
to get some rye of Mr. Vierra to
on a business trip to the Falls 111*0 July. 1907, at the rate ot eight per lout beast corner of said lot 2. the rice
plant on his land above the ditch. from his Olene ranch with a load of week.
cent per annum, nnd accruing costs x'orth ID 80 chntnn, thence Went
This is the place he has recently pur­ turkeys.
Now, therfore. by virtue ot said ex­ ,0 80 chains; thence South to the
Mr and Mrs. Chas. Snow goose and
Oscar Anderson came down from
chased and will raise alfalfa, Rye
children returned Sunday from the ecution und In compliance with said ueander line on the right bank of
seems to be very scarce this year Yonna Valley Saturday where he had Rogue River Valley where they had writ I have duly levied on said prem
he Klamath KI ver, thence follow-
around the Falls; hence the trip here been for the past week.
| been visiting relatives for several tees and will, on Mondav, the 301) ng said meander line up stream to
Jack Basim nad the good luck to
was for it.
day of November. 1908, at 10 o'clock he place ot beginning, containing 12
J. G. Wight of this valley has pur­ kill a ctxin on Ix>st River one day last
Jim Sehmohr came down from A. M. ot said day. at the front doot ' icres, more or less, held under mort-
chased 62 tons of tule hay of John week.
Swan Lake to get his brother Hfnrx of the County Court Hous«', In Klam- ■ :age in this suit foreclosed, be sold
F. W Clift and sons'. Vernie and
Ward of the Conner ranch in Swan
who has been cutting logs for H ath Falls. Klamath County, Oregon, o satisfy any judgment or decree ol>-
Lake, and will feed his cattle there Freddie, of Klamath Falls, spent Sun- Wall.
sell at public auction to the highest ' allied In this suit; and tliut nu order
for a part of the winter. Considera­
Henry Straw passed through Keno bidder for < ash In hatid, all the right, •f sule be made, as under execution,
Mrs H H. Roberts of Poe Valley >n 1 Is way to «the J. F. ranch where
tion being *5 per ton.
title and interest of the shove des­ o the Sheriff of Klumatli County, Or-
Frank Sterzl has made bls escape made her r -gular visit to town Sat­ e pm chased some horses of Jim Iv- .crilied defendant In and to the fol- *gon. and that sale be mad« as pro
from the land of sage brush and gone urday.
i I ory.
lowing desi-rlbed real property, sit
Id-d by law on all of said real prop­
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Grimes spent
to Portland for the winter.
Mr. and Mrs. Beck and tholr .laugh­ i uated in the City of Klumuth Falls. erty ns described herein mid that all
Riley Woods, who went to Lake- Saturday and Sundai at the Grigsby ter Rosa, Miss l-onden. Miss Herlihy. Kinmath County State of On-gon, to right and title and Interest of the
view to spend the winter. returned tanch.
of Klamath Falls, attended the show Alt
lefendants In and to such real prop-
D. Campbell and Mrs W R. Camp­ and dance at Keno Thursday night.
Thursday evening on his way to
Commencing at a point twenty-five rty, or an> portion thereof, b«> fore
bell of Lzirella passed her«* Saturday
Klamath Falls.
Mrs. D. Gordon returned home last feet (25 feel I northeasterly from th« -losed, and for such n lief us tuny be
Claude Clopton stopped over night on their way home.
week after having visited her daugh­ corner on Main Street between Lots equitable.
J. M. Tipton and Albert Katon ter, Mrs. T. A. Grubb.
in Yonna, with 360 cattle belonging
j 2 and 3 in Block 18 In the town ot
This summons Is published In th«*
to Chas. Horton. The cattle were spent Monday at the Falls.
Marion Bates is still hauling wood Klamath Falls, Oregon, thence north­ Klmnath Republican, a weekly news j
Wm Ehrmann and party of Dairy from Keno to' the dredge.
bought in Warner Valley and Goose
westerly at right angles with Main paper printed and published at Klam-
Lake, and are being taken to the tame down Monday to work on the
Frask Nelson lost a horse by drown­ Street eightyfeet, thence, northeaster­ ath Falls. Oregon, by order of the |
Ankeny ranch near the Falls, to be Short Hill" road. Il all needs work- ing when trying to swim across the ly at right angles with said line Hon. George Noland, Judge of the .
■ Ted this winter or until needed for »g
twenty-five feet, thence southeasterly above named court, und dated on I
the Oakland, Cal., market.
Wm. McClure and wife went to
Mrs Ben Kerns lias returned home at right angles with said line eighty October 29th, 1908, directing
Louis Gerber bought the meadow- own Monday with a load of flue beef after making an extended visit with feet; theuce southwesterly along
The first publication to be made
grass hay belong to A. T. Langell and
The snow storm has put a stop to relatives and friends Hi Oregon City Main Street twenty-live feet, to place on Thursday, the 5th day of Novem­
James Goss, paying (6 per ton for It
he work and will make lots of the and California. She was accompan­ of beginning, embracing a strip twen­ ber, 1908 and th« last publication to
Mr. Gerber will bring his cattle from joys wonder where their summer's ied by her mother, Mrs. 8. Kerns.
ty-five feet wide and eighty f«et long be made on the 17tli day of December
Sprague River to the Sconschin ranch wages have gone.
The main line of the railroad is In Ix>t two (2). Block eighteen ( 18) 1908.
where the hay Is. to feed them this
On Sunday a bunch of beef cattie completed to Worden and by Christ­ in the town of Klamath Falls.Oregon
¡«••longing to Charles Horton, passed mas it will be to Holland, a point two Also
Attorney for Plaintiff
Tom Shannon and Ed. Hadley stop­ on their way from Warner Valley to miles above Blldell or Teeters Land­
Lota one (1) and two (2), Block 11-3-12-17
ped in Yonna on their way to their the Ankeny ranch, where they will ing Abel Ady will run a stage from
gold mine at the North Fork ot th<- be fed.
Worden to Blldell where the traveling
Sprague River.
All the sick folks are improving as public will then be conveyed to Klam­
Some improvements are being made well as can be expected and there is ath Falls by launch.
at the home of D. Y. Grays of Yonna; no fear of more fever.
John Rose was In our midst last
such as repairing the bouse and barn,
B. 3. Grigsby recently purchased week buying cattle for the Mitchell
a fine mare and colt of Earley Arant. toothers of Gazelle. They will be
Some of the people of Yonna, old
Chas, l-ambert, manager of the shipped from that point to Grayson
neighbors of Mrs. Della Colahan, who Western Stage Co., and W. R. Davis, it Owen of San Francisco, for the gen­
is now in Eureka, Cal., have received manager of the O. C. T. Co., were In eral market.
letters from her saying she is going Olene Thursday.
The McKenzie family of Bogus,
to sell her home In Eureka, and re­
Floyd Brandenburg went to the
turn to her farm In Yonna. Also
Falls Monday from his Sand Hollow as a result of diphtheria.
that Frank Logue, her brother, for­
The home of Bob Linton has also
ranch with a load of chickens.
merly of this place, will return and
Mrs. A. Kinney and sons, Oliver been visited by diphtheria. There
run the ranch for her.
and Rowe, came up from the Hadley have been three serious cases in the
Mr. Griffith, of Klamath Falls, has
ranch Monday to visit Budd and McKenzie home, one of them proving
been In Yonna for the purpose of
The attending physlclat Is
purchasing grain, rye, wheat and
I. C. Young was out with his meat Dr. Frlsele of Yreka.
oats of Fred Beck.
Charles Marsrow was in Klamath
wagon on Monday.
Some of the people of Hildebrand
Rex Bord Is offering a liberal re- Falls Monday on business regarding ,
are getting their turkeys for Thanks­
the sale of his timber claim to the I
giving of Mrs. L. A. Sterzl, wbo rais­ ward for any information leading to Weyerhaucser Co.
the conviction of the one or ones who
ed 27 this year.
Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Willits passed -
While in Yonna Claude Clopton [ •stole his cattle.
through here Tuesday on their way ;
Our post master, A. T. Wilson, Is
reported that the house belonging to
to Klamath Falla after visiting at
L. Gerber of Bly, took fire Wednes­ always in a good humor and glad for their old home In Ashland.
day while they were moving a stove. a little patronage.
Riley Prlvey was a passenger on
The fire was extinguished before
B. 8. Grigsby and Bert Childers, of the stage Tuesday.
much damage was done except to the Klamath Falls passed Sunday on their
Mr. Adams Is down from Merrill
roof of the house.
, way to Yonna Valley.
again this week.
C. C. Pearson has been plowing
.Mr. Chapman and wife passed
Dock Pool went to Dairy Tuesday
this week.
through Keno on their way from Cra-
to spend a few days visiting.
H. Gray has been sawing wood dur-1
,____ ____
Mr. _____
This is the week to make up the ter Lake where ___
Ing tbe past week, for his winter's
I school census report so our clerk will been surveying the government park.
Mr. Edwards of Beswfck was In
, be busy getting the names and ages
Ed Casebeet, of Bly, In passing
1 Keno Tuesday
¡of all the school children
through Yonna on his way to Klam­
.Mr Tower representing the Mayer
Sam I Dixon and Ray Anderson
ath Falls, bargained with Mi Rlttei
Shoe Co . of Ml Louis, Mr Mitchell,
for luuu pounds of ry«, wheat and went to the Fulls Tuesday afternoon representing the M J B Coffee Co ,
oat* each, the same to be taken back 1 1 Mrs. R c Cowley, who bus been uf Sun Francisco, and Mr Gilchrist
eailng for her futher during his III representing Lindley A Co., of Suc-
on hl* return trip
1 F Davie*, th* poattnalter at i ne*s, has returned to her home at rarnento, took Bam Padgett s order
Dairy, has returned from a business : Loi ella
for his spring goods last week
Duck hunting is pretty good now
trip to Portland
A literary society was organized
H«nry Meier of Swan Lak* was —John Pool, Oscar Anderson and at Padgett's hall last Saturduy even­
lOzro Brown brought down nine big ing with the following officers Pres­
visiting Godfrey Beck this week
The Bank und Trust Coinpauj. ot Mallards at three shots Monday ev- ident. H Snowgooge; vice-president.
Klamath Falls, lias purchased Mrs. | eulng
C Marsrow, secretary, Albert Tray­
-------- >---------
P Petersteiner s place near Dairy
lor; treasurer, Nellie Doten, editor.
Albert Burgdorf, ot Yonna. ha*'
Pete Jones, critic, Sam Padgett
been harrowing In grain on bls home
program was arranged for next But
st ••ml this week
Bay Horse, weight about 9UU I ba urday evening
There will be a de
J R Welch, who Is ull «Xpert hide' 3-cornered brand
bate on Saturday evening, November j
tanner, has tanned hide* for Lie I 10-8tf
8. Herlihy, Klamath Falls. 28th. Subject; Resolved, That the1
City Meat Market
to visit
fl ’HEN smnnier has passed in these
[ northern states, the sun is only
mikl under the bright bine '»kies of
Southern California. I Ins is one of na­
ture’s happy provision'—eternal summer
lor those who cannot endure .1 inure se­
vere climate.
California has been called the‘‘.Mevci of
the winter tourist." Its hotels and stop­
ping places are as varied as those of ill
well regulated cities. Visitors can alwa> s
find suitable accommodations, congenial
companions, and varied recreations
liie Southern Pacific Co.
\\ ill lie glad to supply some very attractive literature,
describing in detail th» many delight* of winter in
California Very low round trip rxcur.i m tickets are
on sale to California. For full information, sleeping
car reservation» and tickets, call on, telegraph or
write any 8. P. Agent, or
WM. McMURRAY, Gen. POSS. Ijl.. Portland. Oregon
Opening of Oregon
Central Military Road Grant
Five nvrcs of
Tho price is
the tract.
Look into this great Land
tirant Opening at once
I A ini to be
We want all of
Your Eggs,
Chickens, Butter and Turkeys.
Will pay Cash for them.
We have 700 boxes of nice,
Winter Apples
to arrive in a few days.
Our Prices will be right
M ASON &. S l OU G H
City Property
Parm Mortgages
i__DMLç«JIITtU nUlil IH if M UKttill
I Lakeside Inn
r M —
-- , Prop’r.
rs . ..............
M. M c M illan
Modern improvement«.
73 rooms und suitos
Sample Hoorns, Bar Ilooni, Pariora, Two Club
Room h , Eto„ Etc.