KLAMATH Official Newspaper ot Klamath County of Klamath County KLAMATH FALLS. KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON, NOVEMBER 26, 1908. VOL. XIII. • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ REPUBLICAN. Official Newspaper • ♦ KENO ITEMS. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ « ♦ * ♦ « ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ NO. 35 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦A GALE HAPPENI.NGH. ♦ ♦ ♦ YONNA IT EMM. • ♦ ♦♦«♦♦♦♦♦♦«•«♦•♦A* ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦A ('RgM ENT NEW*. NEWS. CREHUKMT « W II. I’ankey «in busy Mr and Mrs. Quinn Anderson, of Miss I ait th- Allen la staying at Mr Hedrick raised 400 sacks of Mr (Jentry. accompanied by Ira lust Week A new floor has been laid In the Bly, stopped over night at Mr. Vier­ salable potatoes on his dry land Long Prairie school house by George Oluna with her father. Ed. Allen, who Engle, passed through Keno last II. G. Bussey Is building u wood ra's ranch Saturday night on their farm How's that* Tuesday on their way to Dorris, re­ shell Is giudliig the mad therv. Hewitt lie put on boards for a new way to tbe Falls for tbelr winter sup­ .Mr Glacomlni has moved his house blackboard also. l ari Robluy, Jr., was visiting his turning to Klamath Falla Wednes- Orb Campbell was up from Klam plies.» While at Vierra's they took about three-quarters ot a mile south grandmother, Mrs. Booth, last Sun­ -lui Miss Myrtle Pennington la expected uth Falls Thursday. part In an Informal party. Music to get out of the sand Ed Woods made a business cull day. In from Washington to teach at the D W Murphy, prijject engineer, was furnished by Messrs. Jerry Pear­ Wm. Ball and family left tbe 19th Long Prairie school Services were held lu the L-iliv ou Mr. Tower lust week was lip looking over the work at son. Harrison Gray and Harris, All for their horn«- In’Callfornla. It A. Johnson, of Pasadena, wus Clear Luke dum lust week Fine school house lust Huuday by Mr. Hightower, of the saw mill present en Joyed the Evening very llt-v Anderson Therv wus a good In Keno lust week R. C. Anderson has a large pile Of company, has been III for a few days. David Campbell, Hr., Mrs. much. utt i'ii tluiiev. Wat Aldrvd has been very lame Campboll anil David ('ampbell, wood up as though be exp«-« ted a George Anne, a homesteader In Wm Wright has lately been get-: hard winter. Mrs. llvldlu and son James tmvv aa a result of being kicked by a returued from the Falla Saturday. this county, died at his father's home ting In his winter’s supply of wood, horse. » Of In Bend. Saturday, Nov. 14. He was Mrs. G. C. Slate is moved buck to her lioiuvatead. G. W. Copeland returned from from Mr. Harris of North Yonna her parents Mr. and An- suffering from cancer and consump­ Henry Straw,accompanied by Clmr- Klamath Falls Saturday where he Gian Hlevman left for H«>atllv Tues­ Everyone In this j-art of tbe country derson. for a few days' Visit. day. He expects to remain for the Ils MvMsyner.wlll leave about Christ- pur«hiia«'d ills winter supplied. tion Details of the funeral arrange­ Over one liundre«) boys and girls seems to be looking for a severe win­ Mr. and Mrs. E C. Albin and Mr ments were not learned winter visiting friends ami relatives mas for the Hawaiian Islands with Thu snow Monday Is u kood fore­ In hlsnuilli < «-nitty are using tlo-w ter, and are preparing for It. Jack Anderson arrived here Wadaaa- Mt mid Mrs. Mike llaluruvau l-avu noms horses. Charley Anderson and family have runner of storms to com«- l-unks. laying a-uhg sometliing for a Harrison Gray, accotnpanled by I s Will Taylor Is on his homestead. u»mng tle-ui? If not he ought to I m ». to Dairy Sunday. home at Beswlck. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Anderson went Having leased his brother's ranch, he Monday. for Tburiksglvlug. He ll< an for on«- year on O Hoppe, who lives In tbe upper re ot ground of T. Offield where they was very disconcerting to the pupils. the lain-- Pine sch«ail, was unite«! In | Klamath Falla Inst week Friday. live payment of «2. part of Yonna Valley, la expecting are building an office and barn for We never had a superintendent In our Mr. Pitts of Hornbrook stopped marring« to Charlie W Lewis, Bat ur­ D A McComb und C N. Snow are his father from Germany to spend the the ditch tender. «lay. Nov. 21. at 2 o'cltrek p. in at ut Keno Bunday night schools before, but we can get used breaking brush ou the latter'«« home­ winter with him. Mr and Mrs Chas Flack us passed stead. Dan Caldwell has moved to his to It. the residence of the bride's uncle, . I C. W. Sherman, of Dairy attended new residence on tbe banks of Lost Their many through Keno on tbelr way froui Rev. J B. Griffith. Will Fordham, teacher at Master's W«- have recently organized n lit­ the road meeting al Bonanza last River. school, visited Mrs. Strott's school friends extend their hearty cungratu- Ashland to Dairy. erary society ot the students of the week. Mr. and Mrs Elvy and family ar­ Tuesday the 17th. Jim Ivory was accidently uhot school. latlons. Mr. Childers and B. S. Grigsby, of rived here from England last week. Mrs. M II lleebe and daughter through his foot Inst week. The library books for our schools Th«- llttl«- people ur«- weaving knot­ Klamath Falls, were in Yonna look­ Tbe electric lights ot our little were brought up by the superintend­ Chas Mescnuvr und Mark I. Fin­ ted bags, and --ven the sixth and sev» i Gussie, were In Klamath Fall. Bal ing over Godfrey- Beck's ranch, which town Merrill looked very beautiful ent. ney were passengers Io Dorris on enth grades are much Interested In urday. Mr. Grigsby lias lately purchased. Wednesday, the first night. Miss Scott, teacher at Crescent, Is Harry B«a>th Is claiming to be one Friday's stage the work W. Forbes of Bonanza is doing The Galeltes that attended the sur ­ Frank Adams was In Keno Friday giving of our beat hunters, for he killed four­ splendid service. Her work Gladys Pool, being on the sick list,! some carpenter work for Mrs. A. prise party at R. H. Anderson’s, were is very satisfactory. hiring men to cut wood for him teen gees«- at two shuts recently was f--rc--«l to miss three days of Flack us of this valley. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hobbs, Mr. and Prof Swan wus In Kono Thursday school last week. Nick Monson was In the Falls last Mr and Mrs. Strotts called on J.L. Godfrey Beck is butchering fifteen Mrs. Robert Anderson, Jack Ander­ Howard and wife last Sunday., night and visited the Bonita school Baturday. D. A. McComb says ho is rather ' hogs this week, and some of his son, Mrs. Emma Albin, Dannie An­ A Gifford and family, who have the following day ----------*--------- anxious to get hla wood cut and set- ’ neighbors are helping him. derson, Miss Blanche Robison and been hiring on Clyd«- Bradley's place. Ixtuls Connoly pawd through tie down tor the hard winter he Is REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Messrs. Jesse Drew and Will Logue Miss Clara Anderson. Intend to leave December 1 for Cali­ Keno with some passengers from Dor­ looking for have been plowing for Mrs. N. S. Herbert Anderson has recovered ris last Saturday. fornia Holl«- Swingle has b«-en earning hla Fred Melhase et ux and Gus Mei­ Drew and will continue as long as from a severe attack ot typhoid fev­ John txivelady was In Keno last bread and butler by killing ge«-se; Hum Combs rvturn«-d lost Friday li ase to Emma L. Cox, of the weather stays good. er. from lavkvvlew. week lately. ne>4 of swt4 and lot 3. sec. 7, tp. 37 Walter Welch, who has been visit­ Mrs Glenn McCormick, of Merrill, The Woman's Club of Merrill met John Koontz was In Klamnth Falls Charles Walker returned last Week ♦ FINE GRIM I. NEWS. ♦ ing In California this summer, has at the home of Miss Callahan at Gale r. 9 e, and lot 3, sec. 12, tp. 37, r 8 accompanied by her mother. Mrs Van from Ashland, where he has been Haturday after a load of lumber ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ cohie to Yonna for the winter. Saturday. On account of the bad e, 162 acres, 81625.00. Clay Ratliff In over from Aahlan«! Meter of Bedfleld. visited nt the Mc­ getting fruit. W. H. Webb et ux to Ray Ander­ Eariy Arant und Isaac Shepard Mr. Palmer, who sells tombstones, weather there were but few present. Roy Holt took a load of grain to Cormick home last week £. II Sedge came from Dairy to I son, lot 8, blk 82, Klamath addition Dan Doten and Bam Padgett made his boniest--ad Thtirsdaj. lie will re-1 dug a well Saturday on tbe public made a trip to Sprague River to col-1 ------ ♦------ the Falls Thursday and brought back to Klamath Falls, $900.00. highway near Mr. Elliott's ranch, lect some money, as he has sold a THIRTY DOLLARS n load of lumber for Archie Coleon's u business trip to Cnlor Saturday main for a limited time only. Lillie E. DeHay to F. K. Moxley, Charley Bradley «•arted for Eagle tombstone to Henry Jackson there, TO BE THE COST. Jim llayae and wife ot Pokegnma piece. C. N Snow h as purchased about « I Point this week lots 1, 2, 3. 4, a, 6, 7, 9 and 10, blk. costing $150, for his son Ralph Jack- Mrs Mary Colson Is visiting her | ! stopped In Keno Saturday night on of 100 young fruit Ire1» which be Mr. Elliott and family were out son Reclamation Service Announces Cost 2 9, East Klamath Falls, $200.00. their way to Klamath Falls to visit expects to $»<•! out this winter. sister Mrs Ida Greeley. Klamath Falls Land A Transporta­ to their ranch Sunday. Mr. Elliott Jesse Drew, who has recently taken for First Unit of Prljeet. James Enmmi began building ditch with their daughters, Mrs. Goldy E C Lyon Is helping build the| thinks his ground is ready to plow. up a homestead near hl* mother’s tion Co. to Jas. P. Mehlwood, lot 12, Lute and Opal and Margie Hays- The local office of the Reclamation Tuesday. house of Mr. Hutts, a new homestead-1 A hunting party composed of Harry ranch, has been living there and will Service has received a telegram from blk 10, lots 1, 2, 4. and a, blk 11, Goo. Chase nn«l Lou Connoly were er In this part of th«- valley. Th«- Lone Pine school let out No» I and Frank Wilson and Walter Tur ­ soon erect a new barn. In Keno Sunday. the Secretary of the Interior at lot 4, blk 15, Buena Vista addition IS. Mr. Wilde of the Bonney place, I ner ret urned from Langell Valley to Klamath Falls, $10.00. Master Frank Beck, one of the Sth Mr. and Mrs. Fog, recently of Keno from Washington giving the cost of water Joe D«4, sec. 16, tp. Mrs Grover Slate vlaltiHl the school with Mr Fox’s mother In l-laho Mrs bath school. j for a trip to the East. She will be stop school for about a week to ride cost will be $30 per acre payable in 38 s, r 11 e, 40 acres, $1.00. Fox will continue her Journey to T ueaday. W. II. Pankey went to Klamath E. R. Rearnes et ux to Klamath ten annual installments with an an­ Dr Merryman wan down In this Michigan whore she will spend the Falls Thursday to meet his wife and accompanied by her daughter Dor- for cattle. Falls Light and Water Co., 40x50 ft. jolhy. She expects to visit her sister H. Gray, with the help of Manuel nual maintenance fee of seventv-five remainder of the winter with her daughter. Agnes, who have been vls- country hunting Inst Tu«-ndny. on Conger avenue, with reversion to ¡In Nebraska and then go to Canada Vierra and L. Harris, spent last Tues­ cents per acre. father, Mr Balls. -------- •--------- Ring at Ashland to visit relatives there. day butchering hogs. Vndoubtedly the first payment on grantor, $1.00. Sam Pool, T. R. Austin and S T. Mr. Irwin Is getting ready for Un-1 F2OO (Hl REWARD. Chas Llnzie to Jas. Ingraham, lot Willie Jonas of Dairy has been vis­ I the w ater rights will become due at Brown of Pokogama wore business cle Sam to furulsh water to Irrigate | Leo Thompson started to school 9, blk. 14, First addition to Klamath Monday. iting for several days at tbe home of 'the beginning of the Irrigation sea ­ In Keno Bunday. visitors his land, as ho has had several men There are now more pupils enroll- Fred Beck of this valley. I will pay $200 00 for any Informa son for 1909, the date for which is to Falls. $350.00. Mr. John went to the Falls Friday employed clearing sagebrush off his Jas. Gruber et ux to Crisler & ed than have attended school in Pine W. I. Simpson lately from Bandon, be set by the Secretary of the Inter­ tlon that will lead to the conviction on the steamer Canby, returning to Grove since Miss Stella Campbell Oregon has been visiting with D. Y. ior. This payment will probably not Stilts. 45x105 feet in blk. 15. Klam­ of the party or parties who stole (hr hla home Tuesday accompanied by place R C. Cowley kille«! hogs last Fri­ taught In 1904. The number of pu- following entile from my pasture on Conrad Madison and Harry Pearson. Gray and family. become delinquent until the begin­ ath Falls. $3825.00. H. C. McCort et ux to H. F. Shep­ the night of Friday. November 6th Mr. Madison returned to the Falls day. «yid has altive bees supplying pits is greater than the number of Joe Welch the blacksmith is get­ ning of the 1910 season, so that the the neighbors with fresh meat seats. The directors have been tardy ting about all the work he can do. ‘ farmers will be given a chance to herd, se%, sec. 32, tp. 37 s, r 14 e, 1 Red polled Steer branded Y on the same evening with Sam Padgett The mall comes In every day ex­ both sides. Many of the Yonna Valley boys realize on their first year's crop be­ 160 acres, $400.00. Sam Deal of Dorris arrived In cept Sunday from Bonanza, and twice In providing more seats making It Pierce Evans et ux to May Mongold inconvenient for both teachers and have been goose hunting lately but fore they are compelled to make the 1 lied Cow branded RX on left Keno Thursday on a visit to hla rela­ a week. Wednesdays and Sundays, pupils. lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, blk 67, South payment. hip. to date Master Henry Stanley is the tives here from Vistula Mr Bussey in carrier Mr. Cunningham visited our school only one having the honor of getting Any Informal Ion will be considered The first unit consists of 31,153 Midland. $20.00. Clay Conn Is over from Merrill to for Vlstllls Robert Casey et ux to W. M. Elli­ confidential. Monday. acres and embodies what is known any ge«-se. «pend Thanksgiving It lias been reported that an elk Shake hands. Plevna. There seems REX K HORD, Chris Pearson went to Bonanza .as the Klamath Basin between Klam- ott, lots 2 and 3, blk. 95, Klamath ad­ hus been discovered In the blue moun­ to be a strong bond between us, for Olene Ranch 11-1 9-tf on a business trip last Wednesday. I ath Falls and Merrill and along the dition to Klamath Falls, $825.00. Mrs. Wills, formerly Mrs J. c. tains back of McKIndey's. Mr Ger­ we have no well, either, but get wa­ Chas. E. Worden et ux to Fred ♦ Wm Flackus will build a shed this south and east branch canals. Sigler, Is In the city from her home ber has been appointed to look up the ter in much the same way as you do. fall to shelter his cattle and horses. and Gus Melhase. lots 9 and 10 and ----- ♦ ------ Court Reporter It M Richardson at Vancouver, Wash., on business matter u