«*$$$$$•$•*$*$$$* . infracts in about iltri* e«*<‘ks seventy seven (77), Klamath addi ♦ Pl.KVXA ITEMS. ♦ Zelma, Walter and tion to the town ot Klamuth Falls, ♦♦♦«$«♦♦««♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ tom, whose father la Oregon. Mt II II Van Valkenburg and wife J. W. Jorp on his dlt< h Tog«*ther with tenements, heredl E. J. MURRAY, Editor. are «contemplating a chang«* of real- attending our school laments, sad appurtenances thereun dunce The« will niovt* to Klamath Lennie Hooper lias («'i'll chimen to belonging or in any wise appertain Falls. correspondent for the Summers dis ing Mr John Faulkner has baeu haul trlct. ‘he proemds of »al«l sale will be ing hay during the past week. Our teacher. Miss Millie Garrison, applied In the satisfaction of salil ox- TWO DOLLARS PER YEAR IN ADVANCE We have lntroduc«Hl an Agricultur has just finished reading and explain «■eutlon, oriler and decree. Inter«’»! al l>e|iartmenl Into our school We ing to 11» "The Making of An Ameri and costs and all accruing coats, ami All communication* submitted i»»r publication 111 the columns oi thia paper have been planting different kinds can Bov " She Is going to read next the over plus. If any there be, to bo will I m » inserted only over the name of the writer. No non de plume article« of s<4>ds during th«1 w«*ek and antici The Bird's Christmas Carid " paid Into said court to t><> further ap wili be published. pate a groat deal of pleasure* and Wo were vi 1 y much disappointed pll«*d as by law directed ¡profit In watching them grow last Friday because wo had to scrub. Dated at Klamath Falla. Oregon, Leo Thompson Is assisting Mr Instead of having the regular Friday ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ' I’ought sixty tons of hay from Mr. this 2‘Jtli day of October, 190S ♦ l*OK VALLEY ITEMS. ♦ Ward an«i now feels »««cure for cattle ¡Chas Faulkner In digging potatoes afternoon remlltig W II HARNES, ¡every evening after school. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ I feed for the winter. Sheriff <•( Kliiinaih County Oregon D P Shook is hauling his winter's, Our little buys and girls are weav Mr. and Mrs S It Gardner of Fort 10-2»-1 I The Roberta boys have hauled w<Hid while the weather is good. ing paper hints fur busy work. Klamath arrived last Friday for n wood to the school house for winter John War«l killed a very large por Mary Byers hud a very narrow es- visit with his son, G V Gardner, ami si MM«i\s use. |cape laat last Sunday, having been throw n cupine on the Lone Rock ranch re-jeape beaa thrown Mr Gardner rri'ently disposed wife. in the < in nil t ourt of Hi«- Slat«« of Mr. Egllngton and I-a u son Ross cently. Th«> weight was S3 pounds. from one horse under the feet of of his place in that county, known a» On-gou. for lv la ninth County. have been working on the road. These animals are very destructive another She was fortunate enough, Eugene S|H*ncer, I'lalntIff. vs F I. Wm. Griffith. Elmer and Ellsworth <>n vegetable gardens and young fruit however, to escape with a few bruises Seven mile iiincb, and will spend the winter 011 the coast visiting friends Wright ami Clara Wright, Defend Moore each took a load of hogs to t reea. They will girdle several tro*« an«l a sprain«*d arm at Crescent City ami Bandon In the mts Summons Klamath Falls Monday . T. ..I itoberts. a Pin* Valley farmer, in one night. spring he Intend > inst.'illliig all elec- To F I. Wilght, aboil* named de Mrs. Mark and daughter. Alberta, pas.M*.! through here last week on Kelly, from near Olene, is Mrs. trie llgting plant uslng the waters of fendant went to the Falls Tuesday. his way to Rogut* River after fruit trading In Dairy today tTuesday ). Seven mile creek near Fort Klamath Hi tl. * name of th«* Slat«* of Uni Mr. Mark and Mr Evans have com Mi McIntire's big teams and wa Marion Martin has relinquish« .! his ■Crescent City It ustler. son You are hereby required to pleted their barn. gons puss by here very often to and position as diet at D. P. Shook's. * ippeai und answer the plaintiff's Miss Sarah Griffith, who is now from the railngid FOR s 11.F utliplaltll In the altove <<ntltle<l suit teaching at Lone Pine, visited her I « 4»44*44***4«4*«4 Mr Arthur Bremer shot and killed 50 Tons Alfalfa Hay *<><> bushels >11 or botole tile 17th day of D**cetn- parents Saturday and Sunday. « i a large goose Sunday «‘veiling OI.EXE HAPPEX1X4JS. » yooil. clean Cats, fr«*«‘ from Rye. >er. 19UX. thnl being tlx* Inst day Will Irwin, of Langell Valley. was Rev. Pratt dellver««d an Interesting ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ « REX E HORD, >rescrlln*d in the order for publica- In the valley on business Monday address at th«* schrvol hous«* Sunday * ll I 9t t J D Whitman visited the Falls aft««rnoon at 3 o'clock ion of summons and th«* time within On Wednesday, November 11th ♦ a hit'll lb«* salii defendant Is r«**|Ulr«*d Grandma Roberts was 78 years old Monday Mrs Brown of Ashlaml will sp«*ak ItlXGllOXE I I RED. It • Grigsby visited at bls ranch o us next Sunda« November 15 n appt'ar uml answer uml If you fall Her children and grandchildren with w hile en route to Yonna Ilingbon«* horses < ur«*d or no pay l'uesday o to answer the plnlntlff will apply Sunday School is still In progress, well tilled baskets took possession God- E THOMPSON, <i the couit for the relief as do of the house and enjoyed a bountiful Valley where he purchased the ast Sunday showing a larger atteml 1 1-19-41 Klamath Falls. Oro nandoti In plaintiff s complaint, that *ance than we have bad yet. meal and a delightful evening. Grand trey Beck ranch. Mrs. John Cox is very ill with scar s to say : We haye a Current Event period ma was very much surprised, but Miss Bertha Slater is in •very other day. each pupil cont rih XOTI4 E OF SHERIFF - SALE. That judgment and <lecr«*e In* enter- enjoyed the evening hugely, Those , t fever ’HEN summer has passed in these In the Circuit Court of the State I foi III** sum of $.;ixs 34 togeth«*! atlng something of Interest ai each of her children present were Mrs attendance. a "I'ti. l«> Johnnny " Simmons was I northern stItOS» the sun is only *llh Interest «lien-on at th«* rat«* of ■erlod. This work Is very Interest- of Oregon, tor Klamath County. Joe Taylor and husband and .Mrs Henry O offenbacher. Plaintiff, vs 4 per cent per annum from the 13th mg as well as Instructive, and we Her caller at J .VI. Tipton's Tuesday, Hiram Roberts and husband, mild under the bright blue skies <>t The Olene teacher. Miss Ward, enjoy it very much. It. E Dyer. Defendant. No. 171 lay of June. IPOS, mid for th«* further sons William and Tom Roberts I were Southern California. Ibis is one of na mu of $.;uu as attorn«*»’» f«s*s, lo- Several teams und wagons went Equity. unavoidably detained. Ten of her quint Saturday and Sunday at the tionie of her uncle, R. K Sutton Notin' is hereby given by here Monday and Tuesday to work tether with costa utid dlsburs«*ment» ture's happy provisions -eternal summer grandchildren were present. Chas. Walker of lamella l>assed on the railroad tue of mi execution mid order of sale. if Mild suit, mid that the following Chris. Killsgaard has gone to Port t<»r those who cannot endure a more se through O.ene Sunday on his way i Mr. Sevlts has b«*en baling hay «Inly Issued out of th«* above named eal property. to w It land. vere climate. court and cause, on the 29th day of for the last few days. An undivided four Esau Keck and Wm. Marcbo have home from Ashland. Oscar Anderson has gone to Yonna The tule tire of Little Klamath October, 19**4, upon a decree mad« n mid to the South built a barn at the school house. California has been called the “Mecca of and entered of record iu said Circuit lection 30, North ’n Mr, Thompson and family have Valley for a few days to help Si y laike has ceased burning the winter tourist." Its hotels and stop l.ast Wednesday and Thursday the Court, and In said suit, on the '.’Sth ’.ot» numbered 1 and 2 of Section moved from Poe Valley to the Car Pool dig potatoes. has been very ill E. J. Pool who Steamer Klamath towed two laige «lay of October, 1908, In favor of th« ping places are as varied as those of all ». the NW), of the NEU. SE U of roll place on Lost River. Albert Edler went to Klamath with pneumonia is recovering slowly steam shovels to the railroad camp above named plaintiff, directing th« ;W’( mol Lots i. *.*, 3 and i of S«*<*. well regulated cities. Visitors can always A young man who has b«*i*n hauling near Klamath Falls. Th«*se two hug«* sale of the premises therein described ion 30, ull In Township 3». South Saturday. Kilgore ; plec««s of machinery are th«» property to satisfy the sum of $3200, $350 lang 7 East. Willamette Meridian, find suitable accommodations, congenial grain to Bonanza fur the Sidney Ffeuer has completed his of hav- flour mill had the misfortune | of Erickson & Petters«>n. the con- attorney's fee, $43 coats and disliur»«* .laniath County. Oregon, tuning mid house. He has been making frequent companions, and varied recreations meats, together with interest on said xeeptlng ull that |H>rtlon of lol 2. of visits to the lower end of Poe Vai Ing his lee broken Thursday as the tractors. result of a runaway but it is getting Mr. A. Brentner has purchased a mi ot $.1200, from the 30th day of lection 2». to-wlt Beginning at the ley. Wonder what it means? along nicely under the care of Dr. three-vear-old Alley ot Mr. J. P Lee July, 1907, at the rate of eight per southeast corner of said lot 2. thence ----------- ♦---------- He has b«'en breaking her the past cent per annum, aud accruing coats N’ortli 10.80 chains, t hence West ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Johnson of Bonanza. Don Lovelady si>ent Saturday night week She works like an vild horse Now, therfore, by virtu«« of said ex 10 80 chains; thence South to th«* ♦ LONE PIXE ITEMS. ♦ Will la* glad to supply some very attractive literature, I A number of the farm«>rs are do ■cution an«l in compliance with said neander line on the right hank uf ♦ ♦ « at Olene. d< scribing in detail the many delights of winter In Mr. and Mrs. A. Kinney have mov ing their fall plowing. writ I have duly levied on said pretu the Klamath Rivi . thence follow- California. Very low rouml trip excursion tickets are Services were held at the Lone Pine ed to the Hadley ranch which he has The potato crop Is very light in , ses and will, on Monday, the 30th ug said meander line up stream to on sale to California. For full information, sleeping school hous«- last Sunday afternoon leased. and Budd and Harry Kinney this vicinity this year owing to the lay of November, 190s, at 10 o’clock he place of beginning, containing 12 car reservations and tickets, call on, telegraph or by Rev. Anderson from Merrill. He are running bachelor’s hall" at their dry summer. A. M. of said day. at the trout door «crea, more or less, held under niort- write any S. I*. Agent, or will preach here again November 22. old place at Olene. There have been many geese killed it the County Court Hous«*, In Klam ¿age In this suit foreclosed, be sold The Government bridges are being Dave Vinson and Ed Duncan of here lately. The duck shooting Is ath Falls, Klamath County, Oregon, o satisfy any judgment or decree ob WM. McMURRAY. Gtn. POSS. IQI., Portland, Oregon built by Fred Steenians and M. H Langell Valley passed through Olene also very good. -ell at public auction to th«* highest lìi ned in tills suit, and that an order Beebe. Mr. Joe Foster, from Round Lake. bidder tor cash in hand, ull the right, >f sale be made, ns under execution, Monday on their way to Klamath Harry Booth is hauling lumber for Falls. I attend <1 Sunday school her«- Sunda«. title anil interest of the above des o the Sheriff of Klutuath County, Or- the Government bridges. Our school has been closed Indefi «nd Monday morning started tor his -rlbed defendant in and to the (ol gon. and that sale be made as pro- I The erection of the Lone Pine nitely on account of scarlet fever. oni«* t«*nd near Merrill. lowing d«*scrlb«sl irai property, sit ,lde«l by law on all of said real prop school house was commenced Mon The boys of this district were an >iate«l in the City ôt Klammh Falls. •rty as described herein and that all The farmers in our vicinity have day. been taking advantage of the good ticipating a charivari, but were disap Klamath County State of Oregon, to- right and title and Interest of the Mr. and Mrs. Grover Slate have re weather, getting their fall plowing pointed. the gentleman in question wlt: lefendants in and to such real prop cently moved into the Ed. Booth done. having return«*d to California Commencing at a point tw<*iity-!lve «•rty, or any portion thereof, be fore house, Mr. Slate is one of the con- A strange event took place Wed feet <25 f«*et I northeasterly front th«* John Donnell and Chas Sherman, dosed, and for auch rei lef us may b< tractors building the new school Sr., passed through here Monday on nesday of last week, when a white corner on Multi Street between Lots '■quitable. ” house. pig followed a team and buggy tand their way to the Falls. i ami 3 in Block Is in the town of This summons Is Carl Robely has the contract of Mr. Martin hauled hav for J. D. squealing all the way) from Klamath Klamath Falla. Oregon, thence north Klamath Republican, n weekly news building the fence around the school iVhitman, from the Grigshy ranch Falls to a farm house near our school westerly at right angles with Main paper printed and publlsli«*<l at Klam yard. where It stayed. Friday. Street eightyfeet, thence, northeaster nth Falls, Or •gon, by ordnr of the There was a dance at the Wain Mr. Heavilin and wife from town R. K. Sutton and sons have been ly at right angles with said line Hon. George Noland, judge of ih. residence Monday evening. hauling grain from their Ness Lake attended services at the hc I kmi I hous«* I twenty-five f«*l, thence south>*asterly above named rouit, mid datvd on Sunday. Mrs. M. H. Beebe left Monday I anch to the Falla. it right angles with said line eighty October 29th, 1908, directing Mr. Beardesly pa-*s«*d through her«* f morning for Medford, where she ex Mrs. D. L. Rlghtmeir is convales- feet; thence southwesterly along The flrht publication to be mad** on his way back to Rogue River Val pects to remain for a few weeks. •nt. Main Street twenty-five feet, to place on Thursday, the f>th day of Novem Five acres of ley. He brought a loud of tomatoes Mr. L. West lost one of his work Floyd and Forest Cunnighani made of beginning, embracing a strip twen ber, IDOS and the last publication to horses last Saturday night. s slaughter of a flock of geese one over, und had no trouble disposing ty-five feet wide and eighty feet long lie made on the 17th day of December of them. Mrs. Alma LaPrarl«* has moved lay last week. the One Item in the Current Event per- I in Lot two 12), Block eighteen (IS) i Sos. into her new house. Albert Eaton anil John Cox went in the town of Klamath Kails,Oregon F H. MILLS. lod for Tuesday was "There's Noth Archie Colson is building an addi- io Klamath Falls Friday. Also Attorney for Plaintiff tlon on his house. Sam! Dixon and Janies Grimes ing to It but Taft." l<ots one ( 1 I and two (2), Block 1 1-5-12-17 Arthur Bretner hauled a load of Mr. and Mrs. Nick Monson have were in the Falls Sunday. recently moved to the Fairclo place After following their "foot burner wood Wednesday. , Settlers are coining from twenty-live states and over Numerous "Oregon Tourists" puss Mrs. Hugh Best, who hies been vis machin«-s" all day the boys on the one quarter of the contracts are already sold. iting her parents at Weston, expects Grigsby ranch get In at night on through here daily on their way ( we suppose) to some winterl?) r«*sort to be home for Thanksgiving. >nes, twos ami threes. Look into tnis great Land «-------------- Mr. Elmer Smith has moved his The entertainment and box social ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ tirant Opening at once ditch camp. as planned for Thanksgiving will be Ml'MMERH XEWH.----------- « Mr. Joe Dervan is seeding, postponed indefinitely on account of ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Charlie Steeman is hauling hay school having been closed. Hunting is good on the Merrill Reliable from below Merrill, Hay seems to Van and Frank Nichols passed | PROPRIETORS Among those successful In be rather a scarce article in this part here Tuesday en route to the Dam. road, Local Ajçent, KLAHATH PALLS, ORE. of the country. Mrs. Jas. Moore went to town bagging geese recently were Leslie ALL KINDS OF FRESH. SALT Rogers, Kent Ballard and Herb Bald- Gerald West of lame Pine school Tuesday. was absent on Monday Ja< k Rasim spent Monday after- win. AND SMOKED MEATS Eldin ¡tennis has moved his fence Mr. J. E. Enman began »«•«»ding noon repairing lence. hack in order to make room for a — « -------------- last Friday. SAUSAGES OF ALL KINDS new county road. Mr. Wain and family and Mr. Lig DEATH <>1* MliS. ( Al.DWELL. Homer Roberts Is digging pota gett and family, who have been work Mabie Azora Caldwell, wife of O.C. ing on the ditch. left Tuesday for Caldwell, died at the Cantrall resi- toes on Merrill Island, lle »ays they California, where they expect to deuce in this city Thursday after are above average size. Mr. De Pew is running an eight si>end the winter. noon, November 12, of Bright's dls- cholee 1I114C of Invents Fred Combs left Tuesday for Cal- •■ase, after an illn«*ss of about a horse gang plow on Judge Willit s ment» tlicit 'will uifilce ranch. Ifornia. ear and a half. Mrs. Caldwell came the ----------- •---------- Sam Woodward's gun exploded tlie pt i relifiMcr I o Klamath Falls last July from the tiioney ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ I liogue River Valley to Join her hus- other day and badly injured the ♦ NEWS FROM DAIRY. ♦ >and who is a carpenter and build thumb of Jack Hunsaker. Jim Dixon is through baling his ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ing contractor. She was born In hay and Is now hauling It to town | «'itrwinsville, Pennsylvania, on March E. B. Sedge Is acting postmaster Mr. Mlles Is constructing a sage while Mr. Davies Is attending a spe 16, 1870. She leaves a husband and brush scraper, which he Intends to six children, two of whom live here. cial Masonic meeting at Ashland. pull with Mr. Wilson's threshing ma It might be well for the farmers , The other children are in the Rogue chine engine. Valley with their grandpar- River In this section to organize and mak>* There are twenty-four scholars en war on the coyotes. Six of the var ants. rolled In our school at present. The funeral was held Saturday mints were seen In the Lee field Sun The directors have promised us a day morning and they are killing pigs at 10 o ’clock from Whitlock's under- new fence and some new out bulld- taking parlors. and chicken» for everybody ¡Ings; also to level our yard Our farmers are busy as bees plow Born—To Mr arid Mrs W A Klamath County Is quite liberal In Ing for next year's crop. Style-:. November 1, 1908, an eleven the support of Its schools according Elder Nortridge has been getting pound boy in bls winter's wood the past week to the report of th«* sheriff of the --------------- i J D Hooper ba. butchered thirty amount of taxi's collected up to No- He expects hl» family to arrive soon I three bogs from bls ranch He Is The report shows that Godfrey Be«k has sold bls ranch vember 1 now sowing gialn to B. S Grigsby. Price SHid to be $44.749 34 wan collected for school Oak Bogg Is hauling wood from purposes, Of this $23,68« 02 was * $15 per acre. Frank Iris’. .Mr. and Mis. S. 1> Tociper went to for county schools', $7,4*4 4 IX for E W. Smith Is hauling Ills Kt uln Klamath Falls Sunday to meet their High S«hool, and $13,619.14 for ■pe- to Martin Bros. Mill daughter and son-in-law who live In dal tux of the school districts The M P Galarneau Is hauling rock MRs. M. M c M illan , prop’r. total amount of tuxes for state und Los Angeles, Cal from the rock crusher to the govern- A Mr. Hughes is Interviewing some county purposes wus $66,660.97, and ment eamp. Modern improvements. 73 rooms mid suitos of our farmers In behalf of the Ruby the total umount of taxes collected Mr Melhase Is building a new barn Hample Booms, Bar Boom, Parlors, Two Club for all purposes wus $136,81)4 14 Horse Co . who deal in thoroughbred on his place at Midland. Rooms, lite.. Etc. horses. The railroad camp is pitched wlth- Bring us your Butter, Chickens, Jas. Wight and John Wurd were and Turkeys und get CASH for them In a few miles ot our school. • SPECIAL RESORT FOR TOURISTS in Dairy Tuesday. Mr, Wight has i Monarch Mercantile Co. J. W. Jory will finish his ditch 11-12 4V8 a.M.S KLAMATH REPUBLICAN LEADING NEWSPAPER OF INTERIOR OREGON California rhe Southern Pacific Co. Opening of Oregon Central Military Road Grant $200 City Meat Market MEISS & ARMAND T. W. STEPHENS M ASON &. S l OU G H ABSTRACTERS We want all of Your Eggs, Chickens, Butter and Turkeys. Will pay Cash for them. Lands Ranches City Property Farm Morttfatfes MASON A, SLOUGH We have 700 boxes of nice, HAND-PICKED Winter Apples to arrive in a few days. Our Prices will he right M0NARCH~v‘ N I Lakeside Inn ; f Î * Í $ *