Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, October 22, 1908, Image 1

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Official Newspaper
of Klamath County
Official Newspaper
of Klamath County j
HIG III < Kl.lltlltltY < KOI*.
NO. 30
It Is estimated that there were 40,-
have Alexander was arrested Wed­
Th« Fiddlers License was the first
M D. Williams has accepted a po­ offlfficlal Statistics for the Pa*« Twen­
nuitir l iken up by tie City Courcll sition with the Valley I .a nd Company
I 000 gallons of huckleberries picked nesday by Sheriff liarnos for shoot­
ty-two Years.
al It« meeting Monday night. There on u big irrigation prot'et In Like
this season at llucklcb«rry Mountain, ing an Indian named "Burnside." The
Indian was shot in Hie hand tR a 12- i The following letters were received I was >orne objection that the license county, and ho left for Lakeview
.1 W Alexander, of th« Weyer-
The following letter re>elv«a from
i according tu W. F Arant, who I* In
hauser Timber Coinpuny, and J F the city. This does nut represent ov­ gauge shotgun, Tbe shell was load- by Sheriff W. 11. Ilarn«« In loforeme i as provided was too high. Councll- the Drat of the week. H. J. Martin,
subscriber in Oakland. Cal furnlx.
Kimball, the local representative of er halt of Hie berries gathered lu «d with No. ti shot and practically to Jay Htlckels who 1« now In th» •1 nan Crisler, who Introduced tbe ordl- president of the Company has arrived Is Just a sample of some of the de-
tore a hole ttirougli the palm of the county Jail awalitng trial on a charge i nance. movtd that it be laid on the In Lakeview to remain until the res­ liberate falsehoods told about condi­
the company,returned thin week fiom Klamath County this year as fully j baud.
of horse stealing
table Indefinitely. *1 his w-is don« but ervoirs are under construction. tions In Klamath County, which do
the timber In the vicinity of Aspeu 1 that amount was secured from the
Old man Alexander has long been
Eugene, Ore Oct 14th, 1 VOei. was later "raised" by a vote of the This company is tbe successor ii"' ' ■
i ■ ni.ic ,,ra th«
a source of great annciyauce and trou- Mr W. it. Barnes, Hberlff,
Luke, Where they have been looking i Lake of the Woods country.
Council. The Mayor then referred to the Oregon
and California outsld*
t in many Instances from
Huckleberry Mountain Is located ,111« to the city police. Ilu lias a shack
Klamath Fall«, Oregon.
¡the ordinal c..- to the Judiciary Com- loitid Company, and In addition it knockers In Klamath Falla:
over tliv company's property und al- on the Cascade R'orest Re»erv* Just
Dear Sir. It appears by the I'ort- Jill tee for rolsio.i.
has acquired the Drews Valley reser-
"Dear Sir:—I would be very much
so superintending tho sowing of suv- west of the Crater Luke I'aik Hue n«ar the O. K. Barn and It I* said
[that he Is continually causing trouble land Oregonian and the Evening Tel­
A new road tax ordinance was then voir site, owned by the Hewitt Land lnd< i>t, -<! to you, and would be will­
oral hundred pound* of wild rie» ou it I* otle of tue Ideal camplug spot* with it bunch of Indians which he al­ egram that you have under arrest lu
lntioduci-d and an c-nergency wm de­ Company.
ing to pay for it. If you would send
the marshes surrounding A»p«u Lake <>r this section. i'here are myriads lows to hang out there. The murshal your county a man bv tbe name of claim! and it was placed on Its final
Mr. Martin's first work will be to me the official weather record of
The Weyerhauscr Compmfy owns
has been called there n dozen till)«« Jay Stlckels for hors.- steallug Now passage and pu «d by a uianltneus test the subsoil of the Drews Valley Klamath Falls for the past 15 years.
over 200,000 acre* of timber lauds the mountain »Ide* and there ha* hi tbe last week, but by tho time ho wliat 1 wish to write y?>u is that thl« vote of the Council
and Cottonwood dam sites, to deter­ I overheard a man the other day In
lu th« vicinity of tho I'ppor l.ake
arrived the trouble would be over man's name Is not Jay Stlckels as
Tbe Hitler of tbe Stre.t Car fran-. mine the depth to which tbe founda­ a store tell one of the clerks that he
They also own tho entire lake bed lialf high for feeding the horses The and ho would find the Indians and given, but I* ono Edwin Casteel. I iehise was (gain brought up, and the tions tor tbe dam must be laid. This saw It 40 degrees below zero and also
of Aspen l.ake whl< li Is ubout six wide spreading trees ufford *l:ad<- by Alexander cooking dinner. It Is also have been acquainted with thl* fam­ Mayor referred h to me aiteet cem- depth depends upon the character of everything freeze up In June, killing
mile* lung and from a mile to a mile day and piotectlon by night. It I* i alleged that Alexander furnished the ily n«urly all of *ny life but have not mi'te’ who *«re Instructed to c insult the subsoils. The foundations must
all vegetables. I am interested io
uiul a half wide, and also the land estimated that fully f>uu famlll*» Indians with whiskey and that Is *«err thl* particular party for at least with Mr. Diake, the attorney for the be laid below the porous soils. Next
Klamath Falls and would like to get
camped at Huckleberry Mountain thin how the rows would start.
lying on tho west «Ide of the la*e
tbe past eight or nine years. Aliout company, and make ctrtaln changes will come the surveying to prepare cold facts. Thanking you, I remain
Aspen Luke I* one of the best duck
Wednesday morning Alexander com- I that time he gut Into trouble with In ihe «ranchue.
tbe plans and specifications for the
After the first frost u person riding plained to Deputy Hberlff Hchalloc k hl* uncle or some near relative uy
and geeao ground* In Hie upper coun­
A petition was received asking for dam and the canal system. Winter
try and It the purpose of the Company through the berry buahe* would leave [that Polly, a squaw, had stolen his the name of Chas. Frisbee by forg- i he construction of a cross walk on quarters will be erected immediately
Oaklaud, Calif.
lu having the marsh«* of the lake
[bridle. Later Polly wanted Alexan­ Ing u note on Mr. Frlsbee for the he east side of Fourth street across and men will be set to work.
Accordlnng to the official weather
»own to wild rice, to get It In readi­ off by the stirrups, they were so plan der arrested a* she claimed he bed payment of a horse and upon letec- .Main. Th« petition was granted and
The Cottonwood dam will be seven­ reports during tbe past twenty years,
ness for tho establishment of a hunt­
[stolen ull h»r thing*. The Marshal lion «kipped the country and ha* not the walk ordered oullt.
ty-five feet, and the Drews Valley the absolute minimum temperature
ing lodge next season It Is believed for huckleberries lu Klamath County I hud had enough trouble» with the out­ been back here since. He wa* at this
An ordinance wa« then introduced lam fifty feet above the pres-nt sur­ Is recorded as being below zero but
that this Is tho first step In the build-' Not half of the berrlea were gathered fit and refused to do anything unless time only a boy and little had b««n and passed approving the survey of face of the ground.
seven times. The months
Ing of u private resort that will equal There were fully a thousand lo res [she
got n warrant. Apparently th«» •' thought of the matter since until tie the city engineer for the extension
If not surpass Mr Harriman's famous literally black with th« luscious ber­ Indians went back to the» shn«k for - happening of this offense which has of Sixth siteet to coined with the acres on the west side of Goose Lake
January, 1886..minus 4 det.
ry, but even the army of people wl o ¡shortly after two word was sent to > been given so wide a publication. We
I'cllcan Hay borne.
county road. The Council then ap- Valley under irrigation, and It Is stat­
February, 1887. minus 1 deg.
Ono of the best timber belts In vbltcd that section could not mor« the sheriff that they were having : have received Information at v trions * pointed A. Castel, of the First Ward, ed that they may decide to Increase
January, 1888.minus 24 dcj.
Klamath county Iles Just
trouble. Muril al Low and Policeman i times that he bad assumed t“l» name Fred Melhaae of the Second Ward, the height of the dams and the capac­
January, 1301.. minus « deg.
It Is probable that by next )<’ii r : t'erlltig* had Just started Is that dir­
I'pper ljike Tills vast territory Is
and wa* In Southern Oregon but and W. T. Shlve of the Third Ward ity of tbe canals.
February, 1 »01. minus 6 deg.
dotted with small lakes surrounded i at least a trail will be built up the ection, and before they arrived with thought probably he was or. hlz good viewers of the property.
The company has about 300,000
January, 1902..minus 5 deg.
by mountains covered with green
¡the sheriff, they met Burnside coming behavior and consequently took cry
There was passed a new road tax acres of land In I-ake, Klamath and
February, 1903. minus 6 deg.
forests of towering pines. Ou« of bered but is open a* there la very Ul with ht* hand nearly shot off. lie - little notice of the matter.
ordinance repealing other ordinances Harney counties, which It proposes
in 1905 and 1906 tbe temperature
the prettiest of these Is As|«’n Ln ki­
was taken to Dr. Hamilton's office and
I have In Hoquiam, Washington, a In conflict. There was some difficulty to sell under the contract and auction reuebed zero, and in 1907 tbe loz'sal
ll« re millions of ducks un-’ geese i «a The Forest Service have O,H*tl [Alexander was placed In the county blott er by the name of Jay Stick«.:« In collecting the tax under ti e former bld scheme recently tried out so suc­
was 3 deg. above and tbe cold«.;
make their homo In the early fall u<id 1 pursulug a policy uf road building Jail.
<• ho used to be at this place an I hat ordinance as it did not provide for cessfully in the San Luis Valley In weather in 1308 was in Feoruary
lu tlio stirrouudlng mountains th*
It la hoped that some disposition a very large acquaintance here and working out the tax and there was Colorado, Mr. Martin says the com- when it reached 9 deg. above, lu
deer, bear, und other wild quint* I will bo mad« to have them open up I will lie made of Alexander that will In all due credit to him and to tbe no penalty attached for refusal. The pany has sold about 5,000 contracts, 1888 there was a general storm
abound, in a kin it It an Ideal place ’or a trail, which can bo Improved and rid the town of him for some time, respectable family from w hlch he new ordinance embodies both of these and that the opening will be held
throughout the entire coast and it
broadened by parties Interested in He ha* been ordered to leave town !comes 1 wish to make this matter
a hunting lodge and resort.
points and went Into effect upon its next August or September, Water was tbe coldest winter known. Tbe
As the luke la In private ownership
many time« In the past but always ' known to you, being that he 1« not passage last evening. *
for irrigation on the 60,000 acres in thermometer went down to 24 deg.
--------- »—
Il linn never been hunted out and tho
turn* up again utter a short absence. here to protect himself and hope that
All the money receive! from this Goose Lake VgJley will be available below.
game la very plentiful and It wl’l be
He bn* been arrested and placed In ■ you 'vlll give thl* a* wide publication tax is to go into whxt Is to be known by 1910.
Engineer W. H. Helleman, who has
kept so by the planting of wild r.ce
jail but would have to be let go a* as possible.
as the Street and Sewer Improvement
------ «------
charge of the maintenance depart­
and other feed. The lodge will ’»«>
Chas It Miller, an expert photog- he a n* only an expense to tbe city.
Furthermore 1 wish to say that the Fund, and Is to be used in building
ment of the Reclamation Ser vice, has
«stabllsii«d for th« use and accommo­ rapher of McCloud, California, who This time It Is believed the officials family from which Edwin Casteel, cross walks, improving the streets SEVENTY-THREE CARS OF
t Ali LE IN FOUR DAYS. complied a record of the tempera­
dation of the member* of the \V’ey
and sewers. This street Improvement
ture and rainfall and has made many
has been In the city for the past week
«rhauser Company. This Cornua.iv.
I respected family he being the only i a« become quite necessary and as
Mt. Hebron Is certainly a shipping observations on the conditions here
which In loaded by Frederick We *r-
black sheep. They live during the there was no money in the treasury point, F. A. Fitzpatrick, superin- since tbe Reclamation Service Ci*t
hauler, th» timber king of the w.-ild I Klamath Ralls and vicinity, among
Superintendent W. F Arant of the winter In Eugene for tbe benefit of that could bi ured the Council hit tendent of the ZX ranch in Lake commenced work. He slates that
Is composed of aliout thirty promin­ which la a panoramic view of Klam-1 Urnler l.ake National Park, who Is the schools and near Saginaw, Ore., upon this plan to raise money. It is
County, on Rriday and Saturday of mere are up extremes to tbe weather
ent capitalists. Including sums of the ith Falls four feel long by one foot In the» city for a few days, states that during the rest of the time. His bro­ oellevi d that ovet )I0U0 can be rais­
ast week, dispatched 57 cars of cat­ conditions and that the cold weather
wealthiest men In the United Htutes wide The view wns taken Irorn the| there were sixteen Inches of snow at th« r Calvin Casteel Is a graduate of ed annually by this means and with
tle to the Hagan ranch, near Bakers­ is very uniform without any sudden
Vnder ordinary circumstances thia top of the hill on the Keno road and the lake on Friday. The snow melted thi Stale University of this state and Judicious use It will be ruflclent to
field. This shipment required two changes, if there was a change in
announcement would be received w 1(11 suows the city In every detail from! considerably on Saturday but since holds a good position with the Gov­ keep the streets in good condition
trains. This, with 14 cara the temperature in this section of
but passing consideration, for h • tec west side to the Hot Hprlugs. Mr then It I ns turned cold uud there was ernment having charge of a large
The tax is three dollars per annum shipped Sunday and two Monday four degrees during the early sum­
reason that II Is
Miller has done considerable special a heavy snow last night.
< -ew ut civil engineer* somewhere in and *11’ be collected by the C tv makes 73 cars in four days,
The ac- mer there would be no damage done
Weyerhausers own much timber land wgi k f<>. the Southern Pacific com ! Mr.Arant estimates that there were i be stale of Washington
He has Marsl al Iron' ail able bodied tr»n tivity In cattle shipments together
to tbe crops, and it is Mr. Helleman*
In this county and
pany and one of uie panorama* will over 5000 visitors to the Lake during t’H'.e sisters and one brother attend­ between the ages of 21 and CO years, with the freight consignments for the opinion that with the q£ttleinent of
of one small piece thereof la but of go to Wm McMurray, General Paa- the season, which commenced about! ing schools here now.
not otherwise exempted ft om road Bonanza and Merrill districts, gives tbe country and planting of shade
small importance. But this announiu- songer Agent at Portland.
I am tilling tbe position of Deputy tax. The tax can be worked out on
the 8th of July. Books were kept In
Mt. Hebron the appearance of an Im­ trees and the use of more water tor
ment has more than ordinary signi­
Mr. Millet la recognlt«<I as on« ot I which the» visitor* were registered. ' 1 County Clerk of this County and the streets at the rate of 11.50 x d» y. portant distributing center. Cowboys
irrigation, it will tend to raise the
ficance. It means the beginning, ol the best sc«nlc photographer* on tin They securtd over 4000 name»* but while 1 feel the weight of this matter On refusal to pay tne tax in cash or
and freighters also add their quota temperature sufficiently to insure
rather the continuation, of what I* coast and Ills line of Shasta views arc there was a large number of people to his people, in all due respect to labor a penalty is sttscle d of two
to the general activity.—Dorris Boos­ safety from late frosts, The climatic
to be the development of Klatmth the best ever taken. He state* tl.ui who went througn the park to the my own family and brother 1 would lavs in the city jail.
conditions have been changing con­
County as a resort for the wealthy he will return here ill the spring and I lake who failed to register.
greatly appreciate any publicity you
--------- *---------
siderable as the country settles up
---------- ♦----------
citizens of America. Mr ilarrlnnin trend the entlrs summe.' here get­
August is the best time to visit might give in this case. Thanking LOOSLEY ELECTED
and the winters are getting much
was the first, Mr Weyerhausrr lu the ting views of the country. On his re­ Ithe park and lake and during that" ,-ou in advance and hoping that I
warmer. It will be noticed that the
second and soon It will be of slmo*< turn to McCloud, he says he Is going I month the tourists numbered over | .night hear something from you, 1 am
temperature has not been below zero
weekly occurrence to hear of ol1 ■!» to try and dispose of til* property and 1 .’400. Thl* ha* been the biggest year [
Yours respectfully,
At a meeting of the junior class of
The Klamath County Teachers In­ in five years and in the last two years
following In their footsteps
studio and If successful he will move vet for tourists to Crater Lnke, but
stitute will begin a three days ses­ it has only reached 3 above.
Nowhere In the United States are to Klamath Falls permanently and ip |g predicted that next year there
Eugene, Ore., Oct. 14th, 190X. Oliver B Huston, of Portland, was sion on Thursday. It will be one of
to bo found conditions so Ideal .is open up a modern art store with pic- W||| be double the number of visitor*,
Mr. W. B Barnes, Sheriff.
elected • ditor-in-chief of the Junior the greatest institutes ever held in
they are In Klamath mid this fail Is tun- ftamlng.
through the nark are In
Klamath Falls, Oregon.
new additions have been made
rapidly being recognized by the until
He la very much Impressed with «xeellent shape and the only difficulty
Dear Sir:—I have rec’d Informa­
of means who are seeking places for the Klamath country and Is anxlou* 1 «xeprlenced by automobile* and the tion that you have under arrest In as the University or Oregon Beaver. tion of this kind held in the county to the agricultural exhibit In the Jen­
Cary B. Loosley, of Klamath Falls, and promises to be a very instructive nings building, and the display, con­
This entrance of Mr. to return next year so a* to get a tMuns I* a four mile atrip of road
your county a party who gives his was chosen business manager of the
meeting. State Superintendent Ack­ sidering the adverse conditions dur­
Weyurhauser omphaalsoa the ne.es complete line of views of thl* section where It leave* the boundaries of the
name as Jay Stlckels. The charge publication. It is the Intention of
erman will be present and will have Ing the past summer, is a credit to
ally for th<- construction of the Klam He was out east of the city this morn- park coming toward Fort Klamath.
being horse stealing. It Is my belief ih< present Junicr class to chronicle
something of particular Interest to this county, The awards of prom-
uth Falls-Crater Lake-Medford high­ Ing and got a view showing the Up- There are a good many stump* In
that this Is only an assumed name n it- all the happenings of the year.
say to the directors. Superintendent turns will be made the latter part of
way. With its completion Klamath per and Lower lakes, tht river, Mt. | this piece of road and it makes it
his correct name being Edwin Cas­ \ copy of the Beaver wlh be sent to . Swan is making an effort to get the the week.
county will take Its place In the front Shasta, and Klamath F'alls In the rather dangerous especially for auto-
teel. While 1 have known the Stick- ■very high school and preparatory school boards to take more Interest I------------ •
rank of the resort sections of the foregroui d. it I* probable that he mobile*.
els family for the past twenty years
Will Buy Timber—I have some
American continent, which ri -amt will purehase some rc l.l. « prop-
Mr. Arant will return In a few day* 1 have no Information of any of them -chool in the state in order that any in the efforts being put forth by the
eniois considering entering a unl- teachers and thus enable all to work money to Invest In timber claims, if
that within a few years will be re­ arty before he leaves ntnl If ho Io- ,in(| the park will be closed the latter
ever being In any such trouble and versily may see what the University
in harmony for the advancement of the price is right. L. JACOBS, Klam-
peated the history of Florida and cates In the spring «ill buy business .part
part of
or this
tms month,
montn. it Is necimsary do not believe that any member of
of Oregon is ar.d represents. The •ducation in Klamath County.
lath Falls.
property for a store building.
to take up all the bridge plankings the family is In that part of the coun­
annual, though very largely original,
during the winter as the lumber try-
will be made like» the ann ml of some
- would be broken up by the heavy
Now Mr. Harm’s it It Is possible of the larger colleges and will be a
I snows.
for you to gain any knowledge from permanent memorial to the univer­
------ «------
tills person in regard to his true sity.
name it will be greatly appreciated
Loosley Is a son of G. W. Loosley,
C. F. Stone, attorney for J. L. Vad­ by myself and by hfs family. Furth­ a Klamath County rancher, and is
en. received Information from Wash­ er niore I believe that if It is necessary well known us a basket ball player.
ington Tuesday that the contest of J. unit» member of the family will come He played center on the team In 1905
I,. Buell vs. J.L. Yaden, Involving the down to prove his Identity.
and again in 1907 and has been el­
N E. ’4 of Section 3, Township 35 S.
Awaiting your reply so that I might ated captain of the team for this
of Range 15 E., W.M., the homestead piln some definite knowledge regard­ | year. He Is also the yell leader of
>f Mr. Yaden. had finally been decid­ ing this matter I am
'the i rooters' club. His major sub­
ed lu favor of Mr. Yaden by the Sec-
Yours respectfully,
Ject is
I electrical engineering.
I rotary of the Interior.
------ <------
This was a case of more thnn ordi­
nary Importance, owing to the con-
------ «------
| tention of tho homestead claimant
The merchants of Klamath Falls I
that If he had been absent from the
Miss Ruby Nichols left Sunday for
ILL it pay you to go elsewhere
[ land part of the time such absence Bly, where she has charge of the report doing the best business during
for your Jewelry. Watch work,
the week lust closed of any week for
was excusable for tho reason that he, school this winter.
| Mr. Yaden, wns a mail contractor.
Quite a number of lends of wheat years. This announcement comes as
Optical work, etc.? Also,
The evidence In the case was taken have been unloaded at the Bonanza somewhat of a surprise considering
while the quiet season is on
before George t’hnstaln. County Clerk Hour mills and grinding will probab­ the condition of tbe weather during
j on August 9, 1907, tho Register and ly commence by the first of the week the latter part of the week.
there are interesting things doing
A reporter who visited tho greater
■ Receiver at Lakeview rendered their
A. J. Edwards and family arrived
in the price line. Don't fail to call,
decision October 27. 1907 recom- In the city Thursday from their home number of the merchants Saturday
first or last, before you buy
1 mending thnt the contest be dlsmlss- near Astoria Mr Edwards was ap­ found the stores looking as if they
[cd. The Cotnmlssioner of the Gener­ pointed by the conference to till the had Just goue through a holiday sale
I al Laud otlice reversed the decision vacancy of the Methodist pulpit of ¡One merchant remarked: "We have
been so busy that we simply haven't.
¡ of tho Register and Receiver and de- this place.
|elded that the entry should be can­
R. J. Sheets and J. A Hough ar­ 'had time to straighten up our stock.
celled. An appeal was taken to the rived Monday from Klamath Falls We have done a fine business this |
i Secretary of the Interior, and Mr. and are now busily engaged In put­ week." This condition was found to
i Yaden will be permitted to carry his ting the machinery together in the prevail in every store visited and the
homestead to patent.
sub-station of the Moore Brog, light expressions were practically identi­
cal. The hotels and lodging houses
and power plant.
A Jury system must tend to failure
As the Bonanzu school has in­ have been overcrowded and there has
If the Intelligent and honest men of creased in the uumber of pupil* since been a largo number of visitors from
the community regard the service as the opening of school on September the country. Nearly all of these took
Republican Block
a burden that they evade by excuses, 21, Mrs. C. G. Lambert has been en- advantage of the occasion to do their
and leave for selection only the unin­ I gaged to take charge of the 3rd. 4th fall shopping with the result that bus-1
telligent and those subject to venal and 5th grades and commenced her I lies* ha* been lively- for the merch­
motives.—Wm. H. Taft.
| work Monday.
--- •---
Persian Pattern
• •