KI.AMATH I*ROI>1 « FS HOADS ON SAME HASIS FINE CAY AI.RY HORNES. I* l>l III.« M HOOI.S ♦_______ A* tine a lot of horav» ua were ever The necessity of seeing to the ays- got together In Kluiunth county muy E. J. MURRAY, Editor tematlc maintenance of the roads now he aven at the ranch ot J. Frank throughout the various states is the Adam». Meaara Adama aud Stewart moat important one In the opinion ot have for ame time paat beeu engaged G. M Eddy, of Stockton, who la the in priH'uriug hoiwea for Government secretary of the California Good uae tn the Philippine« and elaewhere. TWO DOLLARS PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Roads Association, and who Is an and have auei-eeded III obtaining the beat of tho»v to be had in the xage- earnest worker for the cause All communications submitted for publication in the columns ot thia paper "I believe the roads of the Vnited bruah country, or for that matter In will tie inserted only over the name ot the writer. No non de pluiue article» States should be placed on the same the United State* The ahlpnivnt of will be published. basis, relative to the government, as thirty tine animal* a few day« »luce are the public schools of lhe country ' will be followed ahortly by a larger A FEW PERTINENT QI ESTIONS. Democrat, In a colloquy In the Senate said Mr. Eddy. "We should have bunch ot cavalty horaea. which will Without political imrtles popular March IS, denied that Mr. Cleveland government aid In keeping up our lie aent to S mt tie and I hence bj is a Democrat at all and called him roads, and. to a certain extent, gov­ ateamer Io the army in tin.« Philip­ government la Impossible. ernment supervision. France has a pine* Much care la taken In «elect­ to many people here Is the article What Is a political party? There something worse. For further contemporary author ­ ara at least two deflnltlons. One is, college especially for the Instruction ing theae animals and they are aub- taken from a New York dully paper, that a political party is a voluntary ity I refer you to the recent attempt of road builders and the graduates j«cted to a rigid examination by the giving n simple prescription, which association of men holding certain of Mr. Murphy of Tanimanv Hall to go Into the engineering service ot lhe Government luapivtora. who are very is said to be n positive remedy for fundamental political principles In read the Hon. Bourke Cixkran out country for the construction ot rouds careful to weed out auy thing that uacsache or kidney or bladder de common which they seek to express of Tammany Hall and the llemocrat- just as our West Point graduate* fil­ might prove unlit for the service. riiugvment. it taken before the singe in legislation. That Is the Kepnhlt- l< party, although Mr Cockraa, who ter the army. The hor»<>* are put through their >f III Ight s disease Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half is '■till another kind of a Democrat, can party. "We should at once enact laws tor pace* by the vaquero* livforv the of- ounce; Compound Kai gon. one says he has "written all the defini ­ the ii> |.iivvement ot our roads utul n.lal* who note every movement, Another definition is that a politi- cul party is a miscellaneous hetero­ tions of Democracy accepted and ap­ then maintenance. We have no road testing tot speed, viuluiunce. wind, ounce. Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, genous, kaleidoscopic, phantasmagor­ plet cd by Mr Murphy during the ¡ specialists as we have In all other temperament, etc , culling und re- three oun>< . Shake wi ll III a bottle ic aggregation of discordant Incon- last four years." But evidently Mr branches ot industrial lite, and yet culling, until they are satisfied en­ and lak in tvaspoonful doses after slstencles revolving from force of Cockran was unable to keep pace what Is more Important? We should tirely a* regard* the titnvs* of tue each lilial and again al bedtime X wi ll known druggist livre nt have schools to teach our young mon animal* accepted liablt around a vacant chair occupied with the moving picture. The small num ---------- ♦---------- how to build roads so that they can her testlfle* to Messrs Ad home, when asked regarding this by a political principle never incor­ KLAMATH PAI.IX help make up for the lost time. porated Into law. That is not the inns' and Stewart's good judgment proscription, stated that the Ingr.- "Oregon should make a special ef­ a* horse buyers, and. Indeed. It I* .lionts are nil harmless, and can Im Republican party. A little city rising. fort to Improve her roads, b.’cause well known here that there Is no bet­ .dualned nt u small coal from any If you qsk, What is a Republican? Is Klatnath Falls today; thia is the land of the tourist and ter judge of a horse than Mr Adams, good prescription pharmacy, or the ■ 1 answer you that according to the The aspiring link of I’pper latke. nothing pleases them more than to and Mr. Stewart has the same good mixture would be put up If linked last election he was about two-thirds to do so I|i> further stilted that And latwer Lake and Hay. be comfortable wt en they are riding ris-ommendat Ion of everybody. Record. while this prescription 1» often pre- A little city rising In their automobiles. The result will If you ask me What is a Democrat ' ---------- ♦----------- icrlbed In rheumatic affliction* with Already a big would-be, he a stream of gold into the pockets |iFl.hviE\T TAX LIST 1 am obliged to state to you that in splendid results, lie could sen no rea­ lint dropping josh tis all the ryge of Oregonians." my search for reliable Democratic ex- GRADI AI.IA REDI < ED. son why It would not Im a splendid That Klamath Falls "will be." ---------- •----------- lxisltion on this subject. I have found There are now only )12.000 of de­ remedy for kidney and urinary trou­ HIRE« TORS .MANIFEST Tis the eye of a mighty octopus. it Impossible to reconcile conflicting linquent taxes on the I»07 roll. This ble« mid backache, as It has a pecu­ AN INCONSISTENT . With one f.stt In the sea; authorities, and can only present to Is considered a* an excellent showing liar action upon the kidney structuie. Another saps the luiva Beds. you some of the more recent author­ tor Klamath t'ounty, aa It I» believed clviinslng these most Important or­ itative Democratic declarations on One a Crater's fee. During his several visits In the some of the taxes will be found to gans and helping them to sift and The Lower Klamath forms its maw Klamath Project, Consulting Euglu- this somewhat vexed question. lie double assessment*. As yet no lllter from the blood the foul mid» A monstrous maw has he. For illustration, some time ago the eer W. H Saqders, ot the U. S. Rec- tender* have been mude of taxes by and waste matter which cause »1. k lamat Ion Service, won the friendly Albany Argus charged that the New While to Its nest from south and partl.'s other than the owners, as lies* and suffering Those of our 1 regard of most of our people with east. York World had "not had a Demo­ delinquent* are coming in every day reader* who suffer ran make n>> ml* whom he came incontact. Probably cratic thought or drawn a Democratic Lost River pours a fee. and paying up and It I* not consider­ take In giving It a trial the directors of the Water Users As­ breath or experienced a Democratic A sprig of water called the Sprague ed a* u paying Investment on account sociation really intended It as a com­ Instinct or sentiment in more than a Another tribute brings. I of the possibility of the taxes being FROST—SOIIREU*. pliment to Mr. Sanders wlieu they re­ decade." From out the east he hails and paid within a few month*. Richard Frost and Grace quested that he be placed in charge To which the World, after observ­ feeds According to the new law auy one were united In marriage Tuesday ev­ ot the Klamath Project; but as a ing that In that case it. the World, A thousand crystal springs 1 has the right to tender to the sheriff ening. October 13th. at the residence matter ot fact, they have recommend ­ "must be almost as undemocratic as From silent mountain meadows. the amount of the taxes delinquent of II W McCormick of Kvno II ed that he be reduced In rank and the Democratic party itself," proceed­ From lakes girt round with pine on'any property and the sheriff will oflldated Duly u few salary. Consulting engineers rank ed to reply by inquiring, "But what Long vistas mong the yellow­ have to issue a certificate to such were present at the wedding. The higher in the Service, and receive is a Democrat In this particular year trunks party. In redeeming the property contracting patties are well and fav of our Lord?" more pay than do project engineers. Beneath the branchy line; 1 the owner of the land will have to orable known about Kvno They will In requesting the appointment of And inquiring further said: Sleek horses on the hill range. pay 15 per cent to the party who paid take up their abode on hl* home Mr. Sanders or Mr. Joseph Jacobs as "If Mr. Bryan is a Democrat, what Fat cattle In the dales. I the taxes. Former bidder* on de- project engineer for this project, and stead south ot Keno Mr Frost gave is Mr. Cleveland? Was ever such a country ’ linquent taxes are holding off aud It at the same time charging Mr. Mur­ lhe young folks a royal treat "If Mr. Cleveland is a Democrat. As our highland Klamath dales? • is believed that very few tender* will ---------- •---------- phy with inconi|>etency, the directors what is Mr. Hearst? 1 be made before at least six month*. The center of this beauty, W ANTED— Sucres i Magazine require* manifest an unintentional Inconslst- "If Mr. Hearst is a Democrat, what The prompt payment of taxes I» A gem in setting tine. ency. Both gentlenien have been the services of a man In Klamath is Judge Parker? • considered 11 good Indication of a With wealth in woods and power members of consulting boards for "If Judge Parker is a Democrat, Falls to look after expiring sttbserlp ' healthy financial condition In thl* in floods. this project, and It was among their lions and to secure new business by what are Murphy. Connors, and Mr- I county, and It 1* also a good Indlca- For blanket the yellow pine. duties to discover and~re|Hirt any en­ means of »pedal methods unusually Carren? I Gon of the value of lands here, as Blessed by two snowy towering gineering or administrative error or “If they arc Democrats, what is • ffeitlve. position permanent, prefer the landowner* must el liter have a |teak*. , failure. If Mr. Murphy be incompe­ Woodrow Wilson? OIK1 with experience, but would ion plenty of money to pay their taxes or The octopuses eye; tent and they failed to find it out and "If he is a Democrat, what is Tom Ider any applicant with good natural Linkville once, some decades since. rep. rt It, they themselves showed In- ••lac have no difficulty in securing It luallflcatlon*. salary *1 50 per day. Taggart ? ♦ --------------- But Klamath Falls for aye. >111 la tency; the directors so acctiM- “If Taggart is a Democrat, what with commission option. Address, —AV. W. W them in accusing Mr. Murphy. GREAT ai . fai . fa meai . demand with -references. It C Peacock. Room are Daniel and Rayner and Culbertson ---------- *----------- President W. II Daughtery of the 103. Success Magazine lildg , New If the association act til a bit mor> and Morgan and John Sharp Wil­ SISKIYOU < ITIZEN IS consistently in Its role of volunteer ‘Portland union Htockyard*. ami prin­ York. liams? - 10-16-11 PHI Nl> DEAD IN CHAIR advisor to the Secretary of the In­ cipal owner of the Henrietta mills "If they are Democrats, what are •— ♦ YREKA, Oct. 13.—H. R. Breen, terior. and as the unconscious cats­ and alfalfa meal works nt Echo.states Bvan and Belmont?” Preparation» for the greatest dem­ an old resident ot Siskiyou and one pa w of the Mason and Davis Com­ that the demand for alfalfa nteal Is onstration of Catholics of the United That was last year. If you ask me what is a Democrat of the best known man In the north­ pany. Its excursions into unauthoriz­ much greater than the capzeity of States since the Plenary Council of this year I refer you to Mr. Cleve­ ern ;>art ot the stale, was found ed fields of action might occasionally his plant ami plans ate now under Baltimore over two decades ago are way for the enlargement of the plant under way at Chicago The event will t land's recent letter to the Hartford dead In his home here yesterday be marked with success. morning He was found sitting in a "We are running full lime," said Mr Im the Cntholic Missionary Congress H. I. HOLGATE. Times in which be discusses the im­ Daughtery, "and we are unalilt' tn of the United States and Canada. , portance of Impressing the Democrat­ chair, dead, just as though he had Bonanza, October ID, 190S. supply the demand, Becatifu» of Its which will begin In Chicago November I ic creed upon the people this year, dropped asleep. A coroner's jury greater lowered price and good qual­ 15 und will end on lhe IKth.. Over! ESTRAY NOTH E. but he does not tell what the creed developed the fact that he had died Breen wa< sixty- Bay Horse, weight about »00 lb*. ity. alfalfa meal I* fast taking the Go archbishops, bishops and mitered is; and almost simultaneously with of heart disease. Itlace of the more expensive mill­ abbots of the United States, Canadn Mr. Cleveland’s deliverance Senator five years old and a widower. He 3-cornered brand. 10-Htf S. Herllhy, Klamath Falls. feeds." Tillman, who is another kind of a lived alone. I und Mexico have promised to attend MAKE THIS UP AT YOUR HOME THE FIRST TRUST KLAMATH REPUBLICAN LEADING NEWSPAPER OF INTERIOR OREGON No 1 REPORT«» rilE Ut»NhlTH»N Ol SAVINGS BANK st Kl^uiatli Falls, in tlie Mate o( Otegon, al the u|o»e <>l AHI 1 oilllM tlllil l‘l-l >11111» f • 1 » Ihi«* ir«» id Mi»pr<»vt«tl rviH'rvt* Imuk» ................... » »• 1. LAl.-1 l,UM> Prepare at Home By Shak ing Ingredients Well in a Bottle ...... ................................. im •*•’ l IABH l 1 IKS UOi LARS • I’htlivkltHl |»r«»lH«, I«’»» t*htl lux«’» publ riint* <« 11 hl »it w. ! ti p Mifi a Huvmg» tlv|M>«ilu................................................ ........................... I • 11 H) 6.4*JH «4 ’ ' Nv.vr or OkMiov 1 County ol h>un»MthJ 1, .1 U . Hvnivn«. C»»hh‘r o( th«* «‘»»ve tntni«**l I’unk. th«' M’nt «»I nn ki»»»* l« «lg«’ an I 1 , . lt.| 1 \\ 1 1 M 1 \ " < H-IlK 1 . buheril»«‘«l anti »worn to mv thia Till «lay of <>vl«»lM»r, HMM. T. 1.. F’»t vtaix Notary 1‘ublU. t'ottKkA r \ltvat: < • IO. T. B \ l.l *\\ 1 S, / IHrt’t'ltH n . (i. W. Will IE, Oregon "Builders” Are you doing what you can to populate your State? OREGON NEEDS PEOPLE Settler», honest farmers, mechan­ ica, merchants, clerk», («copie with brains, strong hands alai a willing heart capital or no capital Southern Pacific Co. (Lines in Oregon) i» »ending t«»n* of (Heratur«* t<» the Enut for distribution through rverv available agency Will you not help the g«»od work of builfii g Oregon by »ending u* the names and mitli• »»<•* of your friend» a ho art' likely l«> be inlercHled in thia State* We will I»«» glad to Lear tbe « Xpenne of wend ng them complete information atiout OREGON and it» op|»urtunitic». COLONIST TICKETS during SEPTEM HER ANl> OCTOBER rr»»m the En»t to all point* in Oregon, The fate« from u few* principal citie« are Eriini « « • * SjO.O«» Denver 10.00 Omaha Kansas City • 3o.oo 3c.t « > St. l.ouis 38. oo Chicago I rotn Louisville Cincinnati “ Cleveland " New York MI.70 42.20 44-7Ç ÇÇ.00 TICKETS CAN BE PREPAID If you want to bring a friend or relative to Oregon. J MRS. M. M c M illan , Prop'r. improvements. 73 rooms anti suites. Sumpit* Ilooni», Bar lloom, Parlors, Two Club Rooms, Etc., Etc. SPECIAL RESORT FOR TOURISTS