Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, October 15, 1908, Image 1

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    Official Newspaper
of Klamath County
NO. 29
i u divorce
lie turned over all his
< »• UlK 4M 4 <»!■ LAKI .
property to her and they ugreod thut
"Hi'oiir this globe of ours from
<'hai le» llrolilM-y ll«*iilcu E mii | m «I c he sus to support his share of the
NprlugH Addition mene of Maur luspli'lou» Opentag i>( lilnnintli'« l.ig < m nini Fill Is I'racti. ally < om- pole to pole and around its equator, U ill Numi Know Nature of My«trr-
Milli hiilian Stalli.
children und she was to have the
First turni» nl.
going into the highways and by-ways
lows O|H-iilng.
property and look after the others
In a »*-ar<h for scenic grandeur and
'I lie following disputi li was sent Mr. Droliuvy spent the sumiller near
Oil« of the busiest places III tills
Klamath Fulls first Carnival was
Th« crew of Erh-kson
Peterson, you must return to Klamath county
Work on the West Side canal as
out from Lukevew In rugaid to Klamath Falls working, ut I lie Alta ser f Ion at present Is out around tho ushered In Monday evening by the the Southern Pacific contractors, are to sc«- Its greatest treasure.** Thus far as Moore's Power plant Is flnlsh-
Chailes Drobney and Ill'll« Blown, iiiunt ranch, and ns the girl hud fin- Hot Springs tract. Over u bundled screeching of whistles and blowing today nnt-hlng th« big cut and fill did Edward A. Morange. of New York ««! and the government began Mon­
un Imilaii girl, who arrivisi In Klam­ lulled school und did not want to go men, taeludlng carpenters, atom- ma­ of horns Th« Btcanier Klamath and n«ar th« luiwnlng rsnch, and It Is ex­ City, express himself on the beauties day moving camp. Wster has been
ath Fulls Sunday evening from Illy , back with the Indiana. lie went to sons, teamsters und cement workers smaller boats, the »aw mills and the pected that by th«- first of th«- Week of Crater Lake Mr. Morange Is an turned Into the canal, but It will taka
' ('liltlies llrolmey, of Fort Bidwell. l.ukevlew ut her request and brought are busy ns bees taking advantage dredge were steamed up to their full the steel gang will commence laying mith«»rlty who»« opinion carries much some two weeks tn prime and teat
Cui , eloped from this place with Ret­ her here, where she will go to work of the warm weather, so as to accom­ capacity and for fully fifteen minutes the rails which will complete the weight wherever it is expressed, for the canal before a full bead of waler
ta llrown, an ludluu girl. Drobtiuy, until they <uu get married
plish ns much ns possible before win­ the nols« was su«‘h as was never track to the mar»h In about fifteen he is a scenic artist of world-wide re- can be turned on. This Is the larg-
who bus ii sickly wife and Might dill- !
--------- ♦—
ter sets III
heard In Klamath Falls before. it days the track to the marsh will be pute. He It is who paints for the eat and most difficult piece of work
dri*n. was recently employed around ALTITl IB H IN KLAMATH
All over the i-lty building improve­ liroclaimed thut th«- harvest days had ready for trains, but It Is not kn«>wn United States Government all of the under th..- Klamath Project yet at
AMI CIUMlK COI N Ill s ments lilive been postponed until come and every citizen anil visitor wh«tI m - i the Southern Pacific »III ea- ■ ycloramas that are to be seen at the tempted by force account.
the Indian School ut Fort llldwell. |
where lie lived with Ills family Ilei PRINEVILLE. Oro . Oi l lo t n within tlie lust month, but now op- from th« county uml »late wn» In­ tabllKh a new t«-i minus at Worden or gr«.-at exp«Miltlons, und hla visit to
A number of men working on th«
bei u me Infatuateli with the Indiali lied Slates guologliul surveyors. t up eruilons liuve been commenced on u vited to join Iri the grand celebration not It is believed, however, that no Crater Lake at this time was for the west side canal have been laid off.
girl and lint hl» position, lie then talnod by L. F Bigg“, arrived here -lurge scale und no time will be lost which la to last an entire week
change will be made until the track purpose of securing sketches for a some have been sent to Tule Lake
•■ulne here and later went to Fort ludii) from Ashland The party came I from now on until th«* winter weather
During th« blowing of the whistles, Is completed to Holland, which Is lo- great cyclorama of thia wonderful and tbe remainder have been con-
Klamath, leaving Ills wife and family by way of the mountains tn Upper i set a In
t the grand Carnival parade wum form- ' rated at the straits.
scenic gem. to be exhibited at tbe signed to work on other sections of
nt llldwell.
Klamath Lake, Fort Klamath, Klam­
The ilot Springs Company plan ; «1 near the bridge. It was headed
The work on the marsh b«.-tween Seattle exposition next year.
the project. Work will commence
Retta Brown, the Indian girl came ath
Marsh, Itoaluud and Bond, con­ I to lay about half a mile of cement by Neil Campbell, acting as Grand the main land and the straits is go­
"1 had an idea that I had seen na­ at once on the Tule Lake outlet and
to Lakeview about a week ago. Fri- • cluding their journey ut the Crook wulks thia full and a large force of Marshal, and was followed by the ing along In good shape although It ture's greatest wonders and most of a camp is being established with a
day morn I ng llrolmey arrived on the county court hou»u
From h**re | men uro now nt work under the di- Klamath Falls Military Band, with »III not I»- completed as noun as was Its beautiful scenery, but ull pale in­ crew of about 15 m«n. This work
Weiteril alligo lie Immediately Wi-lil I they will take wugon buck to Ash-1 rt>< lion of O A llurrla. an expert «•- ¡twenty players dressed In black coats, anticipated. it Is stat«-d definitely to insignificance when compared with will be under charge of a competent
to a bun I liveryman und employed a I land, where the line they ran found incut contractor from Roseville, Cal­ duck trouser* und caps. Then came that the Company will be able to put Crater Lake. The Grand Canyon of foreman, who will endeavor to en­
tonili and driver "I want you to take Its
I Inception
ifornia Four Inches of fln« crushed the Roial Automobile with Queen on through rail and water service to Colcfrado, of which so much has been large the present outlet sufficient to
my wife and myself to Illy, aud we
Elevations of the surface have been ¡rock, from the Company's plant, is Goldie and her two Maids, MI msi - h Klamath Fall» during the month of written and pictured Is as nothing enable the engineers to determine if
will meet you on the back street," taken every mile, the altitude In each i being used us the foundation. Thia Esther Cannon and I.<-na Kattenborn. November. It is possible that in 15 when compared with Crater Lake for the water in the lake can be ma­
said Drobney. lie and the girl wore case being marked on a stake driven I Is rolled und packed and when fln- Closely following the Queen's convey­ days all freight will be hauled to beauty and scenic effect. They say terially reduced by means of a sub­
mot on the back street and were Ink Into the ground
Each stake bears I Ished with cement will make a walk ance were automobiles containing the Worden by rail where it could te­ the camera does not lie, but I say It terranean passage.
i n t<> Bly. Sheriff Dent was Inform­ Hila legend "1' H. Geological Survey, that «111 Inst u lifetime.
maids In waiting on the Queen, Miss­ loaded onto barges and brought to does He every time It pictures this
The work on the South Branch
ed of tho facta and Immediately tel­ 12 50 flue for meddling with this
Wagon after wagon load of rock es Edna Houston, Maud Martin, Flora Klamath Falla without tbe use Of lake, for tbe simple reason that pho­ canal is sufficiently advanced so that
ephoned to Illy and had the couple- plate." In sot
from the crusher at the head of the Bhlve and Maysel Sanderson, and car­ wagops. This matter has not been tography has not yet progressed far cement work has be«n started on the
detained. They will bo returned to In the cities a
Esplanade Is being hauled and strung riages containing Mayor Stilts, carry­ ¡settled yet and it is known that no «enough to reproduce a picture com­ headgates where tbe south branch
In rock 'out along the property line and put ing the golden key to the city and arrangements hav<- been made by the mensurate with the magnitude, beau­ leaves the main canal and also on tbe
Lakeview tonight.
ntaki-s were fli
Mrs Hrubney was communicated walla, allowing
In place and rolled. The reinent ere» Judge George Noland, speaker of the railroad to do this.
ty and scenic worth of Crater Lake. turnouts for tbe laterals.
The geologl—
__ Visited la following < lose und It la predicted evening, and court jokers In appro-
with yesterday aud said that two
The Southern Paclfl«- Company has Many have tried to tell me about it
The Clear Lake dam work Is pro­
days ago she received a letter from the world-renowned Crntet Luke, that If favorable weather contlnues prlat« costume.
placed an order for a big dredge, but I little realized how futile were gressing at a good rate and a large
llrobney purporting to come from finding the elevation al the water’s for a month walks will be com pl eted
Th« parade pro<««i«l down Main which Is expected tn arrive at any their efforts until I stood on the rim force of men are now building the
Portland, In which he said he was on edge to be 6177 feet, When- the along the Esplanade from the Corn­ st r«M-t to Eighth, thence to Pine, time, and it is report«! on good au­ and viewed this scenic wonder for cement outlet to connect with the
his way Io Klondike
trull drops over the crater's edge i, the ; puny's brick building at I ili» Inter- thence to Seventh, thence to Main thority that it Is the intention of the the first time. The conditions were headgates and also commencing work
"Superintendent Rakeslraw, of the elevation above sen level 1s 7076 feet | s«t Ion of Malli street, to > Alameda and back to the Court House Square, company to take over the work on ideal, the air being perf«rtly clear and on the dam.
llldwell Indian School, admits that At one place where there Is u sheer , Drive. This will reach practically all on which an elaborate throne und the marsh between the straits and I was able to see it to the very best
--------- ♦----------
llrobney called him on the phone und drop of 2000 feet to the water,though of the new reaidoncM In this dls- r«*eptloi> room had been erected.
Midland. If they put on their own advantage.
asked him to bring the girl part of ¡off the road, the altitude la Hl77 feet. trlct.
It Is estimated that fully two thou­ crew it Is probable that they will take­
' From a commercial point of view
Many New Homes.
the way, saying that ho (Drobney) Hither elevations mapped out by the
sand people were present to witness over the dredges and outfit belonging this county holds one of the richest Ashland Sportsmen Are Planning It
would take her to Klamath Falla, ! Federal crew are Klamath laike, al ' ll>'Hides the vast improvements be- the crowning of the Queen, who is to the Mason Construction Company. treasures of nature, for as soon as
for Their Pleasure.
whom a situation awaited her Kake- | J water's edge, 4130 feet; Fort Klum-|lng mad*- by the Hot Springs Com- to reign over tbe festivities of this The only reason given for this action the people on the outside begin to
ntrnw refused to take her. but he , iitli 41 SO. Klamath Marsh 4529. Bea- puli' u large number of tine real- week. As the Koval Auto drew up on the part of the railroad company hear about Crater Lake they will
A select company of Ashlanders
made no effort to prevent tho elope- ( ver Marsh 4640, Odell 4 453, Roaland denies and buildings are being con- before the approach to the Koyal is that they are in a hurry.
flock here by the thousands. They who have been enjoying for some
inent Itaki-alraw says he didn't want 4126, Paulina Creek at Caldwell atrurli-d by business men of the city Booth, the Mayor graciously assisted
Thos. Sayers, who has the contract will not only come from this country, years past the duck bunting and fish­
¡ranch 4 190. W. P Vandevert
Vaudcvi-rt ranch who have purchased property there the Qu«*n to alight and conducted for the grade on the east side of the but from every country on the globe. ing found on the west shores of Big
to meddle In family affairs.
Sbonquest place 4171,
4172 1 John Ellis and Prof W. E Faught her, followed by her maids, to her marsh below the city return«-! the In my travels I have had ample op­ Klamath Lake, are planning for the
' Mrs Drobney Is In destitute rlr- ¡4162. Fred Hlionqueat
cumstanciM and nearly blind, and J laiva Butte 4507. Bend 3629. Prints ¡»ere the lirst to build In this addi­ seat In the dais in tbe Royal Booth, first of the week from a conference portunity to meet with those who construction of .a houseboat and gas­
They each have handsome amid the tumultuous cheering of the at Dorris. Mr. Sayers is considered travel for the purpose of vle'wing the oline towing launch to be stationed
two of tho eight children are practl- vllle elevations have not yet been as- tion.
certiMd. but the supposed altitude homes The modern bungalow being ' multitude.
tally helpless Invalids "
one of the fastest dirt movers on the beauties of nature, and 1 know how at a suitable place In one of the many
I built for Mr. Hill Is practically com-
When awn by a reporter Monday of this city If l«£0.
Crowning of the Queen.
railroad work and he has already highly they will prize what they will fine streams that put into the lake.
The surveyors left Ashland. Ore.. I dieted
Attorney C. F Stone, who
afternoon Mr Drobney stated that the
After the Queen was scat«l. Judge completed nearly a half mile of a ten find when they come to Klamath The boat will be fitted up with com­
tepori was a lie, that he hadn't run June 15, thus consuming more than Ils having a beautiful realdence built ¡Nuland In a short address defined the foot fill since the first of tbe tnontn. county. The first thing to be done fortable quarters, such as are usually
away from hla wife and that ho did I Ihrss months In their painstaking ;«»n th« Esplunnde at a cost of about i custom and purpose of tbe Carnival He has less than two miles of fill to is the construction of good roads and provided for houseboats, while the
13UUO. expects to be able to occupy and. on behalf of the people, wel­ make on his contract and when that If the movement for the construction launch will be used for moving the
not elope with the girl. "I didn't task
¡bls new home within the month.* F comed the Queen and her maids to is completed, the remainder of tbe of the road from Medford to this city, big boat to such locations as the
desert my wife." said Mr Drobney.
l:\<llls|<»N llllls EXTENDED. I L. Houston, Is another of Klamath
' She fired me. and I have been sup-
the city, and In concluding, »aid:
grade will be quick work.
by way of Crater Lake, is successful, fancy of the occupants and the fish­
The Southern I’aclflc Company an ■ Falls' buHlneHH men who Is putting
lairtlng her and the children and
"And now. Queen Goldie, aa the
It Is said that there Is no question the people here will get al! of the ing and hunUng lead them.
■Ip II beautiful home In thia section. people have honored you by electing but that tbe grade on this side of the money they invest in It back the first
have s<-nt them money since I have i
The company do not expect, of
Inton away. I have got receipts to 13 a special VU liny round trip rate The carpeuters are now working on you Qu«'n we hope you will reign marsh can be easily finished this win­ year. It Is m.v first visit here, but course, to have their boat for this
will go Into effect from California ¡the Interior llnlshing. Many other
show for It My wife Is going to get !
over your aubjects with a kindly dig­ ter. This then leaves the marsh work rest assured it will not be my last." fall's huntlng.but will get it ready for
points to the Klamath country, Thc |cltlsens who contemplate building
n divorce In December and I am go-1
nity. 1 now crown you Qu«‘li of the the only obstacle to be overcome be­
Mr. Morange left on Friday morn­ tbe coming summer, so that they can
Jspecial rat«« to Klamath Kalla and have had to post|>onc operation until
lug to mairy this girl when my wife!
Carnival, may Joy any peace be yours. tween the present terminus and ing for Alaska, where he will prepare take their families to the lake and
San »I>rlng on account of the lateness of
gets the divorce and not before. We
Should you seek to choose a consort Klamath Falls, and if the Southern sketches for pictures of Uncle Sam's enjoy a season of ideal summer out­
registered hero under our own uanies Joss, «23.20; Sun Francisco. «12.60; the season.
from among our young men. he is Pacific undertakes this work them­ northern possessions.
ing life on the waters, and as well
Work on the big Natatorlum and yours, for In this country every Amer­ selves.it simply means that they want
mid wo have got nothing to be afraid Oakland. 121.60; Stockton, «21.50;
---------- ♦-----------
headquarters later on in the shoot­
Sacramento. 11U 55. Tickets will be bath house is progressing satlsfactor-
of. They stopped u* at Bly, but they
ican Is an uncrowned king, so choose It ready by spring.
ing season.—Tidings.
The st|>ne work Is completed your consort and have a good time
touldn'l do anything ami let us go.
---------- ♦----------
---------- ♦----------
We are going to work here mid when til further notice. This is an unuauul ' und tlie carpenters are now erecting I welcome you and your maids."
rain which set in Tues­
1 tho enclosure. The completion of
the divorce Is granted we will I h »
After the crowning of the Queen,
I. D. Applegate returned last ev­
if there were no other resources day night continuing Wednesday all
ath country ns it la customary to i the plant will extend well Into the Mayor Stilts, in a few approi rlate re­
the Klamath section save the ag­ day is said will be worth thousands ening from the Lava Beds, where he
«Inter on account of the large amount marks. presented the keys of the city
"It says (referring to the dis­
ricultural interest, which embraces of dollars to the ranges of this coun­ has just had his sheep removed for
of pipe that will have to be laid to to the Queen and offered to her his
patch I that I have eight children ami rates on October
200,000 acres of farming land that ty. The rain is general throughout the winter. Mr. Applegate says that
--------- >---------
furnish the hot water from the allegiance and that of the people of
that two of them are Invalids. It
Is being reclaimed by the Federal the entire county and quite a fall tbe feed this fall is just fair although
springs for the big tank The build­ tbe city.
Isn't so. On« of the children Is work­
Government by a system of canals of snow is reported in the mountains, i the range is dry. The predicted hard,
I Mr. ing will also be heated by colls of
ing In a printing office at Fort llld-
In response Queen Goldie arose and the draining of the tule marshes, It Is predicted that this rain and snow stormy winter is thebest thing that
hot water pipes.
I have always supported my
with true queenly grace and said: "I and the great adjacent stock ranges, will keep up for some time and will could happen for the sheepmen as
riage Monday night at the home of
Goo. B. Snyder has a crew of men thank you, my people, for the great
« hlldreu and always Intend to."
it would support a population of 50,- mean good range this fall and plenty wet weather would insure plenty of
Mr and Mrs. MacWilllama. Rov. Price working on hla store building next
Retta Brown Is 21 yearn old and
honor conferred upon me. and will 000 and make Klamath Falls a city of grass in the spring.
grass next spring. In case the win­
to the Hath House. All of these guard your city well." The Queen
Is a nice looking girl with some white
It has been an exceptionally dry­ ter remained dry, Mr. Applegate
of from 10,000 to 15,000 people.
blood, She was educated nt the
was made of heavy metal and wns
Again, if the Klamath section had summer and fear was expressed of a , states that there would be very little
iness men <rf this city, being engaged cottages adjoining make quite a set­
hchool at Fort llldwell and has ll\. 4
entering Into the spirit of the ocea no other resources save its 11,000,- dry winter which would seriously j grass for feed next year. He believes
¡In tho sewing niuebine business lit tlement on the new residence district
there all her life nini bears n good
aion, did not need n second Invita­ 000.000 feet of sugar and yellow pine 1 cripple tne stockmen of this section. the stockmen are in better condition
reputation. Mr. Drobney says that Eighth and Main streets. The brilli­ of Klamath Falla.
tion to come for»aid and greet their timber, which is adjacent and tribu- A good rain at this season will start to Btand B harj winter this year than
bo never went with the girl after the
Queen, and for hilly an hour Qu«*n tary to the Upper Klamath Lake— the bunch grass on the mountain theJ. woul<i be later,
this city for the past year.
trouble with hla wife and that she resident of ---------------------
Goldie graciously and with a sntlle the lar igi-t body of fresh water west ranges and when the snow goes off in ■
______ g-
knows that they Intend to get mar­
LIKE THIS YEAR. for each, received tin* homage of her of the Kockv mountains—-and the 80 the spring there will be plenty of
is in tbe city from
C. E. Wlidey came In from Lorelln
ried mol that she has promised to get
Mr. mid Mrs. W. F. Arant, of loyal subjects.
or 90 miles of navigable rivers and feed for the sheep and cattle.
The Queen and her six maids pre- lakes I and the practically unlimited
Klamath, were In Ashland early in
the week, called hither by the Illness sented n very pleasing sight and many water power that can be so cheaply
of tnelr son Chauncey, whose condi­ were the words of praise and admira­ hiul from the Link and Klamath Riv­
tion. however, la greatly Improved. tion heard on all sides. It was an ers. It would support a population of
For several years Mr. Arant has event in the lives of these young la­ 50.000 people and make Klamath
been the superintendent of the Crater dles which will be long remembered Fulls a city of front 10,000 to 15,000 '
I nko National Park, und each suc­ and each received her due quota of people.
cessive season find him supervising admiration and »ns pointed out as a
Still again, if the Klamath section
some needed Improvements pert al n- further proof of the feminine beauty had no other resources save Its great j
j Ing to mat noted resort.
"Camp of which Klamath County so proudly and wonderful *. hot springs.
. Its Im-1
\rnnt" Is favorite headqunrters for boasts. Goldie, ns queen of them inense game and fish preserves, its I
all those making the trip to the all, was resplendent in a handsome unexcelled resort features including
Lake, mid Improved conditions white satin gown trimmed In Dutch­ some of the grandest scenic view's of
throughout that region are the cause ess lace and jewels and made with the world, amongst them the great
for the great influx of visitors there the new sheath skirt. The crown Crater Lake, all of which are now at­
this season, the number for July and »ns seated and the immense throng, tracting the attention of the wealthy
August approximating over 5,000 studded with amethysts and opals people of the country, it would sup­
with tho prospect of fully 1,000 for She wore u royal blue velvet robe port a population of 25.000 people
11 TILL it pay you to go elsewhere
the present month of October. If the with elaborate trimming of heavy and Klamath Falls would be a city
weather conditions remain promising gold braid and cord.
11 f°r your Jewelry, Watch work,
of from S.000 to 10,000 people.
--------- •---------
The canyon has been bridged, and
The estimates herein made are cer­
If Optical work, etc.?
siibstmitIni Improvements are the or­ TO TRN FOR ARTESIAN
tainly conservative, and one must
while tho quiet season is on
der of the day over In that locality.
WATER NEAR IMlRRlS. .conclude that the Klamath section
Rond betterments are an Important
The California Butte Valley Land within the next few years will have
there uro interesting things doing
feature, the minimi visit of the Hur- Company is liriuging In a deep wel. i population of over 200,000 and the
in tho price line. Don’t fail to call,
rlmuns. with the nlil and Influence outfit with which It expects to reach dtv of Klamath Falls will have a
11lie nmgtmte's presence Implies, giv­ aiteslun water The machine is kuui population of from 40.000 to 50.000
lirst or last, before you buy
:: ::
ing Its share of Impetus to the fur- anteed to penetrate to a depth of people
.ward muvemeiit ulong ull lines.
1500 feet
The above resume has reference
Mr. Arant Is a very popular super­
The Dorris Butte Valley 1'romtlou only to the local resources and Is not
intendent. and oue and ull who visit club, through its president, Charles Intended to cover the development of
, that wonderful region unite In lay­ T Silvers. Ims accepted the offer of 'he empire north and east of Klamath
ing flint he 1s the right mau tn the E. E Calvin, vice-president and gen­ Falls and Klamath County, all of
right place, and n model "supervising eral manager of the Southern Pacific, which Is tributary to the Klamath
architect" of the government's great to sink a deep well ut some point in Basin section.
! reservation domain —Ashland Tid- or near Dorris, selected by the club,
The first railroad has now entered
as a means of trying out the plun of Klamath County und Is being push«!
------- «-------
securing flowing wells. The South to Klamath Falls as fast as men and
Mrs F. M White returned last ern Pacific has a machine which can money can do It.
Republican Block
Sunday front a visit with her parents go as deep as 2500 feet. It Is anti­
----- ♦-------
at Myrtle Point. She was accom­ cipated, however, that flowing water
Roy Walker is reported sick with
panied by her father, Mr. Dement, can be secured at a depth not'to ex­ with typhoid fever. Dr. Hamilton is
ceed 500 feet.
who Is here to see the country.
in attendance.
i in »
mi» nui i : m > i * i
Persian Patterns
G. Heitkeinper.Jr.