For Hah- or Trail«'—— l<«mllll> ITEMS. Main Street eighty feet, thence North­ business property In the best town The raising mid culture of l»««s i Work lit tlie Dam Is progressing Engineer .Meldrum tells us that the easterly at right angles with said line Il Um Wlllmnette valley. will be one of th» smice.ful Indus with nil possible sp«i*d Thu telephone Merrill end of lb« Moore electHc line twenty-five feet, thence Southeasterly Inquini at ths Bi >st un Ht ore. tries In tills valley le-fiiii* tmmy yeurs Illi« Is now cumpleti'd fur several will be prni Ilially rompleted t h It at right angles with said line eighty 7-2lf Alieaily Heimuli Knihiihorn lis» a i mills beyond James Malone’s place week. .feet; them.'« South w-stcrly along priisperoiiB nml lienlthy business In i uml will be llnlsheil ns s<»on as poa- John Ratliff sold a span of big Mala streit twenty-five feet; to place honey. Ile lm. almut iilnety hives of t slbli' A carpenter’s crew Is erect­ mar«« ti, a Mr. Itanuld of Butte Val­ - .of beginning, embracing a strip twen- Italian, black mid hybrid b«cs Hint ing buildings, and n force of men l«y, this week, for |4IM*. This la a i ty-flve L «I wide and eighty feet long ordinarily bring In n rich little har­ ar« nt work on the excavation for the pretty good price, but they wer« i ’ In lot two (3), block eighteen (18) in vest during the summer nnd full. Tills i Dam. good animals. th« town of Klamath Falls, Oregon, year Hie rio;> of honey Is aboil, owing L Bulk made us n busInesH call I D Applegate returned from bls i Also to the iitily fiosi which wus so dlsns- the fore part of the week. California sheep i«mp this week He lx»ts one 11) ami two (2), block trims to the potato mid liny crop A number of amall children hava Multi the slieep bad bei-n started bang 'seventy-seven (77), Klamath Addi­ I'till SALE Two well bred mures Honey has sold ut 1214 cents per been quit« seriously affilcted with to the lava beds because of the lai k tion to the town ot Klamath Falla, one h years old. weight about 1150 pound tills year, leaving n good prof­ stomach troubles and are under th« of water In other places. Oregon, held under mortgage to se- lbs ; the other 5 years old, weight it to the producer. Mr. Kattenhorn doctor's ■ are Among them are th« IL B Cutler, Deputy 1' tt Mar- |cure -aid sums lu this action, be sold about 1 400. with a sinking colt. devotes Ills eiitlic attention to bls children of Mrs Wily and Mrs. Ma­ shat wus In town yesterday. lie had to satisfy said mortgage, said mort­ Both well broke, senile and true mid I»«« culture nml lu u few years will lone. t»e«n down to Tule Lake Investigating gage mid not«-« gecured thereby hav- t rill to good liorsus Pi li e, |300. J have on« of the l>««t mid mo«t produi'- Mrs. A II. Vinson who bus been u number of homestead filings which ' Ing b«'«n heretofore assigned and Hoe tliiiin st the ranch of Algin Kirk- ! live bi'K farms In tliu sint« Merl ili at Port hind for several months tor lie says have never been completed ¡transferred to the plaintiff by Charles pulerlck, Fort Klamath, Oregon Al- Record iiiiill'iil treatment for her little glil as to ri'sldenci Improv "inents, er« E. Worditi, original payee of said so one heavy hack and double liar- l> expected home tills week The These entries aie of ionise open to notes and mortgagee named In said • nous, saddle, bridle und wugiin Jack. MONEY TO LOAN on City Prop­ child Is grently Improved In bealtll. settlement now. mortgage. Price fV0. A bargain. 7-301 r erty, Ranch or Timber land. HALL- <’. Suanston left Mr Robertson, who recently pur- And that execution and order of shepherd CO HI ■ hiisi'd a tract of land from Mrs. Gar­ noon for the Davis sale Is ue herein to the sheriff of XOTIt E FOR P4 III.K ATION. rett, bus n new dwelling nearly «••»in­ will attend to the i Klmnath County, Oregon, aud that Depart incut of th« Itilurlor. It H. XOTKT i<> < OX I ILU TOlts lileted and It will I»« a very neat Creasler a Bonner i- lami Olile« ut luikovlow, Órugon, Isale be made as provided by law on Th© mliool iHrvrtor« <>f H< Db>- Hepteiiibur 16, I Villi. through here this a •■k. There are all of said r«al property as described structure whan finished Nulle» la hereby given that Lillian trlc«» No. 17 «'omiuotily known uh Mr Butler, of llonntizn, lias rent- about 600 head of t) •se Iniki* county In said mortgage, and that be place Loin* Phi»« Dl»trlf Klninnih P m II m Mill i< • ii the Walter Broadsword pine«. 31 r. sale, and that all th«- right, title und und Hton« Application, No. 0503. for c»iv«.« bill« fur th«« <*un««< • about 6<>0 bead In number. of, be foreclosed, except the right to to the land above described, before Ifhutiona may b<« <*XAUitn«*i i Vigor ordered the Old roud Is lapldly n«arlng completion under Klmnath Fall* Republican, a weekly the supervision of Frank Cutter. John Flolder, F. D. Hkluner, all of bond» newspaper, printed and published at Bldu will bo opened by the opened which makes it very incon­ Klumatli Falls, Oregon. Eugene Hammond, of Merrill, has Klamath Falls. Oregon, by order of venient It Keems that this Is not the IwNird of director«, Qctobvr J N WATSON, I only road In this vicinity that u na been In this vicinity the past week Hon. George Noland, Judge of said *J 24-1 l-2u R agister 31. Th«« board reiMinw th<* ilr.hi to < hanged out io th« lino without MU- buying saddle horses for the army. Court, and dated September 3rd, Horace Dunlap was lu town Mon­ 1908. .XOTIt E FOB fl IIIJCATIOX’. thorlty. Örn- ia no better than nn* Department of the Interior, Land ! other In a rase of this kind so why day from Klamath Falls. He wus The first publication to be made on looking around among the Btockmen Thursday, the 10th day of September < Irti co at Imkevlow, Oregon, August not treat nil alike. Xtiilrc of of llcmrtl of I <|unl* Home very promising looking quartz for beef cattle. 12, 1908. 1908, and the last publication to be Workmen are engaged this week made on the 22nd day of October, imitloii for khiiiwtfli < «>uni>, Notice Is hereby given that Hamil­ wus recently discovered by J. D. < >18*1(4111. ton Mulkey, of Klamath Falla. Ore­ Seaton, but the place has not been in erecting the aub-statlon of Moore 1908. Nolhe 1« bervby givt«n tluit on divulged as yet but ns soon ns a Bros, power and light plant. It Is to gon, who, on July 20, IVOS, made BENSON * STONE, Timber and Stone Application, No. Monday. October I9tb, lUos, tbnt lie more thorough «»amlnuilon of the be hoped that ney will soon com­ Attorneys for Plaintiff 0140, fur aws«uwl4. Sec. 2», life In* tbv third Monday In »uh! month, liemlty, uml ilslma are local cd. the mence wiring the residences as the Hu linn evenings are getting long and people ne*4, nwi^sclA, 8ec. 30, T. 37 H. th* Ihmrd of Equalisation of Klam­ public will be enlightened It V E , W. M has filed notice of In­ ath t’ounty, Ofi'Kon, will attend nt stated that it Is In Klmnath county are anxious for electric lights. BENSON 4. STONE —•-------- tention to make Flual Pre of, to es­ th«« Court House of wnld Count) In and that It contains both gold nnd ATTORNEYS AT LAW NEWS FROM KE.NO. tablish claim to the land above do­ Klntnatli Calls. Ort’icun. «nd publicly silver. N. W. Deal and Thomas McCor- American Bank Mrs James Malone la feeding from ser I bld, before County Clerk Klam­ examine th«« aaacnsiuvnt roll« of mild anil Trust Bldg. ath Co, at lila otfias nt Klamath County for th» >«*nr 190 m , nnd rorrvet 15 to 20 people dally uh the roault inlck have returned from the coast Falla, Oregon, ou the 3rd day of No­ nil arror« In valuation, d«’«crlptlon of t he government work« attracting where they went to visit and look KLAMATH FALLS - OREGON over the country. Mr. McCormick or quallHr«« of InudM, lot» or uthor travel this way. vember, IVOS. pro|»»rty n»»«*»»**«! by fur n» th«« The condition of Dr. J li. Hall says that Klamath county is good Claimant names as witnesses: has not changed from that of last enough for him. He did not see any­ Frank Johnston. Benjamin Corllle, M»r of »nhl County thing that he liked better. Th«« Board will continue H r kl « s - week ATTORNEY AND A M. Jamison, Ashley llmch, all of Frank Wilson is making improve­ »lon« from day to «lay until th«« vx* Jack Diixioll had the sights on his Klamath Falls, Oregon. COUNSELOR AT LAW i Amination nnd correc tion and ««qunll* rifle ul) adjusted lust week Jack ments on his house putting on a new J N. W A I SON. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON 8-2O-IO-22 Register. Nation <>f »ah! roll» »bnll I m * rmnp|««tcd says he Is going to kill a big fat root and new siding, and also many ROOMSTAB. MURDOCK BLDG but not longer than on«« month It buck beforu I hi* I'-awiti closes even other Improvements. The road la still lined with u>en NOTI» E Ft>14 fl PLICATION, I m th« duty of IntcrcMtcd pvraomi to If he bus ti» hire nome one to kill It Impart merit of the Intorlor. U. b. appear nt th«« lime nnd pin««* iippolDl- for him. seeking work. DR. WM. MARTIN Intnd office at l-akovlow, Oregon, ««<1 Charles Snowgoose is delivering Tomatoes grew to maturity and September 16, 1908. J r l.EE. ripened tn Langell Vnlley this sea­ goods for the Grand Union Tea Co. Nolle« la hereby given that Madi­ Mr. Sorrels Is selling celery that son W. Espy, of Klamath Falls, Ore­ Asseaaor of Klamath County. Oregon, son on the place known a« th«« J. D gon. who, 1,11 August >7. li»us. m.idi- io 1-1 o-If. llmuuker ranch Mm Dr laro! I raid’d lie raised, and he has a large quan­ Timber and Stone Application. NO tity of it. them. • U444. for sH«wi,. Sec. 17. T. 37 S. NOTH E FNlIt Pl Bl.Il Al ION. The scholars speak well of Mr It. » E , W. M . has fili-d notice of In- Depart men l of the Interior, IL 8 WILL A. LEONARD lentlOl to make tinsi Proof, to An unknown and apparently de­ i m n teacher; which l-and iiffico at lazkeview, Oregon, Bussey's ability » tabllsh claim tu the land above de­ September 16, 190K. mented man committed suicide in We are glad tojiear. scribed, b dore County Clerk Klam­ Notice Is hereby given that Edward Ti ns. Wilkerson and daughter, Mrs. a sensational aud novel manner at ath County, at hie office, at II. .Moncghcn, of Kiauiath Falls, One Withrow-Melhase Building Falls, Oregon, ou the 2nd day of De­ gun. who, on August 30. 1U0M, made C Walker, war* visiting thu latter's Ashland by climbing on the top of cember. 1908. Timber and Slone Application, No elater last week who has been quite the big railroad water tank and then Claimant names as witnesses Jumping Into the water and drowning 0433, for a1-*s«1.,. nwS*set4, Sec. III. John G, Scbnllock, W. B. Barnes, 3. T. 37 8 . It 10 E . W. M . has tiled Will Stevens hauled a load ot himself. His queer actions were no­ Hamilton Mulkey, A. M. Jamison, all notice of Intention to make Final □ R C. P. MASON of Klamath Falla, Oregon. I'toof, to establish claim to the land freight for the Miller creek bridge ticed by workmen about, who saw J. N. WATSON. him first Jump Into the receiving DENTIST above described, before County ('let k from Klamutli Falla last week. V 24-11-26 Register. Klamath County, at his office, at While on her way home from the tank of the big oil storage tanks filled Office in American Bank A Trust Com Klamath Falla. Oregon, ou the 1st school last Wednesday Leia McSpa- with fuel for the locomotives of the pony’s Building .si MMONH. day of Itecember 1908. |den was thrown from her horse, but railroad company, thence he ran up t'lulmanl names ns witnesses PHONE 614 In the Circuit Court ot the State of the ladder of the water tank en dee- Thomas R. Meek, Win. l.a»htin. , fortunately escaped serious Injury. KLAMATH FALLS OREGON Oregon, fur the County of Klntnalh. Charles Wagar, of Klamath Falls, habile, and plunged down the man ­ If the government should continue Oregon, and Dun Ryan, of Bly, ore Mary A. Sullivan, Plaintiff, vs J E ito go right ahead and build the ditch hole. When reecued he was paet re­ J N. WATEQN, Sullivan, Defendant. Sult In Kqulty 9-34-11-36 suscitation. Register. j there are some that will have to rus­ for Decree of Divorce, tle or they will have to pay for Irrl- •XOTIt E FOR 1*1 lll.K A I ION To J E. Sullivan, the above named There to more Catarrh in this section of the Department of the Interior, I'. 8. | gating sage brush. defendant: country than all other disease« put together, anti ♦ Land Office nt lmkeview, Oregon, I until the last few years was «upponed to be incur­ In the name of the Stat« ot Ore­ September 16. 19UN. DAIRY ITEMS. THE LAND MAN able. For a great many years doctors pronounced Notice Is hereby given that Thomas gon: You aro hereby required to ap­ Herbert Arant bus been the proud­ it a local disease anti prescribed local remedies, pear nnd answer the complaint filed Il Meek, ot Klumatli Falla, Oregon, est man to bo found anywhere since and by constantly failing* to cure with local treat­ who, on August 20, 190S, made Tim­ ugnlnst you In the nbov» entitled suit, ber nnd Stone Application. No. 0421, last Wednesday. September 30th. It's ment. pronounced it incurable. Science has proven List your land for sale with this on or before the 32nd day of October, for sHne%. Sec 13. T. 37 S . It. 10 u boy. and weighs n scant five pounds catarrh tn be a constitutional disease and there­ fore requires constitut&otMÜ treatment. Hall's office; we have buyers for all I HUM, that being the dale of 'h» mat E , W M . hits filed noth « of Intention w ith bls breeches on Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & classes of Klamath County publication ot summons nnd the last to make Final proof, to establish property. t'nrl Adams brought the first load Co . Toledo. Ohio, ia the only constitutional cure claim to the land ubove described, be­ on the market It to taken internally in dueee from ■ late Within which the defendant Is fore County Clerk, Klamath County, of hewed timbers for the bridge at 10 drop* to a teaapuonful. It arts directly on the required to answer ns lived by the or­ at his office, nt Klamath Falla, Ore­ upper gap on Lost River last Friday. blood and mucous surface« of the system. They der of publication of this summons, gon. on tile 30tli day of November, The only acreage adjacent to Wm. Flackus In about to begin offer one hundred dollar* for any case it fail* to nnd If you fnll tn appear and answer 1*08 cure. Send for circular* and testimonial*. Klamath Fails for sale in small Claimant mimes ip wltne work on the new bridge at the upper Addre tracts. More than a score of the plaintiff will apply to the Court Edward II. Monaghen, Cl «• Vir­ gup of Lost river. He will put on a Sold by Druffgi*ts, 75c people have secured sites for for the relief demanded In said com­ gil. William l.aHhuu. of Klni,..uli Falls Take Hall's Family Pills for cons tips t ion homes. .Or. gon. crew of several men and will soon plaint Said suit Is brought to secure Oregon, nml Dan lii > i • connect this nml Poe Valley. This J. N. U A .SON. illsaolutliiii of the bonds of liiutrl- 2500 Acres Free 8-34-11-3« Register. bridge will be a groat convenience to inony existing between plaintiff and The Lakeside company has 2500 aeres are the best buys on the market the people ot both valleys. defendant, for nn undivided one-thlid NOTIt E FOR I’t BLIt’A I ION. of land under the Adsnis ditch that it .Andrew Lovelady passed through i Depurtmetit ot the Interior, II. S will give RENT FREE fur one year. part hi plaintiff's Individual right In Land Office at laikevlew, Ureglili, here Friday with a load of machinery This includes the use of the land and foe ot th«« whol«« of the real ent ate September 16. 1908. water. The renter must clear and for the electric plant nt Bonanza. by defendunt, mm follow«, to* owned Notice Is hereby given that Sarnh place the land in cultivation. The rent­ D I*. Shook In having heavy Uni­ er gets all the crop but we reserve the , A. Mulkey, of Klmnnth Fulls, Oregon, wit: who, on Sept. 7, 1908, made Timber hern hauled to Ills place to build a right to pasture the »nibble. The nml Stone Application, No 0501, for new ntock corral. THE LAND MAN Tne Lakeside Company, of the n w n w )4 , Sec. 2 9, ne >4 no si , See. J. Frank Adams, Manager, Win. Wight nml wife have given HE 14. Sec 30, Tp 31 8 . It.'15 E.W. 30, w'4sw<4, Sec. 20, T. 37 S , R. Merrill. Oregon. ,M. Also the SEU of the SE<4, Sec. | 9 E., W. M . has filed notice of Inten­ up the trip they contemplated to the SI .M.MON'S. 31, NW% of the NW >4. Sec. 2 7, nnd tion to make Filial Proof, to establish Klninnih Hut Springs. to the land above described, In the Circuit Court of the State The stockmen of this vnlley fin­ S»«c. j claim I he EH of the NE >4. befor County Clerk Klamath County, 38, Township 37 8. . R. 13 E W. M„ ! nt his office, at Klmnnth Fulls, Ore­ ished delivering beef cattle this week. of Oregon, for tho County of Klam­ containing In all 320 acres; Hint the gon, on tho 7th day of December, There seems to be n good demand ath. SALEM, OREGON. Henry O. Offenbacher, Plaintiff, vs. plaintiff have the future care mid cus­ I 1908. I for cavalry horses, as there has been Claimant names m witnesses: R. E. Dyer, Defendant. Sult In tody of the minor children ot said Frank Johnson, A. M. Jamison, quite ii number of men hunting the Equity to Foreclose Mortgage. Complete Stock of Fruit, marriage, and that the defeudant con­ Win. J. Carlisle, Hamilton Mulkey, ¡country over for them. Shade nnd Ornamental tribute toward the nurture and edu­ all of Klmnath Falls, Oregon. Mrs. Thos Michael ia reported to To R. E. Dyer, the above uamed de­ J. N. WATSON, fendant: cation of said children the sum of be Improving ns well as can be ex­ 9-24-11-2« Register. In the name of the State of Ore­ 3500.00. pected, nnd without doubt will soon You are hereby required to NOTICE FOR 1*1 BI.ICATION. Also that the defendant pay to the recover from her Injuries which nt gon: appear mid answer the complaint filed Department ot the interior, U. 8. first threatened to be very serious. R. G, ROSS, AGENT plaintiff tho sum of «1,100 to meet against you lu the above entitled suit, lier Immedlute Indebtedness and 2150 Land Office at Lakeview, Oregon. Miss Nett Drew entne home Satur­ BOX 175 on or before the 22nd day of October, August 6. INS. for costs and attorneys* fees of this day and returned Sunday to Klummh KLAMATH FALLS, ORE. Notice Is hereby given that John Falls where she has n position as 1908, that lielug the date ot the suit. Plaintiff pruvs for geueral re­ last publication of summons and the A. Pinkerton, of Coour d'Alene, |da- lief teacher last date within which the defendant This summons Is published In the | ho, who, on May 27l 1908, made Urn- At the rate the Yonna thredier Is ■ Klamath Fails Republican, a weekly I bar and stone application No. IIS9, ¡going threshing will noon be over lu Is required to answer as fixed by the •- •» order of publication ot this summon.;, newspaper, printed and published at ' (Serial No 02 84 ), for s’t» sw '4 , liw ibis vallay. and if you tail to appear and answei Klamath Falla, Dragon, by order of Isw14, 8ec. 9, seUsoU» S«C- 8. T. 37 Put Colalian killed four coyotes last Hon. George Noland, Judge of said S., R. 9 E , W. M , lias filed notice of week, anil still thero aro plenty left the plaintiff will take Judgment against you for the amount demand­ Court, and dated September 9, 190S Intention to make final proof, to os James Colahan Is liuullng hay from ed in hts complaint; that Is to the The first publication to be made on tabllsh claim to the land above de­ A L Michael's place to Bonanza Ä. B. GRIZZLE sum ot 83200. with Interest thereon scribed, before County Clerk, Klam­ the 10th day of September, 1908 KLAMATH FALLA Mr. A Noyes took his departure at the rate of 8 per cent per annum ath Co , at bls office, at Klamath BENSON a STONE. OREGON I Monday for Culltornln where he goes , from July 30, 1906, together with 9-10-10-32 Attorneys for Plaintiff Falla, Oregon, on tho 12th day of to take n position nt a good salnry costs and disbursements ot said ac­ October, 1908. with an electric company. AVe uro tion and )350 attorney's fee, and that Claimant name« an witnesses: Harry Pelt», of Klmnath Falls, Or­ I sorry to lose a good citizen, nnd wish the following real property, to-wlt. egon, Dan Johnston, of Klmnath him good luck wherever he may be Commencing at a point twenty-five Falls, Oregon, J. M. Pinkerton, of We nre informed (lint Mr. John (26) feet northeastlerly from the cor­ BUSINESS COLLEGE Wolf Creek. Oregon. » Smith, of Dleckniun Ims traded Illa ranch for ner ou Main Street between lota 2 Klamath Falls, Oregon. property In California and will re­ and 3 in Block eighteen In the town J N. WATSON, , move to that state, aud we lose au- of Klamath Falls, Oregon, thence The entire stork of Mrs Fish's Bon Ton Mllllnery^onslstlng of about 85o00 worth of millinery, dry goods, and trimmings, was sold on Friday to Miss Maud Baldwin and the Brick »tore Company, Mina Baldwin takes over the stock of millinery, Including the big shipment of fall and winter bats selected by Mrs. Fish at San Francisco. The goods have been mov­ ed to the Brick Store, where the will be on sale Ill* II Foil HALF. I offer my 760 sere ranch for sain at the small price ot *31 per acre If sold In 90 days. 400 acres under cultivation; 6u acre« more can be cleared; 3t>0 acres pasture land, all fenced; 13000 worth ot buildings on place; 50 acres In alfalfa; 200 acraa come under the ditch now building; 150 more will come under the ditch later. Good outside range. Terms, one-third cash, balance to suit, Inter­ est at 8 per «ent. Address THO*. M4RTIN, 8-16-10-15» Klamath Falls. Oregon. City Meat Market WEISS & ARMAND PROPRIETORS ALL KINDS OF FRESH, SALT AND SMOKED MEATS SAUSAGLS OF ALL Land Owners, Attention! f Some Lantern parties, who desire to locate in Klamath County, have requested us to.submit prices and terms of good land, in tracts of 80 to 320 acres. The prices must be inducements to get actual settlers, who will build homes and improve the land, which is the only thing to do to build up the country and establish substantial values. We will be pleased to have the owner» of land call at our office, |ust opposite the ."lMonic Hall, and get acquainted, and see if we can­ not co-operate to mutual advantage. I ___________ Long Lake Lumber Co. Manufacturers of All Kinds of LUMBER Office over Klamath County Bank Cabinet Work, Sash and Doors, All Kinds of Mouldings, Band sawing and Turning, Odd-Sized Doors <£ Windows PHONE Enterprise Tracts W. O. HUSON, p B WAIHINOTON ANDTtNTMITI. I PORTLANO ORIOON I WRITE FOR CATALOG I 8-12-10-8 Register, other good citizen. 'Northwesterly at right angles with Manager w WWW ww % wwwww 0. K. TRANSFER & STORAGE GO Goods packed and shipped. Heavy freighting a specialty. Baggage orders given prompt at­ tention. Having up-to-date piano trucks we solicit your line piano moving. Phones—Office 871, Barn 873 *•***'*'* **-*^*m Ashland Commercial College Ashland, Oregon Thorough and Practical Training In COMMERCIAL, SrtOR TH AND and ENGLISH. Individual Instructlnn by Experts. We have been compelled to enlarge our quarters every year and have now secured ample accom­ modations in the Sweedenburg block. Twice as Large as Ever. Nothing in the line of Business Training is too 'ood for our students. Complete Commercial Edu­ cation at about one-half the usual expense. Full infor­ mation free. RITNER President MIDWAY ¡STABLE FIRST-CLASS TURNOUTS olnes % Specialty 381 Mills Addition Lots Trees. Shrubs, Vines a All kinds of Finishing Lum ber now on hand. Large assortment of Doors and Windows made up and ready for immediate de­ livery. Can furnish an order on the grounds for any sized build- ing within twenty-four hours. Large stock of Flooring in three grades. FRANK IRA WHITE Oregon Nursery Co. K'xmath Falls Oregon SHROUT & SHORTT C. C. BROWER FRANK IRA WHITE KINDS or Without Driver CHAS. R. BALDWIN, Proprietor T w ■V’l |l w up • •