Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, October 08, 1908, Image 1

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    Official Newspaper
of Klamath County
Official Newspaper
of Klamath County
NO. 28
<» e ihre « loiiN.
I of September, 190S, al Klamath Fall.i
< TTY IWW If..
and It Is earneatly requested that ev­
Klamath County, Oregon, thul there
ery business man In the city do bis
Pass llesolullon Ashing for Mr. Mur­ has been in the past, la, and will I,« liigglng Outlet for Clear lathe liani Erän, tils,, for K,*no Canal Finti««- is timi, Enlliuslasiii .Manifested for tin- part and thereby aaslst In making the Railroad May Reach lake In Thirty
< 'olioiu-nees.
phy's It, inoval
! In the future gr--at dissatisfaction it'/
Great Thoroughfare.
fair a grand success. Th» first Im­
to the ability to cope with the sltnn
pression la generally a lasting one
Every Director of the Klamath Wa­ I lion and fooling that tils presence h i-
'I lie road between Bonanza and the
Every member of the City <'«,un­
The (.'number of Commerce at Its l-nd when our guests begin to arrive,
It Is expected that within six weeks
ter Users Association was preaeut at buon, Is and will l>» a detriment to Clear Luke reservoir situ has been i'll was present at meeting Monday meeting Thursday night unanimously every business man In the city should a new terminus will be establisned
the opening of the ineel Ing Hat hi day the future and active development of finlsliad, and the government la now night. There were also present a passed a resolution instructing the have decorated his establishment. by the California Northeastern rail­
morning, with the exception of I' i .- s - ll><> project, It Is hereby resolved by establishing permanent camps at the large number of citizens who bed Secretary to Issue nn invitation to This will not only add to the gaiety way at Holland, the station at the
Idenl Martin, who was present before th« Board of Directors held In regu­ Ink«-, which are to be used as far in­ business before the Board.
Judge Juhn H. Scott, president of of the occasion but will also make straits on the marsh. This will do
lhe cluse of the meeting
lar session this 5th day of Septem­ to lie- winter as ths weather will per­
A large grist of bills were allowed tlx Oregon Good lloads Commission, our visitors feel that their presence away with all stages and give direct
A resolution was passed by the ber, I9UK, that Wc respect fully nsk of mit
Work has already commoncod , and ordered paid and building per­ to visit Klamath Falls for lhe pur­ Is appreciated. Let us «-ach try and connection between the railroad and
Hoard adopting plans for the list Ing the Secretary of the Interior tin- re­ on th«- excavation of the outlet Io the mits granted for a number of barns pose of holding a Good Roads conven­ outdo the other and thereby show the st«-ain boats.
of lands for sule under the project moval of project engineer 1’ W Mur­ lake. A darn la to be built across the aud shells, also for a two-story brick tion here No time was set for the our guests that we people of Klam­
There are now only two dredges
The resolution stuted that one of th» phy, and lite appoint nient of W II. mouth of tliu river at the lake, but on Eighth and Main streets, to Crig­ convention but the date will be ar­ ath Falls are public spirited, ready working on the marsh, the Adams
duties of the Association wns to In­ Handels, or Mr. Joseph Jstobs Io Illi this will not be commenced until the i ler a Stilts, and to the Reclamation ranged to meet the convenience of and willing at all times to show our dredge having been taken off a few
duce eel I lenient and assist the share- the vat alley; If neither of Ilo. altot ■ iiifjet la finished. After the excava­ Service for a horse ba: ii and hay shed Judge Scott who has engagements neighbors the time of their lives.
days since. The two dredges are
holders In the disposal of their i - xi ess mentioned inen ui« available wc ih«-n tion, th«- outlet will lie cemented for on their reserve at Tenth, High and in other parts of the state. It has
R« «l, Yellow and Giwn. •
confining their work to completing
lands, and encoiiruge th» sale of ask the upiu*liitmerit of either of the a distant«- of about 300 feet. It will Canal streets.
been said that Oregon has gone Good I are the Carnival colors, always the the embankment on the west side of
lands In the project that the lands following, our 1 hone being In the or be built under th«» «lam and will con­
The report of the Police Judge ltoads mad. but It simply means that 'colors of La Flwta. Bunting Is cheap the chann«d and no work will be
now held in trust by the A shik I si I oii tier named: H It Bobbins, Hun Itlv nect with the headgates.
showed that during the month of the farmers and rural residents have and It will only take a little time to done on this side until that is finished
'I h<- water for the Irrigation ditch­ September fines were collected to united and are demanding the same lack It up. By your colors wo shall so that the tflvck can be laid to the
may lie placed In lhe hands of parties or Project, Fort Hliuw, Moul , Hobt
qualified to perfect a water right, H Stockton, Huntley Project, Hunt es will be taken from the river aliout the amount of 297, and fib for show rights and convenlenc<-s which have know thee, so get busy, Mr Merch­ water. This work, which has been In
h | x miles b«-low the dam and the river licenses, making the total receipts long been monopolized by the people ant and prepare your plans.
therefore, It was resolved that the ley. Mont.
progress nearly a year and a half,
"Adopted this I kill day of Hepl. iii- channel will he used as the main ca­ of the Police Judge for the mouth of the cities. The farmers pay the
secretary of the Association be au­
will be finished and ready for rails
Iloyal Booth.
thor lied, linniedlately ui«on the adop­ ber, 190*1, at the adjourned mooting nal tor that distance. The reservoir 110?.
bulk of the t: xes and they Justly
Mr. Brandenburg has finished the within 30 days.
tion of the resolutions, to act as the of the Board <«f Directors of the will store (ho water for uiw during
City Attorney John Irwin tendered claim that tl ey are entitled to have design for the Royal Booth and work
The work on the cut at the Down­
l.snd Agent for the shareholders of Klamath Water Users Association.' the dry season, when there Is usually hl resignation and the same was ac- their home life made as pleasant and will begin on the same tomorrow ing ranch Is progressing rapidly and
no wster In that portion of Lout riv­ copied. No appointment was made agreeable as it Is elsewhere.
the Association, to assist In the dis
morning. The Queen's headquarters It Is possible to nave It completed
posal of their lands, under the super
to fill the vacancy.
New homes are being built on the will lie a work of art and will be er­ so that a temporary terminus could
M It < II I Nt.I st III.DI 1.1 .
The lb « tarnation Service Is also
vision of the Board of Dlreclois
An ordinance was then presented farms throughout the state that ected on the court house square, fac­ be established on the mainland a mile
It Is stateti that the offiilals of tin
The tee for listing lands was placed Hout hein Paci fie Company are iog- building a telephone line from Clear asking tor a franchise for a right of would put to sham* many of the city ing Main street. The throne room from the straits. It this was done It
at tl cents tor 16<> acres or less In 1 nimm of the present condition* of Lake to connect with th« lutngell Vai way on High street In West Klamath residences. The building of telephone will be in the shape of a half dome, would be possible to make connection
egress of I fill acres the charge will I the accommodai Ion* on th«* Califor­ l«-y line Connection may be made | Falls for a concrete conduit to be and electric light systems for subur­ and will sit back from the street with the boat, as the Canby made a
lot 2 5 cents per 100 acres A com nia Northi-nstern road and that plain- with lhe government's line which' built by the Reclamation Service. It. ban use is fast bringing the rural about 40 feet. In front of this will trip the other night from the straits
mission of 1 per cent Is to be paid i , for Improving the service are being now inn* as far ns Olene. It la the A. Emiultt, one of the land owners homes Into close touch with the cen­ be erected a large platform. A court to the mainland with a barge load
purpose of the Reclamation Service under the Keno canal, was present ters of population. Now all that Is of honor will connect this platform of wood. The canal formed by the
on the sale of land by the party own­ i-onnldered
ing the property
Th«- local agent ha* recommended to eventually build telephone line* to and addressed the Council In behalf needed is good roads to enable the with the sidewalk, the whole to be excavation for the embankment *s
l>. W Murphy was appointed eugl :
to cover the entire Klamaih project. Th«- ' of the franchise. The franchise did farmers to reach the markets easily brilliantly illuminated and handsome­ 20 feet wide and from 10 to 15 feet
lo-er tor the Association on the co
lu­ lln«-a IH-Ing constructed are all metal­ not provide for a covered flume, and and conveniently.
ly decorated. Here her majesty and deep.
operative work uow being advertised '
The matter of the construction of attendants will receive their loyal
ll lic circuit and are built for permanent lhe members of the Council agreed
The statement that connection will
This will mean that when that with this change they would pass the Crater Lake road was taken up subjects, at stated hours of the day be made with the water within this
for building the lateral*
at s.-rvlr<-
the government turns the Irrigation the ordinance.
In lhe matter of th« resolution I
and met with the hearty approval of
short time Is good news to the p«*ople
The Grand Ball..
plant over Io the farmers they will 135 a month, Anyone guilty of ped- the members. The building of this In honor of the Queen will be held of this city as It means the final elim­
passed at the last meeting, asking
have a first «lass telephone system dllng without a license, upon convlc- road is considered to be the entering the evening of Friday, October 16th, ination of the stage as a means of
the removal of Mr Murphy, the sec­
covering < v««r.v |Mirtlon of the proj«-ct Gon, shall be flneo not less that 110 wedge of the work to be inaugurated and promises to eclipse anything of travel In reaching Klamath Falls. If
retary was ordered by a vote of the
or mure than 1100. or Imprisonment In Oregon. Jackson county has pro­ the kind ever attempted In this sec­ the recommendation Is adopte/« for
Directors to forward the resolution '
in the H»cr«tary of the Interior At j afternoon. Instead of all the wny
from 5 to 50 days.
l»E< l(E IHE IN HHEEi*.
mised to contribute 250,000 and the tion of the country. This grand af­ a new schedule on the California
the September meeting. Engineers | from 10 to 2 o'clock at night This
Dave Edler, the sheep king of Mike' An ordinance was introduced pro­ assistance of the state has been pro-1 fair will be held at the Houston Op­ Northeastern, it will be possible with­
Ili-nii) .Hopson and Murph) were rail­ would make a da>light ride and give county, returned on Tu«**day from the viding for the regulation of side­ mised, and now Klamath county is era House. One of the finest orches­ in a few weeks to leave Weed In the
ed In and th» resolution read to them the people <if this city their inall Aspen Lake country where he Is feed­ walks on Conger avenue. The curb expected to give an amount equal to tras ever engaged in this city will morning, travel by train to Holland,
Mr llenny stated at that lime that as | early In the evening
They would ing a Inin« h of sheep on land leased shall be built four feet wide. An Jackson.
furnish the music for the occasion. and take the boat at that station for
thero were no specified charges, lie be able to answer any correspondents from th«- W<->erhau««ser Conrjiany.
emergency was declared, on account
Will G. Steel, who has been talk­ This orchestra has been engaged for Klamath Falls, and arrive here early
did not believe It would have an) from th«- north 31 hours earlier thnn
I ake county has alwa.vs been a big of the construction of walks at the ing Crater luike for the past 20 this occasion only. On the night of In the afternoon. On going out it
consideration with the Secretary. In at present ami the mall going south slie«-p country and II la asserted that Kearnes and Alford places, and the years, was present and gave a very the ball her majesty will sit In state, would not be necessary to leave here
explanation of the resolution the fol­ Icould leave at the same time ns now. Mr. Edler owns one-fourth of all thei ordinance was passed.
interesting discussion on the advan- surrounded by her attendants, and as early as at present.
lowing letter was drafted and order­
Th«- railroad company 1s also ■ on- sheep In th«- county. Mr. Edler, in 1 J. Frank Adams presented a prop-' tages of the road, Mr. Steel has al­ receive her loyal subjects. This will
------ «------
ed to be sent with It
Hlderlng putting on a separate pas­ speaking of Hie sheep and wool con­ osition to the Council. He wished ways been an enthusiast on Klam-; positively be the most brilliant affair
Hon James II. Garfield,
senger train, but It Is not believe«! ditions, »aid that the number of sheep to reach solid ground with his dredge aths great wonder.and It was through ever held In this city. The Opera
notified by the
H«-cretary of the Interior:
¡that thero 1s enough travel to ninke In l.ak<- this year had been greatl) t so thnt he could take It apart and his efforts that Governor Chamber- House will be specially decorated for city, marshal of Chico, that M. M.
Dear Hlr -“In support of the reso­ It pay. It Is stated, however, that reduce«! There are only approximate­ move the machinery to the i’pjier lain was induced to visit the lake the occasion.
Massey Is under arrest there anu
lution vuclosed herein we wish to some change will be made In the near ly 100,000 sheep thia year while In Lak«- He agreed to throw up an em- this summer and thereby become a
--------- ♦----------
that he was Informed that he wan
state further, that from our knowl­ future.
former y-ara they had 300,000. Mr. ibankment through the marsh, north­ convert, and is now using his vast in­ h HRI.N'ERS surprise
in Klamath Falls on a charge
edge of the work under the Klamath
Judge Noland wont over the <ir- Edler further stated that as far as erly al«mg Oak street to Fourth street fluence in encouraging the building
CARROLL ON BIRTHDAY. of forgery. The District Attorney's
Project, by observation and otherwise cult Court Docket with the membera he knew there had not been a sheep In return he wished the use of the of this road.
A number of the Shrlners of this
that there has been a lack of energy of the bar Thursday with the view sold till i year. They had been offered embankment on which to pile wood.
Geo. T. Baldwin, vice president of- city discovered that Sunday was J. D. office has no record of any complaint
and push In rushing the work to com­ to the summoning of a special venire 22,(0 for wethers and he believed
The petition for the extension of the Crater Lake Road Commission. Carroll's 50th birthday, and they en­ filed against anyone by that name.
There was a man by the name of
pletion Also a lack of economy In If the business at issue should war­ that they could get 22.00 for lamb* the fire limits on Klamath avenue. also spoke in behalf of a Good Roads tered into a plot with Mrs. Carroll
who stole a horse and forged
construction under Project Engineer rant that course. Ilia Honor con­ at th«- railroad, but moat of the sheep­ j was refused. The Council then ad- convention which would tend to In­ to surprise him. Eight of the Shrin-
a check on Guy Merrill at Merrill,
D. W Murphy. The want of admin­ cluded that all the business could men were able to hold their stock Journed until 7:30 Tuesdav night.
terest the people of this county in ers left here Sunday and went out
istrative ability on behalf of Mr. Mur­ await the regular term In In-comber for better prices. He said that there
doing their share toward the build­ to Mr. Carroll's ranch, reaching there and who was supposed to be In that
--------- ♦---------
phy has caused a lack of confidence and no Jury trials will be disposed was plenty of winter feed on the des-
ing of the road. Judge Baldwin in the afternoon. They found Mr. part of California. The sheriff thinks
that possibly this might be the man,
on lhe part of the Water I'sers and of nt this time.
"rt for all of the sheep In thia part
Only one bid was received by the stated that the amount could be rais­ Carroll asleep, and the party there­ but as he has no description of him,
co-operation between the association
This was the first appearance of of th«- state. They would be able to : Water Users Association on Tuesday ed without hardly being felt by the upon donned their fezes and Mr. Car­ he Is not tn a position to do anything.
and the service
Ills Honor on the bench and all the hold their stock. If necessary .through , for the building of laterals on the taxpayers. A special road tax of roll was summoned and led forth
--------- •---------
"In our Judgment Mr. Murphy members of the local liar were I«res- .ihe winter and next summer, but couth branch canals. The schedules 3 'x mills for two years would be suf­ Just about half awake. At first he
lacks the executive und administra­ ent The docket will be held open -ome of the sheepmen would be com­ advertised was for work below town ficient to raise the required amount. did not know if he was In the land of BIG INCREASE IN THE
tive ability which should be required until the beginning of the next term, pelled to sell In the fall.
‘ and most of the farmers desiring to The law allows a ten mill tax and a the living or not, but he was soon
of the project engineer In control of hut it is unlikely that any Jury trials
As to the wool sales, Mr. Edler submit blds considered the work too five mill tax would be enough for the enlightened and extended the visiting
An Increase of 68 scholars has been
the Klamath Project Owing to the will be heard, as Judge Noland Is states, that very little wool had been far away from their ranches. A num­ Crater Lake road and the present Nobles a hearty welcome.
made in the Klamath Falls public
magnitude of the Klamath Project strongly opposed to putting the coun­ sold yet. Most of It had been ship­ ber of them stated that they wished work on the county roads, He dwelt
Mrs. Carroll in the meantime had schools since the opening of school
and the difficulties which prevail we ty to the expense unless the case at ped to Boston and other places on to bid on the work later on when the on the small amount that Klamath prepared a bounteous supper, with on September 7. There are now 330
feel that we should have a more com­ Issue is of more thnn ordinary im­ consignment, but only 11 cents had work farther down the valley was County would have to put up to se- the traditional camel's milk and the scholars in attendance and Prof. Dun­
cure a total expenditure of half a I
petent man nt the head of the Project portance.
been offered and the owners were taken up.
fruit of the desert, and all had a most bar states that he does not know
than Mr. Murphy.
holding for 15 cents. It has not been
J. W. Jorv submitted a bld on one million dollars in this section. Fully : enjoyable time. The following No­ what he will do If the attendance
"As wo are vitally Interested In
The following assignments have so easy to find range since tho system group of four schedules and he was one-halt of this total amount would bles from this city were present:
increases on account of lack of room,
the success of this project, we earn­ boen made for this district by ths <>f leasing the reserve had been adopt­ tentatively awarded the contract. be spent within the borders of Klam­
Geo. T. Baldwin, E. R. Reames, as the building is already overcrowd-
estly request that this matter be con­ Methodist Conference,whlch was held ed. but it prevent«>d any quarrels as The contract will be signed as soon ath county, and would go into the Alex. Martin. Jr.. W. A. Deltell, L. F. ed.
sidered and not passed over lightly at Salem:
Klamath Falls. J. W. io rights and while It la more expen- as the association is notified that pockets of the farmers and working Willits, C. H. Withrow. W. T. Shtve
on your part, and that you will see Price; Merrill, C. II. Johnson; B->- I k I vv It would prove more satisfactory their contract with the Reclamation men.
and Mr. Sargent.
Leland Haynes, graduate of Iowa
that we have a change hero as noon nanxa. A. J. Edwards; Fort Klnmnth In the end.
Service has been approved at Wash-
School; Agnes Fulsom, of
------ «------
ns possible."
and Agency. It P Ferro- it it. E.
Ington. ,
Klamath Falls Public School; Vera
Dunlap was continued ns Wistt let Su­ DIRT MOVING FAST ON
Mr. Jury's bill was |0.22 1-2. |0.(50
Bay Horse, weight alwut 900 lbs. Robinson of this city, and Ernest
•'Whereas. It appears to tli<- Board perintendent
Rev. I’. Coukltn, the
ROADBED NEAR TOWN. and 21.10 for first, second and third
Now the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. 3-cornered brand.
Jacobson of the Reclamation Service,
of Directors of the Kinmath Water former pastor here, was assigned to
Mr.Sears, who has th«- sub-contract classifications of dirt. The amount Patti Railroad Company is casting 10-Stf
enrolled in the High School Monday.
Usera Association held this 5th day a church at I,Innton
for the roadbed for tho railroad be­ of dirt to be removed in the four its eyes on Oregon. Three special
tween tin- «-nd of the embankment schedules Is estimated at 11,230 cars arrived in Portland this week
and Midland, has a crew of 70 men yards. ’ Tills price is a little higher with men representing an aggregate
and loo mules at work on the till than th«' • work is now being done for of over J 1.000,000.000. In the party
three miles below town, He has a cash, but It Is believed that it can be were A J. Earling, president of the
ten foot till to make for a distance done for less as soon as the work is Milwaukee road. William Rockefeller
of about a mile and a half and he Is extended farther down the valley and brother of John D.. and his two sons
now moving dirt at the rate of 10,000 is hand.er to the smallor farms.
William G. and Percy.
in ids a month. It Is claimed that
The visit of the party to Portland
Mr. Hen is is the fastest dirt mover
highly significant, although none
that the railroad company has yet FARMERS ARE COMING
the capitalists, who are all direc­
had on th«- Job, and at the rate he Is
tors of the St. Paul, would admit It.
J^EGINNING with Saturday, July
going lie can easily complete the road
Never yet lias President Eearllng ad­
Street Carnival, returned last Thurs­
n,l have decided to hold Satur­
to Midland within three mouths.
mitted that his road will be built to
He Is now making an effort to se­
Portland. But the coming of a large
days as Bargain Days. Each and
cure more teams and men and If he where he was distributing pouters and powerful part of his directorate,
every Saturday thereafter, different
succeeds tile roadbed will be finished
coupled with the four visits of Mr.
lie billed .Merrill, Poe Valhy.
goods will be put on sale at bargain
In much less time than this, It Is val
Earling himself during the past three
said to be well worth the trip to the
years, shows that Portland Is one of
prices, and it will be to your special
Mr. Brandenburg states that the
camps to see the rapidity with which
the objective points of the transconti­
benefit to keep your “eye peeled"
tho dirt Is being thrown up, as It people In all or the sections he visited nental line now being built to the
shows what Is possible, when there are enthusiastic over
and watch for future announcements.
Pacific Coast.
Is a necessity for rushing the work. and Fair and say that they will be
-------- •----------
there will be
------ «------
a big attendahce flora the country.
He has been busy today answering
Some one stole u pair of chaps Inquiries and requests for conces­
Mesita G Heltkemper. Jr.. Fred
•On Saturday, July it, there will l»e
from tin- O K Stable Wednesday sions from the outside
He states Houston ami K Sugartnan. the Car­
night, belonging to Jack Partin Two I that he has received fully 100 letters
reductions on everything in the house
men. who left here Thursday ut noon from parties with shows and carnival nival committee, and Manager Bran­
(excepting contract goods) and it will
denburg met yesterday and were in
with a cart and several loose horses, attractions, who waut to come here.
session for the greater part of the af­
pay anyone wanting things in the
are suspected, and word was sent to Assurance Is given that there will
ternoon. perfecting their plana tor
jewelry line to call.
be plenty of amusements to keep the I the Big Carnival and Fair which be­
Keno district, to stop them at Spen­ people busy during the entire week
gins next Monday The program for
cers in which direction they were
--------- 4---------
the week la practically complete, with
headed, and we If they bad the goods
the exceptioB of a few minor details
and will be announced tomorrow.
The Chaps cost 21’ and were tn
good condition. Mr. Webb, proprie­ horse, about 1000 pounds, branded
wish to remind the
tor of the Stables, paid Mr. Partin
for bls loss. No word has been re-, der. Owner can have same by prov­ business men of the city the import-
ante of providing suitable decora­
Republican Block
celled from Pearson, as to whether! ing property and paying costs.
tions for tbelr places of business. I
Mrs. P. D. Hubbard.
he found the parties or not
1 % mile from town on Fort Klamath Main street should be one grand blase
--------- •---------
10-Stf of color from the Bridge to 11th at., |
See Ady for marsb land«.
- i
' “ ■" '
" •'*
"" ■ iw I uri I
The Real Thing
As a Starter
Sewing Machines, etc.
Our goods are attractive» also the prices