liarel Mary Robbins, the foul t II» BRÌI IX I months old baby of Mr. and Mr» Louis Robbins, died Weduesdsy at K S Hoyt *ae duwu thin wv<»k 'the family home on High (treat. The from Kort Klatnath I burial occurred at & o'clock the same J M Copeland wan In th«“clty from ! day Fort Klamath Saturday The property owners of the Barks' Mr». Woods, of Merrill, was In the TO BUY NEEDFUL HOUSEGOODS? district, four tulles north ot Morrill, city this week on a visit are holding a meeting today to Jas H Driscoll, of Bonanta, was vote on the question of bonding the 1 in the city on business this week district for to be us.xi tor a Attorney F. II Mills left on Satur- new school building for that district lav for Portland on professional busi­ Th«» Tuesday Evening Musical Club ness. held Its first business meeting of the Mrs C Goo I II. of Astoria. Is vis season on Tuesday at th«» residence Itlnx her dam iter. Mr. G«.«orgo Nol­ of L. B. Applegate. The occasion and. was th«» election ot officers. Protos- Mrs. J. C. Smith left on Friday i «or Charles Howard was elected pres­ ident and Miss Bessie Applegate, sec- for Ashland for a visit with rela­ tives. ' retary and treasurer. A committee T. H. Wilkerson was In ' was appointed to arrange a program Monday from his l.a 11 nell for the next meeting ot th«» club ranch. Mike Dooher. the timber cruiser, has returned from a trip to the woods. MRS. M. McMIl.LAN. Prop'r Miss Emma Schneider returnarl last Frida« from a business trip to Modern improvements. 73 rooms and suites. J Merrill. Sample Rooms, Bar Room, Parlors. Two Club W H. t'a.«ebevr and John Wells, of now shows her happiness III . we . Intlie cltv this week after Rooms, Etc., Etc. and shines resplendent «applies. along with our line of Chas, Itoussum and <1. I., Shirley > SPECIAL RESORT FOR TOURISTS are recent iiriHals In the city from Medford. Mr. and Mr« Paul Hiilen .tein rv- turned on Flìday troni all extended visit In California. All »re appropriate wed­ Mrs. II. E Pointer left Friday ding gifts »nd she will for Portland, where sh«1 will spend not lie happy till she about a month with friends gets them. BORN On Thursday. September Heating Stoves, Household L'tensils, Guns St. 13i'S. to Mr and Mrs. James God­ S,‘** Illi? 1 lne and Ammunition, Cutlery—in fact every- Get ’ ’ I K p. ices frey of this city, a daughter. thing in Good Hardware—No shoddy or Major II G Wilson, superintendent of thu Indian Reservation, was In the shelf-worn goods. •fty for a few days this week Agents celebrated Ellwood Fences— James Pelton, of the Pelton-Slae- TH I HADING JIWKLXX morv Company, stockmen of and everything the farmer needs. BRANCH STORE : DORRIS, CAL. Klamath, was In the city Friday E S Tull, one of the pioneer rest- Ny al’s Vegeta ■lent» of Klamath county Is visiting ble Prescription in Medford with his son. C. E. Tull. is indicated mail Consulting Engineer J. 1! Quinton ordinary diseases of women. This left this morning after a two weeks' remedy never investigation of the Klamath project. disappoints, its Mt s L. Mills returned on Friday good effects bi­ Ing p* reeptibl«- ,’rom Merrill, where she r.a< been tor from the vep several dais In the interest of the first, it is com­ Brick Store Company. posed of the p i Alex. Martin. C. S Moore, and Mr est and most re­ liable drugs and Mrs. Alex. Martin. Jr., went to »Vhatever wc do. wc d> thoroughly. Of course, our business mercurials, o, i M. trill Saturday to attend the funeral ales and other Is Drugs and Meduiiie*, tmi Stationery le.onie a reci> harmful drugs of the late Mrs. N. S. Merrill. lino in the drug trade. »O naturally in «oniu-. ion uitit our large being excluded. 1!. B. McLane, who has been In stock of stationety wc shotlld curry a large ■' ik oi SCHOOL The n.any dis­ Klamath count,, after a timber claim, concerting influ ­ SI PPLIES. ences to which left this morning lor his home at Ly­ woman is con­ ons. Ore. He Is a brother of Geo. W Whatever is new—whatever is standard—w...-never is author­ stantly subjected MiTatne of this city. ised—w ha lever is Rollìi: to lx* recognized in an educational way render her liable Harry Hansberry. of the steamer will always be found in our store, which we pri«i- eurselves on be­ to many fune tipnal (disorders Hornet, has taken the contract to de ing right up-to-date, complete ami constantly •; t -«>. that not only tend liver a large consignment of wood 'o ¿ -st roy ber comfort an I happiness, for the Klamath Falls 8team Laun but w ten gradually merge into chronic dry. The wood will be battled from ind «ermus diseases. Nyai's Vegetable Prescription is with Odessa. ou . a p?er for the snceessful treatment Mrs. C. C. Hogue entertained t of female weakness, painful and disor- number of friends on Friday after der«-d menstruation, hysteria, cramps. I "bearing down pains," inflammation noon in honor of Mrs. Voorhees <>: I and falling of the womb. This is a rem New York, who Is visiting her son. edy of sterling worth. I. W. Voorhe«-s of the Keclamatloi Servic ». UNDERWOOD S PHARMACY BERT E. WITHROW, Secretary W. II. Eaton. C L. and L. G. Eek COR. 7 th AND MAIN STS. Ion, San Francisco sportsmen who DON J. ZUMWALT, E. M. BUBB, Klamath Falls • Oregon have been enjoying the hunting ot C. E. Vice President and the Upper Lake, returned to the city Preaident Tieasurer last Friday after a two weeks outing Maps, Plans, Blue Prints, Etc. z | log. Clyde Huffman returned ftom Cra New Bicyckx tor Sale ani Rent ter Lake on Friday with his family. Tent» for rent He has been running the gasolint launches on the lake during the tour- Surveying and Irrigation Engineering All Kinds of Repairs 1 1st season. He will return to the lake In a few days to remove the boats to KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON their winter quarters. he A. T. Sweet, who has charge of the Phone 5-*3 Opp. American Hotel soil survey for the Department of Ag­ riculture, and who has been sick will ■ typhoid fever at Bonanza, is report ed to be Improving. His assistant. I. G. McBeth, has now taken the fovei and I: under the doctor's care. Mrs Bw-et 1» with >.« r lius'.nnd at Btr nanza. A very pleasant and agreeable ev­ ening was given .'dr. and Mrs. But cher at their tome Saturday evening b" a body of the High School girls. It was a complete surprise to Mr Butcher but bls wife se< -im-d "to have been next." The girls came prepared with a very palatable and generou» lunch«on and a merry evening was »njoyed by all. Deputy Game Warden Gibson has o lved notice from the state game warden to strictly enforce the law In regard to the killing of quail re ;ardl<-ss of wl at is on the back of the licenses. The quail season Is over I although the synopsis of the game laws print« d on the back of the llcen- «es issued, gives the open season for quail as from October 1st. to Decem­ ber 1st. Harry pr-arson phoned to the sher­ I iff last Thursday stating that Kelley the missing negro, was at Dorris. Kelley was formerly a slave, belong Ing to Dr. Kelley, of Nashville, Tenn During the slave days he acquired the habit of running away, and every once In a while now. especially after he has been on a drunk, he will get the notion of running away and will •+♦+»♦♦♦♦•»+»•*♦< •:-♦*>♦ .;» <*»*:*x*<*>4«»*>4 >44 disappear for several days at a time WHY DO NEW PEOPLE IN THE CITY GO TO X4* 4*4*4* 4* 4« 4*4*4*4* 4» 4* 4*4»f»4«4»4.$4»4»4i4»4»4 ,4*4’4,4**'F4,4’4,4’4,4*4’4*X L 4* T he □ D eal - 4* BECAUSE PRICES ARE NEAREST TO OR SAME AS EASTERN ONES Lakeside Inn, Che LATEST STYLES IN 4* 4* 4* * SUITS and CLOAKS 4« 4* 1: 4* 4* 4 -I I 4 4 i* ‘.w 44*4*4*4*4*4*»r*4*4* 4* 4* *•■* »rH—? »I» 4* *i* 24*4*4* 4**1* 4* 4* 4* *t**i **•**!**• **t* *«**•* TH E BRICK STORE t t 4 J J 4 4* X J Bride d ♦ #4»4»4»4’4’4,4*4,4’4’4,*H * Sparkling Cut (ilass Hand Painted China *•* Rich Silver ’►Dependable Hardware^^^H 4 * 4» B. J. Winters GEO. R. HORN. the o Hardware Man ' &<|iM44i4“Ì*4*4M4è*Ì,4l4**T**’Ìi*44‘4*4à4‘4*4*4,4*4*4*vK SCHOOL SUPPLIES STAR DRUG STORE “They have it.” Abstracting BICYCLES Klamath County Abstract Co., Inc. T / STUDEBAKER GUN STORE WAGCNS, BUGGIES and CARRIAGES s»,d »y Geo. T. Baldwin Phone 261 9 American field Fence and KOKO1TO LAWN FENCE BARBED SOLD UY « ROBERTS & HANKS HARDWARE DEALERS OU! REMOVAL SALE of I he contract has been let for our new Brick, corner Main and Third. Rather than move our Immense $40,000 Stock we are going to give to the people of Klamath County the greatest op­ portunity to buy goods cheaper than ever before. The Boston Store Sale begins Thursday, ug. 27. Ends Nov. 1st. FJI El u' r