KLAMATH Olllclal Newspaper of Klamath County VOL. XIII. HI ILI) < Il Ml It I. Xkl REPUBLICAN Official Newspaper of Klamath County KLAMATH FALLS, KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON, OCTOBER I, 1908. |{o II». NO. 27 ili« road from Medford to Klumulh rails sill be «boni *2.'.<),O00. Of this ho k so a county lias pledged 150,000; Medford, » .000, and the automobili' owners |,*>000. It Is expected that ihe sial« will contribute |l00,000, Klamath county, *50,000, and the riillroad 150,000 Til« cost of build Ink the blgliwuy would thus be easily met Coiilldehce Is felt that with u 'demand from the entire stat«, the national government would build the road through the reserve nt i< prob nide lost of 0350,000, Il has been vary liberal In building roads In oth er National parks, especially lu th« Yellow stone,where It Spent 1000,000 II Is cany Io realize the bettent of the expenditure in this section of a half n million dollars for building roads. The greater portion of th*' «xpeiis« would be for labor, as be yond a number of road building ma chines the money would be paid out In wages. A large portion of this money would be left |n the county for provisions ami supplie». HEARS HTAItTH t'AMl*. !<» IRRIGATE IIY PI MPING. will be given In premiums *300 in I l TAL Ill YA WAY The people of Klamath Falla were Fr-sl Melhase Is making arrange* «ash. These premiums are for fruits, brought to a realization of the fact M<j|b< Billy Attarfc« John Litti« John ments to put In a private | pumping vegetables,grasses and other products Dogs Scar- Hor<ws, liesuiting |n th« on Thursday that the railroad was in Iiii|H>rtnnt U ito« plant to Irrigate about <!<) acres , of <tt the farm, field and orchard One Deiiih of Child. really building toward Hits illy his land cast of town, which is above of the principal reasons why the far .1 u dim G.-o T Bald About x o'clock thirty or forty head As a sequel to the the main government ditch, There mers of this county should take an Saturday evening from very dis of mules und horses were driven Jacoba, for which W ar« about 9000 acres of high land active Interest in the collection of Medford here at 1 In spunking through the city and a Iftlle later accused and Is being along the foothills between this city ibese exhibits is that the best Is to Ronds t ouveiitlon uml they were followed by Contractor by the Federal Co Mrs. and th« gap, which la to be eventual be preserved for exhibition at the .Michael wn> seriously Injured Lake Itomi committe« Hears camp outfit, wagons and teams, John, the principal v ly covered by the government pump Seattle Fair. No effort seems to have ir infant baby lost Its life. lie says that It was i n« of the most consisting of 11 mules, 10 wagons, date nearly lost hl. ing system. Thia Include« some of been made for the gathering together ' liekah District Convention ••nthuslastlc meetings lie ever attend wheelers, scrapers, tents and wagons ; after Hartley • the best land for orchards and gar of a collection for this great Pacific | her« last evening after ><d. The party was headed In the direc '. all the lr >, dens In the county. Coast exposition, and It 1s up to the | anqnet was served. It was tion of .Midland und will esiabllsli Y v : X for ' ine people of Medford urn all pr..; As it will be some time before the individuals of the county to we that ■'«lock when the meeting «amps on th« railroad survey about alive," said Mr. Baldwin. "They are • ret u r n 1« », government builds this portion of the something Is done along this line. >, John Logue and Mrs. JVe- »«ven miles below the city. .Mr. Sears very mill'll In curliest over the Crntci l tlon it is reported I system, Mr. •Melhase is making ar- an exhibit had been placed in the I had and baby started for home and has the sub-contract from Erickson the Indians had *• Lake road mid It Klamath count) rangements wltn the Reclamation Agricultural Building of the Lewis I Just as th pins d the Vinson Lodg- A- Peterson for the construction of of whiskey and J. does as well ns Jackson. we are us Service for use of water from the and Clark Fair It would have resulted Ing Hous« ■, a number of dogs chased the roadbed from this city to th«- »tired of a state appropriation that freely. main canal and will put In a pump In incalculable good for this county. I colt tl at was following the team. marsh. He Is known as a successful will assure tin* building of Ihe road. On the way l,n«k t.ey got Into n ing plant this fall. He will build his (The failure to do so has been recog The colt ran Into the buggy and contractor and came here with his Wo cun hardly r«i»ll«« th« vast Im- drunken row, and it la said that Mo ditch along th« government survey so nized as a great mistake. Do not let I wared the horsi, which ran lnto‘a outfit from Nevada poitmicc <>f this mad for Klamath doc llllly, father of Illa Harding, th Th« number of teams and equip Indian boy who was captured wild that It can later be used by the gov the same thing happen again. Klam- 'elepbone pole. ■Mrs. Michael and county, I la 1l«v« thut live years af ernment The water will have to be ath county is known throughout the child ser« thrown out betw«»en the ment brought here would Indicate ter the mail Is built the people ui liardey at Alturas, attempted to kill rals« d about 7•> feet and electric pow west and there will be thon-ands of i wheels and body of wagon. The that Mr. Hears would employ a large Little John with n knife Toni I.I’tle ibis county will get back annually, er will probably be secured from visitors at Seattle who will look for | oaby’s bead caught in oue of the crew mid that II was the Intention of the money they have spent, from the John, a brother of John, Interf. Moore Bros. something from Klamath and if they | wheels and the cl lid was pulled from the Southern Pacific to have th« road- and stopped the fight, and It Is I « tourist travel from California alone Mr. Melba: e estimates that the do not find a proper • xhiblt tli«y will 1 ts mother's arms. bed on this side of the marsh fin ' rhe road from Medford to Klam lleved that hut for the prompt Sell The baby and mother were taken ished before winter sets In. It Is be of Ills brother, the old man wici.q cost of the plant will be about 11000, be disappointed and it may cause ; ath Falls bf way ot Crater l.aku will but he says that where the land Is them to turn their attention to other other: o Dr. John...u s office, where It was lieved that the railroad will soon have lost his life. be about 130 miles long and It will practically worthless now. it will be localities. : .ound that the child's skull was >«nd mi outfit In here to begin work bccomo known as one of the greatest ' Modoc Billy Is known as a ba I worth $200 an acre with water. He Inasmuch az there are no fundal rushed and its neck broken. on the cut to be made north of the It ci nlc roads In the world. This will character und was Implicated In in • will plant the tract to fruit trees and left for the gathering of an exhibit, iv«'i ab< t ar. i« ai:d a half. The city. With th« arrival of these con attracts thousands annually from ev Hammond la luiyitiK cav murder of some white settlers dining also l ave a garden put In. Fred T. ery part of the Cnlted Him««, who » In l.nngell Valley ane) tractors with their crews. Indications the Modoc war. He wan arrested j»;d Higgins, who has t«n acres In the all the available cash having been ; mother was v-.-rv »«riously injured appropriated for the Sunset magazine ¡and at noon today bad not regained for business are very bright during will spend w««ks and months on their placed In Jail at Yalnnx where lie V ill Enterprise tract, will also secure wa advertising, the farmers mint b« de- onsciou»n-ss. There is little hope th« entire w Inter. trip through the country The t'p be held until after the trial « Is udirne utter stock ter from the name ditch. pended upon to aid in this work |Ior her r-- over;.. The funeral ot the Parties who have beet^ over the cley. John Little John and li per Lak« will become on« vast sum The establishment of the plant by There will be a slight remuneration ' hild will be held this afternoon, marsh work within the last few days were tak«n to Klamath Age.« mer reaort, and It will b« Impossible I .Mr. Melhase will demonstrate what Severn! hinds of lumb«-r were hnul- in the way of premiums, but greater i ---------- ♦—------- to estimate the money that will lie <1 to the government works last u eek »ay that they are throwing up road will u. protection A 'an b« done with the land along the than this will be the fact that you , LEE JOilNHTONE'S BODY bed pretty fast, If no accident hap- watch will be l«ft In the cuunty by the tourist mid : by Frank Nichols. •«pt upon them u It footnllls and will encourage others FLOATS IN INTMAK PASS. pens It will bo possible to lay a tern- have taken part in the promotion of Is feared that an attempt might be to put In temporary pumping sportsman Monday evening th« Aurora More A cablegram from Nome says that lairary track across the marsh th!* a worthy cause—the prpper renresen- , will be a mad« by other Indians Ao do away terns. lia tconmionly called Hi« Northern fall tatlon of this county at Seattle. Searue. ' Federal authorities there are con- I with tbe old man and his w i owner mid Lights) «ns n beautiful sight Com «s —♦-------------- It is now practically known for u Tnerefore, do not forget to gather in '‘¡need that the body of Lee A. John- ty. upon their testimony rests th* co 1- meiiclng with the resemblance of a MAY III: JOHNSTONE. the best you have and deliver it-to i none, aicused of the murder of his ««ttalnly that Engineer Knowlton's vlctlon of Barcley. "Col. C H Jackson, of Portland. Is light from a large tire and then A few week» i go the city papers i George T. Baldwin, who will see that •' He.who d.sa; eared while In ebarge survey party 1s running the perma —♦---------- one of th« most enthusiastic advo changing to many shnp'-s mid colors printed a story ol a man by the name i It is properly cared for and exhibited nent lines tor the Modoc Northern a Mar.- si on his way back to Nome II. M. (OSS FOl ND Gl ll.TY. cates of this road. Ills recent trip Wtn. Copeland will dispose of all of Lee Johnston«, who was arrested both here and at Seattle. from Alturas to connect with the from Seattle, is floating somewhere A verdict of guilty was returned through this county and to Crater of his surplus goods by public sale _________ *_________ in the war ts •>( Unituak Pass. Ever) Southern Pacific at Midland. Il Is by th«> Jury In tl.e II. M Cosi case at in Seattle for the murder of his wife loik« ban converted him Into one of on th« loth. in Alaska. It la the belief of the of- OVER FIFTY’ THOl'SAN'D____________ a‘ ’ * a ‘ *J<JX ‘ i.nld llull the preliminary survey wa otner piece of Medford, after the Jury had been out the greatest Klamath boosters we A great many different modes of made some time ago and that as soon flcials here that this is the same Lee FOR KLAMATH INDIAN'S. | fr‘ llle »teamshlp havo, and I only wish It would be travel may b« witnessed along tin a» the permanent line» are establish for nearly three hours. Sentence will Johnstone who was tried In the Cir Within the next few daps J52.50-) j Victoria, on which Johnstone was a be pass«d upon Coss after tlie return possible for him to attend the Good road at present. Home afoot carry- ed. work will commence on the road- cuit Court in Klamath Falls for steal is to be distributed among the Indian pas« nger, was »«arched thoroughly, Honda meeting which Is being plan Illg their bed. hlcvi ling, buggies, bed Tlili will shut out any compet of Circuit Court Judge Hanna from ing a horse from Henry Jackson on on the Klamath Reservation. This aDd not ,he leait traca of missing ii«d for Klamath Falls I am afraid, freight wagons, autos, etc., all en ing lines which might have designs Josepl Inc county next month. In the the reservation. Johnstone lived with will be *50.35 for every man, woman man has .« - n found. A careful ex- meantime C om will be allowed to go however. Hint he cannot be hero, m route to the dam site. tl e Indians for several months and and child on the reservation. on this country. amination of everp corner and cranny i free upon furnishing a *3000 bail was considered a pretty slick cus least nut until after th«» corn Ina cam An examination of the noil In our —*---------- When a settlement was made b;Jof the shiP tailed to give the slightest bond. ’ palgn Is over. Judg<« Hcott has prom* vicinity Is being made by one t.r the tomer. He was educated and had IRE PAYING TIIE1R TAXES. The case went to the jury at J1 traveled extensively and there was the government with the Indians for | indication of recent occupancy. It is Ised to conic, ll<* Is the pronldi’n! ot government officials. lands belonging to them which were j b«liuved at Nume that when John- The property owners of Klamath o'clock Thursday morning It was the state Good Road* organlrutlou I)r. J. B. Hall In reported as I in- County appear to have plenty of 1:15 p. m. when they filed back into a good deal of conjecture as to why not included in the boundaries of th« atone stepped across the bodp of the The date for the meeting to be held proving mid we hope for n apeedy ready money. At least that Is the the courtroom and t«nd< red to the he should apparently hide himself reservation, an agreement was enter- sleeping guard ne plunged directly ill Klamath Falls han uut been set meI complete recovery. with the Indians. it»dl«s«at Isiti f«M»m ilia w».». »k.,o .... .. . _ -—-c ••d into whereby the government was over the rail into the water. Hom** people believe t! at et. but It will have to be arranged paying up ou their second Installment Cos* wus charged with a statutory to the effect that Johnstone killed his *537,000. A cash payment was to be | to accommodate Judge Hcott, who ban grave mlslnke wan made In of taxes. Tli«' sheriff's office has been crime by Carrie Stagg, a 1 l-year old wife in Alaska and chopped her body made of *25,000 and *350,000 was er, is In the city from Dairy. th« county dr>. It docs begin ' "ngagements to attend n number ot rather busy the past few days making girl. Much Interest has been display up and buried It under their cabin. J. L. Stewart, a prominent rancher to be placed to their credit with In- ; Here It 1« the Ural other meetings through out the that way out receipts for taxes which have ed in the ca»« owing to tbe prornin- Johnstone then «vent to Butte. Mon terest at five percent to be paid an of Lorella, is in the city. tobcr mid no rains to speak of. state " | «nee of the < oss futility in Medford tana. w here he presented papers sup been paid nually. The balance of the money 3. A. Penny is in the city from Although we have small hop« of Four meetings were held on Thurs Miss Stagg was employed as a do posed to be signed by bls wife, au Taxes will become delinquent on was to be used by the Indian Depart Langell Valley on a business trip. day at Medford, one In the forenoon, making any very large showing this October fifth, the first Monday In the mestic in the Coss family, and she thorizing him to make settlement of ment in building irrigation ditches Guy Merrill, the mule and horse two In the afternoon, and one In th« .eiinoti nt the County Fair nn account month. There are now approximate testlfi«-d that Coss visited her room a large estate left her by relatives. and providing cattle, etc. Besides raiser of the Merrill country, was in «veiling. H. Jackson gave nil en of the extraordinary dryness of the ly 917.000 of unpaid taxes, but It is late at night and assaulted her. When arrested he claimed that his the annual interest, the Indians can thusiastic talk showing some of the season, still wc nil wish It to bo a believed that by the end of the week the city Wednesday. Coss was tried first In the justice's wife had committed suicide and left draw not to exceed ten per cent of bcnclll» that would be derived from great big success. Chas. Thomas, who fell off his wa this will be reduced to nearly 910.* court in Jacksonville and was bound a note asking him to dispose of her the principal during one year. A. Cowley bought a load of barley the building of the proposed road gon and sustained a broken rib on 000. T|>ls amount of delinquent tax (over to the grand Jury. An indict body In the manner in which it was The interest, which amounts to from Medford to Crater Lake and Saturday tor which he paid *1.50 per es is considered very small for a ment was returned, which was found discovered, He was put on one of Sunday, is able to be out. *17,500, is now due, and in addition Klnmath Falls In speaking of the hundred. county as. large as Klamath and with l to be faulty, it was returned to the the Alaska boats to be taken there the Indians have asked for ten per Mrs. G. W. Fish, the milliner, re Wc hope that our readers will par coat of such n road, he stated that he so many non-resident property own jury aud a second indictment brought for trial but on the way jumped over- cent of the principal, which will be turned on Tuesday from San Fran believed that Jackson and Klnmatl. <lon us this week for not sending In ers. It simply shows that the people I|U' board with a life preserver, and it *35,000 more. This is the first money cisco, where she has been selecting would «iich give Ihu.uoo towaid Hi« nil of the news, for In our hurry we of this county are in a prosperous Coss was defended by W.M. Colvig was never known if he got ashore drawn from the principal by the In her fall stock of hats and millinery. estimated coat, that the state would possibly mlsseil n number. Of course condition and consider property here and Clarence Reamea. He was prose- somewhere or not. dians and will amount to *33.85 per The Spring Lake school house has Icuted by R. G. Smith, E. E. Kelly and come forward with nn amount eq uni we did not have much to do. Get up us u good Investment. capita. This money, together with been remodeled and painted and now at 5 o'clock, make n lire and cook ^District Attorney Mulkey. to the combined appropriations of FOR BETTER SCHOOLS. ---------- ♦---------- the interest, will be distributed to presents an attractive appearance. the two counties, mid the national breakfast (for we are batching), milk J. G. Swan, who returned on Sat «ach individual member of the tribe. School opened Monday with Miss Re DEATH OF MR.H. MEIlltll.L. the cows. feed and water the horses, government would no doubt build the STIt KEL8 IS < AITl RED. urday from the state convention of ' Nutlimi S '1 died last ------------------------ store French as teacher. cut wood, drnw up water for 25 or Jay Stlckels, who was indicted by county school superintendents. Is very road In th« rcwive and Park Thursday at her home near Merrill SLATE-AN'DERSOX. Dr. F. Schumacuer, of San Jose, th«> last grand jury for stealing some enthusiastic over tne work accom When County Judge N«ll was call 30 head of stork, then work till noon, from cancer of the liver. Mrs. Mer Miss Dora Anderson and Grover Calif., who has been spending several of the Shook horses, has been cap plished. He states that twenty-nine ed upon lie said: "I speak as the come In nnd get dinner, take a chaw rill had been sick for some time and tured and is now in the county jail. of the thirty-four county superinten Slate were united in marriage at 2 weeks hunting with M. H. Wampler, county court anil feel sure I shall of tobacco, go to work again until was taken to San Francisco for treat time to cook supper mid chore around Sheriff Barnes has been hunting the dents were present. State Superin- o'clock p. m. AVednesdav by County left Wednesday for his home. He have the support of my constituents ment but the doctors could do nothin» man ever since he first went into of t< nd'-nt Ackerman acted as chairman Judge J. B. Griffith at his residence. secured a n mber of deer and re to u num and will any Jackson coun until bedtime. An animal called a for her. She was brought back to The bride is the daughter of Mr. ports a most enjoyable time. ty will give *2 >,000 this year anil l"|)evll." Is employed In the construc 1 her home with the knowledge that fice. He got trace of him in Modoc and he and his assistant. Mr. Carle- 925,1)110 n«xt year, provided you will tion of a newspaper, or rather In there wns no cure, so when the end county and deputized Clas. Deisen- ton. 1 ad everything planned to faclli- and Mrs. H. T. Anderson, of Merrill. E. W. Gowen has returned from ¡some branch of the trade. 1 • U in n y roth to go aft r Mm. Deisenroth tate the work and make the conven- The groom is formerly of Talent, the Klamath Marsh, where he has raise In addition thereto nn equal came It was not unexpected. : went to Alturas and with the assist tlon a profitable one. Oregon, but has recently been a resi bei'n feeding his cattle. He has about amount. Judge Nell spoke with such I be me, fur that Is the kind of n time Miss N'acy J. Newland was born ance of Sheriff Coldwell succeeded in enthusiasm In the case that it dial one l as In Imtchi’ia. The convention was one of the dent of Merrill. The young couple 150 head of be«'f which he will drive In Washington county, Arkansas, und running down the man. — ♦ brought forth a deafening applause. >st S'.ccesaful school meetings ever will make their home for the present to market soon. His stock cattle he was married to Nathan 8. Merrill Stlckels was found in Nevada, i ld. The old idea that school men at Merrill. It Is estimated that the cost of See Adv for marsh lai da. tf October 26. 1S60. Ill the fall of 1X90 expects to winter on the Reservation. where he was working for a cattle are an old foggy, dreaming lot, must - he accompanied her husband to i company at De pnolds, about 125 be revised. The county superinten Klnmath county and located near the i miles south of Alturas, He was go dents were a representative business present town of Merrill. The deceas ilng by the name of Dick Simpson. lot of men, and used every bit of the ed was 69 years of age. She wns a Sheriff Coldwell accompanied Deisen- two days session, hard at work on member of the Rebekah lodge. roth and his prisoner to the Oregon school problems. Oregon is going The funeral win held from the state line near Merrill, where they ahead by leaps and bounds and It Is residence near Merrill at 2 o'clock arrived Friday. Stlckels was brought determined that school development on Saturday afternoon. to Klamath Falls on Saturday by shall keep pace with all other lines. ---------- >---------- lleft on Saturday after a two weeks' I. iHt;E ALFALFA SALES I Jail where lie will await trial. MORE SALES REPORTED IN THE MERRILL t’Ol \TIIY. IN BONANZA (X)VNTuY. INNING with Saturday, July Some of the largi1 alfnlfa growers ID >I.D II \t HI Is IJsllTl 1 I « . Reports from the Bonanza coun In the Merrill country have made a County School superintendent Swan ii,l have decided to hold Satur reduction In the price of hay, which has completed arrangements for the try are to the effect that the town is days as Bargain Days. Each and has resulted In several large sales annual Teachers' Institute w hich «111 on tie wave of prosperity and that FOR every Saturday thereafter, different during (lie past four days. F. M. be held In Klamath Fulls on October the movement of real estate still con tinue: The directors of the Bank Miller, of Lakeview, C. Swanston, 22. 23 and 21. The program arrang goods will be put on sale at bargain Lewis Gerber nnd J. Frank Adams ed promises to l>e a most Interesting of Bonae a have purchased the new prices, and it will tie to your special have purchased over 3000 tons of one. Those from the outside who stone building now being completed alfalfa hay. The average price paid will assist In the program are: Coun by Chas. Pattee. The Bank will oc benefit to keep your “eye peeled” cupy a portion of the building and was 17 a ton fed out. ty Superintendent H. F. Robinson, of and watch for future announcements. There are still several thousand Multnomah county. Miss Cornelia Mr. Bradley will move his stock of tons left In the Merrill country, but Maivln.secretaiy of the State Library general merchandise into the main * as It Is held at a price which Is con Commission, and State Superinten store room. Henry Straw has purchased the W. sidered too high, the* beef feeders dent J. H Ackerman II Copeland ranch, twelve miles east will not buy more than Is absolutely On Saturday, July n, there will be Others on the program who will of Bonanza In Langell Valley, con necessary for Immediate use. There discuss special subjects ar« Profs reductions on everything in the house are at' preseut 1000 head of beef cat Butcher, Fnuglit, Howard and Mirs sisting of 320 acres, the considera tle that will be taken to the Merrill Bessie Applegate, ol the High School; tion being *2 0 an acre. (excepting contract goods) and it will P. H. Parldise has «old his farm alfalfa fields within the next 20 days Principal 11. H Dunbar, of the City pay anyone wanting things in the of 5* acres, lying one-half mile east KLAMATH FALLS -------------- «-------------- school, nnd Miss May Robinson; of Bonanza, for *1750. The placa jewelry line to call. Supt. Swun, Prof. Lee, of Merrill, DEATH OF GERALD FO11 H. was bought by P. O. Parsons, ot Im Gerald Touch, the 11 year old son Prof. Cooper, of Bonanza, and Prof. perial Valley, California. The land of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Touch, died Hall, of Dairy. Is all under the government canal and Th«1 program will be followed by at the hotfie of his parents on Mill has a frontage on Lost River. street In West Klnmath Tails,at 3:30 n reception In honor of the visiting ii. m. Tuesday. The deceused li nd Instructors, Puling the reception un REMEMBER THE FAIR. nppemllcltls and wns recovering, but opportunity will be given for the peo LEADING WATCHMAKER ano JEWELER Don't forget the County Fair In took sick a icw days ago and grad ple to meet the Instructors and the your enthusiasm over the Carnival. teachers. ually grew weaker until the end. Republican Block The Fair Is going to be an Important ♦ The funeral was held at 10 o’clock Phillip Oden and wife are lu the feature ot the Carnival, especially so a. tn. Wednesday from th« Undertak whsu It Is ;«tn»mb»r»d that thsr« city from Dairy. Ing Parlors. ------ ♦.------ a The Real Thing 9 ------ «------ GILLETTE'S FURNITURE As a Starter Sewing Machines, etc G.Heitkemper,Jr. 1 GO TO I -------- «--------- Our goods are attractive, also the prices