CITY BRI KI'S. II I. Holgate, cashier of the Bank of Bonsnia. was tn the city Tuesday FINE PASTl'RE TO RENT I quire of J P Lee. County Assessor 9-10-21 G R Carlock, editor of li e Merrill Record, returned on Monday front a trip to Lakeview. Chas R. Baldwin has returned I from the timber belt near Pokegama, where he took a crew of men to fight the forest fire« The brick side and roar walls on ! the second story of the Hum build-1 ing are up. and the workmen are now I • ♦ placing the etool beams and will be- | gin work on the front The Christian Science Society has ' moved Into its pretty new quarters! in the Baldwin building The public I Is alway-t welcome at the services I St 4*4* 4*4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4» 4* 4* 4* *v* 4* *i* 4* 4* 4* 4*»4* 4* 4* 4* 4» «I* *1*4* *4*4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4» 4* 4» 4*X held Sunday mornings and IVednes- I day evenings. Mrs. J W Alexander, of Portland, and Mrs. Smith rainier, ot Saginaw. Mt.h arrived In the tit, last Moa They were taken to Buck Is- day WOLD 1ÌV I land this morning by J F Kimball for a few days outing J. M. McKinley, a brother «if Dun- can McKIniay. of California, and the head of the McKInlay-Perklns Paint Factory, of Oakland. Is In the city on business for his house. Mr. Me­ Klnlay Is an nade ot Mrs Zini Bald- win. F M Miller, cashier of the Bank ot l-akevlcw. and one of th«> wealth­ iest men of laike county. an • » the railroad Thos. Burdett, a workman on the Hum building, had the en«t of his little finger on the left hand cut off on Tuesday by getting It caught < > under the Iron beam as It was being < > < > placed. Dr. Merryman amputated the Anger at the Joint. A party, consisting of Ml«««*« Haw­ kins, Rolfe. Florence and Margaret Boorey. and Mesara. L. H Boorey, Fork er. Roy and Ralph Wyncoop. o has returned from a two weeks trip to Crater Lake. Rogue River and }«-<<>. and p W. S. Winchester Carbines $N5« Huckleberry Mountain. Mr and Mrs. II P Howard, of Han J«. and p W. S. Winchester 26 in. barrel 16.55 Francisco, arrived In the city last 2Ç-20 Winchester Rifle, 24 in. barrel Monday on their way to Crater Lake IJ-J5 It Is staled that Mr. Howard Is a 22 and {2 W. R. F. lake-down Winchester Rifle io.8ti Is^-t sugar manufacturer, and will make an Investigation of <2, k anil m Self Loading Winchester Rifles i M. qo the county before he leaves. Martin Bro« have contracted to Other Fire Arms at Exceedingly Low Prices supply two hundred tons of chopped barley from their mill hero to Erick­ son * Petterson, the railroad con* I tractors. The barley will be loaded on barges at Merrill landing and towed to Teeters by the Canity Mer­ rill Record KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON Judge Geo. T. Baldwin left Sunday morning for Portland to attend the meetlag of the committee, appoint««! tty Governor Chamberlain, to devise ways and means for building a high­ for the cartienters Mr Hand«*rxon way to Crater laike. E. II. Harriman will let the contract for th«, carpenter ¿e 4* 4* 4*4*4'4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4*4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4*4’4* 4*X chairman of the committee, was in work this week. This Is to b<* com­ 4» J Chicago Saturday and will not be pleted within thirty days, ns Mr. Han-1 4 I present at th«- meeting. derson Is anxious to have the tank I SUITS and CLOAKS f 4 American Field Fence and KOKOnO LAWN FENCE BARBED FARMERS! ROBERTS & HANKS HARDWARE DEALERS H/E want to figure with you on your fall and winter The Hunting Season Dry Goods Clothing Rubber Boots and Shoes Blankets, Coats, Underwear, etc., etc * i We have the most complete stocks in Klamath Countv and will make prices that you cannot pass up. I BALDWIN INSPECT OUR LINES COMPARE PRICES Dependable Hardware enclos<‘d before the cold weather sets I t In. The private baths and finishing I Heating Stoves, Household Utensils, Guns ♦ work can be done after the roof Is I and Ammunition, Cutlery—in fact every- on and th«* building enclosed . thing in Good Hardware—No shuddy or Ml«« I^ o I m Parker, who has been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. C. II. shelf-worn goods. I'nderwood. will leave this week for Agents celebrated Ellwood her home In Portland. DIR HALE— DAIRY COWS. and everything the farmer needs. A herd of 10 Jerseys and grads Sunday'« Oregonian contain* a full page write-up. with llluxtratlon«. of Jerseys. Butter maker« and money HARD WINTER FOR MTOCKMEN. .Mr. Harriman'« Pelican Bay home. makers. A bargain. It V. Beall, Jr . The story wax written by Win. Wag­ Central Point, Oregon. 8-27-9-17» BERT E. WITHROW. Secretary 4* 4* 4» 4* 4* 4* 4*4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4< 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4*X It Is predicted that th«? coming win­ ner and the view« were taken by J.II Mr. A Decker, a representative of zcmwalt . A bstract | ng E. M. BUBB. ter will be a bard one on the stock­ Hulse, during Mr Harriman's recent the Portland Journal, Is In the city C. E. Vice President and men of this section. Hay Is not as visit The story was syndicated and for the purpose of making a write-up I Preaident Treasurer Nyal's Vegeta plentiful as in preceding years and it was used by over twenty of th«, lead­ of the buslnesx houses. He will also Maps, Plans, Blue Prints, Etc. ble Prescription is stated that the indications are for ing big dalll«*H throughout the I'nltcd visit the other towns of th«* county is indicated in all a hard winter, with plenty of snow States. 1.» gather material for his paper. ordinary diseases I i The farmers in the southern part of "f women. This Mrs. George Noland Is the proud Governor Chamberlain has appoln*- rem«uiy never .the Klamath Basin, who have not sold c«l Alox. Marlin, Jr., a delegate to possessor of quite a crop of ripe t«»- disapfsiintx, its i their hay, have put a price of |x on attend the annual convention of the niatoea. Though many will contend good effects be­ it and say that they will not sell for Trans-.MlMHlsslpi>i Congress, which that such a thing lx not possible, Mrs. ing perceptible | l«*ss. from the very will be held In San Francisco front Noland has demonstrated now shows her happiness first. It is com­ The stockmen, on the other hand, October 6 to 10. Mr. Martin ha« re­ contention Is wrong snd shines resplendent KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON posed of the pur ­ | say that they cannot afford to pay |x ceived tils «ommlsHlon from the Gov­ along with our line of est and most re­ Frank L. Applegate arrived front for hay and If they cannot buy for ernor, and states that he will attend liable drugs Medford on the boat on Friday Illa mercurials, opi­ less, will have to sell their cattle, as the Congress if he Is abb* to arrange wife and two little girls wer«, already ates and other they will lose money feeding with bar his business so a« to got away. bore. Frank will engage at once In harmful drugs at that price. tiring excluded? Erickson ft Petterson have con­ the practice of bls vocation us n car­ The many dis­ •MANTEN 1*11* V AHIUVEN. tracted with Alex. Davis to furnish penter and will before long Improve concerting Influ­ Ills own fine property In the Mills them beef for their camps during the ences to which All are appropriate wed­ addition. woman is con­ ding gifta and ahe will VV. W. Masten and family, F. E whiter. The beef is to be furnished stantly subjected not tie happy till ahe W. It Eaton, Secretary of Hie An­ Masten and family, and Waldo P. as soon as the fontractors move their render her liable gets them. camps on this sldt* of the marsh, glers Association of California, ar ­ to many func Mills and family arrived her«- Satur­ tional RMisorders day evening from the Imperial valley­ which Is expected to be In the very rived In the city last Friday accom­ Hee Alin l.ine that not only tend near future. The contract does not panied by L. G. and W. It. Eckltm, Got VUI\ Prices in California. There were twenty- I to destroy her comfort and happiness, three people in the party anti they state just how much beef they will members of the Association. They but which gradually merge into chronic will move to the Summers and Hor­ use. but It Is stated that It will aver­ went to Fort Klamath this morning and serious diseases. Nyal's Vegetable Prescription is with­ ton ranches,which were recently pur­ age about 40 animals a month for arid expect to remain In that section out a peer for the snccessful treatment until the last of lh<* month. chased by Mr. W. W. Masten. 14 the present. of fernal«- weakness, painful and disor­ THt LEADING JXWILUt Dr. J. A. Hext and family came up dered menstruation, hysteria, cramps, head of horses an«l 3 V cattle besides > Mr. Sanderson states that work Is now progressing satisfactorily on the from i Merrill Friday and left next BRANCH STORK : DORRIS, CAL "bearing down pains." inflammation other .stock and farm Implements I____ ._____ _ .. morning for .... their horn«* ... In ... P«*ndleton ...... ... __ :...i and falling of the womb. This is a rem­ I were purchased with the Summers new bat h house on the Hot Springs ...... The excavation work Is t>> spend the winter. Dr. Best has edy of sterling worth. Agent T. A. K. Fasset t. of the ranch, and the party brought two addition carload« of good« with them. Mr completed and the contractors, siart- p’.irchai1 'J considerable farm proper Maxton will commence ul once get- ed on t he stone work this morning ty lu this county and states that he cor . 7 th and main sth . which he lias Installed In the offlees ting there ranch«-« In condition for As soon as the stone is laid the tank all! lie back with bls family In the I will be