A II A h’ I : Land Owners, Attention! * Sonic luistern parties, who desire to locate in Kl.iin.itli County, have requested us to submit 1 prices and terms of good land, in tract* of Ho * to |2O acres : 2 i I Iin» price* muni In* imlucHiwnl« to tt«-t actual urttlrra, who * ill build home* and improve* th«* land, which ia the only thing to «<«» to i>uild up th«* country and aatabliMh Nubstantial Viilu«*#. c will he plea se J to have the owner* ot land call at our office, Jusi op|xi*ltc the laMoiik Hall, and get acquainted and see ilwe can­ not <.ii-opcrato to mutual advantage. K'xm*th Hall* Oregon SHROUT & SHORTT THE 1909 REO Is Here—Not (ioing to he Sometime, hut N O W, • • Ready to Deliver • • • • NOTICE THE PRICE: /’. O. H. FACTORY The Lowest-Priced Standard-Made IÏve-Passenger Car in the World W hy wait f«»r a nr» ati l unlrh*4 rar, that »v«»n th« manufacturer «*«*•• not know how it *■ tinnir t«> -fami up' Huy aR*o the rar of Satisfaction Immediate delivery. Not hot air FRED A. BENNETT Northern Distributor Rapid Commercial Cars—Premier Affitta H mini S/ in Orfgnn. W athtngfon. wan.A.vo, Dill. W4ÜH. Idaho an i H C. lilt Aldar at, /4/0 OnwH/wa«', otta. ti asm . PROPRIETORS ALL KINDS OF FRESH, SALT AND SUA OK ED MEATS SAUSAGES OF ALL 3 US I NESS COLLEGE Long Lake Lumber Co tf 4 0 colli lulled or rejected I : »0 (»■neral < hilma. 1 mi G* n >, Chastain, deputy birr. £314 67 hta M Fountain, Jury foe. . 1 fee I oo to County Poor................. to Heidrich. Circuit Colili Stimi (Hieni hain. Telephone bill 7 6 days ami 2 mile* IK 20 ay Taylor, Circuit Com t. Sila* Uhenchaln. hoaidlug prl- IK.20 6 dav* and 2 miles muieru .............. .......... 101 33 W It Simpson, Circuit Court, Cabinet Work, Sash and Doors, Fred M«*llmm«, ( day* ami 2 mile*............ HII um Ob44ucliain, deputy hlr«* 16'. <10 Land Office at Lakeview, Oregon. Wm W Menden! () A. Staarm*. Fruit Iniipector 6 0 0 Band sawing and Turning, August 6, 1908. <; days nml 10 A l> Miller, <’nri vamn I bk election .1. C. Taylor, f Notice is hereby given that John Odd-Shed Doon & Windows a Specialty rHurnn .................................. 6 20 20 4o A. Pinkerton, of Coeur d'Alene, Ida­ 6 Mix. Mtt4*ndiin<*4* on county ho, who, on May 27. 1908, made tim ­ days ami 14 iii II i - m .... 10 PHONE 381 poor ....................... Ill oo ber and stone application No. 11 89. I H Owen, Circuit Court (Jr«*«*l> A PhilllpN, labor......... I 00 .4O Falls, Oregon, on the 12th day of Klamath Republican, printing 47 -, -, and Windows made up and A II llrown. Circuit Court, 8 J (>. Humaker, van vasal ng cl­ Oitober, 1908. an 40 ready for immediate de- day* ami 6 4 miles. . eitloii return*................. 11 mi C K Claimant names a* witnesses: Brandenburg, i ‘In uit livery. Fred llleliu, for wood.......... 1 I mi Court. 7 day* and 2 mile*. 2 I 20 Harry Peltz, of Klamath Falls, Or­ W 8 Blough, Cln oil Court, W II I’ankey. putting up William*, road viewer. 20 12 days and 2 miles.......... Department ot the Interior, U. S. three grades. Cha*. Ager. Circuit Court. 13 M . I> Williams, office rent, sur- day* and 18 rull«*s............ 4‘i *0 lavnd Office al Lak « view, Oregon, vey mid mileage . 1C 00 Arthur ('. Lewis, Circuit Court, July 15, 1908. M II. William*. Surveying. ul- 12 days and 2 miles.......... 36.20 Notice Is hereby given that Henry- 20 31 lowed III the autn of ..... F A Strhkland, Circuit Court, 14 miles und 4 8 days.......... 4G. M0 Il Herr, of Dorris, Calif., who, on und disallow• <1 III the sum of tut 3, 1907. made Timber and Stone W L> Webb. Circuit Court, |l .'.o 6 duys and 2 mile»............ 1 v20 Application No. 084, T. & S. 8. No. N.ou J Scott Taylor, printing. . . . Ilenry Straw. Circuit Court, ¡803. for Lot 4. Section 14, T. 41 8., N.HO r ......................................... 4.20 sum of *3200, with Interest thereon : 2 days and 2 miles................. B. S Grigsby. Grand Jury, Carrie M. Ridings, work on ex- If you want to bring a friend or relative to Oregon, the 4 20 at the rate of 8 per cent per annum J 2 days and 2 miles................. proper amount with ny of our agents. The ticket i be 4 50 I ( amlnlng board...................... from July 30, 1906, together with J. P. Colahan. State vs. Coburn furnished by telegraph. i R. M Rlchard» Miller, Justice's feus. . . 8 30 mid 78 miles . ................... 11.80 Court, and dated September DENTIST Jury, Alex. Patterson, M D . allowed W R. Campbell. Grand ( 2 20 1908. 1 day and 2 miles 40 oo In the sum of. . ............... The first publication to be made on WlthrowMelhase Building Cha* E. Drew. Grand Jury. I disallowed In the sum ot •> 20 I'liursday, the 10th day of September day and 2 mill's...................... i 835.00. Henry Low Grand Jury. 3 days 1908. and the last publication to be 8.00 J. W. Dyur. unused liquor II- DR. WM. MARTIN and 20 miles.......................... made on the 22nd day of October, cense .................................... 8.76 Burrell Short. Grand Jury. 3 7.60 1908. DENTIST day* and 16 miles................. Star Drug Store, supplies . 3.70 BENSON & STONE. Star Drug Store, supplies. . 12.05 (Concluded Next Weçk.) LUMBER W. O. HUSON, WASHINGTON AND TENTH STREETS PORTLAND. OREGON I I I Contractor and Builder Plans and Specifications Furnished Estimme* given on all classes of work, from »muli cottages to ottice building* In building your home combine Stylo, Originality nnd Economy by having your pinna prepared by me. Residence, Washington St., bet. Hth and otti. r-* I T Manager Oregon "Builders” Are you doing what you can to populate your State? (Lines in Oregon) Ashland, Oregon Complete Commercial Education Oregon Nursery Co. Trees, Shrubs, Vines WRITE FOR CATALOG J. L. CUNNINGHAM PHOM. 5st. attorney.... .... IO 00 Miller, Justin- , fe.-S, * vs Pierio.. I» Slate, i onstald«'* f«««, i, 50 » vs. Pierce................... P. RITNER, President KINDS olmes H i 5U BO NOTH'« OF HI ItVEY. The following person* are hereby notified that on the 8th day of Hep- tember, 1908, I shall begin survey for the location of the following cor­ I ner*: The NW arid HW corners of the NE'/. of ME1/* of Bee. 29 and all the corners of the HW'4 of HE *4 of Hee. 20, all In T. 38 8. K. 9 E. W.M Clarence A Mitchell, John L. Meiers. T L. Seymour, R. Madsen, John Kan- kiud, Wm. A. Eearle, James A. Stew­ art, Chas. L. Kessler, A. A. Howley, J <’ Ferguson, Irene McClure, LIs- zetta Blaeser, California Northeast- or* II. W. Co., Waiter W. Ward, Ab- tier Weed. M. D. WILLIAMS. £-20-3- 3 County Surveyor. Ashland Commercial College A»«., spokaw , 7 tr, Southern Pacific Co. 20 H. P. Touring Car $1,000 Reo B. Bowdoln, printing ... Il I. Slillllllxk, CoilMtUble* •os, State V». McIntire... It. Miller, J umi I', s fee« , S ' Attorney* for Plaintiff. « I i