Official Newspaper of Klamath County KLAMATH VOL. XIII. REPUBLICAN. Official Newspaper of Klamath County KLAMATH FALLS, KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON, SEPTEMBER 17, 1908 NO. 25 »lx cent» for Mtcera, net It I» hard < 1'1 Y IIICIKFM. BARI LEY ARRESTED. ElltHT HEfTION OF KENO NEW REHIDENTH ARRIVE. ANOTHER FORGER. WORK <>M ( LEAR LAKE. Additional »al«» of land and town Hherlff llaruea, Coroner Whitlock, to aay what tin* mark»t will be later, CANAL NEARLY COMPLETED. The sheriff and deputies were kept Work on tho Clear Lake road la hilt lie bcllcveu that beef Will b« high ­ 1’ I. Fountain has gone to Eu­ Prosecuting Attorney Kuykendall uud The Keno canal from the head ot lots were made to members of the busy all day on Wednesday of thl» progressing in a very satisfactory er on at count of the high price of gene for a short visit. I Portland excursion party after the It VI Rldiurdson i »turned home on week looking for a man who had been manner and it is expected that with- the river to the gate» where the wa­ Friday from Ynlnux. where they went buy. if they don't pay more, the cat- H II Gardner and wife are In the ter will supply the Moore Bros, power publication of tbe selections made forging check» and passing them on 1 in a week or so the road will be com- to Investigate the death of the man tiemen »Imply cannot afford to feud city from Fort Klamath. plant, has been finished som« time, last week, and it has developed that the public. Th« authorities stat« that - pleted so that the camps can be mov- Pulton Hlsemore have 1600 head of found dead near thut place. The Tom Grubb, the Kono hardware and tho government Is now complet­ these people have not bought simply the man's name I» Johnny Garrison, - ed to Clear Lake and work will Htart coroner's Jury found that the muu's th« IllicMt beef »teet» ill the Wood meii-huni. wus In the city Wednesday. ing tbe cement work on the »pill way for speculation but Inteud to move but that he has been using »eversi on the construction ot tbe dam The URliis wan Fid t> Jacobs mid I hut lie river valley They have not »old vet, Mrs J c Mongold returned Hut- nnd worklug on tbu Intake ubove th« their families here and make this other name» construction camp at the head of Lan- i nliie to Ills deal II by u pistol shot, hut J <’ Mitchell will probably buy 1 ttrday from un extended visit ut Tu- iiendgalca their home Ban H Owen« aud F.C. He purchased a »ult of clothe» The completed portion ' gell valley has about twelve men and they charge Willi« llarcley with the bunch us he usuully liuudl«» their li oma. Wash lot the canal is over G0U0 feet long Markwurdt. two of the Investor», left Tuesday from the Boston Store and working on the road, and these with cattle. Mr. Mitchell »hip» to the this morning on the boat They have gave In payment a check on the First the camp will be moved to the the crime Nothing la kliowu of the dam GIRL WANTED for general hou»«- uud a great portion of tbe excava- leased the Navigation Company build­ murdered man except that he was California markets by way of (in­ National Bank and signed with the site as soon as they are through with Itlon contained heavy rocks and stone. keeping ut Helt kern per» Apply x»lle about thirty years of age Hu cum« Embankment had to be built along ing. which contains 16 rooms, and name of W. O. Webb, the proprietor the road work. 17 A. F II Ulti bus pili i lluseli u train Jewelry Store from Alturas with the ludhin, Bar one entire aldo of tho canal, as It also purchased the household furni­ of the O. K Feed stable» The check It 1s net-essary to complete the road The government I» advertising for cley. and claimed to hr u horse buy- load of W «• of th«ir nelgbbora to come b«re Cashier Delzell, of the First Nations and heavy freight to be hauled In o'clock Thursday from the sheriff and the road must be In good condi­ of Modoc county at Alturas to the 1600 head of stock cuttlo ut Ilio Fort enstein, left Haturday for Chico. : the cement covering within two' The building will be occupied during Bank. Just before closing time Tues tion to stand the heavy travel. Mr. effect that they had the man and th« und here. Tliey liuvu bonghi 7u lu-uil The check was for 1200, Nichols, of Bonanza, has been award­ II. L. Benson returned last Tues­ weeks. The heaviest and most dlffi- tbe winter, while the men are putting lay. Indlau boy. Hherlff llarnes left on tit steer» from Dan Ryan Jackson day from Lakeview, where he accom­ Icult work remaining to be don« is up the buildings on tbe property with the signature of W. O. Webb at ed the contract, by the Reclamation Friday morning for Altura» to bring and Hayes, of Silver Lak«, are pas­ panied II A Hunter of Minneapolis. ' the building of the Intake at the head which they have purchased near the (.ached and made out to Frank Clute. Service, for the hauling of the turing about 300 head of h««f cattle Barclay and the boy to this city. Mr. Delzell felt satisfied that the sig­ freight. Mrs. John Colwell and son and of th« river. The head gates have city. This class of people are the kind nature was genuine but told the man The body was found Monday after­ at Garden«!» place. lleald«» till» Mrs Frank Gravball and daughter, been completed for several weeks, Weather conditions will probably want» and ¿hat he would have to be Identified. govern the amount of work to be noon at the summit of Yalnax Butte, there are large numbers of »lock cat- wur« In the city from Merrill Ibi» but a channel is now being cut tor that Klamath county wants 11« »till on the range which 1» about 600 feet high and two a distance of over 500 feet to allow should be ever ready to welcome Tne man left with the check and did done this fall, but enough will be ac­ week. mid one-half mile» from tbe station 'the flow of the water from the mouth They are practical farmers and gar­ .not return. complished to Insure completion of C E Hoyt, t he Fort Klamath ho- GltlGHltt -4,RIMI H W I DDIN4L of Yalnax The body had been hidden When the matter was reported this the dam by next summer. As yet, of the river to th« beadgate» The deners. and they are bound to make tel man, came down T uesduy on a success from the productive soil of morning it was found that the man nothing has been decided upon in re­ lu n crevice In th« rocks about eight II« will remain a couple lied of the river at this point is one this county. More actual farmery The tlrignby home In East Klamath busin«»« feet deep, and was coveted over with had left town. John Schallock start­ spect to the Clear Lake system, ex- mass of heavy boulders and rocks, of days. rocks and sticks There were three Fall» waa tbe acene of a very pietty j and It Is necessary to remove these have come into the county In the ed on the road toward tbe gap and cept the building of the dam, but It Emil Egbert was here Wednesday bullet wounds nnd the Ihioal had | wedding on Monday evening. Hep I to a depth of several feet for the past month than most of the people 'Wm. Wagner and J. A. Hance wen Is quite probable that at the next I temher 14th. when Misa Jun«, the from Dairy after a lotd of lumber. aware of. Mr. Masten has moved * down the Summers road on the sout meeting of the Advisory Board of been cut length of the Intake. Tbe rock is are 1 The crime was committed on the third daughter of Mr nnd Mrs It o. : with which to build u gralnery on ' used for embankment on either side on ' to tbe Bummers ranch with sev­ ilde of the valley, A telephone tue Engineers work on the canal will be families, comprising twenty- isge waa received about 3 o’clot authorized. It is thought there will 'J6th day of August, and Little John, Grlgaby, waa united lu marriage to ’ hl» ranch. of the channel, and as fast as it Is eral ' The Klamath Falls Steatu Laundr. placed the walls are being cemented. three people, and besides this » from Mr. Wagner stating that th< a great uncle of llarcley and who It Mr. Henry Grime», u partner of DA. be plenty of money available to con­ between 80 and 90 years old, knew Kenyon in the transfer buslneui In i ha» a line new tour spring delivery Tbe entire construction of this sec­ large number of farms have changed iad caught the man at one of tl struct a large section of the main this city I W agon It was built by Chas. Wood tion of the Keno canal fia» been done hands in the Merrill country, Nearly government camps, but It proved t canals; while the deflnite assurance of the crime and helped bide the 1 Promptly al * o'clock. while Miss 'urd of this c ity. sale means an increase In tbe be a case of mistaken identity, Th that the system will be built will re­ body He worried about It and final­ by the govurnment by force account. every 1 ly told his wife and llarcley'a sister Audry Farter played the wedding Fred Houston has contracted foi This Is the biggest piece of work population of tbe county, as very few man wanted Is still at liberty. sult In augmented subacrlptions of --------- ♦--------- The latter told her hunband The old march, the bride to be. dressed 111 , (he erection of a bungalow on bb done by force account on the Klam­ of tbe old residents are leaving. land. cream silk and carrying a boquet of FIRES AKE CHECKED. Indian, Little John, could not bear lot lu the Hot Spring» addition, work ath project, and It will be a matter The canal line on tbe east side of white sweet pen», presented by Mr» J. F. Kimball returned Haturda Langell valley, according to the per­ the worry ai nd he confessed Io Mr th«r«on commenced Monday. of luterest to the farmers, when the BllLD THE HIGHWAY from the Pokegama country, wher manent survey now in progress, is on Fletcher, the i reservation farmer. He I Brandenburg, came Into the rootr George B. Snyder haa purchaaei. government makes public the cost of he has been with the crew of niei a much htgher elevation that the pre­ did not put much faith In the old on th« arm of her father, when she lot 2 1 In block 5 In tho Second Hoi ' the work, to compare It with the con- Speaking of the appointment of man's story, but he and Mi Parks, wus met hi her betrothed and tin Spring» addition Thia property Is tract work The work will be com- the Crater lake road commission by fighting fire. He states that all oi liminary survey line. This Is the ca­ the fires are now under control, ex who haa charge of the school, went to ceremony *»» performed by Rev J !'.<-iw. «n Main »licet and the laundry, pleted within about three weeks, and Governor Chamberlain, Mr.Harriman cept one on Spencer Mountain. This nal that will serve Yonna valley. On the Butte Monday afternoon after H Griffith, of th« Baptist < hurch I the water will be turned on as soon said: the west side the present survey Is E B Henry, .less Hart and Robt Is poor timber and the fire is running school was over After searching After the ukiiu I congratulation« were HnHth lune t«lui ned from the Coo» aa Moore Bros, get their plant fitt­ "1 am heartily In sympathy with high and the best the men can do is about on the grade of the prelimin­ offered, the guents repaired to the some lime Mr. Parka discovered the ary line. Hai counit), where Mr. Henry has ' Ished and ready to start up. the movement and will be glad to do to watch It. body. They nt one« reported to the dining room, where the table, beau­ been making a »iirvi*i for th« gov­ Now that the building of the irri­ anything I can do in the building of tifully decorated, was groaning with There were eight different fires in gation system Is definitely assured, Agency and to th« Hherlff here LANQKLL VALLEY NEWH. ernment a floe boulevard from Medford to the the Pokegarna tract and considerable Dr. Hemenway, who examined ili «• Its loud of good thing» to cut. James Malone Is chief cook at the lake and Klamath Falls. No Invest­ damage was done. There Is approxi­ a number of farmers have slgnlfled Marring« license» were Issued to­ Thou« present besides III« n«wlj body, stated before the Coroner's ment Oregon can make will yield mately 100,000 acres In this tract their intention of beginning to put Mr nnd Mrs. day to Thoma» A Grubb nnd Nellie I «“»«mmont camp Jury that the man cam« to his death Wedded pair, were their land in shape for the water. bigger returns than money Invested from a pistol shot In the back of tbe lit H Grigsby. Jam«» Grimes and wife. E Gordon, l«>th of Keno. Also to ( Allie Vinson Is putting In his fall In making Crater lake accessible to land fully one-fourth of it was burned While the general "lay" of tbe land Delore France, crop ot grain. Elbert Hillman and Giro Brown and wife. D A Kenyon, (over. It is impossible at this time head below th« right ear. Following Someone that had more time than tourists, for it Is the greatest natural to estimate tbe damage done, as In in this section makes thia work eas­ la th« finding of th« Coroner's Juri Ml»» Nett Drew, Ml»» Audrey Furrer. lot Fort Klumath. ier than In most localities, the shap­ wonder in the world, and thousands •'We. the Jury empaneled to Inquire Ml»» Franc«» Manning. Ml»» Let ha I G W Robinson und wife were In the br*lni1 threw a lot of old rubbish tn will come from all parts to view It. some sections which were burned ov­ ing up of the land for irrigation Is ^l r Allie Vinson ’ s new well. There was er very little damage was done to tbe no small task, and it will come easier Into th« death of th« person found Conn. J It Griffith and wife, and Mrs dli Friday from Langell valley. __ “1 have been named as chairman, RoblMM la .... ot fl - ptact'cal far-|a‘ »*• uf standing timber, while In sections if carried through a period of three dead on the summit of Yalnax llutte Haiti« Wilson Mr. and Mr« Grime» will bi- at mer» who hnw recently taken up th«|e| powder at the bottom of the well at but as 1 must necessarily be absent where there was much down timber In Klamath county, do make and ren­ or four years. Then when the water from the state a great part of the .a depth of 21 feet. It Is miraculous home to thi-lr mam friends tn their residence in the I'pper country. and thick brush the damage done was Is available the land will be ready for der th« following verdict: I time 1 would suggest an Oregon man heavy. that the powder waa not exploded. cosy llltlu house on tho corner ot "First We believe that the name Wm Nodar. S Park» and A. Cam­ it. to head the movement. I will do my One of the heaviest fires was west of the deceaaed person wa» Fid O High and 9th street, after October eron. tine« attendants at the State Had the explosion occurred It would share, and Superintendent J. P. O'­ Next year should be the most pros­ have blown the party Into eternity. 1st. of Pokegama. Mr. Kimball used Jacobs. Insane Auylum, arrived In the city­ Brien will probably act for me when i ' about thirty of the mill men, all M perous this section of Klamath Coun­ School commenced at the Vinson "Becond - That he camo to hl* last Friday from Salem. They left school house last Monday with Uel | I am unable to mret with the com-| . the railroad crew, besides his own ty has ever experienced. Following death on or about the 36th day of J D Carroll states that he ha» the next morning for Lakeview after two Bussey as teacher. precedent, the weather conditions mission. men. and It took several days of after a year like the present, should August, 1908, ut the summit of Yal record hlvn of honey produced In this Insane men in favor of immediate “ I am One of Dav« Vlnaon's dogs was hard fighting before they got It tin- be most favorable for bounteous nax Butte, In Klumath county, Ore­ county. Ho Ile has ha» on« one hive nlv« of 144 Supervising Engineer E. G. Hop- given a dos« of poison and died from tion, and the movement for a der control. gon, within the boundaries of tbe pounds i, of what he claim» to be the son arrived on Tuesday from Port-1 crops, and the Government work, to­ the effects When a man degrades highway should be launched --------- •--------- Klamath Indian Reservation. flne»t quality ol d honey that can be land, and I» now In consultation himself sufficiently to administer poi­ once " gether with the fact that any surplus F. H. Mills and R. S. Smith were of farm products can be shipped by “Third—That we bellevo that he produced on the coast. Mr. Carroll with Consulting Engineer Quinton --------- ♦--------- son to hi» neighbor's dog, he has St­ I in Merrill Thursday as the opposing rail direct from Klamath Falls, will came to his death by a pistol shot, believes that Klamath county I» des uud Project Engineer D W Mutphy lalned for himself the hatred ot ai: THE <. IME I’RFSEItt F. 1 attorneys in the case of E. Elvy vs. provide a ready market. The assur­ nnd that Willie llarcley la guilty of tlned to become famous as n honey of the Klamath Project. mankind and Is only a beast. ( H. W. Todd, before the Justice Court. ance that the system will be complet­ th« crime of nnirder thereby section. The been do well here on Alex. D bv I h , the cattleman, came Mr. and Mrs. Williams started to Game Warden Gibson has received Mr. Elvy brought proceedings to eject Hlgned and dated and returned this account of the dryness of the almo» down Thursday from Klamath marsh. Rogue River after fruit last Thurs­ a letter from the State Game Warden Mr.Todd from a ranch on which Todd ed will attract land buyers, enabling 9th day of Hept ember, 190 8. phere nnd the large traila of alfalfa Mr. Davis nas about 800 head ot cat­ day. ¡stating that he understands that the claimed to have an option. A Jury the present owners to dispose of tb»lr A. L. Poore, Robert L Weir, from which to obtain their supply tle on the marsh, about halt of which Fish that were put in a well four government will protect the part of was summoned but before the case excess holdings at a fair figure. The Warren Turner, J. T. Cox, lie will feed his beef. He has bought years ago, only about one Inch long, Klamath county whicn Is In the pre­ was brought to trial a settlement was prosperity of the farmers and the ♦ W. E. Anderson, J. H. Boyd presence of a large force of workmen Ills hay on the Reservation and now at the time, are still alive and doing serve. He says: made, and Mr. Todd agreed to pay will make good times for the business Earl Whitlock Coroner. Hupt. II. G Wilson and Mrs Wil­ has hl» men cutting It. well. They are now about one foot "1 cannot give much Information the costs. ---------- «---------- son, of Klamath Agency, who huvi men of Bonanza and the town should In regard to the preserve, except that D A. Kenyon and Jos Moore, who long. CATTLE HALER. »lient some days In the city this week Chas. Pattee, Mayor of Bonanza, grow like a mushroom. Mrs. Nova and Mrs. G. W. Noble it was »et aside on the Sth ot August Very few shipments of beef arc he- will return to the Agency today were arrested for exceeding the »peed the Valley after fruit on and it embraces all islands in Lower was here Friday. Mr. Pattee says that --------- ♦--------- Ing made Just at present, although While here they arranged to place limit on Main street, pleaded guilty started to a special election has been called In Monday. Klamath latkes and all marsh and and Judge Leavitt Imposed a flue ot a number of the cattlemen have »old their three children In our ochools Miss H. M. Bruns arrived Tuesday Bonanza to vote on the adoption of The cry­ of murder! help! was swamp lands In Tps. 39. 40. and 41 for later shipment». Horace Dun­ Ml»» Mildred and Master Herbert uri­ >8 each. Things are getting rather night from Portland, and has gone heard last week and It was thought S R. 8 and 9 and Tps. 41 8. R. 10 E the new charter. By an oversight swift in Klamath Falls when dray lap, who has about >00 head of stock in the High school and Ma ter Hia­ I notice was sent out calling for an el- to Crater Lake to join Miss Monroe’s that a crime was being committed, W. M . and Tps. 4 7 and 4 8 N. R. 1. cattle which he Is feeding on the watha in the Grammar school The wagons are flned for exceeding the i’jectlon on Monday. September 7. As party, which is making a tour of the but upon investigation It was ascer­ 3. and 3 E. of Mt. Diablo ,.ier., Richard Melhase place at Fort Klam­ children are to constitute a part of speed limit. ’ 8 this was Labor Day they had to set a county securing Information for a tained that a lady was endeavoring As 1 understand it the gov- tomia, Parties coming In from Merrill ath, says that the price being paid Cnpt O. C Appiccate tamili for tue new date for the election as it would write-up for Mr. McMurray, of the «tate tlmt a big tire Is reported as to remove a porous plaster from her eminent will protect this part of the not be legal if held on a holiday. for cattle la five cents for cows and school year. O. R. & N. Railway. better half's person. county, but will write you again lat- , raging In the Lava Beds, It Is clalm- Allie Vinson purchased eight head er." ed that all of the feed tn that locality — Is being destroyed by the fire and that ot Jennets from Don Nichols last Joseph M Evans, who came hen . It will cause n hardship on the cattle week. Now Is a good time to Invest In recently from Severy, Kansas, has and sheep men who are depending Langell Valley real estate. We have purchased the City Bakery from R. on the f««d there. plenty ot room for a great many fam­ ItepuitH from Merrill state that ilies and anyone of Industry and a M. Sarter and he took charge Mon- j Mrs. N. 8. Merrill I» In n very critical little capital can do well here as this day. He will put in a stock ot gro­ condition and it Is not believed that la one of the finest places for dairying ceries In connection with the bakery. Mr. Evans was so pleased with the she can live much longer. Mrs. M«r- in the county. Klamath country that he telegraphed | rill was recently taken to San Fran- II. II. Burnham and W. W. Warren home instructions to sell out his dry­ ■Isco for medical assistance, hut the sold their beef cattle to Mr. Mitchell. goods and grocery establishment an! J^EG INNING with Saturday, July I doctors there could hold out no en­ The price paid was 5 cents for cows ship household goods. n,l have decided to hold Satur­ couragement for her recovery. and « cents for »teer». Mr Sarter will open up in the Mon­ days as Bargain Days. Each and Eugene Spencer bus been appoint­ Geo. Cline and Elmer Walter start­ arch building, which la being remod­ ed postmaster for the new office call­ ed their new thresher thia week. FOR every Saturday thereafter, different eled, with a pool and billiard parlors. Jessie Malone was visiting In Mer­ ed Wampus nt Spencer's ranch on ---------- « ---------- goods will be put on sale at bargain Tuesday. He lias filled out his bond rill the tirât of the week. Have you seen the High School i prices, and it will be to your special and the same will be forwarded at pillow covers at Stilts Dry Goods Co. once. Mr. Spencer says he will have I Prosecuting Attorney Kuykendall l^enetlt to keep your “eye peeled” 10 a mall line established from Pokeg­ receiver! a message front the Attorney- It Is up-to-date. An alarm of Are was turned In at and watch for future announcements. ama to Keno by way of Wampus. General on Friday In which he about 7 o'clock Friday morning, to W. W Mnsten. who purchased the gave It as his oplnlou that a crime which the throe hose companies re­ Summers and llorton ranches, has committed by an Indian on the Res­ sponded. The tire started In the kit­ returned from Imperial, California, ervation, would be a case for the Fed­ chen of Henry Farrar’s place on Sth Sewing Machines, etc lie brought with him his ranch fore­ eral Court The message was In an­ street It burnt a hole In the roof On Saturday, July 11, there will be man. and a crew of men. and also a swer to an Inquiry sent by Mr. Kuy­ around the chimney, but was extln- reductions on everything in the house carload of household furniture He kendall, who asked the Attorney Gen­ gutsbed bsfors tbs boa« carts ar- (excepting contract goods) and it will exports to do some extensive woik on eral to notify District Attorney Mc­ rived both ranches thio fall Several hun­ Court In Portland. It the case was ons pay anyone wanting things in the dred acres of the Horton ranch will for tbe Federal Court. KLAMATH FALLS The steamer General Canby 1s be­ jewelry line to call. This will mean that Willie Barclay, ing rebuilt and will be used for car­ be cleared of sage brush Game Warden Gibson has devolved charged with the murder of Hid O. rying passengers and mall between Instructions from II C. McAllister, Jacobs, will not be tried here, but will Klamath Fall« and Blidel. Tbe Can­ Master Fish Warden, authorising him have to be taken to Portland before by Is a flat bottomed boat and can go to arrest anyone catching salmon by the Federal Court. Therefore Klam­ over the bar without any trouble. Our goods are attractive, also the prices --------- ♦--------- any menns except hook nnd line, or ath county will be saved a big ex­ pense. Orville Elliott and wife ot Klamath making a practice of buying or sell­ LEADING WATCHMAKER JEWELER Agency went out on the boat Thurs­ ing llsh without a license. There Mrs. Elliott will spend the Dr Oeo H. Merryman today pur- day. have been a number of salmon spear­ Republican Block ed In the Klamath River, and mini •hassd a residence lot on the corner winter with her mother at Bl. Paul, mum penalty for each offense, Is a of tbe Esplanade and Eldorado street 'and will be accompanied a« far aa 1 Portland by her husbaad. In the Hot Springs addition. fine of |G0. I " T The Real Thing ao to GILLETTES FURNITURE As a Starter (ì.Heitkcniper,Jr. T ---- *---- T