Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, August 06, 1908, Image 1

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    Official Newspaper
oi K!j.uuili
ilie first signs <it the bon
»round Hu* bend brought
chorus of cheers.
Mcnv of th«« «-xriirslonlstH w ere met
in relative« or friend« ut th>< dock
mid tin- other« were In clinrg«- of th"
riiamlicr of t'ommerc«« reception
committee, which had m««t them ut
Tinder« and arranged for •«■commo
datlons of thia city.
Homo of the visitors look udvan-
lag«« of the plans of the day and In-
t-nd of resting mud«' «Ide trips Into
ill- country to Inspect th» «grlciil-
I 111 al resource« of the Klamath bas­
in The Pelts automobile started for
Merrill nt s «>'« lock Monday morning
w li n party headed by C. 8. Jackson
<»f the Oregon Journal. This la Mr.
J:o kson's first visit to thia part of
tie« state and It la hla Intention to
visit m H of the points of Interest.
No special program has been ar­
ranged for the excuralonlits, but they
a making plans of their own Num-
• urns »mall parties Went out Into the
i.illey to se«< the farms adjacent to
t) - city, while others rested in the
cool shad- of the city.
Many of the Klamath people gsth-
i i-d nt tiie club rooms of the Military
Blind I ii< »'la> night to greet the vial
I.-. from Portland. The time «us
- >ent In hoi Ini i lint and in the com-
I u I koii of the Klumath country with
oilier districts tliut the excursionists
li.id vhdted Aflei getting llioiouglilt
u quaint«*«! W A Delzell. the prcsl
•I nt nt tiie Klamath Chamber «if
< minii'ir«', called tile house Io «irdi-i
iiml Introduii'd Judge II I, Benson,
i Im t-xtotidi-d a hearty Welcome to
tn- visitors ami told them of n num-
1 -I of good <| iih IIII— a of our city and
■ unity. 11- next called upon u num­
ber of the visitors and the first to
respond was C. b. Jackson, of the
Oregon Journal, who, among the
many good things that he said, did
n it forget to mention a few of I h<-
feiitiiien that detract from this beau­
tiful ami rich section. lie especially
< ailed III«' uttent'on of <he Klamath
people to the condition i f the roads
between this city and Merrill. He
I id Just made th • trip 111 an automo­
bile nnd stated that ho enjoy«««! It
Immensely except when ihe machine
I id to In* turned Into a bout In order
to plow through Hie many Irrigating
ditch« >. that cross the roads. As u
whole lie huh , however, strongly Itn-
pt • ■ •••«! wltli the greatness «if tills
•’•ifIon nnd tiie many rood things
that Hi«' future Is sure to bring
1' J. Htelnnietx was the next to
1 I' oik I. II- told the humorous In-
Official Newspaper
of Klamath County
NO. 19
Banker White Erects Building
Council Proceedings
III« Intention of leaving
<» W While Pi-ild-iii <>f iho First
The government surveyors have Popular Dentist of This City Weils
absence of Mayor Stilts, Pre­
at Solidity's Servile.
National iiiinii lui» )-i ti)» coti traci
Pretty Portland Girl.
moved their camii to Mr. Gunns place
sident F. T. Sanderson of the city
for the «i.-nion
Father Feusl, who for the past and me now surveying down tiie
Friends of Dr. C. P. Mason, of this council presided at the regular meet­
«d a two-Htory brlck
inilldliig on th,.
"'iii' i' of Malli and three years has been the pastor of west side of the valley.
city, have received announcements ing held Monday night. The regular
! Fourth stn-etH 1 h- building I h lo he the Catholic church In this city, at
EC Kilgore anil sons recently sold of his marriage on July 29th to Miss monthly bills were audited and al­
'wo stories «ph i a luiH-ni-iii, iiiakltig tiie close of tiie Hermon on Sunday about 60 head of mules.
Emma Frances Hanna at Portland, lowed. The street committee asked
I'he hlllldl
lioilly i lire«* storles. morning announced tliut he would
The regular meeting of the board
We have had mowers that auto­ Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Mason will for more time to make its report on
' I'll«' ln< ., ! 11 wlll h. bulli - hp - i lally
lo accept thn Pastor­ mow buy for some time but an auto­ return here about the middle of
of directors of the Klamath Water
. for uh u |
ini office
a wlll bave al" of a church In Washington. The mobile passed through last week.
August and will take up their resi­ request was granted. G. W. White Users Association was held last Sat­
good ||K
ami a luigi* fire-pr«Mif announcement came as a surprise to
Dave Kilgore, a pioneer of Klam­ dence In this city, where Dr. Mason I was present and asked for a building urday, and aside from the usual rou­
fliHt iliiot wlll I h * bulli Ills III He flock uiid brought pain to ath county, Is buck from California has made a host of friends since lo­
permit to erect a three story brick tine business the most important mat­
¡•bout foi f'-i «bovi* ih- li'V-l of everyone for he was well liked, not
and reports everything all dried up cating here about two years ago.
the corner of Main and Fourth ter coming before the board was the
¡th'- wslk
ni wlll |„. imiu f()l. ,h„ only by I i I h congregation, but by the i where he earn«! from. H<* Haya thia
The Sunday Oregonian contained streets and also for permission to petition of the land owners of the
' flunk
>• wiii iwo img,. vanii« people of this city, who know him as county Is not dry at all comparative’ the following account of the nup­
use a portion of the latter street for Upper Project, asking for the can­
">ti«' for t
l'iuik unii ih- liihi’i- for >a good t'hilsliiin man and as one I.'.
storing material while the building cellation nt their contracts, unless
, * lie pat i oi
III" lliHtllutlon. The whose pri'H.'ii"- in Klamath Falls has
Tile timber fires
A very pretty and quiet wedding was being erected. The permits were work on that part of the project go-H
ilhlid (loot ni !-■ diildi'd luto sulleu been fol Ils good
Father Feusl wlll
forward al once without the securing
very smoky in this
was solemnized on Wednesday, July grar ted.
I or loom»
leave Friday to take « barge of ids
laidi- fui ottici*
of the additional land demanded by
It Is reporteff tliut a colony Is ne­ 29, at 9 p. m , when Miss Emma Han
action taken
Il sus
i() new pastorute and Wednesday night
r. Whlte'u
the director of the Reclamation Ser­
gotiating for tho purchase of the na and Dr. Clay Mason were united
by the council was an order for a
of this wick lhe members of the I Ralston property, a large tract of
vice. Some doub'. was expressed as
In marriage by Rev. A. A. Morrison,
bill he KUI
i congregation wlll hold a reception
to the advisability of forwarding the
land in Langell valley,
of Trinity Episcopal church. The
I that he II
alleys and yards must be cleaned and
at the church which will be in the
petition to Washington, on
j George Noble lias mi extra fine lot wedding took place at the house of that at
It seems that the
building u
nature of a farewell for him and a
grounds that it did not concern the
of colts this season, mostly from the the groom’s parents, Dr. and Mrs. council
I will be 3oxi;o
Bhll wln (.<>V|(|
is in earnest and the city
welcome for the new pastor, Father
board. It was decided Anally, how­
I noted stallion, Sherman.
J. T. Mason, 798 Kerby street, The
I'oiiipklns, of St. Mary's, near Port­
marshal has been instructed to no-
* portion <,t th., property „wll
to forward the petition without
tify all parties and if the order is
Mr White In that blink
effects of poison oak.
sweet peas and ferns. The bride
I he hus< nient of tin. hulldlni
The petition set forth that signers
A very effectual way to fight fire wore a lingerie gown of white batiste
olls priest to be stationed In this part | 1
The order was the result of com­
•of «oiurete and .......... .
of the stat«’. Hi* came here three | j is to drag a small tree with the limbs and maltese lace and carried bride'« plaints about the conditions in cer­ asked for the revocation of their
.th«' smiie has been let to ii Mr I
contract on the ground that the con­
yem-s ago, succeeding Father Hein­ on around the fire, A small fir is roses. The groom, Dr. Mason, is a tain parts of the city.
recently ........ California, who
tract was executed over four years
rich«. Hine«' coming here lie has, ' the best. 'I Ills leaves the ground bare well-known young man of the city,
begin work Monday mill ueeordl
Most of the time at the adjourned ago and that dining that time no
so that it is an easy matter to back having graduated from the North Pa­
the lontru«! must have It conii
cific Dental College, and has been meeting of the council Tuesday- was construction work to benefit the
In three seek» front that day. Th© had charge of both Klamath and
From the Malone bridge to Dav«* practicing at Klamath Falls during taken up with a discussion of the leg­ lands thereunder has been done; nor
brick work Kill be done by I hit Lake counties, and he succeeded In
a distance of about 12 the past two years. Dr. R. 8. Armes al phase of holding the special elec­ has any assurance been given that
Childers mid be must have It coiii - building a church in this city and al­
tion for the purpose of taking action work will be undertaken soon or ev­
so one at Merrill, lie was a man who miles, there is only three feet fall to acted as best man while Miss Anna
pleled within three weeks afte
the river.
Walker acted as bridesmaid. The on the extension of the city limits. er. Section 2 of Article IV is quoted
husetnelil Is tltllshed As soon II
It. seems that local lawyers differ in to sustain the contention that the by­
Owing to the shortage of hay the bride was given away by her brother,
building 1s ioinpleted It sill be « m ' cii - , pie of Ills own church, but to every­
stockmen will sell all cattle that will ¡A. J. Hanna. Dr. and Mrs. Mason the opinion as to who shall be en­ laws should be construed In support
one who knew him.
pled by tiie bank whl<h will have the
make good beef.
will soon leave for Klamath Falls, titled to vote on the annexation ques­ of the cancellation, the claftn being
spacious loom furnished with new
where they will be at home to their tion, and it is the aim of the council advanced that under this section the
banking fixture»
I rail Ity Tin- Ton.
to satisfy itself as to the legal cor­ association may bring about the can­
as t'sual there would hive been a friends.
rectness of the action that is taken cellation of the contracts. That In­
The Monarch Fruit Store is doing shortage of help. Hands are not as
In the matter, for it is quite general- asmuch as the Secretary of the In­
arushtilg business these days. The plentiful as was anticipated.
California fruit trade is now at its
Il­ recognized that if there is a flaw terior nor the Reclamation Service
The Langell valley term of school
At the regular session of the conn- in the proceedings the result will be
height, and this store Is receiving lias closed. The last two weeks it
are parties to the contract, it rests
j ty court the matter of appropriating ■ law suit. Considerable time was
daily shipments of everything which was without any scholars.
entirely with the association to set
$1000 towards advertising the coun­ devoted to the discussion of the mat­
arrives in the California markets
aside the contracts. A refund of all
ter, but no action was taken, the au­ assessment monev paid the associa­
For tin- past week the Monarch has
[the official organ of the Southern thorities deeming it best to postpone
¡reci'lvi'd on a average of *100 worth
tion, but not un.ii Buch time as it
Pacific, came up and the court made the matter until the next meeting in
of fruit a
is able to do so without financial
Swan Lak«' has gone dry. We have the appropriation and ordered a war­
order to give further time for investi­ embarassment; that Inasmuch as the
'have not been able to supply tile
i In-on requested by those living near rant drawn for the amount. The
gation. It is understood that the contracts are liens upou the lands in
Besides their daily ship­
[there to inform those who have cattle | balance of the money needed to ful­
petitions will be circulated so that question, it prevents the owners from
ments they now have two teams
running on the range to get their fill tiie contract will be raised by the
everything will be in readiness for borrowing money to Install an irri­
hauling lonstant'y from Ashland.
[stock as some are suffering for the Chamber of Commerce.
prompt action at the next meeting gation system or to make improve­
¡Three tons of fruit wlll arrive to­
want of water.
it was agreed by the court some of the city council.
night from Sacramento.
This in­
ments; that the Secretary of the In­
Mrs. Geo. Smith was shopping in lime ago that the appropriation
cludes all the varieties of apples,
The police judge rendered his reg­ terior demands the signing up of 80
Dairy Thursday. Mrs. Smith is do­ would be made at the first regular
peaches, plums, aprico's, peppers,
ing a land office business keeping tiie meeting and Mr. J. B. Scofield, rep- ular monthly report, showing that per cent of the land and that this is
'iinnges, lemons, cantaloupes and wa­
travel between Klamath Falls and ■ resentini the magazine was on the I during the month he had had in his impossible under present conditions;
termelons. besides all the lute vege-
court three plain- ^rtfjrtcs and that he that part of the land signed up at this
northern points.
I ground with the necessary contracts
I tables.
There lias been a good many stran­ .between the county, the Chamber of had collected in fines the sum of *15, time is operating on a conditional
Tiie Monarch is making a specialty gers in Dairy this week.
one of the parties taking a jail sen­ contract and that if work is not com­
Commerce and Mr.Scofield have been
I of tilling country orders, auil have
in preference to paying the menced this year the contracts will
• Miss Ella Anderson of Dairy is
{already a good trade with Klamath making preparations to enter tiie signed so that the business end of fine.
he cancelled and thus reduce the
{the matter is concluded.
i Agency, Merrill. Bonanza and the Berkeley High school.
The road tax ordinance was passed present percentage; that every effort
The contract includes 20,060 pam­
|oilier towns «if tiie «-ounlry. Ladies of
Oscar C. Lee, wife and babies, phlets descriptive of the Klamath and every voter of Klamath Falls is lias been put forth to comply with
Hie city me specially invited to call.
now Indebted to the city exchequer the demands of the Service and that
started overland for Klickitat coun­
.All fruit gnarant<*ed fresh
litaids ty. Washington, Wednesday. Mrs. country, a write-up in that magazine in the sum of three dollars, which is it is absolutely impossible for them
delivered free of cliarg ■
Call up Lee, Sr., accompanied them. Before and a page advertisement in the pub- payable at any time.
to se. ure further land; that if neces­
’ lication for one year. It involves an
phone 311.
The amendment to the ordinance sary the matter will be can led Into
leaving Mrs. Lee took her mother to expenditure of approximately $1400.
establishing the grades on certain the court for the purpose of securing
Portland and placed her in the home
------ ♦---------
I streets In the city was passed,
the cancellation of the contracts, but
for old ladies.
Much time was also given to the that tne landowners feel that this
Henry Anderson Grigsby died aluiut
F. Cutter is thinking of going to
I discussion of the cleaning ordered would entail on (hern unnecessary
" o'clock Thursday night at the home Washington to join his son Irving.
The county court Tuesday after-
for the city, The marshal was in- burden and hardship.
of his daughter, Mrs. Henry Conn,
A fire broke out near the Hilde­ ,noon opened
residing about eight miles southeast brand school house Thursday, but struction of the bridge across Lost structed to serve notice on certain
of this city. Mr. Grigsby had for was exetlnguished before any dam- i [ river at the Upper Gap. Two bids parties that they must clean up at
the Champion.
some time been feeble minded anil age was done.
wore received , that of William Flack- once.
may justly lay claim
In this condition planned to end his
We are having delightful weather, us for $2111, and that of Logue &
moldl'' for tiie lake, existence. A few days ago he came
to the title of being the champion
Portland In way of to town and purchased a small vial the days are gradually growing war- Nelson for approximately $2900. The
The Misses Gertrude Engle, Olive fisher maid of the season She land-
mer, only 104 in the shade Wednes­ court awarded the contract to Mr. Pohland, Francis McWilliams, Grace
ed the largest trout that has been
of strychnine and yesterday evening day.
Flacktts, who will at once make ar­ Garrett and Miss Beaver, all of them
caught by any lady this year. While
the party will remuin in he drank most of the contents, death
The stage is still loaded with pas­ rangements for the construction of teachers in the Ashland public
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. B. St. Geo.
few days longer and following before medical aid could
sengers ««iming Into Klamath county. I the bridge. The structure will be schools, are camped at Odessa and
Bishop on their houseboat she caught
arrive. As soon as it was discovered I
We thought the hot weather would 460 feet in length and large fills will were visitors in this city Saturday
a 12-pound trout, accomplishing the
what h«' hud doll- Ur. Hamilton was
put the drummers out of business, be made at. both ends.
and Sunday.
act with a fifteen ounce rod and a
summoned, but he expired before the
but they are still coming, and able
i This bridge has been before the
doctor arrived.
H. E. Childers started on a second great deal of skill. For more than
to talk too.
court for some time and at a previous
Deceased was 71 years. 5 months
kiln of brick on Monday. He says a half hour the fish towed her boat
Mrs. N. S. Drew and Mrs. Fitch i time bids were called for but all that
•nd 10 days old and, off and on, hail
i the first one turned out brick of an around the lake, but by using excep­
were shopping inDairy Friday. Mrs. were received were considered too
resided in this county for the past
exceptionally good quality and they tionally good skill she managed to
Drew's mother is much better at high and were rejected. It will be
thirty years. He Is the father of B.
will be used in the new First National land the fish that brought her the
[this writing.
good news to the people of the-iipper
8. Grigsby, of this city, and of Mrs.
Bank building.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Y. Gray were in country to learn that the court has
Henry Conn, who was visiting
Dairy shopping on Tuesday.
awarded the contract for the build­
relatives at Roseburg, but wit re-
ing of the bridge.
turned home Saturday night I at-
-------- *-----------
tend th«' funeral which was he
Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Interesting anti lni|H>rtant Items Tak­
Rev. P. Conklin, of the Methodist
en Fmni the Merrill Rt'cord.
| church. Wednesday at 10 o'clock a.m.
I’ll« HillESSI NG.
C. G. Merrill has leased the Mascot perfoi med the ceremony that united
The two large reservoirs that are livery feed mid sale stable in this in marriage Miss Lena M. Marshell
being constructed by the Light Al city from C. T. Oliver, and is now In and Mr. Ralph M. Vaughn, both of
Waler company will be completed In possession.
this city. They will spend their hon­
the near future. The one on the
Miss Mae Martin was tendered a eymoon at the resorts la the north
Hot Springs tract Is now in the hands china shower this afternoon tn Fra­ end of the county and will then re­
of the workmen doing th- rock work ternity Hall in honor of her ap­ turn Io this city t > live.
and concreting will be begun in about proaching marriage to II. II. Ander­ I
son, the genial postmaster of our lit­
ten days.
A warrant was issued Thursday
The excavation for th" one on the tle city.
for the arrest of Hen Wright, a half­
Mr. Ennis is having his newly-pur­
West Side Is practically completed
and a fore«1 of men will begin on the chased launch thoroughly overhauled
liquor to Indians. He had started
rock lining the latter part of this and put into flrst-class shape at the for the Reservation and a telephone
message was sent to E. L. Swartz-
The «oustruction of the reservoirs Stables corral on th«* bank of Lost lander, the acting agent, to arrest
and the pipe line leading up to them
Wright. He was taken into custody
will be rushed by the company so ia trial trip by Sunday.
by the officials at the Agency and I
that the system can be all connected
’ brought to the city Friday to be turn­
Peterson, the railroad contractors,
up in the early fall.
the first of the week. 70.600 pounds ed over to the officials here.
From the reports that arc current
of «'hopped barley and 6000 pounds
appears that Wright managed to I
Miisiciiiiis Visiting Here.
i of floor. This was loaded Tuesday
two gallons of whiskey from
Among Hie society notes in I In­ on a barge at Merrill landing and
place or other and that he be­
towed to Teeters liv the steamer
Sunday Oregon Journal was the
gan bottling this and selling U to
lowing note about .Mr. and Mrs. II. Canby.
the Indians. It Is not known where
L. Bettman, who arrived here with
he got the whiskey, but It is thought
the excursionists yesterday evening.
All ladies and gentlemen of this that it was secured In this city.
Henry L. Bettman, violinist, leaves
After making an Investigation of
city interested in chess playing are
this week with Mrs. Bettman for a requested to meet at the home of the evidence the district attorney
three weeks' stay with friends at C. C. Hogue at S o'clock Thursday concluded that It was not sufficient
Klamath Falls. Lately Mr. Bettman evening for the purpose of consider- •« hold Wright and he was allowed
gave up the direction of the Nortonln
Ing tiie matter of organizing a cluli ills freedom
[orchestra which he has been conduct­
Dr. Wm. Martin nnd Silas Obon-
Mrs. M. R. McCauley, mother of
ing since the hotel opened. He took
over temporarily the direction of the chaln left on Tuesday morning for Mrs. Frank Ira White, is reported
Hotel Perkins orchestra for a few the mountains to be gone for several quite sick at the home of her daugh­
He may consent to remain days. They will make a search for ter. She arrived here from Portland
thn Spencer creek wild man
only a short time ago.
| with these players next season
Sewing Machines, etc
Our goods are attractive, also the prices