Hotel Dorris. Dorris-that's ths place to atop. 7-*t Don’t forgot to atop at the Hotel Dorris, when in Dorris 7-94 Watch for the bia Removal Sale the BOSTON STORE Saturday Mrs Evan R Reames ntertalned the Bridge duh at her beautiful home Judge and Mrs Pierce Evans have returned from Odessa where they spent several days. Clearance Sale! A tine tract of land within live miles of town. M ason a Sl.ot'OH. MONF\ Ti» LOAN We hav«> sev eral thousand dollars to loan on real «'state MASON & SLOUOll Special attention is «ailed to th«* Ashland Commercial Collage Special Ï3-S-4 in this Issue. FOR SALK — Four extra tine fant­ I ily mll.-h cows. ail fresh, aged 3 Inquire Molas and s yi'urs ■ Armand. City Meat VLnket 8-23-Jt« Mrs O F . oresr I» ill the ell' A great lug athooner at the Hotel FOR S\LE In Truckee. Calif 7-9t* fini-i Merrill Dorrt*. 1 in.- til st class saloon liusini'ss. on«' Mrs Gatch was in the citv from danc* i «11 and resident*«' ^«rtipeities left Sat unla y Mrs Suzanne Leaell See Ady for marsh lamia. ■t .qu'il i several Mi ill Tue'.la' l€V Add.. Box ?:l Truckee, Calif Don't overlook the ad of the Stai I tor Odessa w here she V itch foi the l-lg al Sale day s. 8 15 9 Drug Store on back page at ¡l e lUtsrtt.X STOKE Only too plea e.t to -how xou our Mis Paul Hi. it -u-i. m went io -:.tii X I I I if. .«lol faUllli left Tuesdai E N. Jaquish. ex-clerk of lake Stai 'special on these new pHtui«»> | muiiuiiK to« ilu'ir h«»m«> at HollUtei Francisco Tuesday morning. county, was in the city Thursday a Drug Store ';«l alt**i s|H*u«ling s«'v«*t'al «lays ui Titos tlrnbb, lhe Keuo liat «Iwai e A. II Nafliger left fishiii- in Butte < reek I S llariiMin ami his assistants the Mer­ G. It Ca.IiH'k. eelllor of link la lid Cal . for a few weeks' visit Where can I l.uv Sherwin William- till Riaaird. was in the ell i na hitsi ha«.- i.-iurueil from a trip Io th«' Mr and Mrs. W S. Wiley enter­ Suinim ■ Lak.- s.-. n.m where It«' weni u,*ss Tuesilay. Paint? tained the Whist club at their home \le\. Da', is is i in the < ily from III i<> iu»|H-«-t certain suivi-ys made by at BALDWIN’S HARDWARE STORE Small tracts of well located tule marsh He says stock is Engineer E. it ilenry John Yaden ami Col. Wilkins let. Klamath marsh lands offered for one week at «'JO per ¡for Portland Sunday morning to at­ looking well in that mvlltin. II G Wilson, of the Klaniath In acre. Abel Adv. 4 tend the grand lodge ot th«' \ O I \\ Dr. F M White was called hi dian re,-rvutlon, accompaal«*d by his George C. Hill has commenced the A. Helming A Co. fur merchants Odessa Monday evening to attend laughter, went to Itorrls Tuesday erection of his house oi. the Hot pavs highest «-ash prieva lor all kind« ol Mrs Theron Otev. who is very sei •>n their way to th«' valley w here h< Springs addition i will look up Indian lauds hi«iee and furs. Ileatiqnsrters Ameri­ | Ioiisl.v ill County Judge J B Griffith and can Hotel. C W. Sherman is In the city from <1 family have gone to the mountains Dair* il<* -nys < rops ar«* ItMiking An i it • ’atubi up under hrud I ■ »»I The vital parts—and part < f Through Prof 11. II. Dunbar the for a two weeks' outing I poorly in h'» s«*<-ti«in. but In «Minn 1 lit ShidelMkei luti 4 t mi v • .*p.i< ¡t\ ut Sludebikri w.iip n .ur m...I. t i. Il Merrill schools will have for princi­ Ira-( 4o . Kl« atri th.tii (liai « I th - uuhi< .1 . 1 hat ' »hl tl.e Sindel akt t la till U«. - I Dr. Truax, of Portland, has been pal tor the ensuing 'ear It E Lyon pails of ih-* upper country th«*re will u aguu i onorai costa you I. ,s p r war. in the city for a few days and it is ■jt Brjan. Ohio. ■I..- fait yi«*lds of oats an.I w h<>at ’i’itliM’ akcill, axlc, B|«0kra Imi» und tir” .'ito They Lt liuigei s«> Um original coat is For Sale: A tine liiO-acre tract three his intention to locate here mad*- Lewis Gerlier has return -jfih ’ i - ■ I T. W. Stephens, home Thursday morning 6-25 If the county ami in the Sprague river Il usi .cost more than wagons; bglit «haft -uvea lioin 3 t>» 5 \<*4i Roy Walker bas returned from The Republican is indebted to Th«* toll»« ut«» etti i large ill dt.illo ler til !e horses. KOK SALE \ slock of general «allev th«> harvest is very good. Ashland where I.,- went to attend some kind friend for a beautiful merchandise including building ami the lient tu •cm ubi«* ut «xl Studebaker wagons nin more easily than others I**- I hn isttnoua Sinti« buter lo|«r ■ t»o* 1 ?«•» «|K»kr« Cause e.» h w lie. i l peri, tl v pru|n>t tHMX'il, wjtli Hie I - s List your IToperty with us. With Chautauqua. He reiiorts a very pleas­ burnt wood souvenir of the Presidio store fixtures, location is good and ol liie hub set in the « xa. t the lai r<- -I amount <>t « od into ti»<- h- t«, .« id ate «it business is good For particulars call ant time. at Monterey. The kind remembrance on or address. W P SEDGE. DAIRY. connections in sll the leading cities on r .1 w heir <>th« t i u. ’M«.«kr 1 I he skein la so set that the wheel runs »it night the coast, we are in a position to turn Mrs. Robert Poole and daughter is appreciated The tiira me« t of t .»ni 41e p rf. «îy fut*»! tu ahead under a load and «.anilol tills bind or pt . I i OREGON your property over tn a short time. each whrt I ►>* that tlirir in m» su* h tino, a a «pu« the skein. Miss Alice have returned from Grants The little son of Mrs. M. E. Jones Geo. O. Brandenburg. Ralph T |«M>M-tiing Milde* t»«ikr|- lire. Klaniath Basin Irrigated Lands Co Studebaker huba never hug either rut or cullar, Pass where they have been visiting who had his face severely burned Boyd of San Francisco, and C. H No wond» r the lai i? t un I 1« t c ¡1. < K ‘ • illat s auother iraaon M li. the Studebaker i- I Upstairs-Republican Block. for several weeks a few days ago is g.-lting along very Underwood, who accompanied 11 St lac tul y iu the votiti ia ir«pnir«l t • Irr« t ihr d. i nd such wonderfully I ght .haft. 7 2lf It makes bald b ui* c io l.-r hoi < . tor tue Shiik*t»4k< i. Harry Pelts arrived here Sunday nicely and there is a probability that George Bishop to his will Th'.* big »«'.:.,ooo damage suit that W’e me ptuu«| tuteli the with his new automobile. The ma­ he will not lose his sight also visit Spring creek before return was Institut'd against the Klaniath biudcbat.ri. Sen u Fhlne is one of the best that has been Mrs. Jane Ellis, mother of John '.ng Lake Railroad company by Abel Ady. Over brought into the city. Ellis, left on Sunday morning for Mr. and Mrs. Silas Obenchain and In the Superior Court of Siskiyou P. Scholl has opened his ice cream New York, where she will sail for Miriam Martin have returned front county, on May 11th. has been dis­ 100 and confectionery store in the Atneri- Glasgow.Scotland, expecting to spend a few days’ visit to ¡.angeli valley missed. the formal order for dlsmis Acres in can block. He has a very neat room •he summer visiting with relatives Mr Obenchain says things are dry sal having been filed in the county "Studebaker" J and is sure to do a good business. The famous Nettleton shoe, for men, 'n that section and the hay crop K clerk’s office. Plant For Sale or Trade:-»Residence and are to ba found at the Boston Store •ight compared to other years One of the places showing lucre«* bnsiness property in the best town in which has the exclusive agency for FOR EXCHANGE-Full set of En­ ed signs of prosperity Is the ] Deal, the Willamette Valley. them. ’ The Nettleton i hoe for grace. cyclopedia Americana —16 volumes, which has made a decided improve Inquire at the Boston Store. comfort : and ea-«? »■; •» no equal; for absolutely new. latest edition. This ment in its Interior The center par 7-2 tf wearing qu I 1 4 I cannot be sur arork is recognized as the finest En tition has been removed and the In Mr. and Mrs. Lester Kirkpatrick passed. f cyclopedia ever published Wiil ex terlor otherwise remodeled with the George Kirkpatrick and Miss Nelson Chas. Pattee, of Bonanza, is mee: ¡change it for a spring wagon, Ad result that It presents a very attrac­ are spending a few- weeks. In the mg with success In the manufacture Xtt»4*4*4*4’4*4’4'4*4'4*4*4*4'4*4,*M',4**F*4*4*4*4*X ¡dress, Box 14, Klamath Falls. lira tive appearance north part of the county and at of concrete blocks for building pur­ Robert Car>y and County Clerk f 7-15tf Crater Lake. poses. He has built a machine for C it DeLap bate made an exchange B St George Bishop and G Heit- The machinery has been installed the manufacture of the blocks and of property whereby Mr DeLap be Ncw Bicycles lor Sale end Went In the Bonanza grist mill, but J. O. the experiments with the same bav“ I kemper. Jr . made a trip to the Wil- comes the owner of the old Lewis I liamson river bridge Sunday in In f Hamaker says If rains do not come tfeen very satisfactory. place on the West Side and Mr. Car Heating Stoves, Household Utensils, Gim^ .the formers fine launch At th»' All Kinds of Repairs In the next ten days there will not f F. W. Riggs, who has for several ey gets the liel^tp home on the cor­ i place they met Mr. and Mrs. J S 4 be much grain to grind. and Ammunition, Cutlery—in fad every- months been connected with the pa- ner of Pine and Tenth streets and 1 Scofield, who were returning from Lewis Gerber has purchased ■ .* •yers of this city, has accepted a pos- *3000. Mr. Dvl.ap will move to the shuddv or thinn in Good Hardware — No 4* Spring creek and brought them back I ead of beef cattle from Li'key Bro 'tion on the Examiner at Lakeview property he has acquired and .Mr he to this city. f shelf-worn ^oods. and J. D. Deickman, residing in and left for there Saturday morn Casey will move to Ashland In a few i On account of health must have months where he will make hl» Swan lake valley. He expects to !ng. He is an able man in his line Opp. American Hotel Agents celebrated Will exchange 40 home start about 300 head for the Sacra- and the Lakeview paper is fortunate : higher altitude ♦ anil everything the farmer needs. acres of rich level land 50 miles ‘mento market on the 2 8th. ’n securing his services. ♦ — We are dealera in from Mis Angeles valued at *1600 RANCH FOR SALE. 4* and my house and lot near East Lake 4 I offer my 760 acre ranch for sale iPark, Loa Angeles, valuta! at *2000. at the small price of *20 per acre If If you want to aell your farm 4 sold In 90 days. 400 acres under ALLEN SLOAN BERT E. WITHROW jfor Klatnath county home. aenil us full deacription, terms, X ‘ 4» a)« 4* 4« 4* 4* 4* 4« 4» 4* 4* 4* 4* 4« 4» 4* 4* 4* 4* 4*4* 4» 4* 4» X 7-IA-.R* Hoy 170. Monrovia. Cal. < i ll Ivatlon: 6o acres more can be Secretary etc. . and we can do it. Vice-President cleared. 3oo acres pasture land, all G. P. Van Riper and R. ,M. Sarter fenced; *3000 worth of buildings on Maps, Plans, Blue Prints, Etc. Nyal's Vegeta­ I returned Friday from a week's place; 50 acres in alfalfa: 200 acre* 279',. Vaihington St., ble Prescription ¡outing In the north end of the ei.tne under the ditch now building: 7-2 7-30 PORTLAND, ORE. is indicated in all c< utity. Regardless of the fact that 150 more will eonte under the ditch ordinary diseases later. Good outside range. Terms, they had an arsenal with them and of women. This one-third cash, balance to suit. Inter­ Summon» remedy never I several thousand rounds of ammuni- est at H per cent. Io thp Circuit Court ol th* Htat* of Oregon (or disa|>|xiint*, it* t on they came home without a sup­ Address THUS. MARTIN. the County of Klamath. good effects lie ply of venison. '16-10 ¡5» Klaniath Kalla, Oregon Joaftph M Moore. Plaintiff perceptible l»K --------- va. from the very now shows her happiness Willey Moore, Defendant. It i. com- first, DON J. ZUMWALT, C. E. M. D. WILLIAMS, C, E To Willey Moore, the above named defendant. and shines resplendent posed of th«- pur­ President Treasurer In the name of the Htate of Oregon : V«»u are along with our line of est nisi most re­ hereby required-loai»pear and answer the com liable drugs mercurials, opi­ plaint file«! agamal you In the above entitled ■Uli, on or before the Hth day of Augn«t, HM jr , ate* snd other Av we are going to close out the Hardware husmeas at Keno, the time preatitibed in the order for publh-a> harmful drugs Ore., we will for the lion, the Brat publlcat ion hereof l>ri**g on July being excluded. I 2, DMR, and If you fail ao to appear and «newer, The many dis­ and for want thereof the plaintiff will apply io the concerting influ­ L'onrt for the relief prayed for i** the eoiu ence* to which All are appropriate wed- Sell the following at LOST for CASH: plaint: For a decree dlaaolvlng the l»one forever l>a, red ol render her liable $5.58 gets them. | uny interent In anv property of plaintiff, and to many func Assorted Glass Tumblers set of 6 for 15c tional disorders for ni»ch further relief an to the Court may ap 44 44 pear juat and equitable in the preml«*« that not only tend Jelly Glasses 15c ' Thin nunimdna In nerved ny pnhlirat Ion to dest roy her comfort, und happiness, With a $2 go Cash Purchase thereof iu the K la math Keptibllcan by order but which gmduallv merge into chronic No. 7 Cook Stove $8.97 of the Honorable J. it. Griffith, county Jiidge of and serioiis disease*. No. 8 I «aid county, dated lune 29. I mjh , requiring thin $12.50 Nval's Vegetable Prescription is l*ith REMEMBER TO GET YOURS 1 wnmona to be published once a we<*k for -i* out a peer for the snceessful treatment 2, 3, 4 and 5 gal. Stone Jars for 22c per gal. ! HUCceMtve week« of female weakness, painful and disor 7 2 c <■ grower, Tilt. l.lAtllNf, JKWIUR de red menstruation, hysteria, cramps, Single Buggy Hamess - $12.35 ‘ _______ attorney for I'lslntlff “bearing down pain*,“ inflammation IIKANI It rrOKK IMtKRIH, CAI. and falling of the womii. This is n rem Heating Stoves $6.35 edy of sterling worth Anyone wishing anything in our line, Paint! Paint! Paint! it will pay them to come and get prices Wd for Sale UNDERWOOD S PHARMACY The flnent line of Paint ever «hipped KENO THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY COR. 7 th and main hth . to Klamath county, junt received at OWL. Klamutli Falls - Oregon BALDWIN'S HARDWARE STORE American field Fence t THE BRICK STORE C9 and KOKOriO LAWN FENCE BARB E I) CITY BRIEFS ROBERTS & HANKS HARDWARE Are Made Just Kight ihv Vital Parts of a V GEO T. BALDWIN, Klamath Falls, Ore., BICYCLES T GUN STORE FARMS and LAND Abstracting f Dependable Hardware f f t Ellwood Fences t t I I : GEO. R. HORN, lhe Hardware Man 4* 4* 4* 4* T. B. ACKERS & CO.. Klamath County Abstract Co., Inc. Che fair Bride Surveying and Irrigation Engineering KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON LOOK! BIG SPECIAL! $1 -$3 PICTURES FOR-$ j LOOK! Sparkling Cut (Hass Hand Painted China Rich Silver NEXT 30 DAYS B. J. miniers See large variety in windows STAR DRUG STORE grubb & M c C ormick uh THE BOSTON STORE lhe place to save money on all up-to-date CLOTHING, SHOES and DR I GOODS t THE STORE THA T IS DOING THE BUSINESS V