13 & Grand Reduction V* That’s All fr» I — |AII the time AND fr Ï RAISING SALE— The Mammoth $15,000 Stock of New, Dependable, Up=to= date Merchandise Consisting of Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Trunks, Valises and Shoes, belonging to K. Sugarman, Has been placed in the hands of LEWIS BROS. & CO., of SPOKANE, WASH., who are under contract to dispose of at least one-half the entire stock on or before August 8 EVERYTHING FROM CELLAR TO GARRET AND WALL Will be placed on sale and sold at FROM 30 TO 60 PER CENT LESS Than similar goods were ever offered before to the Buying Public in this or any city of Southwestern Oregon. NEVER BEFORE HAS MERCHANDISE BEEN OFFERED AT SUCH RIDICULOUSLY LOW PRICES LEWIS BROS. & CO. are known from Coast to Coast as the World’s Greatest Bargain Givers, and KNOW NO LI71IT when the Price-Slashing Knife is once applied. Every article will be marked in plain figures and will be sold for cash only. No stock reserved. •< STORE WILL BE CLOSED JULY 23 & 24 Fortune is yours for the asking. Come early and secure first choice. During which time Lewis Bros, and their staff of sales people will be cutting and slashing prices and making ready for the greatest bargain feast in the history of Klamath Lails. A dollar saved is two dollars earned. Come hitch your dollars to our bargains and make them draw the biggest load they ever earned. $5,000 worth of Clothing $5,000 worth of Shoes Consisting of Men’s and Boys’ Staple and Fan- cv Clotlnng, the celebrated Hart, Schaffner \ Marx, Friend Bros., and Edenheimer, Stein & Co., the world-celebrated manufacturers of the very highest grade fancy and durable clothing. Consisting of Men's and Boys’ Shoes and l ootwear of all styles and sizes. All new and made by the best manufacturers of the world and of the best Colt, Calf and Kid leathers. W e have the W. L. Douglas. Buster Brown, Star Brand, and the .Mayer Dry-Sox. > 7.qo i" "<> iq. ib.qo i.7q xqo q.oo q.oo 7.0 a.qo Suits “ now $3 95 “6 55 now •• 8 85 Si.qo Canvas Shoes 2.qo Shoes “ - " 9 85 8.00 “ Fants.......... •* 95 ” • “ 1 65 4.00 “ vici ... “ “ Corduroy “ 2 75 2.00 and r.oo Shoes, horsehide “ Bovs' Suits..................... •• 3 55 t.’to and 4 00 *• ** “ .... 5 25 " washable “ 95 S 95 1 85 2 15 2 85 1 85 2 95 $3,000 worth of Furnishing Goods As complete a stock to select from as can be found in the entire West. The celebrated Cluet. Monarch, Standard and Mt. Hood Shirts speak for themselves. The straining point has Iven reached and prices broken into very small fractions of for­ mer prices. .75 Golf Shirts................. 1.00 “ “ .................. i.’.o Mt. Hood “ 1.75 Monarch “ i.5o Standard “ ................... ¿.J 5 “ J.OO “ “ ................... •7s “ “ Buckskin now <« «< •* • < «< 39 49 69 95 95 1 65 2 15 45 $2,000 worth of Hats, Trunks, Suit Cases, etc. The Standard J. B. Stetson and Leader Hats, Panama and Straw Hats, are without an equal. Trunk and Suit Cases galore. .....now SI 45 $2.00 Hats 1 75 2 5o “ 3 85 5.00 “ J. B. Stetson.... 3 75 6.00 “ Panama............ ...... •* ..... “ 5 25 7.5 o 1,000 Straw and Manila Hats regardless of cost. «4 •« 44 '3 off on all Suit Cases and Trunks. Buying your supplies now means increased comfort at decreased cost. All previous sales have had their limit. This has none. We will SELL THE ENTIRE STOCK at these low prices if the buy­ ing public demands it. Wc must make room, wc need the money, and you need the merchandise. Now is the opportune time to make your investment for the coming fall and winter, at this the greatest of all sales in the history of Klamath Falls. ? It is still I 13 I - t Lewis Bros. & Co. The Portland Store of Spokane, Wash., K. SUGARMAN, is the Place . In Charge SALE BEGINS JULY 25 CLOSES AUGUST 3 «