KLAMATH Official Newspaper of Klamath Cuu'ily of Klamath County KLAMATH FALLS, KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON, JULY 9, 1908. VOL. XIII. The Peerless Bryan Holds It in the Hollow of His Hand REPUBLICAN. Official Newspaper ’h«* name» «»I the i»*mp«irary ottb'ers »•••• le« te«l l»v th«* National C««mmltt»*r, II.•• principal ««m*s being T<,m|M»«arv C|u»ir* man I huoiioie A. B»'||, «»I < aliform « I riiipotury bi’i uuary, I rev W« mm !*» oii , of Kanin« ki, ami hirst Assistant S»*««i»»- taiy, Edwin Sefton, of N««w York. Th* ••«4»*<*ll««ii» wet»1 tMtifl<-i| by the «»liven* I loll «ii'l a spet oil »«»colt piloted Tvilip«»- • ar v < lian muu Bell to the slam!. The ‘alHornia ’»latvsmnn in a h*ngthy m | m «««« h sounded »h»’ I «»x «»»»••• «if the roll Ve.i! i"ll, The Local Option Case DAIRY T'h«* lilial M'tfUHient on the p«'titi«»n of \Ji*- Akin f»'«m Central Point i - v ••*«< A. < astel ami Kent I'allsid against Ing M is« Net I>rrw. Klamath County, the county jmiga and Mm» M« k«*«* fr««m near Dorri» I* visit* ««»mmissiorier*, lor writ of review, in* \<»|ving t ii<* *pro«« .-dings ol I he ««»tint y iiing h«»i sister, Mr» (.'lies, l/rea. ele» lion op lo« al option, took place I m *- l i«k«*v Bros, were earhanging horae« f'»r«’ lu«b*«- Henson Momiav. The argu­ with P. H. Gray, our veteran horae ments commelic«*«l at 10 o’clcsk ami i trader, this w«*ek were «on« lude«l at 3 : Hi that aflermsui. Dairy is Iwing w«*|l supplied with fresh Hi* Honor aiinoiinc«»«| at th«« «Io*«* of th«* meat these «lavs, tw<» wagons «•»«•!» arguments that h«* would Io rk through we»*k. th«* author ¡lien MH »piM'dlly HM pHMMibh* Prof. Hall an«! wifa started for Paisley 1 am! d«M*i**htioi»er ' 4. the ' t large cr^wd attended tt»e cr'ebra- gro«m I that m the mstivrof tbe petition ol the oter» t«^ order mii ele« tion to ' Gun here on tlie Fourth. A voo«j •.ari- vote on the i|tie»tioii «4 h»cal option, tl «• «•ty of amusements were i»n»*red to all n*cord «lid not sh«»w’ by certificate of the wifi wi»lu'na signing were l«*gal ing was som«*what irregular and not v«»t«*rr*; that th«* sheriff** certili«*at«* of <|Uite what we are use«l to hearing on the p««Htliig of hot I«*«-* ol ll«<* vl«*« tmii Will su«4» «M*<*a»ir»n», hut we confess som»* of iiltmlficient, hi Ibat In* return di«l not the uttertanreM Were quite forceful »f imt sav where ||ic not ices were posted but patriotic. NO. 15 Klamath Falls Team Ahead County Court In th»* ball game yesterday th«- Kia mu th Falls team beat Silver Lake by a aeore of 17 to 6. In the mornintf’M game New Pine Creek boat Cedarville 6 to 4. Thia practically give» Klamath Falla the pur for the only time the team lias been beaten was in the game with Cedarville, but that team has now been de­ feated by New Pine Creek and eariv in the tournament Klamath Falls won from the New Pine < reek team. It is verv probable that if Klamath Falls’ team will defeat the Cedarville team they will be given first place. t’ountv court regan the transaction of regular bu»m«-«w». Most ol the nthi-ers bad »(«ent *ev«*rsl «lavs in the court honae familiarizing tliemm-lves witli the work am! change in itie otlirials is scarcely noticeable as most of them are familiar with the po«i- lions they are filling. It is very likely that at this se»»ion of the countv «-ourt some action will be taken on the budding of the bridge ••••/'>»■* l»' i r»ver at the U pper gap Owing to some mi«nn«!er»tanding the bridge ba* not been advertise ! a second time ami the court now propo««« to have pl *ns an«! specifications drawn ami tn advertise for hid- in accordance t herew ill». FIRE SYSTEM FOR THE CITY Proposition Submitted io the City Fathers by H. V. Gates Ih-nrer, Colo., July H. — Alter Tempo­ rary < balrman Theodor« Bell, of <'«11- Citv official-« ami interested parties f,orna delivered bls peia'h veste,Jay wboaUemlrd the council meeting last altermsm at Ib«* llemocratic Valu,Iiri iMliVer, Colo.. Iilh 7 I lie I»« in«»« night and listened to tbe explanation ot iscy of Ihr East and U«* >i 1« ' »v j«nn«*d I convention, lesoliltml,-ol rc»|*ut lathe the improvements of the waler system i nieinorv >l pnr|H*ee in the men who untls-t »ele« turn ol a m«*«*iing phi •• im«l company proposed to remedy matters. City Council to show hri applet intum ol llo* L >n -i, take to diteci the affaira «»f slate. 'I he A diagram ol the system shows-1 that Aside from allowing the regular month­ lift** pr<»* i«lr*I i new midihii mni, the pul>ll< «’Ve is k,*ei,lv “insitlveat every the water mains ot the city run east and Mrs. John J.iixl is visiting her mother five Will Not Reconsider Bids ly bills the council did little business I |Ki|iti< al movement, and ,,ur pr,H erd olilv that they were jxeded in best equip|»ed «»f H» kilbl »1» \m« n. .» west with a cross pipe evety three at Keno ind |sx>r John is keeping batch public places in th«* vicinity of th«* |s>il- long before noon, the h«»«ir set lor the I I mgs tier«* will Is' approved aci-ordmg to Renlying to tl r«'i|«H*t asking for the Monday night, most of the tiire lieing blocks, but in many parts these pipes mg place*: also tl^at th«» abstract of the this week. I the «legree ol aini'crili appearing in tbe r«*< om*i«h*ratmn of the Lids on th«* Clear given to H. V. Galea for presentation of initial aee»l<»n of ih»« twenty *• «-««nd are not connecte-1, so that tbe circula­ votes slioiild havt* appeared ill tie* record Mr. H. D. Tooker ha» several men at Lak«* «lam, director F. If. Newell, of the hi» plans lor the improvement of the «|tiadrritninl fh*m rail«* ronvenli«»n, the 1 w,„k of thia convention. There is a . tion of the syatem is iar from Ireingeven • «( ib< «««urity court I«» give jurisdiction work putting up grass hay this week. Heclamation Service, ha» written the tire protection of the city. Ntrertr ill Hie virimt) «4 lh< in li! -»m»i> wi,leaptea€ i at ion, that it a special meeting, levying a poll tax, the door» to be thrown u | m » ii In order farti m |HiWer ha« not been true lo ita Klamath avenue, the company proposes On the part of Ike defendants Mr. will I«* imp ’ -Mble to reconsider the Crop pro»|M*cls are improving but a the same having been illegal. The re­ to prevent confil»ion ftlxHlt lb»« entrnm • «* I. ust. I li a l 11 ha« IH-Gared II,e c<,mmon to exteml this pi[>e the fuli length of ttie ! Stone c< nlcinled that the law dhl not bi«l», but he will recommend that work enactment of the poll tax ordinance gq«lf*. Apparent to Sunday school. to iuaurance men who are conversant ThoM* a ho ar«* familiar with the con­ from a vi»it ai Portland. I ice tn»» 11 was detaile«! t«» pi «■ •«*» \ «• . « hr evrry««ne is the laet that wav down deep was for the <*oiiniy court mik I ulien the with the conditions. Hans Sloehsler entertame«! a nutnl»er <«»urt ba l saiisfh*«l it-« lf that th«* peti­ ditions ►ay that the statement of I>i During the a»»rmhlmg and t-enliiig of II, th«* heart nt the Repubitcan conven­ <». H. Mr I m i» in the city from Mon The company proposes to connect up tion • >mp!t«»d with th«» la* it was its of hi* friend» at his home on the Fourth. rector Newell is equivalent to saying the delegate* th«* fxinou* ,, c «'WI m « v tion at Chicago there was a feeling of tagne looking after hi» intereate here. all aections ol pipes in all parta of the John Jones an«! family returned to that nothing will be done on the dam duty to make the order for the electi«»n ; ba ml" of Pueblo an I Alam- a | mh hv«i anger an I resentment over the |s«|mlar Donald Worden went to Bray vew- city so as to perfect the circulation of that the return made by the sheriff and their homestead close Dy last week and thi» tear. Parties owning lands under Up (|exl to tfir r their compliance the Upper project that have not l»een building, rrlidered a mixed pl *gra"i <»! patent that there la no lions fide mien tner vacation. tion for every district within the cor­ Miss Elva Turnage was the guest of signed ar»* now very sI 'W about enram- li- n >m the part <4 the Republican party with the law la-ing prima facie evnleiice patriotic, rla»si«'al ami r»g-tlm«* an*. Mix Maud Baldwin returned Tues- porate limits. In order to do this it that all the provision» of th»* law had Ml*» Zeiiiia Sedge for a few days till/« tiering their land« by signing them for The dec«»rati>>m* were prohaldv the of granting anv reforma, ff th«- machin­ day from an exten«led visit at Port- will lie necessary to expend approxi­ lieen romplh«*! with, ihh rk w rek. government irrigation when they have moat elalroiale ever u»« d for a futict i*«n ery ,«l that parly can be retained in mately I*.OLIO in tbe laying of additional land, Beaverton and Glendale. done exempt Iroiu an titlark by writ of no definite knowledge of the time when of this nature. A larva the »eat of the I preseiit banda, pipes, which the company is willing to review P. <>. Hugos and J. E. Murray, who the government will -tari in to reclaim chairman wan sus|»rnded » mugiotiicnt ...... .. "Among thegieat evil« that afflict the Also that it wns not neceasarv that formerly resided in thia city and alto at do if the city will install fifty-one tiie lands. picture of George Wa»hington, « ( the vote should be --------- • >■••««. ♦—---- Lakeview, arrived here from Portland hydrants, which, with the nine contract with huge American flag* and f^»t * the i tuny, it inuavs *t< .d ft ml will aie Iw-xnininit to fee more jubilant over Spring creek fishing reeort these warm hydrants and own the same, the nine Jonah Spark» is putting up hay on the county ••»art, and wu le t a juriadic- left «me of Thoma* leffer»on On the | continue I«» »land llrmlr again»! every tbe crop proapcct». The warm weather days. Seveial families arc camped now installed being the property of the ti'inal matter. Ami that the order de­ Date Vinson ranch. opposite wall «»• u pliot«»graph «»f tl-e *j - .« *• «»I agg»«- • n that w«»ul I de*tr««v ha- advance.! gram, ami graaaea »und, r- there and a number of others are company and the city paying annually claring the result of the election ln*ing Will Stevens is hauling plank for the f illv m the pa«t few weeks and many of planning to go. butt iMmornitir president, <«rover ( eve- «>r nk« n the right «4 sin man tn ea therefor $3U5, this being the amount prima fa«u»* rvidem r that all th«* pro* new bridge acrosa Miller creek near the land, horde rod with lliuk in umir rv| •» tl.«* t«-.nu-l» t*« wl idi hi. i.alieni-e, the farmer, who have liel i» inder tire vision» <»f the law hn«i Itecn u*«mplied Slack mill. Mrs. W. F. Haskins, of San Francisco, fixed by the contract. • lence of the prevailing fueling «4 *orroM i»> •‘«»II, In« imlm»try ami hi* economy canal »av that the yield will lie letter The company realizes that the city who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. with in giving notice of and holding said II. H. Burnham liH«i »ne ol (listineet thia year than it was last year,especially over hi« recent «h' ith I he national * nt ’ him W. S. Wordm for several week», left could not pay for sixty hydrants at thia election, and m • -ounttng «nd returning colors were uae<| profusely in «wrrying i '’rhe l*rm«»crntic party i» not an wi­ rye crop» that can I m * found. is tin- -■> »ith tiie tint cutting ol alfalfa. the voles nn«l d»-< taring the results Wednesday f«»r Weed, where she will rate an-1 has made the proposition that out the decorations. lt recogió««*» emy ol all corporation* Tbeie are .vuie fields throughout tiie ■I D. K **ak>n is again working at bi* visit for a tew «lays before returning if the city will install the additional thereof the pr«»t-ceding coul'l n«»t I m » at­ In th«* renter of the hall were IU02 their gt«-»t value tn the industrial world, ba-iu that are not as goods, they should home. trade, »awing lumber. fifty-one hydrants, they, will make an tacked by «nt of review. •eat* for th»» drh-g itr* and in l«ack of litro igli the agency of incorporation. la- ai d all of the crop« are a little late, James Ijndaay and wife, of Lore Ha, annual charge ot »1,200 for tbe sixty, Both parties submitted vohiminous Mr. and Mrs. 8. K. Noel and daughter theee wen» I hr »< Ata of i hr alternate» seattere.1 wealth 1« brought together but (lie general prospect,, are now much thus adding only |8M to the present briefs ami if will prot»«bly l»e several attended the picnic on the Fourth. Iti each of these »«M ii.ih were tao and given a driving I .ree that it would belter than they were a rhort time ago. arrived in the city Thursday from Cali­ hydrant cost and getting therefor fifty- da vs I m 4<>ru J ii Igr Hen»<«n file» a decision. A.D. llar|M)i>i is irrigating liis grain fornia where they have been residing wanii'i), ('olorsdoaml I (sheath haying not otherwise |»>».e.«. great enterprise« one additional plug*. Mr. Gates esti­ aith water from his reservoir. I. uke Walker came in from Bly Wed­ for some time. They have returned •ent a female delegate and no ftllernah* ate llierebv undertaken ami the unde- mated that tbe hydrants could be pur­ Midway Co. to Rebuild Line Jeff Willson ha* a proas tree that crl- nesday to ¡-[.end a few days in the here to remain and are satisfied that it It i» the first turn» that th* velo|M-«| remiiiree» of the country added chased and installe,! for about »30 each. 1 be Mi«lway Tel. A Tel. Co. will I m » ebratrd tire Fourth by comuni into lull citv. is bard to find a place that ia better than He reports everything doing well eltr«*'* of the West ha I t hr opf *»r I unit V to the wealth ol the World. In addition to the laying of the pipe Klamath. Mr. Noel states (list condi­ In tl,e Sprague river valley. '•Viewed In the light of a great moral force«! to rebuild if» line to Bonanca as bloom on that day. of »reing women politician» partiri| at* the plans for tbe improvement of the th«* *ain»* will be affecmd by the induc ­ tions are quite bad in California and the corporations Gtuirge I>eal has most of his hay cut iii* in national affair* qm-slloll, the ioniini of water system provide for the comple­ W. C. Sanderson an I tarnilv will crops will not he very good. common tion current from the M««ore Bros, power an I he report» an average yield. tion of the two reservoirs that are now Great interest frittered in th«* arrival »Itiini I leiliäni a question move to Ashland in a lew days. Mr. of various log men <4 the patti « h I id . in erii r.iilo-r than a politi, »1 « ne bui line. 1 he str«>ng voltage passing over G. Heitkvmper, Jr., has received a in tbe course of construction and for the Hay hand are plentiful and wage* Saiolerson has a fruit ranch near that 1 stallation of a pump that will throw lister lawn seen in this |-n,l .4 the ,- >tin. lhe shainefill compia - net- of the re­ the M«»ore Bros, line will affect nil lower than last xear. -ymphonv Grand Parlor * phonograph. gal|on, p,,, city which they will reside upon. • ---• : I ow icnuuiiR per minate «uiiiuie. l The one pump try. As their identity la-aaiiie knoatt inibii hi p.irtv in permilliug It« fore«-« ground circuit lines and in order to The instrument is the latest improve- now in use bas a capacity of 800 gallons, Hora« e Patterson is visiting w «th his i th«» trouble the Midway Companx (’apt. O. C. Applegate has returner) ment in the phonographs and it and and the second one is added as a safe­ in the gallery Hii-i were yuan gemi mi - i In I ■ ill,- I ami <«|»erated by the n airier, Mrs. Burnham. from the North end of the county. two others sent to a firm at Portland guard in case the one should bjeak while rounds of appiana«'. most ottemling corporatmna of the will rebuilt! its line, making it a cop|»er Wm. Pankey, wife and daughter cele­ He participate*! in the Fourth of July are ttie first ones sent into the state of a tire is raging. The two pumps and By 12 <»’cl«M'k lli<* Hii«ln«>i hi in w ;»« t-ounirv throw* di»« pr>bl**in ini«» politi» metallic circuit. The work will la» Ire- the three reservoirs will give five sources gun some lime next week. celebration at the oi l Fort Klamath. brate«! the Fourth at the picnic. (Mu kod (rotii f|»M>r I«» th«» t««pm«Munlap has returne,! from the mental furniture and the tones are as tendency to an automatic regulation ot lery, u iimjorilv «»I th«* vi**il<»»j« »rut» choose U*tw«*«*n th«* «Ivtnocralic party Bonanza was a dry looking place on Child Badly Burned that will, an«l tin* republican party that lM»ing iM'Ciipicd bv w«»n»«*n. the Ft»nrih, hut some of the breaths \V,,,«1 river valley where iie had been clear as from any musical instrument the pressure where elevations are the \ »««let, th«« h*year*oLI «laughter of Mr. same Under the improved system the for several days looking after his cattle. in existence. Shortly after n«M»n ('hairnimfi Tli«>m.v will h<»i, place some rvHtrietiona on in- sinrlled rather wet. tire pressure on .Main street will be ap­ and Mr<. J. R. Hulse, had her face Mini He -¡ays the range is very good in that Taggart ol Indian», brini «4 th«* D<-in«»* ror|M>ration grrv«l.” The Southern Pacific well boriug out­ proximately 100 pounds, while on Klam­ It mnv l»e to the benefit of some of liair «piite l»a«Uy btirne«l Monday even­ section and stock of everv kind is in fit, under tbe supervision of Harry Cros­ ath avenue it will be a few pounds more Ik*m.»ciacv is one»* a^iin callrd to »ratir National t'oiniintt««-. iap(M*«l for ing l»v the explosion <»( belated Fourth our bachelors to remind the ladies that and in other sections a tritie less. ipm u| condition. onler and tin* buainr**' i th»* «'onvrnti«»n the arena to haltia t»r the »acred prin­ by, is engage! in making test pits for of July fireworks, She a ill suffer no this is leap year. Mr. Gates did not urge the council to waw lM»gnn. Krcrrtaiv I i««y t\«».Hl*t>n, cipi**» of »elf government. It inuat Thursday evening at tbe Conaerva- concrete foundations for conduits for the enter into a contract, but presented the permanent Injury frnni the accident. wage an uncompromleing war f«»r the of lb«* National < ‘«»tnnnt !»•• . uh - i«>it> torv of Music the local Tennis Club places where tbe government canals proposition in a way that made it plain tbat the present protection is inadequate « lucri! an«l rrml t hi* call unici which th»« return «4 th«* government t«> the hands . we will I m * railed Upon to revi«» our entertained the visiting players with a cross the railroad grade. In order to in the extreme . nd that by following u»»riiihlag«* had conv«*n»’«l. F«»ll«»wing of the people. an«l thia mean** that the tar it laws in the interests of th«» whole mm-tcai program. Those who con build these conduits in the low places it out the plan proposed by the company N.P. Edward»and wifepairaed through thin Rt. Hr»'. Jani«*« «I K«*an«*. Homan phalanx *>t M|M»«‘ial inttirvsts must la* pr«.p!r.M tri»>«it«-ur mail service has not ininroved, The masses Chairman Taggart tn*\i nnno----- —*• ar«* awakening to realization of the great the mail always ln-init two or three days iuoi ning from A-bland, n here he spent p-mer « t gold in contests that «»tight to late. the Fourth, lie states that Mrs. L. C. I m » «h*tvrminert in Calilornia, and it is said that prices, and it will be to your special ia not in favor of this reform. Col. \V. II. Ilolahird I iiin gon«’ Io San the buss line is piettv well patroniied •• This National eonventioii meets al a Franei»«'«» for a brief visit. benefit to keep your “eye peeled even though Merrill did co dry quite time when the angel «»( peace is hover Mina Florence Epham arri\»*«l from strong. and watch for future announcements. ing over the entire world and the na­ l^an Francisco Wedne*««la\ to visit at tions of the eat th each «lay arc mtrength- Mr. and Mrs. \V. I’. Mickler (nee the home of Mr. and Mrs. \V. S. Wor­ «•ning those ties «»I friendship and com- Mis- Alice Ellis returned a few days den. mo’i interest that will render war less ago Hom Odessa and Fori Klamath, und Many of the parties’ who attended th«* ireqitent, and permit mankind to turn left lliis morning for then future home <>n Saturday, Inly ii , tlieie will be hig celebration at the old F«>rt Klamath their hand« to the peaceable pursuits of at I ee burg, Florida Mi. aud Mrs. a «»nt Io Spring creek !«»r an outing 01 letluctionson every thing in the holier life i at her I han lo the «le* truction of one Mickler mad.- the trip to Crater I ake el»«' to Crater lake. minihvi. from fort Klamath and so tar a« is (ex< ept my contidut ;'oods) and it \\ ill Dr. I nher, an e>e, rar, m» «• ami known Were the first tourist» to get to I he DenuM'rati«* pmlv realir.« •• the pay anyone wantin? thtnv^ in the pa it that \meiicamust inevitahh plav throat peciahst, who has beeu practic* the lake in l‘ power, it will l«e nse«l for the realisation ha» just returned from a camping trip in She Im- lieen a great favorite among tbe Republican Block ««f the high American ideals that iai»e Wool river valley: Misa M. F. Hamil young people as well as with all whom our own people to the loftier ami better ton, F. S. Bratt, Rev. Geo. T. Pratt. W. she has met and all. while in good things ami through our precepts and D. I ly, H. Grizzle. Mr. and .Mis, Geo. «¡¡tie-, wish that Mr. and .Mrs. Mickler , examples contribute to the weli-be»ng Gristle, Mins K. DeF. bkinner and Mi. might choose Klamath county as their and «Mrs. Will Humphrey. and bappiuesa of all.mankind.* home. ... r — LANGELL VALLEY KENO The Real Thing ÜO TO GILLETTES FURNI TURE As a Starter Sewing Machines, etc KI AM A TH FALLS (i.Heitkemper,.lr. LEADING WATCHMAKER JEWELER Our goods are attractive, also the prices