'■ " ---------- ■ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦*♦♦ Beauty-jHealth | (Original.) I Origin EuM Ford not only jh »«-» u-d n fur I urn Ibo lisnlct sute tanca kuown ' I doubl If Iber» I» more truth In any tune, but, b«*r father and rnofb«*r lining 1 bare a green tinx. uloiit lue. though iipliorlsiii (hau In I tie h ,i»t «uhi the «lead, titer» wa« no ou«- to «bn« t b»*r Uiy unite. ait< ii.imlly .olurle»» It Is iimiu'el un lull'll.’ only If I Imd w ritten rnovcmi»nla In atty reapert. Wulk»*r the rarity of Ibis Huge ami my slue It I wuuhl have pill It. 'Let Hie other Brook» waa mu ellgllda i arty U Ing (but makes me very valuable '1 bough fellow allow lit» Im nd before showing also wealthy, and. although I*«* waa qut no larger than u libkory out. I mu your«' m. n> applied to connubial dlf Intvllv« tual and bad no ubj«*« t in life. worth many tboii.aml dollars, I waa fvreiiie» 'Noi only gite your wife tbe Enid bad concluded that tludr two born In Brazil. The fimt of thia world, Manufacturer« of All Kind« of last word, bui give her the first, and eatates united would Involve many ad at Ivaat of daylight, for me waa rolling I« particular that »be J^[Ke« it Nut vinlMgin. She gave him some eucour- lie proposed sud wa» ac- out with M ouvm . «and, earth ami otb<*r only Hint l.is-p on gli lug ft to tier Illi ngeinent tu loerala following the stroke of a wptvd. alle Lungs beraelf with her own ro|M- ' '* I lu y on the ground Ijefore a In memory of ber parents Enid pick, Hmn Aliert adored Illa wife, lull be Ila I'xiked almut bini and, built n little church lu the ti,rii where workman bud lui more con»i lern e In tils ileallng» the lived. When it waa fiu.-h«-* ed me up slid put me lu bl. mouth, "M iiat put liiat luto your bead, old of It aa pastor Ijiureuce lv itb. it r<* When be went from work be was milli? " I naked ut a good without Etile Just lie world. He had, first uf ull. that requi- waa IDJD In United state* bill« PHONE 3BI ’ore that, i I kW» ■lie ij olijei t Mlle for it pastor, the gift of r \ t«-in pur»» man who taught me tk me W hut did I Have u long powwow utterance. \\ hen he bud uuiibing tu room, Io koi the d»»or and examined me with ber » It, ultb aneli word» Na/ tu tilu cungregBtluii hu ket In the lining of bls coat, put night lute by liiisllir»» lioii't nit up uiuny thliigN roiiMfantly lon.tmitly arising arhhig fur me In uud «ewe«l me fa Mt. I didn’t for tri'- T lieu I kiss tier more affec tb«*ui to talk ovrr. They Invariably MUppoMe that I would »tay lung tloiintely tiimi nänni nini go to Hie of coufiu«*e nieur al home. ML m Eord treated Mr. Keith aa the with other clothing taken to Villa de ■he accepted Hilly mid I were sitting pastor of the <-hiircb of which *be ua« down III I hr Im l<|headed row w lien. Prfnrlfie, wliere It wan sold to a Jew owner. glnnchig Nnh1<* Into a proueeuluni box. When .Mr. Keith had adfuiiilatered A young num “all tattered and torn” I «aw (hr party filing Into It and m y the a (Ta Ira of th«* church and its con- rame Into the .Jew's »bop, tried on sev­ wife take n i hair Where she could mkr gregal ion a year MI mm Fun! w.iid to eral coats, and, the on»* I was In fitting Hie with I mi (|| e\t»N blot: blm. be bought It I think the price “I kiss»*d my hand to her, I»ir1 uft«*/ « “I am very well paid was <2 The young man walk»*d look of surprise she (mid ho more at with my mdectlon all the way to Klo. doing work bere l«*iii!<«n to me (linn if | were one of lb»* < hiin h. 'J I m *re U, aLd there for a meal. Had be known n at­ shore clothe*, left the vessel and wulk- I*» 1 to defend hitnsclf I didn't «ay a tached, and be waa Mnlhifled A few ♦*d up luto the city He met a number word I slin|>|y i«M»ke«| at her reproach more matter* of bUNlneaa were i:ilk»»11. why. of «onrse. sire lM*gm> to fig of hi* old chums lunued him some ure on«» «»ut for hrrwelf. but. not bring la tlie cauae of deep feeling to her ’ to v i. cb to baj fi tb bbt to “1 van underalaml that, and it able to »*ar< I leaned for- lahnient. i I m * ii . Inatcad of making a tween the voung man and bls mother There is always a welcome for you at reply, turned and vvalk»*l La« k and and his two sisters. They were evi ­ wind Severn I tlim ■» and 'uiked to hiiu SALEM, OREGON Grace M. E. church. , al» oil n »«»ubrette ou the stage She forth for Nv\ernl mlnutea la deep dently |M*oj»lc of refinement living in Services will I* held ."-iinday in the (bought. Meanwhile Mia« Eord l«»ok<*d Complete Stock of Fruit, was p rtty a« n picture, and Andrews |M»vertj Their returued boy was bun new Methodist Church. ' who knew the atage manager, offered at biui, equally *urjiriM* the cause of my liru tal rh b |M?ople are. tbt*lr wealth h their •at up late patching and darniug them KLAMATH FALLS, ORE. paramount interest. With this predis dvcipti.in I saw aometblng was «tur k BantsT cHt acii that he might appear the better iu Ing niit| just «trcllned to come du» u ¡KMdtiuu to hold and Increase what you looking fur employment. After the Preaching services next Sunday at 11 Administratrix Noti-e from iu> high burse and crawl ou my have, I would advise you to marry a sewing she tuok them downstairs Into o’clock a. m. and 8 o’clock p. tn. Sun­ rich man. ” «toiiu t b Inatead, I »aid nothing Notice is hereby given that by order it la needieas to gay that Mi«s Kurd the kitchen, heated an iron and pressed day school at 10 o'clock and B. Y. P. I. •bout th»* matter ts*twrvu ua. cuufiulug of the County Court of Klamath County, them. While running the iron over the Mr. at 7 :15 p. m. Everyone invited. ui> sett to es. dear,’ mid ’No, dear.’ listened to thia with iuterest. Oregon, made end entered on the 10th coat Its uuse Lit an obstacle iu me. cnutldi nt thut If I let her aloue lung Keith bad mistaken her entirely Wb. t She felt of me. took me to the light to P resbyterian C hurch day of June. 1SK>8, Mary E. Coulson has abe Intended to hmk of him was that bv «nougli »li«**d work «»ut tuy sulvatloii vxamiue the plnce where I was; then, Bible School Sunday morning at 10 lks received a w lint purpose, I wlticed lu wardly ath Falls, Oregon, within six months had found me He looked me over very day evening of the month at 8 o ’ clock. (hitwnnlly I was game. T suppose,’ note from hi* fiancee stating that abv carefully, thinkiug all the while, and The Indies Aid society meets the sec- from the date of this notice; and per- I re|>ll«sl calmly, ‘you think «e went had come to the conclusion that abv asked bls s -ter to show him the place ond Thursday afternoon in the month sons knowing themselves to be indebted w aa not the woman abe would marry; out for a drink?* w lien* she 11 h I found me. Then lie put she bad resolved to s|»vnd her In that at 2; 30. The Ladies Missionary socie­ ! to the said estate are requested to call “'No.'” she said; 'knowing timt you uie in bis | hm ket .«nd later oil started and Mr. Andrews are In the saute bull- coma In doing good only amt not lu ty meets the fourth Thursday <>f the I at said residence or said iaw office and Mr. Bns>ks was out to look tor a situation About uuou month at 2: 20 o'clock. make statement and settlement of same. Ue»s. I did not know tiut Unit y nu went pleasure ms'khig he went home, He met li-s mother In to tile theater on purfsMU- to meet I him somewhat dl«iip|a>liileiided In Imllil The stone I’annie found sewed iu ihj tha science ha« been able tn cure in ail its I’. 8. Land Office at Lakeview, Oregon, lun*» Ing Institution», lie released her. street, for ».'.ISXHHI We'd failed, mid IS. 1906. coat Tliiuk'ng it might be a jewel iu From 'fils time Miss l ord liegnii to stages, and that js <-atarrh. Halt ' « »larrh I bud forgotten all about It. But II 1« hereby given tbiU Hamilton Mulkey, the rough. I took it to a Jeweler. He says Cure is the only positive run* now known to of Notice rely on her piislor lu certain evpemll Klamath Falls, Oregon, who, on March 1!. glue tile n tip nil the same. N«» 373!. for W . it s a diamond. A diamond of that size the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a con­ 19U7, made hoiwi’ev! Hires which slit designed on account of " •Etlle.' I «aid composedly, ’don’t yon . - i . - stitutional disease, requires a constitutional \ w ■ 4 Sei 28, SW Ills ex|M>rieius* In the line she proposed la worth many thousands of dollars.” », Towneldp I I M know Hint some of tlie biggest busl treatment. HalTs t'starrh Cure is taken in- has filed noth e <»i >1 I ini mien to make final oni» He took me out of his pocket, and to n|>eiid Hie money mid Iss'miae of bls news ileal» me elTei ted lu that very mutation pre to • tabll«h c.airu tn the land the mol tier and her daughter gathered ternallv. acting directly iq»on the blood and above ndmhilatrntlve nblllty. wlilcti was of de»cr1bv(i,bvf«»m Count y Clerk Kmi iarli wny T mucous surfaces of the <>\sttni, thereby de Co., at htsotli • , at K'smatb Pall», Or-'yon, on round, each trembling with excitement. "Stic looked down under my holiest the Oral older. It was not long lie stroying the foundation of the disease, and the .»th day of August I . “ l»on ’ t count on too much, dear boy, ” claimant nam* « a* '.*itne*«es: giving the patient strength by building up gaze, mid I sinv that Nile waa very fore their luten*sts became Identical. Win. Hchriner, A. M. Jannaon, Frank John­ much nslimued of herself. Seeing that Miss Ford furnished the means for said (he mother. “If it is a diamond. It the constitution and Assisting nature in doing son, Ben ('arllxlv. all of Klamath Falls. Oregon. J . N. WATHON she had kept me nt swords' |*oluts for good, and Mr. Keith s*nt that the lias a real owner, and you must find its work. The proprietor» ha\e so mueh faith Reg iso r. revernl dn.vs by tlie want of faith In money went Into many a household him, but In* will doubtless give you a in its curative power* that they offer One I. i ’ i T-.HI i Hundred Dollar* for any case it i»ils to» nr* . tie, her lip trembled, mid she burst In- where It was not only a g«xlsen«l, but reward for its return.” But tin* owner was never found. The Send for list of testimonials. waa exfiended to a practical purpose, Notice for Publication II tears. F. J.t'HKNEY A <’O Toledo. i>. young man wrote to the officers of all IH’pari ment of the Interior, "Going to her. 1 tk her to my man­ Hue evening after they had liven talk Sold bv druggist«. 75c. rtig of these matters Miss I'ord said: l'. S. Land Otltee at l.skevi-n Oregon, fano tlie diamond mint's In Brazil, and all Take Hftll’sFamily Fills (or Constipation. ly bosom mid said: 1«. use "Mr. Keith. I once gave you mi Invi repHtM that they had in» rec*ord of any Noue' 1« ht'rebi gi. 1 t .t Jan . L.(.oril*'ii, “'Hori’t trouble yourself any more ot Ki. Klamalh. or « ! , w ho. ou Augnst '1. alsiut It. sweetheart You have my en­ (atloli wlileli you dis lined. Were the such diamond, though 1 tiad doubtless 1901, made home*!**»1! l airy N" ¿48»', for Lots situation now wliat you Infernal It t»een taken from some of them when* i *, Range 7’ 9 K, tire forgiveness.’ ” » and il. As'llon 9, Tos i”*h. of intention Since noue of Will. Meridian, ha. lie mlled a cigarette mid lighted It to be. your reasons for declining would dug from tin* earth. Stampeded t » itabit.h lo make Anal live ç eai proof ; have been excellent. But since then them could prove ownership none of In Ills quick wny. giving tlie match a claim to the land ■*’" • it»., r.-a. .. helor.» A band of 200 head of cuttle, being County ........... ......... ..... .'ii ............ Clerk. Klam 1 < i»., si hit «'Ith*»}, al shake mid throwing It away, evidently I have made my calling your calling them clalnuHl me. Klamath Fa I Is, Oregon, n th i^t »!•} ••( tug« 1 see no reason why a fortune held In I was pollslitsl. cut and sold fur a driven from Myrtle Creek to Klamath USt, quite proud of Ills exploit. I9U8. trust, as I bold mine, for the poor County bv the Dixon b->vs last week, Claimant name« st ’.vittu fortune I I h ' toiing man went back to "Slam." I said, "do you kuow what Etld Leever, < bar' » Martin, Jauie« Eurer should not continue to go tliroitgli you college, and tlie story of tils return went on a stampede and a number of I i •(■ >ou are especially fitted for?” to the greatest gooil Again I ask J WATBON. getting out among the students, (bey the cattle were killed. The animals I- "U tint n big diplomatic in I ««lati ?" Register wll[ you marry me?" gave him the sobriquet of “Old came friglitened at a train that came up "No; to light tlie stH'ets »Ith n eoat The second Imitai loii was m eepted Cloth«* ” ,f tar oil you " behind them at Ro'kv Point put u i li IMMAIINi: < Bl HI. K ciiARLoin: bu . ni » H ail . NOHMAN P Will IK of Kuekles station and stampeded. At Irraprataibl». c-ute Sign. Mo , (oi distribuli n '1 a tern men. tiup.i Huous. Through Ilf« the grafter a- heinlng goes “Do you think she will marry Jack?” the Stevenson place i- a deep gully » itb The thought a ■ blue one “H«‘ wants to lune u plank demand Tile fame of hot • - this •-ction ie far a wagon mail only wide enough to per ­ “ Sure to. ” As soon as old tricks we expose Ing old age pensions fur men In the • How cau you tell?” mit the passage of a single vehicle and wide. In fact there ar* no better He learns a new one platform this year ” — Washington Star. She Is beginning to explain bls fam­ When the herd struck this gully they horses grown in the world. And the “But w hi t Ills discrimination? Would ily “ rolled intuit until it was full ami the coming of the railroad will make a still not Hie women need It as badly?” Caut. For R.s.ntm.nt. remainder passed >wer them to the other wirier sale for the horses -4 this section. “Ye*, the) might ni'ed It. but they "Yes," said Mrs. Newrleh, "I treat Educated Food. side. Three of the lot were killed and a The deal was made by a Mr. Hadley, on would never grow <»ld enough to tw my domestics as equals." “H«»w do you like the new cook?” a com tin as ion ba is. The horse» were entitled to It, so w hat s the user* number crippled. "And don’t they resent It?" quelled “Great. Her biscuits are a poem.** driven down by S. <>. Halley, A. J. Mrs. Oldgolil. Houston Post. “She must be a graduate of a cook» Welch. Wayne Hannon aud Geo. If«n- Ing school.“ non. The latter went on to St. Louis A Composition. Many Oregon Horses Sold A poet could not sleep one night. witli the bund, and the rest of the boys Remorse. Hl» Pegasus demanded flight \V. A. Cinner Sold 250 horses this week returned Thursday and w nt back to Bplli e misht fool us and tie good. As h« composed he found 11« might Lakeview XV Inti r s I'lugi ‘amine blocking. and drove them to therai'roa.l at I ikely, Summer Lake, their home Cutr.p ju blmselt to »leap Then »*e d bv ualiamcd tvs would. Examiner. —Lippincott « Magasin»' California, (or shipment to St. Louts, For thia early kno iking (Origin., Electrical I 'ibrutor I'hy«klan. Recommend It Old Clothes A Turo of the Wheel. Long Lake Lumber Co. ) LUflBER On Exhibition .mJ Sale at our salesroom Easy ternis oi payment. Call and examine them. Klamath Falls Light & Water Co AT COST! Cabinet Work, Sash and Doors, AH Kinds of Mouldings, All kinds of Finishing Lum­ ber now on hand. Large assortment of Doors and Windows made up and .ready for immediate 5 Complete Only a few left SUNLIGHT 1 W. 0. HUSON, E lsctnic P osiasli J ^Klaiiuith Falls Light & Water Co hm i- KLAMATH COUNTY BANK KLAMATH FAI I.N. ORF.GON ALEX MAKTIX. I’rreidml F. IL KEAMEs, Vic.- I‘i.*i«lvnl ALEX MAIHIN, Jr., Caahirr LESLIE l«M»EIl I'.r-IM I'FCEMBEK SI. 11107. I .*Ho,"»do. , Hi* i , . hl I 4.745.1 ► IMI,247.IH4 !•'»<»,(H9.51 CHAS. R. BALDWIN Oregon Nursery Co. t'tpital Stm li. fully pm.I Surplu. alni Profil». 1 Hl» oil.. . B.t.k - IH-.P o M I « Trees. Shrubs, Vines OUR THIRD MIK 08 .'■IO IMI I T« rr » i 7M *f».(MÌ) 00 an II ; ,;!>»• I.' s.oi.l • •I »!•* sa T«»i n I Since cur organization ns it Trust ami Savings Bank on Novvmlier Is. 1907. we have rendered to the State Exam­ iner of Hanks three reports of our condition and been exam­ ined once by him. The |{e|H>rl speaks for itself showing a pain of «9,715 (kl since our last report. We realize that the most valuable asset nf'a Bank is that of public confidence and we fiinimh our defMisitors with every safeguard ami protec­ tion fur their fund«, and shall continue to do so in the future as in the past Oilr books are always open for insp'ction by depositors. G, City Meat Market WEISS & ARMAND PROPRIETORS AU KINDS OF FRESH, SALT AND SMOKED MEATS SAUSMtS Of Al I KINOS olmes H BUSINESS COLLEGE WASHINGTON ANO TENTH STREETS PORTLAND. OREGON WRITE FOR CATALOG I I I A