! ui DRESS GOODS SALE Days 44 Days Silks, Woolens — Cottons JUNE io f» Mis. II. F. Mitchell arrived in the cm Frida» tiom Granta Pa»» to visit with her sister. Mu Fred Bvhalloi'k. 4- : : RICK STORE C2 THE X *r*4>4'»4*4-t4<*i<4—1<4>4*4*4* 4*4*4*4*4*44 4*4*4*4t4*4*4»4»4*4t4*4*4*4t4*4*4< 4» X CITY BRIEFS See Ady for marsh lands. 0. W. White, president of the First National Bank, left Wednesday for Salem t i attend the state Bankers' V»»o- J rial ion. Sheriff Olvnehaiu was aveuiupamisl I home from hi» trip to Salem by Ilia mother, who resides at Ceiit'ai point, and who wdl remain for an extended Visit. For 5a la: A fit,. Irkt-acre tract three miles out. 1 Ins i - a Far. am. The own­ er must go to a lower altitude and will i sell cheap. Mason A Slough. « 25 I It is not known at what lima the Hairiuian party will arrive, hut there b.i- I» en no contradict on of ilie report that the lime is tim'd (or about the mid- .ile of July. Clin*». I'el.ap. who assisted Sheriff Ola'ii. bain in taking his prisoners to Salem, is now visiting with relativ«( the Herald »tan, .1. man. is m tlie city I’. l iavens and 1' It. Morgan left D. G. Brown is in the ne to I n. expect to make a thorough exploration of thia noted spot made famous during to visit with her |>areiit». the Modoc war. V nine pound son was lavrti Thursdai l’lm family o( F . P. .‘nmemiller, are to the w ife of J. S. Peck. Mrs. F E. Ankeni is iT-tlmg relative, rived heie (mm Klamath Falls, la»t Sat­ urday, and are greatly pleased with their i 1 Portland and N-attle. , new home. I’livi were surprised to find «'. II. MeCutnlier came in from his 1 null a pretty little city, and«n,-h a busy ranch near Dairv Monday. ■no. Wo are glad to welcome them Um. F. Paine, a Lakeview real estate among ii- l ake County Examiner dealer, is in the city on business. In accordant*« with an order made by E. Whitlock returne,I Friday from the council at its last meeting a new a visit to Portland and San Francisco. -i lewalk i» I eing built ill front ot the Brighten up with Sherwin-Williams vacant lots in the |»vst office block. Paint. Sold by the Baldwin lldw. Co Walk» must al«<> be built in other parts , of the city and City Marshal Low has 1 he Misses S*en serving notice» n property holders Schallock are to this effect. Klamath. C T. Oliver returned a few days ago Mrs. Susana Leach has gone t > Klam- from Wood River valley. He »avs that atli Agency to visit with relative* for a i*>ring for artesian water is meeting with few days. success ami that two more wells Mr. and Mrs. tieo. Milkmaid and have been sunk and a flow »truck at a Mrs. Bert Withrow are visiting in R >v" e depth of pi.lwbly 210 fe«t. Tlie (wring river valley. machine now in that section will he Small tracts of well located title marsh kept busy during the entire .summer. lands offered for one week at |2u per M. D. William», the popular <*<>uuly ere. Al»l Adv. 4 surveyor, I, it here a few days ago stat­ Mr. and Mrs. Marion Hanks retnrrel Friday from Port sod and from D ■ 1 r- la« county print«. J. C. Beach, of Naylox, has purchased the Wilkins place on Conger avenue. Consideration |4night. Important business coming on right ear. Cam v to my place about j >. Your attendance is requested. the first week in May Where can I buy Sherwin-Williams tf Steve Herlihy. P. int? Allen Sloan has sold his interest in at BALDWIN'S HARDWARE STORE the Klamath County Abstract (Company Mrs. C. H. Underwood returned Fri- to hi» partners. Bert Withrow and Don from an extended visit with rela­ J. Z unaalt. Mr. »loan will leave short­ tives at Portland anJ other Willamette ly for Rogue River Valley, where be ' valley points. will remain for a time and will there Mrs. Lena Hargus entertained a num- complete the study of law. . her of young people at .'>00, Friday eve­ "Better than ever.” If you are in­ ning, in honor of Misses Hannah and terested in seeing and hearing great 1 Mabie Bowne. men and women—in fine Music-in Art j Mrs. M. O. Wilkins left Tuesday — in Bible Study—in Cookery, and lots | morning for Seattle where (lie willsiwnd of other good things, send postal at | I the Summer. The Colonel will aoeomp- once for furthe: information. any her as far as Weed. S. 0. Chautauqua Association, American Yield Fence and KOKO/TO LAWN FENCE BARBED / HV ROBERTS & HANKS HARDWARE DEALERS KLAMATH COUNTY BANK Che June Bride KI.AMATIt FAI I S, OUl'tION now ahowt her happineaa and ah in »*»4 reapiendrnt along with <»ur line* of Sparkling Cut (ilass Hand Painted China anti Rich Silver The Pioneer Bank of Klamath County STATEMENT of CONDITION Al Illi (T.«>s| i.| |tf>l\|>> DECEMBER .11. I’"*. 1 ..»mm and IHaconnta IU iik I r aik I Sn'uritma Kent Estate, lluihlingn and FiMtnrea Cash ami Sight Exchange. All are appropriate w,«l dmg gifts and »he will not I h " happy till »he gets them See Get I I.'. Ill \MI ». V ..<• 1'r. »ident I l>l.l 1' Itix.l K' l»»t. I a»bler Al.EX MARTIN. President ALEX MARUN, Jr., Cashier ||| 1) ‘"I I\ f KM» UHKUI ti, tm . n . KM) '■* i tl Line Prices fi. J. miniers TMI HADING JIWUJLJI BRANCH STORK 11 mu. iti km DORMIR, CAU IM9.M I. Alex Martin. Jr , Cashier <>l the al« ve named Bank, e»l of mv knowledgrtnd lad leve Ai sx M astix , J h ., Cashier. Sul>acribrd and »woru to Indore me Ibi» rtlh day ol January, IIM1H. (saxt.j C. If. WitHR.iw. Notary Public for. ■. Studebaker wagons run more easily than others I*- Cause ea> b wlieel is parfectiy priqiortmord, with the I i of the hub t> l iu the exact centri. 1 lie sl rin la so set that tho wherl inns straight ahead und< i a load and cannot tnl>, bind or grind oil l • Studebaker hubs never hug either nut or collar. That s another raaaon win the Mmlrbalei is <>t such wonderfully bght diaft. It make» bard I -ails easy for hora-s. And it standa i it' ’ ■ v t <♦« ' . giMdai t ;. ■ ( ’ .. i w Because skein, axle, spok«« hub Iliade tn if At. I lie mkriua liave a (rati r Mmifith 2 « greater than that inquired bv tho I Stati > G -rnnneut. i Ito ail« « are '♦ in« Ii J idei....... I . No wooda t Hie large I an 11 < I equi|>|>ed r hit la ÌMtatji in U n t ■! II m Studebakr i \\ •• are proud lo m II tli>*^^y btudebuker. bee u i. «-25 Ashland. Oregon. Sheriff-elect W. B. Barnes and his deputy, R. E. Guthridge, are now in the sheriff's office familiarizing themselves Notice. with the work of the office. May 14, 1908. Several new residence« are now in the Notice is hereby given that there are course of construction on Ewanna funds in the city treasury to pay war­ Heights. New home« are also being rants up to 1763. Protested to August Over built in all parts of the city. 8, 1905. Interest ceases from date. 100 Mr. and Mrs W. 8. Worden arrived J. W. SIEMENS. Acres Friday in their new Pope Toledo car. City Treasurer. They were accompanied by Mrs. Has­ “Studebaker I kin* who wid remain for a visit. Nyal’s Vegeta­ Plant ble Prescription Miss Lillie Arnett went to Redlands is indicated in all Saturday. She was delayed in start­ ordinary diseases •Uh a BcpaUtUta Bahiaitf II. ing by the serious illriess of her father, of women. This who is now very much improved. remedy never disappoints, its Mr. and Mrs. (’. E. Lacey and two good effects be daughters left Saturday for In* An­ ing perceptible from the very geles after a week’s visit at the home o* Baby Hooper, the infant id Id of Mr. first. It is com­ C. P. Gregory. Their home ia at Aber­ posed of the pur­ and Mrs. J. I*. Hooper, residing at the* deen, 8. |>. est and most re­ Hawkins ranch six mile, south of town, liable drugs Mr. and Mrs. G. Ileitkemper, Jr., re- The mercurials, opi­ died Monday, aged nine days. turned from Portland Monday. They ates and other funeral was held from the residence will be accompanied home by Mr«. . W. harmful drugs this afternoon. 17 Dairy Cows, with Calve» J. Brennan, who lias also l>eei> at Port- being excluded. Horses of all ages The many dis­ land for several weeks. A'ex Martin. Jr .cashier of the Klam­ Hogs of all sizes concerting influ­ ath County Bank, left this morn- Farm Implements, Tools, etc. A marriage license was taxied ences to which Household Goods- Fine lot of woman is con­ .ing to attend the State Brinker»' A»«o- day to Tobe 8. Mishler and Furniture Creino Sepanitoi jelation, which meets in Salem. Mr. stantly subjected Muy Slate, both of Merrill. The parties render her liable Martin will lie accompanied by liis TUESDAY, JUNE .(o, toa m. were married by Rev. J. B. Griffith at to many fine nieces, Margmet and France» Miner, At KESTI.R RANCH, Poe Valley i Ilia residence at II o'clock that morning. tional disorders (Free Lunch) that not only tend who will go to Seattle to visit with their Dr. ('. P Mason, gave a dinner party to de t toy h<-r comfort and happiness, | mother. at the Lakeside Inn Saturday evening but which gradually mopular and entertained a« hi« guests Mr. and and serious diseases. Mrs. Clarence Horton I nderwoisl, Mias Nyal’s Vegetable Prescriptionia with­ 'eacliers in the Klamath Falls schools, Izris Parker of Portland and Mr. Geo. G. out h peer for the snccessful treatment left Tuesday for Grants Pass, where of female weakness, painful and disor­ she will remain for a few weeks. She Brandenburg. dered menstruation, hysteria, cramps, was accompanied by her mother. The famous Nettleton shoe, for men, “bearing down pains,” inflammation .1. D. Carroll is again in the field for a 1 are to be found at the Boston Store, and falling of the womb. This is a rem- I Among those who return«! Monday cook and he was on the streets of the edy of sterling worth. which has the exclusive agency for from Portland and other points along city before break fast Tuesduy look them. The Nettlrton : hoe for grace. UNDERWOOD'S PHARMACY tlm line of the Southern Pacific were ing for Home lady to take charge of his comfort and ear? tu-* no equal, for Mrs. 8 Hamaker, Mrs. W V Walk household. He says he will Im with­ < OR. 7TH ANI* MAI . STS. wearing quail 1 1 1 cannot he sur er, Mrs (ieo. T. Baldwin an I l>i. ) M. out ranch hand» if he Im« K lamat h Falls - Oregon , paused. White. 1 rooking lor many mure days. More than 1,000,000 Studebaker Vehicles in Daily Use GEO. T. E ALL WIN, Klamath Falls, Ore., Established 1871 BICYCLES Public Sale N