Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, June 25, 1908, Image 1

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    Offlci.il Newspaper
ol Klamath County
Official Newspaper
of Klamath County
Clear Lake Dam
L. & W. Co.’« Reservoirs
NO. J3
Musical Recital
"Newell paid «urne attention to the
Friday evening in the High Hchool a»
Coiistriiciiun woik will iM-gin within
The ease that haa attracted the at­
The government surveyors have es­
I action we took al lhe Bonanza meeting,'* » few da)■ on the two reservoirs to lie tention of the public this week is that
sembly the pupils of Mrs. Don J. Zum­
"»id Jacob Hueck, one of the directors built by the Klamath Fall» Light A of the State ve. J«y Arant, who is ac­ tablished a camp in loingell Valley and walt gave a musical recital bslore a
ol III» Water Caere' Association and n Water Co. Mr. II. V. Gale», the presi­ cused of stealing a calf from Clarence are now busy surveying the so-called large audience. Mrs. Zumwalt J is a
larxlowuer in the I pper project, when dent <>l the company, h»« been om the Harria. The Jury in the ease is an fol- Upper project.
large class of pupils in vocal muse arid
The recent rain was a great help to lhe recital was given by her abvanced
speaking about the meeting recent I v ground for a few days and has alieady lows;
held to determine U|xir> som» action to let contract» for some of the material.
pupils, elded by others in the chorus.
A. C. 1-ewia, Felix Strickland, Allen
lw taken if the !!<•< lainatuin Servi. « A» » mi stated in this p<|>er early in Sloan, Henry Straw, Burge Mason, in thia section lor a number of years.
The chorus of sixteen ladies' voices
Haying time in fatngell Valley is not rendered two numbers very beautifully
should refuse to reconsider the Mila on the Spring, on« of the reservoir« will 1« Fred Stukel, F. L. Armstrong, H L.
the Clear Lake dam and decide not to built ill the Breitenstein addition, to Aldriilge, Ckaa. Ager, Henry Offen- far distant.
and showed good chorus training.
liegln work on th it part ol thu project West Klamath Falls and the other will bacher, E. W. Gillette and R. H Ross.
The agent for the J. ft. Watkins rem-
Miss Mabel Campbell sang very sweet­
• hlw year. Mr. Hueck continued, "Wo lie built in the Hot Hprinx« addition.
The case «■■ called Tuesday morning edies is making Ills semi-annual trip ly and showed great advancement over
at leaslgol an answer to our telegram,
her work in the last pupils' recital.
In addition to the construction of the and His prosecution stated to the jury among old customers.
Misa Mae Worden captured the audi­
Judge Benson granted a temporary and Itisi is m >re than III» association reservoir» »evetal mile« of pipe will lie what it proposed to prove. Following
From present indications the wild
inluiilloii late
edneaday altenoon got Io the t'llrgrains sen* out by ordvr laid tin» Hummer, and a shipment of tins lx*i;aii lhe examination of w itnesses, strawberries are going to be quite plen­ ence by her singing of the Scotch songs
I'limetuii, N. J. Juue 24, Grover
and please*! an J surprised many of her Cleveland, ex-President ot the United
restraining the County Court from ol the association when In session in I pipe» euilii lent to lay between threeand Clarence Harris, the complaining wit­ tiful
carrylag out the provlalona ot the Klamath Falls. Director Newell tele, I lour n lie« will arrive here within a few ness was the first to 1» examined, and
Here are a few questions that we friends by her beautiful rendition of the States died at 3:40 this morning. For
graplid the committee that as »'Kin as weeks. Il will require about three the direct examination bigether with
I oval Option I aw anp netting July
the paat fifteen months rumors of his ill­
would be pleased to have answer«! by difficult aria from lltrovatore
Miss f/iuise I-ee sang most excellent­ ness have indicated that the fatal dis-
aa the dalefun which a hearing will we had HO per cent of th» lands signed months toi-omple'e the construction ol the cro»» questioning by the defense
Up lie would Ix-glii work on the dam. the reservoirs and lhe pipe will lie laid took up the entire fo« ioon and part ol J
had on the writ of review.
let. Why is Langell Valley termed ly the two dilficu't songs assigned her, ea»«- from which he has twen a sufferer
W» have almost that now, coti nt I ng the »• It 1» needed.
and tier high clear notes were 1,1 oat for so long was gradually battling the
. the afternoon.
the upper project? Jod. If this is a
Himr ths decision ol fudge Hanna lands that aie signed conditionally, and
The construction of th« additions to
Harris testified that he purchaned the separate project why do the people up pleasing.
■kill of the most expert physicians of
Roy Walker's was the only male the country and that it was only a mat­
granting a | h rmaneiit injection against w« ate going to make an effort to get tin- water system will give Klamath Falls calf from Early trant June II, 1907, here have to lielp keep up the expenses
lhe count\ court of laikson county m
excellent file prole< tion In cue ol a it was then three weeks old That from of the K W. U. A. ’ 3rd. li tins is not v >ice on the program, but what the ter of a abort time before the great Ttem-
Mr. Hueck* was not inlorm»l as to serious confiagratioo water can tw time to time the calf was outside of his
the mailer of oeclaring the city of Mol
an individual and separate project why pr ogram lacked in nuiulier he mad« up ocratic sta'esman would succomb.
I- id prohibitum undei the |.M*al option how Director Newell prop wed tod-, the drawn from four sources, the three property on the highways and range. is it that you government men ask that iu quality, and delighted the audience Each time these rumors were emphat­
law then- has been a movement among work, whether by rontra. I, or liv force ri -ervoirs and the pump direct. The Wishing to have a private mark on the a certain |-er cent of the land up here by hie full round tone«.
ically denied by theattendingphysicians
Mi«» Mamie Boyd is one ot Mrs. and rneml*rs of the family and recently
tlx* saloon men of ibis city to start legal account. Should he undertake it by the pressure w ill also lie much stronger a» calf, inasmuch aa he had no brand, he, I m - signed up before you liegin work on
proceedings that would prohibit the
all of lhesources of supply will lie con­ on Dec. 28, 1907, inserted a ten cent the Clear Lake darn, when in fact as a Zumwalt's youngest pupils and has statement» were made that the dis­
c-uinty court from declaring lhe citv of will meet with const lerable opposition, nected by the system of pi|iee ussxl in piece in the hide of the calf; this was whole more than the percentage asked sung only a few tunes in public, but her tinguished patient was rapidly recover­
Klamath I alls prohibition under the as many of the landowners in that sec­ the distribution ol water.
marked on both sides with his initials; is already signed up. 4th. Are we natural sweet voice has responded won­ ing i -
lucal option law in accordance with tlie tion are bitterly opposed to that form of
Several ol the additions to the city this was done in his wife's presence. known at Washington a« a »e pa rate derfully to the training and her future therefore came as a surprise.
Vote of the c uinty al the went election con st rue I ion work.
are now without a water supply and lhe About Jan. 17, 1908, the calf disap­ project, or are we classed with those will be watched with interest.
At his bedside at the time of his death
it la apparent from the telegiam sent completion ol lhe new reservoirs will peared from the Cox ranch; next time i
Mrs. O. B. Gates was not able to »mg were Mrs. Cleveland who for the past
The first step in thia direction was
around the Falls?
owing to illness and the audience was several months has l«ren most devotwl
taken Monday when Kent Ballard and lw Mr. Newell that Id* chief reason for enable the company to deliver water to he saw it was while digging a well on
If all the saloon men would submit to very much disappointed.
A. Castel, through their attorneys, F. the rvjec'ioii of th» blds on the dam w as every part ol the city that has sufficient . the J. Arant homestead; it was branded
in her attentions refusing to jermit any­
This war the second song recital given one but herself to care for her husband,
II. Mills and A. I. f-eavilt, filed a |ieti- I m wause the required per cent of the residences to warrant the ek|>en»e of “J A" on the right side; the dime in­ the new law as does Jack Robinson of
tmn in lhe circuit court asking lor a writ Ismi* ha I not I hwii signe-l up with the laving the pi|M-».
serted waa removed by Henry Low in Bonanza, it would surely lie to their by the pupils of Mrs. Zumwalt and it and only under the strictest orders of
credit. Jack deserves due credit for was a treat to all music lovers. Few
of review, making t ounty Judge Grif­ Government. Mr. Hueck thinks that
presence of witness, Burrell Short, John
her doctor retiring for brief periods of
his view of the matter.
cilieshave music teachers that excel much needed rest. All of the children
fith and Commissioner Fred Mclhase with Director Newell's promise that he
"Many of my friend« in Portland will
Howard B ggs has returned home Mr«. Zumwalt, and her unselfish and gathered to bid farewell to their dis­
tlie defendants. Thia writ will come will liegm work on the dam just a* »<»>n
On cross examination he stated that
l»ehire Judge lie.icon as soon as he can as the required amount of land 1a signed visit th« Klamath country tins Summer, he told II. S. Grigaby that he might from Klamath Falls where he has been tireless devotion to the voices under tinguished lather. Tuesday afternoon a
her care was fully exemplefied in the consultation wa* held and the unan­
find lime Io take up lhe matter, and thia for irrigation, there will not I» much to spend their vacations," said G. Heit- have been mistaken, but did not say attending the High school.
will likely I* befoie lhe firstdayol July, dirtlcultv In getting moat of the lands kein|»*r, Jr ’ »In-ti neked a twin I hi» visit that he was mistaken; that he was r.ot
Henry Haines and family attended recital last evening.
imous opinion was that death was but a
Miss Elsie Applegate accomp.’.nied matter of a few hours, although every
a< according to the order ol the County remaining unsigned under contract fin to the «tat« metropolis. He continued. being paid to prosecute Arant.
the Baptist Association at Klamath
Miss Mamie Boyd witli^i violin obligato effort known to science wa« put forth to
court prohibition goes Into effect. The water. At the present time about 74'„ "I met many |H*ople wb<* arc interested
Mrs. Harris then followed and gave Falls.
in the "Angle's Serenade.”
Mi«« war) off the fatal hour. At times these
outcome of the case will l*e watched |M*r cent of the lands are signed run- ill this section ami who talked »trongly I testimony as to the insertion of the
Frank Swingle has returned to his
ol coming lieie to look over the csnintry
always a favorite ' I effort» would seem to succeed, but the
with much interest. The matter ol ditionally ami unconditionally
dime into the calf's hide by her hus­ home at Ashland alter an extended Applegate is
with a view Io lii)e«ling a» well a» (or
with Klamath Falls audiences.
granting ths writ will In itself not slop
I ex-President gradually failed until this
visit with his son. He was accompan­
the purj..we of visiting some of the re­ band.
prohibition from going into effect, but if
I morning when he sank into a comatose
ied home by Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Cope­
Stockmen are Jubilant
hi this section.
thowritls gianted it Is very prolaildv
Members of the Order of the Eastern from which be never rallied.
stated that he stayed at the Arwrt land. The latter will visit with her sis-
Stockmen of this section feel that IhH
that a restraining order will 1» issued, is to l<o a prosperous year for them. am very much interested in Crater i-ake place last winter; was familiar with the ter, .Mrs. »»ingle.
Star tendered a banquet to Mrs. E. R.
and II this is done the saloons will on
Reames Tuesday at the Masonic Hall. ■ Orders were issued directing the
W liile the scarcity of Isvl in the Fast di«ap|»>inte*l <hat the appropriation tor Harris calf; saw a cow and calf pass
Robert Williams is building a milk
tlnue business until lhe trailer in finally has no direct liearing upon this country
Mrs. Kearnes was elected Grand Worthy- placing of all flags through.>ut and
this year is such a small amount, and the Pine Grove school one day last Feb­ house. He is an enthusiastic dairyman
sett Id
Matron at the recent Grand Lodge I country at half mart. Princeton dur-
yet in an indirect way it will effect the they w ill work fi»r a large sum next year.
and lielieves in keeping abreast with
In the pililkia ar» set forth a nuiulier
held at Portland and the fest­ I all New Jersey is in mourning, for
home he saw tne calf in the corral; calf the tunes.
price of Klamath county stock. Horace
of reason« why the writ should lie grant­ Mitchell, ill s|ieakliig of the situation It is < "nsideretl a direct »lap at the en­ was kept in bam while he was there;
ivities of last night were in honor of her ing his residence in this city and state
tire slate of Oregon that the appro-
Mrs. It. C. Cowley has gone to Klam­ home coming.
President Cleveland ha» endeared him­
ed, lull chief among them is that the jraid:
rut down to »3UOO. The bore no marks or brand; he was pres­ ath Falls Io meet her sister, who has
local option law Is siqiercedd by the I "The shortage in the l*«( supply in
A musical and literary program was self to all of its citizens.
been attending school at Central Point, rendered and this was followed by the
charter of lhe city of Klamath Falls, the East will have some ■ fleet upon the
Arrangements are being made for
aware that Crater Iwike is one of the then bore the "J A" brand. The cross I Ore.
l he local option law w aa enacted iu lucal market, and I think that this is
banquet. Judge H. L. Benson acted as the funeral which will he one of the
world wonders and a large delegation
E. C. Lyon was elected director and toast master and among those who re­ most noted ever held in America.
June ol l*»M, while the city charter was going to I m * a g.Msl v rar for the stockmen
Ir .in then* a ill »iait the |«rk during lhe mony.
Wm. Pankey w a« re-elected clerk of Lor- sponded were W. A. Delaell, Hon. H.
not enacted until th« following year.
Grover Cleveland was born in Cald­
of this section. Much of the lieef in next few month«."
This places the case practically <>n a Nevada and I lab that has heretofore
testified that after the calf disappeared , elU school district at the annual meet- V. Gates, A. L. Leavitt, Ky Taylor and well, N. J., March 18, 1S.17. Hie lather
I big.
[uir with that of kidford, except that
Miss Lulu Straw. The lodge presented was Rev. Richard F. Cleveland. He
lawn going to the Western markets will ditioiia at tlie metropolis, Mr. Heilkem from the Cox place where Hams was
the charter ol this i lly d<a'S not con.
The Ladies' Aid Society had an enjoy­ Mrs. Reames with a beautiful silver received a common school education
go East liecause <4 the shortage and it |M-r statetl tint from talking with some i living he next saw the calf at Jay
tain the clause delegating to the city will result in an increase of the price of
able m.-etlng at the home ol Mrs. D. berry dish, Mrs. H F. Murdoch mak­ in Fayetteville and Clinton N. Y. His
i Arant’a.
the power to regulate licence amt pro- a’l Western lieef. It is also very pride ot the largest dealers in the city lie gain­
Court Reporter Richardson identified Campl-ell last Thursday. Their next ing the presentation speech. Mrs. ; first poeition wa« a* a clerk in the New
hilnl the sale ol intoxicating liquors re­ able that stock will tw shipped to the ed the impression that condition» were the dime, and it was then offered m ev­ meeting will lx* held at the home of Reames responded, tliat.kiug the lodge York Institute for the filin'). In 1865
improving and that in the past lew idence.
gardless ol any other state law. The
Mrs. Hu-«- y. The time is spent in visit­ for the many honors she bad received, | he went to Buffalo, N. Y., where he be­
northern markets this year ami thia
ap|iendis, "regardless of any other will also make an increase in the price." month» business ol every kind had pick­
and expressing her hearty appreciation gan the study of law. Isring admitted to
Henry Low then took the stand and ing and making useiul articles.
ed up considerably.
state law" is not atliid tn the clause in
all that the Order of Eastern Star has | the bar in 18«3. That year lie was ap-
In s|ieakiug of the range conditions
In s|»nking ol the political situation
the charter for Klamath Falla.
i pointed assistant district attornev of
Mr. Mitchell said. "I think the range is Mr. Heitkemper said: "Chamberlain the neck of the calf. Court then ad­ met at the school house Tuesday for bestowed upon her.
The |dition cites error on the part alsiiil the same as it was last year. Mock
The evening was one of the grandest -Erie County. In l®»»5 he was defeated
journed until W ednesday morning.
the purpose ot building a wood shed and
of the county court in making the order is looking pretty gi">d and unless * me-
The jury, judge and lawyers, ac­ also a fence around the ground and to events in the history of the l"Cal lodge for district attorney. In 1839 he became
for lhe local option election and also in thmg unusual should happen the hay All ol the Statement No 1 men have companied by aliout thirty men, went | otherwise improve the
premises. and all who were in attendance partici­ a member of the law firm of Lanning,
been interview»! and every one has said to the barn in tlie east end whe>e Luncheon was served by the ladies.
declaring the result of the election.
pated in one of the leading social events I Cleveland A Folaom. In 1870 he was
crop will lie up to the average ."
that the promisee and pledges made dur­ the calf is being kept, an-l tn» te a
‘ of this season.
electwt sheriff of Erie county. At the
Pelican Lodge is being fitted up for
ing tlie campaign would lie fulfilled. Tlie
Sheriff trivenchain will sell the Mid- sentiment in Portland is strongly in fa­ thorough inspection of the calf, which with regard to rains we would not need
E. B. .Mitchell, who has been here end of his term he became a member of
tin* reception of the Harriman party.
from Missouri for the past several the firm of Bass, Cleveland A Bissell. In
A large shipment id furniture was taken way liar Fixturee, building formerly vor of the election of Governor Cham­ Mr. Arant claims is the one in dispute rrigation in this locality.
starter! for his home this morn­ 1881 he was elected mayor of Buffalo,
to the resort t'slay, mid the many im­
< ieo. T. Cline is
duty in
berlain, although tlie Statement No. I
ing. He was so favorably impressed which office he administered with bril­
provements ami ilianges in the place with about <10 tons of ice, on ths 2flth men did not think that they would be and the hide of the calf, which Arant Klamath Falls.
claims belongs to him and which Harria
with this section he will return here liant success. In 1882 he was elected
me neaiing completion. Col. ILdabird, day of June. The sale will be made at called upon to elect a Democrat to the
Two deer went past J. D. Seaton a
with his family this Fail and will make governor by an unprecedented majority.
who has charge of the work, lias had
United Stales Senate.”
The court room was packed all home ami across the >»«mp Sunday hie home in thia county. Fie has been His record in »his office secured for him
several men employe I fur the |>a«t few will commence at 10 o'clock a. m on
but the main interest seems to set afternoon.
assisting bis brother, Horace V., in the the nomination for pre-idant in 1884.
The Chamlier of Commerce, is receiv­ day
imuitlis willi the result that the l^slge Friday the «Hilt.
... which
. ...
the battle
the opposing
to which office he was elected. In 1888
James Malone, our genial [»ostniaster, \ stock business since he came here.
Is equipped with all modern rotimi
G. ileitkcmper, Jr., and W.J. Bren­ ing many inquiries trom parlies looking
lawyers are put'ing up rather than on has been under the weather but is now
he was defeated for
election, but w*«
nan are putting tome ol the finishing
C. A. Lee and family have returned successful in I**»?. At the close of his
One ot the last things to !>« done la touches on their launch and will have not <>nlv from thecitiesand agricultural
from Washington, where they bad gone
Born—To Mr and Mrs. R. I.. Malone to locate. After «(lending a few weeks term he retired to Princeton, N. .1.,
the wiring of the resort for electric it ready for the water in the course of districts of the east but many are com­
Circuit court convened Satuniaymorn-
light. It I Sheets,of the Midway Tel. a few weeks. While in Portland Mr. ing from Washington, Oregon and other ing. After listening to the final report of an *''-.. |iound girl. Mother and child in that country they leturned herewith where he has since resided, Since bis
retirement he has been much talked of
A Tel. Co,, h » gone to ilie Harriman Heitkemper purchased a fine search- western stat«*«. An eastern Oregon n j the grand jury an adjournment was tak- are doing nicely.
the intention of staying and w it h the as a candidate for a third term, but each
renort, and, assisted hy Jud ls»w, will light which will lie placed on the boat
Mr. and Mrs. Gunn, Ernest Burnham firm belief that there is no place like
'* en until Monday when lhe Arant case­
time the question was broached he em­
cerning this country, lle states that j will lie tri<*d. The grand jury returned and sister, and Miss McSpadden were Klamath.
do the electrical work.
when it goes into commission.
phatically declined t" I* so «msidered.
lie has a ;UW) acre wheat ranch which he no further indictments ami it.« rc|>ort to visiting at Lorrella last week.
expects to sell. He says he is tired of ,he „.„n wa. M f„|)ows:
Children's day was observed with an
raising wheat and wants a 40 to SO, "In pursuance nt your instructions, we appropriate program. Music for the
acre farm when* he can grow «lUIU. I have carefully aud diligently inveetigat• occasion was turnislied bv Mr. rnd M t «.
hog* and chickens and probably keep «
a|j caai>9 t|iat have come liefore us of Jeff Wilson.
(sw dairy cows.
a criminal nature and whatever chan
From the number of inquiries being | acter. Where we have had evidence
Bears Plentiful
received it looks as if Klamath county , «utlli-ient to sustain it complaint, we
Bears are more numerous in the'
will have no trouble in settling up its have promptly returned an indictment,
mountains this year than they have been
surplus lands. The Chamber of Com-j However, we have had to dismiss cases
for some time. A few have been killed
merce is doing goal work in helping to (or want of sufficient evidence to indict,
; bjr hunters and a number of these that
advertise this country ami Is sending
"In reference to the court house otli-
have I mwii seen have escaped in the
out literature and answering <*orres|ion- ces and outbuildings, we have examined
few good reasons for my success in the
\ woods. A few days ago Wm. Yeo was
deuce as well as they can, but the di- them under provisions of the «latites,
coming from Ash and with a load of ■
Jewelry Business-
rectors realise that a more extensive and find them in (air condition with the
t fruit and on the road in the mountains
plan ol advertising is necessary in order exception of the combination locks that
lie encountered a large cinnamon hear.
— FOR =
to get our share of the homeseekers, lock the doors to the cell in the jail."
Ilis horses were badly frightened and |
Other town'« and counties are spending
" W e would recommend that this be almost caused a runaway. The bear
more money with greater success. put in repair; also we recommend that wa« allowed togoon his way unmolested. ’
Every dollar spent is bringing twenty suitable cases lie made for the care of
The Baptist Association concluded its
into the country.
the records now stored in the jail; we meeting Sunday and most of those in
The entile support of the Cliatnlier is find the «ale in the clerk.« office in rath­ attendance from the various parts of the
derived from a few business men and an er bad condition ; also we visited the district started home Monday. All of the
effort is going to lie made to get every­ poor farm and for the most part found -»■"«ions were largely attended and it is
body to lend their support and financial comfortable and suitable provisions «aid to have tieen one of the most sue-
assistance to carry on the good work. If made for the inmates, We would i-es«ful associations ever held in this
every eiliten will get in and do his part, recommend the deepening of the well district.
be that ever-io little, the thing will be and would call attention to the nearness
Alex. Davo*. one of the Klamath
ea«y. and there will be no trouble in set-1’*i the slaughter house and pen«; we
thug up thi entire valley in lhe next would reeommend that a new out of marsh cattlemen, is in the city, lie
Tin* only place to get Phonograpliu. with a written
two vears.
I doors closet be built, and that the lu­ say« that the range is not aa good as
guarantee for one veur.
mates rooms at «aid poor farm be usual and as a consequence stock might
Sheriff Silss obenchain and Deputy ' painted.”
lie in tietter condition. The cold Spring
Sam Walker returned last night from
“Having c inaeienlioualy performed has kept the grass back
Salem where they took W. H. Bittner our dutios under your instruction« and
E. W. Smith willstart for Pelican Bay
' and Clarence Getter, the horse thief there l>eing no further business liefore shortly with a force of men to begin
and forger, who were sentenced to the us. we most respectfully nnk to be dis work on the automobile road from the
state prnitentiary by Judge Benson. charged.”
Bay to Fort Klamath. Moat of the ex­
The final report was accepted amt the pense of the building this road will !«
They delivered their men to the
authorities of the institution, and while jury discharged. A number of cases paid by E. II. Harriman.
Republican Block
there took occasion to visit a number of of a criminal nature were investigated,
Klamath men who are guest« al the lint there was not sufficient evidence to warrant« ordered issued by the court
state institution. Sheriff Obenchain warrant indictment« ami consequently have not been served and it is stated
i says most of them are looking well and the suspected parties will escape trial. that both of the parties feared arrest,
The John L>oe and Richard Roe bench and left the state.
the life seems to agree with them.
County Court is Restrain
ed from Enforcing
Local Option
// / do not lead, why
do of hers follow.
Dies Wednesday Morning
at his Home in Prince-
ton. New Jersey
Reliable Work, in all lines.
New and Up-to-date High
Grade Goods.
Reasonable Prices.
Responsible Guarantee.
Lastly, the money back, if
you are not satisfied
G. Heitkemper, Jr.
Sewing Machines, etc
Our goods are attractive, also the prices