Officiai Newspaper of Klamath County K LAMATH VOL. XIII. » TAFT IS NOMINATED RECEIVES 702 VOTES ON THI * * FIRST BALLOT The Platform Indorses Roosevelt Ad miliisi ration and Reviews the Labors of Republican Party for the Past Four Y ears REPUBLICAN // / do not tend7cd/ v do others follow. Reliable Work, in all lines. New and Up-to-date High Grade Goods. Reasonable Prices. Responsible Guarantee. Lastly, the money back, if you are not satisfied fi.Heitkemper,Jr. of Klamath County KLAMATH FALLS, KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON, JUNE 18, 1908. Water Users Meet At Bonanza Klamath At the Rose Carnival Members of the Water liners’ Asso Klamath was strongly represented at ciation owning land* under the Upper th« Rose Carnival arid the booetera did project, held a meeting at Bonarixa last good work for this section according to Monday, and approximately 10,000 acre« ttie accounts appearing in tlie Portland of laud were represented. There were papeia. Klamath citizens were shown many discuasioiie, Imt the aim ol the many courtesies at th« hands of the mi-cting was U> get down to business, Bortland commercial organisations and and in accordance with aim a tele as a result this section is becoming gram was ordered sent to the director strongly cemented to the metropolis of of the Reclamation Hervice requesting the state. The Klamath < liamle-r of that lhe lowest bid on the Clear Lake Commerce was represented by a major dam I h - reconsidered ami accepted, ami ity of the board of directors and by a that work lie G-g-in immediately. Il »aa considerable membership and while m also decided that a committe« be ep- Bortland held a meeting for the tran pointed to draft a letter emlealying the saction of business. In commenting on . views ol the land owners on the Upper this meeting th« Bortland Journal says project witli instruction« that copies of For the Orel time in the history of I the letter I m - sent to all of the officials Klamath Falls chainlier ol commerce interested in reclamation matters, and its I «mrd of directors held A meeting in that another committee I m - ap|>ointed to Portland. The session was conducted Investigate and recommend means lor at the rooms of Tom Richardson, man »■curing tlie cancellation of the contract« ager of the Portland Commercial club, for government irrigation in the event and was attended by 12 members ol the that Director F. II. Newell refuses to Klamath Falls organisation, including reconsider and accept the lowest bid on lour directors or a majority ut the llio dam. board. The main complaint of the landown “ft so happened that enough oí the ers in tin- I'pper project is that they Klamath Falls chamber were present have aln-ady waited lour years for the in Portland to make a quotum of the di government to liegm work on the proj rectory, and so we thought it well to ect in that section, and up to this time call a meeting and keep business going,” nothing has la-en done and apparently said Judgr George Baldwin, who was then- is n<> indication that anything will one of the directors present. “There is tie done lor some time. always something for to talk alenit for Il seems to have lieen tin- sense of the Klamath Falls, and we got in and dis meeting that all of the members of the cussed things. '.Vater I'sers' Association are to cease Frank Ira White, who is director of paying assessments to the association the Klamath Falls chamber of com until they have definite assurance that merce said ■ tin- Director will order work done on "The fact ’hat we can hold a meeting tire I pper project this year. Jacob in Portland with 12 Klamath Falls men Hueck, one rd the directors of the asso in attendan e and a quorum ol the di i '«tit n from that section, stated that he rectors is good enough proof that busi would pay no more assessment and ail- news can 1« done la-tween Portland aid vise«! all others to do likewise. He Klamath Falls. The meeting has lieen a further slated that in order to not incur very pleasant and profitable sea. ion. anv expense on the organization he The matters taken up were local to our would hereafter absent himself from the own city, and have no general inleiest.” monthly directors' meeting. After the meeting the members a l- The action of the Director will Tiave Journed to luncheon in the Commercial : much Iodo with the completion of the club diniug room. Thom* present from ! NO. 12 Dorris Needs Jail and Scho >1 The i iti/^'n* of Dorr!« <* beginning to realixe that ax their town /r->.«. cer tain ifiNtitutlon« aro alxulutely n »ary and the resident# of the new road terminal are la-tfinniDg to ii‘t nee<l of a jail, Ixetler road» and a a houM*. A mating wax Io«!-1 «ome % dai ■» ago at whi<-b all of the-«- question» wen* eunxidered. It a a- L’<ilrt| that a wagon road hbotibi be bio t to the («ower Klamath I»ak«- and l ob- l«ak«* r- .o >n a« it would fa<ililat«* freighting and bring lh«* tra h« ol tbo*«« agricultural aeciionx to Dorriw. When the matter of a j«il a »a tak*• i up Mark L. Burn« offered the town a lol in hia addition free of <-h »rgt*. fhe offer of Mr. Burns wa« not .<• ■ epo I but other part lea were ¿iv««n an opp«»'. mity t> make »irnilar offerx. A tangle which ha» lj««en uorrviriir the people of I>orrir* tor Mom»« time ia is the question of a achoul budding. Some monthw ago a tond issue w as voted uitb which to build a f. - lb « ■ it the pruvieiuoa of lb»« ariangement did not meet with the approval of ceitain influential nxpay> rr, with the result that Dorris is left without school fa- cilitiea. The re««*ons alleged for bokling up the issue of then« bonds is that cer tain rancher containing many th >u mds of a> rex are i*e ng sut»d:videii into «mail trai ls and when so I a He* cdi'ol dis trict Mill become h- but tbit the present t>ond w -ui-1 > ontinue to I m .* a charge Hgaiio-t their property lor a f»eii*Mi of ten years. prépaie I a « ih .-.-I i nominating Roosevelt for president. Washington, D, < Jnaa IA t Mato* imut troni tlie Minte lloii.r says that I*ft*»i-l««nt Run»« wit lix'l noiliing I to do with lhe formhig of th«» Nathnml plat- hit hi , hut S«»< r««lnry T#(t I imx I mm « h I rolr D'rrintf with the ProxiJcnt < hi<*a/<>, Jun«« 10 I « fiiporaiy < hair Ilion Bui rnH » rtillrd tin« con v«»nUoil to order al 12 19, ('hnirtiian Daugherty ii'• iu!« eoininittee niinounced II»»’ filliff i All'll-III I«”» FfiVlWfl tho ("I- <d Uo' < lowing v«»t««» Kii-xjil' Hughe». «13, til* coiniuBt«*#’« ie|»<»rt wax not reiidv nx the iiivnd»««r» did not g«-t to tad Cannon, « I , I’m»I .»nk», |«l; IuiF<»llrlt«*, until 0o'clock this inotning. 21 Forak«*r, 1» . tanglor Henry < atal l>»lg««t <■( 1 hr |>hiUr iin cMiitdiina nn anti injunc Miu»«A''huM*tl», Mi«» cho«»«*n eliAlrinanoi tion plank uxking • *«»irtx t«» give tal»**r m the |>««rti'Miienl <.>rgxrii/;«ti<»n, And in hi» hvarintf tai. »«* gtautiiig writ* of injunc •p«*«<rh *Aid that the l*re»idenl *«» much a I hhmm I hut |>opular. hi appreci- tion. Atmn "I hi» H'Hiiiik'« "ii I’rcBidenl Rooee- Will Rush R. R. to State Line |U*xi<|««a A ik-* ating r«\ixi"ii of the va II, the crowd went wil*l thr iving up tariff. the | (ath>rtii i ti(|s'ri»«*t| I’rrritlrnt llivii I ia I», l>Ank«»rcltirla and any nrlnde Asa result of the recent isit of Chief Engineer Win. H->od, ot the couthern H im -: pull ’x |4»ln ir ¡in I iltclart'» thr han iv, in the air. ><*t Al->r ls»dgc h>*l control of ih«« < -n\( iili"ii an<i han un- Baillie, an order lias Leva urued to Vliiiiniwtt All-'ll ir.nli-M An«l praiar» I Aide to rector-« quid fur fully a hall build lb« California Northeastern as far thr pr«*»i lent for vuibing th«« riiininal hour. I h<* band played and lric<l lo as Calor, the siding 011 the I state line It u»t» ll«- I 1*4 I I* i* I at ion iiixlrr drouh th«» cheering. Il u»i the uiotl just as soon as possible. it is under thr rrpiihht tn «1 m InUlratluii tluriny retnarkahh« d<nioii»tiAlion rier wit« stood that the laying ot ties I Bnd rails will I mi liegun tins week. th«« la»l four ynara i ravicwv»! at con- neAM’d al a r< nv« titi"ii. It wax evi lent that Taft had control Mr. Houri also ¡.sued orders for a ftitlcrahh' length. Klamath project. It seems that in the Klamath Falls were: of the convention by an overwhelming change in the survey from the state line interest ol harmony it will lie necessary W. A. Iirlxrll, president chamlirr < f | majority. The i r<d«,ntial< committtw down to the marsh, and the line has al Chicago, June |t> rhe R««puhlh*ati for Director Newell to abide by the re commerce, Judge George T. Baldwin. ralifi«*«l the Nati«mal committee In every commendations of engineer llenny and , vice-president chamber of commerce; ready bten changed, lhe new survey National Convention wi» »al!«*»! to <»r«|««r i »'ontrxi over wale, and thia give» Fail makes the rual leadiug tu the marsh nt 12 15, anti l'»i«hop Muhhmn, of thia • even hun lr««d plrdgt I Vote« on the Murphy and accept the lowest bid on Dr. F. M. White, E. R. Reame«. F. J the (Tear Lake dam. Hteinmeti, C. li Withrow, Alex Martin more direct and cuts out a nuruler of city. «!»’hvvft’<l llir o|M«ninu pravrr. Ten»’ llrxt ballot. Die trpurl of Ike Cr«’den- Jr.,director chamber <»f commerce; If. {curves. Mr. Houd made no detiuite p<>imv Chairman Burrow« imulr thr Ha!» cmmittr«* ma « then A-loph*d by «»prnintf n Lhi«« Imni»«<li.ilrlv follow P. Galarneaa, M. L. Alliaon, Judge F. statements as to the time the r-ia I ' Hit« ('--n v «'ii I ion, ending ll*«- tight of the Last evening at the home of Mr. and ___ completed to this city, but L. Willits, Frank Ira White, director r ; would ing this th«* n(iii«miH • iiirnt wah ma>lr \llir« ngain»ti Taft and aexaring him Mr« John Ellis, occured the marriage f otn orders that he gave it is very evi that all of th«« alh**»l I >rv««x oppoxrd to ( their daughter Alice, to Mr. Malcolm chamber of commerce; C. E. W ant land dent that the road will lie completed t o i th«« nomination. * of Denver, general sales agent Union Pa thr notnitiAfi *11 «-i .*■«•<• r««tary Taft had Th«« \’ii« ■ l*rc«idential boom war form- B. Mickler. of lx*eaburg, Florida. I the water early this Fall, an I that not MitloliAton all <*f thrir c.indiihitra rx- The wedding was a very quiet one cific land department. nl’i laurudo d i«»r Governor Cum- later thau ne»t Summer tr ins ia ill 1« • rpl i »overn »! < I Nr* Y'o.k anti A large delegation of the Klainathite« . with only a few friends of the bride pre rningx, of Iowa. Who .ttrmie-l (be ImintlM at Portland , ro"n,n« ,,,‘o Senator H"I m rt |.,t ollattaof Wisconsin, I t..s work vs , . t Lr ..i. r. .is.i Mk ti.. pr«»gre*s- Th«* plank ad"pled by American F«*d* sent. Rev. Geo. T. Bratt performed the The on tfi», thr rva<i is now thr laltri irfomnu withdraw. It is n-turned home Monday night. Amon.' I « ration <»f Lalx»r. wa* pr<*»»«• riled to the marriage ceremony using the Episcopal mg more satisfactorily ttian any time verv rvitlrnt that th«* on|»<»»iti«>n t«» Taft those who arrived were Judge Geo. T. xiil»-<'<»ititiiitie«* with recommendation# service, and Miss Mae Worden pre- . heivUdurr. Ti*# ‘‘aiMX) th “ h prarti- u ill unite rilhrr it|*on lluiflirs or La Baldwin, C. fl. Withrow, Alex. Martin, ' >i led kt the piano playing lohengrina {»nd tlie rrqm’xt that it li» placed in the * cally complete-1 to that when the laying I ollrtt«*. an«l it i» «lol in«*«! (hat tlo* lattrr Jr., H. P. Galarneau and sou Harry ot lira and lAilt is <vgun the road can tie platform. Th# prtce«*ding" of th«* con wedding inarch. The house was beauti mil throw I im strength to Ihighrs in M-a. E. R. Reames and daughter, Mrs \ention ma « bio« ked by a hitch over tin* fully decorated in Oregon grape, pine Completed io Calor without any uunec- prrfcrrnrr t«» I'alt if thintfs arc not fa* F. W. Jennings. E. R. Reams came as Iiijunciion fight. The Oregon, Cali* and Simla* with white roass ami e«>ary delay. Two dredge?* are now at Vorahlr after thr fir'-f ballot. Thr I ia II fat ar Medford with the party, but atop I fornia and Washington delegate* went pansies. Mr. 1*. B Campliell was the ------ on the maish ami W. II. Kent. filled up v.«r\ slowly an<l in thr crowd ped there to attend to burineaa inattera ; j on record a* oppnxing l’r«*»i l«*nt Rooae- gloom's attendant, and little Miss Neva ' who has charge of this work, states that Hvnator Channel») M. D v | h « w alipped in The bride W . A. l>elsell and wif* also stopped at {splendid progress is I • mg made. Thr veil regarding the anti injunction plank Faught was flower girl. , Medford for a few days' visit, and Mrs unnoticed. in the platform. RicliA'd Ballinger, of carried a lamquet of white carnations dike will be complete«I to navigable A* thr «lrl«*tf¡ltrs Wrh» ttikilig thrir Geo. T. Baldwin stopped at Glendale and terna. Waaliingum, represent* the e.»axl in thr water in about four weeks. arats, J « i ! i * i «* l l< i hnian, <>f ('in< iniiatti, ' to spend a week with friends. The Misers Edna Houston, Hasel cub e immittee cotiRiMling of thirteen rnlarrd th«» Auditorium liraringa ma«» Rolfe and Florence Biorey assisted in memtarx. One of the most pleasant entertain ivr blur llntf with lufl N picturr. II«« Carriage Repository The platform nx draw n up hax nothing serving tht wedding supper. ments of tlie year was the annual guest was rrcrivr«! without any drmon* Mr. and Mrs. Mickler left this morn in it rrgaiding Coast defence*, for w hich From a aocial club to a carriage re- night given by the Woman's Club at at ration, but whrn National «harman lhe wextern delegate«* have made xueh a ing lor l'pi>er I Ake p lints andon their jxiaitory might aeem a long step back the rooms ot the Conservatory of Music New nirntionr l Root«*v«*lt'« name in a return will leave for l-oesburg, Florida, ward for the room« in the Baldwin block strong tight. Thursday evening. About forty mem hrirf apearh in opening th«* convention vhere they will make their home, and to take, but anyone thinking m will bers and guests were present. In* wu* giif Ifil with chr«*rs. N«nator Thl« i. the home coming«eaaon for all where Mr. Mickler is engaged in the The first part ol the program con Burrows in hl«* a|H*rrh in n< • opting thr j •tndent. who art- at'ending the various banking business, Ixsing President ol •oon change kis mind if he will but pay a viait to the former home of the Inland sisted of a vocal trio by Mrs. Jessie trin|Mtrarv chanoiandiip, nut inter- 1 ■-.l-ii-ati-mal inatiliitlons <>! the state. the Leeaburg State Bank. Empire Club and »e« the change that Brock Morgan. Mrs. l’erey M -tl and rupird at every mention of |{>»osrvt*ICa ' M-m-lav « numls-r of the Klamath Mrs. Mickler leaves many friends in haa been made in it by Baldwin, the Mis« Leta Nickerson; a piano m-lo by nano*. 1 h«» < hrrring al one time la»t* Falls boys arrived on the lu-nt, among Klamath County who join in good ( hardware man The rooms have been Miss N ing over two miniitr«. them tuerv Lester Leavitt, Jesse and wishes, but regret her leaving their 1 transformed into an immense carriage Mr«. Mott, ai d a rvi itation in lialeclb) Thr organisation was completed at Holly blemen«. Harry Benson, Frank circle (or a home so lar away. repository, and, while they are not as Mirs. Sauber. five o’clock when the convention a«L (Vils.m at><l lolm M>s>n- They were aci'ompanie.1 by llarrv Hobson, a stu This was followed by a progressive journed until 12 «»’do« k tomorrow . Th«* fans of tniacity are already tak coxy and comfortable looking as former hi the Agricultural College at Cor. ly, they contain about a.« much comfort conversational game in which various Kenalor W. I . Borah, <»l Idaho, pod. dent ing an interest in thr Imre tall team valli«, wh-» will s|H-n<| part of tlie Sum tivrly <lrni'>l th«« rumor that hr had mer hen-. proposed by th«» h»ys who have just re as can be placed on a like floor space topics were discussed on a time limit. Upwards of 84.(100 worth of carriages This game was pruviK-ative of much turned from m-h<M>l. The tram will ta are to be found there everything from sociability and amusement. organ i/.« d m ilhin a few days and it is Dainty refreshments were served and vrrf probable that it will be managed | the handsome rubber-tired buggy to the It is a display all went away declaring it a delightiul by one of thr city's business men and three-aeated carry-all. that it Mill have the support of th# that is worth seeing and one that shows evening. In the presence of relatives and a few town. The boys are practicing every the enterprise of this big house as well day and are making arrangements to at as its confidence in the future great immediate friends, at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. It. M. tend the 1 akeview tournament in Jinv. ness of Klamath. Boiler, iu this city, Thursday evening, Klamath has the material for a fast I Goeller A Wattonburg have received occurrel the marriage of Miss. Bess M. tenm, one that would he a winner at takeview. The boys are alto planning w< rd that the brick machine which they Boiler and Mr Roy-Hamakar, Rev. B. a trip along the main line of the South ordered from the East several months Conklin, of the M E. church officiat ern Padflc, and if this it age has been shipped from 6an Fran ing. /N few good reasons for my success in the The contracting parties are well Mill result in good advertising for the cisco and will arrive here within a few days. Owing to a mistake in the ship known to the people of this city, The Klamath country. Jewelry Business- ping directions it had lieen delayed fora bride is a popular young lady and Ita* <>. S. Brnndenbuig, the father of Geo. few months. As soon as it arrives it made many friends since coming here O. Brandenburg and Mrs. G. Heit- will lie installed in Buena Vista addition about two years ngo. Mr. llamakiir is krin|H<r, arrived here last night from i near the Upper lake and« the manu a Klamath hoy. having spent most of Roseburg, lie la accompanied by T. W. facture ot pressed brick w ill be liegun at his life in this city where lie has it large Richardson, also of Roseburg. They once. The first batch turned out will be circle of friends and acquaintances, w ho will leave the first of the month (or Crys used in the new Burn Block. resfiect him for Ills many g.>o,t qnnlities. tal creek wlieie they will pitch catnpfor T. A. K. Fassett returned Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Ilantakar will resile in the Summer. Mr. Brandenburg visited from San Francisco, where he spent a this city. a numlier of the Klamath resorts last few days on business connected with “Better than ever.” If you are in Summer, and he has only lieen waiting the establishment of a Southern Pacific terested in seeing and hearing great for warm weather so that he could get ticket agency in this city. He says the men and women—in fine Music in Art back here He says he will stay for a tickets are now being printed and will hi Bible Study- in Cookery, and lots few months at least lie on sale in a comparatively short of other good thing , end postal at i All arrangements have lieen once for further information. I he Eastern Baptist Association lot time. completed for an Intel state commerce S. 0. Chautauqua Association. the territory of Modoc, Klauiatli and Hi«» only place to f#t Phonographs, with a written rate under the regulations of the com 6-25 Ashland. Oregon. Lake counties and the Rogue river val I guarantee for one year. I mission and th« same will go into effect ley convened at the Baptist church in Go see a de'.iglitiul performance as soon as the tickets arrive. this city at 2 o'clock ITiursday after at Houston's Opera on next Saturday Portland, June 16—One of the biggest noon and will continue tn session until night, when Francis Bros’ Travesty ' deals for some time in Portland occurred Sunday night. Everyone is invited to Company appear in a well arranged I today when the Tongue Point Lumber programme of Comedy drama ami lie present at the sessions. high ’ Company sold an interest in their plant I class specialties between the acts, Re’ Sheriff Obenchain will sell the Mid toA.B. Hammond, of San Francisco, THE LEADING JEWELER served seats 50 cents. way Bar fixtures, building formerly oc for five million dollars. I H. V. Gates w ill arrive here on the cupied by the Midway Bar. together i Republican Block If you are interester] in genuine Art, 24th to look oxer the iniurovements with about 60 tons of ice, on the 26th of June. The sale will be made at what a letter or card addressed at once to that w ill be made by the Water Com. Box 368. Ashland, Oregon, will give pany this Summer Workton the reser- was formerly the Midway Bar, and will you very valuable information. voirs will be begun about the first of commence at 10 o'clock a. m., on lhe 6-18 i July. 26th. i Cliicag'», J'tu>* I* William II. Tait. «»t wit* ii<)ii»itiuh*t| f<>r I'lesldelit lit!» Alh*rit«»«>n <»n ll ir fiial tallol. T.ilt 7<»l vtth'4. Th«» lillui- I n » nt’crwwary I«» uuimiint«« waa 4'*l. lit« notmtiuli >n <>( Tuft Wti» made un- a1111• i• »u m with thv i"»u»««nt ol the idliei r«tt<liilnt«*-. Th# <*«*m«*iiUui> adjoitr n.-d until t««u «»’»Io» k tomorrow. Official Newspaper City Council * (Tonal-li-rable l>u-ioc--< of importance wax tranwai'tz-.l at the regular meelinit of th-* city coitncil Moielav niirht. May Sult, ami < Sztrncilmeii ' ile-n liain, t 'ri - .let Sanfler.«»n and Ankeny war temlanca. Oncol the fir.t matter« taken up W4H lhe appointment of Col. 31. G. Wilkin« to fill the vacancy <-rr-ate.| by the re-igna'ion -if Co-mcilmao A. <’a*te| />f th*- Firet ward. Mr. Wilkin« took tlie ■ >ath of ortice immediately following hi*- election. A -feed for right of way for an alley in The regular term of the Circuit Court block 7» and for a jeirtion of Hth t convenerl in this city Monday. was accepted, th-- -arne being Tlnee trite bills were returned fi< the to the city by J. W. Siemena. Gran-l Jury ■ Monday evering, as fol- Eighth street, between Main and l-.w Wm. Monroe, ehargerl with »teal Bine, and Itth »treet, tietween Bine and ing an overcoat from the Wilson hotel B iih I i were Irrel open to the properly last winter; W. II. Bittner, charged line. with the larceny of a horse from J. D. Sidewalk« were ordered built on Main! Garrzill; Clarence Getter, charged wit), -treet from 3rd to Center street and forge ry. All three were arraigned lie- to the center of block 34, which iz post fore Judge Benson Tuesday and office block, along the north »ide of! pleail guilty as charge.!, Wm. Monroe Main street in font ot tlie Ale* Martin,! was sentenn-l to thirty days in the Jr., property, an<l along the frontage of c-.-intv jail, the minimum punishment. b.t. n, '*, Io and II, in lilm-k 4, along In the state vs. Jos Cobnrn. charged West Main »tr.-*-t, the property la-ing with the larcenvof a cow, a conlinnance ownni hr G. W. White and A. Caatel. waa a-kril by the defense, owing to their Mayor Stilts announced th* appoint being unable to get rer ain witnesses, ment of the following committee«: and the same was granted. -•treet—Sanderaon, Obenchain and Tuenriay a motion in the Br.wne Ankeny. vs. Carroll ca.-e was argi 1 by the attor- Fire and Water—Wilkins, Obenchain neys in the case and decided by Judge and Ankeny. Benson. Judiciary—Sanderson, Crissler and The gram! jury is still in aeasion and Hanks. it is very probable that other indict Finance—Cri-ieler, SanJere-m and ments will be returned. If, however, Obenchain. there will lie no more true bills the term Health Council a-a whole together will be much shorter than was thought at the outset. with the city health officer. Tuesday evening dec-ee- were grant The matter of levying an occupation tax was not taken up. it iwt»« that ed in two divorce cases, one of which moat of the Imoine«» men of the city are was rather an interesting incident. It opposed to deriving revenue through aj was a case wherein J. B. Burns was tax <4 this kind, and it is very probable j granted a divorce from a wife that he that the occupation tax will bedropped. i believes has been dead for many years. A road tax ol »3 for every male resident I Burns formerly lived in this city, but of the city between the age of 21 and 50 for the past four years has resided in was discutse.l and the city attorney in- I Lake county. From the evidence it ap • tructed to draw an ordinance provid-1 pears that while he lived at Willett, Cal., he was married on the 23rd day of ing for the same. December, 1S.A). He did not remember The foil >wing bills were audited and the exact time, but tbis is the -late fixed allowed: in the complaint. Eight months after A. E. Gillett, special police for the marriage his wife eloped with un three days in June .. ............ » •30 | it _ her _____ ______ _ ___ ________ __ man and although be has ______ searched .l-ilin Angobe, one days w<*rk on high and low for her he found no trace street................................................ * I of her w hereabouts. Some years after» L. W. Miller, two days on street j wards he received a letter from hia wife’s J. A. I'erlings, special po iceeight j «itter stating that his wife was lying at nights. ....................................... 2U !.? point of death. He took it for grant* W. E. Bodowin, printing .... 20 I cd that she died and soon afterward was E. E. Jamison, special police married again. He and Lis wife lived .--o happily in Warner valley, in take coun days in June................. ......... Total............... .’....................... 25 ty, until a few years ago, wtan an old acquaintance of his came up from Wil Mr. and Mrs. E. I*. Morgan enter lets and informed his second wife that tained informally one evening this week hia first wi,fe was still living. She al in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Bercy E. Mott, once sued for a divorce and a decree was of Alameda, Mrs. Mott is spending the granted. Burns dues not know whether summer with her sifter. Mrs Morgan, hi9 tint wife is dea«I or alive, but either and Mr. Mott, who is in the employ of wa? wanted a divorce and the court the Southern Pacific Freight Depart- ' granted it. ment, is spending hi# vacation here. The grand jury Wednesday returned a A large numtar of guests enjoyed the true hill against I J. Arant, who is generous hospitality of the Morgan ¡charged with the theft of a calf front home and w entertained Clarence Harris on January 20th of this with music and other entertainments. year. The indictment was read to Mr. Among the guests were Miss Alice Arant and he asked for time to seehi s Ellis, one of Klamath's June brides, attorney before pleading to the charge. and Mr. M. I*. Mickler, of Leesburg, The case was continued unti three Florida. o'clock. The grand jury returned not a M re. T. IV. Zimmerman entertaine.1 six true bill against Fred Listev, charged young ladies at tea Wednesday evening with assault and b.. tv an 1 the defen for Miss Ellie, and on Thursday even dant being ont -i bail was or ing a numlier of young people were in dered dismissed by the court. Wednesday upon the convening of vited to the Elba home to meet the court Judge Benson sentenced W. H. groom Mr. M. P. Mickler. M iss Ellis has lieen in Klamath Falls [ Bittner, who plead guilty to the larceny less than a year but during that time n horse to one year in the peni has made many friends who regret her tentiarv, and Clarence - letter who plead departure. (Continued on Last Page) Grand Jury Is Drawn and Several Indictments Are Returned GO TO GILLETTE’S FOR- FURNI TURE Sewing Machines, etc KLAMATH FALLS Our goods are attractive, also the prices