W. H. B K ent. »¡aa'isl .forcai in«|aa’- tor hu tl i« distiiet. I'in the . iiy ■». a I tour <»l inspection. He wiil g.» (rotu Í here to l\lv«» i to look over son e nut- ! tara at that place aed will »ben go to Siivet Lake. Mi Kent a a- in this part ot the corniti \ «»niet.ie years ago and i al timi time went over nil ol the land * included in tl c ic-eiie 1*1 the V riniti lot S.her I ake. He now Im« bis bea I- i .piarter« at Portland amt i- nt ilie h.ud ' of the Hispe, lion .lepa’ Imeni id ll is en­ tire dish Id. X 44 44 444’4’44’4’4 4*4’+’’+• 4’44'•4-4’4’44’4'4'4'4’4’4’4*’f’4’44 4’FH 4 I 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Wishing to Close Out Our Stock of Childrens Shoes We Will Sell at Cost Until all are Closed Out. . s t “r ♦ r I* -t i i PASTURE 1«*' . ki . * of pastine for lent nt Meadow Lake. I xc. lleit mixed grass; ubi" lance of watei ; giant I fence; reasonable ivmm, depending on i number of st.a’k and time. Enquire of E. I. Applegate. Klamath Kails, or vf Ereil Applegate. Meadow Lake, h ".tf 4 4 t THE BRICK STORE C9 Agents for the celebrated Lamm Co. hand tailored clothes I I For the Man Every "change of Fashion is reflected in our assortment of high grades. We show the same selec- dons as are seen m the swell city stores—same Clothing, Hats and Shoes—same Fur­ nishings. When it's new it's here When it's here it's new -EXCLUSIVE Withrow-Melhase Block *444444444444444444444444* * 4 4 Dependable Hardware I * 4 Heating Stoves, Household Utensils, Quns 4 and Ammunition, Cutlery—in fact every- 4 4 thing in Good Hardware—No shoddy or 4 4 4 shelf-worn goods. ♦ 4 f Agents celebrated Ellwood Fences— * t and everything the farmer neeJs. 4 t * ♦ 4 Hardware Man 4 * e 5C 444444444444444-44444444*4* GEO. R. HORN, the Abstracting Maps, Plans. Blue Prints, Etc. Klamath County Abstract Co., Inc. Surveying and Irrigation Engineering KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON M. D. WILLIAMS, C. E T reasurer Trade Rural Free Delivery 1 ■ /HEN you haven’t time to drive to town drop us a yy postal or send by your carrier for anything in our line aud the goods will be delivered by return trip, with full privilege of returning if not satisfactoryin all re­ jects. We carry everything found in an up to date drug store, including a complete line of Stock Remedies. Send us your orders and sea how quick we fill ’em. When in town drop in You are always welcome. TRY KIMBALL'S CONDITION POWDERS, xjc S tar D rug S tore THE STORE »HAT SAVES See Adv for marsh land«. Geo. O. Bra mien burg a. live I lit rr Saturday night from Loa Angele« to llr spend the Summer m tl i« ustión is a brother of Mrs. lì. Hritkgm) er Jr., and was here fora time Isst Summer. He sav* since that time lie has Issu able to talk alsiul nothing but the K laul­ atti country and he has come back to stay. YOU MONEY shoe, /or men, The famous Nett art* to be found at the Boston Store, | which has the exclusive agency for i them, The Nettleton shoe for grace, I comfort and ea*» 1«. * no equal; fur I wearing quilm I cannot In* sur I passed. I’lie ervw **t u> ikin»‘ii nulling |»*>leii fur \|o-»ie Bros, rlwtiie line is ih»W w«»iking within a few mil« '* «»1 and "ill thiHh it Neine limenext week. Il will require a month or more to string the wire. A* *«»«m a - the p »1»* line t«» Bon* anaa in II will be tran»i»’irr«l to th? Merrill line >«o that i’ will l**‘ c<»m* ph te I during the summer. An alum­ inum line u ill bi* put up (»etwceii thi* city and Ik nan/.a and a c »pper »»lie I*» Murri I. IheW’ ik on th«* plant ha*» been tlela\e«l by the i»t'»ruiy wualhei All of the machinery 1 >r the plant i> now “ii the gu»und an I u<*nui Bon- j PASTURE for all kind« of H ck. anza. i Stock taken aliout April 1. U »wn i» taken ■ out rr.orntnga hih I rou lit in evenings , W. H. Shook returned home todvy af- ' Address It L. KIDDI E, k Iamath ' ter «¡.ending several bays in the ctt.y I Falls. 4 24 30 • I. E. McGuire '.lie Mt. Hebron mer- I J. G. Pierce at «1 II. I . \ liitL»* are chant, is in the city- today on husi i.•• . : btill prt»?*|»ectinj» Ili«str to! I diae vvrie*» a Lindsay Sizemore and Ihm Ity* i are *li »rt di-tan ♦* n -i thv;i-I ol tl»»* * i*y, in the city from Fort Klimstli. Thev have ha>l men working *•» a -»hail Mr«. F. W. Ritchie has arrive I from and tunnel ainee la t Summer and ll.t* Port hind to join her husband, tie came ! tunnel k now in a’»out |tn f» u . Th«» here a short time ago and purchas' d ' ledge «• m * iih io ! •• p« rma ¡ent >uul »| - the O. K. I a- it tf*«**« down. bell. The a-«av made ’a<‘ year **1 ow« <| it to One of the Government teams on ti e le Io a giade, but iu u*e -ing down ot Keno canal tell down the emb itikrmmt th«* ledge n » i’M tv I a*« been made but today. The team was hitched to a rled the promoter-« of the mine think that ti e use.I in lia'iling rock and aside from a ore i.** getting better. few breaks in the harness no damage Net dies and st:p|>lies for all sew ing I was done. Sime- Sewing Machine Mr. ami Mrs. I.. B. Yaden an ' son ar machines. It | ' rived Saturday from Gold Ciride, Nev Agency, cor. fi.h and Main sts. *.eo, <>. Br.im'enb ir •, w l> < arrived here a lew days avo fr.>m I o« Angeles, is making nrran e u -nts to go into tin apple growing b s uess on nn extensive •eale. lie sav« that lie knows that ' man y of the haul er varieties can be sue- | ce.-fully grow n in till« section and this Sheriff Obenchain is getting readv to | Kall he ex|>ects to ¡mt out several acies start out with the election supplies. Ii in .i young ord ar>l, and if this proves a will lake several days for him to n...k< success Im will put o it a l.irger acreage the rounds of the various polling pl.u . - • n.-xt y»-ar. He **as p -rrlia« ■ I i place a The taking of evidence in the 3; In' i short distance f on toxin on w liicli lie case is going on at the court Imu».- to wdl put out the Erst tne«. ada, to visit witii relatives. W. E. Reehorn expects to la-gin ex­ cavation for his ba I h house at the hot springs within the next two weeks. The plsnr provide for a large concrete pool in addition to the private ballis. day. A large nnmls-r of witne-m - h i . I*en summoned and their depo-ilrm will I m > submitted at the hearing □' Lakeview next week. The Klsma'li Falls Military Band ba* issued invitations for another one of its popular dames for next Saturday night. John Tipton has ret orne* I from Port­ land where he lias lav n working wi’b i the Mason ('..nstruction Co i .r the ; year. Fred Houston, Carey Ramsby and I Hardenbrook went to Pelican Bay I Tiiesilyto fish fora few days. Mrs J. P. Lee i« suffering from severe attack of facial paralysis. a Elsie Linville and wife, who have lieen here from Lakeview for several i ’lays, Marled home Tuesday J. I. I^e has purchased the A. J. M;in- I ning residence. and KOKOnO LAWN FENCK lì A R BED WIR E The umehuiery lor one of the Itrtt drislgvs to Is“ u«ed mi the railroad dlU1 across the swamp ha« aiiiiel. It W HR shipped liete from ueir Poitlaml where it haa lääni tn u-e on s.mie of the rail­ road work. 1 I American Field Fence ROBERTS & HANKS HARDWARE DEALERS OUR SPRING LINE Of High Grade Jewelry i" now in. We have the I at. t t i< atisns direct Exquisite I'at from the factory, terns of tne highest |»>»sil»le grade of Solid Gold andG’dd Killed liesign» of rare taste executed bv American a id Foreign Jeweler '. .1 ’>»i . <• ,,f the Peace A . D. Mi ler rend- ered a dec i .n in th. calf < a-.* Saturday to the elf.-i t that Burrell short i« en­ titled to the poa«e»-i' li of the calf nnd that the costs of the suit should be ¡ nid E. W. Smith has l«en awarded the by W, E. Arant. Mr. A rant gave notice 1 contract for fixing up the rac< track at of s|q>eal and will give u la.nd to stay the fair grounds. He will put a fm<.-.i the execution of the c mi l’s Verdict. men to work juat as soon as the weather E. P. McCormack, wlm has large pro« will permit and will rush the job to * m i perty interests in this ■ uintv, is Pete pletion. fioin Salem on business miitlers, KLAMATH COUNTY BANK KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON i ILEX MARTIN ....... lent R i ( , LESLIE IUM.El Al.E\ MARLIN, Jr., Cashier The Pioneer Bank of Klamath County STATEMENT OK CONDITION AT TIIE Cl.o-I ' DECEMHEIt 31, l»»7. axaot'Ri an Loans ami IHwounte ......................... Hoods ami Securities .... .............. Ileal Enlate. Buildings ami Fixtures Cash ami Night Exchange.................. HI I l «m liti m Thin Model Watches Waist Sets Hat Pins Ladies’ and Gents’ Fobs B. J. miniers THE LEADING JEUIXÎK t'spiial St.sk. fully paid surplus and Prodis......... Ime other Hanks............ Ill I ' MtITN ........ l-«'W*.il I, Alex Marlin, Jr., Cashier 'l«a».t • wear that the ala.ve statement is true to Ihr beet of mi k >aIcCgrind bvtwr. A i im Mu. ix, Jx„ Cuber. Siilvcrilied and sworn to liefere me this (Uh day of Januar l’t II. W ithii Notary l'u The Vital pi l*>r 'heron. Are Made of a The vital part**—ami <-r’r part of Studebaker wag»r s; light draft naves horr.es, St :«b 1 k r n mn i >re r e.ily than other« be« catihu r.t ;i v Ht - I i .if.;, p ¡xutluu< d, with tlm l»ox of tin* bub »« t ¡n the » \.u t « untci. 11*' '* t ■ t t! wheel run» straight ah»- nl iind* i l<-1. ■ i.’jUut rub, land or griud on the bkrin Studebaker Imb « never hug either nut or collar, 11*.»’ . a; i ir ... n uhv the Mudrbukcr im of KU* h UuiideiffillV light draft. It nidkt hnd I .ids e.tsy fur Lutsen. And it stands up under haul l> The Studebaker lia» a < am mg least 4<>A greater than tilat e»t procurable wood. '1 lie famous Studebaker slope tie 1 -Ar iny the hugest amount u( wood mio tie I. J am »innf est »heir others air wrakesl The tires are ir/, ami air |w tlv f'.ltrd to each wheel so that their is no such tl. ■ » ’I»’ >*f loosening Studebaker lue. No woudrr Ihr largest and la-st e.;>. . ■;■> I vein .« factory in the wuil.l la trouited to m<-< t the I tr.oud fur the Studebaker. We i re proud <11 the Studebaker, ber u«. More than 1,000,000 Studebaker Vehicle» in Daily b* GEO. T. BALDWIN, Klamath Falls, Ore., Established , ' Notice. May 11, I'.SW. Notice is hereby given that there are .funds in thecitv treasury to pay war­ rants up to 1703. Protested to August H, 1905. Interest ceas -s from date. J. W. SIEMENS, I. A. Doffv returned Sunday from City Treasurer. Southern California where he «¡«-nt the Winter. A. L. l.r.iwn lias sold bls grocery '-ton* Judge Benson Ims returned from to W. A. Calkins, wlm n .-ently came I l.ak<-\i<-w where he eomlu.'ted a aliort here from The Dalles. The m*w prn. ! term of the Circuit Conil, lie lias la-en prietor took |.os.e-<.h>u of th., bmilliess 'll herí ng from a >i .dil it' l e k or rli.-um- Manday, Mr. Brown will mnam here ati«m for a few day«. it .definitely. Elbert Wright, who lias la*en with the Klamath Falls Transporation Co, for some time, has resigned liis position ami i will leave for Oakland tlm first of the I month. i»v Over 100 Acres “Studebaker Plant W here can I 1 uy Sherwin Williams Pi in'? nt BALDWIN'S HARDWARE STORE The M< Iritire-*tr iw Stage compunt will mt it. a I e i< g ila t> | s I etwe.-n th city and I'okcgama after Toe-dev. The ¡■•esenger trail) over the route i« md as heavy a it has I e -n and the «•a/c will he run only when tl <• tratll<'i«siif!i. i.-rit- ly heavy to demand it. Part of the strn k will la- held at Pokegama so tliilT in ea«e a numb r..f pi«-.riger> “li.-uld arrive there they call la- transported to ibis < ity w ithout delay, sold New line of Edison pl mmgr.iph« anf l'lionoguph« Rscords in the county Br°P in * hear some of ths May neler*1'** The Kano Band will give a grand | Singer Sowing Marl me Agency. ball at Keno Friday evening. May 2£. It 1 6th and Main strent Sewing machin«. ienle*l t'.v **’* will be the best of all nnd you must not mlaa it. WAIT! WATCH!! LISTEN!!! month and for sulfon.-.i v m• ll* n"n We clean and adjust »II >”■" " Singer ■¡ A. A. Davis, one of th« prominent Chargea reaaonabl" cattlemen of the north enti of the county, Muchine Agency. I’hone ÜM' un*In the citv for a few days. Ile raya II. V. Gatea bu W. F. Mm.II Ins resigned I is |>o«ition willi tlia Klamath laike Navigatin' the feed on the Klamath marsh is not cannot gut liero until :,l"ul '. Company, lie . begun I" f""' " <■<*»"■ 'BT.’ü ■’.-¡«sr-g . ’jy. 1 - trrw. THE BOSTON STORE « The place to save money on al I up-to-date CLOTHING SHOES and I)R Y GOODS........ me STORE THAT IS DOIl\(i THE BUSIN^sS