i New Goods New Goods ARRIVED AND READY FOR SALE + EARLY BUY THE BRICK STORE C° t CITY Agents for the celebrated Lamm & Co. hand - tailored clothes See Adv lor marsh lauds. Tiie High School excursion Saturday was largely attended by the students and by the publ ic generally. WALL PAPER-WALL PAPER WALL PAPER t*«»l Rolls Choice Wall Paper House I ining All at populai prices Baldwin the Hardware Dealer Klamath Falls ♦ who wants style and quality R. R. Allen arrived in the city from Oakland, Cal., We.luea.l.iy to accept a position on the Herald. He is a musician ami will be a valuable addition to the Klauiath Falls Band. J. I). Carroll an.l W.A. IWIsell left to Portland this week to attend a Masonic meeting. Every change of Fashion is retlected in our assortment of high grades. We show the same selec­ tions as are seen in the swell city stores—same Clothing, Hats and Shoes—same Fur­ nishings. Small tracts of well located tule marsh lands offered for one week at J2l< per I acre. Alw*l Adv. 4 C. A. Jensen was in town from Lake­ view, where be is employed on the I Examiner, to make final proof on a tim­ ber claim. County Surveyor M. D. Williams and | Commissioner Melhase were out Thurs­ day surveying a county road dedicated . by Senator Abner Wied. The road is south of town. The government says that Continen­ ttai whiskey, Water Mil) whiskey, Nor | ntandie Rye and F. F. V. Rye is pure i for it is [Hit up under its ropervision in Sold by C. I). t bonded w ar. hanaes. Willson. ♦ “ When it's new it's here When it's here it's new" KLAMATH- FALLS • OR GOODS- Withrow-Melhase Block f» Dependable Hardware Heating Stoves, Household Utensils, Guns and Ammunition, Cutlery—in fact every­ thing in Good Hardware—No shoddy or shelf-worn goods. Agents celebrated Ell wood Fences— and everything the farmer needs. ’ ♦ 4 * * * * * * * * GEO. R. HORN, the Hardware Man *44 ALLEN SLOAN Secretary Abstracting BERT E. WITHROW Vice-President Maps, Plans, Blue Prints, Etc. Klamath County Abstract Co., Inc. Surveying and Irrigation Engineering KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON DON J. ZUMWALT, C. E. President » Senator Aimer Weed ami Horace Mitchell Went to Ft. Klamath Saturday. For the Man -EXCLUSIVE BRIEFS M. D. WILLIAMS, C. E Treasurer For Down-to-Date Job Printing Come to the Republican Office Linie in any quantities. Inquire of Board by ths week *4.0d at Willson's < i> Willson. lav morning after spending a few days lie is m the eily to l*«.k alter matters in the city on business connected with in the tiaii»|*orlalioli line. the claiius of Mason, Davis, A Co. The voters of Klamath County will la* I against the Government. asked to decide il the sale of liquor shall Is-proliihil«-*liil the entire county. The WANTED Girl for general petition asking for Ihia has lieelt tiled I work. Apply to Or. Maxton. with the county clerk and has heeu ap­ Chas, l ■ raves came in from Odell Mon proved by the deputy district attorney. lav with the election returns. Only The other |H»tilion tiled with the clerk ten votes were cast in tba‘ piecinci, asking lor a vote on the measure iu (lie seven Kepublican ami three Itemo- precincts of Lost River, latngell Valley, ciatic. W. It, Btrues ane C It.. Ih*latp] Dairy ami Pm* Valley wa» not drawn up carried the precinct. I legally ami will la* voted on at the June ' election. The Easier services at the rhnrches | were largely attended in laitli morning Chas. H**rtoii, Cheater Avery ami ami evening. The s|*edal prograins' limiuv Taylor are in Silver Lake enroute were exceptionally good and were very from Cr>a>k County to Sprague river Willi much apprm-iatvil by all who were pre- •JHO lii-ail of entile.—Silver Lake Orego­ scut. nian. We have three ranches for rent. Manager E. T. Ablaut, of the Kia ninth l.ake Railroad, write« that the MASON & SLOHOH. _ _ _ | , eeamss mail eewsrs« from rw Klamath «<•■•< «•» • Falls svs»«« »sw>e did c««s> not •«-»»• reach r» ***■ <4 uina, r,»Ut‘u’in»»»* "•» tun»* M »lolax motning i«> through th« citv enroute fhMMMMn nm'vl'wil'h' ,r Thr ’aii'an ’.l ...._ to . * —- ....... train ' lir Thrall ami 1 where be expects to Imate ami pin.li*. laid over tli.r....... ml II I* th.* follow medicine. I ing day. .Muller A Bonham are moving their stock of sewing machines and phono graphs into the building occupied by I Mill Humphrey as a name»» shop. The two firms will occupy the room ' jointly. Then- his leen somewhat of a rush for timber claims the past week. It appears that a nutritivi of |>arlie» who tiled on claims in the Bly country I ailed to make linai proof when the lime came. These claims are Irving taken as fast as it is discovered that the parties failed to prove up on the Mine. Mr». C. IL Underwood left yesterday N. C. Gunn ami Albert Pattersoa morning (or Independence, Or., where ; were in from lutngell Valley Thursday she is called by the serious ilinees of her | [ to spend a lew days in town. father. Three logging teams were started to Mrs. 11. B. L»talev is down from Fort ’ Bray Friday to bring in the heavy Klamath for a brief visit. I machinery for Moore Bros, power plant. Wheat hav, allalfa and timothy, ' There are three large pieces, one weigh­ ing 150t> pounds and the other two LUM) mixed—No. 1 hay- $15 at the Belmont | each. Stables. ♦ J. B. A uteri and wife left Mon­ Engineers Newell and Grondahl bate day for Lakeview where they will make returned to Portland after »(.ending sev­ their home. .Mr. Auten ha» made eral w.-ek» here as ex|s*rts on the re- arrangements to engage in the hard- classification of the dill on the contract 1 ware business. of Masou, Davis *k Co. They represent- ; **d the contractors in the conference. A. Helming A Co. fur merchants Parker A Taylor have their l*oul for (rays highest cash prices lor all kinds ol the Wood River business almost ready | hides and lure. Headquarters Amari- tor launching. The Isiat will Ire put in- j ■ CM Hotel. tf to the water the last of this week, but the machinery will not Ire installed for W. II. Heileinan returned from Weed several weeks a» it will not arrive here Monday evening accompanied by hit until the first of May. With the ex­ family.' They had been away on an ex- ception ol putting on a lew pieces ol steel tended visit and he met them at that sheetlug the l*oat is uow ready for water. I place. The dredge on the railroad lias liven The McIntire Transportation Co. ha» laid off since Friday. It broke down rented the 8. K. Noel building for an of­ then and as the repairs were ordered , fice and freight house and will occupy from Ashland it requires several days to the same the last of May. The building get into running order again. ha» been I ease. I for one year which would Do not buy blended whiskey. When indicate that the com|>any expects to haul freight for at least twelve months you want pure whiskey see that it is i longer. put up under the government'»“bonded Mrs. J. L. Bateman returned Sunday warehouse stamp,” as is the Continen­ from the Klamath Hot Springs. She tal whiskey, Water Mill whiskey, Nor­ remained there one week but found that her heart was too weak to stand the hot mandie rye and.F. F. V. rye. Sold by 4 hath* so she returned here for medical C. D. Will-..n, treatment Mrs. D. W. Ryan came down from Dr. Geo. H. .Merryman, who leas been Fort Klamath Wednesday and Thursday morning left lor Orange. Gal., where »he sick the past week, left Tuesday was called by the serious illness of her for Portland to consult an ear epee ialini father. She was accompanied to thia and enjoy a few weeks rest. city by Oscar Bunch. Senator Abner Weed has returned from Wood River valley where he went to look after his ranch. He says every­ thing is l.s.king well in that |«rt of the county and the green of Spring is visi­ ble on all sides. He says lie d*ies not know when Mr. Adams will begin work on the dikes to reclaim a large area of Ids land that is overflowed. The ma­ chinery for the dredge will lie moved op there as soon as a barge can Ire con­ structed. Archie Mason and A. I., fjinilierl arrived from Portland Thursday even­ ing. Both of these gentlemen are con­ nected With Mason, Davis A Co., anil their visit is in connetion with the claims the company lias against the Re- claimatmn Service for excess work done while contractors on the government canal. No disposition has yet lie.-n made of these claims and a decided effort is now being made to secure a settlement. An old shack on the fair grounds in­ habited by the character, Dale Alexan­ der, was destroyed by fire about II Friday night. Alexander hail gone to the reservation and it is generally supposed that some one touched a inatcli to the place in order to get rid of him. The property burned belonged to the Agricultural Association. The steamer Klamath bunded one of her |ii|ie» Monday when about two milea from the dis-k. 'I lie accident put the boat out of commission and a party returned to the city in a row boat to get a launch to take the passengers and mail on to Teeters Landing. The accident put the steamer out of service for sev­ eral days. OUR SPRING LINE Of Hitch Grade Jewelry is now in. We have the latest t'reatiens direct from the factory. Exquisite Pat­ terns of the highest possible grade of Solid Gold and Gold Filled Designs of rare taste executed by American and Foreign Jewelers. Thin Model Watches Waist Sets Hat Pins Ladies’ and Gents' Fobs “There Is Only One ti ny Of Judging The Future; • > That is liy The Past. Chat Is Ulbv Cb< NATIONAL ANO A CROWN NIAGARA STEEL RANGES bau« Bean Placed In So many Homes. Cbev Sell Cbemselves. The Wonderful Success of These Stoves is the Beautiful Nickel Finish and the High Class Workmanship Embodied in all the good features of this range is the Economy of Fuel Money Will Not Buy A Better Steel Range Than A Maiable Top National and Niagara Roberts & Hanks 1-mnia block Phone, 173 KLAMATH COUNTY BANK KLAMATH FALLS. ORI'.OON E. R. REAMES, Vi President LE8I.IE RtMiERH, t l. < n-hl. r ALEX MARTIN. President AI.EX MARLIN, Jr., Cashier The Pioneer Bank of Klamath County STATEMENT OF CONDITION AT THE Cl.usl ol IM-IM- DECEMBER 31. IM07. tumoCM en IsMina and Discounte............................ Bonds and Securities........................... Reni Batate. Buildings and Fixtures Cash and Sight Exchange.................... I :t io..vin * Capital Slock, fully paid Surplus and Profits......... Due other Hank» ......... DEPOSITS...................... I llMl.lMW).(W) I 12,1 mu ' h I I I . I. Alex MartlnrJr., Cashier of the above named Itiiuk <|.i •■■l. mtil > swear that the al«>ve statement is true to the best of my knowledge tml belteie Aixx M aittin , Ju.. Cashier. h. 1. miniers Muliacribed and aworu to Iwlore me this hili day ol January. I'****, (san.) C. II. Wirnaow, Notary Public for Oregon. THt ULAPINC JkWLLU It is not Genuine unless it is an “OLIVER I Now is the time to Buy Your Plows, from “¡5“h"F..r GEO. T. BALDWIN The Hardware an Implement Dealer I