KLAMATH REPUBLICAN ROBBED U. S. MAILS Useful Invention Too Many Haniiltoils NIAGARA LIME AND SULPHUR ' William II Clark, foreniau ot th»c«>n- Th«- auiliorilit-s ot L sh «» bounty h»v«- slruclion eraw ol th» i letcric Light and n«>tiUr«l tli* (livriff ot Lak. Uuuniy Ilia1 Deputy Postmaster at Royston Water Company, has just placed on the E. J. MURRAY, Editor market the Idt'al Funhfter. It ia a de- tli»y bav«> ari»*-«>«l w man wh<» pwrtlsll« Has Been Arrested vice for the ua» ot th» houaewif» in lilt an<w«>r* lbw il»««'tlpilim of Olli» Hamll ing hot plate*, pi», pudding and sauce tun, th» Silver Lak» uiunl»r»r. i'll» I The recent viait ot Mail Rout» Inspec pan* and w ill umloublly prove a quick man wa* arr»«l«Hl 32 mil«-* from Eiigvnr Materials for All Kinds of Spraying tor Vwille to thia sei-tion ha* result«*,! in *»ll»r. It automatical^' tit» any aiaad on tliw road ai-ixiM th» mountain t<> somewhat of a sensation a* h» ha* cause«! bail ami i* («usitiv» in it« action. The Also Grain and Seed Dipping. Call and See* • Eastvrh Or»g<tn, TWO DOLLARS PER YEAR IN ADVANCE th» arn-*t of th» deputy postmaster at housewif« who ha* ao often »ufferisl Th» •uspt'vl *ai«l hi* nam» w*« Mar-1 from burns will weli-ume t«i her kitchen PRICES ARE RIGIir. I Ito«st«>n <’ii the charg» of robbing th« I an article ol this kind, an«l it ia thia fact tin IX'tvrron, ami that In' bail I h - vii al All communications submitted fur publi, iti-n in the columns of this paper lilted State* mail S. A. Whit» is the wInch is certain to make the Inienium 8hamko,B»ml and «>ili«-i Ea*t«-rn l'>«-g<m Corner 71 li will b» inserted only over the name of the writer. No non de plume article« poatmatter at that place, but he doe* a ;>opular seller, it is to be hope,! that town*. Ilo «l»iii<*<l all kimwli'-lg«* ol will be published. and Mam not reside there during the Winter and its detuaml will l>e »uthcient to warrant ther» manufaclnr* in thi*city ami thus ill» niuiilar. ll<> ha«l traveled a< r->*« had Bert Regan looking out for the of add anotliei industry to tin- resourc«-- th» *<111111111 ol the l'a*c*il.** on I- k > i , fice in the capacity ot deputy, Mr. ot the community. through eight and ten mil«'» «>1 atrow, Lower Freight Rate Making Soil Tests Regan was assisted by hi* wife in the «ml wa* nearly »ihaiiatrd trunk < X|> -» El.imath Falla w now assure«! a low»r Local reclamation officials are doing petlonnance <-t the dulie» of the post The municipal election «a* held in urv and fatigu» wh.li th. offi.vi* i-aii^ freight rate just as s-xm as tb»California co-op»zative exp riment work with the master and she too ha* been arreated. Itouanaa Monday, when the following np»n Inin. Th» *h»<HI is iiu-lin.d t<> KLAMATH FALLS. ORliUON experimental at.uio i at Corvallis. W. Noriluastern is exlemisHi to IXrrris and The warrant* wen- served yeateniay by ottiiwr* were el •cte.l i Tritate»*— E. W. think In-i« not th«- man waulml, ami ALEX MARTIN, I'rvai.lrn» Broads*ord, William Goss, Jo«. Hett a regular train servi.-» is establish«-«!. »'• KI IMI ' . Vh. 1't.-«i.l.-nt H. Heilemin, who ha* charge of the the Bonanza constable and the parties inger. Boy I. Kilgore and Cha*. Patte». iliat his mi, «1 is i>f!i«-t«*l or lie Would ALEX MARLIN,Jr., Caahiar LKHI.IK HUGER*. i--i. i i-hi.i maintenance and operation of the irri When this will b» is pro'Jemati«*, but brought to that place, where they will Record»»—8. C. Grave*; Tieusurer— not hair' stiwi««<l on such a )H'rilou* gation system, ha - begun a eerie* ol ex India non« are that i» w>ll not be later hate a preliminary hearing. The charge John T. Bradley. juururv sL’oi. Gitn-ur* al l.ak.vtvw than Slay 15. The roa<! will ranch Dor pertinent* to determine what varieties upon wlii.-h they have l>een arrested is have la'vn v uniiiuiih-atiHl w itl and tin I luring the month of March the Bo- of grain* and trees a»e best adapted to ris sonie tim» this m >nth sn-l then it petty larceny, thi* being done to hold nan*« I’leamerv paid to 33 farmer* the man is Ix'ing Imld awaiting th. further STATEMENT OF CONDITION AT Till CI.OHI ol lll'HM -> the Klamath country. He secured from l Will t.-iki-a lew week» for the «xini|«iny them until the federal autboiities ar •urn of (9(9.21 for cream, or an average «lcM-rlpiion of Haimlron. DECEMBER 81. 1W7- to iri-t the regular servi«*» «»stai>li*h«-d. of (38.15 each. tlie Corvallis institution six varieties of rive to take them into cuatodv. Tli* mall arieat««l *p»nt several night* HKMOlRi » * barley and oat*, which he has given to . | Capt. J. M. McIntire has returmU The McIntire Transportation Coni in the --|*en air ami »now. ami one night It seems that for several month* arti- I M0.M0.HU Loans and Diwounts ....................... i f from San Francisco, when» he had tw-en )>any has addisi several wagon« to it* farmer* residing in different (»art* of the cli-s have been loat in transit between nut being able to find enough wood (or Honda and Se« uritie»......................... <UI,5.5 M large freighting outfit. county. J. Fran« Adams, E. I. Apple tin «xuiiereni-e with tin» 8. P. officials, thi* city and Blv. Some monili* ago a tiro, wl up an«! kept nwak.by run Real Estai«*. Building* and Fixture» H.74A.IH gate, Frank Ira White and the Reclama I and he stales that he has made arrange- W. F. Reed avut a aatch to tin ning around In a circle. ii-B.si'.ie Cash and eight Ezvbange. aa»nts w ith the company for a through Petition for Liquor Lken<e tion Service are experimenting with the Il »«» city to have it lepaiietl. The Lane Coiinty autliuritie« have re grains *■» that the season will demon freight service to this city, whereby he lived the watch ami mailed it to Mr. IMA.0IW.5I Tn (he >Lm*rable County Court of th* Stat* of leased th«' man and are now hu-king for •trate in what localities the best crop» | handles all thr>»ngh freight between Reed, but it failed to reach it* destina Oregon for KUuuath County, auother Hamilton. lhe fellow they j Klamath Falls and IWris on a joint tion. The matter was reported to In We, the undersigned. r***d«t»t« and kgal voter* can be grown. arreated i* slightly il»nieiit»«l, which Mr. Heilernan says the people of thi* j rate in connection with the Southern spector Vaille and lie made an investi of Wood River Precinct.* In lheCounty of Klauwuh account* for hi* undirtaking such a eectiou .-»».derive much good by keeping [ ■ Paeitie. .All freight ahipptni on the gation when he was here a lew day* azo. and State of Oregon, who are actual re* h lent» therein and who have aetualty rwtidvd in aaki pre- perilous journey. Investigation di*cl«M in touch with the experiment station at ! through schedule will retnian in charge The rreji.is th» result of Mr. Vaille'* «»nvtmorr than 3U da»« inunedlately preceding i e<i the fact that lie wa* employed by tNr signing and filing thia our pctltem. do horeby Corvallis, and he has been at work for ! of the Southern Pacific until it is deliv- visit. Cha*. Graves al Odell lor a abort lime, l*eiit»un your honorable hudy to grant and k»u* to 1 ered at the store door or warehouse. several months endeavoring to get the, Royston 1* a am >11 pn«totliee about Berry A Hettinger a license to wll »pirituuua. and that although he act* |wculiar lie men in charge ol the station to visit this ' The through sei vic? applies from either midway Iwtween Bouanaa and Bly, ami k meu» and malt Ikquor* in quantata«* l«*a than I. Alex Mnrlin, Jr., o( thr nl»«»vv nun»‘’«l Bank. I • - \ i* iwrfectli harmless and was according county and conduct au institute. He end. but th«* rat«' on export» from this nothing ia handle«! there except the one galkm. In the precinct aforesaid for a period • wear timi the atam* »liiteinenl i< Iron to the tirwl u( n»y khowlatU«*»n«l Iw liwse ly turned lixwe alter being in says their suggestions will be of great I city have not let been eetabliahed. Ai lx M amtix , J i »., local mail, or what i*called the "way of « lx month» from the »eventh day of May. 19W» for a few day*. help in carrying on experiment* in this ' The new freight rate will be th«' same1 mail" between thi* place ami Bly. If That fur the granting of thia petition a» afore* aid. I. the und«r«urned. in duty boua«l will «ver SiibtcrilMsl an»l nwom u> Iwihir* »»»•» tbia 6th »lay o( January » I imks , bss.in. One of the main experiments to ' from Portland to this city as from San the mail leaies Bonanza and doe* not l»my- (MUl.| V. II. W itmmow , The Klamath Oil Co. bs matte this year will b» with sugar Fran> is«xi. and it is lower on every class arrive at Bly it is certain that it was lost Notice U* hereby given, that thi* petition a ill U* Notary rubilo (or Oregon. _ to numerous inquiries, ,____ for In lieet* in the various part* of the county. than it wa« via Thrall and Pokegania. by the driver or else it remained at Roy presented to the County Court of the State of Owing ()re<gon in and for Klanialh County, at the Court formation, and a place purchase pito* to | The rate» that will go into effect when Another will be with sha<le and orna ston. The stagedriver having no aecess Houw in the city of Klamath Fall». County and atock, have made arran^ement« arrange to pro mental tree*. While in Washington tbe train servi«'e is establish«*! to IXirris to the mail sacks could not be reeponai- State aforesaid.*on th* 4th day of May. IWrt, at the I Me -uch a piso* at Heitkamper'a jew last Winter Mr. Heilernan succeeded in *re as follow s; hie and it was up to the Royston office. hour of 10 a. m. of that day. or a* **»n thererfter »Iry »tore. Stock cun be Imught and Si; 2ml, Ob; any informatu n reg -rding the eoinpany getting several of the bureaus interested . Fiist class per cwt., A search wa* made ami a number of a* *aid petition can be heard. Dated thia IMh day of January. INK. can l« obtained by calling on Mr. in exfierinienting in «he Klamath region, '3d, (191; 4th. (1.75. 5th. »1.65; class articles were found in the possession of J H Wheeler. J H C Taylor. lx>ui« Brannon, Heitkemi* r Bl . . It and from the Bureau of Forestry he got “A,” (1.65; "B" per ton. (27.20; "C." the deputy postmaster and hi« wife. I! S Jones, Creed Murphy, I) E N«»ah. C C |lm- 500 trees of different varieties. A largo (23.40; "D, »22Si; “E."(22.20. pliy, G F V uk *, M E Parker, L S D*nt«m, C 1 Roy Walker wa* summoned to Bonanza The old rates via Thrall are a» fol Thursday to identify certain articles, Hoyt C G Cupeland, D C Brophy. N J Johnson. numlior of these have been set out on a H L Scott. Harry H Pearson. J E Vuec. Iluy K : lows, the classes being in the same order tract of land owned by the Government which he had sent to his folks at Bly. Wise. S R Gardner, J H Smart. Al Methane. It *as those above: (2.54. (2 30.(2.14, (1.91, near tbe head gates. but which failed to reach their desti A Mouse. G S Hoyt. O Bunch, R H langwtwn. C. L CUne. M H Hm Pul Pre»«.« H II Uhit.>. The efforts of Mr. Heilernan in tbe ex (1.80, (1.80, (36.00, (30.70, (25.70, (23.10. nation. II B Lorwley. J H Hr-oug. J L Voee. Sr Ryan. I. COLONIST RATHS (rom all part« of the perimeural line will prove of great ben- j On comparing these rate« It will be Roy Walker returned from Bonanza HesJig. W M Skeen. Clarence Martin. Ed Fateh t nllrd States and Canada to all parts of J W Cnlc, J M Emery. J A Gib^m. I. C etit to the country. He is also snout to noticed that there is a reduct ion on Fri lay evening wh -re lie had gone to in. Drake. S H King. L W Co|M>land. D C Court nig. Oregon and the Northwest will be put ; every class of freight. On 1st class it is THE LAND MAN secure a eoil survey of the Klamath M P Morgan. C G Lamon« G C Hill. i i lentify certain articles that he had sent C Gray. WcMtkrtom. John Gray. F T Chien ami O W Into effect hv the l»asin, and should he be successful in I 30 cent« per cwt., 2nd, 21 cents; 3>l. 22; to Bly, but which faileii to reach their Chaa Engle. 4th, 16: 5th, 15; "A, ” 15; “ 8. ” (S.80; thi* it will be a big h-lp to the f irmer* BERRY A HETTINGER. 3 4*14 destination. It was thought that the i’he in determining what kinds of crops will "C,” (7 30; “D.” (3.50; "E," (1.10. List your land for sale with thi* article* might l>e among the thing* Tbe tact that the Mvl >'ire Coinpany do best in different sections. It may ----- and —— NOTICE FOR PU BLIC A TION ofH.te; we have buyer* for all i found in possession of the deputv post lead to the introduction of new crops, I has secured this arrangement with the master of Royston when the raid was United Stake* Land Office. Lakevtew. Oregon. classes of Klamath County the cultivation of which would he highly 8. P. Company practically gives it eon- made. Roy was unable to identify any April 2. 19UH property. Notice b hereby given that in compliance with remunerative. He is thoroughly fami | trol of the freight batiness into thia city of the articles, but a number of other the provMton» of the act of CuntfreM of June A, (Un«* In Oregon 1479. entitled "An act for the «aie of ttmbe: land« liar with the various kinds of soil, hav j as long a- I\>rris remains the terminus parties, who had lost-thing* in the mail in the State* of California. Oregon. Nevada and ing had a great deal of experience in >d the railroad. Merchant* can ship to were there ami identitled several arti Wa»hin*ton Territory." *» extended t*. all public land Mtate» by act <»f Au*u*t 4 J»>hn Kenney, that line of work. Cpvn the establish • Dorris, but when they do this they will cles. Miss Ada Erb, the postmistress of Klamath Fall« County of Klanath. State of The only acreage adjacent to Oreron.ha» file«] in tnta «kfflce hi» »w«»rn statement rnent of the experimental station he will be forced to p y the local rate on tbe Klamath Fall* for *aj<* in «mall l for the pur hlM of the r’ .'w1«. Me. •. work in close conjunction with the parti railroad and it would likely prove more at Bly, was positive in the identities n’sne ; 1 M ». »ec. No. H, tp. No. 37 • . ran*»- No 9 E . tracts. More than a reore of lion of a numl«r of articles, while Mr» in charge of it. M and will offer pn--* that the laaa expensive to ship under the through Emin the Principal Lille* of the Middle West L« more valuable for it» timber and »tone people have secu-ed ■ite* fur I.. Pankey, Mr«. W. A. Walker, Mr*. woutfkt than for a»rr»cultural purpoee*. and to establish rate. the Rate* Will Be a» I ollows : homes. hi» claim before County Clerk of Klamath county Smith and Miss Ida Howard identified More Small Farms at hi.« '»ff'tce at Klamath Falls Oretftm. <>n Monday, I ROM FROM certain article* that they had sent. the <tli day of July. 1*« h . CHICAGO ............................... (38.IM) COUNCIL BLUFFS - The Oregon Military Rood Land Raise Nursery Stock He name« a» witneeae*: It seems that for several month* it <irant ha* again changed hand*. The ST. LOUIS........................... (35.IM "MAHA Jee«e C. Cravens: Jimmie McCrank. Ralph has been suspected that thing* were not J. Frank Adam« has received frotu ■ re the best buy* un the market Vaughn. Fred Jan«aen, all of Klamath Fall». Gre Oregon Valley Ioin<l Co. are the pur- KANSAS CITY .... (30.00 ST. PAUL • ■ straight in the Royston office, and n ff -n i-liasera, with headquarters at Kansas Welborn Beeson, of Talent, apple and Any and all pertm»» claiming a«1ve?Mdjr the Stopover* Correeponding rate* from nil other Eastern point*, nnnitier of complaint* were made to the at»ove dcacribed land« arc reque»icd io flic in , pear seeds w ith a request that be ex City, Mo. The new company ha* div- ’ tbl« office their «aid claims on or before the at pleasure at all pointa in Or«-g<>n. Ih-partment, but no investigation* were •aid 4th day of July. 190*. ided the 300.000 acres or more, into periment in the production of nursery made. A few days ago W. A. Walker J. N WATSON. Roiruiter I he Colonial Hate I* the greateat ot all homebuilder* Oregon ha* unlimited tract* a* follow* : 5,974 ten acre farms, | stock*. Mr. Beeson is of the opinion 4-14-4-24 an 1 J. W. Brown secured a search war resource* and need* mure peuple who dealre home* and larger opportunities 4,080 twenty acre farm«, 1,020 forty that the soil and climate of thi« county rant ami went to Rovston to «»arch the THE LAND MAN acre farms, 500 eighty acre farms. 400 is especially adapted to the production CONTEST NOTICE Ragan home. The search result«*! in one hundred and sixty acre farm«, j j of st.->cks. If he ia correct in his deduc- drHfnn ixMitilr can accomplian aplmdid rvaulta by h»*raMin< tbi* <>|>|»orturiity Department of the llternr, United Staten finding la-tween 2>X) and 300 |>ound* of to all the world Srn<! Oregon literature giving ^ood reliable informali<m ab«>ul Land Office. Lakeview. Or«« on. March 11. 190N. twelve 640 acre farms, six 1,000 acre ' tion« the experiment will often a new merchandise which had laren taken »he state* tar and wide. Cail on th»« aliovr railroad« for it if necr ary. A sufficient content affidavit having been AM in farms, and 11,992 town lot* in Lake i industry for this county which will from the mail. Some difficulty wa* ex thia office by Ray Evan*, contestant. wainit view, Oregon, and will sell the same | i prove highly remunerative to those who 1 engage in it as there is a strong demand perienced in making the search as Mrs. homestead entry No, L*29. made Nov. 21. 1906, for tinder tbe following contract. Ragan objected to it in a rather forci nel4. aec. 4. tp. 41 S.. R. 7 E.. by A. Stalhworth j (200 for one farm and one town lot, for nuascrv stocks all over the Pacific con tew toe, in which it ia allevvd that aaid Stalin- ble manner, and the officer* are making worth han utterly failed in reapect to aaid entry Hire at hortie if deiired. Any agent ia authorized to accept the required depoai (10 down and (10 per^nontb until paid. ! Coast and thi* demind is gradually another search which will probably re to comply with the public land laws of the U. S.. The agreement to purchase one or more growing. and telegraph ticket to any point. Call on any O. R. A N. or S. P. Agent Nothing but branch •>! stocks can be veal a number of other article* that are and the rule« and regulation» established there- S. H. GRIZZLE farm* and lots stipulated, mean* that or address, un<ler relative to establiMhin« and maintaininr grown in Ko.ua river valley and most missing. KLAM ATM FAI IS wh en the pnrebaser baa completed l.ia 1 residence on said land; that he han never estab Kagan ami w ife are now held at Bo lished a residence on «aid land; that he ha» never WM. c urray OREGON jiaynient* be become* tbe owner of an of these are over size as the climatic nanza awaiting the arrival of the I’nited cultivate«! or improve»! the name in any manner General Passenger Agent, Portland. Oregon undivided interest, for each farm and 11 conditions are not favurable to the in- whatever; that for more than two years prior to lot applied for, in the land and town dnsfry. Most oUGie vt-«ks used in the States Marshal, who ia on his way here the making of thia affidavit the naid entryman has from Roseburg. He sent word to hold lot* offered for sale as herein above set United State* are grown in France. wholly abandoned said land, that hi* alleaod ab Toj»eka, Kansas, Salt Lake City and the parties until his arrival. sence from the said land was not due tn his em forth. The operations of the Ragans were ployment in the army, navy or marine corps of When tbe contract holders, by them Utah are the only places in the Unite ! the United States at a private soldier, officer selves or their representatives, have States where first clan* stocks bave I «-en carried on in a I »old way and on a large •eaman or marine during the war with Spain or stale. They have been at Royston dur successfully grown. The former plaça assembled for the o|«ning they shall during any other war in which the United States select from their numlter three trustee* Is by far the most favored for 1l»e ind<i# ing the Winter and in that time they may is* engaged. then-fore, »aid »Mr*ie* are here try and about nine tenth« f-f all the accumulated large quantities of dress by notified tn appear, respond, and offer evidence who shall receive a deed for the farm* touching ku ch allegation at 10 o’clock a. m. on and lot* herein described and hold same , stocks grown in thi« country .«re raised goods wearing apparel, shoe* jewelry May 7. 190«, before Geo. Chastain. County Clark. ami tainke's of all kinds. It has la-en for the benefit of th» purchaser*. Tbe at that place. Klamath Falls. Oregon, and that final hearing learned that some of these articles they will be held at 10 o'clock a. m. on May 14. 190H. Company will furnish the said trustee* •old, while others they wore themselves. before tbe Register and Receiver at the United Linkville Too Large plat* of the farm and lot* and the true- E. WHITLOCK The boldness of the methods employed States Land Office In lakeview, Orrron. tee* shall appoint an auction«.-er, who Klamath County today has I ut twelve The aid contestant having, in proper affi lav It. is what led to the search warrant and rs M. c illan Prop’r. shall preceed to auction and sell to the precinct*, however, after the November filer! February 24. 190«. set forth facts which »how UNDERTAKER that after due diligence personal service of this highest bidder, for cash or upon sucl. term of County Court it will have 14. to their undoing. AND EMBALMER notice cannot be made, it ia hereby ordered and term* as the contract holder* decide, The law provides that whenever a pre- Modern improvements. 73 room« and nuites. directed that such notice be given by due and Holder of IJcenm* Xo the farm* and lot*. Contract holder* f cinct has more than 250 voter* it lie- $12.70 Per Cow Sample Rooma, Bar Room, Parlor», Two Club proper publication. may buy as many farm« as they bold j comes subject to division. The regis J. M. WAIWIN. KLAMATH FALL#». OREGON I. 8. Davi* received thin month from Rooms, Etc., Etc. S-1»-t I* ftefiator. contract* for and the amount paid on tration for the primary election «hows B-nanza creamery for butter fat turned contract« shall apply on pnrehated price. 1 that Linkville precinct has 732 voters, in during Marell from three cow«, SPEQAL RESORT FOR TOURISTS NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Contract holders only will be allowed to ! enough to make three precincts. The (38.02. This make« *n average of al bid. The bidding will be open, com- Fall term of court i* the time set for 'T imber land , actjuiwj . is 7».-N oii <- tm most (12.70, exactly (12.67, per per A Publication. — Uniter! Stat*-» Land Office, jietitive, and no lottery or game or tbe creation of new precinct*, and con- ¡ATTORNEY AND month. I* there any profit for snch re luikeview, Oregon,March 2, 190R. -Notice h here scheme of distribution by let or chance ■ »eipiently Linkville will remain intact turn*. Beside* in this case, the cow* by riven that in compliance with the pruvi«ion» COUNSELOR AT LAW shall enter the same. Tbe profits, if for both the June and the Presidential of the Act of Conrre** of June 3, 1873, entitle«! | were fresh the first of the month, and did "An Act for the *ale of timber land* in the State* KLAMATH FA LLH, OREGON any, derived from the sale shall lie di election. not-ave all the milk a* it i* shown by of California, Oregon, Nevada and Waahinrton vided among the contract holoers pro MURDOCK BLDG. The division ahoulil have l>een made the weekly report which give* lO'tb*. Territory,” a* extender] to all the Public Land ROOMS 7 rata. There are 11.992 contracts, 11,- last year, bnt the holiday* during tbe cream the fir«t week, 57 lb*, the second Staten by Act of Aurunt 4, 1892, Perceval Hholl.of Klamath Fall», County of Klamath, State of Ore- 992 farm* and 11,992 lots—a farm and financial stringency made it impossible week, 7» lb*, the third week. 72 lb*, ron, ha« filer! in thi* office hi* »worn etatement, i lot to each contract.—Lakeview Exam lor the court to take any action in the DR. C. P. MASON the fourth week, and 78 Bra the last No. 406.'], for the purchane of the NKSE‘4 of iner. matter. A* it stand* today Linkville week.—Bonanza Bulletin Sec. 23, NWSW1 *, of Section No JI. in I DENTIST precinct lack* only 86 votes of having When more of our farmer* realize tbe •hip No. 37 South. Range No. 9. E. W M Office in American Bank ATrustCoai Of Old Cjntinental Whiskey McCloud Mills Start and will offer proof to »how that the lar|^ «ought ; one half of all those registered. The profit in the dairy bnsiness, more of pany’s Building U more valuable for it* timber or atone than for ■ next largest precinct in 'he county if Operation» were started in all depart them will la* more comfortably indepen agricultural purpose*, and to establish hh claim Water Mill Whiskey PHONE ment* of the McCloud River Lumber ■ Title Lake, with 206 vote*. dent than now. Get in farmer* and to sakl land before Co. Clerk of Klamath County, j Normandie Rye ncAMATH FALLS OREGON Company on April 1st, though not to have your »hare of this golden flood of Oregon, at hi» office at Klamath Falla, Oregon, on Friday, the 22nd day of May, 190« He name* F. F. If. Rye tbe full capacity. About 1000 men are 2500 Acres Free profit*. a* witneHMef C. W. Harlow, J, C. Craven*, H.E. employed whereas the number la«t year Boudenot, and E. H. I*awrence, all of Klamath WILL A. LEONARD The Lakeside company ha* 2500 acres is uh pure mb Government inspection can make was 2000 whenever the company could R. E. Guth ridge, of the McIntire Pal!». Oregon. Any and *11 peraona claiming ad- ; get that many. This year no trouble i* of land under the Adam* ditch that it Transportation Co., ha* Ireen transferred ver*ely the above described land* ar* requested it. It is bottled in bond under Government su DENTIST to file their claim* In thia office cm or before th* experienced in getting workmen as will give RENT FREE for one year. to Pokegama. •aid 22nd day of May, 1903. pervision und that carrios.the guarantee of abso there several men for every job. There This includes the use of the land and 3-12 -^14 J. N. WATSON, RwUter. Withrow-Melhase Building water, lh»r» 1« mors C*t*rrb In thi* section of ths The renter must dear and lute purity. is nothing in the report that the com country than *11 other <il«ra«»-s put together. School Lund« pany will not employ Italian« this sea place the land in cultivation. The rent • rut i nill ibe last h w years wa- stippo,«4 t<> er get* all the crop but we reserve the b» lncurst.,4 for a »real many y«ar, doctors son. The manager states that national ¡-«partnerit of the Interior, United Staten Land i right to pasture the stubble. pronounced It a local disease and prescribed Office, I«akevlew, Oregon, March 24, I90R. ity is not considered, what they want is C. F. STONE The Lakesi Je Company, local remedle», and by constantly falling to Notice 1» hereby given that the Wtate of Oregon competent workmen. cur* with local tre* mem, pronounced It In ha», under the provhiona th* Act of Cong res« ATTORNEY AT LAW J. Frank Adams, Manager. Only one mill is in opeiation at pre- j curable. Helence has proven Catarrh to lie * of August 14, 1H4A, and the acta supplemental and Merrill. Oregon OFFICE OVER POSTOFFICE sent, the others will not b» started until constitutional dltease and therefore requires amendatory thereof, mad* application for the is the word that tells the story, and whon Iho constitutional treatment flail's Catarrh Cure j following de«rribed unappropriated, non-mlneral later in the season. Four logging manufactured by tf. J t'heney <tr Co., Toledo, fiurveyed public land a* indemnity for io«»o* to William A. Carter, candidate for the government placos its 0. K. on whiskey you may camp* are running, eight locomotives O., Is the only constitutional cure on the mar it* grant for common school purpose*, to-wit: ar» in use on the railroad, and the box nomination of Railroad Commissioner ket. It Is taken Internally In do«ee from 10 Lot* No. 242. for NE^NE‘4. S* T 23 H, •>e sure it is pure. Sold by factory, sash ana door factory and plan- I from the First Congressional District, is drops to a teaapoonful. ft acts directly on the H 14 E; NW>4HW'4 and NEMW'i. H*c «, T .VJ ing mill are all running to their full ca I making bis campaign on the principle blood and raucuous surfaces of tbe system. 8, R 18 E, and S£»4N E^. Sec 8. T 36 8, R 15 E. DR. WM. MARTIN that transportation companies should They offer one hundred dollars for any css« fl W M pacity. I not be permitted to discriminate in falls to cure, kend lor circulars and testi Any and all persons claiming afJvartely the freight or passenger rates between in- above land* ar* requested to file in thi* office DENTIST See Hie change of time ot the Mein- I 1 divi luals, industries, or localities, but monials. F. J. CHKNEY & CO..Toledo, O. | their Mid claim* on or before the 4th day of 1lr»-8traw Stage Company in connection j that every shipper great or small should Hold by druggists, 70c. ■ Jun*, 1KH. with the Klamath Lak» Railroad. 11« giv»n an equal chance and fair deal. 1 M-M4 Taka Hall's family PHI* for constipation. J. N WATSON. Rs*l>U«. ==SPRAYS== LEADING NEWSPAPER OF INTERIOR- OREGON UNDERWOOD'S PHARMACY KLAMATH COUNTY BANK The Pioneer Bank of Klamath County OREGON’S OPPORTUNITY FRANK IRA WHITE Oregon Railrorid & Navigation Co. Southern Pacific Company Enterprise Tracts Daily During March and April, 1908 Mills Addition Lots FRANK IRA WHITE FARES CAN BE PREPAID M M Lakeside Inn, M . M M , C. C. BROWER A8, Every drop 614 I i Pure Klamath Falls, Oregon C. D. WILLSON Wholesale and Retail Dealer p Office over Klamath County Bank ^<xx>ooooooooo oooooooooooo »