KLAMATH Official Newspaper of Klamath County REPUBLICAN. Official Newspaper of Klamath County KLAMATH FALLS, KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON, APRIL 16, 1908. VOL. XIII. i gtur Fulton t<»uk a pronounced stand on • lailros'l rate regulation, and during all the gieat control «ray raging around the rate regulation bill k U nm I firm Ixdiinfl the jHilb’y of President Rooaevelt, bat* Itling (or th«* regulation of tin* railroads of the country, lie was the author of tin* m»w famous "Allison amendment" to the r te hill, which resulted in bring* mg the warring (action* in tlm Henat«« together in the pa*«age of the ineaaure. President Roosevelt heartily approves! of the terms of the Allison amendment, ami ¡»ersonally thanked Senator Fulton for hi« work and aid in drafting the measure ami assisting in fighting It W. II. I leii<'ri»on, who hut char#«» <»( through to (Inal passage. It waa during the of»««r*41i«>li ami tiiAititvflNiH’v »Intra this debate that Sennini Fulton came ihnl the water will I h » lurne«I ir»!<» to I m * rec >gnii* d as one of the leading the main canal within n very (**w «lay». dt-batora and parlniinmtnry fighters of The < nn«il h now ready for the water,l»*l the senate. lie haa not I’lrn^l it tn l»naii«v tbern* In <(••• present m ssion of Congress giurerà n>altii>g a te«'la»»lfl<*alk>n <>( th* Senator Fulton has come still mor«* dirt nil the Marmi, I»avi» k ('•». contra«! pruiuliirntly lador«* the people by reason have not Aniabrd their work, mid be* of the Aghi mad«, by him I »r the "Ful­ can*«* the land» ate hot in dlt«* nurd of ton resolution/ which is strongly sup* water. Il«* «ava that the «rater la only po»t««d by Pierid« nt Roqaevelt, ami his n few dcgrvt«» above the (rawing ¡mint amendment to th» interstate commerce and it would do wry lit tie K' mm I I o the law by which shippers are given th«* « rnp« to ll»r cobi water on the »oil at thia pow er In secure a hear ina before the In­ time of tin* year. The crop» art* all terstate Commrrc«^ Commission Indore young an io a v«»‘.e of the people, by means of the tiitn* «bon'd I m * |. («risale and J. W. a pie *v o( «agrbruah lami f «r an ciperi* Siemens. meni farm will l*c «ecurrd. and thou The coming vlwtioN was discussed the productive qualities » to learn by cl* purpose bring to secure the nomination |M'riinvnllng thy ktmU <4 < r«»pa that are of rom|M«tenl, lawnbiding ciiixens for l»«**t adapted to the various parts of the the various «»(fleet lo I m * voted upon. project. The soil survey which he Before the meeting a <*banue will tn* giv­ b '| m * s to secure shortly will be a great en all cltixens who an* in favor uf muni - ani in determining the productIvene»»» « ipal improvements ami the in lo ree of the lain!-. Mr. Ih ilrm.tn ha« taken men! <»i the law, to l»ec<»m«* meml»cra uf up this rxi rnmental work a« a sort <4 a ihe organifation. side* issue as tt does m*t coin«* in with his regular work wiTli the Reclamation s Cottages For Sale .S*rvlrr, ami the landow ne»• would ben­ Cottag.No. I. /X n«at «even room efit themselve« if lb«) would «»sHt him cottage; el..... t, toilet nnm cottage with Clouet, toilet nnd bath; good wood .bed; price. (l.XOo; term«, $.*>(*) ca«h, baiane« in three year«. Cottage No. S. Same a« No. 2, ex­ cept a. to lucaction. price, «ItiOO; term», S'-IO cn«h, bulaner in throe year». Cottage No. 4. A plain lour room cottage with larije kitchen cabinet,«ink and city water in kitchen; price, «750, term«, |26O caah,l«lnnce in three years. Cottage. No.5 and No. '» and I'.KMI s. n (or the ll«M roll. // / do not lead, why do others follow. A few yood reasons for my success in the Jewelry Business— Reliable Work, in all lines. New and Up-to-date High Grade Goods. Reaso.iable Prices. Responsible Guarantee. Lastly, the money back, if you are not satisfied The only place to get Phonograph.'', with n written Kuarantue for one year. G.Heitkemper,Jr. THE LEADING JEWELER Republican Block To Repair Adams Canal Can Secure Militia There i. now an excellent opportunity E. W. Biulth, the railroad contractor, who lias been changing the Govern for thia city to secure a .tale militia. merit canal in tlm ll<«t Spring« addition, The A Any bill l>aml by the Senate a baa inu<«iit« with the opera­ short time ago p«v<-d th« way for the tion anti inaintenarn e department of the eetablialiment oi a number ol military Reclamation Hervice t*> r« pair the Adams mpaid«-e in Oregon. It ie necee.ary canal. This branch of the irrigation sys­ to recruit live eddilionel com pan ire in tem is in charge ol W. II. Heilman, and order to bring tlie Fourth Otegon regi­ (.'««ntracUir Smith will work under his ment up to a regular army beaia. •ii|»«ivision. It will require about three Tliexe adeniee, rim canal will Ire ready lor the delivery and if the proper efforts are put forth it can be secured ami its organization of water by the last uf thia month. The irrigated area will be considera­ effecteil. The problem that is just now is cupy- bly larger this year lhan Iasi season and the first water will l«e turned iu the ing the attention of Oregon National main canal next week. The Govern­ Guar'lsinsn, rd whom there are some ment ,» r> i ly to ltirni«h waler for 30,- 1400, I. that of suitable armories. The <»■) acres «t ready for water. I.ast year should at leust pro» ide suitable armor­ the irrigate*! area ugg legale« I about 10,- ies for housing the troops and storing the equipments. 1‘ortland, of course, (MM) acre». Indications are thnl every rancher who has an adequate armory, provides! and < au get water this year will use it as the paid (or by Multnomah County. The pil. Tlm Im k of rains appropriation is to ia voted ujmn under ami tlm increase in |>opulatiun through- tiie Initative ami Referendum at the mil the valley will augment the number June election From a military stand­ «•I ii« re« include«! in th«« irrigated area. . point r-*“' the «■•«’ armories «•,...v..v« are imiispensible, The irrigation system ha« been put in from a economic standpoint they are a aliape for the aeas<>ri ami a« soon as the good investment. The stale is at pre­ water ia turned into the canal the farm- ’*'*• paying |5.UU0 per year rentals for er» umler tlm «lit h can begin watering , inadequate rookeries, Thus it will 1« the tiel'is which are al road y in need of seeo that in comparatively a lew years the armories would pay (or themselves moisture. Mm.■— ■ — .. — in the sat ing to the state ou rentals. This city is so situated that it ia en- title,aui»ai days liefore the emi came. Imuisa Gilm««re was born in Knox! County, Indiana, November 16, 1870. The reserve! seats for the performance She w»s uiarritsl t<> Marion H. Wamp­ ler, am! m iMlXl lie moved Ins laniily to of "Oliver Twist" are going very rapidly this city. Dacaased ia survived by her ; and it is likely that by Friday afternoon husband ami four childivn, one girl and there will Im nothing left but standing •‘ * of ' the ■ room. Mr. Mong assures that they three boys. Winnie, the oldest children is seventeen and the youngest will do themselves cre«lit with the four­ boy is * year* of age. One child «lied teen scenes and w ill handle their lines * and the buain«M>s of the play with as several years ago. Funeral services were held al the much ease ami grace as they would with residence at 2 P. M. Saturday by Rev. only four scene* in the ordinary fonr-act Pratt, of the Pr«-«byterlan church. The drama. Mr. Mong has relinquished tiie chief »ervievs were in charge of Prosperity Itelwknli fxxlgeof winch deceased was a ; honor» of jrnrts to Mr. Harvey, who will member. She was also a member of play Hill Sykes, ami we have no doubt the Royal Neighbors and the members I that Mr Harvey will do full justice to ' the requirements of it, else he would attended the funeral iu a body. [ not have l*e«*n entrusted with it. Get your seats today and be sure ol a A Live Man for Superintendent good seat. The peopleof Klamath county should Bert Ra^itn and wife were taken to »elect the County School Superintendent i with care. The rapid development of Merrill to have a hearing liefere U. S. Cominiaaioner Alex. Martin, Jr., who the county demand« a live man at the lia. liven at Merrill lor aeveral day« head of the school« one who is an or­ looking after the hank while Cashier ganizer and one who ia not afraid of Merrill ii at San Franciaco. work. Good schools will do more than any othsr one thing to promote the county’« welfare and to advertise it. Prof. Swan, by hi« organization of the county High school, and hy his work for ita development, has demon­ strated to the people of the county that he is such a man. A patron of the high school recently remarked. “I think the county high school is the best con­ ducted school I have ever «ent my child ren to." President. Campbell of the University of Oregon and State Supin tendent Ackerman have often stated that they consider thia one of the best schools in the state. Dr. Sheld n, hc»d of th» department of education of the University of Oregon says. •Prof, Swan is, in my opinion, one of the ablest and most efficient high school men in the state and could always lie de­ pended on to do satisfactory work, both in the way of organizing a school effec­ tively and in his own teaching. "By their fruits ye shall know them." We should selt'ct the man for this office who has shown himself the most able and energetic. It Death of Mrs. Wampler The Dickens Play DAIRY J. B. Mason and son, Mr. Blough and s Mr. Heymore were in Dairy Wednes­ day with object of l«M-ati ng Mr. Seymore In this valley. E. W. Gowen mail« a farewell « all on the voters of Dairy Wednesday. j J. K. Howar«! gave an interesting lec­ ture on local option at the m bool bouse Thurwlay night and Friday night nt IIIMerbrande NO. 3 These statistics show that the climate of the Klamath section might be much worse. There are no extremes in this secti«jn in weatlmr conditions. The Siimm«-r« are never hot and the Winters do not have th**«' extremely c«»l*l sjw-lls that are «-ommorr to the East arid Middle West. The statistics gatherere the to the amount of $112,000, leaving al>o«il primary. $25,0»M) on the roll to ¡?e collected. It. D*-I.ap brought th«- ««lection F.M. Prieet fell Tuesday for hut home supplies to Dairy Saturday and ineideu- 9t»*a*l near Bonanza. Hf expects to be j tially did a little campaign work for gone several day». I himself. Mr». J.T. Henley ba*» returned from W. B. Barnes, B. Bt. Geo. Bishop, ^»n Fran* !!•<”> «here rhe »(»ent the W in and I.. Alva Lewis were in Dairy Mon ter. «lay looking after their political inter­ ests. Only a few more days to wait. Dr. Geo. H. Merryman is report«*! Early Arant and family were visiting «jilite seriously ill. He has been con. fined to hi* bed for several days. at the home of G. G. Amlerson Bunday. W. J.. Welch, Ludwig tsterzl an t W. 1 P. Hedge went fishing recently. They « aught a mees ol very tine trout, Lud- wig is a goo«! fisherman. Frank MeCutuber is very sick with what appears to I« a severe ca»e ■ I inp. C. W. Hherman returned from Boise. Idaho, this morning l««jking hale aud h earty. W. L. Welch came home from _______ bi» Ashing trip auffe ing from a compli­ cation of tooth ache, m uralgia ami Homething like grip, lie didn't g«t his feet wet but we think he ate too many tish. P. II. Grav will put five or six teams plowing on the I>«e ranch about Friday. To Construct Channel Senator Abner Wee«! has «igned a contract with J. Frank Adams for the «instruction of a caual six miles in length in W« mm I River valley. Mr. A«lains is to le-gin work t>« xoon as lie can get Iris «Iredger on the grouml The channel will be twenty-four feet in width at the top ami will be four feet deep, ft will keep the flood waters off a large area of land owr>e>l by Mr. Wee«! am! will also give him water connection with his ranch. During the Spring Woo*! River gets out of it« banks ami inundates a vast area of grazing ami meailow lamia. Tlm «like that the dred« ger will construct will contlne the wa teraofthe river an«l the channel will act a« a drainage auial. Mr. Weed has undertaken this work alone and will use the canal solely for the improvement of his property. 280 Clear Days a Year Statistics pre|>ared by W. II. Heile- man on the weather cou lition. of this eeclion may hav < a tendency to make the people living in Klamath more sat istied with the existing Climatic con­ dilions. The records he has show tila! for the past sixteen years there has been on an average _ of 2H0 days , of sun­ shine and clear weather in each year. This is a record equalled by few places in ttie state, or any other state, In lour- teen years the weather lias gone lielow zero but seven times, and it ha« been more than six degrees below but once in tliat time. The altitude of this section i« 4.‘),‘0 feet and the mild Win- ter» are a surprise toevery newcomer. The highest Summer temperature in the sixteen years is approximately 103 degrees, while the mean Summer tem­ ile rat lire for that period is 00, and the mean annual temperature is 4S degrees. The statistics for the entire period show, that the average annual rainfall lias been fourteen inches. H. M. CAKE, Republican Candidate foi Nomination for United States Senator MELTING AWAY High Tax Levies Have the Effect oi Rapidly Re ducing Indebtedness Klamiithcounty has long l»««*n l«x>king forward to the time when it should be in a position where a new Court house can lie built without any infringement of the law governing the iny I* Hubbard, of the Reclamation put before the Legi«latnre the structure Service, is in Nebraska where he was called by the serious Illness ci his would now tie completed. The indebtedness of the county has mother. prevented the erection of a new buihl- A. II. Naftzger left Wednesday for an absence of a few weeks in San Fran- | ing It.r county purpose», but now that cisco and other parts ol Southern Cali­ the debt is being reduced the possibility fornia. (or a court bouse becomes encouraging. The Klamath Falls Land A Tranepor In another year the county should lie tation Co. Imgan operating the street 1 practically free from debt. The aenti- car line We«lne»lay after having been ; annual statement of the county otficials shutdown by permission of the Council j for the term ending March 31st shows tor several weeks. j the total liabilities of the county to be Miss E«lith Chapman, a sister of Mrs. |83, h 31.7 i ), while the resources aggregate Horace V. Mitchell, arrive*! iron* Ash­ $31,005.45, leaving an indebtedness uf land Tuesday to remain at the Mitchell home during the illness of M illie. The ' $52,825 93. This itself amounts to prac­ tically nothing, but in one more year boy’s condition is not improved. the amount will be less than $20,000 and Mrs. Jessie Brock Morgan ami Mi»» Lata Nickerson will give a concert at Bo­ if the coanty of Klamath cannot then be­ nanza Friday evening, April 22. The gin the erection of a , 100,000 conrt house superior talents of these ladies are well without having the legality of the war­ known, and the Bonanza people will re rants questioned by some disgruntled ceive a rare musical treat if they attend taxpayer it will be high time to change the concert. the law governing the limit of indebted­ Rev. Geo. T. Pratt Wednesday at ness of a county. the Lakeei«le Inn performeil the cere- I During the past year the indebtedness mony that united in the holy bond, of , of the county has been reduced approxi­ matrimony Miss Gladys K. Chamber­ mately $40,000, am! should this work lain and Mr. W. W. 8. Adama. They continue for one m««re year the county will leave tomorrow for the groom’s can then pay for the court bouse as tiie home hear Merrill where they will make work proceeds and by the time the build­ their home. ing is completed it will also be paid for. Frank bilvies was in the city for sev­ eral days Irom hia Spring Creek fishing resort. He looks forward to a very TO THE REPUBLICAN VOTERS:- busy season ami is already preparing Judge L. F, Willits, a candidate for for it. An a>iditii*n will be built to his house so that he can accommodate those Senator in the seventeenth senatorial who do not wish to campout, new cam o district, has not been tilling the news outfits are being added to his equipment papers of the district with fulsome self- and camp grounds are being fenced. 1 praise and unreliable boasting, nor has he with the unwisdom of a small school boy, made any foolish false claims as to A Rare Bargain the result of the primary election. 2,'120 acres in warm belt of Siskiyou; On the contrary he has made an hon 5 miles from R R. station. 300 acres farming land, balance pasture and well est, m«x!est, dignified campaign, and watered for stock. The best sheep now «tends upon his record as a citizen ranch in northern California. 50 head and a Republican. But. does it not oc­ of cattle, 10 head of horses and all ag­ cur to you, my citizen fnend, that a ricultural implements go with same and I price is only ,5.25 per acre. $8000 cash man who has lived in this part of Ore­ and balance long term mortgage 7 per gon for nearly a quarter of a century; a cent takes it. All tenced and has com­ man whose life is like an open book, fortable 6 room house and three large capable of bearing the most searching barns. Old age and loss of wife impels owner to sell. He has cleared 20 per scrutiny; a man whose successful man­ cent net for years on same. Address, agement of his own business proves his ability to protect your interests; doe* it Frank W. Hooper, seem to you. I say. that such a man ia 5 21* Box 184, Yreka, Cal. the safest and most desirable man to represent you in our state senate? Think of it. my friend, when you S wan , I. akk O r , April 13, ISOS. cast your ballot tomorrow, and remem To the E ditv > b :—A report has come bering the best interests of your county to me that a rumor is current to the ef­ VOTE FOR L. F. WILI.ITS FOR fect that if elected to the office of county JOINT SENATOR. treasurer my authority as such officer will lie delegate I to some other person. The damage suit of F. II Mills vs the I wish to say in this connection that United Stales Government has l>een set- any such statements are erroneous; tied. It will be remember*«! that this that if elected, 1 shall move to the county suit are rue« I from the Keno canal right of way. A compromise was effecte«! seat and be treasurer myself. whereby Mr. Mills’ claims were fully C. C. C hitwood . I satisfied. Will Move to Town Our Responsibility Ends When You are Satisfied Organize Local G. A. R. E. B. Raiii.liy i« in receipt of a com­ I munication from Assistant Adjutant i General C. A. William«, of the Oregon department of the G. A. IL, in which the organisation of a poet at thia place is urged. The matter is being consider­ ed by the Civil War veteran« and it is probable that they may affect an organ­ isation. Tlieie are aliout twelve ill this city ami its immediate vicinity, and any move on the part of the veteran, should receive tlm aid of the |ieople gen­ erally. Year bv year the ranks of the patriots are becoming thinner, and it will bo but a short time until the Ü. A. R, will exist in mime only. ft is to be hoped that (or the good of the old veterans lhemselvea and for the community generally that a local pi vat Mr. Cake ia an advocate of Statement No. 1 and the popular election of of the G. A. R. will be organized at United States Senators; two years ago he took the stump for his successful once. opponent. He deserves th« support of every loyal Republican who believe« in B, St. Georg«' Bishop has returned pur« politics. The machine element concedes his nomination it the people go to from n trip to Bonanza. Merrill and th« poll«, but boasts that baliavers in Statement No. 1 will not be interested sevi'ral other jxiints throughout the county. He feel« very sanguine over enough to vote at the primari««. This is th« last appeal to those who believe in his clvsnces for the Democratic nomina­ the popular election of United States Senators to assert their rights which the tion for sheriff. old machine is trying to wrest from them. Adv. Klamath Tails Furniture Rouse Opp. American Hotel Leggett Springs Ostermoor Mattresses Picture Framing We are as anxious to please you as you are to be pleased